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Syfka Rae Seveltrios


0 · 147 views · located in Northern Kingdom

a character in “A Time of Monsters”, as played by SyfkaRae


Syfka Rae Seveltrios : Witcher


Hair: White
Eyes: Emerald
Build: Lean
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 115 lbs
Voice: Smooth, with a very subtle accent, indicating long years of Elder Speech.
Handed: Left
Body Markings: Many scars, and several tattoos.
Scar Tissue: The most prominent is a long, fraying scar from her left shoulder blade, across her back, and around her hip, touching the top of her right knee. Many others criss cross her body, but none as large.

Syfka Rae Seveltrios



Elf/Human Halfling

Visual Age
Mid twenties, early thirties.

Factual Age


Sexual Orientation


Syfka is calm and thoughtful, and prefers to hold her tongue than speak needlessly. She has an intense focus for the mission, whatever it may be, and won't let anything get in the way. She will do most anything for enough coin but there are lines that even she will not cross. This quiet is often mistaken for complacency or submission, though it is far from it. When she is worked up, she keeps a cool head, but makes it clear that she is powerful and not to be walked upon, often developing a silver tongue that stings like a wasp.

Moral Alignment

Coin and her own restlessness.

That one day she will wake to find herself average; held down by marriage and simple life. That she fears above all else; the life of a housewife.

Of this, she is confused herself. Wealth and coin makes her happy, yes, but in the end, it really doesn't soothe her.

Quiet, the hunt, singing, and a dry place to sleep.

Wet clothes, arrogance, ignorance, and sour things.

Being a Witcher, her knowledge of sicknesses and how to cure them, and battle.

Men, trust, good wine.


A black hood of high quality leather and cotton, though well worn.

Hood, and a necklace, bearing the mark of the Witcher.

A sturdy, leather based corset, held in place with leather straps and steel clasps.

Black cloak of similar material to her hood that reaches down to mid shin.

On her left shoulder, a steel pauldron that protects her shoulder and upper arm. On her right, she has only a rerebrace, and the leathers she wears beneath.

Right Hand
Gauntlet of leather and steel.

Left Hand
Gauntlet of leather and steel with leather wrapping around her wrist for better stability.

Right Accessory
A small hook hidden in the palm of her hand to draw enemies in closer, or aid in climbing if need be.

Left Accessory

An Elvish belt; lightweight and made of fine leather. Small pouches for the storing of herbs and various items. Sheath on her right hip.

Leathers, with steel armor on the outside of her thighs and knees.

Heavy leather boots appropriate for most weather and combat. Leather straps and steel clasps, steel toed, and reinforced arches.

[center]Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

Hand-to-Hand Combat: [Excellent]

Melee Combat: [Excellent]

Armed Combat: [Excellent]

Magic Combat: [Average]

Mounted Combat: [Average]

Racial Abilities
As a Witcher, Syfka is no longer what she was. She can withstand extreme levels of toxicity and heals faster than most humans. She has exceptional levels of control over her body and it's functions, enabling night vision, profound sense of hearing, and incredible grace and speed.

Natural Talent
The harsh conditioning of a Witcher has turned Syfka into a fighting machine, with only one purpose; to kill. As such, her sword and hand to hand combat skills are hard to match, as she was created to take down creatures many times her size and strength.

Witchers use Signs and Glyphs, rather than classical spells and castings of Wizards and Sorceresses.

Aard: Sign of Wind- The Aard Sign is a simple magical sign used by Witchers. It is comprised of a telekinetic thrust that can stun, repel, knock down or disarm opponents, as well as remove barriers and other objects. It's power and precision are determined by both the Will and the Intent of the caster. It is a simple gesture, or word, and can be used on the fly.

Igni: Sign of Fire- The Igni Sign is a simple magical sign used by Witchers. It is comprised of a pyrokinetic burst that can repel and ignite opponents, as well as start fires. As in the case of Aard the power and focus of the blast is controlled by the Will of the caster. Igni can create flames hot enough to melt steel if propperly prepared. A gesture with needed phrase activates, while thoughts build force.

Quen: Sign of Earth- The Quen Sign is a simple magical sign used by Witchers. When cast it forms a protective field around the casting witcher. The duration and strength of the barrier are determined by the Will and Focus of the caster; also able to be mixed with the other signs to add bonus defences. A hand motion or word, with more added to mix elements activates.

Yrden: Sign of Magic- The Yrden Sign is a simple magical sign used by Witchers. It forms a magical trap on the ground that triggers a limited number of times when traversed by a foe casing knock back, damage, and a chance of inflicting status ailments. Able to be mixed with other elements, the traps formed can cause considerable damage. Contact and a word mix to create the Yrden.

Axii: Sign of Water- The Axii Sign is a simple magical sign used by Witchers. It is a mental wave that triggers a hex that causes an enemy to fight alongside the witcher. The effect can wear off over time or be broken via damage from the casting witcher. Limited to just one mind at a time, it requires extreme concentration to maintain; but can be used to plant minor suggestions in the minds of commoners. Words alone activate Axii, though motions and focus may increase power.


The Witchers Amulet is made of silver, and vibrates near threats or magic.

Weapon Name: Long sword
Weapon Type: Sword
Material: Damascus silver steel accented with wood and leather.
Ammo: N/A
Length: 40.3 inches
Weight: 4 lbs 12 oz
Weapon Description/Info: The long sword, often referred to as a "hand and a half" sword, measures 40 inches long and is made of high quality Damascus steel. It's handle is yew wrapped in weathered leather for better grip and comfort. Because of it's length, the sword is carried across her back, rather than at her hip. The sword seems far to long and hefty for her stature, but she has trained with it her entire life; it is an extension of her body if anything.

Weapon Name: Broadsword
Weapon Type: Sword
Material: Folded steel accented with wood and leather.
Ammo: N/A
Length: 28.9 inches
Weight: 1 lb 13 oz
Weapon Description/Info: This simple broadsword is meant for killing humans, not monsters, and is reserved for just that. It's handle is oak wrapped in weathered leather and is carried at her right hip.

Weapon Name: Yew War Bow
Weapon Type: Long Bow
Material: Yew and gut-string.
Ammo: Hardwood arrows.
Length: 3' 3"
Weight: 1 lb 3 oz
Weapon Description/Info: This long bow was intended for bringing about instantaneous death with a large draw weight. Now in Syfka's hands, it serves it's purpose for hunting as well as mounted attacks.




Marital Status


Syfka was born in the mountains, to an Elven father and human mother. They kept her tucked away as long as they could until the soldiers came. She was saved by a sympathetic human and was later handed over to the Witchers.

Social Rank


Syfka's life was turbulent and uncertain up to her submission to the Witchers. Once at Kaer Morhen, her fate seemed to remain precariously balanced. Few females had ever undergone the hardships of the Trails and the Grasses, and those who did had not survived, or had refused to complete the process. It was a frustrating point that she was never quite as strong as the other boys, never quite as fast. But Syfka was stubborn and hardy, and it seemed, even in the height of her fever and the most miserable points of the poisons, she was determined to succeed; to prove the others wrong. In the end, she did, but she paid a high price. In the outside world, a woman's worth was decided by how many children she could bear and care for. Now, she could never have them. The brutal toxins had done a number on her reproductive system and put children beyond her reach. Of this she cares little, but is occasionally hit with bouts of sickness and abnormally stressful monthly cycles as her body continues to reject what has been done.

So begins...

Syfka Rae Seveltrios's Story

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Syfka was silent. She sat straight in the saddle, jewel green eyes taking in everything. Something had the Witcher on edge, what though, she wasn't sure. Her black gelding huffed, irritated by her nervousness. The road they walked was well worn, and had room enough for two carts to pass. Even so, she felt that it was too quiet. They were surrounded on either side by forest. She should hear birds in the trees, little creatures in the brush. Even so, the gelding trotted along, surely thinking his rider incompetent. Syfka urged the horse into a strong canter, letting the forest pass quickly. This uneasiness would be remembered, and she was sure she would be back this way before long. When she glanced over her shoulder, a black figure stood where she had once been. A ghost of a smile passed her pale lips before she prodded the gelding onward, to Bludhaven.


Syfka and her mount stood above the crowd, but with her hood up and cloak wrapped tightly around her, she was like any black rider that had passed through. Aside from a few indistinct stares, she was quickly dismissed and forgotten. She suspected that this place was unkind to halflings, as most villages were, and was careful to ensure that even under her hood, her pointed ears were hidden by her white hair.

"Ho, traveler!" Syfka brought her mount to a stop, and sat, motionless. The speaker jogged to catch up in the bustling crowd, and came to stand to her left. "What is your business here?" The man was tall, thin, and well built, and wore the Kings colors. A guard of the village. How quaint, Syfka thought.

"My business is my own, and that of the King, Sir Guard." Her voice was smooth and lightly accented, immediately revealing herself as a woman, if her face, shadowed by her hood, had not already.

"My lady-," he began.

"I would advise you to stay away from me, Sir Guard," she replied. "I have no ill intent, I can assure you. I wish only for a warm bed and a job done." The guard eyed her with clear discontent.

"Then you are here about the monsters...?" he said quietly. Syfka's silence was her only response. "Very well, off with you then."

Syfka nodded, if only to appease him, and urged her gelding forward, following the heady musk of horse to the stables. She left her mount there, nose happily lost in a bag of grain. She paid off the stable master and headed back into the streets, disappearing into the crowd with soundless steps. She kept an ear open for gossip, searching for any talk of her prey.

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The halfling's face was relatively expressionless as she listened intently to the crowd. "'Ow many villages now?" The answer was lost in the clamor of the market. "I heard 'dey was eatin'." A child, still highly impressionable. The little girl the boy was talking to gasped and pushed him away. "You're a liar!" The boy rubbed his snotty little nose. "Am not!" The girl's words were lost on Syfka. No need to listen to that, though there may have been a grain of truth. They were only repeating what they had overheard their parents saying. She slipped between two burly men, following behind as nothing more than a shadow; an unremarkable figure with no distinct qualities was quickly forgotten. "They say there be Witchers about," said one with rough hands and ridiculously muscled arms. The faint piney scent of sap wafted in his wake, indicating that he was likely a lumberman. The other scowled. "Came from the backside of a bull, if I ever smelt it," he drawled. "Last time someone saw Witchers, the mill-man's daughter disappeared. It's a load of hockey." He was missing several teeth despite his young age, and clearly enjoyed drunken brawls. His bruises were poorly aimed and his knuckles broken on tables and walls more often than bone. "Besides," he said, "if they are about, I'd like to beat the human into them. Damn mutants..." His companion seemed unconvinced.

A smile flitted across Syfka's lips. Ignorance was bliss, for more than just the afflicted. Let them think that Witchers stole virgins in the moonlight. Let them think that Witchers were more demon than human. It made them all that much easier to stay low, and slip under the radar of those she wished to avoid. She let the muscled men saunter off, making her way out of the crowed street to stand beside a small shop. The town Alchemist, probably. She closed her cat-like eyes, and let her sense of hearing take over. People were more willing to speak among themselves than to a stranger. That being said, eavesdropping made her job that much easier.