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0 · 779 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “Abstract”, as played by Renmiri



'When Rome's in ruins, we are the lions free of the coliseums;
In poison places, we are anti-venom, we're the beginning of the end.'

- Young Volcanoes, Fall Out Boy

☤ General Information ☤

⌈Full Name⌋

Nymeria White

White, Crazy Cat Lady, Meria; or whatever else you could think of.

⌈Hyeon/Unmei Name⌋


Member, Free Spirit

Half Japanese, half Canadian; the latter bit is from her father.

⌈Face Claim⌋
Misc. artworks by 仮名

When in doubt, think later and run the fuck away.


'Hello, my old heart; it's been so long since I've given you away.
(And every day I add another stone
to the walls I built around you, to keep you safe.'

- Hello, My Old Heart; The Oh Hellos

☤ Appearance ☤

⌈Height & Weight⌋

Nymeria is about 5'9" and weighs a completely un-athletic 130 pounds.
⌈Hair color/Length/Quality⌋
A carelessly maintained jet black mane that falls somewhere around the middle of her back.

⌈Distinguishable Facial Features⌋
⌈Eye color⌋
Very dark brown, practically black.

Tattoos & Scars|| Nymeria's tattoo and scars are conveniently located at the same place: along the length and inside of her left forearm. A prior accident caused a long, jagged scar to appear from her wrist to almost her elbow, and it was later on in her life that she had a wolf inked over it. Her street name probably has some links back to this tattoo (she didn't come up with it, Direwolf just caught on by itself one day). Her hands and feet have tiny scars from her many rowdy cats as well, if that counts.

Piercings|| Given how her ears are littered with studs at any moment, Nymeria evidently has a few piercings-- she has three on the rim and one on the lobe on both ears.

⌈Physical Description⌋
While Nymeria has a pretty distinct profile (thankfully, she managed to inherit her father's 'tall' gene), this kid most definitely is not particularly intimidating-- she's kind of a soft one, in terms of first impressions. Perhaps it has something to do with her 'slacker' and careless way of dress, or the fact that she has very little muscle to speak of, but either way Nymeria sells herself easy; not difficult to approach at all and, by extension, typically doesn't raise people's guards often. This trait is very much the reason why she's a superstar with any and all animals, besides the fact that she loves them all, and also behind the straightforward, effortless way that she makes friends; in addition to her easygoing attitude when you actually start talking to her.

In terms of clothes and the like, Nymeria has a habit of wearing whatever she sees first, and then coordinating the rest of her outfit accordingly. So it would be as normal to see her in a skirt one day as it would for her to be in sweats/loose shirts the next (both of which there is an example of in the image above). Nowadays, as default she'll go for loose, comfortable things much like what is on the right.

There's nothing wrong with nope-ing right out of a shitty situation. It's called a tactical withdrawal.


'I'm just as fucked up as they say, I can't fake the daytime (found an entrance to escape into the dark),
Got false lights for the sun, it's an artificial nocturne (it's an outsider's escape from a broken heart).'

- Artificial Nocturne, Metric

☤ Mentality ☤


Animal/Cat Magnet || Nymeria takes care of a few cats at home, but when outside all kinds of animals flock around her. It's almost clockwork, but it has nothing to do with the supernatural. They really just love her, and she them.
Messiness || This kid can be a disaster zone if not told off/managed properly. She's a bit of an airhead and rarely remembers to clean by herself in any context, to the disgust of the average obsessive compulsive friend.
Walking Encyclopedia || For someone who doesn't care much for the educational system, Nymeria sure reads a lot of non-fiction. She knows a lot of weird/random things, and will usually have a book on some kind of Useful Information with her.
Warmth-induced Sleepiness || If the weather's up for a bright and sunny day, you'll probably find Nymeria crashing somewhere. She'll be drowsy and sluggish when awake, and is prone to acting grumpy/uncooperative when forced to work.

⌈Likes⌋ ⌈Dislikes⌋
♥ All kinds of animals, notably cats. Especially cats. Physical exertion; running, fighting, etc. ✖
♥ Warm days, so she can sleep in peace. All forms of pain, too ✖
♥ Learning and reading, particularly things that she can use for survival. Might as well say Unmei's, because pain and physical exertion. ✖
♥ Music, playing her guitar/bass or just listening (it has a calming effect on her). Politics, having to wade through complicated & tension-filled waters ✖
♥ Naturally sweet foods; fruits, vegetables, and smoothies. Being hunted, stalked, challenged to a fight, etc. ✖
♥ Freedom and Free Spirit, the idea of 'Mind over Matter'. Also any large commitments to people, being tied down to a cause, etc. ✖


Survivalist || Nymeria's pretty great when it comes to self-preservation, and knows enough to get by when stranded without help. She's also fairly level-headed, capable of thinking on her feet, and able to talk her way out of things.
Networking || As mentioned before, this kid is pretty easy to get to know; and it carries to meet many people that way. Suffice it to say that she knows a fair number of Hyeons, and has a steady web from which to gather information; with a fairly reputable reputation otherwise.
In the use of Telekinesis || Like most in Free Spirit, Nymeria made her name not from sheer power, but by becoming extremely proficient with her ability. It's a talent.
Fast Learner || It isn't particularly difficult for Nymeria to learn new things, as long as it doesn't involve exercise. She picks things up quickly (gaming, music, etc).
Animal Superstar || As mentioned before, Nymeria has a certain touch with animals-- it's easy for her to care for and befriend them. Yeah, this is a thing.

⌈Hobbies⌋ ⌈Flaws⌋
Cats, Etc. || She likes to play with her cats. What can I say? Physically weak; very reliant on her ability in a fight ✘
Music || She owns a guitar and a bass, sometimes she performs on the streets. Tends to over-extend herself, does not have or follow limits ✘
Reading || Without cats or music, Nymeria will probably be buried in a book. Inherent pacifist; she has no problem fighting, but will always hesitate before a kill ✘

⌈Fears⌋ ⌈Secrets⌋
✘ Unmei's; specifically, killing/fighting a turned gang member that she used to know. Nymeria is an orphan, with no connection to or desire to know her true family. ⌛
✘ Attachment; becoming close with someone knowing the risk of death. Her apparent fear of death and hesitation. ⌛
✘ Death; watching people get killed in her vicinity and realizing her uselessness. She has a habit of saving injured strays and taking care of them (her cats). ⌛

And perhaps a long time ago...
'I could fight the flow and tug of war the undertow,
but I’d never not ever succeed.
So when you’re out to sea, I hope you think of me.'

- Dear River, Kina Grannis

|| Easy-going || Perceptive || Empathetic || Calm/Mellow ||
|| Logical || Transparent || Consistent || Self-Sacrificing ||

For an orphaned kid with measures of abandonment and commitment issues, Nymeria is surprisingly compassionate-- typically somewhat selfless and willing to extend herself. There is little that she wouldn't do (granted that she can, and that it is safe for her to do so) for a random stranger or, more often, an abandoned, half-dead cat; which is to say that she cares, and is easily open-mindedly accepting of most people. Perhaps this is why she so effortlessly attracts the public, and those who are broken (although it isn't as though she's not fractured herself) -- Nymeria doesn't really try to understand it. She adopts a fairly laid-back and unambitious attitude towards life, the type to be affected by things rather than active alternative, and is similarly calm and relaxed towards others; kind of the sort that most tend to like, but wouldn't particularly want to be.

Ironically enough, however, you'll find that she's deathly afraid of attachment and all the associated feelings involved; yet remains to jump into all sorts of unnecessary things given the opportunity to do so. She's perceptive and empathetic towards everyone that she meets, aware of boundaries and naturally able to read people, but is definitely not in tune with herself and cannot hide or work under an ulterior motive (Nymeria's not even opaque, she's downright transparent). As much as she is a realist and a logical little shit, she's inherently in denial of her own emotional shortcomings and (some) flaws; especially when she feels as though she has to prove herself (she will not admit that her hesitation can be a liability on the field and fights anyway). At the core Nymeria is, although resourceful, soft. She is an unwitting pacifist that does not appreciate fighting and cannot truly kill, exceedingly unprepared for the hell that is to come; yet is idealistically obligated to help and protect others (the same moral code that allows her to save stray animals).

While Nymeria is more of a diplomat than a soldier, it isn't to say that she won't fight-- she has her pride, for her gang and for herself, but knows perfectly well when to retreat. She's certainly not brave, though not a coward, and keeps her head better than most (suffice it to say that many suspect that her patience is endless), a fairly reliable friend to have in the end. Being the terrible liar that she is, she can be depended on to always tell the harsh reality as it can be seen. As mentioned before, Nymeria is an orphaned child-- she has always been independent and forced to act on her own since her birth. It goes to follow that this kid could function without relying on anyone, a survivalist more than anything; albeit the fact that she can be a bit airheaded and somewhat dense when it comes down to mundane things (keeping a clean, uncluttered apartment, cooking, etc). But while she can be self-sufficient, she's learned that keeping a network of contacts/friends is far more productive and efficient than should she be on her own.

To most people, Nymeria is relatively charismatic and easy to talk to or work with. She tends to thrive in casual environments and possesses a fairly civil kind of humour (sarcastic, but not especially cutting or offensive). Besides the exception of close friends, this kid remains to be an outgoing individual that rarely expresses her own personal weaknesses or problems (outwardly strong and somewhat unshakable); very independent in that respect, but able to seek out and rely on certain people should she need to. There is little, outside of her fears, able to make Nymeria speechless, off-kilter, or terrified-- so when she is any of these things, it's fairly noticeable and definitely a big deal. But otherwise, that's really just about it.


☤ Background ☤

⌈Romantic Interest & Relationship History⌋
None as of yet.

⌈Most Precious Person⌋
Herself, but definitely subject to change.

?? || ?? || Father || Nymeria has no idea who her parents are, and has no need to know. There's nothing here.
?? || ?? || Mother || Same as with her biological father, Nymeria has absolutely nothing to do with her mother.

Art belongs to Apofiss.


(She'd read about Pompeii, once.

The foster child of Rome, a molten city of ash and rock abandoned by the flow of time. It had been beautiful, they'd said, perfectly preserved in stone and caught in the moment of death. Pompeii is now a popular Italian tourist attraction, a ghost of what was and everything it had tried to be.

She wonders if the twenty thousand souls had ever left, if six feet of pumice had kept them there for over a thousand years. She thinks that the world must be cruel, to disturb that which sleeps, and how all children must want and lose but surely never receive.)


I don't know what I can change, I'm not really here for that. If this is where the wind takes me, then this is where I'll be.

☤ Other ☤


So begins...

Nymeria's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raffael Schinacher Character Portrait: Tsubaki Von Brandt Character Portrait: Nathan Knoblauch Character Portrait: Ishida Mitsunari Character Portrait: Amika K. Jordan Character Portrait: Hayden Car
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Time | Unknown; One Week Ago
Location | Unknown

Tsubaki; woke to darkness. Her brow was covered in a film of sweat and there was a throbbing pain in her head. A liquid was running down the side of her head, but she already knew what it was. Blood. It wasn't much surprise, honestly she expected something of the sort. Trying to move her hands lead her to find that she was in fact tied to a chair. Using what little movement was available to her, she checked her back pockets. Still there. "What amateurs, they didn't even bother to check my pockets."she muttered. With effort, she was able to grab her pocket knife but it then immediately fell out of her hand.

Tsubaki let out a heavy sigh, though it wouldn't have helped even if she managed to keep her grip on the knife. She would still have no idea of where she was suppose to cut, given how dark it was. Her thoughts were soon cut off by the sound of a door creaking open. Tsubaki strained her ears to hear were the sound was coming from, but to no avail. Suddenly, she was blinded by a bright light shinning almost directly into her face. After her eyes adjusted she was able to see who was in front of her. Sayuri appeared with a huge grin on her face.

"Yo, you alright? You seem to be in a good amount of pain right now." Sayuri said as she chortled at her own sarcasm. "I'm fine, just hurry up and get me out of here, and how did you manage to get in here anyways?" Tsubaki barked back at her as she took off the now loose ropes from her wrists. "How do ya' think I got in here? I obviously hacked their security, which wasn't much of a feat to complete with my amazing skills." she asserted, giving Tsubaki one of her smug grins, which Tsubaki in turn just replied by rolling her eyes.

"How about you then? How do you keep getting yourself into these dumb situations all the damn time?" Sayuri questioned as they were now walking through the rather dark hallways of an unknown building. How do I keep getting myself into these situations you ask? Maybe being the leader of one of the strongest gangs in Tokyo has something to do with it." Tsubaki paused for a moment. "I don't know, what do you think?"

Time | 10:19 AM, September 12, 2054
Location | Central Tokyo, Tsubaki's Apartment

"Ya' know you still have that ugly bump from when you were hit over the head last weak right?" Sayuri stated then leaned over and tried to poke it, but Tsubaki snapped her jaws at finger and she immediately pulled back. "Yes I know, and think you for reminding me. Also, would you mind calling Lucia over for me, I have a favor to ask of her." Sayuri glared at her, "What do I look like to ya'? Your accountant?". Tsubaki just glared at her. "Fine Fine. I'll do it.

{Note: I went ahead and tagged everyone to notify them that the roleplay is starting.}


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Lissette Imorian
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Renmiri


Time | 9:30 AM
Location | Tokyo, Misc. Shopping District

"As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I take a look at my life and realize there's nothin' left, cause I've been blasting and laughing so long that even my mama thinks that my mind is gone."

"But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it--" Like one pixie of Lissette Imorian's would correctly suggest an hour from now, Nymeria was indeed performing at some random street corner. That is, currently rapping in an acoustic rendition of 'Gangsta's Paradise' that, by the looks of the bill that someone just threw into her open guitar case, was quite handsomely paying for her cats' dinner, 'Although it's not as if they're not spoiled enough already. Damn it Sherlock, learning how to pull at my heartstrings!' It was a bleary enough morning, slow that sometimes a person or two stopped to listen, but sluggish in terms of traffic; a given, she supposed, with the time, and the fact that the entire show was basically meant to be a spontaneous distraction on her part.

Long story short, she'd been wanting to get her mind off of something, a persistent tugging that felt suspiciously like responsibility, and had brought out her guitar in an attempt to get rid of some of the stress. Which, evidently, was not working quite so well as she'd hoped-- 'Damn it, went sharp there, fuck--' needless to say. It had started sometime the day before, the concern ('Oh, so that's what this is. Concern.'), perhaps when Lizz had went and made Free Spirit her own; a move that hadn't been, Nymeria could admit, particularly surprising. She, of all people, knew well enough what that wicked streak of her friend's could do; and the gang itself had been scattered to begin with since their leader had disappeared, without a trace, weeks ago. Under the threat of the Unmei, members were desperate for someone to follow (what Kyutona was doing not withstanding). Some, enough so to accept a stranger as head. Or, well, technically not entirely, Lizz had come with Nymeria's recommendation.

"--Tell me why are we so blind to see, that the one's we hurt are you and me."

She closed with a flourish and a bow, packing up whatever meager earnings she had and throwing her guitar over her shoulder. Knowing the source of the problem (yeah, she's usually that dense about it) made it obvious what to do next; to return to Headquarters, if that was where Lizz still was. If she knew her friend at all, it might be a good idea to be there as a buffer-- if anything, to see if anyone was dissatisfied with the overnight change in command. It would be naive, she thought, to think that there would be no one; Nymeria just hoped that there wouldn't be another ineffective coup. The Unmeis were enough of a threat, they didn't need infighting added into the mix. 'Or, well. We'll just have to roll with it.'

Time | 11:00 AM
Location | Free Spirit Headquarters

It took, predictably, over an hour to reach Headquarters-- what with the place being in the outskirts, and the fact that she stopped every so often to disperse (or really, play with) the animals that gathered around her. (Nymeria was a slave to those masses, if anything.) As usual, there weren't particularly a large number of members hanging about the area, though she waved and made small talk with the few, but there was a fairly conspicuous makeshift room off to the side. 'And if it wasn't there yesterday, then it must be Izzy's. Though from the way people are avoiding it...' She ran a hand through her hair, cringing a little at the idea that her friend might have scared another member again, and muttered somewhat fondly; "Wouldn't be Izzy if she didn't." With that, Nymeria shooed off the small bird that had settled on her shoulder, knocked twice at the door, and gave her customary "Hey Izzy, it's me. Comin' in." before entering the room (assuming it was an all clear to do so).

"Hey. Staying out of trouble, I see." She good-naturedly cocked an eyebrow at her friend and smiled at the tiny entourage, coming over to greet them after settling down her guitar against a wall. "Hey, guys. Doing good? Keeping that one," Nymeria pointed at Izzy, "in check for me?"

Time | 11:10 AM
Location | Free Spirit Headquarters


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Knoblauch Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Lissette Imorian
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Quelle

Yesterday, 21:00 PM
Location unknown


Nathan found himself, lying on hard and cold asphalt, cornered in the darkness and covered with a strong metallic smelling liquid. It wasn't as if this was the first time. In fact, Nathan was used to it by now, having go through this for years. Bathing in blood so extravagantly while surrounded by dead bodies he never even met before as also the headache which he caught every time afterwards, exhaustion and dizziness. Everything which seemed to be agony before turned to triviality. A triviality, that lately became such a hassle. More and more Unmeis showed themselves, made Nathan's other personality turn its switch on almost restless, hunting Unmeis down as though a competition going on. Like a mad man, dashing through the streets only had one single purpose. Never even wanting to think of how much humans he killed in the process.

With wobbly legs he helped himself up by dragging himself up on the wall and stayed there for a couple of minutes, panting. Every time he was the mad man, he'll use every inch of his body to its fullest and therefore completely exhaust himself afterwards. It wasn't a weakness, rather, like a secret weapon. But how Nathan is tired out so much, he won't last long even for his physic. It was forestalled that he'll break himself with what most of the people called his state of mind "The Joker". A weapon only showed up in critical situations and turned all the cards back to the unpredictable outcome, even plan a counterattack. That was Nathan or "The Bard" like he was called in the Free Spirit. It was a wondrous thing he was accepted though, as one: he hadn't such a hold on his power unlike the others and two: riddles were for sure not his piece of cake. Only one thing he had in common with the most of the members: The love for music. Perhaps that was why he was accepted in the first place, or just the fact that Free Spirit needed more members, Nathan didn't know. He even couldn't care less either way.

Darkness, everywhere he went. With every, heavy and slow step he made, the sound will be echoed on the wall, turned back to his ear louder and louder. Another sound was there, in the emptiness of the darkness: Water. Pouring and splattering. His breath. Heavy breath, panting like crazy. Everything flew into his ear while he walked, every noise, even if it was as quiet as the breath of a spider. Anxiety aroused. Biting his tongue to think of the positive, he finally caught a glimpse of light and slowly approached it with extreme delight, literary dragged him out of the building he was in with the last bit of his power. There, he slumped down his knees. And fell into a deep sleep.

Today, 9:00 AM
Nathan's apartment

It was at 8 AM he woke up, surrounded by humans with a guard uniform who were found dead few hours after he left. He knew, it was his doing, it was obvious. No Unmeis would have killed their victim so beautifully by only slicing through the necessary, never adding any more injuries or critical wounds for amusement. Water pattered down on his naked body, cleaning him from the blood but never from the sin he had committed. Perhaps, it was a good thing. He can reflect upon what he had done, even though only for few minutes.

Currently, Nathan was within his private walls, sneaked inside it from the window as he found the thought of walking in from the front door unpleasant, while he was still covered with blood from unknown individuals. Yes, in such time, a hot bath was always the best. Stopping the water current in the shower, he stepped inside the bath already filled with hot water and foam he loved so much. Even the little gummy duck was already inside, made Nathan lightly laugh and uttered with relief: "You always know how to swing my mood back up, do you?" Then Nathan leaned back, closed his eyes and just enjoyed the luxury. After this he'll go to the headquarters, yes, after this. After this...

Today, 11:10 AM
Free Spirit Headquarters

New day, new luck.

After Nathan took a whole hour to dry his hair, he went down to the streets. And so like everyday, he greeted everyone he met. The nice grandma from the neighbourhood, the dog from the grand house, the beautiful lady in the flower shop, the grocery shop owner even the little kids who played on the playground. Nathan almost knew them all, even though merely their appearance and name. Soon he reached the headquarters. He chose his apartment in a location so that he only had to walk to arrive at the Free Spirit Headquarters, nothing that was done by coincidence. By pure chance some of the residence had to move away and therefore with ease he found himself a place to stay. Of how he claimed enough money is to leave unanswered. "Good morning, everyone!" He greeted with a polite smile like always, lightly bowed his head to every person he met. It was only a matter of time where he also noticed both Lissette and Nymeria. Both giving off a rather similar aura to them, a "hard to approach" kind, made them one of the most stick out members from all. For Nathan, it wasn't such a bad thing. At least, if they're such treasures for the strength of the gang or like Nathan called it "interest group".

"Good morning, Lissette, Nymeria. You both noticed anything unusual aside from the increasing number of Unmeis?" It was one of those 'by-the-way' questions, those who were meant only to start a conversation. Nathan knew little to nothing of Lissette, as she was the new recruit. Perhaps, she wasn't as scary as the others said she is? Nathan was curious.