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Lady Gwen

"I am not an Elf!"

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a character in “Across the Wilds”, as played by Vix


“Call me "Elf" one more time and you shall soon discover why I am called Lady Death.”

Gwilwîlethien Legon Dîneien.

By those who are incapable of speaking her native tongue, she is known as Lady Gwen. Those who are capable of pronouncing it call her by Lady [of] Legon. Due to the astonishingly high amount of people who die in her forest by her doings, she is also known as Lady Death. Casually, she is addressed by her friends as Gwen.

Twenty. Or so she says. She is in fact nearly three hundred years old. [241]

She is quite heterosexual, planning to eventually bear children. Eventually.

She is a Nymph, born of Nature. Literally. Though she is often confused for an Elf by untrained eyes.

Gwilwîlethien is a famed Druid and the creator and ruler of Legon Forest, though she makes no coin from it. The coin that she does make comes from being a gypsy, though that's more of a lifestyle than an occupation. So, I suppose her occupation could be an entertainer. She goes into towns and dances and sings and does tricks for coin.

| Rain | Sweets | Wine | Nature | Illusions | Magic | Children | Gypsies | Tribute | Music | Singing | Dancing | Hunting | Sparring | Running | Legon Forest | Cooking | Being depended on | Talent | Training others | Being the best at what she does | Riding | Fishing | Relaxing | Loyalty | Druids | Fairies | Pixies | Being a Nymph | Healing | Her boys | Elves |

| Churches of mankind | Religious laws of mankind/God | Hunting for sport | Those who take from her forest without giving thanks | Those who abuse animals | Betrayal | Being lied to | Liver | Abusive parents | Cyrodil | Those who persecute gypsies | Seeing others in pain | Being doubted | Being called an Elf |

| Sparring | Singing | Dancing | Wandering through nature | Fletching arrows | Cooking | Hunting | Meditating | Running |

| Anuptaphobia | Soteriophobia | Taphephobia |


Skills and Abilities
Combat Expertise - No human can surpass her agility, flexibility, or stamina. She's as lithe and deadly in combat as any other despite her delicate appearance. She is the best marksman in all of Thralreth, none with better aim than she. While she prefers to kill from a distance, she is just as deadly up close. As a Druid, she has an in depth knowledge of the various uses of natural poisons as well as venoms and sedatives. She is quite stealthy and has the inborn ability to blend in with nature and travel through plants as well as draw from nature to heal others. She is also rather adept at reading and manipulating people to believing what she wants them to, especially men.

Nymph - It isn't magic, rather inborn abilities. While wizards and witches and other practitioners of magic must learn spells to commune with nature, she does not. She can commune with animals and plants as well as influence the growth and health of both plants and animals. She can form ponds and a variety of plants from the earth around her - Though she can also produce plants from her body. One of her most notable abilities is to transform into plants and travel through them as well as become a swirling mass of petals. She can also heal others by drawing on nature. She has enhanced senses, longevity, reflexes, agility, and endurance.

Survivalist - She is quite in tune with nature and has no trouble adapting to her surroundings. It's also a plus that she can communicate with animals effectively, manipulate the health and growth of plants, and spontaneously grow plants from her body or soil. She knows what's good to eat and what is dangerous and quickly makes note of the layout of the land she finds herself in. She's also rather adept at climbing - Whether its a tree, a stone wall, or a mountain, she knows how to find foot and handholds. She can travel through the trees swiftly, jumping and swinging from branches and vines with the skill of a squirrel.

Domestic Prowess - Outside of work, she is quite the singer and is master of the violin and pan flute. It isn't odd to find her serenading herself or anyone who'll listen. Dancing is one of her strongest skills, so much that she incorporates it in her fighting style to taunt her foes. Cooking is another skill she picked up over her time upon the earth and she enjoys it very much whether it's over an open fire or a brick oven.

Swordsmanship. For the life of her she cannot master swords in any form. She also has a form of the sugar sickness, requiring her to eat a lot of sweets or fruit every day. She cannot travel far unless she has packed enough candies and small cakes to sustain her sickness. Going too long without sugar in her system puts her into a catatonic state. While Nymphs are immune to the sicknesses and diseases of others, they are susceptible to magical sicknesses. Just as the plants and animals around her respond to her emotions and health, her body responds to the health of the earth around her. The sicker the earth is, the weaker and more depressed she gets.

Cunés - Her mighty tiger companion for nearly a century. She is the size of an adult horse.

Weapons - She likes variety and convenience. Always with her is her recurve, carved from a black yew and strung with a single hair from the mane of a unicorn. The bow itself is easily recognized as hers from the black wood it is carved of and the shimmering green and white symbols carved into the body of it. She also possesses a crossbow that is rather plain in nature, though it is riddled with runic carvings as well. Last but not least are her pointy things. A hunting knife and six throwing knives all specially made for her. Of course there's also her quiver and pouch with arrows and bolts.

Clothes - She is never without her cloak. She has only one outfit of cloth, meant for winter. She fashions her other clothes from leaves, vines, and petals. She does not often wear boots unless she is in an area of snow.

Long ago she gave up her ability to heal herself through nature's will so that she can heal greater illnesses and injuries in others. She's also incapable of healing from burns as quickly as others, taking weeks for it to fully heal even with the aid of medicines. She suffers from blind rage, becoming nigh unstoppable once she's on a war path for personal reasons no matter how detrimental it is to her, often having to be securely restrained. And once restrained, she is prone to self-destructive behavior such as scratching and biting herself. This is rare for her but does her a lot of damage.


{ Kind, Protective, Vindictive, Understanding, Fierce, Loyal, Spirited, Responsible }
For as long as she has lived, she has remained as constant as the cycle of life. She is a very sweet and thoughtful person who doesn't give much of an aggressive vibe when first looked upon. She's seen by many as a mother figure, having helped to raise so many of the people that she calls her friends/family now. If there is one thing that could never do, it is turn away a child. It could be considered a weakness of hers. Helping people is something that she's never been able to not do. She loved [WIP]

Let me tell you the story of the Spirit of Legon Forest.

Legon Forest was not always a forest. In fact it was once a desert, home to many gypsies that were unwelcome in many of the towns and cities outside of the desert, persecuted by the church of Mankind and its devout followers. In the very center of this desert was a tall tree unlike any other. The bark was as white as fresh fallen snow with swirls of peach and strawberry here and there, and smoother than a pebble from the bottom of a river, and it bloomed with leaves as black as Cyrodil's scales and flowers as green as the grass in Vura's Glade. This tree provided strange sweet pink fruits that bled with shimmering silver juices and every ax that was swung upon it would break, as would every blade that was driven into it. Within this camp was a young gypsy woman, leader of the Court of the Sun, Thralreth's gypsy society, named so for their desert home. Gilrin prayed for many years to have a child, unable to have her own. She was not barren nor was she unattractive. She just had high standards and no man seemed to meet them. It is said that Gwilwîlethien was born of her prayers one night as they celebrated.

It was a cold spring night when the air suddenly became warm and a soft breeze began to blow as the gypsies held their celebration at the base of the tree, ushering in the spring equinox. The air was filled with a hushed childlike laughter that bounced on the wind and seemed to come from everywhere yet nowhere, harmonizing with the various sounds of a trickling stream, birds chirping, leaves blowing in the wind, and wolves howling. The tree began to glow and tremble as the sand became soil and all around them grass sprung up with flowers and bushes and trees and vines. Rocks formed alongside areas of ground that began to sink in some places and rise in others and animals seemed to come from nowhere. It was a rare sight to behold, but all eyes were soon on the tree as a pond formed around its base, leaving the tree on a small island. Suddenly, the tree seemed to come alive as petals and leaves fell, stopping short of the ground and swirling around the tree. The very bark and wood seemed to come alive with a small, smiling figure. The tree began to shift and shrink, soon taking the form of a smiling child.

The female child looked very much like the tree; Her hair was as long as the tree was tall, blacker than oil, and smoother than silk. With her ruby red lips, mossy and bright eyes, pale complexion, and willowy frame, she looked like a large porcelain doll clothed in the leaves of the tree and crowned with its flowers and small chains of silver. She looked innocent and fragile, wiggling her pointed ears as she spoke. “I am Gwilwîlethien Legon Dîneien.” She seemed to glow like a star as she stepped over the small pond and into the grass, curling her little toes before giggling again. With her laughter did rain fall for the first time in centuries in that desert. Or what was once a desert.

Gilrin took the Nymph under her wing and raised the enchanting child as her daughter. She was a fast learner and the forest was named after her some short time later. Her mother soon received requests from the King and Queen of Thralreth for her to bring Gwen to them so that they might see her for themselves. Nymphs were a rarity and it was impressive that a desert became a bountiful forest in a single night at the birth of but a child from a tree. Gwen enjoyed getting entertaining royalty with the Court of the Sun, performing dances and singing. She would travel with her mother sometimes to the cities and villages to get nice things while the others would build their homes within the forest.

Gwen spent her time dancing and singing as well as competing in competitions testing marksmanship, taking to ranged combat like a fish to water. Her mother taught her to fight as well, though Gwen didn't know why. She was young and naïve and told her mother that she couldn't hunt an elk with her fists. That would be just plain strange! It was then that Gilrin told her daughter the dangerous forces that worked against the gypsies of Thralreth. Many of the Gypsies were practitioners of magic; usually of illusion and small fire manipulation. Others worshiped various deities. Others were just plain petty thieves and criminals who stole from the rich and greedy. And the women? They were quite known for their tempting dances and seductive clothing.

Most of Mankind just put up with other races that inhabited their Kingdoms. They weren't gypsies. Gypsies were heathens that Mankind just couldn't fully accept. For the religious humans, gypsies were a threat to their immortal souls. For other humans, gypsies were just reckless and foolish people who did nothing to contribute to society. Gwen asked why she wasn't treated badly when they went to towns. Gilrin told her that she was special. But Gwen began to pay attention to the way other gypsies were treated and a deep sense of distrust grew within her. She could never trust humans. Not fully. They had to earn it. Her hatred was furthered when men from a church in Grul came into the forest and began to attack the gypsies in the name of their god. They lost, but Gwen lost too. She lost her mother and many friends. The teenager grew angry and for many months, anyone who went into the forest did not come out. The King sought her out to see what was the matter, his people angry with him for doing nothing. He had sent guards to fetch her at first. But they were carried back into Ingotstone in the mouths of giant wolves. Dead. And so he went on his own to her.

She told him of what happened to her people and he immediately apologized for not knowing. In an attempt to make amends, he created a law that protected gypsies from such attacks. Anyone who attacked a gypsy unprovoked was to be thrown into the dungeons with other criminals. And while this pleased her, it only furthered her distrust for humans and she stopped interacting with them for the most part. She took over Gilrin's position as the Gypsy Queen, leading the Court of Legon. As time went on, many creatures and people began to migrate and move into her forest. At first she wasn't sure how to react – Should she kill them, make them leave, or let them be? She let them stay. Druids were welcomed into her forest with open arms along with gypsies. When Elves began to migrate to her forest after their own had been ravaged by Cyrodil, she welcomed them to rebuild their home within her trees.

In nearly three hundred years, she made plenty of friends. She watched as they came and went, helping to raise many of the people she knows now. She learned many things and passed on everything that she could to everyone who needed someone to teach them. She enjoyed being needed, as it gave her purpose in her long life. The gypsies were still looked down upon by many humans, but the attacks lessened and the number of people who tried to get to them through the forest dwindled. As time went on, she still retained a friendship with Thralreth's royal family. She was actually very close with the current queen and was heartbroken to hear about what had happened to her. When the King called on her to join her son and others on the quest to bring her back, she asked four of her close friends to join her.

♦Flowers reflecting the current season often bloom in her hair.
♦She is queen of Thralreth's gypsies.
♦Her eyes are green and her hair extends to her waist.
♦She raised Herne, Aeron, and Bellona.
♦Naturally immune to natural poisons and venoms.
♦She is capable of basic illusions.

Prince Adonis - She's known the Prince since he was but a child and was present when he was born. As he grew into a young man, she saw that many people began to look down upon him and compare him to his elder brother. Nobody really tried to stop and help him. Even if he would not be King, he would still have power in the land as the Prince. She felt a bit bad for him and would sit with him whenever she went to the palace. She wasn't afraid to smack him when he did something wrong and often paid more attention to him than his parents did, who seemed to be constantly absorbed with Septimus. She has a love/hate relationship with him and he's almost like a brother or a son to her. She cares for him and only wishes he would do better. She doesn't baby or pacify him though and says nothing when he gets put in his place so long as it is justified.
Bellona - She views Bellona as sort of a daughter after having spent quite a bit of time raising her. She doesn't approve of how the King treated her when she was a child nor of the way people who know what she is treats her now. She is fiercely protective of the young woman that she helped raise and has shown that she will kill someone for her safety. She is extremely proud of her for her strength and achievements. She always looks forward to when Bellona will get away from the castle to come spend time with Gwen in the forest.
Herne – She found Herne wandering the dangerous Wilds when he was a child and took him back to the safety of Legon Forest. It took a few weeks to earn his trust but he soon enough let her take him in. She taught him everything that she knew and did her best to raise him, though it was a bit difficult at times due to his stand-offish nature. She knew that he didn't really see her as a mother, but it was enough that he appreciated all that she did for him. Like with Bellona and Aeron, she is fiercely protective of him though she knows he's capable of handling his ownself. She doesn't dote on him as she often does Aeron, mostly because she knows he doesn't very much like it. Often times, she more treats him like a best friend rather than a son.
Callon -
Aeron - [TBA]
Alaine - [TBA]
Cassandra - [TBA]
Dwarf - [TBA]
O'Malley - [TBA]

So begins...

Lady Gwen's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taur Yamarak Character Portrait: Lady Gwen Character Portrait: Callon Agarwaenor Character Portrait: Aeron Gwyn Demyan Character Portrait: Alaine Rivers Character Portrait: Cassandra Castillon
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Taur relaxed against the wood at the sound of the bark, and lightly turned his head to a sight not often seen by the man; a wolf much larger than any he had ever seen was, for some reason, deciding to stand at the edge of the clearing for no apparent reason. It took him a while to deduce that the monstrocity was probably the werewolf that had been Bellona; Taur had only heard of werewolves in folklore from back home, and in whispering in the forest. According to the history he had accumulated, there were few werewolves left - apparently, there had been more when he was a pup, which had always confused him to no end. But it mattered not, the wolf was clearly focused on Herne, ready to hunt.

Taur turned back to see the Prince frozen in place, a bemused smirk coming to his eyes before speaking. ”You gunna drop your gear or are you too busy admiring the view?” It wasn't a loud comment, and he certainly had no need to put any form of bitterness or anger into the statement; it just came off as a light tease, maybe a bit rude if the context was seriously delved upon. Cassandra was the next to drop off her weaponry, the silence she gave him was only broken by the weaponry she dropped. In honesty, he enjoyed her style of approach the most; the silent acceptance of the fact that he would look at them, and the briskness of her posture. He could see himself enjoying somebody that appreciated silence; well, he also was quite eager to see the weapon that even to his hut rumors had been created. Apparently, it could harness the powers of the wind - whether or not that was true didn't matter, it meant an enchantment had been placed on the blade, and Taur was intrigued by its nature.

However, his intrigue was broken by the loud speech of his pupil, Aeron. He kept talking about a certain dagger that had been giving him troubles, and Taur huffed in annoyance. Already, a red flag had been raised simply because the man was coming towards him with the handle outstretched and with gloves on. However, Aeron was a crafty lad, so Taur knew that his warning signs may be wrong - maybe the kid was just trying to pull his leg. However, he knew he couldn't be too cautious around a fellow that was raised by a nymph. Raising his large hands, he gripped the knife with two fingers by the hilt and took it from his pupil's hand, to instantly notice that the hilt was a little odd; something greasy on it. ”Hm..” Taur turned away to examine the knife with the firelight, pensive until he understood that his hunches were always right. Turning back, he flung the knife toward the closest tree in a quick motion, and the dull thud of impact rang through his ears. ”Seems to be a little greasy around the hilt - must be your sweaty hands again, Aeron. No wonder you're wearing gloves.” Taur gave his pupil a sideways glance, guessing that within a few minutes his fingers would start to redden with irritation; the boy was a crafty lad after all, even if a little too much so.

After giving Aeron another stare of annoyance - his fingers were beginning to become irritated, and he hated the fact that he had been duped - before turning to the weaponry on the ground. Reaching not far, Taur grabbed the blade he assumed to be the mortal one, and began to unsheath it. It's clear steel caught the fire and reflected its light as he tilted the blade during its unsheathing. Every inch was examined until the blade was fully unclothed, shimmering in the firelight; if Taur had been anything other than a dwarf, he probably would have been blinded after a few tilts of the blade. Make no mistake, the craftsmanship was quite well done, and he found himself giving a grunt following a stern nod. ”Good blade. Well polished and taken care of.” Taur continued to tilt the blade until he moved to the hilt, and then back again. He began to spin it, testing its weight all while continuing the assessment. ”Weight's good. The angles throughout are odd, but it is still a good blade for a human smith. Although...” He began to slow down the swings until he came to the connection between the blade and the hilt, staring at it annoyingly - something was bugging him about it, and he wouldn't stop staring until it came to him. ”Connection between the blade and the sword could be better - it will survive against many things, but it may come loose against opponents that are harder than steel.” He began to sheath the blade as he concluded his speech. ”Can't do anything for it, though - I would need a proper forge to examine it more properly and figure out the proper fix. Overall, a solid human weapon.”

He let it go softly to the ground and turned his attention to the weapon he truly cared for; the one that seemed to call to him. He had only heard rumors of the enchanted weapon, and he would be able to see for himself. Gently lifting the sword, he stared at the scabbard, investigating the patterns. There was something off about them that he couldn't place, something familiar. Grabbing the pommel, he slowly extracted the blade, and - Taur hates to admit it, but it happened - his eyes widened slightly. The blade was beautifully crafted, the guard was consistent with the materials throughout and connected the blade to the rest of the hilt with a sturdy yet elegant hold. But there was a whispering in the wind as he withdrew the blade, and he could feel it; this blade had been enchanted by the men of old, there was no denying it. To an enchanter, this blade sang songs of the past, ones that had been learned back in dwarven strongholds as fairy tales. Taur extracted the full blade, and muttered something in a low language not known by many or any at all in this world any longer. He swung the blade once before suddenly pushing it back within the scabbard. He quickly turned his gaze over to the Red Knight, his expression hard.

”By whose authority were you given this blade?” His eyes were hard, yet there was a hint of wonder and intrigue dancing within. After she gave her answer, Taur explained himself. ”Years ago, humans wishing to further their ability to shape metal voyaged to dwarven strongholds throughout the lands. We taught them our trade, our finesse, our methods until they became on par with many of our own expert smithers. Yet they had their own methods, influenced by the elves and their own cultures in their craft.” A long pause was emitted by the dwarf before he continued, his eyes more in intrigue. ”This style and level of craftsmanship is of them; it is obvious as the moon itself. Yet it also carries another trait - an enchantment of wind.” Taur began to pace a little before stopping to look back. ”One of the few human enchanters must have forged this blade, yet he knew not of exactly what he was doing. The enchantment was added too late to the forging; hence the reason as to its instability. I can sense that you yourself can not wield it presently.” Taur said nothing as he handed the blade back to Cassandra personally instead of setting it down.

”I can do nothing to a blade with such an enchantment without altering much of the blade itself. There are a few things that come to mind, but I shall keep those to myself for now.” Taur gave her the weapon and turned himself around, not saying another word. Before returning to the tree, Taur turned to the thief and the prince, who stood (or in the Prince's case, froze) a few feet from him in different directions. ”Let's see what the armory gave you then.” His voice was directed towards the thief before he turned to the Prince. ”If you wish for me to look at what appears to be a dull blade, your Highness, I suggest you stop staring at your companion.” The pirate hadn't approached yet, which was fine by him: if she didn't want anything done, then she would simply have to trust her own blade.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Gwen Character Portrait: Callon Agarwaenor Character Portrait: Herne Fitch
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#, as written by Vix
As quickly as night had fallen it seemed to fade away, the bright orange sun returning to the sky. But the company of heroes were up before the burning ball, packing up and munching on fruits found nearby, replenishing their water supply. Again, there was tension as they mounted up and continued on north. The tunnels that lay ahead of them caused worry, though Gwen herself was most worried for the Prince among a few others. She did her best to retain hope, having a sliver of faith in their abilities. Just looking at the cave made her quiver some, as it was a path that she herself had only traveled once. She had encountered a number of dangers within and was not keen on having to ever take the path again. But here she was. She had dressed herself in large and tough, almost leather leaves that wrapped about her body from her toes to her neck and fit comfortably. Dark hair pulled back, she followed behind Callon and Taur while Adonis was behind her with Cassandra and Bellona on either side of him, the others bringing up the flank.

They were greeted by darkness and an eerie, screaming silence. A shiver went down the nymph's back as she tightened the grip on her reigns, using her heels to lightly nudge Cúnes further in. She said nothing, feeling that the sound of the walking animals and their breathing was already too much noise. She was poised to attack, listening for any foreign sound of movement, her eyes adjusting to the dark to catch shadows. The light they had was dim and she was sure that the others were just as nervous as she was. But minutes had passed into three hours and all seemed well enough. Though it wasn't enough for her to loosen up. She flinched at every small rock that fell, grinding her teeth with every creature that flew by, disturbed by the strangers in their tunnels.

She estimated that if they broke into a gallop they could be to the other side in no time. Her lips parted to speak and no sooner had she uttered a sound did a spear fly through the air, grazing her right cheek and landing in the wall. Cries of battle rang out from both sides as Kobolds seemed to emerge from the walls. They weren't a pretty sight; They were short creatures of dry and leathery flesh ranging from shades of green and brown with bright yellow eyes, sharp rows of teeth, hooked noses, and vicious claws on their hands and feet. Lacking ears, they relied heavily on scent and exceptional sight when hunting. The loincloth clad beasts screamed and leapt at the intruders, brandishing stones and spears. While they seemed unintelligent and tact less they were twice as strong as the average man, accurate, agile, and absolutely beastly. Gwen was among the first to react, drawing her bow and an arrow. With little effort she found her mark, burying the arrow deep into the skull of a creature, stopping it midflight.

She had to protect the others. Her children. The Prince. Her dear friends Callon and Taur. She would never forgive herself if they died in these wretched tunnels. Seeming calm and collected on the outside, she fired arrow after arrow, often pausing to use her bow to beat down the vile vermin. Hisses, screams, and squeals filled the tunnels and echoed off the earthen walls. The giant tigress joined the fray, her massive claws coming out to shed blood as she crushed the small things underfoot. Gwen had to breathe a sigh of relief that the horses were battle trained, handling the situation by fighting back. Though some, she felt, stayed out of loyalty to their riders. It was touching but she had no time to marvel at the bonds. She had to fight for their lives with them. None of them would die. Not if she had anything to do with it. She remained silent, focused only on eliminating the threat, often looking to assure everyone else was fine, which it seemed that way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taur Yamarak Character Portrait: Lady Gwen Character Portrait: Callon Agarwaenor
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Callon had been early to bed and early to rise. It certainly wasn't because he was tired, for the young elf was never quick to tire. Rather, he decided it best to not engage in the conversations the others were holding. Callon hardly felt comfortable with any of the adventurers. Gwen was, truly, the only exception, but he realized quite early just how popular the nymph was. Regardless, he cared little. It was not like he would miss the social interaction anyway. A few months without socializing was nothing compared to one hundred forty-seven years without it. He would survive.

The elf woke relatively early, hoping to have some time alone to gather his thoughts. Unfortunately, it seemed that the others had a very similar idea. Though he cared little for talking with the others, he did not mind listening in on the surrounding conversations as he chewed thoughtfully on an apple, legs crossed and on the ground. When they finally saddled up for the day, he was far too eager to mount his horse.

Callon sat in his own, self-created bubble of awkward silence as the group moved forward. He moved his horse slowly and poorly, hands too tight on the reins to the point where Alya suddenly yanked her head forward to reclaim some slack on the leather bridle and reins. He brought up the front, along with Taur, for the elf knew where he was going, and Taur knew the tunnels. Waking early had provided the elf with enough time to study his maps well.

The young elf had taken care to wear his leather armor over the tunic and leggings he had on since he had no idea what would greet them within the tunnels. As they passed into the large mouth of the tunnel, Callon frowned and looked back over his shoulder. He was unsure how he'd cope with the lack of nature around himself. Sure, he would survive. It just felt odd to venture somewhere without trees. Even in his campaigns, there had been trees. The time passed slowly, but it passed, and the hours blended together until he felt that they would never leave the dark and dank prison. Callon might have relaxed had a spear not zipped past his nose, cutting the tip slightly.

For a moment, he sat atop Alya in shock. As the beats came into view, however, he was quick to grab his bow and string it. With a deft movement, an arrow shot through the eyeball of one creature, erupted from the back of its skull, and lodged itself again into another beast's cheek. Callon turned sharply in his saddle, sending another arrow flying across the cavern into the gut of a jumping Kobold. Between his legs, Ayla whinnied and pawed anxiously at the ground for a moment or two before calming slowly. Standing in his stirrups now, Callon had a better view of the enemy. This time, he placed two arrows against the wooden piece of his yew bow and let them fly into the chests of two approaching Kobolds. There were so many...but he prayed that the King had chosen well and picked fighters skilled enough to make it through this, for if they couldn't, how could they rescue the Queen?