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Callion Lightson

"This bores me...all this bores me...Can we go get some pork?"

0 · 834 views · located in Ambar

a character in “Ambar: Snow & Ash”, as played by Quakernuts


"I may be a fool sir, but thereā€™s one thing youā€™re forgetting...Iā€™m a fool with lightning hands!"




[General Information]
Name: Callion Lightson
Nickname(s):Lighter, Cali
Age: 31
Race: Human
Origin: Reynholt, Vesia
Occupation: Nomad Wizard.


Hair: Bright blonde
Eyes: Green
Height: 6ā€™0
Build: Skinny
Weight: 150 lbs
Body Markings: While his face, hands and feet are free from most markings, the rest of his body is covered in tattoos that range from inconsequential to large ritual engrams that signify magical heritage or act as a font of power. Underneath these, if one can look closely, are scars numbering into the double digits from self inflicted wounds in the name of research.

Callion is a rather unimpressive specimen when compared to others of his race. While he does have height, weighing in at only 150lbs doesnā€™t allow him to fill out clothes or provide anything of a intimidating stature. His bright blonde short hair, mixed with his nearly untouched face, fair complexion, seemingly innocent green eyes and demeanor give off a very clear image of someone whoā€™s better suited to cower behind other, stronger people. The only thing going for him is the fact that he looks younger than he actually does, coming across as someone in his early 20ā€™s, a fact that he continually pulls upon as a boon for when heā€™s 50 or 60.

Typically Callion wears robes to cover his rather unimpressive physique, loose but never seeming to hinder his movement. Colorful, almost as if the intent was to draw attention to himself. Heā€™ll wear just about anything that happens to come along though, with the exception of actual armor because he finds it ā€˜bulky and unwieldyā€™. He believes it restricts his movement and hinders his ability to cast spells, which is partially true, but ultimately itā€™s because heā€™s lazy and canā€™t stand to heft that kind of weight around forever. Rings will often adorn his hands, as well as earrings, hats, glasses and necklaces. At heart, he may be a bit more feminine than he would like to admit, but much like a peacock he canā€™t help but flaunt when he has something nice to show off.

Underneath the clothing is where the true vision of Callion. His skin is covered in tattoos to the point of no actual skin being visible (save for his extremities such as his hands and feet). While he would have you believe that itā€™s one conjoined image, itā€™s easy to tell that several dozen tattoos simply overlapped and now come together to form a somewhat incoherent mess. Yet he seems to not be phased by this, picking out individual tattoos with little effort. On top of this, if one can get past all the ink that covers his body, youā€™ll start to see the massive amount of scar tissue covering him as well. Self inflicted wounds that he will have you believe were done in the name of research, very few seem to be from an external hand.

Ultimately, Callion is neither imposing nor intimidating. He can sometimes be seen as a child despite being well past that stage and his flaunting can come across as immature. Underneath is someone who is either extremely damaged or extremely devoted, and heā€™ll leave that little bit of indecision to the person asking the question to answer.


[P E R S O N A L I T Y]
Callion is a bit of an oddity even from an objective point of view. He has a very strange outlook on life with a drive that seems to come from nowhere and a knowledge base that borders on the insane.

At his core, Callion could be described as an overaggressive scholar and mage. Heā€™s not necessarily a fighter, but for some reason has a huge issue with pride. When heā€™s challenged in nearly any fashion, he goes out of his way and well beyond his own abilities in order to prove that person wrong. He has acquired knowledge from all over the world, most of it magical in nature and has studied it relentlessly to the point that he uses this god like force to solve nearly all of his problems. Heā€™s the kind of person who approaches a locked door with a thunderclap or fireball. Common sense is present, but is often overridden by his natural curiosity and desire to ā€˜try new thingsā€™. He may not rely on the tried and true methods if he thinks something else might work and he wants to see what happens.

Callion isnā€™t exactly the caring type, or at the very least he doesnā€™t come across as kind or generous. He comes across...not cold but very apathetic. He understands the suffering and pain of others, and doesnā€™t mean to cause such things to people but when they are happening around him heā€™s more interested in actually documenting the symptoms and causes as opposed to helping those in need. He can be easily persuaded to deal with the situation properly though, and considering he was a Priest of Light for a time, itā€™s not hard for him to switch to a different mindset once prodded.

The biggest word that comes to peopleā€™s mouths when talking about Callion is: Eccentric. Callion is always coming up with experiments or looking for ways to expand his magical knowledge base, and a lot of these situations come forth as the excited chatterings of a crazed wizard. Despite his relatively young age, Callionā€™s innate intelligence would place him as someone double, maybe even triple his life length. Even if he doesnā€™t have the wisdom or common sense to apply some of that knowledge to everyday occurrences, he can easily provide the information of an encyclopedia to those that ask.

Due to his upbringing, Callion suffers from some mental disorders, the most prevalent being narcolepsy which has led to more than a few entertaining scenarios of him passing out in the middle of a lecture, or while walking down stairs. He puts up a strong front of not letting it bother him, but deep down it scares and infuriates him. There is also the thought that his hurt pride being a trigger is also part of his childhood, but that has always been there. Callion will often play off anything regarding his past as something that doesnā€™t need to be discussed and immediately switch topics, but a little bit of him is reserved just for dealing with those particular memories.

Callion has never had any friends, or at the very least, no one that he felt he could trust completely or tell anything. As such, heā€™s very guarded about what he does or doesnā€™t know, only letting things slip when he gets into a crazed experimental phase. People tend to let him down, and while he laughs, smiles and jokes about all these things, heā€™s hurting deep down from the loneliness that he feels constantly, even when heā€™s in a crowd. The more he acts like he doesnā€™t care, the more he digs the knife in.

  • Failure: While this may seem like a ā€˜weakā€™ fear for most, Callion has a nearly obsessive compulsive need to succeed no matter the challenge. He thrives on his ability to push through, and should he come to a point where he canā€™t solve the problem, he will push past his own bodily limitations even if it means hurting himself (although he's never gone as far as hurting others in his pursuits). It's like he's conditioned himself to absolutely need a 'win' regardless of what the prize is, and will do nearly anything and everything to achieve that. Should he fail, well to put it bluntly, he won't stop trying. So to him, there is no failure, only another chance.
  • Never Waking Up: Callion suffers from a form of narcolepsy, and while he has attempted to correct this in many different ways, some he would never ever suggest to others, it seems like the condition is with him to stay. With it comes the fear that heā€™ll pass out at the wrong moment and never wake up again.
  • Having his tattoos removed: While it's understandable that having any of these magical glyphs altered or completely deleted from him would be upsetting, there is the implication that a couple of these pieces of art are directly tied to his own life force and having them forcefully removed could result in...permanent consequences.

  • Narcolepsy: Standard fare, Callion has issues regulating his sleep cycles and as such will randomly get tired or even completely pass out while also having times of extreme alertness during hours that should be reserved for sleep.
  • Eccentric: This should come as no surprise, but Callion is quite eccentric, believing himself not necessarily infallible, but capable of overcoming any challenge. This will often lead to outrageous schemes and plans to achieve a goal no one knew he was striving towards.
  • Makes Up Words: Thereā€™ real one word to classify this. At times that seem to be random and completely up to the whim of Callion, heā€™ll make up a word to replace another simply because he can. When people act confused or call him out on it, his answer is the same. ā€œWords were once made up sounds that people associated things to, what Iā€™m doing is no different...Shagaloo.ā€

    • Elements: Callionā€™s magic is powerful, and he has such a broad range of abilities and spells that seeing an element of any kind is enough to make Callion light up with glee at the potential playground of magical energy.
    • Obstacles: Yet more challenges for Callion to overcome.
    • Music: While Callion has all the musical ability of a deaf boar, he understands the fundamentals better than some famed artists and enjoys all manner of tunes.

    • Rules: Rules were meant to be broken.
    • Being told ā€˜Donā€™tā€™ or ā€˜You Canā€™tā€™: Callion strives on challenge and rebellion. Telling Callion that he Canā€™t do something is basically begging him to do it anyways.
    • Priests: Despite being one himself not too long ago, Callion had a hard time adjusting to their way of doing things because of the rigid structure of their hierarchy. While he appreciates the work they do in healing others, he canā€™t bring himself to actually like them.


[Skills] If weā€™re talking from a purely physical point of view, Callionā€™s skills are not only laughable, theyā€™re pitiful. He barely has the strength to heave a sword, let alone a shield. His reaction time in the midst of a duel are average at best and horrible at worst. His frame is too light and skinny to support any decent kind of armor aside from the most basic of leathers, and even then you wouldnā€™t catch him dead in it because of his own personal belief that armor cramps his magic ability. Ultimately, if you ever have to rely on Callion to fight a sword battle, youā€™re better off sending in a legitimate child.

[Spells/Magic Affinity] If Callion could be called a mewling babe in hand to hand combat, here you could call him a Legend. Callionā€™s magical affinity and ability to pull upon a vast reservoir of not only mana but known spells is unprecedented. Spells, incantations, totems and rituals come easy to Callion to the point where he was quickly bored with all of the ā€˜standardā€™ stuff such as elemental and force driven abilities. He joined the Priests of Light in Vesia partly because someone told him he would never make it as one, and the other to learn about the Light magic they have in their ranks. When he had had enough of that, he quickly delved into the more amoral magic in order to quench his never ending thirst for something new, something better, something powerful. Heā€™s dabbled in necromancy, dark magic, and even the temptation of the blood. His skill set is so varied that itā€™s often extremely hard to figure out what kind of spell heā€™ll use next. Ultimately, Callion is so skilled in this aspect that the physical section of combat ceases to apply, he would be near unstoppable if not forā€¦

    • Narcolepsy: Something that Callion canā€™t control. It can and will hit him out of nowhere and stop his rampage dead cold. He can stave it off to some degree when he feels the sleep start to take him, but only for a time.
    • Easily Goaded: One for challenges, someone can easily goad Callion into fighting a different way if itā€™s not something ludicrous. While Callion believes he can overcome anything, heā€™s not about to abandon his position because someone told him he couldnā€™t win with a sword. That being said, asking him to battle one handed, or blindfolded, or even without moving is a completely viable strategy.
    • Illegal Magics: While Callion has a variety of abilities at his disposal, his most powerful spells are the most controversial. Many of his truly dominating spells are held in reserve because the world believes them to be abominations or otherwise unclean.



Armor?! Are you insane?!

Callion tends to wear baggy clothing with a lot of free flow movement, much like the Vesia priests although his robes tend to be a lot more colorful and eye catching. Ultimately, this is his go to wardrobe and youā€™ll rarely if ever find him in anything else. He tends to wear a surprising amount of jewelry as well, ranging from earrings and necklaces to rings and bracelets.

Aside from the aforementioned jewelry, nearly every other item that Callion carries has some sort of magical influence. Callion has a backpack filled with scrolls, talismans and empowered items.

[Primary Weapon:]
Weapon Name: Will of the World
Weapon Type: Staff
Length: 6 feet long
Weight: 10 lbs
Origin: The Will of the World has been with Callion ever since he started practicing magic at the tender age of 7. He made it out of a large tree branch from his hometown that heā€™s simply been adding power to ever since. Over the years, heā€™s had mastercraftsman look at it, shape it, and he himself has infused it with crystals containing different magical elements until it became the staff that it is today. He dubbed it with the name ā€˜Will of the Worldā€™. With it, he can channel all sorts of magical energy and has the added benefit of being the only caster capable of wielding it. The multitude of different magical energies makes the staff unstable in the wrong hands, only through Callionā€™s subconscious manipulation of the different energies flowing through it does the staff stay in one piece.

Callion's Story



| Father - Unknown |
Callion was, and still is an orphan. He knows he had a father, as to where he is or who he is though Callion has no idea. To be honest, he couldnā€™t really care all that much.

| Mother - Unknown |
Same deal as his father, and once again the thought rarely if ever crosses his mind.

| Mother Kanatta - Priest of Light |
The woman who raised Callion, along with several other orphans. Despite what her title would have you believe, Kanatta was anything but motherly. Why she was the head of the orphanage was anyoneā€™s guess, but one would have to suspect in order to satisfy her sadistic tendencies. While the priests would always say that she was simply instilling discipline, Callion would argue that the only thing that locking him in a small room with ammonia laced cleaning agents did was make him lightheaded and sick to his stomach...oh and almost kill him.

Other children werenā€™t as lucky. Callion got by because of his innate ability with magic, and by extension, alchemy. To this day, he curses Mother Kanatta with every fiber of his being.

Callion has had a number of jobs. He was an alchemistā€™s assistant when he was younger, before ending up as a member of the Priesthood and performing for them for a number of years. Once that particular career path was more or less interrupted, Callion became a Wizard for Hire for a few years before eventually transitioning into a tutor for the more magically inclined. After a few incidents in which his narcolepsy nearly ended with a mansion being set on fire, Callion eventually settled on being a nomad, picking up odd jobs as he went to fuel his obsession with the magical world.

[Outlook on life]
For the most part, Callion is largely indifferent to the world with a few exceptions. For example, even though he was once a Priest of Light, Callion believes them to be massive hypocrites, stuck up and completely wrong in the way that they tend to view the world and the people around them. Heā€™s also not that big of a fan of Vesia, considering the amount of infighting around the nobility which inevitably falls down to the common people. While it resulted in plenty of work for someone like Callion, he wasnā€™t one for constant war, or as the nobility called it, ā€˜civil disagreementsā€™.


Callion was born to unknown parents and immediately placed in the orphanage within the city of Reynholt. Callionā€™s life wasnā€™t easy from the get go, considering the earliest memory he had was being locked in a closet for speaking out of turn by the monster that was Mother Kanatta. His early life was a mixture of rebellion, anger, hatred and outright denial that this was what his life was. Mother Kanatta did everything she could to break Callionā€™s will, who had proven by the time he was old enough to talk that he wouldnā€™t be treated like some unwanted piece of furniture to be moved around as she pleased. As Callionā€™s acts of rebellion grew bolder, the punishments became more severe to the point that child abuse was thrown off the table in favor of attempted murder.

It was during these extreme moments that Callion found he had an affinity for the magical. When Mother Kanatta put him in positions to be poisoned, Callion was able to mix something together to counteract the effects. When he was physically threatened, with very little training, Callion brought the forces of magic to his beck and call. In some ways, he owes his magical affinity to that bag of a woman. Every rule she put forth, Callion went out of his way to break. Every challenge she set forward, Callion worked to overcome.

This kind of environment could have easily caused Callionā€™s current narcolepsy as he rarely, if ever got a full nights sleep under the orphanage roof. It wasnā€™t until the day that Callion and Kanatta got into a full blown screaming match, where Callion called out the priesthood, claiming they were nothing but spiteful witches and bastards to which he received several dozen lashings and outright told that he would never be good enough for the likes of the priesthood.

A challenge he took to heart.

Unfortunately one doesnā€™t simply go from unwanted orphan to priest in one go, and Callion set out whenever Kanatta wasnā€™t looking to find a way to increase his knowledge of the arcane arts. He found that help in the form of an elderly man who ran a potions shop. Initially hesitant to take on the help, Callion immediately impressed him with his small but intricate knowledge of what he had already picked up. Unable to pay the boy, the alchemist decided to take Callion on as his apprentice but wasnā€™t aware of Callionā€™s actual situation until many years later, right before Callion went in for the priesthood.

By the time Callion was 13, eligible for the apprenticeship into the Priesthood and had come a long way in the years leading up to this moment. While his drive and rebellious attitude remained, the hard times in the orphanage had only increased as he was constantly looked over by those looking to adopt a child because of his narcolepsy and personality traits that were almost entirely the fault of the institution. In fact, during the exam to become an apprentice, Callion fell asleep halfway through and had to be literally shaken awake by the attending priest who kept telling him he had failed. Instead, Callion looked at his half finished paper and finished writing the test in 5 minutes right in front of the man. Scoring nearly perfectly (a couple of spelling checks and a mark was docked for drool), Callion was accepted into the ranks of the priesthood where he underwent study for the legitimate practice of magic over at Arnā€™s Rock.

The priests soon found that this boy who had a tendency to pass out in the hallways was basically a savant. Every spell and incantation he was taught he lapped up like it was water. In fact, it wasnā€™t long before he had essentially mastered everything they could teach him and he turned to other things. He continued his services as a Priest of Light, healing the injured and treating the sick, but in his off time he went about learning about every kind of magic he could. Elements, psychokinesis, incantations, totems, embrasure, enhancement, etc. He covered his form in different glyphs and images that could be used to complete spells so that scrolls would be unnecessary. It eventually got to the point where he no longer had any ā€˜canvasā€™ left and was forced to continue with scrolls anyways.

When Callion was 24, he reached a crescendo. Having been a Priest of Light for over a decade, he felt like he had reached the maximum point of magical efficacy he could ever achieve with them. Eventually he started delving into the forbidden arts, including necromancy and blood magic. Originally, as part of the Holy Church, Callion asked to study blood magic as part of his healing magic but was refused. While he was never given any official reason as to why not, it wasnā€™t long until whispers reached his ears that the archons of the church were afraid of his abilities. They were afraid that by giving him access to blood magic research Callion would surpass their abilities and become dangerous.

They were telling him no.

So he set about researching things on his own, cutting into his own skin time and time again in order to reach a deeper understanding of the forbidden art. He made progress for a time, but eventually realized that he wouldnā€™t get any farther with the tools he had. With a little help from some hired mercs of varying moral integrity, he managed to steal a couple of blood magic books from the Arcanum before hopping aboard a carriage and leaving his old life behind for good. He had never even been particularly religious, in fact aside from someone telling him that he couldnā€™t, he couldnā€™t see a reason as to why he had stayed with the church for so long aside from easy access to the magic repository at the Arcanum.

Without anywhere to go and limited supplies, Callion actually joined up with the group that helped him with the burglary for a time, becoming their go to solution when dealing with anything arcane. Once he got bored of that, he attached himself to a noble family in Vesia and started teaching their young daughter how to control the element of water as was the request of the Warden. It wasnā€™t until much later that news of the Paladinā€™s search for a rogue Priest of Light with several forbidden tomes in his possession reached Callionā€™s ears. Once they did though, Callion took that exact moment to flee the country.

From there he travelled to Stormgarde, where he enjoyed being a nomad for a few years. He earned money through magic shows, training and the odd mercenary contract. When the mark burned itself onto his hand, he instantly knew what it meant. One didnā€™t belong to the major religion of a nation for so long and not hear about the 7 heralds. While his initial fear of the mark, and what it meant for him was all encompassing, his natural curiosity got the better of him.

He got careless, and someone saw the mark. He had no idea who had, or when, but one moment he was sleeping away at an inn, and the next he was being dragged out of bed and shackled. His initial thought was that the Paladins had somehow found him, but it was quickly realized that these were soldiers of the Stormgarde...His mind raced as he realized that the mark must have appeared on others.

He was going to be executedā€¦



Spoiler: show
ImageC E C I L I AXX|XXQuestion of Purpose

"An Elf, much like the others that predated her and will come after. Pointy ears, long life spans, but unlike others of her race, she seems willing to commit to action. The curse of the nearly immortal, an abundance of time leads to procrastination and laziness. It is pleasant to see that it hasn't yet struck Cecilia. Still, her lack of outer reaching emotions does strike me as odd, considering the race's inherent connection to nature and the land. A scientific mind hides behind an aesthetically pleasing physicality but is drained by cold words and a seemingly colder heart. Who am I to judge? I am much in the same. Maybe this is why I can relate to her as easily as I do. Or maybe, it's because I've spent far too much time trying to derive meaning where there is none. Regardless, she's handy with spells and blades, and inquisitive enough to prove useful on the trials ahead. I will never go so far as to say that we need her, but she would be a welcome addition the longer she continues to travel with this wandering band of neanderthals...and me."

ImageP H A E D R AXX|XXTatakau Riyuu

"A poisonous woman if I ever did see one, filled with a venom and vitriol that seems to expel at me whenever the opportunity allows. Quick with a dagger and tongue, her barbs hurt the very pride that I have worked decades to form from nothing more than a soapy bucket. Save her life? Doesn't matter, I'm the one at fault. Wipe out a city of undead? Who cares, she bought us rooms at a hotel. Surprised she didn't open her legs and have money spill out from some obese benefactor befit only to buy women and order lesser men around. I speak from a position of hatred myself, an undying need to prove myself superior has always been one of my more major faults, but without it I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today. She threatens that image, one I have cultivated through careful and prepared steps. Still, she has her uses and it appears that the others like her well enough. Considering we are bound by the mark of the Heralds, it's quite clear I don't have a decision in the matter. The Gods, or whatever has magic that can span the world over has decided we should be standing side by side. Fine, I will make due, but as she holds a dagger to my side, I shall keep a fire lit in the palm of my hand as I grip hers."

ImageM A R AXX|XXCrossing the Return Threshold

"A farm girl thrust into the crushing arms of a cruel destiny that would see her innocence shattered by blood, sweat and death. Not a simple future I would wish upon anyone, especially so young. It is odd to hear myself speak like this, considering I don't consider myself that old, but she seems so fragile to most things. That basic primal desire to protect the children of a species is so ingrained in even the most apathetic individual such as myself that I can't help but speak in lectures and lessons when the opportunity presents itself. She seems to be attracted to magic, but it appears to be tempered by a resilience to challenge herself. As if she's been held back, and even now fails to recognize that she's free to make her own choices. She's pleasant, kind and caring, a complete opposite of a certain someone in the group who shall remain nameless, and would forever so if I had my way. To continue though, would be to expand on the fact that she feels out of place in this motley gathering of misfits that we are. Soldiers, casters, assassins and thieves, and here she stands. Like a beacon or a lighthouse, shining down on us and reminding us what we're supposed to be fighting for. Of course, this is what I would say if I were any sort of sentimental moron, but in reality she's more akin to an anchor. She keeps us in place and provides us a moment to stop and collect our thoughts, but she can also weigh us down and slow our progress. In order for her to become more than what she is, she will have to mature and learn. Maybe I should teach her, if she's willing."

ImageG A R O SXX|G A R O SIron Blooded Orphans

"An unusual specimen for a companion if I ever saw one. Half breeds are not uncommon, but an elf and an orc? That is a rarity, even among my own elaborate travels. A mercenary, which would lead one to believe he is the scarred no nonsense 'money first, action later' type, yet that is not what he appears to be. His laughs, while often loud and obnoxious, are at times a good point of relief among the group...even if I find myself covering my ears to work. Still, a friendly heart is always good in any group, a type of glue if you will to keep others going. I've found, through personal experience, that I simply lack that particular capability. Not that I would care to go out of my way to become it, a chuckling baffoon, slinging an axe like some kind of barbarian from the outlands. Still, his skill with a blade and a little touch of magic is always a good thing to have around, and he makes the others bother me less when I'm trying to discern just how we are supposed to be accomplishing our objectives. A necessary distraction if you will. His hands can remain at his own side however, as I do not feel a need to convey a point by his brushing of digits upon my robe. I have my standards, and he would do well to heed them."

So begins...

Callion Lightson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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The horde that had managed to accumulate in front of Callion normally wouldn't have been much of an issue. He could have utilized his spells to blast a way forward, but having to maintain the shield was otherwise occupying his attention. With Phaedra and Mara within his care he couldn't allow himself to go on the offensive. While he could guarantee his own safety, he couldn't do the same for the other two if he started lighting the entire place on fire. As arrows flew past him by the surprisingly accurate Mara, his thoughts roamed to potential solutions until Phaedra took it upon herself to force open a path. Leaving the relative safety of Callion's shield, she managed to make herself useful and provide an opening for the two of them to push through. "It would appear our angry little cat has managed to unleash her claws on something other than us. Come Mara." Callion stated, managing to push through a gap in the undead and bring them into the clearing with the rest of the group.

It still took a few moments, as this required something that Callion wasn't used to honing...physical strength. The barrier could keep the undead from getting to them, but it still required someone to more or less 'anchor' the shield in place. While it did reduce the force being put against it, when ten to twenty mindless creatures slammed against it, it was still a very real effort to stay in place. As Callion and Mara managed to get to the group, Callion released the shield. It wasn't large enough to cover the entire group anyways, not without getting to know each other in some very intimate ways. "At the very least, it appears the rest of you are competent in the ways of slaughtering the brainless." Callion smirked as each of them went about swinging their weapons, casting their magic or firing their bows. Looking around though, none of this made sense. Callion's brow furrowed as he stood there, allowing the others to essentially fight while he simply thought.

The village wasn't large enough to have sustained such a massive population, which means the numbers they were looking at in terms of enemies here was simply impossible...if one looked at it from a simple matter conversion perspective. Typically speaking, in order to create undead, one would need a previously alive person to complete the spell. While there was the potential to use the long dead, buried under the foundation of the village or in its cemetery to pad the numbers, the total still didn't add up. They were very obviously affected by his 'turn undead' barrier, meaning they were exactly what they appeared, but their existence couldn't be quantified. Callion, with his nearly eidetic memory, couldn't recall anything that would allow for this to happen. Then again, he couldn't explain the marks either, nor were there any obvious signs of necromancy aside from the horde that now assailed them. Typically he would be able to sense the dark magics, especially on this scale. While he could sense magic on a scale that impressed him, it didn't feel of the forbidden arts. Even Blood Magic wouldn't explain this least as far as he knew.

A brief flare of 'danger' appeared in the back of his mind as he turned around a noticed a trio of zombies approaching him. A flick of his hand and glowing sigils appeared in front. They shot out as if from a cannon and impacted with the creatures, sending their charred remains back into the horde. Bringing his mind back to the present, the numbers were getting out of hand, his companions were getting tired and they would most likely sound the retreat soon.

That simply wouldn't do.

Making his way to Ragnar's side, being the de facto leader of the group after all, Callion stabbed his staff into the ground once more to summon the shield around them. "Soldier, listen well." Callion started, allowing the shield around them to buy them a moment of time to talk with confidence of not being interrupted. "I can't explain the undead presence here, nor their numbers, but I assume your most pressing desire would be to retreat from the village." Callion stated, shaking his head. "I cannot allow myself to do that, as there is no guarantee that this wasn't caused by the Heralds mark coming into existence, plus we still need to properly investigate this. Not to mention that the undead, while at the moment sequestered here, have no reason to simply remain in this location. They need no food, no water, and they never tire. Should they decide to wander, they could hit the next closest village and I refuse to let that happen because of my inadequacy."

Callion looked around at the rest of the group fighting, noticing the waning strength as their stamina started to drain. "I propose two solutions. One, we go street by street, house by house, alley by alley and we clear out every undead abomination that way..." Callion stated, knowing full well that wasn't really an option when they were struggling to maintain their own in the clearing here. "Or two, you protect me while I figure out a way to rewrite an encapsulation spell to deal with the undeath in this town. It will take me some time, as I will have to figure out the sigils, motions and mana flow on my own. I will be unable to defend myself while I do so, thus my life will be in the hands of yourself and the group." Callion looked at Ragnar, his mind already thinking about the possible rewrites and combinations to make the second option work. It wasn't a question as to whether he could do it, but rather could he do it before they were overrun. "Which would you have us do?"

ā€Clearing them out one by one isnā€™t an option.ā€ Ragnar replied, taking a moment while he was protected by Callionā€™s shield to regain his breath. ā€We can barely hold our own hereā€¦ā€ Ragnar seemed to pause for a second, as if he was looking for any other potential solutions, or maybe he was contemplating running anyways. No, he didnā€™t strike Callion as the cowardly type. If he was wanting to run, it was because he was worried about everyone else, not himself. ā€How much time?ā€ He finally asked Callion. The Wizardā€™s response was a huff as the shield around them dropped, and once again set them loose against the horde that pressed in on them.

ā€As long as I need.ā€ Callion stated, which directly translated to ā€˜It will be done when itā€™s doneā€™. Ragnar looked around for a moment, seeming to regret his decision but finally nodding before shouting to everyone in range.

ā€Everyone! Callionā€™s working on a way to deal with the horde but he needs time! Protect him while he does so!ā€ Ragnar looked back at Callion, who was already pulling things out of his bag and sifting through his assortment of items. ā€You better be right about this wizard.ā€

ā€Iā€™m always right soldier.ā€ Callion stated with so much conviction that it bypassed arrogance into almost sounding truthful. Callion went to work immediately, grabbing what appeared to be a small mat of some sort out of his bag and placing it on the ground. There, he placed a few books, open to reveal their contents. Words written in Dwarvish, Elvish, and English were seen littering the pages. His staff, released from his hands, hovered next to him as he gave a flourish of his hand, drawing wisps of light into the air, which then formed sigils in front of him. It was then that he truly started, his mind focused on the task at hand.

Normally his turn undead spell was limited to a set circumference around the point of cast, in his case, the staff. Not to mention it was a simple barrier, not meant to inflict harm, but to prevent certain aspects of magic and life from passing through, much like a stone wall is meant to keep out invaders. That wouldnā€™t do, he needed to take away the ā€˜barrierā€™ part of his barrier and turn it into an offensive spell. Not exactly the easiest thing to do with a purely defensive casting, plus he had to somehow turn it into a widespread encapsulation of the village. His hands traced through the sigils, which looked more akin to smoke in front of him as he pulled segments of them apart and rewrote them in the air. As he did so, he pulled out yet another book, along with a quill, opening to another section and writing whatever he managed to learn as he did so. If need be, he would want to be able to recast this particular spell given the chance.

He felt the breath of a undead creature breathing on his neck for a split second before the sickening crunch of its head caving in was felt rather than heard above the din of battle. Callion didnā€™t flinch as he continued his work, muttering to himself as he went on, glancing over as someone dropped another corpse directly in front of him. ā€An Elvish command maybe...mixing it with the human denotation of ā€˜deathā€™? No, that wouldnā€™t work, too much conflicting energy spiraling in on itself.ā€™ Callion stated as he wrote more in his book and waved through the smoky sigils in front of him, causing them to reset. His focus was so absolute that the wizard didnā€™t move as more and more bodies dropped around in from various party members. The sound of fighting becoming nothing more than a droning buzz as Callion lost himself in the application of magic.

ā€With the staff used as the anchoring point...conflicting magical energies would need to be controlled, with an emphasis on ā€˜controlledā€™. Defensive and offensive energies colliding with each other...Iā€™m thinking about this in the wrong way, itā€™s not a defensive spell anymore, that needs to be stripped.ā€ Callion muttered to himself as he wiped another chunk of the sigil away and replaced it with another. The fighting continued, and he could hear what seemed like words being yelled at him, but he couldnā€™t be bothered to listen. He would find a way to do this, after all, it was simply a challenge.

After a few more iterations, taking a few minutes to come together, he felt like he had something that might work but he had to test it first. He looked out at the battlefield, noting the numerous bodies that had somehow fallen in a circle around him that he had failed to notice. At the very least, they were doing their job and protecting him while he worked, it would have been a terrible way to go...or maybe the best way. Either way, Callion aimed at a still walking and groaning undead with his staff. The sigil he had been working on became more pronounced, with a slight modification to act like a ā€˜blastā€™ rather than ā€˜encapsulationā€™. It glowed with intensity for a moment at the tip of the staff, then fired into the undead creature.

It impacted with slight force, making the creature stumble and for a moment it appeared to stop. That is, before it started lurching back and forth. Callion stared at it for a moment, wondering what it was doing since it was obviously still standing, his hand on his quill and his eyes glued to it, ready to make any observations. It took a moment too long for Callion to realize he had created the equivalent of an undead ā€˜sneezing fitā€™. For a moment later, the creature seemed to regain its senses and start its attack anew. ā€Unexpected, could be fun for later, but at the moment a disappointment.ā€ Callion noted in his book as he brought the sigil back and wiped away a good portion of it.

His hands became a flurry of activity at this point, fully aware of where he had gone wrong and writing it to include some Elvish healing magic. After all, you canā€™t heal a dead body, so it has the opposite effect on them, wringing them of their curse to finally join the the spirits in the afterlife. The sneezing fit was because he had written the sigil without an emphasis on that aspect of the spell, not to mention he needed to correct the flow of mana through his body into his staff to allow for magic itself to have the proper effect. Once that was done, he nodded at his new sigil before someone jumped past him, swiping through the sigil slightly as a couple of undead collapsed mere inches from him. Callion gave a gruff as he reformed the sigil, pointed at the nearest walking corpse and let loose.

The effect on this one was more pronounced as it stopped for a moment, then all the flesh on the zombie fell off like like slop being poured into a bowl. The only problem was that the skeleton then continued to move, powered by dark energy. Callion gave an aggravated sigh, adding a single swipe to the sigil and firing again, watching as the skeleton then slumped into a pile of unmoving bones. ā€There...that should do more dark energy coursing through your body. Now to add the final touchesā€¦ā€ Callion muttered once more to himself as he changed the sigil again. into an all encompassing one. Still, this will require quite a bit of mana...canā€™t be helped. Callion thought to himself as the sigil was finished and he grasped his staff with more premature triumph than determination.

With a slight toss, he threw his staff in the air, which stayed there, straight as an arrow as the sigils formed above it. Callion held his hands out as mana poured from his palms into the staff above. Normally an intangible and invisible force, the amount needed made the unseen fuel form a wisp of blue and flow through the air as his staff collected it from him. Within moments, his staff and the sigil above it were glowing with a golden intensity as it gathered the strength needed to perform. Moments later, the sensation of static shock was felt throughout the clearing, before a ā€˜boomā€™ that wasnā€™t necessarily heard but more felt flowed through the town. The impact from the pulse left Callion feeling as if someone had roughly rubbed him all over somehow. An unfortunate side effect that he could look into later as the pulse continued outwards.

As it did so, the undead stopped in their tracks, their flesh falling from their bodies as they crumpled into piles of skin and bones, unmoving. It took all of a few seconds for the pulse to make its way through the entire village, the feeling of being coarsely manhandled lasting for as long as the pulse did, and once it was done everything was silent. Callion breathed a sigh of contentment...then he breathed again...and again. He was out of breath. He felt like he had run a marathon and his face looked like that of someone who had not slept in days. His staff fell out of the air like a rock, slapping Callion on the back of the head as it did so, causing him to yelp out in pain slightly as he rubbed the back of his skull. He wobbled in spot slightly, feeling more tired today than he had been in quite some time.

ā€There.ā€ Callion stated, having gained enough breath back to actually form words, bending over slowly to pick his staff up out of the dirt. ā€Nothing to worry about. The threat has been resolved, now we can continue with...our investigation.ā€ Callion stated, moving incredibly slowly to pick up all his books and materials, placing them in his bag. I just need...a moment.ā€ Callion stated, moving over to one of the ruined houses and taking a seat and gripping his staff in front of him as he fought off the deep seated urge to sleep once more.

At least it wasnā€™t his narcolepsy, this was pure exhaustion...and that he could actually stave off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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Mara felt like a fawn following its mother. Keeping close to Callion's heels, firing arrows as best she could, she couldn't stop trembling. The trembling only grew worse when Callion dropped his sheild. She heard Ragnar call for them to protect the wizard, but how?Ā 

The horde of undead lurched toward her, Mara froze. She glanced toward Callion, crouched and muttering. He was gazing at something faintly twinkling in the air, as if fireflies had formed words for him to read. Around him, the others felled the undead, doing as Ragnar asked. But she couldn't find a clear shot with her bow, they were too close!Ā 

Breath near her nape reminded her just how close. Mara screamed, jumping and lashing out with a leg like a startled mare. Her booted foot connect with the creature's head, with enough force to send it sprawling. It made a sickening squelching sound as it landed in nearby rubble. But more closed in, as if sensing her weakness. She frantically loosed two more arrows, but both shots missed in her panic.Ā 

Mara faintly heard herself whimpering and cursed herself for her fear. She curled her arms in tightly, fists clenched. Was she strong enough to punch these things? And if so...Ā what happened if they managed to bite her? Were they poisonous? She didn't know much about undead things...Ā but she was out of arrows.Ā As her mind toiled over what to do without a weapon, a sea of red hairĀ moved through the horde to her aid. The groans were muffled by the sounds of bones crunching beneath steel as Phaedra fought beside her.Ā She felt a twinge of relief mixed with guilt.

Mara had never been in a fight before. She had always run. But...people needed her. She had promised the king himself! With a cry, she threw her right fist out, swinging wildly. She managed to make contact with a decaying forehead. She felt her stomach roil at the sensation as the brittle skull caved with her swing. The creature crumpled. Either she was stronger than she thoughtĀ or these things were weaker than an inexperienced farm girl,Ā she wasn't sure which.Ā 

The feisty red head paused for a brief moment amidst the chaos to glance over at Mara. Phaedra slammed her right dagger into the skull of the closest undead. With her hand free for no more than a second, she pulled another knife, smaller in size but still an edged weapon, from the seam of her corset. "You'll break your hands," She said as a warning, motioning her head toward Mara's approach of punching those things in the head. Phaedra quickly handed the blade off to Mara before retreiving her own dagger from the creature's skull.Ā 

Mara took the blade, nodding her thanks. She hadn't thought of breaking her hand,Ā though a glance down showed her knuckles had split and were bleeding freely down her wrist. She hadn't felt it. Really, even as she stared at the blood, she questioned if it were really hers.Ā 

There was a loud groan by her cheek, and with aĀ yelp, Mara spun and jerked the blade forward gracelessly. She stabbed the thing in the stomach, which it didn't seem to like,Ā but also didn't stop it. It pushed forward, further sinking the blade into its flesh as it pawed at her. Mara made a disgusted sound and gave the creature a well aimed kicked to the chest, freeing the blade and regaining distance.Ā 

Mara felt her breath quicken with anxiety. She was no good at this. What had she been thinking when she'd agreed to this? Well,Ā this might even still be better than being back with her father. ButĀ here,Ā she was truly a burden.Ā 

The corpse never truly regained its balance to start nipping back at Mara, twig-like arms grabbing sightlessly at the air, mouth gawped open to display rotten, blackened teeth. A hand wrenched it further backwards, pulling down by the shoulder and tossing it to the ground before a familiar axe ended its warbling. Garos joined them at their side, looking a little worse for wear. Sweat trickled from his jawline, and dropped onto the ground whenever he swung himself back into the fray. Upon close examinationā€¦ it seemed as if it was blood. A line dribbled lazily down his hairline, smeared where he mustā€™ve wiped his hand across. A smatter of who-knows-what decorated the front of his leathers; more gore thatā€™d be troublesome to clean off.Ā 

Glancing their way, he dislodged the axe free from the corpsesā€™ chest and grinned wide, as if he had anythingĀ toĀ grin about here, in this wretched place. Relief, maybe. He drew closer to them, though he faced outwards only to fell another corpse. Seemed as if heā€™d heard the order well enough. Protect Callion.Ā Ā The half-orcĀ seemedĀ only too happy to follow along with orders. Perhaps, it was in his nature to do so. His shoulders tensed as snapping jaws hobbled closer, and he stepped forward to swing his axe once more, cleaving through an arm, and following through into anotherā€™s torso. He gained some ground with a deft kick to the sternum, much likeĀ sheĀ had.

Seeing Garos seemed to snap something back into place. Some kernel of courage, unearthed in her chest. Mara cried out, in anger or fear, she wasn't sure which. Like a cub trying to roar. Feeling emboldened by Phaedra and Garos's presence, she hefted herself atop the crumbled remains of a home and using the leverage, began to launch herself onto the back of the nearest creature. As she hung in the air, she held theĀ  knife in both hands and swung downward for the strike. Yet, before she felt the impact there was a blinding flash of golden light. Mara flinched from the brightness. She felt the hairs on her neck and arms shiver, and a sensation similar to being flung to the ground during her father's rages filled her chest. Was this...Ā what magic felt like?Ā 

When the light faded, Mara found herself standing on a pile of unmoving corpses. She stared in amazement out across the ruined town, to see all the creatures had stopped and appeared to be nowĀ actually dead. Not far from her perch, she heard Callion remark that the danger was done. Relief surged through her tiny frame. She could feel the tension in her shoulders unknot and much to her shame, felt the warmth of tears roll down her gore streaked cheeks. She quickly swiped at them with her filthy sleeve as she carefully climbed down from the mound of unmoving dead.

Her body trembled, a leaf in a breeze. She tottered unsteadily toward Phaedra and Garos. She could feel her braided hair plastered to her nape with nervous sweat.Ā 

Ā  "T..thank you both... she murmured, voice raspy.Ā Ā 

Ā Before Mara could attempt to give Phaedra back her blade, the red head extended her hand to stop her. "Keep it. It suits you," she said as she wiped her daggers off on tattered cloth wrapped around one of the corpses. "It suits you."Ā Mara looked at the blade dubiously. It was clear she disagreed, but she only tucked it into her tattered cloak lining.Ā 

Mara wanted to say more. She wanted to apologize for being weak, burdensome,Ā but the words all felt trite. Instead, she began to busy herself with her pack, trembling hands, finding herbs and bandages and a vial of salve she had made back home.Ā Ā 

Ā  "Garos...Ā that blood...isĀ Ā it yours? And Miss Phaedra, how do you fare? If,If anyone is injured...Ā I have enough herbs to help." Mara glanced toward Callion, seeing him seated, she wondered if he had used all his energy for that spell. She didn't see any large wounds on the wizard from here.Ā 

As Mara approached, the concern seemed to have left Garosā€™ face. Perhaps, he thought their chances better than theyā€™d been before. He seemed confused for a moment, eyebrows drawing together, before he drew a hand up and touched his forehead. When his fingertips came away wet, her drew his head back and laughed, eyes amused. ā€œJust a scratch. Mustā€™ve hit my head in all the fuss.ā€ The fuss, as if nearly being gobbled by inhumane creatures was something small and insignificant. There were deeper scars there, lining his forehead and tipped across his lip. This, it seemed, would be another.Mara was not bold enough to insist.

"I'm fine," Phaedra replied as she pulled a cloth from her satchel and began to clean herself the best she could. The woman didn't seem to be any pain, but she looked otherwise. Not much was left of her blouse and what remained was held in place by her corset. Pale, freckled arms were covered in scratches, blood and who knows whatever else. And the bandage Mara had fastened around the red mane was long gone.Ā Mara watched the woman for a moment, brow furrowed with concern. Yet still, she was not able to insist she be allowed to check her wounds either. Garos's voice drew her attention,

ā€œI dunno about you all, but before we settle down and lick our wounds, Iā€™d like to find a nicer spot. Yā€™know, less smoulder. Less bodies.ā€ He gave Mara a wink, whirled on his feet and closed the distance between he and Callion.Ā Despite everything else that had just happened, Mara felt her face go hot when she caught the wink. She was glad his back was to her. She watched as GarosĀ hunkered down beside the wizardā€™s grasshopper-thin frame, already wrapping one of his arms around him. He stooped lower to snatch up the staff, only long enough to push it against Callionā€™s chest and draw them both back up. A small laugh sounded with a tinge of surprise, ā€œGods, yerā€™ light as a feather, Cal.ā€Ā Ā 

Mara hurriedly looked away before Garos could catch her staring.Ā As she turned, Mara saw Cecilia in the corner of her eye, bloodied, but not as plastered with filth as one would expect, possibly due to the range her rapier provided her. She seemed less concerned about leaving the devasted village and more focused on gathering whatever samples of flesh she could from the corpses. "I'm not sure what use this will be to us now that whatever magic kept them mobile has been completely removed... but it's worth the attempt if it'll get us closer to figuring out what happened here."

Surprisingly, out of everyone to offer up a solution, it was the mysterious stranger. "There's another town about... 10 miles that way." Phaedra pointed West with one of her daggers before sheathing it. "It's not close, but there isn't anything closer that people haven't abandoned." Her head fell slightly while she pursed her lips. "Some people I know work there. We'll have food and beds." With that Phaedra hooked her thumbs around her belt, shifting her weight to her left leg.

Mara nodded, absorbing Phaedra's words. "Thank you...Ā that will beĀ most welcome...Ā please...Ā lead the way." Mara scanned their battle worn group. Everyone here could surely use a rest...Ā and a bath.

She hoped once there, she could manage to treat everyone,maybe she would feel less shakenĀ and could find the courage to insist.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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Theyā€™d left the horses tethered just on the outskirts of the villageā€”safe, and out of range of the hobbling corpses, hopefully. Garos dreaded the thought of making any trek further out on foot. Sure, theyā€™d get there eventuallyā€¦ but he sā€™posed they were on a tight schedule, seeing how theyā€™d just walked in on exactly what the King feared. Blue fire and the walking dead. What was prophesied. Whatever that meant, anyway. It all sounded like fairy tales, like the kinds of stories his daā€™ used to whisper about at night; of days gone by. Things you tell children to get them to behave, more like. Now this, this was different. Nothing heā€™d ever heard of before, thatā€™s for sure.

He readjusted his grip on Callion, feeling his fingers run across rake-thin ribs. He really was light. Felt like the gangly colts he used to have running around their homestead; all awkward limbs, bones sticking out through new, paper-thin coats. Though, the wizard didnā€™t really remind him of that at all, what with the magic show he put on. His power. Like the stars, exploding. Heā€™d felt it rippling through his skin. Electric. Alive, buzzing and all at once, uncomfortable. It was something heā€™d never experienced before. Seemed like he was having a lot of those lately. He led them a few paces from where they were, stepping around the rubble, and ashen mess Callion had created. Almost looked as if the corpsesā€™ had returned to dust and ash, like they shouldā€™ve always been.

There was a sense of something. Something he felt, rather than saw. An absence. Hollow. He stopped in his tracks and glanced over his shoulder, the feeling of relief sagging into something heavier. A stone in the pit of his stomach. Heā€™d felt it before, that absence. ā€œWaitā€”...ā€ His eyes roved across the others; one by one, doing a mental tally. One, two, three. Four, counting the new one. Fiery hair catching the light of the sun. Wildfire, almost. She certainly seemed like it. His eyes landed on Mara, then flit away. Past her, searching. Seeking. Finding nothing. It hit him then, what the absence was. Why it felt so strange leading the way through the wreckage.

ā€œWhereā€™s Ragnar? Thomas?ā€

Callion's head lifted slightly, his brows furrowing as if deep in thought. His eyes though, tired as they appeared, scanned the rubble with Garos as he sniffed slightly. Was he trying to... smell them? It was then that his eyes appeared to lock on something. "I found Ragnar..." Callion stated, but it wasn't of happiness or relief, it was the sound of resignation. His arm lifted and pointed, and from beneath ash and stone was the familiar glint of metal armor laying in a massive pool of blood.

Cecilia followed the motion of Callion's hand, catching the small shine that they had all come to associate with Ragnar's armor, in spite of the short time that they had all spent travelling together. Her eyes seemed to harden almost instantly. She kept her face composed, but behind it was something that resembled an anger threatening to boil over.

Mara made a sound that was something between a gasp and a sob. Rabbit-like, she skittered toward the blood, but upon reaching it, seemed to lose any focus she had. A bandage was gripped in her left hand, but even she seemed to know that her efforts would be wasted here.

"Oh..." was all she managed to say, putting a hand to her mouth. Tears traced lines down her cheeks through the gore and dust. He saw Mara's head turn slightly, her form stumbling a little as she tripped over something. He heard her stifle another sob. What was left of Thomas was just under her soiled boots. His form had been torn apart, limbs gnawed beyond recognition, yet somehow his face and torso remained mainly intact. Mara knelt, trembling visibly, and with a shaking hand closed the man's open lifeless eyes. She stayed crouched that way, back to the group for a few moments, as if thinking. Then, she rifled through her pack, seemed to find what she was searching for, and leaned over the corpse. She stood, and repeated this motion over the dented armor of Ragnar. When she moved away, small white flowers had been placed on or near the corpses. Chamomile.

Though soft, a sound soon came from the farm girl. Muffled by grief, but still recognizable, she seemed to be singing softly.

"Do not stand at my grave and weep... I am not there... I do not sleep."

The mysterious woman stood slightly away from the rest of them, her eyes downcast at the sight of Ragnar's corpse. With Mara's words echoing throughout the lifeless village, the stranger's strong dimeanor seemed to waiver. Maybe it was because she thought no one was looking, but she almost seemed... sad. From what Garos saw of her, the red head presented herself as a fierce force, not one to really show any weakness or vulnerability. But in that moment with the song carried softly on the breeze, she appeared fragile.

Her scratched and blood covered hands fell to the leather satchel that hung at her side. The woman seemed far off, her eyes never focusing on one thing nor what her hands were doing as they pulled a single charred shoe from the bag. Soot covered her finger tips as she tried to wipe away the devastation from it, like somehow it could erase away the past with each brush. A soft sigh left the woman's lips as she stepped forward, placing the shoe upon a piece of rubble... Perhaps a memorial for someone she too lost.

Mara did not lift her face, but looked upon the dead, singing their last dirge with soft, sweet dilligance.

"I am the thousand... winds that blow... I am the diamond glint... on snow... I am sunlight on unripen'd grain... I am the gentle autumn rain... do not stand at my grave and cry... I am not there."

Mara lifted her face skyward, voice faltering as she struggled with the last words. Mara's small fists clenched and unclenched at her sides.

"I... did.... not... die." Mara finished, so softly, it was as if she were afraid to wake the sleeping dead nearby. The girl turned, expression numb with grief. Looking to the group, for answers? For comfort? He was not sure which.

"I would... like to go now... please." Mara muttered, voice rough with tears.

If the hollowed feeling in his gut could grow any deeper, Garos feared he might fall into it. Heā€™d seen this before, though it made it no easier. Heā€™d hardly know themā€”couldnā€™t admit to knowing them at all. Ragnar had been everything heā€™d wished he couldā€™ve been as a kid. A true warrior, a leader. Knightly. It made following after him effortless, natural. He was sure that heā€™d done this before, leading people into battle. But this, this was no natural occurrence, and they hadnā€™t fought people this time. People could be predictable. Heā€™d seen this all before, but even so, even so, he felt his eyes water.

Ragnarā€™s armor, though smattered in gore and dented in some places, caught sunlit and shone brightly. Seemed like the brightest thing here, it did. When Mara stepped over Thomasā€™ crumpled form and stumbled backwards, his eyebrows drew together. Dropped down to her feet. His remains. He'd been a quiet one; he'd never know what kind of man he truly was. It took everything in him to control his face, temper it into something more manageable when her voice rose above the new silence that had taken over since the mewling of dead has ceased. Loud as bells, carried across the wind. He dashed a knuckle across his eye and made a small noise; a huff of breath. A sigh.

His gaze dragged away from Ragnarā€™s chestplate. The redhead seemed smaller in that moment, as if sheā€™d pulled into herself. He didnā€™t doubt that sheā€™d never seen something like this before: this death. How sheā€™d fought earlier gave him the impression that they were similar. Survivors. Though, not in the sense of how Ragnar had been. But here, now, she looked smaller, cradled in Maraā€™s grief-stricken song. His eyes flicked to the small shoe, a woman's, though he made no comment. When she was done, and all was silent once more, Garos gave a nod and inclined his head to where theyā€™d tethered the horses.

Heā€™d like to have buried them here, proper like. Butā€¦ he doubted theyā€™d find any feasible tools beyond the charred remains in the village. It made it all the worse; leaving them like that. ā€œYouā€™re right,ā€ he cleared the roughness from his own throat, ā€œWe should tell the King about this. Have them come back proper. Bury ourā€¦.ā€ he readjusted his grip on Callion and shook his head, ā€œyā€™know, honor them.ā€

"A loss caused by the unnatural manipulation of life." Callion's words were softer than before, but they still held a distinct lack of compassion or sympathy. Looking at the man he was currently holding up, Callion's face was rigid and his eyes stared holes into the corpses of their comrades. While he couldn't claim to know what the man was thinking, it didn't appear as if he was unaffected by the turn of events, but rather spurred on to action of some sort. "A burial would be proper, you are correct." Callion stated, his eyes darting to the bits and pieces of the undead that remained in somewhat of a solid state. It almost appeared as if he was angry, but not at anyone in particular. "The plan failed... I have to be better." Callion stated, before finally containing his thoughts to himself.

The redhead cleared her throat, gaining the others attention. She didn't raise her voice nor sound as dominating in the moment. She might have been mysterious but she seemed to have a silent respect for the dead. "We should head out if we want to reach the next town before sundown." She secured her daggers in their holsters at the small of her back and stepped forward, nodding in her head in the direction they planned to travel. "If we cut across country we can shave an hour or two from our journey." Her gaze drifted over toward the horses where her expression twisted in confusion as she noticed Callion's two rather encumbered horses. "But, we'll need to travel light," she added looking back toward the group.

After a moment of silence, the woman brushed back crimson locks from her face. She began in the direction she had pointed out to the others, adjusting the strap of her satchel upon her shoulder. "I'll start ahead. Catch up when you are ready." She didn't say any words of condolences. But the redhead made her way farther into the woods, almost like a unspoken moment of respect, giving the others the chance to mourn over a fallen comrade.

Soundlessly, Mara untethered her mare and followed the red head.

Garos watched as Cecilia wordlessy rifled through her satchel and pulled out a small glass vial full of what appeared to be grounded spices. She then approached the corpses of Ragnar and Thomas with a stoic coldness that he imagined could only be achieved through countless years of practice. The anger that was almost palpable before seemed to have exhausted itself in seconds. "This will help stave off decomposition. Perhaps it'll be enough so that their bodies remain distinguishable, although I wouldn't hope for much. This is far from the proper process. She gingerly covered the bodies as best as she could, leaving her hands slick with blood and clumps of spice. Whether she had done something like this before was difficult to ascertain. Her face remained impassive, but her eyes were sharp, fixated on the task at hand.

As Cecilia finished, she stood and pulled out a small cloth, rubbing her hands clean, staring down at the bodies that laid at her feet. "What a sad waste of life." Words that normally were ones of grief, said in a tone that seemed almost perfunctory. Mechanical, as though the phrase was part of a daily routine. In a way, it sounded like someone lamenting the loss of a useful tool.

She replaced the vial and cloth in her satchel before following after Mara.

Garos halted in his steps long enough to glimpse Cecilia hunkering down beside their corpsesā€”sprinkling an unknown substance across their bodies; their faces, and whatever else was exposed to the open air. Something that would keep their bodies intact. Heā€™d be lying if he said he understood how any of that worked. Her movements, her reaction to all this, almost seemed as mechanical as Callionā€™s. As if theyā€™d done this before, or maybeā€¦ they just didnā€™t feel the same way. The loss. The emptiness. He supposed he shouldnā€™t either, but he had a bad habit of getting too close to people. In his line of work, those sentiments might mean death. Or vulnerabilities he couldnā€™t afford to have.

Unfortunately, heā€™d never been smart enough to slough any of that off. He had more scars than heā€™d care to admit because of reasons like that. Letting people get too close. Taking far too many risks for people he hardly knew. Acquaintances. Friends. The Hooded Company hadnā€™t trained him to be soft, nor overly friendly. These were clients, and at times, targets. People heā€™d steal from and lie to. Still. He couldnā€™t help it.

Of course, they hadnā€™t known Thomas and Ragnar long at all. Barely a couple days, and under circumstances that gave them no reason to tarry too close; to make anything anymore personal than they had reason to. Beyond them all having the same tattoos on their wrists, emblazoned in the flesh, they had nothing in common. A sad waste of life, sheā€™d said. He grit his teeth around those words, and hunched his shoulders, following after the others.

It damn well was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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0.00 INK

As the group trudged on towards whatever village was the destination, Cecilia rode near the back of the group, her face as unreadable as it usually was. It bordered on the line of both calm and irritated, and this uncertainty was reflected how she was feeling at the moment. Nothing felt entirely wrong, but nothing felt right either. The sun shined blindingly on the horizon as it began to set, Cecilia readjusted herself in her saddle multiple times and slouched over the reigns, the sluggish breeze was just a tad too chilly; this could all be easily tied to the fact that she felt the gnawing sense that everything would've been avoided, that Ragnar and Thomas didn't have to die, torn apart by raised corpses.

She had grown irritated in the village as she had fought her way through waves of rotted flesh and broken bones, and now she felt justified in that irritation. It was entirely pointless. They had learned nothing about the mark that had embedded its way into each of their wrists, and now they were short two skilled fighters, having nothing to show for it. "A waste of life..., she murmured on a low breath, barely aware of who'd be around to hear her say it. The thought remained in her head as she focused on the fields in front of them. They had left the smoldering village behind, along with the corpses of both the villagers and what were newfound friends. Possibly. At any rate, it'd be better not to dwell on it for too long.

With a sharp breath, she righted her posture, resuming the air of elegance and narcissism that elves were so often known for. Traits that she had worked to make herself known for. She gazed at the red-head, the one who was leading them to the village. Phaedra, or at the very least, that's what Cecilia had overheard Mara address her as. So, how far away from this village do you suppose we are now?

The red-head glanced back over her shoulder toward Cecilia almost like she wasn't expecting someone to speak to her. This caused the strange new woman to slow in pace, but silently nod her head forward as a quiet gesture to tell them to continue on without her. She raised her hand and gave the side of Mara's horse a gentle pat as they passed. Mara's horse grunted, but the farm girl stared blankly ahead in silence. Once Cecilia was a bit closer, not so close as if to suggest they were strolling side by side as companions but to avoid shouting and potentially alarming anyone nearby, the woman looked back up toward her. "Not much farther."

The new addition to the group glanced up at the sky like she was trying to gauge the time by the sun. It was late, and within the forest they had all but fallen into shadows. But a few glimpses up through the leaves showed soft rays of a setting sun, nearly dusk. "A couple of miles," the red-head added as she kept her gaze forward.

Garos seemed content to let his silence drag for once, which was peculiar. Ever since Cecilia had met him, he'd be incessant. Constantly jabbering. Bubbly, by all accords. Now, he rode slightly ahead of her, eyes focused on the path ahead. He only glanced over his shoulder when she, and Phaedra, spoke, before readjusting himself in his saddle, and continuing forward as he'd been instructed. There was a bunch to his shoulders, as if he held his reigns a little too tightly.

It was unsettling, to say the least, and it threw Cecilia a little off-kilter to see Garos acting so unusually. He always gave the impression that he was one to laugh away his worries, but now there was no laughter to be had. Concern brought another image to Cecilia's mind, of when she had covered blood and bone with spices. It was a cursory glance at Ragnar's wrist, but now that glance had grave implications. The mark that had etched itself into his wrist was gone, leaving behind nothing but pale, unmarred skin, as if it had never been there in the first place. Thomas was torn apart completely, there wasn't much left besides his torso, but Cecilia had the sinking feeling that the mark had left his body as well. That had left only the obvious conclusion, forming a pit of nerves in her stomach and a lump in her throat. Cecilia drew a quick breath, steeling herself for the words that were about to come out of her own mouth. No. It'd be better to not say anything at all. Not yet. Fighting back the urge to speak, she focused again on the road ahead of them.

As the final rays of sunlight disappeared beyond the slight arc of the horizon, she saw the faint view of the outskirts of a village.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir
The sun fell behind the tree line just as the small village came into view. Phaedra let out an audible sigh at the sight. Her feet were aching, the silence was deafeningā€¦ But worst of it all was the knowledge, or lack thereof, regarding everything that has happened to her within the past day, which weighed on her like a sack of rocks.

Phaedraā€™s hands gripped the worn leather strap of her satchel, adjusting it across her torso as her steps hastened, carrying herself to the front of the group. Her feet pivoted on the hearth, her boots twisting in the mud and grass as she face the small party, putting her hands up in a silent gesture to halt. She brushed loose curls back from her face before addressing the others. ā€œI have to go in alone. If I go in there with you all, I doubt I could get us any aid.ā€

These people had no reason to trust her and Phaedra knew it. In all honesty, she didnā€™t need to help them neither. She could have parted her own way and left them to fight the undead to live or die as they wouldā€¦ And she thought about it. But leaving wouldnā€™t get her answers. It would not solve the mystery of whatever the hell the mark on her wrist was, what that strange tablet was or why these others had the same mark.

Phaedraā€™s eyes closed as a soft sighed escaped her lips. She then tentatively removed her satchel. With the straps grasped in her left hand, she stepped toward the timid Mara. For reasons she couldnā€™t quite explain, she seemed to trust the girl. Maybe it was because, even though Mara didnā€™t know her, she helped Phae while she was unconscious. Or maybe it was because someone that gentle and meek couldnā€™t possibly be terrible. ā€Watch this for me?... Please?ā€[/b] She didnā€™t add a comment about not stealing or sticking her nose where it didnā€™t belong, Phaedra felt like she didnā€™t need to.

ā€Get the horses some water and rest,ā€ Phae said toward the group. ā€If anyone asks, you ran into bandits on the road and I lent aid.ā€ Her gaze shifted to each of their party as she spoke. She doubted anyone would object, aside from Skirts. But until they knew what was going on, causing panic was not a solution. ā€I should be back soonā€¦ hopefully,ā€ she added under breath as she turn from the group and made her way toward the tavern.

The exhaustion felt heavier. It weighed on her like a drenched cloak, clinging to her form, feeling heavier by the minute. There wasnā€™t much left in her and the others didnā€™t look much better. She stopped outside the entrance of the inn and glanced over her shoulder, briefly looking back at the others. She inhaled sharply through her nose as she shook her hands at her sides and rolled her neck as if stretching. Mustering what energy she had left, Phaedra ran her fingers from her forehead back through her hair. As her digits parted her crimson mane, her appearance began to shimmer like sunlight on soft rippling water of a still lake.

The dirt and blood seemed to disappear from her. Red curls appeared messy but not matted with the aftermath of battle. A swollen lip and various cuts and injuries faded to feint bruises or small scratches, while tattered clothes mended themselves aside from a rip or two. And the foreign marking on her wrist vanished, revealing smooth ivory skin. Phaedra didnā€™t have the strength to make herself look as she normally did and for the story she was about to weave, that wouldnā€™t be believable.

The magic was simple, but Phaedra could already feel it draining her. So, without wasting anymore time, she pushed open the door. The scent of ale, sweat and other bodily fluids bombarded her senses like a wave. Instead of the sound of heavy chatter, the giggles of whores or the clanging of mugs, it was silence. The type of silence that hung in the air like a fog. The tavern was filled from one wall to another of people. Some drank, some didnā€™t, but none spoke. Were these all refugees? People who fled from their village in any direction to get away, to get find aid, safety or justā€¦ Other life? The thought sent a chill down Phaedraā€™s spin.

The crackling of the hearth and the sound of Phaeā€™s own footsteps echoed like screams in the quiet as she traversed the room toward the bar. ā€I need to speak to Ryland,ā€ she said toward the tavern wench who seemed almost surprised to hear another person speak. The young blonde gave a nod of her head and disappeared into the kitchen.

A few moments later a brunette dwarf walked out from behind the counter, drying his hands on a dish cloth. Ryland was handsome for a dwarf, strapping, muscular and, to most peopleā€™s surprise, not bearded. He began to speak with his gaze fixated upon the ground. ā€œI apologize miss, but we areā€”ā€ His voice trailed off when he looked upward. ā€œPhaedra?ā€

ā€I need your help.ā€

ā€œOutside,ā€ Ryland responded, taking hold of her arm and guiding her through the kitchen and out the back entrance. Phaedra tried not to wince at his touch as he grasped at an unseen wound as he brought her along. ā€œWhat are you doing here? What happened to you? I thought you were supposed to be in Highspring?ā€

ā€I wasā€”thatā€™s not why I am hereā€”I was returning when I came across a group of bandits beset upon a party of travelers.ā€

Ryland sighed as he draped the cloth over his shoulder before crossing his arms. ā€œPhaedraā€¦ā€

ā€They need to see to their wounds, a bath, fresh cloths and a warm meal.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t know if you saw in there, but there is barely sitting room, let alone extra rooms to give away. Refugees from Oakheart have been pouring in for weeks. Weā€™ve barely been able to feed themā€¦ I had to slaughter the dogs just to put food in bellies,ā€ Ryland scolded under his breath.

ā€Just one night, and weā€™ll be gone by dawn.ā€

ā€We?ā€ Ryland looked up at her with furrowed brows. ā€œAre you going with them? Phaedra, you have to report in. You cannot go wondering off with vagabonds.ā€

ā€Ryland, please?ā€

ā€œPhaedra, Iā€”ā€

ā€I can pay. 20 gold for your helpā€¦ and your silence.ā€

Rylandā€™s jaw clenched as a groan rumbled from his throat. ā€œ25 gold and you can stay in my room. Iā€™llā€¦ spend the night in the brothel.ā€

ā€Done.ā€ Phaedra grabbed a hold of either side of his face and placed a kiss upon Rylandā€™s forehead. ā€Thank you, my friend.ā€

ā€œBut you better be out by dawn,ā€ Ryland called after her as she made her way for the tree line.

Phaedra trudged her way through the tall grass and mud, pushing past branches and bushes to rejoin the group. ā€I got us a room. Itā€™s not a palace, but it is a roof over our heads and a warm meal.ā€ She made her way toward Mara, giving the girl a slight smile as she took back her satchel and draped it over her shoulder. ā€The horses can go in the stables for the night, they too need some rest,ā€ she said giving Maraā€™s mount a gentle pat to the shoulder.

She didnā€™t try to coax unneeded conversation from the others, instead allowing them all to mourn or cope in their own ways. Phaedra simply took the reins from Maraā€™s horse and guided it toward the stable adjacent to the tavern. There was plenty of hay and water to keep the animals content through night as they all got some rest.

With the horses secured, Phaedra lead them inside the over crowded tavern. The refugees gave them all weary glances as they weaved their way through the bodies toward the counter. Ryland waited with a displeased grimace on his face. Without a word, he extended an open palm toward her motioning for the payment. Phae sighed as she sifted through her satchel and retrieved the agreed upon amount of gold, only leaving a few pieces for herself.

ā€œRoomā€™s upstairs at the end of the hall. Serena will bring up some stew once itā€™s ready.ā€

Phaedra nodded her head toward the stairs as a silent gesture for the party to head on up without her. ā€Thank you again, Ryland. I owe you.ā€

ā€œThat you do,ā€ he said with a slight smile as he grabbed a stack of clothing from behind the counter. ā€œItā€™s odds and ends, but there is enough there to at least give you all something clean to wear.ā€

As Phaedra reached out to take the stack of clothing, her skin flickered like a twinkling star. Her strength was wearing thin and for a brief moment her true appearance shined through before the illusion took hold once again. And even though the slip up was small, Rylandā€™s eyes widened as he withdrew the clothing from her grasp. ā€œPhaedra, what in theā€”ā€ he hissed.

Phae quickly took the clothes from his hands, shaking her head slightly. ā€Donā€™t ask questions you donā€™t answers to.ā€

Ryland didnā€™t argue but his face showed concern and confusion. But before he could try to say anything else Phaedra made her way up the stairs and down the narrow corridor. With her free hand, she opened the door into their room for the evening. It was small. Cozy for the five of them, if there were anymore it would be cramped. There was a single bed on the far wall that could fit two if they slept close enough together. On the left side was a small hearth already crackling with a fire. Two chairs and a small table sat along the other wall and in the far corner was a tub behind a small divider.

Once the door was closed, Phaedra slid past Garos to set the fresh clothes upon the table. ā€Fresh clothes,ā€ was all she could say, audibly winded. She took the few steps to the nearest wall, letting her body lean back against it. As she did, her illusion fell from her, taking with it her remaining energy. Phaedra let herself slide down the surface until she was sitting upon the ground. After catching her breath she spoke in a hushed tone, ā€Sorry, this is the best I could do.ā€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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0.00 INK

This wasnā€™t the happy kind of ride to a tavern or inn that one would expect from a group that potentially prevented a catastrophe...well, another one. If anything, it felt more like a funeral procession as everyone more or less kept to themselves, with a few hushed conversations taking place as they continued on. All Callion knew was that he was tired and he had failed. Both Ragnar and Thomas were killed because he hadnā€™t been fast enough. He couldnā€™t claim to know them well, or even like them if he was being completely honest, but he had been trusted to bring them out and two of them died there. Callionā€™s hand had been glued to his chin as his other held his notebook, looking for any potential clues that could have made that entire scene easier, and naturally he found plenty. Had he re-written the ā€˜shieldā€™ sigil from scratch to include an encapsulation appendage, it would have cut out a good portion of his time. He should have included the elvish word for ā€˜healingā€™ at the start, avoided the whole ā€˜sneezingā€™ episode he had managed to induce in one of the undead. Even from a more practical standpoint, they could have retreated from the town and come back when he had a spell ready...but he would have needed a live specimen to test it on. Callionā€™s eyes narrowed as yet another wave of exhaustion rolled over him. While he couldnā€™t claim that he had physically exerted himself as the others had, there was no denying that a mageā€™s magic was directly linked to their physical well being. Instead of gradually losing all of his stamina, it was like having it ripped from his body with a pitchfork. Still, sitting here and being sorry for himself wasnā€™t going to help anything at all, and for the first time in a long time, he felt like he could sleep on command this time around. So, placing his notebook in his bag and making sure he wouldnā€™t fall off his horse, he leant forward and closed his eyes.

Callion woke up every so often during the trip, mainly to readjust his position and make sure he wouldnā€™t fall off. It didnā€™t appear like he was missing anything, as everyone around him seemed to be lost in their own thoughts. Callion didnā€™t truly bother waking up until they were within sight of the village, yawning as he checked to make sure he still had everything. Itā€™s not that he didnā€™t trust the people around him to not steal his stuff, but more that it calmed his mind performing a routine. When they did finally arrive in front of a tavern/inn, Phaedra proceeded to hop down off her horse and instruct the others that she had to go it alone and about what to say to others regarding their current appearance. Callion narrowed his eyes, looking ready to object but felt like this was not a fight worth having. For at least a little bit, Callion was all battled out and he simply gave a gruff huff regarding the situation and lead his horse to some water and food while Phaedra handed off her satchel and moved to do whatever it was that she would do. Callion had his ideas, most of them involving cleavage and eye batting from the woman cat.

Getting his horse next to the stalls, along with everyone else, he tethered them up and hopped off the animal as it started to drink from the trough and get some well needed rest. Callion patted Reynaldo, the mighty beast giving a huff and exhaling through the nose as Callion fished through the bags to grab his essentials. His essentials were basically everything he had on the horse, practically walking away with a backpackā€™s worth of items as he double checked to make sure he was leaving nothing outside. When Phaedra did return, Callion was struggling with some scrolls by the looks of it, before giving an exasperated sigh and turning towards the half orc. ā€œTusks, do you mind assisting me?ā€ Callion asked before shoving a bunch of scrolls into Garrosā€™s arms. ā€œMuch obliged.ā€ Callion stated, before listening to Phaedra talk about their accommodations. Honestly, so long as it wasnā€™t a sex dungeon, Callion couldnā€™t care less about it. He simply needed a place to reflect and refocus. The majority had survived, in no short part to his efforts, but they didnā€™t all make it. Callion wasnā€™t a perfectionist per say, but losing even a single life was a major setback. As they lead the horses into the stables for the night, his eyes never exited from the state of ā€˜driven resentmentā€™ towards the situation.

They entered the tavern, and immediately the eyes on them were obvious. Why wouldnā€™t they be? They were disheveled, dirty, bloody and looking a little bit like some kind of hell had just washed over them. Not that it hadnā€™t, but still this level of attention was not something Callion liked when he didnā€™t do something amazing to deserve it. Even though he was carrying an absurd amount of stuff, Callion did his best to walk straight and tall, as if he had everything in control as he strode past the common rabble to the apparent barkeep. Phaedra motioned them up and Callion moved without complaint. He wasnā€™t the one who struck the deal, he wasnā€™t about to pay money out of his pocket to keep it. Following the instructions given, Callion was the first to arrive at the door and press inside. Immediately he knew this wasnā€™t a standard inn room, as it was far too tidy and elaborate. Phaedra had either done something to warrant the deluxe suite, or this was the inn ownerā€™s own room. Callion noticed that there was only one bed and gave a huff. ā€œI suppose a number of us are sleeping on the chairs, table, tub and floor.ā€ Callionā€™s eyes narrowed. ā€œHow refreshingā€¦ā€ The sarcasm dripped off his words like venom, his outward demeanor obviously affected the events of today plus the rings under his eyes dictating his level of stress and exhaustion. Despite knowing he had slept on the trip here, he felt like he hadnā€™t gotten a wink. It was irritating to say the least.

Callion dumped his belongings off to the side against one of the walls. As he did so, Phaedra entered and produced clean clothes for them. Callion wandered over to the clothes presented and held up a shirt. Low quality, basically a rag and strings. Callion looked down at his own robe, and despite being dirty, was still made with quality. Callion looked over at Phaedra, feeling his irritable nature taking hold. ā€œThese rags co-ā€ Callion interrupted himself when he saw her slumped against a wall, barely able to state that that was the best she could do. Callion paused, a sort of grimace on his face as he looked from her to the clothes, before folding the shirt and placing it on top again. ā€œIt will have to do.ā€ Callion stated, a bit of resignation in his voice as his need to lash out at someone or something was once again left unfulfilled. ā€œIn the meantime, I suggest we get some sleep as soon as possible so we can wake, get refreshed and report back to the King.ā€ Callion stated, looking at the bed which was big enough to hold two people if they scrunched together. A portion of him immediately wanted to covet the bed, but a thought entered his mind unbidden.

Beds are for winners.

ā€œI will take the tub I su-ā€ Callion said as he started walking towards the tub, only for the room to start spinning violently. Callion simply let out a very quiet phrase.

ā€œOh piss off.ā€

Callionā€™s form wobbled for a moment before he slumped to the floor with a rather large ā€˜Thudā€™. The silence that followed was only interrupted by the very slight snoring of the now prone Callion.

Callion awoke with a start in the tub, looking around and feeling rather than seeing the effects that sleeping in a tub had on his body. Everything was in pain and sore as he made to get up only to slide back down into the tub. His left arm was asleep, most likely slept on it by accident. It felt like lead trying to get it up on the side of the receptacle, sliding a couple of times and producing a slight ā€˜squeekā€™ as he attempted to remove himself from the most uncomfortable sleeping spot he could have possibly picked. At this point, he was certain the floor would have been better, and only he could be blamed for the choice since he voiced it. As he slid down for the third time, swears and curses entered his mind as he contemplating blowing the entire tub up. Instead he waited to regain feeling in his arm and was then finally able to pull himself up. He stepped out onto the room, taking a quick glance at the others. Garos was slumped over a chair, snoring away, with Phaedra on the opposite side doing practically the same thing...maybe with less snoring. Ceclia was sleeping on the bed, but Mara was nowhere to be seen. Callion raised an eyebrow, wondering if she was somehow hiding in this small room, getting on his hands and knees to look under the bed. The only thing that stared back at him was a small collection of dust, so he stood back up. Huh, odd. Sheā€™s a big girl though, if she had been taken by force we would have noticed it...this room is too small not to. Callion thought to himself as he wandered over to the fresh clothes that had been presented to the group. He didnā€™t like the idea of wearing any of this garbage, but beggars couldnā€™t be choosers, besides he only had to wear it long enough for him to clean his robe.

Still, that didnā€™t mean he was going to wear any more than he had to to be considered decent by societal standards. He grabbed some pants and went back behind the screen that the tub provided to quickly change. Once he had removed his robe and donned the threadbare pants, leaving his torso exposed, he carried his robe out of the room. Wandering through the hall to exit the building, it was clear that he had once again awoken to a very early morning, as it seemed to be completely abandoned. That suited him just fine, he would like a moment to himself to collect what he could...wait, this was real, right? This wasnā€™t him hallucinating again? Callion paused looked at everything around him, then down at his tattoos. With his fingers, he flicked his wrist and felt the slight sting vividly. Ok, this had to be real then, otherwise his subconscious would prevent him from hurting himself intentionally...right? Callion shook his head as he continued his trek. His feet took him outside the building via the back door and towards the stable to check on his horse. After all, an animal that would carry you on its back for miles must be treated with care and respect, and he should be able to clean his clothes there as well.

As he approached the stables, he saw that his horse, Reynaldo, was already awake. ā€œAh a creature of the rising sun, such as myself it would seem. At least yours is by choice though.ā€ Callion stated, giving a sniff and an internal shrug to himself. He approached his horse, rubbing its face and listening to it vocalize a bit before returning to the task at hand. He had a simple spell, prestidigitation, that would allow him to clean his clothes. It didnā€™t give the feeling of having something hand washed don your person, but for now he simply wanted his robes back. He looked around for something to hang it off of, and it dawned on him suddenly that hanging it on anything in here would undue whatever he did. Not my smartest moment. Callion thought to himself as he held out his hand. Will, if you wouldnā€™t mind, I have need of your assistance. Callion mentally instructed and waited. There was a slight thud, a small crash, followed by more thuds at which point the feeling of annoyance filled Callionā€™s mind. What is it? Callion asked, wandering around the corner to see the front door of the inn rattling. Callionā€™s shoulders slumped, as he physically resisted the urge facepalm. Itā€™s locked, go out the back door.. There was a slight pause before Callion heard a click and his staff flew out the door towards him. Landing with a hearty smack into his palm, Callion looked at the staff, then back at the now ajar door. ā€œHow did donā€™t have any handsā€¦ā€ Callion stated, earning the feeling of a wicked humor entering his mind. Callion shook his head before wandering over to the inn, closing the door and wandering back. Upright. Callion ordered, and the staff floated in the airā€¦ only to have Callionā€™s robe draped over it.

The indignation and disgust floating from the staff was apparent but Callion just sighed as his hands glowed and the robe started to magically clean. ā€œShush, itā€™s fine, a little zombie blood never hurt anyoneā€¦ā€ Callion paused. ā€œWell, thatā€™s inherently untrue, but still, shush.ā€ It didnā€™t take long for Callion to finish, holding up the robe to inspect. It was clean, but it was that kind of ā€˜mechanicallyā€™ clean. It wouldnā€™t have the feel of freshly washed clothes, but it would do the job. As he was inspecting his robe, much to the obvious chagrin of his staff, he noticed out of the corner of his eye a foot in one of the hay bales within the stable. Looking over, he saw the slightly stirring figure of Mara, who had seemingly moved out to the stables in order to sleep...or care for them, or whatever her process was. ā€œAh, there you are farm girl, was almost worried you had been stolen away during the night by a rich prince or a desperate slaver.ā€ Callion stated, returning to look at his robe and make sure he hadnā€™t missed any spot. ā€œHad I known you were in here, I would have been slightly quieter, although one can hardly be blamed for believing someone to be sleeping with the equines." Callion stated as he continued to look over his robe. "The sun barely rises, you still have time to rest should you choose. The others have not stirred yetā€¦ā€ Callion looked at his staff, and he could practically feel the shrug coming from it. ā€œI donā€™t think they have anyways.ā€

Callion avoided the most obvious conversation topic, mostly because he himself didnā€™t want to talk about it just yet. He wanted to feel normal for a moment, to regain his footing and approach the situation with a fresh face and clean clothes. ā€œRegardlessā€¦ Good Morning.ā€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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0.00 INK

Mara felt the horse underneath her, the mare's strong muscles bunching and rippling as she walked. But she wasn't really there, her mind was stuck in that moment of staring down at the horrific remains of Thomas and Ragnar. Empty, bloodied, husks of flesh. Meat. Her stomach roiled at the thought, but she couldn't stop thinking about it anyway.

As if from a distance, she could hear the others around her talking softly. The horse stopped, and Mara looked up in time to be handed Phaedra's sachel. Mara vaguely heard the request to hold it. It felt foreign in her bloodied hands. Mara stared at it blankly until it wss taken from her again. It felt like time was moving in a strange way. Both quickly and agonizingly slow at once. She felt the reins leave her hands, and as if they had been in her mouth, she followed where Phaedra led her mare. She couldn't remember dismounting.

The others around her also dismounted. Callion spoke at some point. Mara felt disconnected from her own body as Phae led them into a building. Momentarily, Mara became aware of many eyes on her. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled to attention. She felt her shoulders tighten as she attempted to make herself smaller in her unease. She felt rubbed raw, emotionally and physically.

They entered a room. Phae closed the door behind them and Mara felt a distinct clawing at her chest as the crampness of the space became solidified. She felt trapped for some reason. She needed air.

Phae apologized and slumped to the floor. Mara eyed her, worried. But a glance showed that she was mostly just were they all. Mara nodded at the red head, acknowledging her efforts and trying not to look as crazed as she felt.

As if on cue to her thoughts, Callion collapsed to the floor midsentance. He started to say he wanted to be in the tub before falling into one of his sudden sleeps.

Mara knelt by him, double checking his breath. Being sure he was not just...meat...but her first thought had been right. Just his sudden sleeps. Without a word she hefted the thin man over her shoulder and dragged him into the bathroom. As gently as possible, she hefted the wizard into the tub. His head lolled, looking uncomfortable. Carefully, she took off her cloak and folded it as best she could, like a pillow. She propped it behind his limp neck. It was something at least.

In the mirror above the sink, an unfamiliar face leered back at her. She looked older, covered in gore..her own eyes frightened her. She looked away quickly, grabbing some fresh clothes from the provided pile. She closed the bathroom door, changing while the wizard snored to avoid being bare skinned in front of the others.

Mara tried to fold her dirty clothes, but the blood had hardened in strange ways. She left them in.a pile under the tub instead. Looking at them made her nauseous. She cupped her hands under the faucet and attempted to wash her face. The water in the basin was rust colored with her filth. She could smell blood.

Mara exited the bathroom in the simple white shift she'd been given. She missed her apron, but it was too filty to wear to sleep. The others had chosen their places it seemed. Mara curled at the foot of the bed, wishing herself smaller. She lay there with her eyes shut, wanting sleep. She wasn't certain how long she lay that way..but with her eyes closed she could only see their corpses again...

Mara finally sat up, overwhelmed. The room was quiet. It smelled of blood. They all stank like death. It was suffocating. Mara stood, silent as she could, and slipped out the door. Her bare feet padded on the steps softly. The tavern was mainly empty, save for sleeping drunks. They all seemed to have her father's face. Mara winced and slipped out the door into the night.

The air felt cool on her fevery skin. Overhead, the sky was bright with stars. The dirt felt familiar and comforting between her toes. She padded into the barn, and the smell of fresh hay and warm horse welcomed her. She felt her shoulders loosen slightly. Some horses, scenting her, nickered nervously as she passed their stalls. Mara found her mare with surprising ease. A horse the color of freshly tilled soil. The mare stretched her long neck over the door and grunted at Mara. Mara sighed and gently cooed at her before hunkering down nearby.

Somehow, it felt safer here. A hay pile was a welcome sanctuary. Mara climbed in, clutching the knife Phae had given her like a talisman, just in case. The scent of the barn finally lulled her to sleep.

Mara woke, startled by the sound of crashing wood on wood, and the sound of equally unnerved horses.

Mara leapt to her feet, knife readied, hay sticking everywhich way out of her dark and tossled hair. A sound somewhere between a growl and a scream rattled from between her grit teeth. Her eyes flashed sharply in her fright.

That was when she saw Callion standing in the barn, his staff hovering nearby with his clothing draped over it. He greeted her cheerily as if it were a perfectly normal morning. Sheepishly, Mara lowered the knife.

"G..good morning..." she managed hoarsely.

Mara felt her mare's hot breath on the top of her head. The mare was unimpressed by Mara's tough front and was playfully licking at the hay in the farm girl's hair. Mara grumbled and pushed the horse's snout away gently.

Mara sighed and sheathed the knife, having the self awareness to look embarrassed for being discovered sleeping in the barn. He would probably think she was some kind of little beast...but she had no words to explain herself. All she had was a soft...

"S..sorry..." Mara mumbled, looking at her bare toes. She cleared her throat a little, unsure how to proceed.

Awkwardly, she began picking hay from her hair and then lacking anything else to say she picked up a brush and began carefully brushing her dark mare.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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0.00 INK

The ride itself had been uneventful. Maybe, that was what made it worse. The quiet. The silence that hung around them heavy as sopping wet rags. Clothes caked with muck and blood and worse. Garos supposed they were all thinking of it; minds worn with what theyā€™d seen back there, in Oakheart. Such a pretty name, now in ruins. As resilient as humans could be, he doubted it would ever recover. Ever flourish as it has once done, becauseā€¦ it was tainted with something that they couldnā€™t even fathom. Blue flames and hobbling corpses; some that belonged to their friends. Ragnar. Thomas. The familiar ache of loss panged in the pit of his guts; that he hadnā€™t even known them long enough to know if they had any families waiting on them.

Did they?

He hung his head and shuttered his eyes closed once more, swaying with the clopping footsteps of his steed. Not much else they could do for them at this point. Give them a proper burial? Hopefully. That was all they could do. Not much else. The leather reigns bit into his palms as he squeezed them. Heā€™d never been too good at that, he supposed. Forgetting faces. Burying them with all the others. Not Hooded material. Heā€™d heard it before. Again and again. Whispered, spat. Too soft. Too wishy-washy. A liar. He didnā€™t remember sleeping, but he must have, because Phaedraā€™s voice woke him to the village proper. Something about staying put for now. He was only too happy to oblige, slipping from his saddle.

Garos was careful to notice the small nuances, even in his exhausted state. Exits, entrances. Those who squatted by the fireplace, huddled in mismatched pairs. The state of the tavern; and itā€™s barkeep, handsome as he was. Eyeing them as if theyā€™d dragged in bad news by their tale-skirts. He doubted that theyā€™d been given space at all if it hadnā€™t been for Phaedraā€™s input. Her sway. Fair enough. They were gore-strewn strangers, bedraggled to the point of suspicion. Tavernkeeps hardly wanted trouble, even if theyā€™d brought enough coin to warrant one nightā€™s rest.

Quiet as heā€™d been for the entire journey here, Garos obediently followed behind the redhead and stood idly when the door closed behind him. He felt lost, here. As if he didnā€™t quite know where to place himself. However, when Phaedra squeezed past him and deposited crisp, clean clothes at the bedside, he beelined across the room and shuffled through the articles for something that might fit himā€”which proved difficult given his stature, tall as he was. No suitable shirt to wear, though heā€™d found pants. Good enough. He turned on his heels, a thanks hanging on his lips, in time to see Phaedra slump against the wall and close her eyes. She looked beat, so he only offered a smile of gratitude.

Callionā€™s exhaustion seemed to catch up on him as well. Or else, it was that something else. That thing he couldnā€™t quite put his finger on. Falling asleep wherever he was, at a drop of a hat. Maybe it was something wizardā€™s had. An affliction of magic. He didnā€™t know. Couldnā€™t hope to guess. That stuff was beyond him. He watched as Mara huffed over to his side, fingers fluttering to his neckline. Checking for a pulse, he assumed. He softened when she slipped fabric beneath his head and skittered away. Sweet thing, she was.

Garos changed into his pants with a lack of shyness that Mara certainly did not feel, seeing how quickly sheā€™d disappeared into the bathroom. He stood bare-chested, baring far too many scars; his most comfortable state. Sometimes, itā€™s what made him feel the most Orcish. Heā€™d elected to deposit himself in a chair and lean his face into his fist. Not a particularly comfortable place to sleep, though heā€™d slept in far worse locations. He still felt it: unclean. Not much he could do about that until he bathed. Perhaps, the King would be kind enough to let them soak. Least he could do after sending them to their deaths. After all, Ragnar and Thomas werenā€™t so lucky. The thought dragged his eyelids closed and exhaustion took him once more.

He was, however, one of the first to wake, stirring at the slightest of sounds. He maintained his guise, however. Softly whisping out his breath; as if he were still asleep. It was something heā€™d learned to do at a young age, back at his homestead. He only dared crook an eye at half-mast, lidded enough to see Mara rising from her chosen corner of the cramped chamber. A small part of him wanted to follow after her. See if she was fine. But, by the drawn look on her face, pinched up in an expression he was all too familiar withā€¦ he figured it best to leave her to her own devices. Let her heal, in her own way. Soon after, another figured stirred. He recognized him immediately. Callion. Pacing to and from the bathroom, before shuttering the door and padding down the hallway.

He'd join them, soon enough. His stomach grumbled unpleasantly. Empty as he felt.

Another minute ticked by. Then, another.

Only then did he fully open his eyes and stretch his arms over his head, cat-like. His body felt as if heā€™d been dragged behind a horse. The ache of battle was familiar, though itā€™d certainly been awhile that heā€™d felt this sore. Fighting the living was far different than what they'd just been through. They werenā€™t as relentless as the deadā€”heaving back up even when their limbs had been severed. He rolled his shoulder and glanced across the room once more, spotting Phaedra still snoozing against the wall. She really had done good back there, getting them all cozy in this place. He rocked himself quietly to his feet and grabbed a corner of the scratchy blanket from the lightly-ruffled bed, pulling it free.

For someone as tall and clumsy-looking as he, Garosā€™ footsteps were feather-light. Calculated and careful. As if he approached everything in that manner. He paused a moment and watched her chest fall. Soft breaths. Asleep? He hoped she wasnā€™t as light a sleeper as he was, quick as a cat to reach for a blade should anyone rouse her. He was like that, sometimes. Too used to blades wandering close, when a business deal floundered. And he was a stranger. They all were. She owed them little, if anything. Still, it was a chance he'd take to be kind. He closed the distance between them and bent low, settling the blanket around Phaedraā€™s shoulders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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0.00 INK

The village resembled many other that Cecilia had visited during her own travels, and under normal circumstances, it wouldā€™ve been a nice, quaint little place to stop by for a pint or two at the local tavern. The same could be said about what used to be Oakheart. But now the burned village was a painful thought that made the dull ache in her head a sharper pain, and the eyes of the local peasantry stared at them for too long, bore holes into her that were too deep. Cecilia, too tired for her conscience to tell her any better, couldnā€™t help but think of them as gawking animals, and shot them a serrated glare, daring them to say something.

It wasnā€™t hard to understand that they were strangers to this village, a mismatched group of travelers covered in who knows what, and that clearly garnered its fair share of attention. But now the villagers seemed an added nuisance. The basest part of her was deeply satisfied when some met her glare and had swiftly looked away, glancing at anything else that wasnā€™t her.

Once they reached the inn, it was almost expected that it would be as crowded as it was. Perhaps these people were what was left of whatever initially happened at Oakheart. Cecilia paid little attention to them, focusing more on the dwarf that Phaedra was seemingly familiar with, a look of skepticism showed patently on her face that softened into relief when Phaedra began leading them upstairs.

Although the room that they had entered had been small, it was a welcomed sight, to say the least. Within a moment's notice, both Phaedra and Callion had passed out in their respective spots in a way that wouldā€™ve been comical if the atmosphere wasnā€™t already so bleak. Cecilia made herself a spot on the one bed in the room, crossing her legs before she began digging through her satchel, leaving enough space on the bed should someone wish to join her.

Her hand grazed an odd bottle, and upon pulling it out, she realized it was a small sample of wood that she took from Oakheart, and she was pleased to see that it still had the same odd blue glow. A shiver ran through her spine at the memory of how cold it was to the touch. It wasnā€™t much, but hopefully it would be enough, enough to give them idea of what had occurred at that village. Something to make it seem as if all that death had been worth it. Given enough time and the right tools, Cecilia could identify the type of magic from the residuals left behind, but even the thought of the amount of effort that would require caused another surge of exhaustion and pain. With a muffled sigh, she placed the bottle back into her satchel, pulling out the small piece of parchment that contained her rough sketch of the ruined village, coupled with haphazard notes she took moments before their plans had fallen apart.

She now spent time forming those notes into coherent thoughts, using the rest of her energy to draw diagrams of the undead they came across, a small picture of the sample they had taken, and a loose sketch of the red-haired woman they had come across in the village. At the very least, the king would receive a detailed summary of everything that occurred from the time they had stepped foot in that village to the time that they had left it. As she finished, Cecilia had pushed everything to the side and laid back on the pillows, and her mind wandered to how filthy her clothes were and how filthy the bed sheets would be, before sleep finally claimed her.

It was the smell of that very filth that had woken her from her sleep in the morning. She was always a heavy sleeper, and the events of yesterday had left her sleeping harder than she had in a while. Cecilia wished for nothing more than to curl back under the covers and go back to sleep, but this foul smell had to be dealt with first. Cecilia let out a groan as she pulled her satchel over to her side, digging out a small pouch of loose incense and a small dish from among the many other knickknacks that she had on hand. Usually, the incense was something that she used for magic rituals that called for it, but now she used it to relieve the smell of blood and death that hung in the room.

With a small flick of her fingers, the incense, a mixture of white sage, lavender, and myrrh, was lit and smoke rose from it, already beginning to fill the room with a much more pleasant aroma. The next order of business was putting on a clean set of clothes, a task that she had neglected doing before she fell asleep. Thankfully, since she often travelled, she made sure to pack a spare set of clothes. Every muscle in her body ached in protest as she sat up, and left the bed, noting that Callion and Mara were already absent from the room, and Garos was still awake. They were all conscious, save for Phaedra.

She made her way down the stairs of the inn and out to the stables, where she soon came across Mara and Callion. ā€Well, it's good to see that the two of you are up and about this morning. Cecilia paused as she made her way to her horse, gathering her clothes before turning to the two of them once again. ā€Please do make your way back to the room when you can, as there is something I would like toā€¦ discuss, and it'd be more appropriate if all of us were present.ā€ Cecilia expression turned dark as she left the stables just as swiftly as she had entered, returning to the room to dress herself behind the divider.

It was relief to take off the blood and sweat soaked clothes, careful to not brush against any sore wounds, and she gathered them in a pile that sat neatly in one corner of the room. Though it wasnā€™t much, the feel of fresh clothing and the scent of incense did help, both in making her feel less like a rabid animal and in alleviating the lump that was beginning to form in her stomach once more as she sat down on the bed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir
Phaedra had barely settled herself in a slump on the floor in the small room, when Callion opened his irritatingly large mouth to complain about the state of the clothing she procured. She gave him a sharp sideways glance as he began to speak, but thankfully his words trailed off before he finished. She didn't see him doing any better. Phaedra spent nearly all of her coin to get them this room and those rags. Of course, it was too much for skirts to seem even remotely grateful.

A scoff escaped her lips when he fell to the floor with a loud thud that shook the ground beneath her. Then it was swiftly followed by loud snores. Phaedra nearly laughed out loud. Of course he was just as annoying asleep as he was awake. Mara, although small and quiet, was able to manage moving Callion into the tub. That was nice of her, Phae would have left him there... Although he probably would have woke with a crick in his neck that none of them would hear the end of.

She didn't move from her spot on the floor, letting her body rest as much as it could. Phaedra was exhausted. When was the last night she got a good night's sleep? When she was with her last target? No. She slipped out in the night. Her legs felt like the bones were taken from them, her arms too tired to lift. The others luckily had horses, but she traversed the country on foot which took her remaining energy from her. But Phaedra knew, no matter how tired she was, she wouldn't be able to sleep... or at least not for long, but she rested her eyes nonetheless. She only opened them slightly when she heard movement, and watched in silence as Mara slipped from their room.

The morning couldn't have arrived any slower. Phaedra's night was filled with images of the battle, the red shoe of her fallen comrade and stirring questions of the strangers she now was traveling with. Her stomach rumbled and groaned uncomfortably threatening to eat itself if she didn't find sustenance soon. Did she get any sleep? It didn't feel like it. Perhaps she slipped off into a light sleep, but she remembers being wide awake whenever the others began to stir. She wasn't in the mood to deal with socializing... Not yet. So, she kept her eyes closed trying to rest as best as she could until she had no choice but to rouse herself.

Phaedra paid no mind to the stirrings in the room, until quiet shifting moved closer to her. Under different circumstances she might have been tense, thinking that someone might have been trying to kill her. But she didn't feel that way, or maybe she was too tired to care. Then a gentle weight was placed upon her. A blanket? She inhaled softly as she slowly opened her eyes and found herself met by the orc. "Thanks," she said softly toward him with as best of a smile she could muster. "I don't think I got any sleep." She gave a weak chuckle, sitting up slightly.

A sheepish grin flicked the tip of the tusks from beneath Garosā€™ lips as he straightened back up. He puffed out a breath, ā€œI figured. Yeā€™ still look pretty beat.ā€ It was an observation, simple as that. He knuckled at his nose, and glanced back down to her. ā€œDonā€™t think I did either.ā€ The admonition came softer this time, though it sounded genuine enough by the slight bags underneath his ocher-eyes. They looked strange up close; ringed with black where the whites of a persons eye should be. Like a particularly dark night; a lighted cavern, pupils like lanterns in the dark. ā€œPlenty of time for that, later, I think. When we get our barrings.ā€

She sat there for another minute or two, before she willed herself to stand. Gods was she stiff and sore. Phaedra stretched, nearly forgetting how filthy she was until she glanced down. She sighed, and grabbed the piece of clothing that remained on the table, not much caring what it was. A simple, oversized black tunic. Her pants were fine, and a quick scrub in water would fix her other clothing right up. She moved over to a corner of the room with her back toward Garos and began to unlace her corset. Once it was off, her tattered blouse nearly fell off her without even trying.

Phaedra didn't try to hide herself, she wasn't the bashful type. But she kept herself turned away to avoid making her company uncomfortable. Before she put on the fresh tunic, the large intricate marking of the Shadow Courtesans stood out predominately on her back against her pale skin. She slid her arms through the sleeves of the shirt and briefly glanced back toward Garos. "You're a half breed, right?" Phaedra pulled the tunic over her head and turned back to face him as she tucked the ends into her pants. "I mean no offense," she added with a gentle tone. "I have an eye for like people."

As unabashed as Phaedra was removing her clothes, it seemed to be the only time that Garosā€™ seemed entirely comfortable. Whether or not that was an indication to some sordid upbringing or questionable occupations was anyoneā€™s guess. The expression on his face was even. Tempered, almost. Though, there was a slight flick of his eyebrow when she glanced over her shoulder. Maybe, a shadow of intrigue, before it was gone. She could hear him pad back across the room, bare-footed, and slip into the high-backed chair once more, where he folded one of his legs over his knee.

ā€œCurious question for someone youā€™ve just met,ā€ the statement held no malice, though there was a bit of humor there. A laugh that didnā€™t quite reach his eyes. He rubbed his hand over his face, scrubbing past his mouth and jawline. To anyone else, he mightā€™ve just looked off. A shoddy orc. A less-than-graceful elf. Not quite like one or another. Not a simple fit. ā€œNo offense taken, yaā€™ got a good eye.ā€ His manner of speech felt more like an odd mix between a country bumpkin, and someone who spent too long in a dingy tavern. A pause, thoughtful this time. ā€œMaā€™s an orc, paā€™s an elf. Werenā€™t the most popular couple ā€˜round.ā€

Hearing that one of those in their company wasn't much unlike herself felt... Nice. It was like a little piece of her barrier chipped away. Like Phaedra popped a string on her corset and could breathe easier, if only a little. She managed a soft smile. Not something she did often, but one that wasn't forced nor fake, but content in comfort. "So am I," she added quietly, almost as if she were afraid someone else might hear. So long she was trained to act like an elf and to hide the human tarnish from her blood. "A halfbreed. My mother was an elf, my father a human." She used pieces of her ruined blouse to clean off her boots and corset as best she could absent water or a brush. She began to put back on her corset, fastening the buckles, as she glanced back up toward Garos with a more playful smirk. "Get me drunk enough one night and we can exchange stories."

A laugh, this time. Deep-bellied as always. There was a sense that he didnā€™t talk about them much. Or else, no one had really cared to ask. He patted his own stomach as it gave an empty gurgle, as if to stifle it to no avail. He readjusted his slouched posture, and planted his hands on his knees. ā€œThanks again. For everything, yā€™know?ā€

Phaedra pulled out one of the empty chairs from the table and started to wipe down her boots. As she slid her left foot into the appropriate shoe, she froze upon hearing his words. No one had thanked her. She met Garos's gaze for a moment giving a subtle nod along with a hushed, "Of course." Before she finished putting on her boots. In the silence of the room, the rumbling of their stomachs was nearly deafening. Phaedra sighed looking toward the door. "I paid for food." She left her weapons in the room on the table, but grabbed one of her daggers and tucked it in her right boot. "I'll be back."

With a nod toward Garos, she exited the room and made her way down to the first floor of the tavern. The dwarf was already there, working behind the bar and helping the numerous refugees strewn about the place. "Ryland!" Phaedra called out to him, not caring what people turned to look at them. She was hungry, running on little sleep and irritable. She slammed her hand on the counter to make sure he looked at her. "I paid you for baths and food."

Ryland gave her a sharp glare, as he continue about his work while talking to her. "It's past dawn," he said, answering her own grievances with his. "There is a creek near by. There's your bath." He then grabbed dirty dishes and headed back toward the kitchen.

Phaedra pushed past a kitchen wench, moving around the bar and following after the dwarf. "We would have been out by dawn if you gave us what I paid you for."[/b] Ryland paid her no mind, and continued about his work. "Stubborn ass dwarf," she practically growled under her breath. She wasn't in the mood to argue. So, instead, she grabbed five bowls, filling them with what stew or soup was brewing over the hearth.

"Hey! You can't do that!" Some serving girl called to Phaedra as she made herself at home, getting the food they were promised.

Without a word, Phae pulled her knife from her boot and held it out in a silent warning. Ryland waved everyone out of the kitchen with a sigh. She made quick work putting the filled bowls on a tray. Phae also snagged up a loaf of bread, along with a flagon of ale and cups. "Phaedra you can't take all that."

"Are you going to stop me?" When he didn't stand in her way, nor try to stop her, she nodded her head, tossing her blade onto the tray. "That's what I thought." Phaedra took the tray in her left hand with her right index finger hooked around the handle of the flagon. "We'll be gone within the hour. But your favors with me have run out." She stopped in the doorway, glancing over her shoulder toward him. "You're lucky it was me and not another Courtesan. You know what will happen if another finds you."

She wasn't going to give him any advice nor stay around to tell him more. Ryland knew what he did was wrong when he betrayed the order years ago. It was only out of their past friendship that she didn't turn him in. Phaedra hurried her way back up to the room, the smell of the food driving her mad. She bumped open the door with her hip and set the tray on the table before looking toward Garos and Cecilia, who must have arrived while she was gone. "I don't know what it is. But it's food." She set the flagon down on the table. "And ale."

Phaedra couldn't wait any longer. She quickly took a seat in one of the chairs, grabbing a bowl of stew while also putting bowls in front of the other seats for Garos and Cecilia. She couldn't wait to pour the ale, or waste time with proper manners. Phae took up the bowl in her hands, pressing the brim to her lips and drank from it heavily. She only took a break when it was half gone to pour them both a large glass of ale. She made sure to rip the bread into five pieces before she ripped into her own and chased it with an entire glass of ale. It was then that Phaedra took a brief breather and toasted her glass against Garos's. "Cheers." She laughed weakly, but smiled... a genuine smile. Thank the Gods for food.

Garos, too, seemed to forget his manners when Phaedra brought the wooden bowls ladden with stew. Another gurgle sounded. Insistent. He ate as if it mightā€™ve been the best meal heā€™d gotten in days. As if their little feast at the kingdom hadnā€™t happened at all. Or else, his appreciation for food stemmed from something else entirely. Heā€™d eaten like this there, as well. Wolfing down his meal rather than enjoy it. He only seemed to look up from his bowl once it was completely empty. He scrapped the bottom of the bowl with his portion of bread and slumped a little further in his eat. The ale followed soon after.

A satiated sigh broke the silence, as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. ā€œGods, that was good.ā€

"Help yourself to my share. I'm not particularly in the mood for food or drink anyways." Cecilia said as she took a seat at the table, pushing the bowl back in Phaedra's direction. There was a slight pause before Cecilia spoke again, "If you don't mind me inquiring, how did you come to know the dwarf downstairs? The two of you appear to be on familiar terms, at the very least."

With a mouthful of bread, Phaedra froze at the question. She quickly became self conscious about the manner in which she was eating. Did she really look so starved? Then again, when was the last time she ate? Before she was at the other village, no doubt. And she hadn't the faintest idea how long she was unconscious there. Phaedra swallowed her food, and took a drink of ale as she searched for the words. She could lie, that would be easier... But for some unknown reason, she told the truth. "I'm a Shadow Courtesan... If you haven't already connected those dots."

The orc seemed to perk up when Cecilia questioned Phaedra about how she was acquainted with the dwarf below. The tavern owner. And even more so when sheā€™d said the words Shadow Courtesans. The telltale eyebrow quirk, his inquiring gaze flicking with something that resembled recognition. Though if he recognized the organization at all, he certainly didnā€™t add anything to imply he did. The peak in Garos's curiosity made her chuckle softly, a tired sort of laugh of someone exhausted but relieved at a lighthearted moment. She should be used to similar reactions by that point, but true enough, it wasn't something she often shared, especially with people she hardly knew.

Her gaze was fixated on her cup as her fingertip traced the brim. She was searching for a way to answer in truth, without breaking code. Although part of her knew that not much longer in this journey and she'd be in the same shoes as Ryland. Phaedra sighed softly as she looked up, first toward Garos then Cecilia. "So, is the dwarf, Ryland. Or... was. He broke our code and before it was handled accordingly, he left. We were friends, so we kept in touch... for a time. I didn't know if he'd still be here, but it was our best chance." Phaedra didn't know what else to say, or... what she could say. She instead finished the ale in her cup, sparing brief glances at the other two in her company.

Cecilia seemed more surprised that she had told the truth at all, but that look of surprise was quickly covered up with something more neutral, devoid of any sentiment. "Can't say that I've heard of them, but I'm also not too concerned with your organizational ties and whatever baggage they might bring, and I'm sure the others aren't too concerned either. When we all first met Thomas... one of the two who we'd lost in the village, he was dragged in like an animal in chains." A small smile had crossed her lips, as if she was reminiscing on the absurdity of the event. "I don't think any of us ever figured out why he was treated in such a way, but I can assure you the reason was nothing pleasant. Even still, he was beneficial to the team, and I don't see us treating you differently if the dealings of your organization are in any way similar to what was going on with him."

Phaedra leaned back in her seat, sliding the extra bowl of stew toward Garos but kept her gaze on Cecilia as she spoke. Garos was all too keen to dig into the second bowl of stew, letting them talk amongst themselves. It was rare meeting someone so cold or stoic. Reminded her of her false father and that connection sent a chill down her spine, which she quickly tried to mask by taking a large drink of ale. What little bit of her that seemed to open up earlier during her conversation with Garos threatened to lace itself back up. Phae was certain the words were meant to be seen as comfort? But she wasn't ashamed of her line of work. She set her cup back down on the table looking over toward the silver haired elf. "If you do not care about the means by which I know the dwarf, then why ask in the first place?" It was more of a rhetorical question, but Phaedra was confused by Cecilia's curiosity which was quickly covered by indifference. "I never much cared about others' thoughts towards me and my profession. Comes with the territory."

"It was only because this Ryland seemed more than a little reluctant to help us, and you seemed to have some sway in convincing him to let us stay. In that regard, I should thank you, otherwise we would've had to camp somewhere outside of town." Cecilia stood from the table, moving towards the bed to gather what seemed to be a small piece of parchment and a vial. "Regardless, there are more pressing matters to discuss, though we'll have to wait for our other companions to join us."

"Gold can sway anyone's mind, if there is enough of it." Phaedra downed what remained of her ale, then nodded her head toward Cecilia. "You're right. As much as I'd love to spend the day drinking with Garos," she said, giving him a flirty yet brief smile. Being even so bold as to give him a playful wink. A cough sounded, this time. Muffled by the bowl held to his lips. The first reaction of mild embarrassment. "We have maybe an hour before we've overstayed our welcome beyond what my purse can handle."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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Embarrassment was not something that came easily to Callion, mainly due to his own circumstances. Even when his pride demanded a flush of the face, he managed to push that feeling into something more productive, like vengeance or revenge. A petty demand of someone such as him, but it was better than floundering like some idiot or naive girl. So when Maraā€™s face seemed to flush with that exact sentiment of something he had long ago refused to feel again, he felt a rising lecture boil up into his throat before he stopped. Why did he feel the need to lecture a natural bodily reaction? An emotion? The teacher in him had come to the forefront for a moment before he shook himself of the feeling, continuing to prestidigitate his clothes before finally deeming them clean.

Mara had taken to brushing her horse, which in itself earned a comment from Callion. ā€œI too love animals, dear girl.ā€ Callion stated, slipping his robe over his body and giving a quick inspection. ā€œBut might it not be prudent to clean yourself up first? Presentation is the first freely given opinion after all.ā€ Mara only momentarily paused her brushing in acknowledgment of his words. Before she could answer, Cecilia wandered into the stable. With a greeting, she then asked them to join her in the room with no small amount of foreboding foreshadowing. Callion gave a curt nod, watching her gather her things from her horse and leave for an overlong amount before Will bumped into his shoulder, a professional curiosity filling his mind.

ā€œNo clue Will, although she does seem the educated sort. She may have some insight as to what happened yesterday that we missed.ā€ Callion muttered to the staff, earning a polite agreement. Callion brushed his robe once more, out of nervous habit rather than an actual need, before turning to Mara. ā€œWell, it seems like there may not be time for a proper bath and cleaning of the attire, if you donā€™t mind.ā€ Callion wandered over, beckoning her to stand. With little hesitation, Mara obeyed. ā€œA simple spell, to clean the stains and smells.ā€ Callion stated, placing his hand in front of Maraā€™s chest but not actually touching her as his palm started to glow. In a matter of seconds, her garments went from dirt covered hay filled frayed fabric to clean and presentable clothes. He realized where his hand was hovering, but once again, embarrassment was a foreign feeling to might even include ā€˜shameā€™ in that list. His intention was purely practical. ā€œNow then, shall we head to the room?ā€

Mara stared at him with somewhat vacant eyes. Usually, the chance to see magic used up close would excite her. Or she would become flustered by his closeness. Instead, she only nodded slowly, like a sleepwalker, and murmured a soft,

"Thank you..."

Callion wandered into the inn, Mara in tow, and entered the room. The smell of food was the first thing to hit his senses, quickly followed by the stench of mediocrity that was the stew. His eyes glanced to it, but honestly his hunger far surpassed his need to be slightly above average and he said nothing. Instead, he looked to the others, who had woken up and were already indulging in whatever there was. Garos was wolfing it down, Cecilia didnā€™t appear to want anything to eat and Phaedra was eating away as well. Callion took a seat at the table, his staff floating of its own accord to a spot along the wall as he deliberately chose a spot that was as far as he could get from the scornful woman. ā€œI assume we have you to thank for the sustenance?ā€ Callion asked, grabbing his bowl and adding a bit of stew to it as he glanced over at Phaedra. ā€œMuch obliged.ā€ He stated in as neutral a tone as one could get. He dug into the food, noting its quality was less than what he typically enjoyed but having enough common sense to not say a word or give any indication of objection to it. Mara murmured another soft "Thank you" to Phae, before helping herself as well. Her eyes seemed unfocused as she slowly chewed. Mara only seemed to eat a few bites before seeming to forget food was even in front of her. She stared past Callion's shoulder with glassy eyes. Her mind clearly elsewhere.

After a few moments of getting something, anything really, into his stomach, he paused. His eyes peered over at Cecilia. ā€œYou have something that you wished to discuss.ā€ Callion stated, not phrasing it as a question in any shape or form. Admittedly, he needed information and he wasnā€™t going to give the slightest opportunity for someone who had any of it to back out of something. ā€œIt would be best if we got right to it.ā€ Callion stated, his tone heavy and his demeanor serious.

Mara jumped a little at the sound of his voice, startled back into blinking. She took another mouthful of the stew, but pushed it aside and looked to Cecilia, apparently not hungry. Garos, too, set aside his bowl, though his was clearly empty. He glanced in Mara's direction, mouth setting into a line. There was a knit to his brows. If the man at all had the ability to hide his emotions, he certainly never put it into play. Though, he maintained his silence, and swung his attention back to Cecilia, bobbing his head into a nod. The red head had long but finished her food and while the others sat and waited in a somber silence, she leaned forward to grab the flagon of wine and pour herself another drink. From the looks of things Phaedra needed liquid courage to help her through whatever Cecilia was going to lay on them.

Cecilia sat herself back down at the table, a piece of folded parchment and a vial in hand. "Needless to say, we have several issues. Not only are we down two people, but we also lack any definite knowledge on what truly occurred at the village, besides this small sample I managed to take amidst the chaos." She said matter-of-factly, holding up the small vial, which one could now see held a small piece of burnt wood that still glowed with the alien blue embers that they had seen at the village. Cecilia then gestured to the parchment in her hand, "I've made sure that the King will receive a detailed description of everything we encountered, but the main topic of this discussion is the mark that has found it's way into each of wrists."

"While I was attempting to preserve what was left of the bodies of Ragnar and Thomas, I noticed something that was... well, to call it worrisome would be an understatement." She stopped for a moment, seemingly trying to steel herself. "The mark was no longer on Ragnar's wrists. It wasn't on either of his wrists. I can't be sure about Thomas, since there wasn't much left of him to begin with, but I think it's safe to assume that the same could be said for him." Cecilia glanced at Callion, her green eyes hard and focused. "I'm sure that you will reach the same conclusion that I have."

Phaedra learned back in her seat, her index finger tapping quietly against the side of her cup. She appeared deep in thought with brows furrowed and pursed lips. After a long moment she parted her lips to sigh, then speak. ā€œDo any of you actually know the meaning behind this?ā€ The red head seemed frustrated at the events she had been thrown into over the past day. She huffed, visibly flustered at her own lack of knowledge at the situation, as she yanked up her sleeve and pulled the leather fingerless glove from her hand. Iridescent elven markings showed more predominantly around her fingertips without the distraction of the glove as she pointed at her fresh mark upon her wrist. ā€œI touched some weird tablet... pass out and wake up to all of this. Whatā€™s going on?ā€

Callion listened to the both of them, but he personally hadn't seen the marks disappear. Still, Cecilia seemed like the inquisitive sort, and he couldn't disprove what she was stating. Naturally Phaedra did her best to get on his nerves, but he had more important matters to attend to than her complaints as he put his hands together and held them in front of his chin. "I didn't witness what you did Elf, but I have no reason to not trust your assessment nor discredit what you're saying. If what you saw was indeed the truth, that is a very startling revelation that could have any number of possibilities, nearly all of them horrible in some form or another. Quite intriguing." Callion stated as he paused for a moment, taking a deep breath through his nose as he realized that Phaedra would indeed be the most in the dark about all that was happening and considering she was marked herself, it was necessary to fill her in. "As for a quick explanation for the unwillingly ignorant, each and every one of us is marked with a magical... sign of sorts that I couldn't begin to explain that has us declared as the Heralds." Callion looked over at Phaedra. "If you had spent any time in a book at all, you would be aware that Heralds are noted through every major religion and belief system across Ambar, and almost universally believed to be the bringers of end times. We lucky individuals are the ones who now carry that stigma with us where-ever we go, as there doesn't appear to be any known way to eliminate the mark." Callion paused, looking over to Cecilia. "Well, there is one way apparently, but I'm in no rush to test it."

Callion closed his eyes for a moment, doing his best to run through his immense knowledge of all things literature. "The wording on nearly every religion and belief is similar. There are always 7 heralds.. .always 7. Never 6, never 8, 7." Callion opened his eyes, looking to everyone. "If this prophecy is the work of some great being capable of amazing magics, it would stand to reason that it would never allow there to be fewer. It could be that the marks simply moved on to others who were not as clinically disposed of." Callion uttered, his words cold but logical, not meaning insult but not putting any effort in to mask his thought process. Mara visibly flinched despite this "Either that, or killiing us is the simplest way to stop a prophecy that would end with an Armageddon. To which I would state that I do not like either of these conclusions I have put forth." Callion looked to the others for some kind of agreement or other idea to float forward as to what it could mean.

"For obvious reasons, I'm hesitant to believe that this is truly the mark of the seven Heralds, although I can't deny that the similarities are there. However, I do concur with you on one thought. I doubt that the mark would simply vanish into thin air, thus it's safe to say that it would've found another target to embed itself into." Cecilia shrugged, "Either way, this proves an issue, for if we are truly meant to die to avoid a possible catastrophe, that has unseemly consequences, and if the mark has embed itself into two others, then we have no indication of who or where these people might be. It's possible that the King could track them down as he did with the six of us, but who knows how long that might take, especially since we're not operating on a flexible time schedule."

The red headed woman sat upright in her chair, pushing her glass away as she began to speak. ā€If this mark is as ominous as Skirts puts it, then I doubt anyone would be willing to step forward and admit they bear it.ā€ She spoke toward Cecilia, not in a cold or rude manner but factual. It seemed as though Phaedra understood the gravity of finding the other marked individuals but crossing off ways it they could not find these others showed to be easier than finding solutions.

Phaedra then turned her attention toward Callion, her own annoyance plain to read. ā€Plus, last I checked at least half of the people in Ambar do not know how to read. And of those whom do know literacy, how many of them spend their days nose deep in books rather than living their life?ā€ She quirked a brow in a challenging manner while every word that slipped from her lips had a sharp bite to it. ā€I apologize if my ignorance amuses you, Princess. But not all of us got a special invitation from the King in regards to their situation.ā€ The woman held his gaze for a long moment before she snatched back up her glove. She slid her fingers back into it, then crossed her arms as she leaned back in her chair, turning her attention back to Cecilia.

Cecilia sat there, playing with a singular strand of hair as Phaedra snapped back at Callion, apparently zoned out as their argument continued. "Well, it was less of an invitation and more that they captured us, held us all against our will in guarded cells, and we waited for days until the King would finally talk to us, but anyways I digress..." She cleared her throat and sat upright once more. "There's not much left that I wanted to discuss. I simply felt you all deserved to know the situation. Besides, there's little we can do anyways until we inform the King."

Mara seemed to shrink smaller and smaller into the table as tensions rose. Her small fists clenched tightly and an expression between anger and nausea was visible on her pale face. Once Cecilia was finished, Mara spoke up.

"Either way... bickering among ourselves will serve no purpose..." Mara said, softly but with an edge that seemed unlike her. She looked at the table, rather than at those around the table. She stood suddenly, and with force enough to make the chair complain loudly against the floor. Mara appeared to swallow thickly, as if trying not to to be ill. "Excuse me... I need air..." And shakily, she headed for the door.

Callion watched her go, after getting yet another verbal tirade from a woman he would rather wish non-existence on than speak to again. He looked back down at his own hands, suddenly acutely aware of just how his life had led him to a rather detached way of dealing with death. He had seen people die time and time again, and sure the first few times were rough but eventually it just became a part of life, however sad it might be. Despite this, everything in him screamed to fight with Phaedra in whatever fashion she deemed necessary, but was overridden by the logic of the farm girl. There will be a time for petty insults later, when a plan has been laid. Callion looked up at Garos. "Mercenary, would you mind seeing to the girl? It appears her mind is still not quite at terms with what's happened in the past day, and I doubt the rest of us will be able to... dissuade her concerns as easily as you would." Callion stated, before turning his attention back towards Cecilia and simply ignoring the blatant insults and anger from the red head.

Garos had maintained his silence until then, far more comfortable absorbing their words rather than interrupting with his own. Besides, it wasnā€™t likely that heā€™d spent most of his life with a book to his nose, given his outward appearance, and the general bearings Callion had seen so far. Perhaps, thatā€™s exactly why he kept quiet. Heā€™d never confessed to knowing more than he did, and seemed to prefer listening rather than offering his own input. Tight-lipped, that one, even if he hid it behind a smile.

He nodded his head and rocked himself out of his chair, happy to oblige Callionā€™s request. There was a sense that he liked being given direction, rather than bite the bit that pulled. As if it were easier that way. He stopped at the doorway and leaned his shoulder against the threshold of the door, turning to regard them. His expression was thoughtful, ā€œSheā€™s right. No use bickerinā€™ now that weā€™re all in this together.ā€ He swept his palm up, the familiar flash of the unusual mark on his wrist peeping up beneath his glove.

Phaedra slunk back in her seat, surprisingly having nothing to add to her usual venom. Her gaze followed Mara out of the room and similarly watched as Garos was instructed to go after her. By the look of her expression she seemed almost sorry for the way she acted. That was until she looked back toward Callion, and whatever softness that was in her face faded to an expression of stone, unamused and irritated. But thankfully no words escaped her annoying mouth.

Another pause, before Callion continued. ā€œGaros,ā€ he corrected softly, eyebrow quirking up. ā€œWeā€™ve got names, yā€™know.ā€ Bereft of the chiding tone Phaedra often used with him. More like a reminder that it was important, at least to him. A grin followed suit as he dropped his hand and turned away. With that, soft footfalls could be heard retreating down the hallway, following after Mara.

Callion paused a moment as Garos reaffirmed his name to him, receiving a middling response from Callion. He knew their names of course, he just didn't feel a need to say them at every opportunity. Well, that and maybe it was a bit subconsciously pointing to his own life where he was only ever referred to as 'boy' or 'Priest'. Regardless, he carried on with the conversation. "The King is still our best bet, and while your concern over it actually being the mark are noted, until I see something else that dictates what it is, that is the basis I have to go on." Callion looked at the letter held by Cecilia. "We should include the part about our thoughts regarding the mark moving on to another individual, and ask him to start his search once again for others. We can then travel back, taking us a few days and giving him some time to send some informants into the winds for directions. Tell me elf, do you know the spell 'Sending'?" Callion asked, a simple but useful incantation that allowed messages and items to be sent quickly vast distances. It didn't eliminate the need for a postal service, as not everyone would have the ability to cast it nor would it allow for overly large letters or parcels, but it was useful in certain situations.

Cecilia scoffed, as if it was offensive to even ask if she knew such a base spell. "Of course. Although, I'd rather be there to hand him the letter myself and explain away any questions he might have, but I suppose I could send it, for the sake of expediency at the very least. You needn't worry about including our own thoughts on the mark moving to other individuals. I did so as soon as we arrived here." Cecilia added a few finishing touches to the letter before folding it back up. She then made a gesture that might've seemed insignificant to anyone not trained in magic, but Callion knew it well. A small sigil flashed in the air, before the letter that had previously been in Cecilia's hand vanished. Callion simply nodded and stood from his seat, having finished eating all that he was going to eat and gathering his things from around the room, what little he had.

"Then I suggest we get a move on. It will take us a few days to get back to the King, and I'd rather make as much time as possible." Once he had gathered his things, he made his way towards the door. "I'll be at the horses waiting for everyone." Callion stated, exiting the room and in short order running into Garos and Mara. "Letter's sent, we're heading back. Hurry up and gather your things." Callion stated as he moved past them, making his way towards the horses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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Mara felt sick. Everything about today...Ā everything since yesterday...Ā made her feel sick. Shakily, she dug into her sachel, having dragged it with her during her speedy retreat. Her fingers found the various herbs wrapped in paper that she had been collecting. Finding the one she wanted, she popped it into her mouth and chewed. The cold, freshness of the spearmint enveloped her mouth and lips. It soothed her roiling stomach. The scent helped ease her racing mind,Ā but only some.Ā 

Mara felt the cool softness of the dirt under her feet before she realized she had walked all the way out of the tavern and into the street. She hadn't grabbed her boots...Ā they were probably still caked in death anyway.Ā The thought made her mouth go dry. Mara wasn't very sure where she intended to go anyway. She didn't know this place. She couldn't abandon the king's request or this newfound duty anyway.Ā 

Mara paused in the alley between the stable and the tavern, staring at her bare feet in the dirt. Why? Why was she marked? The others were strong, skilled fighters, magic-users, soldiers, or warriors of some type. She was weak. She couldn't fight...Ā yet somehow she managed to survive the village while Ragnar and Thomas...

Mara felt water hit her bare feet and saw the droplet. She raised her face skyward, thinking it was raining,Ā but the sky was unabashedly clear. Mara realized numbly that she was crying. She grit her teeth, frustrated by her own weakness, slightly mashing the wrapped plants that were still in her hands.Ā 

Ashamed of herself, she furiously rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. Crying wouldn't bring them back. It wouldn't make them anything other than bits of meat, flesh smeared under rubble and dust. Like pigs hanging, gutted, in the smokehouse behind the barn on her father's farm. The image flashed brightly in her mind's eye. Startlingly so.Ā 

Mara lurched toward the side of the building, dropping the herbs onto the ground, and just managed to catch herself with both hands to the wall as she was quietly sick. There wasn't much in her stomach to even bring up, but her stomach sure did try. She was glad she had managed to make it out of the main walkway.

Gasping softly, she tried to even her ragged breathing,Ā but it sounded more like sobbing. Mara slowly crouched. It hurt to breathe. Her body ached, her lungs were on fire and her ears began to ring terribly.Ā Weak...Ā I'm uselessly weak...Ā Mara thought wretchedly. Father was right after all...Ā she was a burden. She wished she could dissapear.

Ā ā€œMara?ā€

Itā€™d come from behind her. A familiar voice, deep, but soft as a whisper. Spoken in the same kind of tone she often used with their horses; especially the skittish ones that were afraid ofsomething.Ā Ā Her whole body tensed.Ā When Mara raised her gaze, it was Garos who stood there, hand held aloft as if heā€™d intended to place it on her back, but thought better of it. He let it drop back down to his side, and straightened up. The knit to his brows was telling. Ochre eyes reflected her face, like two mirrors.Ā The girl she saw reflected there looked feral and unfamiliar. She looked like a stray cat.Ā 

ā€œI...ā€ he started weakly before scratching at the back of his neck, ā€œWe were worried, yā€™know. Figured Iā€™d come check in on you.ā€"Sorry..."Ā she rasped, but the sound was hollow. Habit to apologize for existence. AĀ pause, as he kicked a pebble with the toe of his dirty boots. Seemed as if he was uncomfortable, for once. As if he wasnā€™t quite sure what to say in a situation like this. He inhaled sharply and took a step off to the side, creating a little distance. He, at least, understood well enough that she might notĀ want to be touched, as affectionate as he always seemed to be.Ā Mara watched him warily.Ā 

He leaned against the side of the building and exhaled through his nose.

ā€œWas thatā€¦?ā€ His question trailed off, his gaze slipping from her crouched form.Ā Mara was not sure if she could look any more ashamed. She stared at the wall pointedly.Ā He cleared his throat and tried once more. ā€œWhen I was a wee lad...ā€ he gestured a hand up to his waist, ā€œI saw what was left of a scouting group trying to cross into Orc lands with my maā€™.Ā Ha,Ā I never cried so hard before.ā€Ā His laugh was made of softer things, short and sweet; a far cry from the chest-heaving laugh theyā€™d heard so far. ā€œShe slapped me on the back that day. Said Iā€™d be seeing a lot of that in my life.ā€

Garos scrubbed a hand over his face and shook his head. EmbarrassmentĀ tingedĀ the tips of his ears a mottled purple-red.She had not known he could be embarrassed. HeĀ pushed away from theĀ wall and dropped his hand, holding it out for her to take, if she so chose. ā€œIā€™m saying itā€™s OK. What you feel. Weak. Strong. Makes no difference.ā€Ā Mara locked eyes with him then. It were as if he could read her like a book. Her green eyes were the eyes of an injured animal, wounded, frightened, but also unusually fierce.Ā 

He flexed his fingers, let them lie outstretched and inclined his head towards the barn. ā€œWanna change of scenery? Always smelt familiar there to me.ā€ A weak grin pulled at the cornerā€™s of his lips. ā€œBesides, horses are good listeners.ā€

Mara stared at his offered hand, as if confused by the gesture.Ā  Slowly, small fingers slightly trembling, she gripped part of his hand. His hand dwarfed hers, making her feel even more like a child than she already did. She reached the other hand out, retrievIng the dropped herbs, and returned them to her sachel before using Garos's hand to help her stand.

Mara nodded numbly at his suggestion. She squeezed one of his fingers, as if confirming to herself that he was still there. Not just meat. Still whole.Ā He enclosed her hand in hers in response, and gave it a small squeeze. There was a sense that he would not let go, if she needed him there. It wasn't a hug, but he was there, for her. As long as she could remember, she had always had to handle things alone. This was new..but not unwelcome.

"Thank you...Garos..."Ā Mara mumbled awkwardly. She wanted to say more, but at that moment, Callion wandered by, giving instructions. Mara hastily used her free hand to wipe her eyes. She looked up at Garos, managing a small, watery, smile. Reluctantly, she released his hand and headed toĀ gather her things andĀ to the stable.Ā 

When Mara released his hand, she could hear soft steps following at her heels, until he appeared at her side, thumbs hooked into his belt. Maybe, he, too, wanted the quiet the stable could provide. The familiarity they both shared.

She was determined now.Ā She would not let the others become meat. Stuffing her shoes into her pack, she headed to meet Callion.Ā 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecilia Floros Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad Character Portrait: Phaedra Mithalvarin Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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0.00 INK

The early morning of the group departure was offset by the gloom produced by the unlikely band of adventurers, brought together by the whims of fate and forced to endure nothing short of a horrific first encounter. As they loaded their horses with their gear and whatever they could manage to ask/claim/swindle out of the innkeeper, they were off. The glaring eyes of a bridge burned staring holes into their back as they went. A steady pace, a quiet ride and even the most eccentric out of them all lost in thought. The group had barely any time, in relative terms, to fully come to grasp what they were dealing with. On top of this, while they had undoubtedly prevented an undead incursion, they knew nothing about what was happening or how to stop it. Some eyes darted back and forth, others stared ahead either out of concentration or a lack of awareness. It appeared that not a soul among them was looking forward to the talk with the King they were going to have, to admit their failure and worse yet, acknowledge their losses at the beginning of their journey.

Days went by, the group stopping every so often in order to camp and refresh themselves. Stretches, practicing, napping, reading, cooking and eating. Conversations were had between the group at intervals, with certain individuals ensuring they were never in the same small space or tent at any given time. Color slowly started to come back to the people as a sense of normalcy took over the time it took to get to the Castle. In a sense, peace had been returned to them, the vestiges of death a strong memory but just that, a memory. The losses were still felt, more acutely by others, but they were fading. Shock was wearing off and bodies were refilling with a sense of vitality. It was what they needed, and these few days where they were alone with each other and their own thoughts, able to piece things together by themselves and focus on what would help them most... This was a needed distraction.

Several days later, they arrived. The city of Fellmark, the capital of Stormgard came into view and the guardsmen at the walls and gates stood in a mixture of relaxed and stern positions. It looked like an average day, with nothing particularly happening during a time of peace that hadn't yet reached the ears of the others here in the city. At least, the guards did a good job of making it seem that way. As the group passed through the city gates, the guard captain appeared, his eyes peering over them with a knowing deepness to them. It seemed he realized something, both angry and saddened at the same time, but said nothing. Waving them through, they walked their horses through a city in the throes of mid day. People walked to and fro, market stalls hocked their wares, beggars begged and shoppers shopped. Kids ran through legs and alleys alike and the entire bustle of the city folk felt deafening after having been alone with nothing but each other on the road here. No one seemed to pay them any special mind, only doing the bare minimum to get out of the way of their horses. The group trotted along, eventually coming to the path leading to the King's Castle. The guards at this gate were far more alert, armed and armored. They stopped them as they approached, investigating their bags and noting their purpose. Upon giving all of that, they were lead inside, their horses stabled and their belongings held by the guards save for whatever they happened to be carrying upon their person at the time.

A small troupe lead them through the once familiar halls where the Heralds had spent some time sitting and waiting for judgement...well, save for one. The guards continued, marching them to a large door that was recognizable by most, and upon opening it, revealing the empty throne room. The large area where most of them had first been introduced to each other, and told of their purpose for the coming days. It seemed so long ago, but time has a weird way of taking things and putting them into different sets of context. There, the group was instructed to wait as the guards removed themselves from the room, closing the massive door behind them as they went. In awkward silence, save for maybe a couple of whispered comments from a couple, they waited. Unsure with what to do with themselves, it felt like ages before the King made his entrance next to the throne. Instead of sitting himself on the chair, overlooking them as people of royalty are want to do, he walked down the few stairs to stand in front of them. His eyes had heavy bags around them, indicating a lack of sleep from an unknown cause, but guesses were most likely to be accurate. He peered around them all, a certain sadness filling his form as he came to the same revelation that the guard captain undoubtedly had as well.

"I am noticing a distinct lack of... people here with you."

Mara stared down at her booted feet, trying not to let the swell of grief overwhelm her again. She had remembered to put on footwear before they entered the throne room. She was at least glad for that.

Phaedra lingered toward the back of the group, her gaze shifting about the room like a jumpy ally cat. Her left hand tightly clutched the worn strap of her satchel while her right twitched at her side. Although her face had the look of discomfort and distrust with a furrowed brow and sneer, her body told another tale. There wasn't much they knew about the woman aside from her sharp tongue and her ability to hold her own against a horde of undead. But it was like once they entered the castle a bit of some truth came to light. Phaedra didn't seem to carry herself like a commoner but instead stood with strong stature, with poise and the posture of someone who had be taught the proper way to carry oneself. If they didn't know any better... The redhead wasn't as common as she lead on to be.

Garos, on the other hand, shrunk against the Kingā€™s gaze. A pang of guilt pulled his features taut, he could feel the pull, even though he fought against it. His shoulders slumped, as if the weight had finally pressed itself down on him, he cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably. He made sure that he wasn't in the forefront, lingering towards the back of the group. He didn't plan to break the silence at all, and waited for someone else to answer the Kingā€™s question in their stead. What else did he have to say in this situation? He hadn't even wanted to come along in the first place, and now, the only question that burned in his gut involved Thomas and Ragnar. His gaze flitted towards Callion, in particular, and then, over towards Cecilia. He believed them better suited to explaining the circumstances of their return.

"They...didn't...." Mara's voice cracked in her distress. It were as if she felt suffocated by the silence, but she trailed off. Mara's complexion paled noticeably as she appeared to struggle for words. "We failed them..." The King appeared to look at Mara, his eyes betraying a sense of sympathy and loss, but also containing years of having to learn the hard way that such emotions held no place with the leader of men, especially in times of need. He gave a sigh, rubbing his hand through his beard slightly as he took a moment to think about his words.

"This isn't your fault. I couldn't possibly believe that someone such as Ragnar would have allowed himself to be taken down in such a light fashion. The assassin, Thomas was it? I'll admit, I didn't know him well past his occupation and guard reports, but he didn't seem one to be taken lightly either." The King looked to the group. "You admitted this much in your letter, I had simply hoped that it was written in error, or maybe there was some sort of accident with the spell used to inform us. Two Herald's down... and according to your letter, we're no closer to an answer?" Callion was the one to speak up next.

"It was a powerful form of necromancy for certain." Callion stated, taking a step forward as to present himself as best as possible, although whether that was from pride or habit, it was hard to tell. "Someone of great skill and ability cast it, and seemingly caught the town unaware. The elf and I will continue to look into it, but I wouldn't hold out hope of anything spectacular revealing itself to us." The King looked over at Callion, taking in his words with little change to his posture, his silence indicating a deep sense of thought as he continued to absorb the information given.

"I see, just as you stated in your letter once again." One more pause, which at this point was starting to seem like the King was trying desperately to regain his breath at every opportunity. Instead, he seemed to regain some form of regality as he switched to the one giving the information and orders, his shoulders lifting and his voice carrying more than a hint of nobility speech. "While you were on your way, a new series of information made its way to my ears. With confirmation of your group and its status, I have no choice but to believe that the information is correct." The King motioned to the back and a robe wearing man, most likely some sort of page or messenger, stepped forward with another letter. "A cult of sorts, since I hesitate to use the term of 'Religion' when it comes to such a small following, has managed to reach out to me. They insist that they could have information that ties into the Heralds and the myths surrounding them. I've invited them here, and they should arrive tomorrow morning if they manage to stick to their schedule." The King looked to one of the men standing near the door and gave a nod. The soldier opened the door to reveal a few attendants stepping inside the room. "In the meantime, rooms have been prepared for you once again, although your freedom within the castle walls won't be as confining. You're welcome to walk the halls and explore the castle grounds as you wish, but I must ask you to remain here until we get to meet with this group of...Ist'nen they call themselves"

With another look, his eyes managed to pierce through the group and land on Phaedra. The red head seemed to keep her attention everywhere but the King, that was until he looked directly at her. "As for you young lady." At those words a slight smirk grew across her lips, like she knew a secret he didn't. "I don't believe we've ever met but the letter contained information as to the details surrounding you. I'm sorry that you've been dragged into this mess, but seeing as you are similarly marked as the others, I have no choice but to ask for your help in this matter as well. You will be greatly compensated for your troubles, as will all of you." There was a bit of a hollow ring to the King's words, as if he was reciting a speech or message he had said one too many times, but the contents of his words were clear.

Phaedra shrugged her shoulders slightly at the comment. "It doesn't seem I have a choice." By the look on her face, it didn't seem that the prospect of compensation amused her.

With another look, he peered towards the group as a whole. "Does anyone have any questions before we retire to our rooms?"

Mara stared at the floor, silent, and looking somewhat smaller than usual. It were as if the effort it took her to speak diminished her. Cecilia spoke for the first time since they'd arrived, her brows furrowed. "These Ist'nen that you speak of, how can you ensure that they mean well in their effort to aid us? It seems too coincidental that they would only offer to help now."

Garos shifted once more, uncomfortably. Leaning his weight to his other foot, before returning to the other. Sure, he had questions, and most of them were personal in nature, but he felt like Cecilia's should come first. There was too much information being tossed across the board. A cult? The Ist'nen? None of it made any sense to him, and it was all he could do but chew on the inside of his mouth, to keep himself from biting off a comment that might get him into a trouble. T'was the King they were talking to, after all. Still. He settled a hand on his hip, arched a thick eyebrow, and shifted his gaze from Cecilia to the King. The King nodded.

"You are right to be skeptical, but if I'm being entirely honest, this isn't the first time they reached out. In my hubris, I believed them to be delusional and ostentatious, and since I wanted to keep this mission quiet as long as possible, I refused them an audience." The King took a breath. "If I had not jumped to conclusions, their information might have been able to help you prevent some of the misfortunes we've had, but what's done is done." The King looked directly at Cecilia. "When they reached out the second time, it was a mere day after your letter had reached me, and they seemed to be well aware of Ragnar's and Thomas's fate. How, they didn't quite explain but they were correct regardless. This time I wasn't in any position to refuse, and with the benefit of hindsight, I'm hoping this decision will work out better than the last." The King was being particularly candid, but it wasn't exactly hard to see why. While he still managed to keep an air of respect around him, he was visibly exhausted and otherwise wanting something, anything, to pan out. "Were there any other questions?"

"Ragnar and Thomas," Garos's voice sounded unusual to him. Weaker. As if he'd exhaled their names aloud, in a rush. Breathless. It definitely didn't sound familiar, even though he'd been mentally preparing himself to voice the question. He scrubbed a hand across the back of his neck and cleared his throat. Tried again. "We left them back at the village, but we wanted them taken care of. Properly, y'know? Buried. Cece made sure they'd..." He dropped his hand back to his side, eyebrows furrowed. He finally found the King's eyes and held his gaze. "Ain't right to just leave them there."

Softly, a sob escaped the farm girl, as if Garos had unlatched a door she had closed on her grief with his word. Mara covered her mouth, silencing herself. She stared intently at the chamber floor. The King gave a slow nod. "Preparations have already been made to recover the bodies for a proper burial. They will be given the respect owed them." The King looked around a bit more and sensing that there wasn't going to be any more statements or questions, took a small breath and continued. "Alright, if that's everything then I suggest you get some rest. Should you have need, the assistants will fetch you any food you require, the baths are open to you and I would recommend taking the rest of the day to relax and recover from your ordeal. Tomorrow morning we will be back to business once the Ist'nen arrive." The King motioned to the guards near the entrance, who opened the doors. "The attendants will show you to your rooms. Do try to take care of yourselves while you can." The King then turned on his heel, heading back towards the door he had originally come through, the conversation over as the attendants waited near the door for everyone to make their way to their rooms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Garos Sharad
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0.00 INK

A knock sounded. Then, another. Soft, gentle. Then, insistent.

It was a strange enough sight to see a tall, brutish-looking man pressing his face up against a wooden door, cheek firmly planted, knuckles poised to rap once more. Garosā€™s grin was wide, tusks peeping out. He didnā€™t care, at the moment. Not when no one else was in the hallway to see, and besides, they were in the human capital. Itā€™s not like they had any archaic traditions here that dealt with something out of their control: like, tusk size. Heā€™d never liked that bit. Not at all. He chewed at the inside of his lip and pushed away from the door, adjusting the bundle of clothes tucked underneath his arm.

ā€œCal, you in there?ā€ he hummed softly and clucked his tongue. Of course, his question was rhetorical. Heā€™d rounded the corner just in time to see the door shut behind him. Callion probably had his nose stuck in a book by now. That wouldnā€™t do any good, not with an opportunity to bathe in the Kingdomā€™s high class bathhouse. When would they ever get an opportunity to do that ever again? Who knew if theyā€™d die tomorrow and never get the chance, ā€œI know you are, just saw yaā€™ heading in. The girls all went for a bathā€”ainā€™t that a good idea? Letā€™s grab one while we have a chance.ā€

He drew his knuckles up once more only to have the door open and nearly fall face first into the room as Callion stood there, book indeed in hand and an expression on his face that fell somewhere between boredom and annoyance. "You are much too happy to be sharing a bath with a man you barely know let alone understand. Is my presence absolutely critical to your enjoyment of the waters?" Callion asked, his tone inquisitive and pointed at the same time. It wasn't exactly clear if he wanted to go or not, more like he was pressing for answers to something that should have been a simple 'yeah, lets do it!'. Maybe he wasn't used to people including him in much of anything outside of mage craft, but it was impossible to tell with his mixture of facial expressions and tone.

Garos caught himself on the threshold of the door, rocking back on his heels as if heā€™d meant to do that, and hadnā€™t nearly fallen through the doorway. Graceless as a colt. The wheedling grin hadnā€™t tempered itself either, even when Callionā€™s face twisted in annoyance. It was clear that he didnā€™t think going to the bathhouse was anything to be excited about. Maybe he was used to fancies like that, bathing in luxury, having things given to himā€”he wasnā€™t sure where heā€™d come from, and what he was used to, but turning down any chance at a bath seemed like a waste.

ā€œAwh, cā€™mon, Cal. Donā€™t be like that,ā€ his voice thickened into a drawl, as he jammed his boot against the door in case he decided to try and close it in his face. Of course, heā€™d never take no for an answer. Leaving Callion alone in his room, with a book as his only companion, felt sad. Lonely. Even if heā€™d rather do that, then accompany him. ā€œCourse Iā€™m happy to share a bath with a man I hardly know. Thatā€™s one step towards knowing them, innit?ā€ Thick eyebrows waggled expectantly. ā€œLike you said, your presence is absolutelyā€”ā€ A pointed pause, before he drew closer and swept a hand to his side, and added, ā€œcritical.ā€

Callion seemed to pause for a moment longer than necessary, before giving a sigh and slamming his book shut with enough force as to make a point. "Very well, one moment." Callion stated, wandering back into his room and closing his door for some privacy but not shutting it entirely. The sound of Callion moving things around could be heard, followed by a few louder bangs. "He asked, according to him, refusing him would be the same as pushing a man off a cliff with a rock tied to his feet." A bit more clanging and banging. "You would be welcome to come if the steam wouldn't warp you into the same shape as your attitude." A slight pause before something smashed, followed by some silence. "Well that was immature, now you're staying here is ensured. Reflect on your actions." Callion reappeared in the doorway with some clothes tucked under his arm to change into after the bath was done. A book was still in his hands as well, thick and old, but at the very least the wizard was making his way into the hallway. Closing the door, Callion looked to Garos. "Well then Mercenary, shall we get on with this then? I would like to get back before Will manages to destroy anything worth mo-"

There was a loud crash followed by several smaller crashes in Callion's room. Callion didn't seem to react nor look back. "Never mind, I will deal with it when I get back. Let us move before I hear more things that cause me stress."

Nothing could tame the satisfied, smug grin from pulling the cornerā€™s of Garosā€™s lips up. Like a dog whoā€™d finally been given a bone, he retracted his foot from the threshold of the door with full confidence that Callion wouldnā€™t simply set back into it and slam it presumptuously into his nose. He moved to the side of the door, and leaned his back against the brickwork to wait for him as he turned back into the chamber, probably just scrounging up some crisp, clean clothes to bring along with him. The mage certainly liked being orderly and clean as a whistle. Made him wonder where he actually grew up. Either, itā€™d been a barn, where baths were scarce, or he was a fancy fellaā€™ who was unused to dirtying his fingers. From what heā€™d seen on the road, and how heā€™d conducted himself while campingā€¦ he believed it to be the prior, or something close.

The unexpected bangs from within the chamber made him jump. Another, and then, Callionā€™s voice arguing with someone. Seemed one-sided, from what he could hear. No other voice hissed back in return. He narrowed his eyes and tried to peep through the side of the door, cracked as it was. He couldnā€™t see anything but Callionā€™s fluttering robe, and hand-gestures. Pushing a man off a cliff with a rock tied to his feet. His grin simpered itself. Accurate enough. He wouldā€™ve pouted and begged otherwise. He wasnā€™t below either of those things. Silence strung itself out. Though, no sooner did another crash make him jump. Squinting his eyes did nothing to help. He couldnā€™t see inside Callionā€™s room and pushing it entirely open wouldā€™ve beenā€¦ rude, considering heā€™d accepted his invitation to the bathhouse.

Garos raised a finger, and let it hang there for a moment, trying to mull his thoughts into words. What was all that noise? Sounded like a mum chastising his kid. But, unless the kid was mute, and throwing a silent tantrum, he couldnā€™t figure out who he was arguing with. He made a small sound: confused, then let his finger drop down to side, turning towards the long hallway.

Another crash halted him mid-step.

ā€œV-very well, then,ā€ a short, nervous laugh bubbled out as he took the first steps down the hallway, ā€œIā€¦ didnā€™t think you had anyone else in the room. Will, was it? Uhā€¦ā€ He wasnā€™t even sure what he was trying to ask. ā€œYou find a dog or somefinā€™?ā€

"Of course not." Callion stated as if the answer should have already been obvious. "While I don't mind the furry creatures, I prefer for them to keep a fair distance away so as to not muddy my robes with hairs that will never cease clinging to my clothes." Callion continued his way to the baths. "I was talking with Will..." Callion looked back to see the confused expression on Garos's face, before giving a slight sigh. "My staff? You know, the one you've seen me carrying in all manner and form, and at one point levitate above my head? That staff." Callion stated this all in such a way as to imply that this knowledge should have already been known, like he was pointing out that a tree was a tree, or something to that affect. As Callion continued his walking, he obliged in continuing his explanation at least. "Will, as a staff, is a bit of a different entity. I fused it with multiple sources of arcane energy and at some point, that energy became semi-sentient, much akin to a elemental or primordial being. He doesn't talk or otherwise converse as you and I are performing now, but more akin to an empathetic connection that allows his thoughts to be known through specific sensory input." Callion rounded another corner, the doors to the baths no in view. "For example, when he's angry, I don't hear him say 'Grrr, I'm angry'" Callion stated, putting on his apparent best low-born accent. "I feel a certain level of rage emanating from him with a clear message of intent. Does this make sense to you?" Callion asked, placing his hand on the door to the baths and looking at Garos.

Ah, that made sense. Didnā€™t seem the type to have something slavering at his heels, begging for bits of affection. Garos bobbed his head in a nod as they walked together. When he repeated the personā€™s name againā€¦ a thick eyebrow flagged once more, as if he werenā€™t savvy to a joke; mouth pulled into a line, clearly confused. ā€œAh,ā€ he made a noise, though he felt as if he understood less now than when heā€™d assumed a dog was destroying his chamber. It made him feel stupid. He rubbed the back of his neck. Elementalā€™s, primordial beings. These were words that felt strange, unfamiliar on his tongue. Heā€™d only heard what little stories heā€™d been told in his youth by his father. Of crooked creatures that made no sense, yet still existed. They were real. He felt the same about magic. It was intangible, a sour taste in his mouth he couldnā€™t quite wrap his head around.

Still. It made him wonder.

So, he listened. Intently. As if he could strain his ears to understand what Callion was saying. He didnā€™t. Not really. From what heā€™d gathered: he owned a staff that threw tantrums. But, one only he could hear. Or understand. He wasnā€™t sure what the difference was. Once they rounded the corner, and the bathhouse came into view, Garos expression softened and then wheedled into a grin with Callionā€™s next attempt to hammer into his head just what he meant. For a moment, he felt as if he were being sat down at his homestead, being taught about complicated traditions and only coming up more confused. He couldnā€™t help but laugh aloud. Grrr. ā€œAye, I think I get the jist of it,ā€ he planted a hand on the door as well, ā€œYouā€™ve got a not-talking staff that has feelings.ā€ He paused and grinned once more, tusk peeping over his lip, ā€œAre you mocking me with that accent?ā€

He slapped a hand on Callionā€™s back. ā€˜Course, he was kidding. Hearing Callion drop his clear-cut, nose-in-the-books way of speaking was worth any condescension he mightā€™ve meant. ā€œI do, and I donā€™t, honestly. Magic always made my head spin. Your staffā€™s leagues ahead of that.ā€ He pushed the door open and held it for them. ā€œSounds important, though. Howā€™d someone get a staff like that, anyway?ā€ Callion seemed to stumble from the slap across the back, followed by a loud huff of indignation at being roughed around in such a manner. He didn't say anything about it though, as he followed Garos into the baths just behind him, brushing his shoulders from some imaginary dust that had settled upon them.

"I made it." Callion stated, once more in a way that indicated that this should have been made very evident. Whatever the reason, Callion must have felt in a giving mood today though as he continued his explanation without prompt. "One tree branch, plenty of mana infused crystals, years of work and a dash of trial and error. Anyone with enough skill and knowledge about magic, such as myself, can do it. Could they do it to the degree I achieved? Doubtful." Callion said, his arrogant tone returning once more as he moved into the baths, removing his robes to enjoy the waters but keeping the book in his hand as he slipped into the waters. His skin was plastered with a multitude of different colors as different tattoos weaved themselves over his body in patterns impossible to recognize. "Named it the Will of the World, although at the time it didn't communicate with me at a level that it does now. Back then, I had it in my head that it was only proper to name one's weapon or tool of choice, like one would a child, or a slobbering slave beast that pulls a plough." Having slipped into the bath in a matter of seconds, he flicked the book open to a page and stared at its contents. "I assume even you have named weapons, as every mercenary I have ever met has named theirs. Usually something along the lines of 'Bloodletter' or 'Call of Rage' or 'Roar.'".

It hadnā€™t taken long for Garos to follow suit and shed his clothes as quickly as possible, as if it were his most comfortable state. It was. There were hardly any subtleties in either cultures he shared. Orcs simply did not care about nudity and elves thought themselves too beautiful, too graceful to be anything other than proud. Nakedness was commonplace, in his world. He kicked his clothes into an unruly pile, underneath an intricate wooden slat that acted as a benchā€”even it bled of wealth, what with the lionā€™s likelihood carved into each end. He grimaced at it and turned to regard Callion once more, listening with great intent. At least he didnā€™t think him stupid enough to spare an explanation. Either thatā€¦ or he pitied him enough to feel as if he had to.

The tattoos that wove across his body gave him pause. A tapestry. It was hard to tell where they began and ended. The only place they didnā€™t touch were the parts covered by his robes, as if he werenā€™t marked at all. He wondered whether or not that was intentional. There were scars there, as well. He knew the sight well enough. Stipled stripes raised across the markings; imperceptible, if you werenā€™t looking hard enough. As stupid as he mightā€™ve been when discussing the nuances of magic, he was perceptive. Intuitive, when it counted. He made no mention of this however. Instead, he approached the edge of the bath, and slowly slipped his way into it. The water felt divine; itā€™d been slightly warmed and smelt somewhat flowery.


Made sense now. Garos soaked his head in the water, and drew himself out like a hound shaking its head. He made a thoughtful sound in the back of his throat as he situated himself against the marbled inner wall of the bath, leaning his elbows against the lip. The tension in his shoulder eased. Felt like a small slice of heaven. A momentary reprieve from whatever theyā€™d have to endure tomorrow. Worth it. He leaned his head backwards and stared up at the ceiling. Callionā€™s words echoed in the barren room. They sounded louder to his ears. He only craned his head forward when heā€™d finished.

ā€œDā€™you always do that?ā€ he knuckled at his nose, and swirled a hand through the water, ā€œMake assumptions about people you donā€™t know.ā€ A short pause, and he chuckled. He took no offense. Wasnā€™t in his nature. ā€œThough youā€™re right. Bludger is easier to say than Kebairash.ā€ The word rolled over his tongue, as easily as it always had. His second tongue sounded brutish instead of pretty, he supposed.

"When people stop proving me right, I will stop making assumptions about them." Callion stated simply, having slinked into the water a slight amount and holding the book above the water level. While it was obvious that he was reading the book, his eye movements did not look like one who was studying line by line. If anything, it appeared as if he had read this book before, and merely needed the page in front of him to remember the words. Every so often, he would flip a page and continue to the next one. "Besides, I was correct. You have named your weapons." Callion stated, his words sharp but not in the sense of an insult, more as if this was the outcome he had expected. He did appear slightly more relaxed now, even his openness with his answers seemed to indicate an alleviation of tension, if not arrogance.

ā€œSeems like youā€™ve got everyone figured out.ā€ There was a stippling tone to Garosā€™s voice, as if he were planning something particularly dubious. Maybe. He was making his way through the bath like an ungraceful fish cutting through the water. A large, lean man with his hands at his sides, waddling through the water, instead of swimming. It only reached just above his waist anyhow. Perhaps, Callion wouldnā€™t notice since his attention was elsewhere, back into the book he held poised in his hand. Once he was close enough and probably in Callionā€™s personal space, he prodded a finger to the spine of the book and weaseled his way at the manā€™s side, eyes trained on the spiral of tattoos trailing down his shoulder.

He resisted the urge to peer closer. To grab at his arm and inspect them as one would a horse. ā€œAt first, Iā€™d guessed that you were from some hoighty-toighty academy. Fancy bits. High society stuff. Used to stuff like this.ā€ A pause, before he knuckled at his nose, ā€œbut that doesnā€™t seem right.ā€ He didnā€™t correct himself, or say what he thought of him now. He just knew it wasnā€™t that simple. That the man wasnā€™t just some rigid-spined, high-class fop. He draped his arms behind him, and didnā€™t seem to care if he was uncomfortably close. ā€œYā€™know Iā€™m a mercenaryā€¦ so, whatā€™d you do before all this?ā€ He gestured idly with his hand. Callion peered over, raising an eyebrow at the proximity of Garos to his person, before skirting a slight bit away, most likely to regain his own bubble of personal space as he removed himself from the touch of Garos's arm.

"I suppose the best way to put it would be more akin to what you do, if I'm being entirely honest with myself. One could consider me a mercenary of sorts, although the jobs I'm tasked with performing usually involve more than just revealing the inner contents of a brigand's skull." Callion stated, his eyes still glued to his book. "A nomad, a 'wandering wizard' if you will. One can't possibly understand all that there is by remaining in one place, and one must also eat and sleep at regular intervals, so compensation is a necessity. What better way to practice and learn than simply doing." Callion stated, although it seemed like he was almost bitter that his occupation could be summed up in the way that he did. "If I had my way, I would be head of a university somewhere, yet this world doesn't seem ready for the bevy of knowledge I could possibly bestow upon them." This earned a somewhat aggravated sigh out of the wizard as he flipped a page in his book. "Is that answer coherent enough for you?"

Garos didnā€™t close the distance, remaining where he was, though he stretched his arms over his head and plopped them back into the water. He felt more relaxed here, then he probably ever had. He wondered vaguely how people could worry about anything when they had this kind of luxury. Warm meals, soft beds, a bathhouse to relax in whenever they felt like it. Sounded like a slice of heaven, though he certainly wouldnā€™t have liked any of the responsibility the King had weighing down on his shoulders. Running a kingdom looked like tough stuff. Something heā€™d never be interested in. A crown was a heavy burden heā€™d never dream of carrying, even if it meant drowning in wealth.

He arched his eyebrows and rolled his head to the side, regarding Callion with a flat expression. Him? A mercenary of sorts? The steepled smile tugged at the corner of his lips once more, though he made no further comment. He couldnā€™t picture it. Not one bit. Not in the conventional sense, anyway. The second description suited him better. Slaving his time away in all those books of his, in some university nestled in the capital of wherever. Even so, he hmā€™d, and tilted his head back to the ceiling, mulling over the manā€™s words. Callion didnā€™t seem the sort to carry conversation, unless it was beneficial. Idle chatter didnā€™t interest him. Maybe, heā€™d concede. For awhile. ā€œGood enough, I think, Mr. Mage-Mercenary.ā€

There was a reflective pause, before he sighed softly through his nose. His elbows planted themselves back against the lip of the baths, and he shuttered his eyes once more.

ā€œTearing down that wall of yours is gonna take more than bonding in a bath, innit?ā€

"Wall?" Callion responded, his eyes never leaving the book as yet another page turned. There was a moment before Callion seemed to clue in as to what Garos meant. If anything, despite his obvious intelligence when it came to magical theory, he didn't seem as quick on the uptake when it came to matters of social interaction. "Ah, you think I'm hard to talk to and get to know." Callion said more as a fact rather than speculation, as if he had come to this conclusion a long time ago. Callion closed his eyes for a moment, breathing through his nose for a moment before coming to some kind of agreement within his own head. He closed his book slowly and deliberately, although one of his fingers held his place within the pages as he turned to look at Garos. "We are not friends, Mercenary." Callion said deliberately. "I have known you all of a couple of weeks, and outside of one rather harrowing battle, have not managed to build any repertoire with you. One can look at my inherent nature and blame it on that, rightfully so as I am painfully aware that several dozen people not liking me can't be attributed to them all being ignorant idiots, only most of them." Callion stated again, seemingly taking a shot at himself as he continued.

"There is a good chance this quest we are bound to by fate or destiny or the whims of a mad sorcerer has brought us together, and you have proven yourself in a combatant sense, so I am more than willing to indulge you in a few..." Callion gestured to the bath. "Considerations. If you are looking for a friend, however, might I suggest the Farm Girl? What about the Elf? Or even the Harlot, as running her mouth and splitting her legs is all she seems to be good for." Callion returned his eyes to his book, flipping it open once more. "I don't believe in friendship, nor do I believe in selfless compassion and empathy. Everything has a cost and everyone is looking to gain. So long as you are willing to fight with me and cover my weak spots, I will do the same for you. That is all I have to say on that matter."

Callion's tone throughout his little speech seemed to be incredibly tempered and rehearsed, as if he had had this conversation multiple times over his life to the point of reciting it by memory. Had Garos been looking for malice or anger in his words, he would find none. It was more akin to a solemn resignation of fact than anything else. Regardless, it didn't appear that Callion was willing to speak on the matter further.

There was a poignant silence that drew between them. A thin line, untouchable. As if itā€™d span a lifetime. Garosā€™s laughter was what broke it, though he knew well enough that that line, perhaps, would never be severed, not unless Callion wanted it to be. Of course, he, too, had had the same conversation before. Being a mercenary was a lonely life, and if he compared it to how heā€™d grown up, there were obvious comparisons that made him wonder why heā€™d chosen his vocation in the first place. Hadnā€™t he always run from that? He crooked forward and held his aching stomach, attempting to draw in breaths to stifle his laughter. He managed to wrestle it down, knuckling at his watering eyes with sopping hands. Another sigh sifted from his lips, softer this time: defeated. Heā€™d always tried to build repertoire with his acquaintances, and most of the time, itā€™d ended sourly. Either, with the end of a blade, coins in his purse, or a corpse. He never did seem to learn.

It made no difference this time.

ā€œA boy can dream,ā€ he stated wistfully, lifting his shoulder in a shrug, ā€œbut aye, youā€™ll have my blade, ā€˜til the deed is done.ā€

Nor the next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callion Lightson Character Portrait: Mara Timbers
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It had taken some time for Mara to build up enough confidence to arrive at Callion's chamber door. But now, knocking was daunting.

After the baths, she'd gone back to her own room, politely asked the handmaiden to clean her good traveling clothes, and retrieved her pilfered book of magic from her sachel. As always,it was carefully wrapped in her mother's old red cloak, swaddled like a baby and clutched protectively to the farm girl's chest. Mara had then spent the better part of an hour pacing in her room, testing some of the magics within on her own...and watching them fail with no sign of improvement... she really couldn't learn this alone. So now, here she was, standing in front of the wizard's door, book clutched in her left hand, right hand raised as if to knock. But she couldn't knock.

Inside, she could hear movement, so surely he must be in there... but what if he wasn't? Or... what if he was and he refused to hear her out? What if she had no talent for magic, after all? Her hand shook slightly. Mara inhaled deeply, steadying herself again. A new look of determination crossed her green eyes and she gently rapped her knuckles on the door.

"Sir... mister... Callion... sir?" She called after her knock. Nervously, she hugged the book to her chest, being careful it only looked like a bundle of red cloth. The sound of movement stopped for a brief moment, before she heard a slight 'thud' against the door. The knob to the door jiggled and fidgeted, as if Callion was having some issue actually turning the knob. There was a brief pause before the knob finally turned fully and the door swung open slightly. In front of Mara hovered Callion's staff, somehow managing to turn a knob and open the door. There was no sign of Callion within the room. As Mara stood there, a sort of feeling flooded her mind, one of questioning, one wanting answers. There was a slight happiness to it, but also one of speculation and hesitation. All these different emotions that collided with her own were not coming from her, that much was clear, and as the staff hovered closer, its embedded gems and jewels glowing with a slight intensity as the emotions seemed to get stronger.

Mara stared in wonder at the staff, the feelings that were not her feelings washing over her.

"W.. wow... what an amazing staff." she murmured in admiration. "H...Hello there... lovely to make your acquaintance... uhm... Sir" She ventured, unsure if magic items had gender "I... I am Mara...and I was hoping, I might ask Mister Callion... a few questions about magic, is he in?"Ā  The staff bobbed in place, almost as if it hadn't expected Mara to necessarily understand what was happening, and a feeling of happiness washed over her as the staff then weaved slightly. It was quickly followed up by a disappointed emotion as it did it's best to point back at the room and do the equivalent of 'shaking its head'. There was a slight pause as the staff seemed to freeze for a moment, before another voice beckoned from behind Mara.

"I didn't expect you, of all people, to go invading one's privacy, Farm Girl."Ā  Callion's voice rang out behind her. Callion stood behind Mara, dressed down in what could be called 'extravagant rags'. Not as fancy as his robes, but by no means dirty or otherwise poor looking. Mara jumped at the sound of his voice, and looked at him sheepishly.

"Oh, I didn't intend to intrude. Your friend answered the door when I knocked. He was just letting me know you weren't in... I think..."

Mara said, looking at Callion's feet shyly. She was not sure how she felt that was right, but she did, as if the staff had told her that he was sorry Callion was not in.

The staff whirled around Mara, bobbing in front of Callion, some emotions still filtering to her but not as strong since they appeared to be directed at Callion, who stared at the staff as he dried the last bit of his hair with a towel. A feeling of smugness, defense and annoyance filtered to her, followed by Callion looking at the door itself. "But how did you open the door?" He asked the staff, before a wave of humor washed over the both of them. Callion gave a sigh, not willing to question it further. "I see, my apologies then." Callion stated, walking past Mara into his room. "Well, I am present. Is there something you wish to discuss?" Callion stated, folding his towel up and placing it on one of the dressers in the room.
Mara stiffened, suddenly nervous all over again.

"Y... Yes... I am sorry to disturb you. I, well... I was wondering if... I could ask you... some questions... about magic." her voice shook slightly with her nerves."I... was trying to learn on my own, but I'm having some trouble... with the hand gestures... in, in this... book I'm using. Mā€”may I come in?" Mara asked, hovering in the doorway, clutching the red wrapped proof of her guilt."If you'd rather not, I understand... you're just so skilled in magics... so..."She trailed off uncertainly, waiting for his answer. Callion looked over at her, his expression unreadable as he seemed to internally argue with himself about something before a sigh escaped his lips.

"It would do you well to increase your abilities if you are to remain at our side. I suppose I can lend my skills to ensure that achievement is met." Callion stated, beckoning her inside. Callion's room was just like everyone else's, at least initially. In the short time he had had to his room, there was already a shattered mirror, a few scrapes on the wall, and the drawers on the dresser were ripped open and a few clothes were strewn about. Books littered nearly every open space, the amount seeming to defy Callion's carrying capacity. His robe was hanging up along the wall, and a few unfinished sigils seemed to be etched into the walls with what appeared to be a rusty knife. All in all, his room was a mess but it either didn't bother him or he didn't consider it to be a problem worth mentioning at the moment. Callion pointed to the bed. "Well, have a seat and explain yourself then. What are you carrying with all the protectiveness of a worried mother?"

Mara's eyes lit up, like a puppy seeing its master returning home. Eagerly, she entered, giving the state of the room only a passing curious glance. His housekeeping preferences were not what she had come for. Obediently, Mara settled herself on the edge of the bed. Though, her expression visibly grew more worried when he asked about the parcel. Mara looked to it, expression something between guilt and wistfulness.

"'s the book I've been using...I have it memorized already...but I thought you would likely need to reference It..." Mara glanced over Callion's shoulder, being sure the door was closed before she unwrapped her stolen Book Of Light. Surely, she thought, he would know this book. She braced herself for a scolding, but forged ahead.

"I...was having trouble with the gesture for the purify water spell...on page 38...

Callion peered at the book for a moment, his brow furrowing slightly as he approached Mara and plucked the book from her hands without so much as a 'please'. He flipped it over, his hands tracing the lettering and inscriptions on the cover. He flipped it open, turning a few pages as his eyes darted side to side, reading it as quickly as his mind could process.

"Interesting. Who would have thought you would have a Book of Light." Callion stated, once again inspecting the book from every angle he could think of, "What's more, a genuine book of Light and not some cheap novelty knock off." Callion stated. "It is my understanding that these books are only given to members of the Church of Light, prohibited to the masses and carrying a penalty of incarceration should one be found in the possession of such book and not anointed by the Holy Father." Callion looked over at Mara, who's expression seemed readable even by Callion's standards. "It's impressive you had the gumption to gain one for yourself, well done." Callion stated, handing the book back and moving over to his own pack. Mara looked up, stunned. For a moment, she thought that perhaps she had made a mistake in showing Callion the book. Perhaps, he would send her to jail...but...she was relieved that didn't seem to be the case. He dug around for a moment, grumbling the entire time before a book slid to his feet. Looking up, the staff hovered there, having slid Callion's Book of Light on the ground towards him. "Ah, my thanks Will." Callion stated, picking his book and flipping through it. His was notably in worse condition than Mara's, and the few pages she could see flip had notes scrawled in them. "Page 38ā€¦ Purify water." Callion turned pages until he got to his part. There he paused for a few moments, his brow furrowing once more. "Ah of courseā€¦ I can understand why one would have issue with these instructions, so filled with holy scripture as to be nearly unreadable."

He closed the book, keeping the page bookmarked with his finger as he moved to a table off in the corner of the room and grabbing himself a cup of water from the jug. Once the cup was full, Callion scrounged in the corners of his room, seemingly grabbing random junk, dirt and garbage that had accumulated, and depositing it in the cup. Once that was done, he motioned Mara over to it and crossed his arms. "First...let's see what you can do and what the issue might be. Show me what you're doing."

Still stunned, Mara shuffled to stand beside him at the table. She furrowed her brow, putting her hand over the cup full of debris with with her thumb and forefinger touching.

"As God sees fit, use his light to deem, this water pure to keep our souls clean...ā€

She recited carefully, turning her hand up as if to draw the impurities out. At first, she thought nothing had happened but then the water began to bubble as if boiling. An acrid smell filled her nose, like rotting flesh.

"Oh dear..." Mara mumbled, furrowing her brow. ā€œThis happens every time.ā€

Callion peered into the cup with a curious gaze, a slight smile tweaking at his face as he gave a sideways look to Mara. Callion snapped his fingers, producing small fuzzy lights for a split second before they were gone once more. The water stopped bubbling and returned to its previous state.

"Once more." Callion stated, crossing his arms once again and staring at her.

Mara tilted her head, curiously. How had he fixed it? Still, she did as he asked and tried again. Once again, she thought nothing happened, before the water began to belch green acrid smelling smoke. Mara frowned again and sighed.

"Yeahā€¦ this happens too. The only spell I've had success at lights a candleā€¦ is the gesture wrong?" She asked. Callion continued to look at Mara, his eyes never drifting to the cup in question.

"No, I wouldn't necessarily say that at all. I would say it's either your intention, or your state of mind is confusing the mana and causing a wayward spell." Callion stated, flipping open his book and taking a look at the inscription once again. "I'm going to assume you've never had actual magic training, so we're going to have to start this from scratch and inform you exactly what is magic, and how it works in a world such as ours." Callion stated, looking at the cup and snapping his fingers once more, the water returning to its previous form. "That said, I don't have the time to fully teach you tonight, but I will attempt to address the biggest problem you seem to have based on my limited observation and prior experience with inexperienced pupils." Callion stated, snapping the book shut and holding it at his side.

"Magic is a living, breathing force of nature that we are only guiding to react to the world in ways we wish it." Callion started, drifting into what could only be classified as a 'lecture mode'. "It does not appear out of thin air, it is around us and inside of us. It is as much a part of this world as we are, only more malleable and controllable. To fully understand what you can do with it, you must first understand what you can't do with it." Callion wandered over to his bag, reaching in and pulling out a number of different scrolls and a couple of books, looking through them and tossing a few back into his bag which seemed to hold far more than possible even with a number of books already out in the room.

"And the list is a very short oneā€¦ There's nothing you can't do with magic." Callion spoke, turning back to Mara with a number of books and scrolls in his hands.

"It is a part of nature, but it defies it. It is a part of us, but it isn't us. It can do both miraculous and abominable things. In short, it is neither good nor bad by any moral standard, it simply exists and it is up to the wielder to determine it's intent." Callion placed his items on the table. "Intent is a good way to go about it too, since intention is what truly drives a magical spell. Incantations, sigils, holy scriptures, these are only guiding points. They help us focus our mind on a singular goal and charge the mana to react in a specific way. Humans have their words and holy scriptures. Dwarves carve the magic into a rune, establishing it in a specific state. Elves use their inherent connection to nature to derive their intent, and Orcsā€¦ Orcs yell or something else barbaric." Callion stated, his thoughts about the Orcish race very apparent.

"In short, you must be committed to casting a certain spell without any doubt or hesitation, you must have confidence in what you are doing to fully achieve a spell." Callion snapped his fingers, and a ball of fire appeared on his palm. Upon closer inspection, a small sigil could be seen at the base of the flame. "No words were necessary for me, but I do require a sigil, at least from my perspective, in order to give the flame a 'base' to shoot out of or otherwise control. Other mages may do it differently, this is simply my method." Callion swirled his hand and a miniature tornado appeared in his hand, the sigil where it appeared changing as it did so. He did this a number of times, without saying a word, and each time it was a different effect with the same hand gesture.

Mara watched in silent awe, absorbing his words like a thirsty plant. in this moment of complete focus, she seemed to forget to be shy. Her green eyes flashed intelligently as she watched.

"I would like you to try again, but don't focus so much on the hand gestures or words, I want you to focus on the intent of what you're trying to do." Callion said, closing his hand and ending his small spell.

Mara shifted nervously from foot to foot. Intent, she understood, but confidenceā€¦ that may be her problem. She had seen the spell go wrong so many times now. Well, she was confident she could mess it up. Still, Callion had shown her without question that it could be done. No words needed, thoughā€¦ she had never tried.

She inhaled deeply, stilling her thoughts. Calm. Like the brook by father's farm. So clear you can see the pebbles at the bottom. So crisp it freezes your tongue. Mara raised her hand, palm open and turned it over with a flick of the wrist. Like casting a pebble into the brook.

"Pure." She said, softly as if half asleep. Then, there was a sound as if she had indeed cast a pebble into water. It startled her to focus. The cup rippled in the center as if indeed something had fallen in. She stared at it intently, curious. A small light came from the ripple and then the water was still. Mara looked into the cupā€¦ and a smile pulled at the corner of her lips. The debris was gone. There was no smell or strange colors.

" Iā€¦ I actually think I did it..." Mara said, voice almost like an incredulous giggle. Both surprised and overjoyed with her success, Mara beamed proudly at Callion and held the cup out to him to have him check her work. Callion looked to her, then at the cup.

"Well, if you truly believe thatā€¦ then drink it." Callion stated, his eyes never leaving Mara's.

Mara's delight faded a little. Did she believe it? Maybe he had seen something she hadn't and it had gone wrongā€¦ just as she had this thought, the cup in her hands began to feel uncomfortably hot and a smell that she swore hadn't been there. Of sulfur, wafted from the cup. Mara looked down at it, brows furrowed with frustration. It had gone wrong againā€¦ but she swore it had been right.

"Butā€¦ itā€¦ it felt right at first..." she said, hurriedly putting the cup back on the table. She rubbed her overly warm hands on her apron to get the sting out. "I swearā€¦ and then..." Mara mumbled, looking perplexed.

"Why are you mumbling? Do you not have a voice?" Callion stated, peering at Mara with a very intense gaze. "Intention is well and good, it is a base for you to build from...but where is your confidence? Do you not believe in yourself? Do you not believe yourself worthy of this power?" Callion looked at the cup, then back to Mara. "Do you truly wish to learn?"

Mara's eyes locked on to him. She desperately wanted to learn. She wanted to learn so badly that she risked her physical well being for that book. Didn't he see that?

"I want to learn more than I want to live..." Mara said seriously. There was no mumble there. No hesitation. But the confidence, her whole life had been full of things she was not permitted to do.

She was not supposed to learn, or read, or speak unless spoken to, or look too full of herself, or everā€¦ ever...leaveā€¦ yet here she was. Still, she was quiet, thinking intensely. How did she tell him that it just seemed that getting to leave her father's grasp and becoming an educated magic user as she had always dreamed seemed like too much to ask for? She had always been told she was nothing, less than dirtā€¦ barely deserved to live. She gripped her apron, knuckles white with frustration.

"Iā€¦ was told..." she paused voice breaking a little. She cleared her throat and tried again. "I was told I wasn't even worthy of lifeā€¦ but I want so much more than only to live, if I can learn nothingā€¦ I would rather be dead."

She paused."I..can light a candle, I know I can do thisā€¦ pleaseā€¦ let me try again..."

Callion seemed completely unphased by what Mara was saying, his expression set into a sort of intense neutral, judging her as she spoke with his inherent arrogance that seemed to be so ingrained into his being as to become the man himself. Once she finished, Callion paused long enough to make her wonder if he had fallen victim to his sleeping spells once more, but he finally breathed slightly in a silent sigh.

"Noā€¦ I don't care if you can light a candle." Callion stated. "Nor do I care what has prompted you to learn magic, your life prior to this, the events that transpired prior to our meeting, or how you believe other people should dictate your life." Callion stated, his tone harsh, almost as if she had unintentionally stepped on his toes. "How dare you allow others to tell you such things... How dare you allow yourself to feel such insecurity and failure. They do not control you, nor do they dictate your fate. If you spend so much time worrying about the opinions of others to the point of social anxiety induced paranoia and paralysis, then you will never be anything more than you are now." Callion said, his gaze piercing through Mara as if she had committed some kind of attack on his person. Mara gripped her apron, half expecting blows to come. When people were angry with her...blows always came.Ā 

This continued until his staff floated behind him and swung itself at his head with enough force to make him stumble. Callion whirled around with a vicious intent, only to be bombarded with so many different emotions and feelings as to be indecipherable from each other. While this may have been a conversation in another language as far as Mara was concerned, Callion seemed to understand what was said and visibly calmed down. Callion peered back over at Mara after what felt like minutes, before reaching over towards his scrolls and books.

"If you truly wish to learn, I will teach you." Callion stated, shoving the books and scrolls into Mara's arms, tossing her own Book of Light on top.

Mara gripped the pile, as if she were drowning and these items would somehow keep her afloat. Quietly, she was grateful for the staff for seemingly calming the wizard.

"There will be rules that you will follow. One, you will call me Teacher from now on. Two, you will never allow another person to dictate your worth ever again. If you allow this, for any reason, I will consider you beyond my ability to teach and that will be that. Three, my condition sends me into fits of sleep at a moment's notice. Should I fall asleep during a lesson, you are to reach out to Will, my staff, to wake me. Four, you are to use magic wherever you believe it could be useful, no matter the circumstance. If you believe it will help you open a door, you will use magic to open a door." Callion stood there, staring at Mara.

"You will read all of these, the scrolls, the books, the pamphlets, the inscriptions, the dried food stains and you will commit them to memory. I will be testing your knowledge on this as we progress. I do not tolerate excuses, should you fail, you will try harder. Once you have done this, then we can start your training in earnest..." Callion look at the small farm girl in front of him. "Am I clear?"

Mara stared over the piles of paper at Callion, eyes watery with unshed tears. He would teach her? She beamed at him brightly.

"Yes, Teacher, crystal clear." Mara said as confidently as she could. "Thank you, Teacher! I'll work hard, you won't be disappointing. Thank you too, Will!"Ā  Callion glanced over at Will for a moment, a bit of a glare to his otherwise passive perception of his staff, before waving Mara off.

"Learn the fundamentals from those books first, you need to know how to work magic before you go straight into spells. Go, start reading." Callion stated, shooing Mara out of the room.

"Yes, Teacher!" Mara headed toward the closed door, pausing as she remembered Callion's rule four. Should she use magic to try opening his door? It WAS the rule. Mara stood just ten feet from the door, just in case and imagined how Will might have opened the door. Maybe the knob could just turn on its own, like when the wind would unlatch the barn door? The door will just blow openā€¦ justā€¦ blowā€¦ open. Mara inhaled, feeling a strange bubbling pull in her chest and exhaled out. There was a thudding knocking sound, then the door swung wide open, as if shoved by a great gust of wind from behind her. The hinges on the door glowed faintly.

Mara grinned and hurried through the open door. She could do this. She inhaled deeply as she headed toward her room, hearing Callion's door close and feeling the bubbling in her chest fade. She could have whooped in joy. She was going to learn magic.