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Snippet #8652

located in SPACE (our arm of the Milky Way Galaxy), a part of A Galactic Picasso, one of the many universes on RPG.

SPACE (our arm of the Milky Way Galaxy)



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0.00 INK

Maunkee Empire Territory
Planet T'au
External Government Building
Conference Room 207

Chao openly smiled when the contract was signed and he didn't mind the behavior of Quincy, he could act however he wanted, the treaty had been signed and now the two nations would start trading with each other and perhaps create a powerful union that would lure other nations into the Greater Good...not like those barbaric savages whom had come to T'au simply to insult the Maunkee and their beliefs, who did they think they were? They were nothing compared to the enlightenment of the Maunkee.

Chao nodded as Quincy spoke, "Most certainly! I am sure that both the Maunkee and the Qujoray Confederacy will benefit from this most historical agreement. Now, the orders shall be given out and," Chao didn't get further before the military representative stood up, no, he almost jumped up from his seat with the latest message he had received and began to call out in the native tongue of the Maunkee.

"Slow down, let our guest know what is happening," Chao demanded the military representative, who quickly bowed as a response and then said, "Our borders has been breached. It is a ship from the USSR, remember, the former mighty Empire the Maunkee Empire encountered almost seventy T'au years ago...They've returned, however in a much larger fleet!"

Chao's face went light blue, or pale for other humanoids. The USSR hadn't made the slightest contact with the Maunkee ever since they went into isolation and now they had crossed the borders in an invasion fleet? This was moving far too quickly for Chao's liking and he looked at Quincy and quickly nodded, "Transport will take you safely back to your ship and out of our system, we will deal with this problem accordingly. I’m sure, if you see the same opportunity as I, if you told your leaders that the we Maunkee may need financial and a quick trade route soon
War sometimes strengthen relationships," Chao explained and then turned, obviously now busy with this sudden event.

Three Maunkee soldiers came into the room, armed and armored and stood before Quincy, ”Sir, pleas come with us. We’ll ensure your safety back to your ship where you, and your fellow crew men, will be taken into space and safely guided through our territory, protected by our Space Navy.
We cannot, and will not, allow you to come to any harm,”
the soldier stated. It was obvious that they wouldn’t accept a ‘no’ from Quincy, for they had made a deal with him and his nation, and they would be damned if they saw Quincy come to any harm within their own territory.

Maunkee Empire Territory
Planet T'au
T'au Central, External Government Building.

The representatives’ faces had changed from an excited facial expression to a more neutral and was now deeply offended by the Oracle’s speech, and so far it had only been the military representative who had been openly showing the Oracle any resistance, however, it was about to change now.

”Based on what you have told us, and how you have acted within this room
I have concluded,” the priest like figure said and then stood up, leaning on his staff, ”You are not a specie worthy to be a member of the Greater Good, nor are you civilized enough to settle over negotiations. My apoligies, but you shall receive no help from the Order of The Greater Good. All our technology shall not be available to you.”

With that, the priest left and the technological representative got up and said, ”I too must hold back any aid that the Maunkee has to offer. Your behavior is not acceptable to be shown on this Holy Land, and your offers are weak and pathetic.” With that he too left the room.

The economist and the military representative, and the two soldiers were now the only ones left. The military representative smiled and chuckled, ”Your offer is to lend us some of your mercenaries. Mercenaries we can buy cheaper and better from other systems? You’ve got to be joking. This is your grand offer? Gas and meat heads? You honestly haven’t even thought through how you were to clean your own arse!”
The economist quickly turned his head and snapped at the military representative, however it had no effect, and the military representative continued his speech, ”Your specie is now Semi-Hopeless to us Maunkee. We will place an embargo upon your system, and when you see some enlightenment, please
give us a call,” the military representative said and took a step closer, but then the soldiers reacted, ”Please! Do not get closer to the alien. We’re here to protect the safety of all present representatives, and prevent any unneeded blood to be shed upon Sha’O’Shi’s holy grave.”

A sound came from the Military Representative, a faint ‘beep’ and he took out a device, looked at the message, his eyes widen and then he turned to the economists, ”The USSR is out of its isolation!” and with that he turned and ran out of the room as quickly as his smaller legs could carry him.

The economist and politician looked at the Oracle and then stated, ”This negotiation has been fruitless. You’ve been an insult, you’ve been harsh and you have not behaved yourself before your hosts or even hinted the slightest bit of appreciation for the resources we sat aside for you and your people. The Maunkee Empire will not enter any form of alliance or agreement with you and your galactic nation, and since you talk of this Khan as if you were a monarchy, we will place an embargo upon your nation.
We will not allow any specie, no matter their traditional heritage, to be subjects to dictatorship, the people must be heard and their opinions must be valued by the government, and we will refuse to simply stand by and watch as our principles and our morals being mocked by a barbaric being, such as yourself.

The fact that you are still using pre-stone age methods to gather your food is just barbaric. Haven’t you tried to develop? Do you even have a health care system? A welfare state to support your people?
Your behavior has brought me to these assumptions and unless you prove that your race is much more advanced than what you have proved then you are, indeed, Semi-Hopeless.

Consider yourself Semi-Hopeless, any hostile actions taken against the Maunkee Empire will be answered with force, if not open war, from which we will not stop before we have liberated your systems from your sovereignty and given liberty to the people of your slavery. You are warned now. We will spare your nation from open war, however, break this
May the Greater Good restore some enlightenment for you and your race.”

With that the representative left the room and the guards said, ”Please, follow us and we’ll have you and your crew back on your spaceship, then two battleships will accompany you straight back to the borders of our nation,” the guards said firmly and awaited a response from the Oracle.

Maunkee Empire Territory
Planet Phophies I
High Orbital

Warlords and Arms of USSR were all in space, they had planned this invasion for months now, and they didn’t want to see the least of this invasion to go to spill.
Drop Pods came out of the Arms of USSR and flew towards the targeted cities and the sites, which were mostly cities of production and space ports.

The Blood Raven spaceships followed the swarm of Drop Pods, as they contained all the larger vehicles and resources that the soldiers needed on the ground in order to advance further across the planet.

Admiral Weirem and General Yougudsky watched from the HQ Warlord as the tens of thousands of Drop Pods flew down into the atmosphere of the planet.
”The invasion of this planet is critical, we need this planet to support our soldiers with food and space area before we can invade more of the Maunkee.
Also we must bear in mind that these
aliens have a more advance technology than us, so they will have a counter force here soon, we must take the Critical Points as fast as possible,”
General Yougudsky stated and the admiral nodded.
”True, however, bear in mind we have an entire fleet of Warlords and Retribution battleships, so even if they come, our sheer numbers of battleships would give the soldiers on the ground a fair chance to dig themselves into the planet and get ready.”

Reports quickly came back that the troops had successfully taken what they were ordered to, and the admiral and general were both pleased to see their long work was going smoothly, and the sensors picked up that the Maunkee fleet was breaking out of hyper jump and they would soon engage in combat.

This wasn’t going to be pretty.