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Joseph Ford

"Im Not Sure if I'm Ready for this."

0 · 715 views · located in Massachusetts

a character in “A Porter Family Christmas”, as played by wheezymcgee





Joseph Ford

Preferred Name
Joe or Joseph


Sexual Orientation


195 lbs

March 30th, 1986

Hells Kitchen, New York City

Boyfriend to Daughter Number One


He loves Emmie and he loves his job as a New York Police Officer. Elizabeth's family on the other hand, he doesn't hate her family by any means he just has a hard time fitting in with them because He grew u in such a radically different environment. He is a big comic book and super hero fan. He had been reading them ever since he was a kid.

Crime is a big thing that Joe does not like, It is actually one of the main reasons why he became a cop. He doesn't like it when people are completely self absorbed and they don't realize what they have. Poverty is another thing that he hates, because he grew up in a home that lived paycheck by paycheck. He oesn't like Emmie's Father's disapproving view towards Joseph and he just wants to be seen as an equal. The two of them had really only ever gotten into a fight once, two years ago. Her Father called him a "Low Life Ticket-giver from the slums of New York" Joseph was very upset about that and if it wasn't for Emmie's mom they would still probably be on very hostile ground. Things have gotten better between them, they are by no means good, but better.

His one biggest fear is that something will happen to Elizabeth and He won't be there to protect her. He also fears that something could happen to him and he doesn't want to put her through that.

One of his biggest dreams is to move up the ranks in his precinct and he is slowly but surely beginning to do that. Having family and growing old with Emmie.


Joseph is a very smart person, and he tends to use that to his advantage. He Also has alot of streets smarts having grown up in New York City. He is very polite and has learned to interact with her family. He He isn't entirely sure how he stands in regards to the other family members but he knows hes in good stances with a couple of them. Joseph is a very quick thinker, this has gotten him into some tight situations, but in the end everything usually turns out ok. He isn't afraid of much and is very brave. This has also put him into some sticky situations. Overall he is a very kind and fun person who loves to do his job and help people. Most of all he does the best he can to make Emmie happy.



Joseph grew up in an apartment with his Mother Margaret, and His older brother Thomas. They lived in the rough neighborhood of Hells Kitchen In New York City and His mom worked three different jobs just to keep a roof over their heads. She raised both of her boys as Roman Catholics. Joseph and his brother usually got into different kinds of mischief around their neighborhood but nothing serious. Their father was out of the picture and the neighborhood was their playground. As they got older Joseph began to focus on his school work and try to get a good job. His brother actually went into the seminary as was planning on becoming a priest. When Joseph was 17 He got the news that his brother had been shot and killed in a crossfire. He then entered the police academy and trained to become a cop. Joseph graduatedd top of his class when he was 22. He met Elizabeth Porter at a bar just off of campus. When he was 24 and a newer cop. He got called there because of a fight that had broken out between two students. She saw the whole thing and he took her Testimony. The rest is history and they've been together ever since.

Most Proud Moment
One of his most proud moments was when he was commended for saving two children from a burning building. He was a beat cop then and he was on his route when he saw the burning building.The flames had spread all through the apartment building and he had heard their were kids inside. He acted rashly and ran into the building. The two little children made it out safely in his arms and after coughing up half of a lung he went home to Emmie. About a year and a half ago he began training as a detective in New York City and has been in homicide since. One of the best moments of his life was when he started dating Elizabeth Porter, A women as amazing and successful as her could have anyone she wanted, but she chose him and it makes him the happiest person in the world.

Most Traumatic Moment

Probably his most traumatic moment would be when he found out his brother Tom had been murdered in the crossfire of a gang shootout. That had been the initial spark towards him starting his career in law enforcement. The second most traumatic moment would be when He found out That Emmie's mother had passed away. She was the one person he felt he actually connected to other than Emmie. He was deeply saddened by her death and was By Emmie's side through the Whole ordeal.

So begins...

Joseph Ford's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jocelyn Wolff Character Portrait: Mia Porter Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Emmie" Porter Character Portrait: Allison Porter Character Portrait: Joseph Ford Character Portrait: Marcello Salvator
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Emmie sighed sadly, all the old memories of her mother flooding to her as she stood in her old room. She started to pace, and look around the room. Her mother's wedding dress was hanging in her closet. It was the one she'd wear to her wedding, as she'd promised her mother, as they had the exact same body type. She took it down, and looked at it with teary-eyes. "Yeah.. Elizabeth Rose Porter. The biggest Momma's girl in the high school. I never did anything she didn't approve of. I always made sure.. to come home.. and help her with supper..." Emmie started to break up. She needed her mother. She wanted her mother. Damnit, cancer.

"I didn't want to come here, Joe. I didn't want to. You know why?" Tears rushed through her eyes. "I can't think about anything but my mother. I should have come back and spent more time with her. Why didn't you make me come back?" It was obvious Emmie had never gotten over her mother's death, and often cried at night, or when Joe wasn't there. She wasn't all herself without her mother. Her mother's death just a week apart from Emmie's birthday, didn't help anything either. Pregnancy hormones definitely made it that much worse. She was entering a phase of her life, where, she really needed her mother.

"I.. I need to go take a walk. A-alone.." Emmie grabbed an old photo album, and exited the room. After shutting the door, she went down the flight of stairs, hoping everyone who still hadn't gone to their rooms didn't notice. She went out the back door, and down a small path, she'd always run down when her parents weren't looking, unseen from the house. There she sat, in dress and kicked off heels, and buried her head. She flipped through the pages of her album, and stopped it on the page where her mother was holding her lovingly as a baby. They were both smiling, Emmie only about 1 year old.

"Why can't we be like that?" Emmie cried, and kept quiet to not let anyone hear. She wanted to be alone. She wanted her mother.{Idea of Picture}


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Emmie" Porter Character Portrait: Joseph Ford
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Joe watched as Emmie was consumed by her emotions. "Emmie wait-" He tried to say to her but she was already gone. "Damn it...." He cursed to himself. gettig up from the bed he grabbed his coat and went after her. As he was going down the flight of stairs He heard the back door open. Assuming it was her he checked it out. sure enough there was a trail of female foot prints in the snow leading away from the house. After following the trail for a short distance he found her in a small clearing with the photo album. Calmly coming up behind her he saw that she was shivering. Taking off his coat he put it around her shoulders and sat down next to her. "You know when my brother passed away..... I thought that was the end. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep. I felt alone. "

He looked at her." I guess what Im trying to say is... you're not alone...As long as I'm with you, you'll never be alone. " He looked at the picture of her and her mom. "I know I don't talk about Thomas that much but, Heres a picture." With that he pulled out his wallet and took a picture out, it was of him with his brother when he they were the ages 16 and 19. "This picture was taken after his first year of Seminary School. He was was dead three months later and I never got to say goodbye. After the funeral I had a hard time controlling my emotions,Thomas had always been there to make sure I made the right decision." His voice cracked a little bit. "It took a long time for me to figure out that Thomas would want me to move on and let go." Emmie knew that his brother was killed in the crossfire of a gang fight. But he never told her about his life right after it. "Im not saying it's time to let go. I just want you to know your not alone..." He said. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and put his arm around her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Emmie" Porter Character Portrait: Joseph Ford
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Emmie sighed and squirmed out of her boyfriend's arm. "Why are you here?" She seemed aggravated, and easily frustrated. "I honestly don't want to know about your problems right now, Joe. " She sighed, running a hand through her hair, and threw his jacket at him, and curled her legs to her chest. "Go. Away." She said softly, yet demandingly, and rolled her eyes.

Why did he always have to bring up some family thing from his past when she was hurting? It seemed every time she was hurting, he'd make her feel worse by putting out his problems. "Joe, I honestly can't see us together if you keep putting me down like this. I hate it when I hurt, and I go to you for comfort, and you just... you make it about you! My fucking mother died, Joe. Give me a break."

Well, that's what she wanted to say to her dumb-founded boyfriend, but simply stayed silent, and sighed heavily. "Go back inside. They'd want to hear your sob story more than I would." She grunted, and buried her head under her arms. Her skin was cool, but not cold enough for a jacket just yet. The snow started to lightly fall when they arrived earlier, and the ground now had a slight layer of snow over it. It felt nice as the cool breeze blew through her long hair, and she wiped away her tears, sighing as she heard the wind blow.

Why couldn't her mother be here? She'd know exactly what to do about her sudden pregnancy, her crazy boyfriend, and it'd save her all these tears.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Emmie" Porter Character Portrait: Joseph Ford Character Portrait: Kate Langley
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Joe was surprised and kind of Dumb-founded by the words she said to him. Those feelings were quickly replaced with anger. He rarely ever talked about his brother because It was such a good damn touchy subject for him. When he thought they could bond through their experiences she spat in his face. For a second Joe didn't see the love of his life, he saw a spoiled little girl who was throwing a fit because life was getting tough. He understood that she was grieving he really did, but He was truly hurt by her words. Nothing he wanted to say would help at this point.

Using all of his ability to maintain his cool Joe stood up and put his coat back on. "Fine....." He said with unease. AS he began to walk back to the house he turned and looked at her once more. "Merry Christmas..." With that he made his way back up to the house and inside to the warmth. He took his coat off and set it on a nearby chair. He was gonna go lie down in their room and try to blow off some steam. Joe obviously had a bothered look on his face by the look on Kates Face when she saw him appear in the hallway. "Not knowing what to say He looked at her. "Hey" He muttered as he tried to slip past her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jocelyn Wolff Character Portrait: Mia Porter Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Emmie" Porter Character Portrait: Allison Porter Character Portrait: Joseph Ford Character Portrait: Kate Langley
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Kate left Annie with a hopeful smile and hurried through the long hallway and downstairs. She found John in the kitchen and was pleasantly surprised to see that everything looked to be cooked perfectly. It smelled delicious and as she peered around at all of the steaming dishes, she was surprised at just how much food had been made. John had made a fuss over Westley's boyfriend coming so last minute but even with the unexpected guest, Kate guessed that they probably had enough food to double the amount of people who would be eating the meal.

He had explained to her that every year they would make two main dishes for the holiday: roasted turkey and filet mignon, because he and Rose could never agree on which to have. Rose insisted on having turkey, which her family had served for all of their Christmas dinners, but John preferred the red meat steaks, so they would eat the steak on Christmas Eve and the turkey on Christmas day. On top of the main dishes, there were tons of side dishes that reminded Kate of more of a Thanksgiving feast than a small, family Christmas Eve dinner. Although it seemed a bit excessive, Kate didn't think it was a problem and even if she did, she knew that it wasn't her place to change a family tradition, especially the year after Rose died.

"It smells great," she commented as she approached John from behind and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I know, it brings back memories," he said with a light chuckle. He was trying to keep the mood light, so rather than indulging in nostalgic thoughts, he turned to Kate. She was his future and he knew that Rose would want him to be happy and hopeful for the rest of his life.

"I'll bring everything out to the table. Will you call the kids down?" he asked, although he had already pulled the oven mits back on and began to carry the hot dishes into the dining room before she could respond.

Kate had no problem with it though and headed towards the bottom of the stairs. She stepped up a few before calling out, "Dinner's ready!". Hoping that it was loud enough for them all to hear, she made her way backstairs, turning away from the kitchen entrance and down the hall with the intentions of touching up her hair in the bathroom. However, as she passed the backdoor, she nearly ran into Emmie's boyfriend, Joe.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said with a soft smile. "I thought you and Emmie were upstairs, but dinner's ready," she continued, her gaze shifting to the door behind him. "Is Emmie... out there?" she asked, confused about why he had been outside, especially alone. By the expression on his face, she could tell that he was upset or that at least something wasn't right. She took a step past him and squinted through the glass door, barely making out the silhouette of someone sitting on the lawn on the other side of the yard. "Would you let her know that dinner is ready, hon?" she said, smiling again although it was probably more of a concerned one than a genuine one. Again, since she had just met Joe, she didn't feel like it was her place to pry into whatever was going on between him and Emmie and for the most part, Kate just assumed that Emmie was overwhelmed with being back home without her other.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jocelyn Wolff Character Portrait: Mia Porter Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Emmie" Porter Character Portrait: Allison Porter Character Portrait: Joseph Ford Character Portrait: Kate Langley
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Allie was....shocked to see Annie walked into her room. And without knocking mind you. She gave a smile hoping that her sister just wanted to chat but the words that came out of her mouth just caused Allie to sigh in slight disappointment. Oh well. Can't be bothered. No one should go without a present on Christmas anyway. 'Sure Annie. We can share them.' Her face broke into a grin. 'But you need to know what they are first. That way you won't be suprised to what we give them.'

As her sister settled on her bed Allie began to grab the presents from her closet. She picked up two boxes that were about the size of her fist. Both were wrapped neatly in bright red paper. 'These,' Allie placed them on the bed. 'Are for Dad and Kate. I got Kate some earing and Dad a watch.' Truthful she didn't know what to get for the couple. Because of her being born female she never spent much time with her dad so unfortunately her gift didn't posse any deep meaning. It was the same with Kate but Allie was sure she'd look great in the golden earrings.

Next she grabbed the biggest box which was going to Mia. 'I got Mia some survival backpack for when she goes hiking. She likes that stuff, I'm sure.' With the biggest out of the way Allie began to toss Michael's to the bed. 'Michael was hard...I just got him a football.' She shrugged. Allie knew he liked watching the games so it was really the only thing she could think of.

She brought out the next with a smile. 'Here we have West's.' It was the second largest gift and the heaviest. Allie sat it on the ground next to the bed with a groan. 'West got a butt load of romance novels. Collectors edition was what the guy at the book store told me.'

All that was left where two small boxes and three cards. She held up one bright pink box. 'This is for you Annie so you don't get to know this yet.' Setting the pink box on the dresser she sat on the bed and held the the remaining gifts. The last box was golden and had a white bow. 'This is Emmie's. It's a necklace with a rose on it. I thought it would be poetic with her and mom being so close and all.' At least she hoped it wouldn't send her sister into a fit. It was painful for her even to buy it but in Allies opinion it's better not to hold in your sorrow. With those out of the way she held up the three cards. 'For our darling siblings lovers. Because I don't really know them they get giftcards. Christmas may not be about gifts but no one should go without one.'

Feeling rather confident her her gifts Allie stood just as Kate's voice rang down the hall. 'Oh. Dinners ready.' Allie knew this dinner would be awkward. Prehaps a little sad even but Allie was determined to keep it peaceful. It fell upon her to do so. 'Come on Annie.' She offered a hand to her sister. 'Lets go.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Emmie" Porter Character Portrait: Allison Porter Character Portrait: Joseph Ford Character Portrait: Marcello Salvator Character Portrait: Kate Langley Character Portrait: Annie Porter
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Annie was relieved when Allie agreed to share the gifts with her, although she pretty much expected that response. Her sister was nice, probably too nice for her own good, and when it came down to it, Allie was a lot more flexible than Annie and seemed to do what she could to avoid problems and tension. It benefited Annie but sometimes she really did feel bad for being bratty to Allie. It wasn't her sister's fault that she was so involved in her theater stuff that she didn't always have time to hang out, and for the past few months, Annie had put in even less effort than Allie did in keeping a relationship between them. Even though she stopped caring, when it came down to it, it seemed like Allie did still care about her. It was nice, but didn't stop Annie from being, well... herself.

She listened as Allie described the first few gifts but when she stated that one of the pink boxes was for her, her attention was instantly directed at the box. She quickly hopped off of the bed and to the dresser where the small box sat. Annie picked it up, nodding in a distracted manner as Allie explained what the rest of the gifts are, and rattled the box in her hands, trying to figure out what was in it. She gave up after a few seconds and gently set the box back down before returning over to Allie.

"I hope you got me something expensive," she commented seriously, although she offered her sister a small smile. When Kate's voice rang out, stating that dinner was ready, Annie could feel her heartbeat speed up a bit. She didn't know why she was nervous. It would be sad to be sitting around the table without her mother on one end, but Annie didn't even think that her mother being gone was what was bothering her. It was more so that everything was changing and now, as she headed downstairs with Allie, that sudden realization was hitting harder than ever. Her family life had changed so quickly. In a matter of a few years, her four older siblings had moved out and started their own lives, her mother had died and now her father had a new girlfriend. It was scary to think that in a few months, it was possible that Allie might move off to college or to a big city to pursue her artistic dreams, and she would be all alone in the house.

When they got downstairs, Annie gently pulled away from Allie and hurried into the dining room, only to find that they were the first ones down. She saw Kate and Joe hovering by the back door and pushed past them, only shouting "I'll go tell West and Marco to come in!" when she was halfway out the door already. Luckily, the snow hadn't managed to form much of a heavy layer on the ground so Annie didn't hesitate to walk through the light coating in her nice boots. One of the pluses of living in an oceanfront home was that there was never quite as much snowfall as the inland areas got. However, the exposed parts of her legs did feel the sting of the cold wind and she hurried towards the guest cottage. Halfway there though, she spotted Emmie seated in the grass. It was a strange sight, but then Annie realized that that was probably why Joe and Kate were standing by the back door.

"Emmie?" Annie said, approaching her sister cautiously. "Dinner's ready..." she offered, standing over her sister. She could tell that Emmie was sad but Annie didn't know what to say. She wasn't very good at comforting people, especially not her estranged sister who was ten years older than her. "Were you crying?" was the best she could offer as she looked down at her with a confused, yet concerned expression.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Emmie" Porter Character Portrait: Joseph Ford Character Portrait: Annie Porter Character Portrait: Westley Porter
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Annie realized that she had probably startled Emmie when she quickly scrambled to her feet and tried to compose herself. It was apparent from her tear-stained face and sniffles that her sister had been crying but when Emmie shook her head no, Annie decided not to press the subject. She thought that it would probably be more embarrassing for Emmie if she continued to pry into whatever was bothering her, trying to figure out what was wrong, even if her intentions were good.

She assumed that something with Joe and her relationship was the cause of the distress but she then noticed that Emmie was clutching a family photo album. That hinted that the more likely cause of her sorrow was their late mother but still, Annie didn't know what to say or do. She felt like it would be too awkward to hug Emmie or ask if she wanted to talk about it, so she was glad when Emmie responded to her original comment about dinner being ready.

"I came out to tell West and his boyfriend," she started, addressing Emmie's original question about why she was out here. "It was just me and Allie in there," she then added, informing her sister that at least before she came out, none of their other siblings had come down yet. "Will you just text West to tell him to come in?" she then said, deciding that she no longer felt like walking all the way to the guest cottage. Her new phone was still upstairs, mainly because it was charging but also because Annie knew John wouldn't take well to her texting during one of their few family dinners.

She took a few steps towards the house, hoping that Emmie was following before glancing over at her sister. She felt like she had to say something. "Did you and your boyfriend break up?" It would be rude to just pretend that Emmie's feelings didn't exist, but like most of Annie's comments, this one didn't come out as sympathetic or helpful as she wanted it to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jocelyn Wolff Character Portrait: Mia Porter Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Emmie" Porter Character Portrait: Allison Porter Character Portrait: Joseph Ford Character Portrait: Marcello Salvator
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Nodding, she pulled out her Iphone 4, not even having Siri on it. She scrolled through her long list of contacts, mainly people she didn't know, but had to have numbers for, because of Vogue. Finding his name, she clicked on it, and quickly texted the message: "Dinner's ready, Wes." to him, and pressed the power button on the top of her phone, causing the screen to fade to black. Emmie sighed, and was walking to catch up with her younger sister, when she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Did you and your boyfriend break up?"

Emmie looked at Annie curiously, and held the photo album tighter, her knuckles turning a bright white. "Do you know something I don't?" She cocked her head to the side, and slipped the phone into her pocket, as she'd sent Wesley the text. Suddenly, she shook her head, and ushered Annie inside, holding the door open as she stomped a little snow off her shoes.

"Tell Dad I'll be there in a few. I need to go freshen up." She whispered to Annie, then retreated upstairs, taking two at a time, and going into her old room, avoiding eye contact with anyone she might have run into. After shutting her door, and locking it, she sighed, setting the old album on her dresser where she'd gotten it, and freshened up her makeup. It was a little thicker, but it hid her tear-stained face well. After scraping some snow off, she went back downstairs, and made her way into the dining room, hoping Westley would show soon, so she could sit and talk with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jocelyn Wolff Character Portrait: Mia Porter Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Emmie" Porter Character Portrait: Allison Porter Character Portrait: Joseph Ford Character Portrait: Marcello Salvator
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Allie had been lost in memories when a voice spoke up behind her. She jumped slightly and turned. 'Oh. Hey Mai.' Of all her siblings Mia was definitely the most interesting. At least to Allie. Her attitude just left Allie feeling good. 'I'm doing good I guess. Best anyone could be right now.' Allie noted the black olives near her sister and smiled. Her sister never seemed to change.

'What about you? How are you doing?' She tried her best to sound intrigued and pulled up a chair. 'We haven't seen each other in a while.' Truly it was a bit awkward. The only siblings Allie had talked to today were Annie and West. And she'd see Annie everyday so that wasn't weird and West was just so easy to talk to. Allie also was very good at talking to people. She had to be since she was working in theatre.

Still she had to try. Allie couldn't help but imagine her mother watching them right now. No doubt she'd want them to all get along. While waiting for her sister to answer the door opened and Emmie walked in. Allie sent her a smile though her oldest sibling looked a bit....strange. she couldn't put her finger on it. Decoding to figure it out later she turned back to Mai and awaited her answer.