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A Twin?! Since when!?



a part of A Twin?! Since when!?, by ~Nutty~*Green Neko*.


~Nutty~*Green Neko* holds sovereignty over Tokyo, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Tokyo is a part of A Twin?! Since when!?.

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Shino Watakimi [0] "Shut up and sleep with me."
Hiroshi Takahisha [0] "One word.... shut up. ... oh wait that was two, nevermind."
Jiro Midaku [0] "... And I care why?"
Nyiko Watakimi [0] "Ah yea so what."
Michaline Takahisha [0] "Wait...twin? Yeah right, and next you'll tell me Santa is real."
Riku Hatashimiru [0] A sweet and caring young boy
D-rael Midaku [0] "Yarn! ooooh wait it's string....string!"

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It was all numbers and words and instructions and dictations and Sakii wasn't paying all that much attention to any of it. He'd always been good at any class that required the use of mathematics. His pencil always seemed to just move on it's own while he gazed at the sheet of lined paper in front of him without really seeing what he was writing. Just... math. It was just a bunch of numbers that all made one answer and his answers were always right. Even the teacher - Mrs. Nasaki - didn't bother with trying to get him to zone into the lesson because he would only end up fading out a few minutes later. He knew however that she was stating something about algebra and coefficients.

The main thing on Sakii's mind at the time was getting to his small apartment and feeding Leonard and finishing the essay he had due for English class the next day. Not making answers out of some numbers chosen at random; well not completely random but they always added to something even if they were random. His silver eyes focused in on the sheet and he noticed he'd drawn a likeness of his grey cat Leonard and himself. It was amusing to say the least that he had managed such a feat without even looking. Nice. Nice enough to let him know that he'd finished the math work and could gaze out the window next to him as he thought of going home and doing that essay. An essay about what? "Hmmm?" Sakii bit down on the end of his pen while he lifted his eyes to the ceiling of the room. What was it supposed to be about? Life? No. Oh, he knew. It was supposed to be about the book they'd been reading in class.

Shit; he still had yet to read the book.


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Riku Sighed walking up to the large school. he opened the door and walked in slowly brushing he silvery white hair from his eyes, though he kept part of it covering his silver-grey eye, letting his bright blue stay uncovered as he walked over to a door and knocked. After a few seconds the door opened to a lady holding a math lesson book. Riku quietly handed her a small slip of paper and aited for her response. She nodded and smiled walking him into the room. '' Class i ould like to welcome a new student, please give Mr. Riku Hatashimiru a warm welcome!'' she said pointing at Riku.'' Would you like to say anything?'' she asked placing the book down.

Riku shook his head and looked at his feet. She nodded and pointed to a empty seat next to Sakii.'' Good Take a seat Over there.'' she said as he began to walk off to his new seat. he sat down quietly and looked over at Sakii then pulling out a brand new note book and fresh pen readying the essenitals to write the remainder of notes that he could.

(forgot to mention he has one blue eye and one grey)


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D-rael walked up to the school with a smile on her face. She was happy that she had switched from her old school. Not only was it boring, but people there were so plain and up tight. D-rael was wear one of her famous midriffs, it was a dark shade of green with the words 'Green is the New Black.' on it. As for bottoms she had on black shorts, with a few rips in them and last where her hightops, which were to many colors to count.

Walking in to the school she stopped by the office receiving a pass for her lateness and walked to her first period class, math.

"Are you new too?"

"Yea, here." D-rael handed off her pass.

"Your seat is next to...Riku."

As she nodded she could see a few people looking at her ears and tail. it didn't bother here, and to amuse them she flicked her tail again. D-rael laughed as she sat down.


Nyiko Was already sitting in the back of the classroom. He was to tired to pay attention, and either way it wasn't his style.

"Hi Nyiko-kun~."

Nyiko looked up to see a red-haired girl smiling at him, with a few of her friends waving at him. He of course had to return the favor. He leaned up waving to them and moved his ears slightly. Watching the girls walk off he could only shake his head.

'' Class i ould like to welcome a new student, please give Mr. Riku Hatashimiru a warm welcome!'' she said pointing at Riku.'' Would you like to say anything?'

Nyiko turned his ears forward so he could hear better. "A new student eh?" He watched as him and another neko girl walked in. He hadn't seen many other nekos she he automatically thought she interesting. Other then that, he put his head back down to head off to dreamland.


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"Hm? Hello, is this Miss Nasaki's math class?" Shino intruded apon a teacher's classroom, knowing it was not Ms. Nasaki. Rather he did it because he wanted to peak inside, simply because he saw another neko walk in, though it was a samll girl, and he had no interest in her personally. Simply nekos were few among many.

He leaned on the door frame and scanned the class, seeing no one particularly attractive, except. Oh. "The blonde neko over there...have we met before?" He caught the neko's attention and winked at him, "I don't think we have, I would've remembered such an attractive person...."

"I said that her class is across the hall!" Shino turned and sulked in the teacher's direction, "Yes yes, I heard your babbling, go on with your little leson then..." And Shino walked out, making his way to the apropriate classroom.

"Ms. She has poor hair care skills..." Shino's tail flicked under his crimson red coat as he watched the math teacher from outside the door. He debated skipping this class too, but math was the class is was unwise to skip, and the class everyone wanted to consequencially. He snuggled the black fur lining the hood of his coat closer to him as he opened the door and finally went in. He was greated formally, and he waved a few fingers in the class's direction as he was introduced. Blah blah blah, he sat down.

Normally he would now tune literally everything out, but he needed to play catch-up. He did bother coming to class after all. "Excuse me handsome daydreamer, would you mind coming back to earth for little ol' me?" He whispered to a white haired boy who was staring intently at the ceiling. Once he had the boy's attention, he rested his head on the palm of his hand and smiled calmly, "Would you mind telling me what chapter we are on in the math text book?"


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Riku looked over at D-rael noticing her tail, and he gasped.'' your just like a kitty.'' he said quietly his bright blue eye and misty silver eye both going wide in amazement. After awhile he stopped staring at her and went back to his notebook drawing little music notes all over the page and brushing some hair from his eyes as the teacher dragged on with her boring lesson. Riku sighed laying his head down and closing his eyes, knowing he needed to listen but as to tired to.


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There was always a lot going on in Sakii's mind. Would Leonard eat? Was his essay going to be good? Did he lock the door that morning? Had he made sure to pay the electricity bill? No, he didn't need to pay that because the landlord has taken pity on him. Pity. He hated it because it made him feel like some starved animal that went crawling up to anyone it could. Sakii hadn't begged the man to do anything and yet he was still doing it. A flush came over his cheeks - although he was doing the landlord a huge favour. He felt horrible, soiled, used and awfully tainted. Like what he was doing was bad and he knew it was but how else was he going to get his room paid for? His thoughts were interrupted however by someone walking into the room with the same last name as himself. Sakii didn't pay much attention to it and casted a glance to the boy who was to sit next to him before looking away. He had better things to worry about than a boy with the same last name.

When a girl walked in with cat ears and a tail to match his interest was hiked up just a bit. It was interesting and it could have continued to be interesting if he hadn't noticed that his long white hair wasn't slipping from it's ponytail. With a sigh he lifted his hands and went to fixing it while keeping his eyes on the ceiling because it was more interesting than any of the people in the room. More interesting than the boy with his last name, more interesting than the girl with cat ears and definitely more interesting than the algebra on the board. Yes; the ceiling was more interesting than everything that could possibly be more interesting. No - it wasn't interesting as it was attention attracting. His attention was merely attracted to the ceiling.

A voice in his ear and silver eyes dropped to his desk. More words and a question. Sakii looked over at the very attractive person next to him and blinked.

"The textbook?" He let his eyes flicker to the math book before he looked at the obviously older male with his head in his palm. Sakii hoped his face wasn't still red from before. "Oh, chapter...." The teen flipped a couple pages back because he honestly didn't know where they were because all he paid attention to was doing the work. "Chapter four," he muttered as he tugged on his pony tail. Sakii hated feeling nervous because he knew that this person was obviously flirting with him. Unless he was seriously as unobservant as he felt he was.


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Michaline stared at the notebook in front of her that she was sketching in. She was paying no attention to the people around her or the class. Truth be told, she was completely zoned out in her drawing.


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Nyiko was almost there, so close, oh so close.

"The blonde neko over there...have we met before?" He caught the neko's attention and winked at him, "I don't think we have, I would've remembered such an attractive person...."

He didn't make it to sleep. He looked up, and would've yelled out in anger if it wasn't for the compliment just given to him, by....well he didn't know him but he looked so familiar. He could feel his cheeks turning red and his ears almost flatten against his head. "I...I don't think we have, Nyiko." He said introducing himself. He watched as the teacher called the guy in front of him over. It was a slight relief and slight sadness at the same time.

Nyiko watched as he left. Shortly after he raised his hand. "May I be excused?" With a nod of her head, he got up to follow after the guy in the fur, his tail swishing and ear twitching. "His hair looked soft." Nyiko talked out loud as he walked the hallways.


D-rael had only sat down for a few short seconds before hearing a comment.

''Your just like a kitty.''

"Of course I am, it's all real too." She lifted her tail and rubbed it against his cheek and smiled a little. "D-rael, like derail, except spelled differently, or you can just call me D." She looked up has she saw another neko walk out the room, perhaps she wasn't as alone as she thought

She also saw Skaii, who looked at her for awhile, but the only thing she noticed was his hair, it looked like it would be fun to play in, but she didn't want to be hated on her first day so she kept her hands to playing with her shorts.


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Riku sighed turning his head and staring at D-Rael's tail as it brushed aganist his cheek moving some of his white into his eyes.'' Soft.'' he said quietly looking to D-Rael's face.'' Im Riku, i dont have any nick names.'' he said looking down sadly. he looked back at Sakii notcing ho much he looked like him.


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School... biggest. Load. Ever.

So pointless... Jiro repeated in his mind as he tapped his pencil against his book.

It was cool back in middle school (Rhyme! He mentally shouted) when people were still scrambling for their cliques, but now there was nothing but re-runs of the same melodramatic soap opera.

He missed the lines in the sand.

He scanned the crowd, looking for something interesting. The Neko over there was getting mentally undressed by some weirdo, but that was nothing new. That white haired kid looked vaguely interesting, noted for later.

That girl over there was drawing.

And that was enough to light a spark in his entertainment starved brain.

"Hey ya!" He said, taping the girl on the shoulder "Whatcha drawing?"


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Shino knew that the white haired boy would be nervous in answering him, just like he knew he could get his attention. Such was the ego of the ass better known as Shino.

"Thank you hun, I was starting to get jelous of that ceiling, you were staring at it so intently." Shino reached out and pulled the white haired boy's chin up, to meet his gaze before letting him go and slinking back into the appropriate sitting position, turning his text book to chapter four and writing a few things down. Apparently that was all that was needed from the white haired boy, as Shino did not pay him any attention for the next few minutes before the bell rang.

Shino got up and smiled at his beloved helper, "My name is Shino by the way, see you around <3" Shino reminded the boy of his presence, in case he had forgotten by staring at the ceiling, and walked out of the class smoothly, entering the busy hallway. He was aware that the boy probably didn't know his name due to the lack of attention he was paying in the beginning, so Shino told him. Yes, he was interested in the white haired male, quite interested now, as he was rather cute and warm looking.

But his thoughts twitched off of the subject of white haired boys and onto the subject of his look-a-like as he spotted him, wandering, looking for something. Shino smiled slowly and crept up behind him. "I wish I was searching for something so intently...makes me a little sad." He whispered in the ear of the blonde person he so looked like. That was the reason he had called him attractive in the first place, he looked like himself, and that was curious indeed. He was even a neko, which was a double plus, how ironic. They could end up being long lost brothers for all he knew, but such a silly thought, Shino had no brothers. He was just a toy that got sold to a dirty old rich man.


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"I wonder if I can take you home." Hiroshi thought out loud, as he stared down at the small kitten. It peered right back up at him, its little eyes sparkling. Hiro scratched the cat between its ears with a small smile. Thinking, he should be heading to school now, he looked at the time, only to find out he was late. Had he really spent all his time, crouched down in the middle of the streets, staring down at a little cat? No time to think, make a run for it, he told himself, before swinging his bag over one shoulder.

Unfortunately, as clumbsy as he was, after exactly 5 steps, he crashed down onto the ground. He could hear the laughing, coming from the people walking by on the streets. Most likely at him. Ah... this is really embarrassing.

Getting up, like nothing had happened, Hiro cleared his throat while rubbing his knees. He could hide the embarrassment, but not the pain...

It didnt take him long to get to school. He hurried into the building, stuffing one hand in his pocket. So, he was late by a few minutes, big deal. He'll just quietly walk into class, take a seat, and act like he was always there. .... At least that's what he hoped for. With a small sigh, Hiro opened the door to his classroom, and taking a step in. Hopefully, the teacher wont ask him why he was late... what was he supposed to say anyway?


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He hated people like the male next to him. There was absolutely no reason for it because the guy was attractive and he seemed nice enough but there was something about him Sakii just didn't like at all.

Maybe it was the way the male made him feel like his skin was tingling or the way he stated his word so smoothly it made his heart pound faster. Maybe it was the way the guy's hand burned against his skin when he touched him. Or maybe it was the way he reminded Sakii of the landlord's son. Whatever it was it made him want to sneer at the male in a way that was not at all polite in anyway. But he couldn't because he was calm and he couldn't because he'd just met the guy. It'd be rude to be rude to someone he just met.

His attention was momentarily gained again when the guy stated his name before leaving. "Ha. Tell me your name while you don't know mine. You're the worst kind of person." When the bell rang he gathered up his things and shoved them into his messenger bag because he still had a couple classes left before he could leave, go home and have to deal with Kaoru walking into his room with that stupid grin on his face and say things to purposely upset him. But Sakii had to deal with it because Kaoru was the landlord's son and if he wanted to keep living where he was he couldn't do anything stupid.

On the way out of the room he paused by the boy who shared his name. "Hey. We share the same last name. I'm Sakii Hatashimiru. Since you're new here and everything I guess I can show you around," he offered with a light smile on his face. "And find out why we have the same last name." Besides; to every action there was always an ulterior motive and his happened to be completely innocent unless the kid - Riku - kept looking as cute as he did. Sakii liked to collect people - claim them. It was just a quirk of his.

Without waiting for a reply he walked to the door and leaned on the walk next to it to see if the boy would actually take his offer. He really did want to help him as much as he wanted to solve the mystery. And Riku was cute. It was all a win-win situation.


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Riku Got up as the bell rang and collected his things silding them inside his death note messenger bag. he slid the strap onto his should and turned to Sakii.'' Oh, Hello Sakii, Im Riku. you know my last name of course.'' he said giving a sweet smile, closing his eyes to make the smile seem even sweeter. ''Oh yes, it ould be nice if you could at least show me to a few classes, i've never been to school so im not very sure what to do.'' he said scuffing his foot on the floor then looking at Sakii.


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D-rael smiled slightly. "Yea I take care of it everyday." Turning back around she looked down at her empty paper. "Nice name, Riku, I like it, you don't need a nickname, only if your name is weird like mine, with a hyphen in it." She pointed at her name on her notebook for emphasis. Riku didn't seem to judge her, maybe they could be close friends. Then the bell rang, it was almost deafening so she flattened her ears. It hurt less.

She watched as Riku and some other kid left. She sighed and walked into the hallway, now what was she gonna do. That's when she saw a kid almost stumbling into the school, he had hurt his knee. Watching him for a few seconds she walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. "You ok?"


Nyiko sighed and was about to give up his search, shaking his blond hair to the side, it was starting to get annoying, He heard the bell ring as he tied his hair into the ponytail. "Stupid pie-" He was cut off with that all familiar voice. Shino.

"I wish I was searching for something so intently...makes me a little sad."

Soon has the breath touched his ear he jumped and his tail flicked brushing against Shino. "!" His face was flushed and he pointed a finger at his, well, look alike. He looked just like him, it was as if they were brothers. "Who are you anyways, I've never seen you before." He had finally calmed down after the whole fiasco and kinda just stood there looking at the other guy.


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The hairs on the back of her neck as one of the boys from her class came in late. She always got weird feelings around him, but she couldn't understand why she did. It was almost as if...she knew him. In reality, she didn't even know his name. They had never spoken. However, today, the only empty seat left in the class was the one to her imeadiate right. She watched the boy closely as he sat next to her. Without knowing why, she said, "Hey."


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"Mm." He nodded as the other repeated the name he already knew and adjusted his bag on his shoulder. Already he could feel his mind wandering which was something he knew could be taken as a bad thing. Still, he wasn't going to deny that the new kid needed help getting around the due to the fact that he was... well... new. Even if it was mildly uninteresting and didn't keep his attention for very long - it gave him something to do other than blindly make his way from class to class.

Starting down the hall he yawned. "What's your next class?" he asked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. Sakii had to concentrate on taking one step after another to not end up going where he needed to go instead of where Riku needed to go. He cared about getting him to class and cared more because the kid not only had his name but they looked the same. It made him a person he wanted to get to know just as much as he wanted to run away from him. It was scary - just as much as it was fascinating. One didn't meet someone who looked like them and shared the last name as them everyday.

Sakii paused and actually waited for a response for without one he couldn't be of much help without what he was supposed to be helping with. Hopefully - and this was just a hope - Riku had classes that were near his. Even better if they had the same classes that way Sakii wouldn't have to do as much work to get the new guy to class and then rush himself to class so that he wasn't late. He prided himself on always attending school and being on time for all of his classes. Perfect attendance. Perfect punctuality. He wouldn't allow someone who scared yet interested him ruin that by having him show him around. Sure he'd offered but his own pride came above helping someone find their way around. Always. Always.

Even if the people who bugged him at home didn't agree.


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Shino laughed lightly at the his look a like's reaction. It was cute, even though he had seen it a million times before. For some reason this one made it cute. "Who am I? I want to know the same of you. I'm Shino Watakimi." He tossed his hair from his shoulder and came closer, studying the other boy's face calmly. "Hmmm, just like a mirror....I am nothing but a toy used by a rich man, but you look so whole. Again it makes me sad." Though Shino didn't look sad, he was smiling smoothly with half lid eyes and his tail was swishing from side to side in curiosity.

"You want to tell me your name...." It was more of a statement, not a question, though a spoken softly command, as if he knew that the boy wanted to say his name.


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Nyiko cocked his head to the side. "Watakimi....I'm Nyiko...Watakimi." He pondered on the thought for a second. They actually could be brothers, same last name, they looked alike, and well he was adopted by, normal parents, not a dirty old man.

"Don't be sad...normal life is over rated." He reached over and brushed his ears, they were soft like his, and small. A slight smile came across his face. "And exactly where are you going hmm?"


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Hiroshi looked over at the girl, raising his eyebrows. The two had never talked to each other... ever. Actually, the only time he got to see her was in class. "Uh.. hi." he replied with a small smile. If he was correct, he did hear she had the same last name as him. He didnt find it weird or anything... people can share last names, right? Leaning back against his chair, he let his bag slide down onto the floor with a small thud. "Oh, my name's Hiroshi Takahisha... just in case you didnt know." he introduced himself. Like she care... Well, instead of an awkward silence, he thought it was better to start a simple conversation. They were in the same class, yet they didnt know each others name. Right now was a good time to find out.


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"Right, Hiro...I'm Michaline. You can call me Mickey." She smiled at him. "You know...I've always wondered why we share last names...don't you find it odd?" Mickey found it odd that she found herself talking to a boy so easily. She usualy shyed away from everybody. "My mother never denounced her ex-husbands' mane, or my last name would be Walker." Why am I explaining this? It's not like he cares at all...


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"Nice to meet you Mickey." he said with a small nod. "Well.. I suppose it is slightly odd... but it could happen. I mean, a lot of people share last names, right?" Hiroshi stared at her, as she explained about her family. Weird.. cause his father had an ex-wife. "Oh well, I keep my father's last name, not sure who my mother was though.. I only saw a picture of her, so I'm not sure what kind of person she is." He looked down at the table, sighing silently. He didnt mind not knowing about his mother, nor did he really care. "I guess we have some things in common." Hiroshi pointed out.


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Riku chewed on his finger for a second thinking then turned digging through his bag in search of his schedule. he finally pulled out a sketch book and tweaked out a peice of computer paper with many things typed on it.'' next class is......gym i think?'' he said furrowing his brows and leaning into his paper trying to read closer, as if it would make him understand.

As soon as he looked up to ask Sakii if he was right, he was knocked in the back of the head by a flying lesson book. he tumbled face forward and let out a yelp as his face hit the floor. he sat up and rubbed his face.'' if only i had good balance.'' he sighed and picked up his schedule and stood up looking at Sakii.'' Sorry you had to see that.'' he said a light blush on his cheeks.


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Sakii was probably one of the most patient people on Earth because he could wait and wait and not once feel irritation towards the action. There was always something to keep him distracted from the task so that he ended up doing it without really knowing. One time he'd waited two hours for his friend to show up at a book store and instead of getting frustrated he'd merely drowned himself in four different books. Which was why he calmly waited for Riku to get his schedule and tell him what he had. When he heard what class it was a slight flick registered in his mind as he tried to solve the quickest route between the gym and his science class.

Suddenly Riku dropped and before he could scramble to help the other was already getting to his feet. "Great rebound," he thought. He loved when people blushed because he always thought it was adorable. The rouging of pale cheeks was especially cute because Sakii himself barely flushed red with any emotions. Embarrassment? He bit down on his lip. Anger? He clenched his hands into fists. Nervousness? He tugged at his ponytail. The only time he ever blushed was when Kaoru started uttering those stupid words that made Sakii want to punch a whole in the guy's chest.

"Don't worry about it. I don't know what fucker would throw a textbook," he stated as he gave a light smile. "So, since you have gym all you have to do is go down that hallway over there." Sakii pointed to a hallway at their right and then soon after jerked his thumb to a hallway that was on their left. "I have science right now. After class meet me here again and I'll show you to your next class kay?" He stuffed his hands into his jeans' pockets and gazed down at his shirt giving a tsk when he noticed the first two had come undone. He was too lazy to fix it though and instead looked back at his look a like for an answer or recognition of his offer.


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Michaline nodded. "Mom never talks about my dad. She won't answer any of my questions either. Either way, I suppose it doesn't matter. So, you said you saw a picture of your you mind if I asked what she looked like?"