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Wade Slawken

"I am your's to command, no matter how useless I may come off as."

0 · 319 views · located in Sentaku no Shinai

a character in “A Thousand Blossoms”, as played by JokerofSpades


Wade Amadeus Slawken
"I am meant to serve others, for there is no greater pleasure that I can understand. "



"I don’t think I follow the word very well. General? What is that supposed to even mean?"

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Amadeus, WayWay, Peery. In reality, all of these names sort of blow, so Wade normally just goes by his real name.
Gender: Male! Though, some have often questioned this...
Role: Spiritual Guardian of Myth
Age: 19
Spiritual Animal/Bond: Spiritual Animal of Myth



"I am plain - why bother looking at a frail, uninteresting wannabe?"

Height: 5’7
Weight: 125
Build: Lean/Frail/Wiry (Depending on the day...)
Eye Color: Yes, his right eye is of a red hue. No need to get excited. His left eye is blue.
Hair Color: Odd hair colour, but a navy blue. Often mistaken for being black.
Scars Wade doesn’t really have many scars, since he didn’t get out much as a child. However, the ones he does have are extremely detrimental to his overal being - as said, since he couldn’t get out much as a kid, Wade didn’t build up any natural defences to anything, nor could he toughen up his body. So his chest has 3 massive gash marks ripping from the left of his torso to the right. There is also one on his left upper arm, just below the shoulder, but it is teeth marks where he was bitten.
Tattoos Wade isn’t much of a guy that goes out and gets tattoos - they aren’t really his style. He views them as being for the rebellious bunch, not himself. Not that he has any problems with the rebellious group. However, he cannot lie, he does have one that is situated on the back of his neck - it is of a rising sun.
Piercings The more Wade things about it, he really isn’t much of a priest: what kind of priest has two piercings in each ear? Sure, some may, but that doesn’t help at all.

Description: Wade, to be summed up real quick, looks like a man had stranded him in the desert with nothing for two weeks, and has been recovering for a week..

Want more? Let’s start with his face. His eyes are semi sunken, which is quite an improvement. Those lovely things of his are also quite slanted for no apparent reason. The bags under his eyes used to be bigger than a raccoons, but are disappearing quite nicely so that he doesn’t look so scary. Wade’s nose is small and pointed, which is also the same for his mouth: thin and just kind of there. The only reason anybody would look at it would be when he was speaking, which can be either quite often or not at all.

His hair is an odd colour, he knows. Wade hasn’t a clue why his hair is a navy blue/black colour, but he doesn’t mind it in the slightest - in fact, he quite adores the colour blue. Regardless, it is cut roughly below his ears, but since his hair doesn’t grow that fast he doesn’t cut it very often. There are parts, though, that are shorter than the rest, which is quite odd for a priest - most people see the priests as being conservative and refined, which Wade tries his little heart to be (honest!).

His body, on the other hand, is another odd thing: standing at a short five foot eight, Wade is kind of short for his age. He can’t help it, but quite a few people like to remind him he ain’t the largest a lot. Wade is content with his size in reality, as he doesn’t know any other. Being any taller would make Wade feel awkward in his small corners, and being any shorter would be quite annoying. Wade’s shoulders are also quite small, not being very broad at all. His legs to torso ratio is roughly equal, with his torso being slightly larger and longer than his legs. His stomach is lean, aside from those really awful claw marks, and there really isn’t much fat on him at all. He’s kind of a lightweight...

Wades limbs are a mess of spindly, thin ligaments, bones and ‘muscle tissue’. In truth, just looking at him makes people wonder how he can lift anything. Wade wasn’t born with much in the muscles department, and not being able to leave his bed for most of his life hasn’t helped improve that at all. However, while in the lovely temple, he trained his hardest to make up for the time he had wasted, so he isn’t completely useless.
Preferred Clothing: Wade’s clothing choice is interesting. While he does wear the traditional priest uniform that he has cherished since he arrived in the city, it isn’t his favourite thing to wear. If he is ever let outside, he wears clothing that were inspired by a strange foreigner he met. This includes a black/blue jacket with white dress shirt, with black slacks kept up with a black belt. His hands don black gloves, and his shoes are even black.

Since that isn’t allowed during ‘priest time’ Wade wears the formal priest kimono, which he chose a deep blue to colour it with. On his heart is a golden emblem for the temple, and the cloth that acts as a belt is white. On his right hand there are two rings, one which is red and the other is blue. Wade likes to keep their meaning under wraps, but the red one was his fathers, while the blue one belonged to spirit animal he met while wandering. Wade isn’t even sure of their meanings, but always wears them.



"Really, I haven’t a clue why someone would ask me about my own mentality. That’s like asking why I prot- and I just answered my own question... Oh well. Here is my answer!”

Oddities: Wade has a thing for blue. Most, if not all, of the items he owns have something to do with blue. Whether it is his formal attire for being a priest, or his socks, Wade has an obsession with the colour. Wade likes to think that he loves the colour because of the spirit animal he met, but in truth he has always adored the colour; how it is calming and cool makes Wade happy.

One could call his inability to lie an oddity to, if they were that kind of person. Wade cannot lie, even to save his own life. For some subconscious reason, every lie Wade prepares to speak comes out as either the truth, or the truth according to him. Wade has tried everything in an attempt to lie, and has so far only lied twice during his active memory - one of those times was saying that he hated the colour blue.

Wade also will fidget when having to stand around waiting. Saying he is impatient would get you an A+, since Wade doesn’t like waiting around and not doing something he enjoys. When it comes to fidgeting, Wade normally either spins one of his rings, or hum a little melody he heard earlier, most likely a little out of tune at that. Sure, Wade can be quiet, silent and completely still, but that is when he finds it enjoyable and in his interests to be so - like during meditation or listening to others. When being told to wait, that’s a different story.

Skills: He’s useless.

Need convincing? Wade can barely cook, clean, do manual labor, remember passages to say when being an active priest. Wade even sucks at the cool parts of being a priest as well, such as the cool wards and consecration. In truth, Wade is a horrible priest. So why is he there?

Wade is knowledgeable. That is his real main skill that is the only thing that keeps him around besides his really scary power. He knows the lore and myths of Spirit Animals, the speculations of where they came from, and all that fun stuff. He learned most of it when the priests taught him to read, and within his first year he nearly tore every book in the temple apart reading, he was that enthralled with the knowledge.

Wade’s next best skill is his ability to try. Yep, you heard right! Wade will always try something, and never give up until he has achieved that goal. His perseverance is a skill unto its own - after all, he wouldn’t be where he was now if he couldn’t go for it.

Other than that, Wade’s final skill is being a people person. He loves listening to people, understanding their problems, and helping them through issues all while becoming their friend. Sure, many people hate him or don’t want to be his friend, but he makes sure everybody knows that he is an open book, waiting for people to join him. Optimism, after all, is all he really has left.

Specialty/Power: Wade is a specialist at exorcisms, all thanks to that freaky eye of his. He isn’t sure what to call what he does, so let’s have him describe it: “It’s like me staring at you with a creepy red eye and stuff. Then, it’s me again, but instead of staring creepily at you, I’m now inside your head, shoving whatever is in there out. All I can say about the process is that I don’t have fun when I do it...” To go into detail, Wade has a creepy right eye that glows red. Everything he sees out of it is different than normal. If there is a demon in front of him, he sees the demon instead, and that scares the living crap out of him. That eye also is what exorcises the bad things from people, which is why he can retain his priesthood, even though he hates his eye. It cannot, however, see any form of curses, witchcraft, spells, that stuff. Only demonic things, and those touched by demons.

Well, that isn't entirely true either. See, nature has a way of evening everything out, either internally or externally. Since the priests made an exorcist that destroyed demons, nature decided to even out the playing field within the same guy. If you already guessed by now, Wade can see and exorcise demons, but also the polar opposite, the spirit animals he loves dearly. Thing was, he never would have found this out if he had not accidently triggered the function on a poor spirit animal host named Wakari, who was put into a coma for a week because of it. Through that week, Wade was mortified with himself and nearly gouged his own eye out from the mortification, but was restrained.

Ailurophobia - Fear of Cats: After getting attacked and mauled by one, Wade can’t get close to one without freaking out.
Kakorrhaphiophobia - Fear of Defeat/Failure/Rejection - Wade doesn’t really mind failing or being defeated, but it is the rejection that hurts him the most, which is quite odd for a people person.
Ankylophobia - Fear of immobilization - Being bedridden for years was horrible. Wade sees being immobilized as the same thing as his previous experiences, so he fears it.

+Fuzzy objects
+Optimism and Happiness
+His rings
+You :3
+Myths and Folklore
x Rudeness
x Demonic things
x His job
x Knives, Swords, and all matters weaponry
x Anger
x Sadness
x Cats, Dogs, Feral Animals, the list goes on

Hobbies: Besides interacting with the public or curled up and reading about the myths of Animal Spirits, Wade doesn’t do much else. He will watch the birds on a sunny day, help out people, exorcise something, but that is about it. Wade isn’t really one for hobbies.

Personality: Wade could be classified as your average, run of the mill happy person. If he knew how to run a mill, anyway.

Wade is a man that strives to cover up his past with happiness and kindness - which isn’t all that bad. He always wants to think of the positives instead of the negatives, for he believes that there are enough negatives out in the world, and that he doesn't need to add to the scary pile. So Wade will always have some form of smile on his face, hoping that somebody will be brightened up by his mood. In truth, he is highly selfless, believing himself to be below most of the population of Sentaku no Shinai. This is really more because of his history, but he feels indebted to the people around him, and would gladly give his own life for another citizen if he had to.

Behind his happy face though is sadness, if he must be honest, along with frustration. Being basically useless and bedridden until 12 isn't a healthy way to start life, so Wade is highly reclusive about his life before Sentaku. He rarely speaks of anything that isn't within these walls or the present tense, as it reminds him of the losses he has endured, the people he has hurt and the problems he ran from. He regrets a lot of what he did as a kid when he was allowed to walk, and believes that the only way to make up for it would be to serve here.

Other than that, Wade is fairly simplistic. He values the art of silence and listening, and would listen to a person speak for hours if he had to. Saying that he is simple minded would somewhat offend him, but not enough for him to care, since Wade knows it is partially true. Wade isn't a very deep or complicated character by default: he keeps things simple, he keeps most of himself on the edge for all to see, and can be fascinated by the smallest things for spans of time. Best example was him watching a butterfly break out of a chrysalis, and then following it on its journey for the next 3 hours. Wade, although simplistic, is always determined to give whatever is speaking or focused on his entire attention, regardless of the situation.

Wade will try anything for anyone. Since, as stated above, Wade didn’t get out much, he feels the need to experience nature at it’s fullest. He will do anything he can at least once, and pursue it until he either gets it right, or destroys it by accident. He hates seeing things destroyed though, so he will be extra careful if need be.

Finally, Wade understands and relates with those that have disabilities. Wade wants to give them the oppertunaties that he never had as a kid, which is mostly why he was dubbed the Spiritual Guardian of Myth, since he knows about weakness in the bodies. He truly sympathizes with those that are stuck, and hopes that one day he can help his Spirit Animal friend break free of the curse. In the meantime, he will continue to serve those that are above him, for that is all he knows how to do and does it best. He can accept that he has his own flaws, but doesn't let them bring him down. He is, in essence, a happy child.

With respect to the Spirit Animals, Wade could nearly hold them up to gods themselves. He admires everything about them: their strength, their mystery, everything. You could tell him anything, and Wade's opinion of the Spirits wouldn't change - a little bit of stubbornness and admiration does that to a kid. Wade is content with himself, but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't love to be a Spirit Animal. However, he knows that many people abuse Spirit Animals and their majestic attributes, so Wade wants to start a cause to free them. In the meantime, he will take care of his Spirit Animal to the best of his ability.



”I don’t like telling people this, can we skip it? It’s kind of embarrassing, if I can be honest."

Relationship Status: Singular. As in alone.
Family: "What exactly is a family? Like parents and such? Nope, don't have those."
Personal History/Background: Wade was born on a lovely summer evening. That is about as far as it goes for the positive section. In reality, Wade hasn't a clue who his parents were, or where he even came from. His earliest memories date back to his second birthday, with his caretaker Miss Hummel and their spirit animal named Ryua. That was all he really knew, and quite frankly, is how this awkward story starts.

Wade was abandoned at birth, for whatever reason he hasn't a clue. Miss Hummel had always told him that Ryua had found him as a baby, and she decided to take him in. Their house was situated on the edge of a nearby village of hardworking farmers and miners - poor, but loving all the same. The only reason for the house was that Miss Hummel never married, believing that men weren't worth it, especially in her town. This caused a little bit of a rift between the lovely lady and the town, so she built herself a house - er shack - outside on the edge of the forest.

Not that Wade would see any of that until later in his childhood. Wade was rarely ever strong enough to lift his torso, let alone play with the other kids his age. See, Wade was born quite premature, and with numerous health problems that weren't taken care of at his birth. Instead, they stacked until Miss Hummel found him, and by then it was nearly too late to save the boy. So begins the helpless life of Wade Slawken, who spent his entire childhood until the age of 10 in a bed, staring up at the tree through the window, talking to his only friend Ryua, who kept him company most days. This didn't change Wade's attitude though - his whole life had been like this, which made him into quite the preppy and loveable child. Instead of playing, he would memorize stories and tell them to kids that would come by to visit. Wade made his first friends this way, and while he couldn't go outside to play with them, they shared afternoons swapping stories.

The more friends he made, though, the more he yearned to go outside and experience life. Sure, he had been outside numerous times if he was strong enough, but never for longer than a few hours. So when his condition took a turn for the slight better, Wade made it his own little personal goal to become strong enough to go outside, pay back Miss Hummel for the years she wasted on a thing like him, and live life. Why, oh why did he have to do such a silly thing.

His first attempt was at the age of 9, the day after his 'found-day' (he couldn't call it a birthday...). Wade slept for a full day to get enough strength to stand on his own. He nearly made it to the door too, until his brittle bones gave out beneath him and he was stranded on the floor for a few hours. Ryua (who, by the way, was a bear) found him first, and she got him back into the bed, but not before having Miss Hummel scold him for being reckless. Wade repented, but tried again 6 months later and made it out the door. His friends were shocked to see him, some nervous that he would give out like last time and others ecstatic. Regardless, Wade took his first few steps outside and marvelled at the beauty. So many reds, greens, and... blues. It was wonderfully warm and colorful, and Wade loved every second.

For the next year, Wade pushed his luck hoping to improve his physical strength. He would have coughing fits constantly, his chest felt like it would explode, and he had the strength of a weasel, but Wade persevered. Soon, he was playing tag with the kids and only had to have a break when the game finished. To Wade, every part of his life was falling into place beautifully, and even Miss Hummel was more upbeat and happy when he started moving. Wade wasn't sure if this was because he could now help, or if she was truly happy for him, but he felt the latter made the most sense.

His happiness was short lived. At the age of twelve, just a year and a half after he made it out the door, the village was attacked and sacked by thieves, bandits and thugs with cruel Animal Spirits. Everybody caught was either killed or taken captive for further purposes. Miss Hummel was one of those people taken, but not Wade. Instead, he had fallen when the thugs had attacked, and couldn't get up - so Miss Hummel rolled him under the bed and told him to be quiet.

After waiting patiently for a full day, Wade was greeted by Ryua, who had survived somehow but injured. She told Wade to come out from under the bed, and Wade obeyed, to see that the village had been looted and destroyed. Nothing was left. Wade started crying, but Ryua kept him calm and the two of them began to walk away from their home. For 2 days they walked, hoping to get to the next village, but Ryua couldn't last. She had sustained injury from the attacks, and Wade, being useless, couldn't help her as she slipped into a slumber to which Wade couldn't coax her out of.

So began Wade's journey alone. He had no survival skills whatsoever, could only walk for short periods of time before having to stop to rest, and had little in the provisional department. He knew that weakness would overcome him, but what would it matter? Wade no longer had a person in the world that knew him, cared for him, or loved him. The next few weeks were hard on Wade - he learned basic survival skills, but could barely catch on. Shelter for him was rare, so he normally just hid under the only thing he had from home, his blue blanket.

When Wade thought that he should give up hope, he found a worn out, thought to be abandoned shack. Thrilled at such a find, Wade ran inside to find rusty tools, a makeshift bed, and some scraps of food. What Wade hadn't registered was that something else had taken a liking to the shack and decided to make it home: a cat. More specifically, a very large cougar. Terrified, Wade's vision blurred as the cat growled at him. Wade hadn't been more terrified of anything in his life. It pounced, and then... Wade's memory is quite blurry in the section, as being attacked by a feral, angry cougar can do that to a skinny kid. All Wade remembers was the growling and the blood.

When Wade came to, a strange foreigner was sitting on the bed, his clothes kind of funny. The traveler explained that he had been walking on the road when he heard the cat, and came to the aid of the little boy, since he was quite nearly dead when the man found him. Wade then realized that he was wearing the same casual garb the man was, to which the man told the young boy that his clothes had been shredded. The man had even bandaged the poor boy up while he was unconscious, including Wade's now damaged right eye. Wade went to thank him and get up, but his body wouldn't respond. The man simply had a twinkle in his eye, and said a sentence that Wade still cannot forget.

"Head for the hills kid, and find what you're looking for."

The man then left abruptly, turning into a beautiful blue bird before flying off. Wade watched, amazed at the sight of meeting a free spirit animal. It gave him the motivation to stand up after a few tries, find the hills - better word would be mountains - and head towards them. After 4 days of hobbling towards those mountains and losing blood due to bandages not being re wrapped, Wade found what he the man was talking about: Sentaku no Shinai. Wade had never heard of the place, but he sure knew that he was glad to see it. When he made it to the doors, he fainted due to blood loss.

When Wade awoke, it was to men in formal priest attire, and something was wrong. His right eye, instead of seeing normal, saw everything in red hues, like he was colour blind. Beginning to have a panic attack, the priests easily subdued the child and calmed him down. They then explained that they simply awakened his right eye's potential, as it had always been a different than his left - apparently that meant it could be super powered or something. They then continued on to make the kid a priest, and so started Wade's life in the wonderful city of Sentaku no Shinai.

Wade had a difficult time fitting in. All the others had earned their way in, while he had simply fainted and got in. It didn't help that all he could do was consecrate one single, awkward weapon - his trusty trident - and feared the rest. His ability at wards was horrendous, and all standard skills that one picked up as a normal child were out of the question. All Wade was good for was making friends, telling stories, exorcising demons, and serving the city. Wade felt obligated to serve the entire City of Choices, since he felt that they had saved him from death.

Image Song - Coming Soon!
Theme Song: This Song Saved My Life - Simple Plan
I wanna start by letting you know this
Because of you, my life has a purpose
You helped me be who I am today
I see myself in every word you say

Sometimes it feels like nobody gets me
Trapped in a world where everyone hates me
There's so much that I'm going through
I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you

I was broken
I was chokin'
I was lost,
This song saved my life
I was bleeding
Stopped believing
Could've died,
This song saved my life
I was down,
I was drowning,
But it came all just in time,
This song saved my life.

Sometimes I feel like you've known me forever
You always know how to make me feel better
Because of you, my dad and me
Are so much closer than we used to be.
Now you've escaped while I'm stuck in this small town
I turn you up whenever I feel down
You let me know that noone else
That it's okay to be myself
I was broken
I was chokin'
I was lost,
This song saved my life
I was bleeding
Stopped believing
Could've died,
This song saved my life
I was down,
I was drowning,
But it came all just in time,
This song saved my life.
You will never know what it means to me
But I'm not alone and I'll never have to be
I was broken
I was chokin'
I was lost,
This song saved my life
I was bleeding
Stopped believing
Could've died,
This song saved my life
I was down
I was drowning
But it came all just in time,
This song saved my life.
My life
My life
(This song saved my life)
My life
My life
(This song saved my life)
My life
My life
(This song saved my life)
My life
My life
This song saved my life.

(By 'This Song' Wade is referring to all of those around him: Miss Hummel, Ryua, the Mystery Man, and Sentaku no Shinai)

So begins...

Wade Slawken's Story