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Dahlia Carmichael

"Baby, no one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep."

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a character in “Aloha, From Paradise.”, as played by desire99600



"She hit them with her ten-cent pistol, because they ruined her name."

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❝The Basics❞

| Full Name |
"It's some flower I think." Dahlia Alana Carmichael [ Dah-lee-yuh ]

| Nickname |
"I don't really care." Dahlia doesn't really care what you call her as long as it's not offensive. On occasion, she'll like a nickname, but most of the time, she's indifferent to them. A lot of people just call her by her name, Dahlia, which she hates, seeing as it's too girly, but there's nothing she can really do about it, and her middle name is too girly too, so she's stuck with it. People who know her, know she hates her name, so they'll call her Carmichael sometimes because getting on her good side is always a good idea. People also call her Dahl [ Doll ], Lee, D, or Lea [ lee-yuh ]. A nickname she's particularly fond of is Dahli [ Dolly ] but only a select few may call her this, and, even though he's not, her brother seems to think this includes him. As for pet names like baby or babe, she doesn't like them, but uses them often for others.

| Age |
"I can take care of myself." Seventeen years-old

| Role |
"Just trying to get away from my past, but somehow it follows me around." Girl one

❝The Disguise❞

| Eye color |
"Not sure. Gold?" Dahl has strange colored eyes. Typically a person has brown, blue, hazel, or green eyes with maybe a rare grey or lavender mixed in. While most would probably say Dahlia's eyes are a really light brown, this doesn't seem like quite the right way to describe them. They're a light, honey color. The color of melted gold. They shine brightly in the sun, and even seem to have little metallic flecks in them, making them look even more like gold. Her eyes may not be a bright, vibrant aqua or a unique and interesting violet, but they tend to catch people's attention a lot. A long the outsides of her iris's, is a ring of dark brown. Her eyes are a little large, and her gaze is dangerous for she's capable of capturing you with a simple bat of her eyelashes.

| Hair Color |
"How many times do I have to tell you fuckers it's not white?" Dahlia's hair is extremely light, bleach blond, and a lot of people think she bleaches her hair to get it this color, but she doesn't. It's completely natural, and almost white, for there is very little color to it at all. However, if you look, you'll see that, mixed with the bright white stands are darker, golden strands that make it blond. Often, when Dahlia is bored, she braids random strands of her hair, meaning that she's always got a few random braids mixed somewhere in her thick blond hair. Dahl's hair grows extremely fast, and as such, it's usually really long. Occasionally though, to keep it from getting too long, she'll cut it herself. The result is choppy, and is no longer than her breasts, but she doesn't really care, and it actually works on her, giving her a rough appearance. However, this doesn't last very long for, almost as soon as she'd cut it, her hair grows out long and thick again, making her look younger. Currently, her hair is pretty long, and since she doesn't cut it until it gets outrageous, it's still growing.

| Skin Tone |
"I was born in New York, not Florida." D's skin isn't super tan like a lot of the beach bums in Hawaii, but she doesn't really mind because if she wants to get tan, she can. Naturally, she's pretty pale, and this, with her weird eye-color and blond hair sometimes makes her look a little washed out or albino, but Dahl spends a lot of time in the sun. She's outside from sunrise to sunset almost every single day, meaning that her skin is resistant to burning, but she tans incredibly easily so, unless she's forced to stay inside for a while, no one would ever even know she's naturally pale as a ghost for she's almost as dark as the natives.

| Height & Weight |
"Look, just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't kick your ass." Dahlia is extremely small for her age. She's very thin and has a childlike face, meaning that people often mistake her for younger than she really is, and it irritates her because people tend to treat her like she's fragile, but she's really not. She's got a slim, slender build and is toned and tight like an athlete, however she's short and doesn't exactly have the biggest chest, so this can often make her appear petite. She stands at a height of 5'4 in and weighs a total of 105 lbs.

| Distinct Markings |
"What can I say? Once you get one, you just can't stop." When it comes to markings, Dahl has quite a few. She's a fighter, so she's got more than a few scars to prove this, and she's absolutely in love with tattoos and used to screw around with a tattoo artist, so she's always getting new ones.
When it comes to piercings, Dahl has her nose pierced and keeps a small silver ring in it. Typically, she's good at hiding her feelings, but if she's extremely agitated, Dahli will often mess with it as a nervous tick. She also has her left ear pierced all the way up, from the lobe to the helix. In her right ear she had three lobe piercings, but that's all. She also has her naval pierced as well as her tongue.
As a fighter, Dahlia has many scars. Ever since she was little, she was picked at and looked down on, so she's had to show that she was tougher than they thought by fighting them off. Dahl's most noticeable scar sits right on her face. She has a spliced eyebrow, meaning that, right where her left eyebrow arches, a scar runs through it, cutting it off. The scar goes down to the crease in her eyelid and stops. It's not extremely ugly, but most girls would be ashamed and try to cover it up with their hair or something, however, D likes it. It gives her personality, as well as helps take away a bit of her childish look, letting people know to fear her. She also has two identical scars that run along her palms, from grabbing a knife by the blade. She has a bullet scar on the back of her left shoulder, and another on her upper right arm. Finally, she has a scar on her collarbone, and various needle markings on her wrists from drugs.
When it comes to tattoos, Dahl has a whopping total of eight. Her biggest tattoo is on the back of her right shoulder, and is of a bird flying from it's cage. She got this just after her emancipation. Her second largest tattoo is on her left ribs, and is a picture of two wolves. Her third largest tattoo sits at the small of her back, and is of an intricate tiger. Her fourth tattoo is on her right wrist, and is a tribal design of an elephant, symbolizing good luck, sinc elephants are supposed to be lucky. Her fifth tattoo is on the other wrist in a line and are symbols for the planets that go almost up to her elbow, though not quite because her sixth tattoo sits just above them in the crease of her elbow, and is the words "miles to go" in simple font. Her seventh tattoo is actually two tattoos. It's of two foxes, each on the outer edge of one of her hands. Finally, her eighth and smallest tattoo is a small sun and moon on the side of her middle finger.

❝Getting to know me❞

| Likes |
"There's nothing sexier than a man who knows what he's doing."
♄ Teasing
♄ Flirting
♄ Drugs
♄ Drinking
♄ Her music/guitar
♄ Surfing
♄ Kennedy
♄ Rough sex
♄ Sex, in general
♄ Fast cars
♄ Bad boys
♄ Motorcycles
♄ The Beach
♄ Smoking/cigarettes
♄ Parties
♄ Being rebellious
♄ Braking rules
♄ Dogs, she keeps begging Kennedy to get one

| Dislikes |
"Let me give you some advice. Fuck off."
✘ Being told what to do
✘ Being pushed around
✘ Weak people
✘ Clingy people
✘ Her brother
✘ Cats
✘ Losing
✘ Being looked down on
✘ Sitting around inside
✘ Good people
✘ Her mother
✘ Her past
✘ Being played with
✘ Wasting time
✘ Sensitive people
✘ The idea of marriage
✘ Kids

| Fears |
"The word 'fear' isn't even in my vocabulary."
☠ Her brother → Though Dahlia would never admit it in a million years, her brother frightens the Hell out of her. He's unpredictable, and treats her like shit, and ever since she was younger, he's been terrorizing her. He's the only person that really scares her, and he's the reason she keeps a gun under her pillow and a knife in her boot.
☠ Love/commitment → Dahlia doesn't do love or commitment. She's afraid to get close to someone because she's afraid to feel something for someone, and have them let her down. She keeps people at arms length, making sure they can never hurt her.
☠ Her Past → She's afraid her past will catch up to her and ruin her present.
☠ Losing Kennedy → What she feels for Kennedy is the closest thing she's ever felt to loving someone. She's the only person Dahlia is attached to, and would probably die if something happened to Kennedy.

❝Delve a little deeper❞

| Personality |
[kuhn - ing]

1. Holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold
2. Pertinacious, persistent, stubborn, or obstinate.
3. Holding together; cohesive; not easily pulled asunder; tough.
4. Highly retentive

Dahlia has had an extremely rough life and it's hardened her unbelievably. She is probably the toughest girl you will ever meet in your life. Nothing fazes her. Nothing scares her. She keeps it together even when the world gets turned upside down.

Some call her crazy, some call her bitchy, and others say she's seeking attention, but it's not true. Sure, there's parts of her that are a little crazy, and she can be a bitch at times, but the last thing she's doing is looking for attention. She doesn't need anyone's approval, and their opinions go right over her head, making it remarkably hard to hurt her. She's spent years building a hard shell around herself, she's not about to let one idiot, or even a thousand idiots, knock it down with harsh words.

D is extremely hard. She's unafraid of anything, least of all people. She doesn't let them push her around and, if they try, they'll soon realize it was a mistake, for she had no trouble beating the shit out of you. She's a fighter, but that's an understatement. She's more than just a fighter. She lives to fight people, whether it be physically or verbally, Dahl doesn't matter as long as she gets to put someone in their place.

When people first see her, they don't know what to think, and they tend to underestimate her, for she's a small girl, with an almost childlike face, and yet she's got tattoos and scars all over her body. She's a walking oxymoron, and that makes people unsure how to judge her, so they tend to lean towards the childish side, and treat her like she's weak or delicate. Anyone who knows her knows this is wrong, but people who don't know her are surprised to find that she's actually tough-as-nails.

Dahlia likes to hide her emotions from people, allowing them to see only what she wants them to see. She's good at pretending, and nearly no one can read her. She's got the poker face of a rock. She could be ready to shoot herself and you'd never know. She's good at manipulating her emotions, just as she's good at manipulating people.

When it comes to people, the phrase "does not play well with others" is an understatement. She's abrasive, and this comes off as rude, and she's curious, so her questions come off as too personal. She has absolutely no filter, and her cursing would put a whole sea of sailors to shame. Her lack of a filter leads people to think that she doesn't think before she speaks. There's a difference though, between being bold, and stupidly throwing your words around. Dahl thinks before she talks, she just doesn't care what your opinion is. If you think her question is too personal or her comment was rude, that's your problem, not hers.

Another thing about Dahlia is that generally, she likes to be alone. She may be confident, and unafraid, but she likes to keep herself and her emotions safe, so, in order to do that, she very rarely let's people close to her. She keeps everyone at arms length, and, at times, can even find herself doing it to Kennedy. Not because she doesn't care about the person, but because she does. The instant she finds herself growing attached to someone, she freaks out and ruins the relationship. Caring about people is too risky. She could hurt them by dragging them down into her train-wreck of a life, or they could hurt her by disappointing her, so, in the end, she finds it safer to push people away.

She finds people disposable. Once you use them, you throw them away. She very rarely has boyfriends, and, when she does, it's probably because they're really good in bed, or they can get her something, like the time she had a boyfriend in a tattoo shop who got her free tattoos. When she does have a boyfriend, she's very, very rarely faithful, and is always cheating. She manipulates people, getting what she wants out of them and then throwing them away, playing games with those that aren't as smart, taking, but never giving.

Dahlia is absolutely wild. There is nothing about her that is tame. She's almost always on some drug, and it's very rare to catch her sober. Even at nine in the morning. She's a true night-owl who parties until the break of dawn and wakes when the next party starts. She's addicted to trouble. It attracts her like metal to a magnet, and excites her. She's always getting her and Kennedy in trouble, and, though Kennedy's wild too, it's obvious that she's more responsible then Dahl, for, unlike D, Kennedy has a sense of when enough is enough.

Dahl isn't like that. She doesn't know when to stop, and that can make her a lot of fun, but also very dangerous, for, the same applies with her anger. She could easily kill you if you got her angry enough or Kennedy wasn't around. She simply can't make herself take a step back and just stop. This is a serious issue for her, and one of the reasons she's always high, because it mellows her out, and calms her paranoia and overactive mind down. Sometimes, Kennedy jokes that if D doesn't always have something or someone to destroy, she'd go insane, but Dahlia has her suspicions that this is true. It's like she has to cause trouble, or do something exciting, otherwise, she's just sitting around, thinking, remembering, and feeling. Three things she swore off the day she left home.

Another thing Dahl has is the ability to keep her cool. Despite all the crazy thoughts raging in her head, threatening to tear her apart, when shit hits the fan, she's surprisingly good at staying calm and figuring out what to do. She's a girl of action, and may reach for a gun before thinking about it, but when her life is threatened, she knows how to use her brain, and can easily, and logically thing her way out. Don't expect the same for someone else though. Unless you're very important to her, D won't play the hero. She won't save you just because it's right. She'll save you if she has to, if you offer her something, or if you mean something to her. Otherwise, you're fucked.

❝Welcome to my Hell❞

| History |
"I left my past in New York. As far as I'm concerned, it never happened." Dahlia was born to Calla-Lilly Winifred a stupid girl who dropped out of high school at fifteen and had too much sex, resulting in an unwanted son. Calla's parents, Dahl's grandparents, were strict christen people who found Calla disgusting for having sex before marriage and threw her out, refusing to help their scared, sixteen year-old daughter give birth to, and raise a child she'd never wanted.

Calla had to do it all alone, and it was no secret that the girl wasn't smart, so she couldn't get a good job, and ended up working at a local gas station, and giving boys at her school blowjobs for money.

She had Jack, her son, and moved to New York City, hoping to have some better luck finding a job there. Five years after having Jack, Calla was pregnant again with Dahlia, only this time, Calla married the man, afraid of being left alone with two children.

Her father, John Carmichael, wasn't happy about it, but his parents forced him into it, telling him that either her be responsible and step up, or they'd cut him off of the family fortune, so he married her. On the outside, their household was the envy of all motherly housewives. John was handsome and the heir to his family's business, meaning he was rich, and Calla was a beautiful stay-at-home mom, who's sole devotion was raising her kids.

In reality, their home was loveless and dark. John, angry about being forced into being a family man, was almost never home, and was drunk all the time when he was. He controlled their mother because their mother was weak, shoving anything he believed in down her throat until she believed it and recited it back like his own personal puppet. Their mother stayed home to take care of them only because she was too stupid to do anything else, and told both Jack and Dahl that they were mistakes on a daily basis. That she didn't love them.

Jack quickly fell into the wrong crowd as most kids with their type of upbringing did, but Dahlia was more resistant. She kept away from people, refusing to make friends, and fought of anyone who called her mother a whore for the sake of surviving school, however, she was generally a good kid, getting good grades, and trying her best to play along with John's "perfect little family" routine to keep his temper and abuse away from her. She didn't act out too often.

When she was thirteen and Jack was eighteen though, this changed drastically. Jack had become a huge pothead, and a loser, and his friends were always over and taunting Dahlia, saying horrible, and often sexual things to her, causing her to go out and buy a lock for her door, which made John angry, so he ripped it off and beat her for it.

One night, she came home to find that her mother and John were out and Jack was there, with all his friends, smoking pot in the living room. He asked her if she wanted some and she said no, but he insisted and told her it wouldn't hurt if she just tried it once, so she agreed. Only, she wasn't aware that what he'd given her was much much stronger than normal weed, and she was completely incoherent in minutes.

And unable to tell one of Jack's friends no when he wanted to have sex with her.

When she woke was when she found out that Jack had sold her so he could get more money for drugs, and he did it a several more times, though she never agreed to smoke with him again, he'd sneak it in her food or her drinks to the point where she'd stopped eating except at school, and started making friends whose parents were never home so she could stay at their houses.

When she was fourteen, John got really drunk and took advantage of the fact that she didn't have a lock on her door to break into her room. Over the year that had passed with her brother selling her like a whore, Dahl had gotten herself a knife that she kept under pillow so when her father came in, angry, she was afraid he'd either beat her or rape her so she reached for the knife, only he was quicker and grabbed her ankles, and in her desperation to get the knife before he pulled her out of the bed and away from it, she grabbed the blade instead of the handle with both hands, and he yanked her, causing her grip to tighten, giving her the twin scars on her palms.

She told him to stop, but he wouldn't, so Dahlia did what she had to and stabbed him, killing him.

The courts saw it as self-defense so she got off, but something changed in her. Something snapped and she felt the power of being independent enough to make choices for herself and get shit done, unlike her weak mother. She fell into various bad habits and started picking up all the wrong friends, and learned to protect herself and how to shoot a gun.

After John's death, her mother changed, becoming more than a little negligent, leaving her and Jack to starve most the time, and, by the time she was fifteen, Dahlia was sick of it. So she took matters into her own hands and got herself emancipated, earning herself full legal adulthood at the age of fifteen.

Dahlia stole a handful of cash from her mother and hopped the next plane to Hawaii, leaving Jack and her mother behind.

Almost instantly, she met Kennedy and lived with her for a little while until the two of them moved out and got their own place.

Not long after they'd settled in and Dahlia was beginning to make money playing her guitar and singing in bars, clubs, and coffee shops, becoming sort of a local celebrity, Dahlia got a few surprise visits. First, came Tristin, a friend of hers from when she was young. She'd stayed at his house a million times when she was too afraid to go home, and the two caught up quick and even dated for a while, until Kennedy's asshole of a boyfriend and Tristin's new bestfriend Austen broke them up, thinking Dahlia was trash and no good for Tristin. Dahlia didn't forgive Tristin for agreeing with Austen, but she let him hang around her, and even screwed around with him a little afterwards.

Her second visit came from her brother. He came just a few weeks after Tristin and so many people from her past popping up on her all but gave her a heart attack, seeing as she'd left New York to get away from everyone and become a new person. Jack moved in with her and Kennedy because she couldn't turn him away. He was her brother, and the only person who could scare her enough to get her to do what he wanted.

Now he mooches off Dahlia and Kennedy, and is right back to terrorizing Dahl with his friends, and she's forced to sleep with a gun under her pillow and carry a knife in her pocket once again.



He Loves You
- By The Pretty Reckless
If he loves you and you believe,
Chicka chicka drip drop on you knees.
If he loves when your dead and gone,
Kissy kissy killer kitty play along.
But as for all inside your wounded soul,
He's never ever gonna let you go.
He's never ever gonna let you go.
He's never ever gonna let you go.

If he loves you,
He loves you not.
Be the one to leave him, baby don't get caught.
If he loves you,
He'll set your heart on fire.
Hate to be the one to tell you he's a liar.
If he loves you,
He loves you not.

So call him closer
Be a doll
He gives you just a taste
But you want it all
But if you stumble before you fall
Take a little taste or you'll lose it all

If he loves you,
He loves you not.
Be the one to leave him, baby don't get caught.
If he loves you,
He'll set your heart on fire.
Hate to be the one to tell you he's a liar.
If he loves you,
He loves you not.

Bet your wishin' for the day,
Wishin' and wish it all away,
Bet your wishin' for the day.

Well he loves you but he loves you not,
Be the one to leave him baby don't get caught.

Cause if he loves you,
He'll set you heart on fire.
Hate to be the one to tell you hes a liar.
If he loves you,
Then loves you not.
Be the one to leave him baby don't get caught.
Cause if he loves you,
Ohhh yeah if he loves you,
He loves you not.


Hit Me Like A Man
- By The Pretty Reckless

I am strong, love is evil
It's a version of perversion that is only for the lucky people
Take your time and do with me what you will
I won't mind, you know I'm ill, you know I'm ill

So hit me like a man and love me like a woman
Buried and sad, look me in the eyes, I want it
One will give you hell, one will give you heaven
Hit me like a man, love me like a woman
Love me like a woman

Love is strong, but I am evil
You are wrong, about me
Take your time, ah, play with me until
You can hear the children scream, like their stuck inside a dream
That you, ah, will

So hit me like a man, love me like a woman
Bury me alive, I can see it in your eyes, you want it
Some will give you pain, some will give you pleasure
Hit me like a man, love me like a woman
Love me like a woman

Don't you run away, run away from me, I will run away from you
Don't you run away, run away from me, I will run away from you

Hit me like a man, love me like a woman
From the devil deep inside, can't you see what I'm wanting?
Some will give you hell, some will give you heaven
So hit me like a man, love me like a woman
Love me like a woman
Love me like a woman
Love me like a woman, ow!


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So begins...

Dahlia Carmichael's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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0.00 INK



Dahlia had felt the electricity that had passed between them, which was part of the reason she'd gotten up and gone to her stereo, keeping her back to him. She felt heat at her back, and knew he was close. She wanted to whirl around and face him, but she froze, looking down at the CD in her hand, heart beating fast, though whether it was from him or the drugs, she wasn't sure.

She felt his hand brush her hair aside, and his lips come down on her neck and shivered slightly at the bolts of electric fire that raced across her skin as he grabbed her hips and pulled her back tightly to his chest. She leaned into him and closed her eyes, tilting her head to the side as his lips moved slowly up her neck, wanting more, finding it irritating, and yet intoxicating that he was going so slowly.

He stopped at her ear. “I normally never ask.” He whispered, his breath and the tone of his voice making her shiver again. “Guess I wanted to make a good impression, before you found out what I’m really like.” Dahlia didn't even have a second to wonder what he meant before he whirled her around so quickly it made her head spin, and pushed her back against the wall harshly, pinning her and making a wicked smile come to her lips as he pressed his body so tightly to hers, she was sure it was air-tight. “Trust me babe, if I want something
I take it.” He smirked dangerously.

He pushed her harder into the wall and pressed his lips harshly against hers, making her dizzy and clear all at the same time. His kiss numbed her to everything else, even the music playing, and yet, she was fully aware of every place that his body touched hers, and even more aware of the places where there was skin-to-skin contact.

It made her want more, and she moaned deeply into him, wanting to slip her hands up under his shirt, but he pinned her arms to the wall as well, making her smirk against his lips as she moved her kisses from his lips to his cheek, to his jaw, and down his neck before back up to his lips with another soft moan.

She couldn't remember ever kissing someone and having it feel so good, and make her want more and more so needily. "Oh my God." She whispered breathily as she pulled back, trying to catch her breath and pressing her head against the wall as she looked up at him, knowing she looked flushed and out of breath because she was. "Feel free to kiss me anytime you want." She said with a smirk.



Nathan watched as Austen moved to barge in, clearly wanting to hit him, and he couldn't blame him. Most guys wanted to hit Nate, because, he may not talk much, but when he did, people quickly found out that he was an asshole.

“Take one more step forward, I’ll fuck your pretty face up.” Kennedy threatened Austen, pushing him roughly back. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it was you who told him just this morning
good luck dealing with her
 So that’s exactly what he’s doing
dealing with me.” Nathan watched, amused with the way she treated him. He looked like he was in shock as he shook his head, and Nate laughed lightly under his breath.

“Now if you don’t mind I’d like to get back to fucking the gentlemen on my bed and if you interrupt one more time, I’ll let my brother and Nathan kick the shit out of you.” She said before slamming the door in his face and locking it again.

Nate raised his eyebrows and watched her as she went back to her stereo and switched the music, turning it up loud enough to drown out Dahlia's music next door, before leaning against the wall, lighting herself a joint.

She closed her eyes so he smirked and stood. He wanted her, and now that she'd told her boyfriend off, and they were alone again, he was dead set on getting what he wanted.

He crossed to her, giving her no time to protest as he pushed his lips against hers and his body leaned into hers, pressing her firmly to the wall as he ran his hand down her arm, swiping the joint from her and taking a quick hit. He set it back between her lips as he brought his own down on her neck, kissing her and pressing into her like she might disappear and she was the last person he might ever kiss. "You shouldn't lie." He said with a smirk between kisses. "I'm not a gentleman."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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0.00 INK

Kennedy Callaway

She was too busy tuning herself out of reality and listening to the soft hum of the song too hear or realize he’d gotten up and was walking toward her. She felt his lips against hers and her head spun, his body lend into her, she gripped the belt loops of his jeans pulling him closer.

She smirked as he took her joint taking a hit from it before placing it back between her lips. His lips came down on her neck and she managed to swallow back a moan, but she couldn’t control the shiver. No one had ever kissed her that way, it made her feel like they were the only two people in the world, nothing in the world felt better than his lips when they touched her lips and her skin.

"You shouldn't lie." he said between kisses "I'm not a gentleman."

She bit her lip, before laughing she wrapped her arms around his neck, pretending on the outside to be less than impressed with his kisses, though on the inside her heart raced, her body begged for more. She pulled him close kissing him rough, yet it was passionate and her whole body felt weak. She pulled away and she knew she look flushed, that was the only thing she couldn’t hide from him.

“Prove it.” she whispered, taunting him with a playful smirk. She placed her lips against his, before moving them along his jawline “The girls around her say your pretty dangerous.” She whispered dangerously, kissing his cheek, she could feel the sparks “Wanna prove that too.” she said seductively, making it clear she was challenging him.

Keegan Callaway

She couldn’t move, but that didn’t stop her from kissing along his jawline and down his neck before bringing her lips back to his and the wait for her lips to come back to him felt like forever, but when she had finally brought her lips back he kissed her harder. He almost needed to feel her lips against his again, to bring him back down to earth.

She pulled away and he let her, though he didn’t want to, but he was out of breath, not that he looked like he was, he was completely composed on the outside, like kissing her was no big deal. He could tell she was flushed and he knew he wasn’t all though he felt as flushed as she looked.

Oh my God." she whispered causing him to smirk "Feel free to kiss me anytime you want." he laughed lightly, keeping his eyes on her, not wanting to look away as if he was afraid she’d disappear.

He loosened his grip on her arm, moving his fingertips up her arm lightly, but every fingertip buzzed with electricity as he moved it along her arm up to her neck, his hand wrapping around the back of her neck almost possessively as he pulled her back to his lips. He lifted her off the ground effortlessly with one arm as he continued to hold her against the wall only now he was supporting her, letting her wrap her legs around his waist.

He finally moved away from the wall carrying her to the bed and laying her down as he held himself over her, kissing her deeply, before pulling way with a wicked smirk on his lips.

“It’s a good thing were neighbors.” He whisper as his lips trailed down her neck and started to trace her collarbone. “Because
I think you just became my new drug.” He said bring his lips back to hers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Keegan looked completely put together and calm, as though kissing her was no big deal, and she wondered briefly if he was feeling the same things she was or if it was just her and the effect her handful of pills were having on her. Maybe the way way his laugh sounded and his fingers felt as they slid up her arm, turning her stomach into butterflies, was nothing more than a trick of the drugs and vodka. She'd never really understood what the phrase butterflies in the stomach meant, but now she officially did.

His fingers slid around the back of her neck and gripped her like she was his as he pulled her lips back to him, making her moan again, unable to keep herself contained like he was. He lifted her easily and she smirked against his lips and wrapped her legs around him tightly .

He carried her over to the bed and layed her down, holding himself over her as he kissed her before pulling back and smirking at her. “It’s a good thing we're neighbors.” He whispered as his lips trailed along her neck and collarbone, making her stretch her neck, her breathing and heartbeat picking up the longer he kissed her as he traced a line of fire across her skin with his lips. “Because
I think you just became my new drug.”

Dahlia smirked against his kiss as he brought his lips down on hers again. "Enough talking." She whispered, placing a hand on the back of his neck, the other sliding up under his shirt, running along his abs as she slipped her tongue into his mouth, knowing, as she kissed him, that it was going to be damn hard to leave him.



Kennedy kissed him roughly, wrapping her arms around his neck, and he smiled against her lips. She could pretend all she wanted that she wasn't feeling as rushed as he was, but he could feel her heart beating like a drum against his chest.

She pulled away, and he looked at her, seeing the redness in her cheeks, the way she was breathing heavily, and her wide eyes, knowing she was impressed. “Prove it.” She whispered tauntingly, moving her lips along his jaw. “The girls around here say you're pretty dangerous.” She whispered and he shrugged with a smirk. It was true. He was pretty dangerous when he was angry, and he had the sort of temper you tip-toed around because you never really knew when you were going to set him off. “Wanna prove that too.” She said, a challange in her voice and he simply answered her with a smirk.

He grabbed her hips, pulling her from the wall roughly and pushing her back, into the middle of the room before stepping forward again, pulling her to him, kissing her roughly. His hands roamed her body before he pushed her again, rough, but not hard enough to hurt, causing her to land on her back on the bed.

Nathan wasted no time climbing over her, grabbing both her wrists and pulling her arms up, over her head as he slid off the t-shirt she was wearing, tossing it to the floor, one hand holding her wrists, though loose enough she could slip out if she wanted to, the other hand sliding up her back towards the strings of her bikini as he kissed her deeply and passionatley.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Kennedy Callaway

H grabbed her hips, ripping her from the wall and pushing her into the middle of the room. Her head spun, the drugs in her system making her dizzy, by the time she managed to focus on him his lips were pressed to hers roughly and she smirked against his lips, kissing him back. He pushed her again, this time causing her to fall on the bed.

She felt him pull her shirt off over her head, before pinning her loosely to the bed. She tried catching her breath, but it was no use the way his moved along her body. He kissed her deeply and passionately. She kissed him back letting her tongue slip past his lips. She broke their kiss as she tugged his shirt over his head tossing it away from them.

Her finger tips sliding down his spine, simply touching him was a drug itself, but kissing him was better than any drug. She brought her lips back to his, kissing him roughly, though still passionately. Once her hands reached his lower back, she brought them around front unbuttoning his pants.

She pulled away looking up at him, hesitating whether or not to go any further, because the longer they kissed and touch, she could feel herself falling for him, something she swore she’d never due. But the moment lasted mere seconds , she never was good at listening to herself. She pulled a hand from his pinning, pushing him off of her playfully slipping off his pants, before pushing him flat on his back so she was in control, like she always was.

She intimidated guys and she was normally the one in control, but with him it was different. She smirked as she straddled him, leaning down and kissing his lips, before she moved along his jawline and continued down his neck, she could feel the electricity that ran between them each time her lips touched his skin.

Keegan Callaway

He could feel her smirk against his "Enough talking." she whispered.

He pulled away briefly, only to slip off what was left of her torn up shorts. He grabbed her wrist pulling her to him roughly, though more to show her who was in control, than to hurt her. He pulled her shirt over her head, before pressing his lips to hers again, holding her body tightly to his.

He lend her back, until she was laying on her back again and he let his hands roam her body freely as if he knew what he was doing, he had experience. His lips left hers only to travel along her jawline, continuing down her neck and then down the center of her body, until he finally brought his lips back to hers kissing her deeply, like they’d been together for years and it almost felt that ways.

He hated the fact he was enjoying it so much, his statement had been true, she was his new drug. Only a living breathing one, that in the end he’d end up hurting. He pinned her to the bed roughly, slipping his free hand under her back untying her top and quickly sliding it off. He pulled her, so she was on her knees as he kissed her, pressing their bodies together, the heat between them was more like fire and he kissed her harder, holding her tighter to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Dahlia's heart raced as he slipped off her shorts and grabbed her wrist roughly, letting her know he was in control, sending an excited rush through her. It was usually her that was the dominant one, and she loved the way he was aggressive and controlling.

He pulled off her shirt before kissing her again, and she kissed back, just as rough and hard as he pulled her body tightly against his. He leaned her back onto her back, and she moaned as his hands slid over her body, his touch making her dizzy and intoxicated. His lips traveled down her jaw and neck before moving lower, down her body, making her moan again and close her eyes.

His lips came back down on hers and she responded, kissing him back like she'd been kissing him all her life. She'd known him for less than a few hours and he was already in her bed, and she was already completely hooked, and something inside her told her to push him away and walk away while she still could, but he pinned her down and slipped off her bikini top with the ease of an expert and she shoved the thought away. She could walk away after she got what she wanted out of him.

He pulled her again, up onto her knees while he kissed her, their bodies pressed tightly together. She could feel her skin burning to touch his and she slid his shirt off so that their skin was touching as he squeezed her tighter and kissed her harder, making her moan deeply.

D slid her hands down his chest before pushing him down, and letting her fingers linger on his abs for a second before sliding lower and unbuttoning his jeans, sliding them off and climbing over him, leaning down to kiss his lips and his jaw, then down his chest, her kisses fast and hot before coming back to his lips.



Nathan was upset when she broke their kiss, but she pulled his shirt off before kissing him again and he smirked against her lips. Her hands slipped from his grip and his fingers slid down his back, making him hold back a shiver as she kissed him roughly and wrapped her hands around to his front, unbuttoning his jeans.

She pulled away, hesitation clear on her face for a moment, and he looked at her, confused, before she seemed to get over it and pushed him off her and slipped off his jeans.

She smirked as she pushed him onto his back and climbed over him, straddling him as she kissed his lips, jaw, and neck, making bolts of electricity shoot across his skin everytime her lips touched him.

Nathan smirked and slid his hand up her back, untying her bathing suit top and slipping it off with ease before flattening his hand and using it to swing her around on her back so that he was over her again. He pulled his hand out from under her and slid it up the inside of her thigh, using his other hand to hold the back of her neck, as if holding her in the kiss so that she couldn't hesitate again. There was no way he was letting her stop now.

The hand sliding up her thigh stopped and slipped off her bikini bottoms as his lips roamed her body as freely as his hands.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Kennedy Callaway

Once again he flipped her on her back, causing her to smirk, her breathing picked up as he slid his and up the length of her thigh, he used his other hand to hold her against his lips, letting her know he wasn’t going to let her pull away or hesitate again.

He slipped off her bottom and let his lips and hands roam freely over her body, she moaned at the touch of his lips on her skin. She pulled him to her lips, kissing him roughly, as she dug her nails into his skin running them down his back, purposely knowing it would leave several marks on him.

She felt herself coming down from her high as she lay on his chest, she listened to his heart start to slow like hers did, her breathing finally returning to normal. The music still playing loudly, the room was a smoky haze from there breaks in between to smoke and shoot up. She wasn’t entirely sure how long they’d been locked in her room or how many more times they’d shot up. All she was certain of was that she’d never been with someone like him and that scared her, the feeling between them, she’d never felt and she knew it was more than just the drugs.

She breathed in slowly deciding not to think about it, she’d walked away from every other guy, she’d been able to cut anyone who’d ever gotten close enough to love her out with no regrets or guilt. With the exception of Dahlia and Keegan and even though she wouldn’t admit it, she even kept them at a distance. She chose to push the thoughts from her mind and focus on the song that played, it was a song she got high to more than she’d like to admit.

She lend in kissing his lips, before sitting up and leaning over him to grab his shirt from the ground slipping it on, over her. She could fill the pain in her chest and she knew she needed to take her medication, she just wasn’t going to do it in front of him. In fact, no one knew she had to start taking medication, not even Keegan. She lit a cigarette, taking a drag from it as she lend against the wall, blowing out the smoke and adding it to the already hazy room.

“I know why you break so many hearts now.” She said with a casual shrug. Letting her body relax, there sex had been rough and long and she’d had more drugs in her system then she’d had in a long time, and now as she was coming down from all the excitement her body was sore all over and her senses were numb. “I guess it’s a good thing I have no heart.” she smirked wickedly, keeping her eyes on him.

Keegan Callaway

He smirked when she unbuttoned his pants and he pulled her closed as she kissed his lips, he let her continue down his chest, he kisses were fast and warm against his skin and he didn’t want to wait any longer.

He pulled her back to him roughly kissing her, in a way that told her he was done with the foreplay. With one swift motion he flipped her on her back, a little rougher than he meant to, but his patience was growing thin. He moved his hands along the outside of her thighs reaching her bikini bottoms, slipping them off quickly, before kissing the inside of her thighs slowly, smirking against her skin.

The drugs still hadn’t worn off, but he was wore out, he couldn’t remember a time, having sex with someone ever felt that good or was that passionate, yet it was still rough and dangerous. Other girls tended to feel threatened by how rough and carried away he’d get, forgetting how strong he actually was, but she hadn’t she’d gone along with it and she’d enjoyed it and that excited him.

Then there was another part of him that wished he’d have left her alone, she was his sister’s best friend and more than likely she was under age. He knew the second he kissed he’d kissed her, he was going to be possessive of her, he was hooked on her kiss alone. He sighed, but the sigh didn’t reveal what he was thinking or feeling, instead it was a sigh that told her he was satisfied. He sat up, halfway leaning against the headboard, pulling her on top his chest, kissing her lips, although his kiss was calmer, because he was calmer.

His heart had just now started to slow down, they’d went through at least three more bottles of liquor and the empty evidence was scattered on the floor along with the pills that had been on the bed when they’d first taken their handfuls. He’d lay there with her forever like this if he could. The music was still loud enough to drown out his sister's music although he wasn't even sure if she was still in her room and it hit him all of a sudden he realized where he was and he knew Kennedy would be mad at him, possibly even make him leave, but he chose to deal with it when it happened and not let it ruin the high e was still on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Dahlia was exhausted, but still high from the drugs, and from touching him. He was rougher than most anyone else she'd been with, but she'd loved it, loved not being the one in control for once. It took her forever to catch her breath, but once she had, she let out a deep, satisfied sigh to match his.

He'd been more then perfect, and yet it still bothered her. There was so much wrong with what they'd just done, like the fact that she'd only known him for a couple of hours, having barely had a conversation with him, or the fact that she was quite a bit younger than him, and that he was Kennedy's brother, and she wasn't so sure K would approve.

However, it had been way too good for her to really care. At least not at the moment. He pulled her up onto his chest as he sat up and kissed her lips. She layed her head on his chest, able to feel the beating of his heart more than hear it, due to her music.

"Damn." She breathed, looking up at him as the song filled the room. She sat there for another minute before sitting up and stretching, glancing around. There were empty liquor bottles and pills everywhere, and her window was still open, but she didn't really care.

A knock came at her door that was sharp and demanding, and Dahl was willing to bet between two people. She turned and glanced at Keegan with a smirk. If it was Tristin, he'd be pissed, and if it was Jack, he'd be upset that Keegan hadn't payed him first. She rolled her eyes and grabbed Keegan's shirt, slipping it on and pulling her messy blond hair out of it before whipping the door open and leaning on it.

"Can I help you?" She asked Tristin lazily, and he looked at her.

"Are you drunk? It's the middle of the day?" He asked, before he saw Keegan behind her and the wreckage of the room.

Brandy came up behind him before he had a chance to react, "Come on, we should really go-" She stopped and her eyes widened before her shock turned into a mean smirk and she crossed her arms over her chest. "And you called me a whore." Brandy said with a sharp laugh and Dahlia glanced between Tristin and Brandy. Brady looked upset that she'd gotten to Keegan first, but glad that she had the chance to insult D, while Tristin looked like her was going to explode any second.

"What did you want?" Dahlia asked impatiently. She was a little more than just kind of dizzy and all she really wanted was to go back to Keegan.

"We wanted to see if you wanted to come pick up some shit for tonight, but I can see you're busy making your new roomate feel welcome." Tristin spat and Dahlia rolled her eyes and clenched her jaw.

"Last time I check Tristin, we're not together anymore, and the only reason I let you hang around me trying to get me to forgive you is because, occasionally, you're a good lay." She smirked wickedly, knowing her words were harsh before she shoved him out of her doorway. "Go get what you need for tonight without me. You're never going to get me to forgive you if you keep judging me. I think that's what got you in trouble in the first place." She spat before slamming her door closed.

She sighed and moved to sit at the edge of the bed, rolling her eyes. "I think you officially made a new enemy." She said with a smirk, though she kept her back to him. "And once Brandy shoots her mouth off, I'm pretty sure Jack will hate you too." She said with a shrug as she turned to face him.



Nathan kissed her back as she leaned in and kissed him, letting out a deep, exhausted, but satisfied sigh. He wasn't sure how long they'd been going, but it felt like days, and he knew the only reason they'd stopped was because their bodies would probably break apart if they kept going. He watched her stand and steal his shirt, slipping it on and heading across the room where she casually smoked a cigarette.

“I know why you break so many hearts now.” She said, and he laughed and shrugged as he sat up and slipped his jeans on before sitting back against the wall her bed was up against, watching her. “I guess it’s a good thing I have no heart.” She smirked wickedly, and he matched her smirk with one of his own.

"Perfect." He said with a shrug as he took out his own cigarette and lit up. "Then you won't cry or cling to me when I leave you." He laughed lightly. He glanced at his phone, seeing that it was a lot later. They'd started in the morning, and it was nearly evening now. The sun would be going down soon, and, in an hour or so, people would start showing up expecting a party.

He should call Krista again like he'd promised, before he got high or drunk again and forgot, or worse, called her while shitfaced, and she got mad at him and punished him by not talking to him for a few days. Krista was the last person on earth he cared about, and if she didn't talk to him on a daily basis, he didn't know what was happening to her. For all he knew, their father could be looking for a place to bury the body.

He looked up at Kennedy, standing there casually before putting his phone away and leaning back again. Krista could wait a little while longer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Kennedy Callaway

"Perfect. Then you won't cry or cling to me when I leave you." he said with a laugh causing her to scoff, rolling her eyes

The soft melody of the song relaxed her, she wasn’t sure she really wanted there to be a party tonight. After the day she’d just had, she could easily lie in bed with a bottle of Vodka and drink herself to sleep. She watched the way he glanced to him phone like he was debating on whether or not to call somebody and it briefly reminded her that Charlie hadn’t answered her call earlier, he’d decided against calling whoever it was when he put his phone away and she smirked.

She walked up to her wrapping her arms his neck as if she was getting ready to go another few rounds with him. She pushed him against the wall, next to the door. She lend up kissing him deeply before pulling away with a wicked smirk.

“Trust me I’m the opposite of clingy
” she started, kissing him again to distract him from her other hand as it unlocked the door, she pulled away again “And, you’re not worth my tear.” She said swinging the door open and shoving him out. “See you tonight.” She said simply slamming the door and locking it again as if he’d been just another fling. But, the truth was, if he’d have stayed there any longer with her, she’d have never wanted him to leave.

She crossed her bedroom lazily, opening the drawer of her nightstand and pulling her prescription medication out, popping two and chasing it with an almost empty bottle of whisky. She didn’t care that it was dangerous to mix her pill with alcohol, it hadn’t killed her yet. She grabbed her phone off her night stand, opening her window up so she air her room out, before walking across the room, turning off her music as she dialed her little sisters number again, hoping she’d answer.

“Hello.” Charlie answered sniffling, like she’d been crying.

Kennedy immediately became sober, she could literally feel the effects of the drugs and alcohol, even the high she still had from her rough sex with Nathan, all of it seemed to vanish almost instantly.

“Charlotte, what’s wrong.” She said trying to stay calm.

“Mom’s new boyfriend
” she whispered as if she was scared “KC, I can’t stay here. He’s fucking crazy.” She said starting to cry again.

Kennedy sighed, there was nothing she could really do for her, out of spite her mother refused to let Kenna come around. If her sister ran away, they’d just find her and take her back and if Kenna went to pick her up her mother would take in out of context and say she’d kidnapped her.

“Did he hurt you?” Kenna demanded “Charlie?”

“Not yet
Last night he snuck into my room and
” she trailed off.

“And what Charlotte?” Kennedy knew her tone was harsh but, she couldn’t help it.

“He tried to have his way with me, if you hadn’t given me that taser.” She swallowed not wanting to finish so Kenna didn’t push her.

“Listen babe.” Kennedy cooed “I’ll see if Keegan can come get you sometime this week, mom would be more willing to let you go with him, maybe you can stay with us for a while. Just hang tight okay. I love you.” She sighed.

“I love you too.” Charlie sighed before hanging up the phone.

Kennedy sighed, letting her body fall back on her bed. There was really no room for her sister at their house, there was only enough room for Dahlia and her, yet they had at least 5-8 people at a time staying at their house. Kennedy let out a frustrated sigh.

Keegan Callaway

There was a knock at the door, it wasn’t a simple normal knock it was sharp and almost demanding and Keegan hoped it wasn’t Kennedy. He’d risked a lot by sleeping with Dahlia, especially with in a couple of hours of arriving, not that he could or would ever regret any second of it.

He caught Dahlia’s smirk as she got up to answer the door, slipping his shirt on he watched as she crossed the room to answer the door. When she opened the door revealing Tristan, he let out a silent relived breath.

"Can I help you?" Dahlia asked lazily.

"Are you drunk? It's the middle of the day? Tristan asked almost judging her before his eyes fell on Keegan in her bed. Keegan smirked arrogantly, giving him a two finger wave, not bother to get dressed, the sheets of the bed covering his lower half.

Brandy made a few comments, the Keegan chose to ignore for her safety, the disappointment on her face that Dahlia had gotten to Keegan before her made him roll his eyes. Like she actually thought she had a chance in hell with him.

"What did you want?" Dahlia’s question brought his attention back to the small group of three.

"We wanted to see if you wanted to come pick up some shit for tonight, but I can see you're busy making your new roommate feel welcome." he said harshly, causing Keegan to sit up, hoping Tristan would try to attack him, Keegan smirked at the way it looked like he would explode any second.

"Last time I check Tristin, we're not together anymore, and the only reason I let you hang around me trying to get me to forgive you is because, occasionally, you're a good lay." Dahlia’s comment caused him to relax a little, having tensed at Tristan’s attitude. Dahlia said a few more things to the two who stood just outside the door before she finally came back and sat down next to him on the bed.

"I think you officially made a new enemy." he laughed as he slipped his pants back on, before sitting down next to her. "And once Brandy shoots her mouth off, I'm pretty sure Jack will hate you too." he shrugged like he didn’t care, as he let his lips trace along her jawline.

He stood up pulling her tightly too him wrapping an arm around her neck and placing his free hand on the back of her neck, kissing her deeply, letting her know he wasn’t scared of havng enemies. He pulled away with a smirk.

“I love having enemies.” He said darkly, before feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket, he pulled it out the screen reading Lilo. “Listen babe, I gotta take this.” He said kissing her once more before slipping out the window, the same way he’d slipped in earlier that day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Dahlia could tell by the way he ignored her words to kiss her jaw that he didn't really care, and she smirked and leaned her head to the side, letting him kiss her before he stood and pulled her against him. She looked up at him briefly before he placed his lips on hers, making her lean into him and kiss him back, wanting more.

However, he pulled away and smirked at her, causing her to smirk back. "I love having enemies." He said, and she smiled wickedly, the thought of him beating the hell out of both Jack and Tristin sounding more than just a little good to her.

She was about to kiss him again and pull him back to the bed when his phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out. "Listen babe, I gotta take this." He said and she shrugged as if she didn't care and before she could say anything, he slipped out the window.

She smirked and went over to it. "Quit calling me babe." She called before closing her window and turning back to face her room.She was glad he'd left when he did, because, if he hadn't, she was fairly certain she would have tried to keep him there all day.

Dahlia quickly grabbed her bikini and shorts, slipping them on, tucking Keegan's shirt into her shorts and pulling it out some so it hung loosely on her, but wasn't super long, before flipping off her stereo and opening her door.

Which Jack seemed to think of as a free invitation into her room. He stepped in and closed the door behind him, glaring at her. "Brandy said you fucked Kenna's brother?" He said, sounding disappointed and she rolled her eyes, giving him all the proof he needed. "Classy Dahli." He smirked tauntingly and she shoved him.

"So I'm not classy." She spat and rolled her eyes. "Everyone knows I'm trashy, you made sure I got that way. And stop calling me that!" She realized suddenly she was yelling, and stopped herself, not wanting everyone in the house to hear. "Stop pretending you're a concerned big brother." She hissed bitterly and rolled her eyes. "I'm not your whore, and you're not my pimp, now get the hell away from me before I kill you."

"Hey." He whispered, placing a hand on her cheek, false concern in his voice. "I'm just trying to look out for you. You know, like any big brother should." He was falsely sweet, any idiot could tell, and she reached for him, about to punch him right in the eye when he caught her fist, throwing it away easily, and slipped swiftly from the room, laughing like an idiot.

Dahlia took a second to cool down before leaving her room, finding Tristin and Brandy still there. "You done fucking your new house guest?" Tristin spat, and she rolled her eyes.

"Actually, yeah, I am. You done being an asshole?" She shook her head. "Clearly not." She said, before he could answer and went to Kenna's door. "Kenna!" She called. "Come get some shit with me and the idiots for the party, or I might kill one of them." She really didn't want to have Tristin around Kennedy with him in the mood he was in, because he might say something about her and Keegan, and Dahl didn't want her to know yet, but she wasn't sure she could stand a second with Tristin and Brandy without Kennedy there.

She was still a little drunk and high from the pills, but the good mood she'd gotten from being with Keegan was officially gone, thanks to her dumbass brother and judgmental Tristin.



Nathan kept his eyes on her as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him, shoving him against the wall as she kissed him. He kissed her back and grabbed her hips, pulling her closer, wanting more of her, when she pulled away and smirked at him.

“Trust me I’m the opposite of clingy
” She said with another kiss. “And, you’re not worth my tears.” She said before swinging the door open and pushing him out. “See you tonight.” She said simply slamming the door and locking it again.

Nathan laughed lightly and glanced around the room. Tristin and Brandy were there, looking like they were getting ready to leave, and Jack was just coming out of Dahlia's room with a laugh that sounded more wicked than humorous, followed by Dahlia who seemed royally pissed, and he wondered, not for the first time, exactly what was going on between them.

Jack sat on the couch, his usual spot, and Nate sat next to him. Jack smirked at him an patted him on the back, offering him a joint, and Nathan just shrugged and took it before standing again and slipping out the back door, headed for the beach again, so he could call Krista without everyone around.

Once there, he sat in the sand and called her.

"Nate?" She answered instantly. The phone had barely had a chance to ring.

"Yeah, it's me." He said with a smile as he leaned back. "Everything good?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" She said, sounding a little happier than usual, and Nathan narrowed his eyes and listened. In the background, he heard a muffled talking. Only the talking was feminine.

"Krista, please tell me you didn't invite a friend to that house?" He said, sitting up suddenly. He didn't like Krista being there, and he'd thought she was smart enough not to bring her friends around their father, but he could be wrong.

"What? No! That's dad's new girlfriend's daughter. She's a year older than me, but she'd really cool! I don't like her mom, but I like her!" She sounded excited and he groaned and fell back on the sand, looking up at the sky. Great. His dad had a girlfriend, and that girl had a daughter he could terrorize. Now he had two little girls to worry about his father hurting instead of one.

"She tased him last night." His sister rambled on. "I wish I'd seen it." Nathan laughed as his sister went on and on about her new best friend.

"Look, I should probably go." He said finally, cutting her off. "I'm going to get you a cell phone so I don't have to keep calling the house, just don't let dad find it, and teach your new friend to stay away from him. Show her what I taught you, though, if she has a taser, I doubt she'll really need it." He said with a chuckle. "Hang in there, I love you, and I'll see you soon when I bring your new phone by." He said and she agreed that she loved him and would stay out of trouble before he hung up and sighed.

He stayed there on the beach for a while, finishing off the joint before finally standing and heading back to the house with a sigh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Kennedy Callaway

Kennedy had often wondered on a regular basis how she could kill her mother and get away with it. Kennedy had been victim to one of her mother’s boyfriends when she was younger and that last thing she wanted was for her baby sister to have to go through the same thing. Her mind refused to shut off now, she couldn’t stop worrying about her sister.

"Kenna!" Dahlia’s voice called her from the other side of the door and she let out a sigh. "Come get some shit with me and the idiots for the party, or I might kill one of them." she didn’t know if she was ready to come out, but she knew Dahlia would break the door down if she didn’t at least make an appearance.

She quickly put her swim suit back on, tucking away Nathan’s shirt, not wanting Keegan or Dahlia to know he’d been in there with her all afternoon. She slipped her Guns and Roses shirt back on, before slipping on a pair of Daisy Duke shorts, before opening the door to her friend. Raising a brow when she saw that she was wearing the same exact shirt her brother had been wearing earlier, she rolled her eyes knowing what that meant, but despite the fact she wanted to lecture both of them, she could bring herself to do it at least not now.

I can’t go into town. I’ve got some shit to deal with” She sighed “Just let them go by their selves
I’m sure they can handle it.” She said closing her bedroom door behind her walking past Dahlia and into the kitchen, knowing by the way Dahlia was acting someone had done or said something to piss her off.

In most cases, Kennedy had become a mother type figure to the people that hung around them, always settling debates or kicking people out, breaking up fights, and making sure everyone was safe. She sighed as she looked at Jack on the couch and Tristan and Brandy who looked like they were getting ready to do.

“Listen. I’m not in any mood to put up with your fit throwing.” She glanced to Tristan, she could assume why he was mad “Or your fucked up comments.” She looked to Jack “You two don’t need Dahlia to hold your hand all the way to town.” She said a little harsher than she meant. “And I suggest if you don’t want to be out on the street, you keep your mouth shut, I have no problem kicking your ass out.” She said irritated.

Keegan Callaway

Keegan smirked into the phone as he heard Lilo’s voice saying she’d be there in a few minutes. He didn’t bother to put another shirt on, if fact he kind of wished he’d changed into his swim shorts. He watched Nathan pass him walking down the path that he assumed led to the beach. He lend against one of the trees his hamak was tied to, lighting a cigarette. He raised a brow glancing back to Dahlia’s room hearing her yelling though he couldn’t really make out what it was about. He took a few steps in the direction of her window before hearing a familiar voice call his name, causing his attention to turn to the his best friend.

He smirked as she ran to him and he picked her up swinging her around as if they were a couple, she kissed his cheek as he set her back down on her feet. She let her eyes shamelessly run over his perfectly etched abs and built arms.

“Damn Ty, California was good to you.” She laughed “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” She gushed like a teenage girl.

He smirked leaning up against the tree, looking her over just as she’d done to him, they’d hooked up once, but decided they were better as friends, but he had to admit she grew into herself, she looked so much different from when he’d left.

“I know.” He smirked “Looks like you grew up yourself babe.” He said finally bringing his eyes to her “I missed you to Lilo.” He sighed “My sister’s having a party tonight, you should stay.” He offered.

“Yeah, I know, her and that other girl’s parties are the talk of the island, I figured it wouldn’t be a good idea seeing as she doesn’t like me.” She sighed

Keegan shrugged “She won’t say anything as long as your hanging out with me. Besides, I’m going to hold a fight club tonight, you’ll get to see what Cali really did for me.” She flirted. “You bring my stuff?” he asked and she nodded handing him a solid white pill bottle. “Thanks.” He smirked kissing her cheek.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Dahli hear rustling in the room before Kenna opened her door, and raised an eyebrow when she saw her shirt, and D internally kicked herself for forgetting to change before inviting Kennedy. She'd just been too upset to really think about it.

I can’t go into town. I’ve got some shit to deal with” She said with a sigh and Dahlia could tell she was irritated. Something was on her mind. “Just let them go by themselves
I’m sure they can handle it.” She said as she walked past her, and she sighed and ran her hands through her hair, glancing at Tristin and Brandy with a shrug.

Dahlia watched as her friend suddenly took control of the room, as usual. “Listen. I’m not in any mood to put up with your fit throwing.” She said, looking at Tristin, who scoffed at her and rolled his eyes. “Or your fucked up comments.” Jack only shrugged and Dahlia rolled her eyes and went to sit at the dining table, kicking her feet up on it. “You two don’t need Dahlia to hold your hand all the way to town.” She spat at Tristin and Brandy. “And I suggest if you don’t want to be out on the street, you keep your mouth shut, I have no problem kicking your ass out.”

Jack rolled his eyes at her. "I have no doubts that you'd kick me out Kenna." He said with a smirk as he stood and came over to stand behind Dahlia, placing his hands on her shoulders, making her wince irritably. "Too bad my dear kid sister wouldn't let you." He laughed cruelly and kissed her cheek. "Anyway," He shrugged, pulling away from her and heading for the door. "I've got my own shit to get for the party." He laughed and slipped out, and Dahlia knew exactly what he was getting. More drugs.

"So you're not coming?" Tristin asked her, giving her one more chance to leave with them and Dahlia shrugged and shook her head before him and Brandy slipped out the door, leaving her and Kennedy alone.

"Damn." She said, glancing around. "This weird. There's no one in our house but us." She looked at Kennedy and raised an eyebrow. "You think Hell froze over?" She teased before sighing and leaning back in her chair. "So, since we're alone..." She said, eyes on her friend. "What's going on? Why do you seem so pissy?" She asked, hoping she wouldn't say it was because of her and Keegan, though she guessed that was part of it.



Nathan made his way back up to the house and spotted Keegan talking with some girl he'd never seen, deciding not to go inside, he slipped around the side of the house and spotted Jack hopping in his car. Nate was still shocked by the fact that Jack had a car, considering the fact that he spent every dime he'd ever gotten on drugs, and he was always wondering where he got his money, but he figured he was just selling his shit for a lot more than he was buying it.

"Jack!" He called, causing his friend to stop. "I need you to do me a favor man." He said, jogging over to him. His friend shrugged.

"You got cash?" He asked, and Nathan scowled, irritated, but nodded and handed him a twenty. He called him his best friend, but Jack could never do anything for someone without getting payed in return. Even him. "Alright, what do you need?"

Nathan gestured to his car. "I need you to take me into town to buy a cell phone, then to my dad's." He hesitated. No one knew about Krista, and he surely didn't want Jack to, so, before Jack asked a bunch of questions, Nathan raised a ten. "And I need you to not ask questions." He said, knowing Jack wouldn't turn down the money.

He grabbed the bill from him and gestured for him to climb in, so he did. He kept his promise, thankfully, and didn't ask him a bunch of questions, driving him to the store, where Nathan bought a cheap cell phone and added the number into his own phone before driving him to his dad's house.

There was a car out front that he assumed belonged to his new girlfriend's, and Nathan sighed and handed the phone to Jack. "Go put it in the mailbox. I can't do it. If my old man sees me, he'll shoot me where I stand." He said and Jack shrugged and took the phone, obviously confused, but unable to ask any questions, he just got out and put it in the mailbox.

"Alright, now take me back." He said, and Jack just nodded and drove him back to Kenna's before peeling off to do whatever it was he was originally going to do. Nathan felt like an intruder, hanging around Kennedy and Dahlia's house without Jack around, so he just took a seat on the porch and called Krista.

"Nate? I thought you had to go?" She said as she picked up the phone.

"I did, but I called to tell you I left you a phone in the mailbox. Go get it before dad finds it. Now you can text me as well as call me, and you can call me anywhere. Just make sure dad doesn't find it." He sighed.

"But, I thought you were going to bring it to me so I can see you?" She asked, sounding a little hurt, and Nate groaned, almost painfully.

"I can't. You know that. I'll figure something out, but for now, I can't see you." He said before telling her, again, that he loved her and he was sorry, and hanging up, throwing his head back with an exhausted sigh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Kennedy Callaway

Kenna hated the way Jack thought he was so cocky and she couldn’t understand why Dahlia put up with him, it made her skin crawl the way he touched her and talked to her and if it wasn’t for Dahlia, she’d have beat the shit out of him months ago. She rolled her eyes when Tristan asked if Dahlia was going of not, there was a reason him and Austen were such good friends, because they both felt entitled to two girls they could never really have.

"Damn. This weird. There's no one in our house but us." Kenna smirked, it was the truth the two hadn’t been alone for even a single second, since they’d first moved in. "You think Hell froze over?" She shrugged at her friends question as she grabbed a beer from the fridge, handing on to D, before grabbing one herself and leaning against the counter. "So, since we're alone...What's going on? Why do you seem so pissy?" Kennedy knew the question was coming, Dahlia wasn’t one to keep questions to herself, especially when it came to Kenna.

Kennedy wasn’t sure if she wanted to say anything, because she always felt like she was whining and she hated when people felt sorry for her, so she chose not to say what was really bothering her, instead she came up with something just as convincing.

he’s the root of all evil in my life.” She said in a false dramatic tone, before smirking. “So
you and my brother hu?” she said raising a brow, quickly changing the subject. She held her hand up, letting her know she wasn’t mad, but also that she wasn’t finished talking, She sat down in the seat next to her. “I don’t care that you fucked my brother, that was inevitable.” She shrugged taking a drink of her beer “And trust me babe, I know you
you get about as attached to a guy as I do.” She smirked “But, Keegan is my brother, we might as well have been twins, I know how he ticks.” She said explain.

It wasn’t often that Kennedy told anyone what to do or gave them wise advice, because she wasn’t perfect and she wasn’t a hypocrite. At the end of the day everyone was responsible for their selves, Kennedy was more of the type to stand by your side, not matter what your choices were, she waited till you asked you for help, before she stepped in. She never really had one on one girl talk with anyone either, but Dahlia was her best friend and Keegan was her brother and she felt like it was necessary for at least a warning.

“He knows how to pull you in and make you feel like you’re the only girl in the world.” She continued “Then he’ll drop you like you never existed. I’ve seen him do it a million times.” She sighed “You got game Dahlia, better than any girl I’ve seen, but anything you throw at him, he’ll throw back ten times harder.” She said honestly “Fuck him all you want, no one’s stopping you
you be careful babe.” She said standing up, kissing the top of her head. “I don’t want to have to kill my brother because he broke my girl heart.” She said a little lighter this time, kicking the serious mood that had come over them for only a moment.

She walked over to her the big stereo, that was wired through the entire house inside and out, glancing back to her friend with a playful smirk.

“Guess we should get the party started.” She said putting a CD in, smirking as the song started playing through the speakers, turning it up. She wasn’t exactly one for rap, but when came to their parties, it was easy to dance to, she danced across the room back over to Dahlia, pulling her up from her seat, and grinding on her playfully, before kissing her cheek.

“Have fun with him tonight.” She whispered “And if I know anything about my brother, It’s that Jack won’t get anywhere near you as long as your with him tonight.” She winked. “Better you than Brandy.” She laughed.

Keegan Callaway

Keegan tucked the pills in his bag before loosely tossing an arm around the girls shoulder, more friendly than flirty. They were getting ready to head towards the front of the house before he her his phone start ringing and he gave an irritated groan, before he had the chance Lilo took it upon herself to grab his phone of his pants pocket and he smirked as she handed it to him. It was his mother, but he couldn’t think of any good reason his mother would be calling him, unless it had to do with his younger sister.

“Hello?” he answered trying to sound like he wasn’t irritated.

“Keegs.” She started and jaw clinched at her use of a nickname “I need to borrow some money
” it was a statement, not a question and he knew it was probably for drugs or booze. “It’s for Charlotte not me.” She said quickly but he knew that was a lie.

He sighed he knew if he said no, his mom would cut off any communication between him and his younger sister, like she’d done to Kennedy and he couldn’t let that happen. Now that he was back, he had a feeling his mother was going to blackmail him as much as possible.

“How much?” he said simply trying to keep the conversation short.

“Five-fifty.” She kept is as short as him, she talked to him more like he was a drug dealer and less like he was her son. “Tonight.” She added. Keegan rolled his eyes.

“Alright, I’ll figure out how to get it there, but you better be using it for Charlie.” He threated, even though he knew it wouldn’t be for her, the phone call was over just as quickly as it had started. He didn’t say anything to the girl he still had his arm wrapped around and she knew better than to ask.

He guided her towards the front of the house where he’d seen Jack drop off Nathan, just in time to see the guy hang up his cell phone. He wasn’t exactly fond of him, simply because he’d seen the way he looked at Kenna, but he liked him better than Jack.

“Nathan right?” he smirked “I’m think about a fight club tonight, place bets make easy money
what do say. You in?” he asked casually, getting ready to head inside the house. Keegan glanced up from Nathan as he heard the music come on and he smirked. “I think that’s my CD.” He looked to Lilo who laughed, nodding in agreement. “Think about it, you can make a lot of money. If you decide yes, come find me.” He said before heading into the house.

He led Lilo in to the house still having his arm wrapped around her neck, smirking as he saw his sister, dancing with Dahlia. He glanced when he heard the door open again, seeing Austen come in, keeping his eye on him, remembering Dahlia had said something about him being Kennedy's boyfriend. He looked angry, but he didn't say anything he simply walked into the kitchen grabbing a beer, before leaning against the kitchen counter watching the two girls for a moment, before finally noticing Keegan and the girl next to him raising a brow. He crossed the room, headed for the two of them knowing he wouldn't be able to yell over the music.

"Leilani, what are you doing here?” he asked looking from her to Keegan.

“I’m here with Keegan.” She shrugged “Keegan, this is my cousin Austen
who also happens to be your sister’s boyfriend.” She smiled introducing them.

Keegan felt his fists clench, but loosened them taking a breath. He wasn’t really good with guys and his sisters, in his eyes no one would ever be good enough, he forced a smile. Austen raised a brow, an idea hatching in his mind.

“So your Kennedy’s brother.” He said casually. Keegan just nodded, unimpressed with the kid.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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he’s the root of all evil in my life.” Her friend said, and Dahlia could tell there was more to it, but she didn't push like she usually did. With other people, she had no problem getting them to talk, and she didn't stop until they did, but she liked Kenna, and she wanted to keep her around, so she respected when she didn't want to talk about something. “So
you and my brother huh?” She said, and Dahlia knew it was coming. She was going to say something when her friend held up a hand and, remarkably, D actually kept her mouth shut. “I don’t care that you fucked my brother, that was inevitable.” She shrugged and Dahlia shrugged too and leaned back in her seat, popping open the beer K had given her, taking a drink. “And trust me babe, I know you
you get about as attached to a guy as I do. But, Keegan is my brother, we might as well have been twins, I know how he ticks.” She said and Dahlia could tell that a talk was coming on, but she didn't stop her like she normally would.

“He knows how to pull you in and make you feel like you’re the only girl in the world. Then he’ll drop you like you never existed. I’ve seen him do it a million times.” She sighed and Dahlia simply drank her beer and listened. “You got game Dahlia, better than any girl I’ve seen, but anything you throw at him, he’ll throw back ten times harder. Fuck him all you want, no one’s stopping you
you be careful babe.” She said as she stood and kissed the top of her head, making her smirk. “I don’t want to have to kill my brother because he broke my girls heart.”

Dahlia chuckled and watched as she went over to the stereo and flipped on some rap music. She really didn't like rap, but she didn't mind it for a party. Her friend turned it up before moving over to her, pulling her up and kissing her on the cheek, dancing with her.

“Have fun with him tonight.” She whispered. “And if I know anything about my brother, It’s that Jack won’t get anywhere near you as long as your with him tonight.” She winked and Dahlia almost froze, thought she managed to keep her face light as she danced with her. “Better you than Brandy.”

Dahlia chuckled and pulled Kenna closer, giving her a kiss on the cheek in return. "Don't worry babe." She whispered back with a laugh. "I can take care of myself. He's not the only one who knows how to play games." She smirked and placed a hand on her shoulder as they moved and Keegan came in with someone she didn't know, sitting with her on the couch.

Dahlia smirked at him briefly, but other than that, didn't react. Then Austen walked in and stalked over to Keegan and the girl, demanding to know why she was there, and Dahlia listened as he said her name, and she explained that she was there with Keegan, and that she was his cousin. "Shit," she whispered to Kenna playfully. "She's related to him." She chuckled. "That can't be good."

Dahlia took a drink of her beer and watched as Nathan walked back inside, followed by Jack and a group of friends. She glanced over them quickly. She didn't recognize a single one of them, but she was fairly certain she'd fucked them all.

They all took seats around the living room and Jack handed out beers and joints, and it wasn't long before Brandy and Tristin were back, each with their own couple of friends and a few bags each filled, no doubt, with drugs and liquor.

Tristin came over to her, wrapping an arm possesivly around her waist, and tugged her into the kitchen, away from Kenna, setting his bags on the counter before grabbing the beer from her hand and replacing it with a bottle of whiskey, knowing it was her favorite as he pushed her back against the counter. "I don't like fighting with you D." He whispered softly as he kissed her on the lips, though it felt like nothing compared to Keegan's kisses.

She kissed back lamely before shoving him off and opening the whiskey, taking a drink. "You sure about that?" She asked, smirking wickedly at him. "Because you sure do piss me off a lot."



“Nathan right?” Nathan looked up to see that Kennedy's brother had joined him on the porch, along with some girl who, by the look of her, had to be a native to the island. Nate just shrugged and nodded in response to his question. “I’m think about a fight club tonight, place bets make easy money
what do say. You in?” He asked, before his train of thought changed as he heard music. “I think that’s my CD.” He said to the girl who laughed and nodded. “Think about it, you can make a lot of money. If you decide yes, come find me.”

Nathan shrugged as he watched him go in. He'd already decided. Yes. However, he waited a pit on the porch, and soon, Jack pulled up, getting out of his car with a group of his friends, each carrying bags that he knew contained drugs.

"Why are you sitting out here Nate?" Jack asked as they came up the porch and he offered his hand, pulling him up to standing in front of him. "The party's in there." He gestured to the house and smirked.

"Had to make a phone call." Nathan said with a shrug and Jack shot him a look that told him he was wondering if it had to do with the mysterious cell phone from earlier, but, as always, if you offered Jack money, he stuck to his word, so he didn't ask anything.

Nathan went in the house, followed by the group, and took a seat right up by the coffee table on the floor. He reached behind him, holding his hand out flat, and Jack, in the chair behind him, placed a joint in his hand and Nathan smirked and lit it, taking a few hits as he leaned back to watch Kennedy and Dahlia dance.

However, Tristin, Brandy, and more of their friends came in then, and Tristin swept Dahlia away from Kenna and Nathan smirked and turned his attention to Keegan, on the couch across from him. "I'm in." He said simply with a shrug and leaned back on his elbows lazily, like he'd lived in the house his whole life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Kennedy Callaway

Kennedy smirked when Dahlia realized Austen was related to the girl Keegan had brought to the party, Kenna just shrugged, before Tristan pulled her away and she rolled her eyes. She felt someone place their hands on her hips and she kicked herself for wishing it was Nathan, but she knew it was Austen and she didn’t fight it this time, there was no point in fighting him in front of everyone. He spun her to face him as he pressed his lips to hers before she could protest. Kennedy smirked against her lips, more kissing him only because she knew Nathan was in the room.

She pushed away from him, though he still held her close “You and Tristan plan sweeping D and I off our feet at the same time?” she smirked.

you know I don’t like her.” Kennedy rolled her eyes “You get tired of playing with that faggot?” he said kissing her neck.

Kennedy pushed him away, walking into the kitchen, he followed her. She grabbed one of the vodka bottles, chugging it, like it was water, she winced as it burned down her throat. She pulled Austen close wrapping an arm around his neck and moving her lips close to his ear.

“Nah, He was better then you
bigger dick to.” She smirked kissing him, she could feel his body tense “Careful babe, you touch me my brother will have you ass.” She said kissing his lips roughly before pushing him away roughly. He shook his head, his fist clenched and she rolled her eyes. She grabbed his arm pushing him down into one of the dining table chairs, straddling him, not caring who was around, not that she ever did for that matter and Austen smirked. “But don’t worry babe, your still my favorite.” She lied, but he bought it.

“Have some fucking class Kenna, your brother is in the same damn room.” Brandy smirked as she walked by, Kennedy flipped her off as she kissed down Austen’s neck.

Keegan Callaway

Keegan sat on the couch, Lilo leaning against him as others started coming in, people he was positive none of them knew, but it didn’t matter the house might as might as well of had an open for business sign the way people started to file in. His eyes fell on Tristan and Dahlia and he rolled his eyes, irritated with the way he continued to follow her around and chase her, like he had nothing else to do.

Then his attention went to the guy who’d just been talking to him, his hands all over Kennedy. His fist clenched, his jaw following suite. The guy was bold to do that in front of him.

"I'm in." Nate’s voice brought him from his thoughts and he relaxed, he was thankful for the distraction, he knew at some point he’d lose his temper, whether it was Tristan, Jack, or Austen on the receiving end he wasn’t sure yet.

“Thought you’d you be interested.” He smirked.

Eventually he’d managed to get a whole group of guys together as he wondered around the party, before coming back to the living room, where Kennedy was still sitting on top of Austen, except now they were making out, causing him to roll his eyes. Dahlia was still in the kitchen and it looked as though Tristan was still trying to woo her and he smirked. Walking up beside Tristan who had Dahlia pressed against the counter reaching behind Dahlia, where rows of unopened liquor bottles were set on the counter, grabbing one, porously grazing her back with his fingertips, something he knew Tristan couldn’t see, before grabbing one of the bottles.

“Looks like you two kids are having a good time.” He said opening the bottle of whiskey filling a party cup half full, before grabbing another already opened bottle and filling the cup the rest of the way. He took a drink before looking back to the two. “You get tired of him, come and find me.” He smirked, winking as he headed out front where they were going to start fighting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Even though she'd pushed him away, Tristin came right back, pressing her harder to the counter, this time, grabbing her hands in his, glaring at her, clearly angry. However, before he said anything, Keegan came into the kitchen with a smirk on his face.

He reached behind her to grab a bottle, and she felt his fingers trail along her back, causing her to tense briefly, making Tristin's eyebrows knit in confusion, feeling her body tighten against his. "Looks like you two kids are having a good time.” He said as he poured himself a drink, glancing between her and Tristin. “You get tired of him, come and find me." He said with a wink as he walked off.

Dahlia rolled her eyes. She was already tired of Tristin, but she wasn't going to chase after Keegan. "I don't like your new friend." Tristin said, causing her to look back at him, and Dahlia laughed.

"No shit, Trist." She rolled her eyes. "Jack could probably figure out you don't like him, and he never even made it to high school." She said with a laugh.

"You didn't either." He reminded her, and she narrowed her eyes, hating being compared to her brother.

"Are you trying to get me to have sex with you, or kill you?" She spat bitterly.

He sighed against her. "You're right, I didn't mean to-"

"Just shut up." She said, cutting him off. "You ruin everything you have going for you as soon as you open your mouth." She smirked, pulling her hands from his grip, wrapping one around his neck, using the other to push the bottles behind her out of the way before hopping back onto the counter and kissing him, slipping her tongue into his mouth.

It was nothing like the tingle and electricity Keegan made her feel, but it was better than most guys, and his lips were hot against hers and his fingers were fiery as they ran up her thigh.

His hands moved up under her shirt, along her back, before griping the string to her bikini and pulling slowly. She smirked wickedly and shoved him off her, hoping down from the counter and grabbing her whiskey before slipping out of the kitchen, and back into the living room, taking a drink from her bottle. "Not cool D! I don't like being teased." Tristin called after her, following her, grabbing her arm as if he was going to pull her back.

She reacted quickly, smacking him across the face before yanking her arm away from him. "The more you talk, the more you ruin your chances of getting lucky tonight." She said, rolling her eyes and pushing him away as she walked away from him, and, thankfully, he stayed.

In the living room, people were drinking and dancing, and doing drugs, as usual, and Kenna was on Austen's lap, with her tongue down his throat. She hated Austen, but she wasn't going to get involved in Kennedy's love life.

"Hey sis, want something?" Her brother asked from the couch, gesturing to the drugs around him and holding a joint out for her. But she'd learned her lesson, and both of them knew that she knew better than to take anything from him, so he was clearly taunting her, letting her know he had something planned for her.

She rolled her eyes, disgusted, and made a decision to drink only from her bottle of whiskey, and anything unopened, for the rest of the night, and stay away from him. It didn't always work, but it was a start. She slipped into her room briefly, grabbing her knife and slipping it in the back pocket of her shorts before heading out the front door where Keegan had disappeared.

Outside, she found Keegan, Nathan, and a group of guys hanging around, and Dahlia smirked and raised her eyebrows, sitting on the hanging wicker swing on their porch and kicking her feet up on the railing as she took out a cigarette and smoked it, taking a drink from her bottle. "What's going on out here?" She said, making herself known with a smirk. "Guess you really are gay huh?" She teased Keegan with a laugh.



“Thought you’d you be interested.” Keegan said with a smirk, and Nathan shrugged, his usual response. He sat back as Keegan stood and went about the party, no-doubt getting more guys together.

He glanced at Jack, who was busy filling his veins with some form of heroin, then glanced around the room at the dancing, drinking people, finding Kennedy. She was with Austen, making out with him in a chair. Normally, it wouldn't bother Nathan, and he hated that he couldn't help but feel a little jealous, and his body tensed as he watched.

"You okay man?" Jack asked from behind him on the chair, placing a hand on his shoulder and Nate just shrugged again and took a few more hits off his joint before flicking away.

"You need something else." Jack said, and it was a statement, not a question, and Nathan nodded with a smirk, holding out his hand, not really caring what his friend handed him.

He placed a bag of powder in his hand and Nathan smirked and dumped it out on the table, snorting quite a lot of it before leaning back, holding his head as his nose burned. He pulled back his hand from his nose to find blood there, but he just wiped it away and let the drug take over him, making his fists clench.

He saw Keegen duck into the kitchen briefly before slipping out the front door, and Nathan sighed and stood, deciding to follow, seeing as he was probably going to start the fighting out there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Kennedy Callaway

Austen’s lips on hers felt nothing like Nathan’s had and she hated herself for letting herself compare the two of them. Most of the time she hated Austen, but she had to give him credit for sticking around when he knew she was far from faithful. She pulled away from him with a smirk and he pulled her back to his lips roughly causing her to smirk against his lips.

She finally managed to peel herself away from him and she was thankful when Tristan had intercepted his path towards her, she knew the two would go off and get high and she wouldn’t have to deal with him for a while. She wondered around the party, subconsciously looking for Nathan. Her search hadn’t been successful and she sat down on the couch, willing letting one of Jacks friend’s shoot her up, knowing in the back of her mind it was a terrible idea, but she could care less.

The drug burned through her veins as she could tell it was laced, by the way it felt It was laced with coke, which was a dangerous mix, she smirked, kissing the guys who’d just shot her up, it was meaningless, more thanking him for the drug.

She swiped her bottle vodka bottle from the coffee table heading towards the front door able to hear what sound like a pretty big group gathering out front. She pushed the screen door open, Dahlia sitting in the wicker swing, casually and Kenna smirked, seeing the group of guys that had gather. She knew what was happening, her brother could barely go a day without fighting since he’d started, her eyes finding Nathan causing her to raise a brow.

“This should be interesting.” She whispered more to herself

She propped her body up on the banister, using her elbows, she lit a joint taking a hit off of it, the drugs in her system starting to slow her breathing as well as her heart rate. She kept her eyes on Nathan, wondering how well he’d hold up against the others.

Keegan Callaway

Keegan had disappeared around the side of the house to where he’d stashed his stuff. He poured three of the pills in the palm of his hand, which was more than he should have taken. Speed tended to turn him violent, he snorted a little coke adding to the drugs that were already in his system. He slipped on his UFC, open palm cloves with a smirk. He could feel the drugs take over and it felt good to finally have something strong in his system again.

He came back around the corner joining the group of about fifteen, drunk, drugged up guys as well as a small crowed of party goers that had gathered around to see what was going to happen. Lilo smirked when she saw him, she was the one taking bets, because she was the only one he trusted with the money.

"What's going on out here?" Her voice took his attention from Lilo and his eyes fell on her, they seemed darker and more wicked. "Guess you really are gay huh?" he smirked at her joke, simply answering with a wink as he walked into the center of the circle. He explained what they’d be doing and how the bets worked, it was obvious he’d done it before.

“Were gonna need a safe word.” He said casually, both hands resting on his hips as he glanced up to where Dahlia sat, seeing Kennedy had joined her. “Safe word is
Dahlia.” He smirked wickedly keeping his gaze on her for a moment longer before turning back to the group of guys who looked confused.

A few fights had started and finished, each one of them calling the safe word Keegan had assigned finally, Keegan stepped in to the ring. The drugs in his system in complete control, the way he carried himself and the dangerous smirk on his lips gave away the fact that he was a little more than intoxicated.

The guy that had stepped up to fight him was at least twice his size and every ones bets were on him. Keegan smirked gesturing him to make the first move and the guys did, landing a dangerous blow to Keegans jaw and blow that should have knocked him out cold. He turned his head he to the side to spit blood from his mouth, before the guy punched him again this time in the stomach, gasped and even Kennedy held her breath. Keegan let out a dark laugh, and the guy seemed confused, Keegan’s fist met the guys face and he stumbled back words, he threw punch after punch, he was a professional and that wasn’t hard to miss once he’d started in on the guy. The guy opened his mouth to call out the safe word, but it was too late, Keegan delivered a devastating kick to his ribs, the crack was clearly audible, the man gasped for air dropping to the ground.

Keegan smirked darkly, everyone look at him suddenly almost fearful of him, he whipped the blood from his mouth, his abs and the veins in his body more prominent than before. He glanced up to Kennedy, before his eyes went to Dahlia, giving her a cocky wink, like he knew he was the best.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Dahlia watched as he winked at her before heading into the circle, explaining to the guys how things went like a pro. She glanced at Kennedy as she came out and leaned back in her seat, puffing smoke from her cigarette and drinking her whiskey as the first of the fights started.

"How cute." She smirked to Kenna as the first guy called her name. "He used my name." She laughed lightly and watched a few more before Nathan went, and then Keegan finally stepped into the circle. She watched as he got hit a couple of times, a smirk on her lips, before finally stepping up to make his move.

He threw punch after punch before kicking him in the chest, a clear sharp crack making it obvious that he'd probably broken a rib or two as the man dropped to the ground.

Everyone looked at Keegan like they were suddenly afraid, but the smirk on her lips only widened as he turned to look at Kenna, before turning his eyes on her and winking. She chuckled and pulled her legs from the railing, standing and leaning forward on it on her elbows, taking a slow drag off her cigarette and a drink from her whiskey as she kept her eyes on him and a smirk on her lips.

"Are your trying to impress me?" She chuckled, puffing out plumes of smoke with her laugh. "You'll have to do better than that. I'm not easily impressed." She said tauntingly as she took a drink from her bottle and watched him.



Nathan stood back and listened as Keegan explained how things would be going for the fights and glanced at the other guys. He was a pretty good fighter. He may not be the biggest guy ever, but he was fit and he was fast.

He watched a few fights before finally stepping up to take his turn. Nathan walked in, confidant, as he looked the guy over. He was pretty big and had a nasty scar down his face, but Nate was sure he could take him.

They circled each other a little before the guy threw a punch and Nathan ducked effortlessly out of the way. The guy stumbled forward with the momentum of his swing and Nate took the opportunity to toss a few punches. Two of which managed to crack the guy across the nose before he finally managed to get his hands up and block him.

The guy threw a few more punches, but Nathan was quicker, and dodged them effortlessly, moving fluidly as he dodged and punched, dodged and punched, beating the guy up a couple punches at a time.

Finally, the man managed to land a punch on Nathan, and he could feel blood running down his nose as he stumbled back, giving the guy an opening to land several more punches, two to his stomach and three to his jaw. Nathan struggled to block him before striking out, hard and fast, harder than he'd been punching so far, and his fist connected with the side of the guy's face.

There was a loud, audible crack as his jaw dislocated, and, possibly broke, and he fell flat on his face, out cold.

Nathan stood back, breathing heavily as he wiped the blood from his face and several of the other guys dragged his knocked-out opponent from the ring.

Nathan stepped out of the ring of guys and glanced at Kennedy on the porch with a smirk before turning his eye back to the fights as Keegan stepped in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Kennedy Callaway

Kennedy watched Nathan’s fight with a smirk on her face, finally winning and when he stepped out of the ring he glanced to her with a smirk and she rolled her eye, taking a drag from her cigarette. Her brother had Dahlia to impress and Nathan had Kennedy to impress, even if they didn’t have feelings for them, it was breed into the male DNA, having to impress any girl with in ten feet. Only difference was Kennedy and Dahlia weren’t easily impressed.

Keegan stepped into the ring and Kennedy sighed, he was her brother she didn’t exactly like watching him fight considering he could get seriously injured, but she watched and winced every time he was hit, she finally let out a breath of relief when her brother was declared the winner and they helped his opponent up.

"Are your trying to impress me? You'll have to do better than that. I'm not easily impressed." She heard Dahlia say causing her to smirk as she took a drink from her bottle of Vodka.

Kenna watched her brother come jog up the stairs of their porch, making his way over to Dahlia and she turned her attention back to the group as a few more fights were going on, she tuned out whatever Keegan and Dahlia were doing.

Travy.” She called out to one of the guys standing closest to Nathan, she knew him fairly well having hooked up with him a few times, despite the face he was at least ten years older than her, though in the end they’d decided they were better being friends.

“Whats up K?” he said not hiding the way his eyes wondered over her.

She rolled her eyes, pulling him close so her lips were close to his ear and to everyone else around them it would look like they were having an intimate conversation, the way she had pulled him close, and that’s exactly what she had wanted it to look like.

“That guy you were standing next to.” She started and Travy turned to glance back to Nathan, before Kennedy tugged on his shirt bring his attention back to her. “Beat the shit out of him and I’ll make it worth your while.” She smirked kissing his cheek. “But if he beats you
your outta luck.” She said in a false saddened tone. “Oh
and either way
make sure you let him know it was me that told you to kick his ass.” She said glancing to Nathan over his shoulder

“You got it shorty.” His Jersey accent was thick, he smirked heading back towards the group.

She heard someone clear their throat and she glanced back seeing her brother, Keegan raised a brow glancing from the guy who she’d just been seducing back to his sister.

“Don’t ask.” Kennedy laughed.

“Wasn’t gonna.” Keegan rolled his eyes “I need you to do me a favor.” He said pulling out a thick roll of hundred dollar bills handing it to her. “Beat half of this on Nathan
the other half on me.” He ordered her and she glanced to Nathan before looking back to her brother.

“I don’t think you
” he held his hand up to stop her, she’d practically she ordered a hit on Nathan and her brother was about to beat a shit load of money on him.

“Just do it Mouse.” He said before heading back down the stairs

Kenna rolled her eyes following her brothers orders calling Lilo over, she looked shocked when she handed her the money and even more shocked when she’d put half of it on Nathan, but she nodded and went on her way collecting other bets.

Keegan Callaway

The drugs in his system, the cheer of the crowd, and the fact that he’d just beat the shit out of some guy felt good. The combination of everything making his high ten times better, although it was nothing like the high he felt when he was with Dahlia, although that was something he’d take to his grave. He watched as they carried his opponent off.

"Are your trying to impress me?" he glanced up to her when she spoke and he could help but smirk "You'll have to do better than that. I'm not easily impressed." he rolled his eyes.

Another fight had already started, he’d have a few minutes before his next fight, he jogged towards the two girls at the porch stopping in front of Nathan, he smirked wickedly.

“Nice job.” He said glancing to the fight that was going on before looking back to Nathan “I haven’t seen a fight like that in a long time. Don’t let me down Nate
I taking a chance on you.” He said with a smirk “Don’t lose my money.” He’d said it jokingly, yet it was an order and a threat, he patted his back as he continued up towards the porch, taking the stairs two at a time heading straight for Dahlia.

He didn’t care who saw them, because if anyone knew his sister, they knew him and they knew when it came to girls it was never serious. He lend in dangerously close, feeling the familiar heat and it kept every bit of him to keep from kissing her. Her looked straight into her eyes, his eyes were dark, dangerous. Everything about him, the way he looked and carried himself, he just looked dangerous.

“That wasn’t impressive enough for you?” he whispered mockingly “Baby
I’m just getting started.” There was something about the way he’d said it, that was almost scary.

He took a step back grabbing her by the wrist roughly pulling her close, holding him to his bare chest, leaving no space between them, he kissed her roughly, maybe a little two rough, but he couldn’t exactly tell the difference. He released her grabbing the cigarette from between her fingers and taking a drag from it, smirking darkly.

“Try not to look so flush doll face,” He said calling her out on how flush she’d gotten from their kiss and if he wasn’t so tan, you’d have been able to tell he was just as flush as her “And I’ll try not to disappoint.” He said, flashing her an arrogant smirk. He placed the cigarette back between her lips.

A darker beat of a familiar song sounded over the speakers as if someone had changed the CD, giving the guys something to actually fight to and he let out a laugh, like he was thankful for the change in music.

“Sorry babe, that’s my cue.” He whispered. Placing a hand on the back of her neck pulling her in for another rough kiss before pulling away, glancing to where her sister was with some other guy. His fists clenched as he walked over to her, right as the guy was leaving.

“Don’t ask.” she laugh, causing him to glance to the guy that had just been standing their before glancing back to his younger sister

“Wasn’t gonna.” He said obviously irritated “I need you to do me a favor.” He grabbed the roll of dollar bills from his pocket, which was easily a couple thousand dollars “Beat half of this on Nathan
the other half on me.” He knew he could win and he had a good feeling about Nathan, if both of them won, he’d be tripling his money.

“I don’t think you
” he held up his hand quickly interrupting her midsentence.

“Just do it Mouse.” He said a little harsher than he meant to, it was very rare that he was mean to his sister or ordered her to do anything. He sighed making his way back to the group, walking with the confidence of a God and a look of murder in his eyes as if he was dead set on killing at least one person.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Dahlia watched as Keegan started heading towards her and Kennedy, pulling herself off the railing and taking a drink of her whiskey, watching him with a wicked grin as he stopped to talk to Nathan before hopping up the steps of the porch and coming straight for her.

He leaned in close enough that she could feel the heat coming off of him, and it took all she had not to reach out and grabbed him, but, remarkably, she remained composed, and puffed a cloud of smoke in his face. When the smoke disappeared, his eyes were on hers and she felt the danger coming off him as clearly as she felt the heat. Only, unlike any normal girl, the danger didn't scare her. It was a challenge, not a threat.

“That wasn’t impressive enough for you?” He whispered mockingly and she shrugged. “Baby
I’m just getting started.” He said in a voice that would scare most people.

She was about to step back and make a smart ass comment when he grabbed her wrist harshly and pulled her body against his, causing the cool, sarcastic expression on her face to falter briefly as he placed his lips against hers roughly. Extremely roughly, making her drop her bottle of whiskey, causing it to shatter on the ground at her feet. She felt like she was on fire and she fought hard not to melt weakly in his grip, but kissed him back just as harshly.

Finally, he let her go, and she couldn't help but feel disappointed, and struggled to catch her breath and recollect herself as he grabbed the cigarette from her hand and took a drag off of it with a smirk that said he knew he'd gotten to her and he was satisfied. “Try not to look so flushed doll face,” He said, and she collected herself quickly, taking a step back from him with a wicked smirk. “And I’ll try not to disappoint.” He said as he placed the cigarette back between her lips.

She let out a soft chuckle and shrugged. "Better not." She said as she raised her fingers to her lips and took a long drag off her cigarette before pulling it away from her mouth and puffing out more smoke between them as the song changed and he laughed.

“Sorry babe, that’s my cue.” He whispered and she hadn't missed the fact that he'd nicknamed her three times since he'd come up to the porch with her, calling her baby, then doll face, and then babe. Suddenly, he placed his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her right back to him, placing a rough kiss against her lips, making her hot and flushed all over again.

He pulled back again and she took one last drag off her cigarette before flicking it away as she talked to Kennedy, telling her to place some bets. She watched the way he walked off with a satisfied smirk on her lips before heading back into the house and into the kitchen.

Jack and his friends shouted some taunts at her, but she just shoved through the dancing crowd that seemed to have gotten bigger since the last time she was inside, and into the kitchen, heading over to the counter where all the unopened bottles of liquor were, safe from Jack. She grabbed a new bottle of whiskey and opened it, taking along, deep drink before pushing back through the tight crows and outside again, reclaiming her seat on the wicker swing with her legs up on the rail, this time with a joint in her hand instead of a cigarette, one that she'd gotten from her room, making sure it wasn't any of the stuff going around the party, just to be safe.



Nathan watched as Kennedy called out to one of the guys standing close to him, and he laughed and rolled his eyes, watching her pull him close before turning away, back towards the group, watching the current fight.

Keegan stopped in front of him, clearly on his way to Dahlia. “Nice job.” He said and Nate shrugged as usual. “I haven’t seen a fight like that in a long time. Don’t let me down Nate
I taking a chance on you. Don’t lose my money.” Nathan laughed and rolled his eyes as Keegan walked off.

He watched the fight end before the music playing changed and the guy who'd been talking to Kennedy came over and slapped a hand on his back. "Looks like I'm fighting you next." He said, and Nathan raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Kennedy before turning his eyes back on him.

"I'm guessing Kenna hired you?" He said with a laugh and the guy shrugged as the two previous fighters moved out of the way and the two of them stepped into the circle.

Nathan watched him carefully. "She wants me to kick your ass." He said, throwing a punch that he easily dodged. "Guess you did something to hurt her huh?"

Nathan rolled his eyes and laughed, throwing his own punch, that also missed. "No, you don't hurt a girl like that." He said with a shrug as he bounced back, avoiding a punch. "Not easily anyway. Now shut up so I can concentrate on kicking the shit out of you." He smirked and they fell silent, the only communicating going on through their fists flying.

It wasn't easy, he had to admit. Kennedy had picked a tough guy, and the man managed to beat the hell out of him and knock him down more then once, but, amazingly, Nathan just jumped up every time, coming back slower and slower each time, but coming back nonetheless.

He nearly beat him. However, Nate wouldn't leave until either he was out cold, or dead, so he kept going, and, in the end, he managed to knock Travy with a blow so hard, he broke his nose and knocked him out.

Nathan stepped back, utterly exhausted, and ignored the cheering guys, heading straight for Kennedy. He stood under her on the ground, looking up at her on the porch. He turned his head to the side and spit out a mouthful of blood before turning to face her with a smirk. "Have fun watching me beat up your friend?" He said with a wicked grin, knowing that, if Nate hadn't landed the punch he had, it Travy would have walked away the winner, and looking a hell of a lot better than him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keegan Callaway Character Portrait: Kennedy Callaway Character Portrait: Dahlia Carmichael Character Portrait: Nathan Harris
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Kennedy Callaway

Kennedy smirked as they stepped in to the ring, almost positive Travy would win. She watched the fight smirking every time Travy knocked him to the ground and taking a drink of her Vodka every time he got back up. She didn’t exactly want to have sex with Travy, but at the same time, she didn’t want Nathan winning. She let out a disappointed sigh when he knock out Travy, wincing for her friend knowing Nathan had broken his nose.

She smirked as she watched Nathan ignore the cheers and head straight for her. She looked away pretending not to know he was headed for her as she took a swig of the liquor in her hand, emptying the bottle, letting it hand from her hand loosely. She watched as he turned his head to spit blood out, he looked like shit, thanks to her and that only made her smirk turn wicked.

"Have fun watching me beat up your friend?" She glanced to him with a shrug.

“Actually, what I was hopping was for you to lose, so you’d lose Keegs money, than he’d beat the shit out of you, himself.” She said with a sigh, pretending to be bored with his presence, despite the fact that all she could think about was his lips on her, though she hid it extremely well. She tossed her empty bottle to the side before making her way down the stairs, stopping in front of him.

“Thanks though.” She said crossing her arms in front of her “Had you lost I’d of had to fuck him.” She said keeping her eyes on him, knowing she probably wouldn’t get a reaction. Although it had been a pretty bold move on her part to barter sex to beat the shit out of a guy she’d just been with earlier that day. “If you’re done playing with your boyfriends,” she smirked “You can come play with me of course you look a little sore, so I can always go find Austen.” She shrugged, turning away from him as she headed around the side of the house and out of sight of everyone out front, making it a point that she was really going to find Austen.

Keegan Callaway

Keegan watched Nathan’s fight, his heart still raced from his kiss with Dahlia and he still felt the spark of where her lips were on his. He joined the crowed as the yelled, obviously needing Nathan to win and when he had, Lilo had brought him his money which was tripled, though he wasn’t going to keep it for himself, he’d give it to Nathan, though he disappeared before he had the chance.

Keegan stepped in the ring again, at first it looked as though he was losing until, like before he’d gone into attack mode, only this time he nearly beat the guy to death and had to be pulled off by a few of the other. He fought at least three more fights brutally beating each of the guys, he seemed to become more and more violent each time he fought.

Eventually the group grew smaller and smaller, until finally the fights had ended and Lilo handed Keegan three large rolls of hundred dollar bills. He smirked kissing her forehead and he could slowly feel himself coming down from his high, he needed more drugs in his system.

you going to clean yourself up?” Lilo’s voice brought him from his thoughts and he glanced down seeing splatters of blood on him, some his own, some from the guys he fought and he just shrugged not worried about it.

He glanced to the porch, seeing Dahlia still there and he smirked “Thanks for your help tonight.” He said and his friend nodded, before she made her way past Dahlia into the house and he followed only he stopped when he got to the porch, looking Dahlia over.

“Still not impressed hu?” he smirked