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Snippet #2716701

located in Aires, a part of Birthstone Spirits: The Revival, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Yasmin De La Rosa Character Portrait: Tallyho Abel Character Portrait: Angela Taylor Character Portrait: Pene Michaels
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Softly, gently. Summer sunsets filled the city with a warm glow. In the distance the ocean glimmered. Intoxicating smells of barbecues and bonfires swirled in everyone's minds. Tourists packed up their things and left the beaches. Traffic filled the streets and restaurants relished in new customers hungry from swimming and surfing. Such was the way of ocean towns. Summer brought promise of income. It was a time of new beginnings. Of joy and relaxation. For Angela Taylor, that would have to wait a while.

For the pretty blonde, summer meant cheer camp. One week of workouts, stunting, tumbling and bonding with her teammates. Hardly anything relaxing about that. The previous year, she had been so nervous that she had completely forgotten most of her socks. Thankfully it was Jessica to the rescue. Her best friend had packed extra just in case of such an event. Angela wasn't about to let that happen again. As much as she appreciated Jessica, Angela knew she couldn't rely on the brunette forever. She had to be able to take care of herself at some point. Here Angela was. Nineteen already and major still undeclared. It would be nice if things could just stay the way they were. If she could keep relying on her friend, just a little longer.

That's why this year's cheer camp was special. It was to take place in New York. Since many of the people on her cheer team had never been there before, many had decided to arrive early and spend a few days exploring the city. Jessica included. For all Angela knew, it could be their last vacation together.

Angela looked at the shadows cast by the setting sun. Her room was a mess. Clothes strewn about, shoes piled by her bed, makeup cluttering the vanity. Even her suitcase was bulging from all of its contents. By her window, the family dog dozed off on a mound of old t-shirts. Angela knew she had to clean up but the pent up excitement left her checking her social media accounts every few seconds to look for more details about the trip. As she browsed, Angela was interrupted.

“Angela! Have you finished packing yet?” A voice called out to her.

Angela turned around to see her mother walk into the room. Around her neck was a cloth tape measure. A few pins stuck into it. Angela still thought it odd, as she could easily recall the time when her mother was a proper businesswoman. Back when sewing and designing clothes was just a hobby.

“Yeah. I double checked everything, too, so I'm all good!” Angela grinned and got up.

“I hope you didn't forget to pack hair ties! It's going to be hot in New York." Her mother said.

“Well duh. I make everything hot.” Angela flipped her hair and posed. She fluttered her long eyelashes, but not enough so that her bright blue eyes were left unseen for too long. Her free hand rested on her jutting out hip and she managed to make a kissing sound before going into a giggle fit.

“Don't I know it! I wonder where you get it from...” Her mother ran her fingers through her own hair and laughed. “Be safe, hun. I know you can protect yourself but I do worry.”

“I'll be fine. It's like, the jet lag will be the worst. Besides, I've got Jess and the gals! If we can throw each other in the air, I’m sure we can get rid of some muggers or whatever!”

“Alright, alright. I just wanted to make sure. You'd better get some sleep soon. It's going to be a long trip. Sammy! Come on, baby!” Angela's mother whistled and the golden lab got up. He yawned wide and quickly paced over to her. The two left and Angela stared out her window. Would the sunset be different in New York?

As it turned out, the sunset was a little different in New York. Angela couldn't put her finger on it but it had it's own flavor. It was a little scary for something as ever present and reliable as a sunset to change so easily. After a long flight and a busy hotel check in, Angela had really hoped for the sunset filling the crowded hotel room to be more familiar. As she gazed out the window at a sky lit only by buildings she felt a strange sense of loss.

The next day, it was just as hot as expected. Angela was grateful she had decided to go with her denim shorts instead of her jeans. Not only did they show off her long toned legs, but they went well with her cute white blouse and beige sandals. Thank god she sealed her makeup, because otherwise she would worry the sweat would melt it off. As for the topaz pendant, that went without saying. She wore it wherever and whenever she could. Though it had to remain off for cheer practice it was a constant in every other part of her life. It changed many times over the years, adorning whatever it could attach to. Necklace chains were frequent, but Angela had decided on using a choker for now.

The girls toured the city excitedly at first, sticking together like a flock of birds. Photos were taken and uploaded online. As morning turned to afternoon they began to split apart to each do their own thing. Angela was no different. She loved being in a group, sure. In fact, she felt most comfortable when she was around others. There were certain times, though, when she had to be on her own. The moment she saw that odd little shop with crystals and incense decorating the window display she knew she had to go alone.

Angela wasn't keen on letting others know about her interest in the occult. Though she had many occult related objects she kept them hidden from friends and family alike. The only time she would ever bring up the subject was during Halloween or a party that needed a bit of extra spooky fun. Around others, she treated the subject like haunted mazes or horror movies. Just a bit of excitement and scares. When she was alone, though, she was far more serious. Her tarot deck was worn out from use and her Ouija board was a beloved object. She kept scented candles on her dresser and books on the occult stuffed away in her closet. Though she was interested in the occult in general, it was the paranormal that Angela focused on. She lost count of how many ghost hunting shows she'd watched.

Angela looked around the little shop curiously. It looked cheap but smelled fantastic. She guessed that it would be around much longer. The nice smells of the incense didn't make up for the obvious fact that this wasn't a shop that appealed to many people. Occult stores were often like that. They would appear one day and disappear the next. The variety of odd items fascinating Angela. Before she knew it, it was already getting late. Quickly, she purchased a small tarot deck that fit neatly into her purse. She didn't really need another deck, but this one was so tiny and cute that she just couldn't help herself. The clerk thanked her and she was on her way.

Another sunset. Angela took a quick picture of it with her phone before focusing on the map in her other hand. The girls were supposed to meet up in Central Park. No one wanted to be alone at night. That, and no one wanted to miss out on the chance to see the sun set there. Angela texted her location to them. It seemed like an alright enough place to meet.

Suddenly, a tiny bit of pain. Map in hand, she gently touched her topaz pendant. It emanated some sort of heat. Did the sun warm it up? Angela wrinkled her nose. She wasn't about to take it off just because it stung a little. Besides, she'd faced far worse injuries.

She sat down on a nearby bench and took a couple pictures of the scenes unfolding before her. A gathering of cats, a girl in a tree. Was this normal for New York? Angela sent the pictures to her group chat in the meantime. It'd be a little while before they showed up. She would have taken a picture of the girl filming herself, but she was fairly certain that that woman was famous somewhere. She did look familiar, and Angela didn't want to get sued.