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Maysilee Leonhardt

"Oh, love.... Would you like a cup of tea?" {Just history to do on CS...}

0 · 701 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “Abstract”, originally authored by KOKIA, as played by RolePlayGateway




A fight only stops when someone wins, darling.

Those Were The Days | Mary Hopkin
Vogel im Käfig | Cyua
Kuchizuke | BUCK-TICK

It does not matter what's on the outside....So stop worrying.


☤ General Information ☤

⌈Full Name⌋
Maysilee Elizabeth Leonhardt
"Pleasure to meet you."

| May | Lee | Leon | Sisi | Ms. Classy |
"Feel free to make one up yourself, dear."

⌈Hyeon/Unmei Name⌋
"That's me."

"I do hope you do not go around and ask ladies that everyday!"

"Now I do not know if you are joking or not!"

"You are turning out to be quite rude!"

Leader of the Poison Cage
"I'm good enough to be a leader, believe it or not!"

Poison Cage
"You seem more kind now. Enough with the silly questions from now on. Alright?"

British {1/4 German, 3/4 British}
"Did you not guess that before?"

⌈Face Claim⌋
Yakumo Yukari | Touhou
"I've been told I look like this mysterious, beautiful person~"

You shouldn't judge someone's capabilities by their appearance.


☤ Appearance ☤

⌈Height & Weight⌋
5'6" (168cm) & 108lbs (48kg)
"I refuse to answer anymore of your questions if you keep acting like this!"

⌈Hair color/Length/Quality⌋
A unique colour of blonde. It can sometimes even appear a green colour when in the sunlight. It is very thick, seeing as May can only put little accessories in her hair without tangling it up. Her hair is past her mid-back; almost reaching to her waist.
"I like to take care of my hair...It's important, hon...."

⌈Eye color⌋
May is said to have 'Elizabeth Taylor' eyes. They are actually a very deep blue, but appear a dark purple or violet colour. They have hints of gold and red in them too.
"Well, I hate to brag..."

⌈Distinguishable Facial Features⌋
May has a beauty mark on her upper right thigh and a few specks of soft freckles on her nose.
"Too much sunlight can lead to freckles!"

May has no birthmarks that she knows of, and cringes if tattoos or piercings are even said. It has always been a big NO when it comes to tattoos or piercings...and she wish she could say the same about scars...but she can't. She has retrieved a few scars on her body over the years; some from accidents in her childhood and some from accidents in fights.
"Sorry, love. I'm not flawless...Although I may appear to be."

⌈Physical Description⌋
Head up, back straight. Head up, back straight. That has always been the thing on May's mind as she walks around in her daily life. Her back is always straight to show off her 5'6" stature and busty curves. Her chest is slightly...bigger...then the average. Some goes for her hips. This all makes May's waist appear small. Her body is shaped like an hourglass; a thing lots of women fight to achieve.

Although, she'd like to say she is perfect in all places, but she is not. Her ivory skin colour is pale and really looks like it needs more sun, seeing as May hides under her fancy umbrellas all day. She wears shades of pink for blush so it at least looks like she has some colour in her cheeks. Her body is usually hid under stylish dresses that go back to the 1930s; although she hates wearing anything too extreme. She is, however, always seen wearing her 'Maids Hat' that is completing with a thin red ribbon on the front.

Her hair is a light blonde colour, sometimes appearing green as much as she hates it. She has bangs covering her forehead area in the front and thick hair that falls down in waves to her waist in the back. She will sometimes keep her hair up, but she sees that as too much work and usually just puts little accessories in it like bows and clips.

Although, she does have quite a face. Her eyes are described as being seductive and her lips and equally the same. However, she hates it when people call her "sexy" or "hot". She hates those words to no end, thinking they are unnecessary and inappropriate. She would much rather be called "beautiful" or "pretty" like any other girl, but she knows not to ask for too much.

"Is that enough description for you, dear?"

[color=#choice of color]❝Quote❞[/color]


☤ Mentality ☤

Fiddling with her fingers when nervous|| When May is nervous or excited, her fingers just seem to have the need to do something. So, she'll make up a little hand game in her head and play around with her fingers to pass the time.
Humming|| Always humming. 24/7. Whether she's just sitting at home doing nothing, or at work She likes to hum her favourite tones and songs a lot. Sometimes she hardly notices that she's even doing it.
Twirling her umbrella around|| Since May almost always has umbrella up and out, she usually twirls the handle around and spins it when she is happy or in a conversation.

"Yes. That's about it..."


♥ Tea
♥ Unique Weapons
♥ Cats
♥ Attractive People
♥ Folk Songs/Lullabies

"There is much more!"


Polyglotism|| May has gained the knowledge of memorizing multiple languages. She can speak English, French, German and she is fluent in Japanese.
Tai Chi|| May has self-taught herself how to fight...without weapons and only using her legs and fists. Well, she doesn't really use her fists. She more uses her kicking skills.
Seductive|| She just has a way with the guys...and sometimes the same gender. She can use this advantage to get people to do what she wants and when she wants it. It more or less helps her
Flexibility|| Having a petite figure, she is able to move faster then most and stretch around with her limbs.

"You're making me brag again, love."


Dancing|| No, not that funky dancing everybody does these days, but the more slow, classic dancing is what she likes doing from time to time with someone.
Kicking Things|| It doesn't really matter what she kicks or where she is, she'll suddenly just have the urge to start training and encouraging her fighting skills.
Writing Poetry|| Although she hates to share and wouldn't ever let anyone read what she writes, she does have a liking for poems and poetry itself.

"Why do you want to know this? Are you planning on asking me out?"


✖ Coffee
✖ Simple Fashion
✖ Today's Generation
✖ Big Weapons
✖ People who tease her

"I could probably write a book about this, hon."


Suffocation|| She hates the thought of not being able to breathe. Even if it's just for a second. She is also quite claustrophobic too...seeing as she thinks there is not enough air to go around.
Fire|| Nope, not for her. She can't even take feeling the heat of a fire without the thought of burning up. Also explains why she hates going outside in the sun...
Dark Places|| She doesn't like the dark. It terrifies her to no end. May always sleeps with a lamp on.

"Don't you go using these against me now."


Lacks Strength|| Although her kicks may do some serious damage, she is not very strong when it comes to hitting or pushing someone away.
Pure|| May is quite...pure. She can't even look at naked statues without cringing and running away. Some people may find this very annoying. It's kind of ironic...considering her personality.
Clumsy|| She can keep her feet on the ground when fighting but can't really do that when she isn't in a fight. She falls down the stairs probably five times a day...her choice of clothing not helping her much either...

"Are you going to tease me now?"


⌛ She has no idea who or where her older brother is.
⌛ She can get very emotional...even though she seems like the person who wouldn't. She usually just runs off to her room and cries.
⌛ She is not very good at building weapons... although she tries her best...

"They are not secrets anymore now."


|| Kind || Optimistic || Sneaky || Stubborn ||
|| Flirtatious || Cunning || Funny || Determined ||

The whole world is truly a game in May's eyes. In fact, she doesn't really give a damn about what happens. She just wants to be apart of it. She isn't a serious person at all, which can sometimes annoy the people around her...But do you think she gives a flying shit? No. Because the whole world is simply a game.

Like her outer appearance, May appears to be quite nice and innocent. She tends to be able to get people to do what she wants them to do with her "seductive looks". At a first meeting, she is very kind and lady-like and will speak only kind words...But boy, wait until you really know her.

She can appear selfish and stuck-up...along with childish. In every fight and argument, she always has a playful smirk on her face and sees her opponent as another "toy to play with". Although she acts childish and like she doesn't give a crap, she can be quite strong when in a fight. Her determination is really what helps her succeed through anything.

Some would describe May as "having a loose screw" or a "brat that should be in bed by now" but May just sees herself as a girl who just wants to have some fun with the world. Whether that's fooling around or killing everyone off.

[color=#choice of color]"Character Thought"[/color]

"Getting personal, are we?

☤ Background ☤

⌈Romantic Interest & Relationship History⌋
Answer Here
"Character Thought"

⌈Most Precious Person⌋
Answer Here
"Character Thought"

Name || Age || Role in Family|| Character's Thought on Them
Name || Age || Role in Family|| Character's Thought on Them (continue this format for more family memebers)

[color=#choice of color]"Character Thought"[/color]

Answer Here
[color=#choice of color]"Character Thought"[/color]

"Now, now...I'm called "Snake" for a reason...

☤ Other ☤


| Love Bite | ~ Ever heard of an Inland Taipan snake? No? Well, I'll explain them to ya'. It's venom, drop for drop, is by far the most toxic of any snake in the world – much more so than even sea snakes. Unlike most snakes, the inland taipan is a specialist mammal hunter so its venom is specially adapted to kill warm-blooded species. It is estimated that one bite possesses enough lethality to kill at least 100 full grown men, and, depending on the nature of the bite, it has the potential to kill someone in as little as 30 to 45 minutes if left untreated. It is an extremely fast and agile snake which can strike instantly with extreme accuracy, and it envenoms in almost every case.

Wow, and you thought a rattlesnack was scary. Imagine getting bit by one of these things? Well, our lovely May here, possesses the same abilities of this deadly snake.

One bite and you might as well say goodbye to your soul. May is able to kill someone just by biting them...just like the snake. It doesn't really matter where she bites on the human's only guaranteed that you will die in the following 30 minutes. Small fangs slowly sharpen before May is about to chomp down so the venom can come out. If she is lucky to get close enough to her victim, of course.

[color=#choice of color]"Character Thought"[/color]

So begins...

Maysilee Leonhardt's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raffael Schinacher Character Portrait: Tsubaki Von Brandt Character Portrait: Nathan Knoblauch Character Portrait: Ishida Mitsunari Character Portrait: Amika K. Jordan Character Portrait: Hayden Car
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0.00 INK


Time | Unknown; One Week Ago
Location | Unknown

Tsubaki; woke to darkness. Her brow was covered in a film of sweat and there was a throbbing pain in her head. A liquid was running down the side of her head, but she already knew what it was. Blood. It wasn't much surprise, honestly she expected something of the sort. Trying to move her hands lead her to find that she was in fact tied to a chair. Using what little movement was available to her, she checked her back pockets. Still there. "What amateurs, they didn't even bother to check my pockets."she muttered. With effort, she was able to grab her pocket knife but it then immediately fell out of her hand.

Tsubaki let out a heavy sigh, though it wouldn't have helped even if she managed to keep her grip on the knife. She would still have no idea of where she was suppose to cut, given how dark it was. Her thoughts were soon cut off by the sound of a door creaking open. Tsubaki strained her ears to hear were the sound was coming from, but to no avail. Suddenly, she was blinded by a bright light shinning almost directly into her face. After her eyes adjusted she was able to see who was in front of her. Sayuri appeared with a huge grin on her face.

"Yo, you alright? You seem to be in a good amount of pain right now." Sayuri said as she chortled at her own sarcasm. "I'm fine, just hurry up and get me out of here, and how did you manage to get in here anyways?" Tsubaki barked back at her as she took off the now loose ropes from her wrists. "How do ya' think I got in here? I obviously hacked their security, which wasn't much of a feat to complete with my amazing skills." she asserted, giving Tsubaki one of her smug grins, which Tsubaki in turn just replied by rolling her eyes.

"How about you then? How do you keep getting yourself into these dumb situations all the damn time?" Sayuri questioned as they were now walking through the rather dark hallways of an unknown building. How do I keep getting myself into these situations you ask? Maybe being the leader of one of the strongest gangs in Tokyo has something to do with it." Tsubaki paused for a moment. "I don't know, what do you think?"

Time | 10:19 AM, September 12, 2054
Location | Central Tokyo, Tsubaki's Apartment

"Ya' know you still have that ugly bump from when you were hit over the head last weak right?" Sayuri stated then leaned over and tried to poke it, but Tsubaki snapped her jaws at finger and she immediately pulled back. "Yes I know, and think you for reminding me. Also, would you mind calling Lucia over for me, I have a favor to ask of her." Sayuri glared at her, "What do I look like to ya'? Your accountant?". Tsubaki just glared at her. "Fine Fine. I'll do it.

{Note: I went ahead and tagged everyone to notify them that the roleplay is starting.}


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maysilee Leonhardt
Tag Characters » Add to Arc »

0.00 INK

#, as written by KOKIA


"Tea, anyone?"

{ || Time || 10:25 AM, September 12, 2054 || }
{ || Location || Tokyo, A small pastry shop || }

"Love, that is by far the most ugliest thing I have ever seen. Make another, would you?"

May wasn't one to be making people keep doing certain tasks over and over again just for her pleasure...well, she sort of was in a way sometimes. But only sometimes. And watching this young man, sweat going down the side of his forehead just to make the lady happy, was priceless. She wasn't very picky when it came to pastries and how they looked, but this time it was different. Just to get anger out of people is what made May happy most of the time.

"But, ma'am, there is other customers and--"

"Nuh uh!" May interrupted and held her index finger up to silence the man. "Another one, if you please. This needs to be perfect." May whispered, only for the man to hear. She had her signature playful smirk on her face as she watched him turn back around to make the jelly pastry again. There was a huge line up behind May as well, about six other people waiting to give in their orders. But May didn't care.

Everyone else in line sighed heavily behind her, growing more and more impatient with May. May smiled and started playing with the tips of her long blonde hair that was being held up in a high pony tail by a thin, red ribbon. The ribbon matched along with her red dress, a dress, like many of her others, looking vintage. It was a plain red colour, short sleeves and tight around her waist and chest. It then flowed out to her knees from the hips. It was quite comfortable, and also matched along with the red lipstick she had on. She was mostly wearing all red today, along with her red flats that had somehow made their way off May's feet and she was now twirling them around on the floor with her toes. The only thing that wasn't red today was her fancy umbrella, which was a pale white in colour.

She has no idea how long she has been at the pastry shop. Maybe about a half an hour. But she could wait all day. The people behind her though, well, probably not. May leaned over on the front counter, her arms resting on the counter and her head being held up by her hand. Her other hand was playing around with the loose strands of her pony tail. That's when she felt a rather big hand on her small shoulder. It was placed gently on her shoulder, but now she heard the mans rasp and hard voice behind her and she knew that this was nothing like a gentle gesture.

"Hey, lady, there's a bunch of us in line here and waiting to take our orders. If you could just take the damn pastry and get out of here, that would be great." The older man said behind her after he removed his hand from her shoulder. May rolled her eyes before turning her body around to take a look at this man. He was older, quite a bit older, and a look of pure frustration was on his features. May glared at him before that smirk came back along to her.

"Excuse me, sir. But I am afraid your just going to have to wait your turn. I heard there is a wrinkle place down the street from here. It is surely to help fix up some of those wrinkles and blemishes on your face, hon. Maybe there will be a shorter line and less of a wait there." May replied as she turned her body around again to face the man that was almost done making her jelly pastry for about the tenth time. She swore she heard a faint snorted laugh behind her from someone else, and a surprised sound from the old man, but she waved her hand off, indicating that she didn't want to talk anymore.

After about five minutes or so, the young man was done making her pastry. He set it down on the counter with a brown napkin placed under it. And the man, who seemed so sweet and willing to do just about anything for anyone before, now had irritation on his face. May smiled down at the pastry then locked her violet eyes with the mans own green ones.

"Wow! Great job! This one looks perfect!--" May exclaimed happily before she was interrupted by the beeping noises of her alarm on her watch. May quickly looked down at her white watch strapped around her left wrist and her eyes widened in shock.

"10:30 already? My, my, I really must be going! Sorry for the annoyance. I think I wanted something else...but it's not coming to me now. Another time, maybe? May said with a smile to the man before picking up the pastry and turning to the older man behind her. "Here you are. My treat to you." May said as she put she jelly pastry in the mans hands. The man looked like he just about wanted to punch May in the face for making everyone wait for this girl just for her to run off. "It ought to brighten up your Either or is fine with me!" May hesitated while thinking before reaching up and patting the mans head full of grey hair.

May picked up her white umbrella and turned towards the front door and starting walking, passing people and chairs along the way. "Sayonara, everyone! We should do it again sometime!" May said happily and heard groans behind her from the people as she waved her hand goodbye and headed out the front door.

She opened up her umbrella and brought it up to cover her from the sun. That alarm, in fact, was to remind her to go to the Poison Cage hide out and finish some business she had there. She had no ideas if her other members would be there, but it didn't really matter to her. It was still a little early in the morning. But for May, is was practically already mid-afternoon. She always got up early, no matter what day it was. And this pastry shop happens to be the only pastry shop that is open early around where May is...

So, May began making her way to the hide out, preferring to walk rather then to drive. In fact, she didn't really like driving. She'd rather have a nice walk on a nice, warm morning...

{ || Time || 10:35 AM || }