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Snippet #371730

located in SPACE (our arm of the Milky Way Galaxy), a part of A Galactic Picasso, one of the many universes on RPG.

SPACE (our arm of the Milky Way Galaxy)



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Planet Desyuno IX

Legionares ran from charred building to charred building locked in combat with the robots. Typically, gas would be used along with thousands of tanks, but with the Emperor hogging most of the heavy weaponary for himself, they were stuck with APC's, light tanks, and if they were lucky, an entire heavy gunship. Already, nearly all the soldiers had been killed, the rest surrendrig with the Legate dead and more then 3/4's of the Centurions incapicated or also dead. It had seemed near the end until the USSR had come in and held off the onslaught. However, USSR or not, they were all dead unless reinforcements arrived. Most of the soldiers understood that and fought to the bloody death to buy time for their comrades, but so far, as long as Claudius was in power, no troops would come. No one would live, to see their family, friends, home, nothing, ever again. A tank roared by and ran over a few robots before the crew was burned alive by plasma melting through the metal. Rifle fire was exchanged between the two sides with the Legion giving ground as more and more robots advanced through the steadily lessing fire. A gernade went off and there was some rifle fire, then it went silent. The sector had been abandoned and the citizens to fend for themself. All across the provinces of the empire, planets fell one by one, with many glassed. most of the citizens refused the "Greater Good" and revolted, only to be gunned down brutally. what remained of the fleets along the borders were gathering again hoping that the fleets from elsewhere and other wars would be called back to defend the Imperial Lands.

Maunkee Empire Territory
Planet Phophies I
2nd Day of Invasion

The groans and screams of dying soldiers were ignored by the 50,000 remaining task force. Already, they had taken heavy losses, 100,000 by the second day of fighting. Over half of the losses attributed to the Death Korps gunning down fleeing men as they attempted to run for cover. Now they were being used as shock troopers and were cut down with no fire support. many troops despaired at the situation as the Praetor refused to help their plight and leaving them to rot. Already some had committed suicide then live in the hell they were in. Some soldiers were complaining of fur falling off and growing sick. Two soldiers dragged a third that was dying of radiation positioing and dumped him in a growing pile inside the camp. From orbit, Taleth decided enough was enough. A detachment of the fleet left the battle and opened fire on everything within 500 mile radius of the camp vaporizing forests and sending down supplies and additional troops in with anti-radiation equipment. Shuttles braved fire once again to deliver many needed medical supplies with the real shock troopers, the "Hellbringers" landed in the middle of factories and proceeded to blow everything up and leave quickly. With their heavy laser-Gatling guns, they mowed through the robots with ease as others simply picked them up and crushed them in their fists. With the initial threat neutralized, Taleth established more forward bases as two additional legions and their fleets had arrived with a fresh 1 million soldiers, but all were greenhorns and would die fast probably, with little to no combat experience. Tanks rolled past with ariltery digging in and opening fire with a tremendous thud. Even with the new troops, Taleth didn't belive they could survive.

SPQR, Imperial Palace

Two figures dressed in black sneaked through the gates and the sentries and went into the grand palace. A guard walked by whistling, then was pulled behind a wall and a snapping sound was heard. Again, the two figures hurried, towards the Emperors quarters. The Imperial Guard noticed something was wrong and suspected assisination and stalked through the corrdiers with the " shoot first questions later" doctrine. With an entire cohort protecting the vast room of the Emperor, no one could get through, at least so they thought. A trade barge that was chugging past above the palace suddenly burst into flames as a light frigate manuvered through the crowded skies and opened fire. With the discratoin in place, the two slipped through the vents and dropped out while Claudius was having sex. " Wha-- No... no.. NO!" He drew a pistol and fired wildly before being silenced. With the deed done, the two broke a window and left.

The Next Day

Nero stood proudly before the mass who were screaming in joy, Claudius was dead. The Imperial guard wasn't too happy, but who cared! Licking his lips, Nero raised his hands and again, the crowd was thrown into a frenzy as he was crowned Emperor. After paying the troops and all the citizens, he stalked back in for more important matters.
To: High-Commissar Cedric and High-General Valdimir
From: Emperor Nero I
Subject: Diplomacy

Dear sirs,
Claudius is dead and I'm the new Emperor. We thank you for your aid of helping us in this war, but I am not sure about your Communinst motives. But very well, I'll sign a treaty with you now, but I ask of you to stop gunning down my sons on that planet. I'm sending this to the Praetor over there and he has the power to use his troops he sees fit. I'm sending an additional 12 legions to back him up as well as well... you'll see. We have planet killers in our own possesion, sitting in the Imperial Crypts where old technolgy is hidden. However, if this was gets out of hand, I won't be in command, it'll be someone else who... detests humans and is very violent and has nothing wrong with killing every single one of your men and having all your planets glassed for our victory. Let's hope theres to reason to revive that person. I await your coming.

With that 12 fleets with their 12 legions set out for war, with all the Nova warships accompyning them with the doctrine " Blow the shit out of everything." Also, every legion that wasn't being used to to attack, were focused on retaking the barren worlds, or at the very least, hold them off. The Crimson Ring had taken their payment and spend off to harass Maunkee trade routes, and were doing a very good job of raising hell with their higher-then-normal-pirate tech. Cloaked missiles, stealth frigates, the works. Almost as if someone was funding it, a powerful empire....

To: General Yougudsky
From: Praetor Taleth
Subject: Legio XII
first off all.... my emperor has requested you stop gunning down my men and using them as cannon fodder. Second of all.... my personal Legio XII is landing. THey excel in urban combat. And they are personally under my command. Have a nice day.