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Snippet #9314

located in SPACE (our arm of the Milky Way Galaxy), a part of A Galactic Picasso, one of the many universes on RPG.

SPACE (our arm of the Milky Way Galaxy)



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Maunkee Empire Territory
Planet Phophies I
Town ; Huna

Image The RAF Typhoons flew over the town, and bombs were dropped, houses exploded, streets became useless and the citizens ran around in wild panic as the invaders advanced across the planet.
The local militia were fighting hard, refusing to let the USSR troops get any further, and although they were much more advanced, both in training and in technology, they didn't stand long against the many hundreds of gun powder guns that were pointed at them, not against the powerful basilisks that the USSR army used to blow entire blocks into smithereens.

All available military personal, fall back to the capital, prepare for a final stand! was that was called over the radio as the Maunkee soldiers tried both to fend off and to evacuate the locals. Thanks to the Maunkee's highly developed technology, they had send a stress signal to the Park'tau system, and they knew now that an entire fleet of spaceships and soldiers had arrived to help them, however, according to the Maunkee Empire's satellites, the USSR was at least, three times as many as they were, and they enough battleships to blast the planets into a Barren Planet...The Maunkee didn't know that the USSR hadn't advanced since they last traded with them.

Admiral Chong Lee and Commander Usta Ra took a look at the size of the USSR and both agreed that they would be doing a suicidal mission, and if they wished to defend their planet they would have to deem the USSR for Semi-Hopeless and start a direct space assault immediately and deploy troops at the capital and from there they would take each city and drive the invaders away.

Drop Pods were send from the carriers, the Sword and the First of the Maunkee Empire all approached the massive battleships that the USSR contained, and the Maunkee unleashed their Space Battle Drones to attack the USSR Warlords and Retribution ships....Wait, what just happened? Admiral Chong thought as he looked over the battle on the Display Screen, although the USSR had possibly millions more space combat ships than the Maunkee, the Maunkee Space Battle Drones out did the USSR's smaller spaceships, they were shot down with ease by their AI controlled ships and most of the Space Battle Drones were taken by space missiles and when possibly a dozen of the USSR ganged up against three or four of the Space Battle Drones.

The USSR still depended on pilots to control these spaceships! Chong realized, and then looked at the larger dreadnoughts that the other battleships would have to fight soon. How would it turn out against such large battleships then? Chong thought curiously, however, he didn't have time to think over that, he needed to give orders out, to direct the battleships to hit the USSR at their weak points.

On ground the Maunkee soldiers landed. Raiders were send off to do hit and run tactics on the USSR ground troops, hundreds of Battle Warrior XX31 and Maunkee soldiers were send off to guard outposts around the capital, and to make sure to stand firm when the USSR arrived.
The commander also deployed five Siege Warrior XX43 at each outpost to ensure that the Maunkee soldiers would stand a chance against vehicles and would have anti-air units at their disposal. Captains were send along with the troops, and there were equally many Combatants as there were Maunkee soldiers.

ImageAs the USSR army came closer, the Maunkee soldier prepared to fight them within the outposts that they had been given, and thankfully, most of the army was coming from the West, allowing the Commander to spare a few Maunkee soldiers to the West.
The USSR didn't expect to be given any more resistance than what they had already received and were practically charging head on against the Maunkee outposts, making them an obvious target for the Maunkee soldiers.

The Siege Warrior XX43 fired their plasma canons at the tanks and vehicles, the RAF Typhoons also received a sudden surprise from the missiles that sudden flew up and blew a great deal of their numbers away.
The USSR Battle Commissars, who were furious about this sudden attack, and lack 'of enemy knowledge', ordered a quick retreat and regroup, where they executed a few soldiers to inspire courage, and then ordered a massive attack against the outposts.

While the rain poured down upon both the USSR and the Maunkee soldiers, both sides prepared for the first real battle between the two factions. It wasn't going to be pretty, the USSR with almost unlimited amount of supplies, enough soldiers to overrun the Maunkee, if they wished to, and they were still receiving loads of supplies from their Orbital Ships, while the Maunkee however, were highly trained, they had plans against all forms of attacks, and they carried some of the universe's most technologically advanced weapons and anti-vehicles and aircrafts.

Tanks raced against the outposts, firing their canons as they did, the RAF Typhoons, came low this time, using their speed to avoid the plasma canons and the missiles, although not all of them were as quick, and the tanks also suffered from the counter-attacks, they still managed to get within range of the city, and then they began to attack all the Maunkee soldiers they could, occupying them with fighting tanks and RAF aircrafts so the infantry soldiers could advance closer and closer to the city.

The Maunkee, however, knew this tactic too well and had counter plans for them, and thus they used their own plasma RPGs to get rid of the tanks, and heat directed missiles to shoot down the RAF, and as they finished off the last invader, they quickly returned to the defensive mode against the infantry and fired a storm of plasma against the infantry, who were now 3/4 of the way to the outposts.
Bullets and plasma were exchanged. USSR snipers took care of the Maunkee soldiers and snipers, and although the raiders dropped down from the sky and fired their plasma canons, they only helped in making chaos within the USSR ranks, and never lasted long against the many millions of weapons that were fired at them.
Basilisks were fired and the Siege Warrior XX43 became now anti-siege units, who fired their canons against the dangerous shots of the basilisks.
The infantry exchanged fire, the USSR lost large casualties, number within the thousands, though compared to their number which was within the tens of millions, it didn't matter for the Battle Commissars.

Barracuda Bombers were send off and gave the final blow against the offensive USSR troops, killing another large number of USSR soldiers and vehicles, before they retreated. The Maunkee had also suffered, the losses to the snipers were high, and the tanks had done significant damage and taken a lot of

Back in the capital, the Commander watched as the Light Bringers arrived and nodded with satisfaction. With these powerful anti-infantry vehicles, they would soon win.

USSR Space
Governmental Building

Kirinta Kroudsky walked down the hallway, he was in a hurry, when wasn't he in a hurry? Meetings with politicians, grand meetings with all the politicians from the many planets and not to mention he always had to do something about the economy.
Their stock shares had been hit with another depression, and now the former values he had fought so hard to restore were being plunged into a much worse abyss than what they had just recovered from.

"Fucking hell, when will this stop?" Kirinta asked himself, but he knew damn well when it would stop. When he was carried out in his coffin from his office, that was when you would be relieved from all the stress from the daily life of the USSR.

Stressful life, that was what Kirinta was living, however this life also brought a lot of benefits, for Kirinta could command an army which matched the Tyranids and the other insect-like nations, and he could, with a single command, call on a purge against his internal enemies, or his external political foes, and they would all disappear. The USSR was, economically, doomed, however their military power was so powerful that it would take another thousand years before anyone would ever be able to oppose their strength...supposing the Tyranids and the Xr'lii'ra didn't do anything against them.

As Kirinta's meeting finished, he left for his office, took a good drink of alcohol and then sat down and began to smoke a cigar. High-General Valdimir van Smolka then entered his office, accompanied by a man who looked to be a scientist.
"What is it General Valdimir?" Kirinta asked and looked at Valdimir expectantly.
"Honorable Kirinta. I bring news about the front," Valdidimir said and Kirinta turned and listened interested, "As we have planned, the invasion of the Maunkee planet has commenced at the precise timing, the tactics has worked perfectly and now the soldiers are making their way to the capital of the planet and are fighting for it as we speak. The aliens, however, are more connected than we suspected and thus a fleet arrived after the first three hours of fighting, and they deployed a force to protect the capital, and outposts around the capital.
These aliens has a much more advanced technology, making our bullet proof vests useless against their laser guns and plasma canons. They have already fended off the first two attacks, and General Yougudsky is, as we speak, formulating a new offensive that will break through the heavily defended outposts and smash into the capital of the planet.

We are having large losses in space, the Maunkee, as we predicted, has a much more advanced form of fighting style in space, and in fact, it has mostly been our space torpedoes that has helped us in the battle, as their combat spaceships are too fast for our own spaceships and their battleships, although significantly smaller than ours, have much more powerful canons than our average, thus we have lost three Warlords and one Retribution ship, however we have claimed four of their ships, and although their small pesty combat ships have proven to be a pain in the arse for the admiral, he has managed to destroy many of them,"
High-General Valdimir reported and then looked at Kirinta for a response.

"How long do you expect them to last against our forces?" Kirinta asked.
"If they continue to fight as they do, they can probably survive for a few months, but no longer, our endless attacks will take their tolls from them, and in a worst case, we can always nuke the planet into a nuclear winter, its not like we're effected by nuclear radiation anyway," Valdimir said, and Kirinta shook his head, "Only if we can't find another solution, we may need the production of harvest for our army as we invade these aliens, also, if you feel the need to nuke the capital then by all means, go ahead, as long as you don't use our Virus Bombs, or Anti-Matter bombs, I want the planets to be usable for our benefits."
"Understood, now Doctor Reimherd here has something to explain to you," Valdimir said and the doctor stood forward and nodded quickly.

"Thank you, now, we have made a revolutionary progress in our Chemical Department, for we have just invented a formula that will create a gas, perfect against enemies such as the Tyranids or the Xr'lii'ra, for although they may have a tough hide, and powerful scale, they still need to breathe in air, and thus...we have created a poisonous gas that will kill billions of them at one, once this gas is dispersed into the atmosphere.
It is colorless and odorless and like the mustard gas, it doesn't need to enter through the mouth or nose, it enters wherever it can, through the skin, eyes, ears, you name it. This gas attacks the nerves, paralyzing the victim, and then it begins to slow down the circuit of blood in the body as well as damaging the functioning of the brain, it then attacks the vital organs functioning, and within minutes the victim would be strangled without being able to move or react to the sudden gas attack.

This gas, however, has only been tested on criminal subjects and animals, thus we cannot tell, for sure, if it will have the exact same effect upon insects like the Xr'lii'ra or the
Tyranids, however it is a great weapon to use against our foes.
Also, I must remind you, that it will have the same effect on our own troops, so we have designed rockets and missiles where thee chemicals can be stored and then fired off, the gas needs at least two weeks to break down, and even then you might want to give it another three days, for we have had times when not all of the gas disperses and joins the atmosphere."

Kirinta nodded, satisfied that the scientists hadn't let him down with this task he had assigned. It was a perfect gas they had created, and now they would soon make use of it.