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Louvel Fillin

"I would trust you, but your eyes tell me not to. Just joking, I wouldn't trust you." (WIP)

0 · 333 views · located in Sentaku no Shinai

a character in “A Thousand Blossoms”, as played by Monochrome


Louvel Fillin
"Trying doesn't get you anywhere. It only makes you tired. You can't just 'try', you need to achieve on the first run around. Otherwise, what's the point?"



"Can we even claim our names as 'ours'? They are simply words when put to paper. Well, that doesn't really matter... I'm Louvel, and you can call me Louvel. Or Lou. Nothing else, do you hear me? Pesky human."

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Louvel Sebastian Fillin
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Role: Spiritual Animal of Ground
Spiritual Animal/Bond: Wolf



"Some things just aren't visible to the naked eye; hidden for a reason."

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 118lbs
Build: Skinny, slightly bony.
Eye Color: Vibrant Green
Hair Color: Light Brown/Ginger
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: Tattoos and piercings were definitely a no-no in Lou's books when he was younger, and he certainly hasn't changed his view. The thought of implanting needles into his body or printing ink onto his skin makes him feel slightly nauseous and he has not once dreamt of getting a tattoo or piercing.

However, like all Spiritual Animals, he has a marking. His is one of a wolf howling at moon, on his upper right arm. It's mostly black with hues of blue and shows up fiercely against his pale skin. He has dark scars, mostly along his legs and shoulders from when he couldn't control the Spiritual Animal during training, but due to being confined, he doesn't have the usual cuts and scrapes one would usually receive as a child. When the Wolf Spirit becomes restless, his marking begins to resonate.
Description: Louvel has a small build and is slim, his bones crafting steady shapes in certain areas. He isn't built at and his muscles can't be seen, though he is strong and has honed his senses to make up for this.

His hair is just light brown and marginally uninteresting. It is cut so it only surpasses his ears slightly, though it was longer than his waist in his youth due to his family being overprotective of the "wolf's hair", as they put it. It is generally neat and kept back during the day, though just like Lou, it takes a full 360 spin in the morning and is messy, ruffled and almost even cute. However, the morning attitude that goes along with it shoots down that adjective as if it were a sitting duck.

Lou has rather feminine facial features. Due to being completely different from his supposed siblings of whom he had only ever heard about, he thinks it is due to the wolf's Spirit. He has, in fact, been dubbed as the ā€œWolf Princessā€ by some of those in his family. At worst, he has been mistaken for a girl in his younger years when his hair was at a longer length, but statements like that soon vanished when his hair shortened. At best, however, people often seem confused as to what gender he is due to his rather androgynous looks.

His eyes, a bright green colour, are his most defining facial features. They highlight all of his emotions perfectly and speak for him when words have no value.

Having a Spirit Animal within him, he can bring some of a wolf's senses to himself. Though he is not able to fully transform into a wolf, the more he uses his senses, the more animalistic he becomes. He can come to the point where he has a tail, ears and sometimes even claws, though there is always the risk of the Spirit taking over his body. His hair grows shorter, but gets slightly thicker.

And then thereā€™s his body. Oh god, his poor frame. Due to his (non-existent) eating habits, he is as skinny as one can be without any bones showing through. Well, it's not like he was particularly well-fed before or anything.

Preferred Clothing: Due to being confined to bulky clothing, often kimonos with many layers (which didn't really help his effeminate problem), he likes extremely baggy clothing. He sometimes goes so overboard with his, his shirts fall off his shoulders. He doesn't seem to care much and does nothing to fix it. There are, however, days where he unconsciously wears formal clothing as he is used to it. If he is forced to wear something other than his loose clothing, he will opt for a kimono and will often pick dozens of layers.



"I used to be stronger, better, less lost. I knew what I was doing. And now. . . . ."

Oddities: He has a habit of talking to himself in public and maybe even laughing at his own cheesy puns.

He also has a tendency to tug down on his shirt, which often ends badly due to his baggy-shirt obsession.

Louvelā€™s worst oddity though, by far, is his eating habits. Or rather, his lack of such habits. Eating? Nope. Not very high on his to-do list of life, and he tends to skip meals. Itā€™s not that he doesnā€™t want to eat, he just forgets and because of that, he eats incredibly little. He has even passed out numerous times due to unconscious starvation, but that somehow ties into how spoilt he acts sometimes.

Lou also wakes from flash-nightmares (as he dubs them) sweating, crying or screaming. However, this isnā€™t so weird when you think of the horrors heā€™s been thrown into due to the spirit animal fights.
Skills: He is quite skilled at singing, though tends not to do it when others are around.

Louvel also has a very strange knack for flower arranging and it wouldnā€™t be odd to walk into his room to find it stuffed full of bouquets. As a secret romantic, he knows much about the language of flowers and they are one of the only things that can make him relax.

He enjoys the sound of the piano and is quite skilled at playing, but prefers listening.

Of course, having been raised to become a fighter, Lou is also rather skilled at close combat fighting but prefers to use a katana. He refuses to part with his own.

Fears/Phobias: Agoraphobia ā€“ Fear of open spaces, being crowded and leaving a safe place.
Coulrophobia ā€“ Fear of Clowns
Dementaphobia ā€“ Fear of Insanity.
Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things.

Likes: Piano. Roses, warmth, watching people and how they act, sleeping late.
Dislikes: Eating too much, peppy people, foxes, rats, insects, rain, violins.
Hobbies: Playing the piano, reading, singing, planning 'how to not get killed'.

Personality: If you had to use one person to show how somebody can hate and be scared of everyone and everything, Louvel would be your man. For the most part, he remains silent and the adorably innocent look on his face even deceives some to believe he really is like a quiet mouse. Considering the fact that Lou observes most situations instead of actually contributing to them, it would be easy to make this sort of mistake. But then he opens his mouth and a big wave of ā€œIā€™m so much higher than youā€ drifts out of his lips. Itā€™s mostly just his hyper-paranoia telling him not to listen to people. It could give away his location to, well, all the people ā€œtrying to killā€ him.

Due to his curse, he quite literally thinks that every single person has been employed to kill him, kidnap him or take him back to his horrid family. This results in him setting up a defensive stance against anyone within a five-meter radius; heā€™ll jump attack anyone who gets way too close. Despite his frail body, he knows exactly how to twist someoneā€™s arm off without even blinking an eye. It would probably be best not to underestimate him. His curse also causes him to be constantly jumpy and read into things more than he should.

Though under all this fear and paranoia, heā€™s really quite a sarcastic little guy and even without the curse, he avoided people like the plague. Maybe just because the ā€˜people-plagueā€™ (something he made up himself) was something he would rather not be infected with, since symptoms seem to include feelings and emotions that eventually lead to sadness. Lou doesnā€™t really seem to care about people much in the first place and his anger often gets the worse of him, causing him to lash out at people. When his aggravation takes over, his eyes gleam slightly and if he gets angry enough, his wolf ears and tail (sometimes even his claws, if heā€™s furious) pop out as the spirit takes the opportunity to take over his body. If it can, that is.

See, after years of having the wolfā€™s spirit snuggled tightly around his own soul, Louvel has gotten stronger, and yet weaker. He has fought the spirit trying to take over his body as use him as a vessel for years and he hasnā€™t once been tempted by the power of the wolf, though if he did, the results would be unimaginable. But all this fighting has also knocked him down and he has distanced himself from other people, denying the fact that he did it to protect them and not himself.

Louvel, once you dig under the tough, strong exterior actually believes himself to be quite weak and due to this, has a low self-esteem. He can be insanely vulnerable to insults, even if he appears to shrug them off; Louvel is actually easily hurt and will take insults to heart, sometimes even reasoning with them and agreeing with them, just making the situation worse on himself.

But if there is one thing you do not want to do, not until he warms up to you like any canine would, it is touch him. Just like a wolf, he will place his teeth onto your skin and bite, which wouldnā€™t be so bad if it werenā€™t for the fact that when he does this, his teeth get pretty sharp.

Naturally though, there are things to calm him down when his curse is really getting the better of him. The first of those things is a dog. Dogs instantly like him and vice versa. He even has full conversations with them and plays around. The second thing is the piano. He plays it himself, but that doesnā€™t seem to calm him down as much as the sound of someone else playing as he doesnā€™t have to focus on pressing down on the keys.

The last has to be singing. Although he doesnā€™t like singing in public and opts out if he can, the sound of human voices producing melodies calms him down ever so much. He could be screaming at the top of his voice and all it would take is a lullaby to lure him back into a safe dream wonderland. His entire body relaxes and he can even listen without worrying about, well, people trying to kill him or his family chasing him down.

He also talks about something called the ā€˜willā€™. Now, it may sound like one of his made up shenanigans (ā€œI swear itā€™s been Monday six times this week.ā€ or ā€œI know youā€™re just one of those spy people whoā€¦ spies.ā€ are notable occasions) but what he is really talking about is his family. Due to never actually meeting any of them, when his family would order him to do something, both he and the servants would call it ā€œThe Willā€ and heā€™d have to obey. It goes something along the lines of ā€œOh god, oh god, I have to go back. Why? The will says so.ā€.

Louvel has a terrible temper. If people tease him for a joke, he gets incredibly angry and, though he tries not to, ends up pouting like a child. Sure, he never met his family but he was still spoilt by the servants (who, for some odd reason, adored him) and he is used to that sort of treatment. Hell, he was worshipped and feared by people, so if he doesnā€™t get what he want, heā€™ll either get upset or heā€™ll flip out. With the curse in full throttle, his temper could not be worse and heā€™s as touchy as heā€™s ever been. Seriously, pro tip: if he is not hungry, donā€™t even think about forcing food onto him because you will just end up with a broken bowl and a dirtied wall.

Ah, but this is how Louvel is in the day. In the day, he evidently enjoys his solitude and feels on edge when others. When the sun begins to set, he feels more awake than ever. It is evident in how his stance gradually changes from scared and meek to pride. His back straightens and his chin and nose go up slightly, as well as him gliding across the floor rather than shuffling out of view. Itā€™s rather shocking to see how someone can change so much in the way they stand, but there you go.

Louvel also seems to be less frightened of the world. More like he could take it on. Though he still does not trust a single person, he still prefers to think of himself as stronger than them and worries less about people trying to kill him and more about being able to fight them back. He becomes a lot more serious, calmer, and seems further away from the edge of insanity he unfortunately seems to be constantly at during the day. Then, bam, someone aggravates him and he expresses his rage through utter silence and dark looks. If looks could kill, Louvelā€™s would hang, draw and quarter you.

Despite his temper taking a turn for the worst, he also becomes a lot friendlier and interacts with others as much as possible. It seems that it is at these times were he is kinder, and more willing to actually see people. Itā€™s also usually at night where he sings to himself, though he does occasionally do that in the day when he is absolutely sure no one is around. No. One.



"Evil can appear good under certain lights. To me, it is simply captivating at every angle, though repulsive at the same time."

Relationship Status: Single. As said earlier, he's a lone wolf.
Family: Family? No, youā€™ve misunderstood. Louvel has one, but he hasnā€™t met them, talked to them or even seen photos of them. He doesnā€™t even know their names; he just knows he has some amount of siblings who are different from him. He has glanced at them, however.
Personal History/Background: It was always know that Louvel was going to be a spirit bearer. His parents even gave him a first name which meant wolf, since they predicted that was the animal he was going to have inside of him. After all, they were the noble Fillin family, and everyone knows they only have canines. His uncle had recently died, the original wolf spirit bearer, and so they could only guess that Louvel would be the wolf.

Boy, were they right. Unlike the rest of his (supposedly) blonde siblings, Louvel was born with a head of fluffy, reddish-brown hair. Unfortunately, his mother died in childbirth, but it was to be expected. All spirit animals kill the hosts of their vessels in the Fillin family. Louvelā€™s father, though, was still enraged about the whole matter and decided that Louvel should be cast away, separated from the rest of the family. After all, he was a lone wolf. He didnā€™t need his pack.

And so Louvel spent his entire life in a house of his own, separated from the actual family home by nothing more than a large garden. He was just expected not to cross the barrier into what should have been his real home. And he didnā€™t cross that barrier. He would often sit on the bench in the garden, and sometimes heā€™d feel jealous stares trying to burn his head out. When he was younger, he would get upset over how he thought his family hated him, but as the years went on, he learnt to turn and smirk where the stares were coming from, before turning around, nose turned up, and gliding gracefully into the house. He would often catch glimpses of the ones older than him, but he would pay them no mind, other than giving a sarcastic wave to show he knew they were there.

But when he was nine, his family decided it was time to enter him into spirit animal battles. He was five years younger than the legal age, but who was he to complain? Even if he did, no one would pay any attention to his plea. So instead of concentrating his time on freedom or escape, he honed in on his fighting skills and by the time he was of the eligible age for the battles, he had conquered most of his powers and mastered the katana. Yet, naturally, the void left by the lack of human interaction impacted him and he vowed not to pay any mind to others and their feelings.

This was going about as well as it could and Louvel was enjoying his spare time alone, as usual, with mostly a book or some sort of drawing to do. And then he got his first gift, ever. He woke up one morning with a piano sat in the centre of his room. He stared at it, not knowing what the strange object was, before circling it, occasionally sniffing it. It didnā€™t seem like a living thing. It actually took him a few hours to actually touch it, and even then he only tapped it for a moment. A few minutes after that, he turned the key and opened the piano, frowning at the strange black and white keys.

He called in one of the servants, who laughed and shook her head. She told him it was a piano and asked for permission to show him how to use it. Sheā€™d pressed the keys softly, playing the tune of ā€˜Chopsticksā€™. She sat on the piano stool, motioning for Lou to sit next to her while continuing to play. She told him to try and follow along, and after listening to that infernal song a million times, Lou finally got the hang of playing it. He smiled, for the first time in a while, and looked at the girl staring at him. Without knowing what to do, he sniffed her before jumping backwards into a defensive stance. When she didnā€™t even lift a finger to hurt him, he crossed his arms and frowned.

The girl smiled and asked if she had permission to teach him how to play. Naturally, he shrugged off the request as if he were expecting her to teach him anyways. So this girl, whose name turned out to be Asahi, popped her head in through his door the next day and found Louvel waiting impatiently next to the piano (which he called a ā€œsound-makerā€ for a while) and simply sat next to him, giving him directions, placing sheet music in front of his eyes. They spent the whole day at the piano, only taking a break when food arrived for Louvel and he complained to the other servants that he didnā€™t want to eat it. The day after that, he was out battling and walked straight to his bed when he did get home, not even noticing Asahi sat on the stool.

That routine followed for most days for almost three years and it was when Louvel turned eighteen when the ā€˜incidentā€™ happened. They werenā€™t in love or anything, but she was the only friend heā€™d ever have and he therefore treated her as precious as a diamond. He hadnā€™t had time to practice the piano the day before and he had a scheduled fight the next day. Louvel was fighting a powerful spirit and got pretty badly beaten up, winning nonetheless. He was returned home to be healed there, but he didnā€™t seem to care much about that.

No, he simply staggered over to his room again and sat at the piano, playing a soft tune and waited for Asahi to arrive. She did, a good few hours later, and Louvel was already sleeping in bed, his tail wrapped around him for warmth. She left a note on the piano, a small goodbye and left the house.

Of course, the wolf spirit woke the next day to look at the note on his piano, and it was safe to say that anger overtook him within a few seconds. But he stayed silent, despite his hair growing longer and his ears and tail popping out, along with his claws, and he simply moved to sit on the bench. As he sat out in the sun, staring blankly at the piano in his room, lines began to appear on the paper. He realised that, somehow (he didnā€™t understand the whole ā€˜invisibleā€™ ink concept), the sun had made some sort of writing appear. But no, on the back of the writing about how Asahi doesnā€™t want to see him and how their piano lessons should end, Asahi had drawn shaky lines and musical notes. As he hummed the notes out, Louvel realised that it was Chopsticks. A footnote was written underneath, reading the words ā€œI didnā€™t want to leave, but it was the will. Maybe weā€™ll meet again, hopefully. ā€“ Asahiā€.

When heā€™d read those words, he stood up, his anger worse than ever and passed the invisible barrier he was not allowed to cross in long strides, stepping foot into the house of his family. His family hadnā€™t even heard him, just felt the menacing aura enter the building. The servants dragged him out, and though he struggled, he still did not want to hurt them and so he waited until all of those he knew had left the building before surrounding the house by his earth magic, dark roots moving up around the house and trapping it, before crushing it slowly. His family ran from the house and from what he heard, they moved a few miles away. And what did he end up with? A demolished house at the back of an unnecessarily large garden and not even any family to occasionally smirk at. Wonderful.

So he spent the next few years receiving the will of his family and used all of his spare time on making his garden a beautiful haven using his powers. Flowers from all across the world gathered in his garden and heā€™d sit out there everyday, thoughts whirling around in his mind as he subconsciously creates arches of rose bushes to cover the new location of his piano, near the end of the garden.

That all went to waste when he was called to his final battle and he was cursed, forced to run from everything heā€™s ever known, including Asahi who, little did he know, is currently the one tending to his garden while heā€™s away.

Normal Theme - The Tribe of Heavenly Gods
Battle Theme - Dragon Slayers

Character Theme - Aimai Elegy (Soraru)
"I would say that it's clear as day;
You were a crybaby," you said, chuckling
There's no way, you can't make me laugh.
Even this - you won't see me laughing.

Could it be, just a maybe, that,
In the end, it all comes back to some...
Words I said ? Or's it in my head ?
Well, either way, now my brain is exhausted.

Sooner or later, will I not be saved?
And my fears, banished to their graves?
Like you'd wring out a dirty rag,
Just the same's happened to my courage

But, even so, I've been petrified,
Shaking such I can hardly walk straight
Stumbling around as I always have,
Now I fall...

That I would drown to death, I was so very scared;
I have no gills to breathe, I would die then and there,
So when you came along and sent a ripple out,
I found it made me quake, and so I floundered, desperate for escape...

Somehow, yes, we would have to run;
Not a word, saying both our "sorry"s
"This'll do, now I'm satisfied";
Let's go ahead and make that our reason

One step, and I step again;
And every time I grow distant from you,
Floating up like bubbles of air,
Two smiling faces I faintly notice

Yes, I guess I'll give you aid; there's no running away,
So I'll offer to you my breath, too
Yes, a meeting kiss for two - I want it, I miss you.
And working with both our breaths...

Now, it's time to dive in deep, to drink it down in heaps,
All those sorrows that we've encountered
Now, it's time to hold your breath, and while we're at it,
Time for us both will stop as like death...

And if we overflow, if we can bear no more,
I'll be the one who's near to dry away your tears
So when I find you blue, can I do this for you?
I might get waterlogged, but I don't mind at all...

I'm taking in the salt, it's quite a bitter treat,
And need I not repeat, I have a taste for sweets
That's why I ask, thereof, please offer your sweet love,
I want it once again, I want so much for you to wake me up...

A love-lost elegy...[/font]

So begins...

Louvel Fillin's Story