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"No point looking back. There's nothing left; the only option is to move forward."

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a character in “An Impulse and the Delirium”, as played by Chari


♩ Mira ♩

Theme: Vermillion Red – CROW’S CLAW
Image Song: No Plan B – Manafest

Role: The Seeker
Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Some people call her Mi or Ra, but not many.
Age: 29
Race: Human

Height: 4’3”
Weight: 81 lbs
Build: Child-like
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown originally, but she changes them to whatever color she chooses with special contacts.
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: She has an assortment of surgical scars on her torso.
Description: Mira is a very young-looking blonde girl, very close to that pictured. Her hair is medium length, at least for the apparent age, and her eye color can be anything, although she favors red and green. She is pretty sensitive about her child-like body, and anyone who mentions it to casually or mocks her for it is in for a world of hurt.

Preferred Clothing: Her preferred clothing is a simple black tee with tan cargo shorts. Any time she has the choice (and it is warm enough), you will find her in this outfit. In the winter, she goes with similar clothes; a black long sleeve shirt and tan carpenter’s pants. Of course, she often doesn’t have the liberty to choose how she dresses. In her wanderings, many people have tried to “take her in.” Since no one would ever believe her if she said her true age, she has no choice but to stay with them awhile before making some excuse to disappear. Because of this, she has been dressed in many different ways by many different people, and has no problems wearing almost anything if it would be useful to her.

Currently, she is using a simple white sundress with a white sunhat to disguise herself as just a regular girl.

Oddities: At times, she slips back to being extremely childish to match her appearance. This is not necessary voluntary; in fact, it would be more accurate to say that it is more like a mood swing. She will often even have trouble noticing that she is acting differently, and it takes a great amount of concentration
Skills: Mira’s eyesight is astounding. She can see clearly well enough to notice detail from anywhere between a mile to a mile-and-a-half.

She also is quite knowledgeable about technology, including some of the tech used by “Gods.” This comes from the fact she was “raised” by one.

While she is quite strong, her most noticeable trait is her speed. She is faster than any normal human could ever hope of being. She is capable of running upwards of 60 miles per hour. Her speed is also incredibly explosive, taking little time to go from a standstill to her max speed (perhaps about 2 seconds). This explosiveness is what gives her attacks so much force.

Likes: Fighting, Playing, Researching, Sightseeing, Nature, Cookies, and Milk
Dislikes: Killing needlessly, “Gods,” Lemons, Vegetables, and Orange Juice
Hobbies: Traveling the world and seeking adventure. Also, although she would never admit it, collecting Plushies.

Phobia(s): Trypanophobia, or the fear of needles. Due to her origins, she is deathly afraid of needles, so much so that they cause her to start shaking uncontrollably.
Personality: Usually, she is calm and adult like, far surpassing her apparent age. That is because she really is an adult, regardless of looks, and even goes out of her way to act adult-like because she feels she has to be in order for people to take her seriously. Still, they say that the body influences the mind, and it shows at times. Outside of the “mood swings” that can make her act like a petulant child, her occasional wide-eye enthusiasm and her love of childish things countermand the adult-like person she tries to maintain.

Tamamo – Morphing Weapon
She has a strange metal bracelet that is capable of morphing into almost any melee weapon or simple object. The metal is super-dense and as it changes shape it only changes volume, not mass. The bracelet reads nerve signals from the brain in order to transform. It takes a very long time to learn how to use the bracelet as the user needs to feel as if the bracelet is like another limb. The metal is a lusterless black that doesn’t change color when in different forms. The bracelet also has a faux-ruby on it to make it look more like a mere decorative piece. Mira’s preferred weapon form is a katar like weapon attached to a gauntlet with metal ribbons that spiral up her arms like armor.

Desert Eagle – .50cal Pistol
There is nothing special about the gun she carries, outside of the fact that it should be horribly impractical, of course. She rarely uses it, but when she does she is reasonably accurate, but by no means a sharpshooter. There seems to be words scrawled onto the left side, but she has never let anyone read what it says.

Fighting Style: Mira's fighting style is based on her speed. She likes to dash in and out of melee range and always keep moving around her opponent, never stopping for a second. All of her actual combat skills are self taught and designed, based off what she learned when she was younger. She doesn't mind taking minor damage to inflict greater damage because of her regeneration factor.
Abilities: Outside of the super speed and super strength, she has limited regeneration. The regeneration just lets her recover from regular wounds in about a few hours and major wounds in about 2 days.

Relationship Status: Single, for obvious reasons
Family: So far as she knows (and cares), deceased
Personal History: Mira doesn’t personally remember her childhood, but from what she has worked out, it wasn’t anything different. Her parents lived in a town under the power of a “God,” living in terror of what could come the next day. So, to buy themselves a happy life, they offered up their only daughter, who was maybe 6 years old at the time, to their “God” as an offering. To sweeten the deal, they added in notes from their ancestors on something called a “super soldier.” The God accepted with a smile.

Mira’s first memories start at about 10 years old. The God would have Mira trail him around all day. He would have her oversee all that he did, and made sure to tell her every day how important she was to him. Mira would do whatever he asked of her without really thinking about it, because she saw this God as something of a father. The next year was much the same, but she started an inkling of something strange. He was constantly referring to her as his “weapon” and having her fight against his followers. He gifted her a special bracelet that could transform however she wished, or at least it would once she learned how to use it.

It took two more years for Mira to truly realize that something was really, really wrong. The God had been keeping her closer and closer. She now fought against prisoners of his and was rewarded for turning them into bloody spectacle fights. She had been taught that fighting and killing is a normal thing, but after seeing the faces of those she fought
 she wasn’t so sure anymore. She asked some of the servants about it, and not a one was able to meet her eyes when they said it was normal. Eventually, she worked up the nerve to ask the God.

It was the (supposed) date of her 14th birthday, and she had just been presented a pair of contacts that would not only let her change her eye color, but also provide an automated virtual reality display. After thanking him for the gift, she asked him. He turned to her, his ever-present smile not so much as dimming, and said simply, “It is perfectly fine for you to kill people. After all, you are a weapon.” He laughed, and explained to her that she was going to be his weapon, bred only to kill those that got in his way.

Mira has never told anyone what happened directly after. Within the day, however, she was gone, and the God’s compound was up in flames. She started to drift around the world aimlessly before noticing an odd fact; she hadn’t aged a day. Thinking back, she hadn’t aged at all compared to her earliest memories. And yet, she was stronger than anyone around her and no one could compare to her speed. She had no idea why.

It took her years to decide on a course for her life. Over the time, she had looked into her origins. She discovered that she had been the result of the God’s “super weapon” project for some purpose. She had been given away by her parents without a care. And she still hadn’t aged a day. She only wanted one thing moving forward; the ability to age as any other would. She didn’t know if this was even possible, but she didn’t care. She would find a way. And the first place to look was in the technology of other so called Gods...

So begins...

Mira's Story


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#, as written by Chari

The main street of Inversa was bustling with activity. Normally it was relatively quite, but the people of the town were getting together to hold a flea market, so stalls were being erected and people were advertising their wares. In the hustle and bustle no one really payed attention to a girl in a white sundress and sunhat who was flitting about from stall to stall. The few who did notice her smiled and waved at her. And why wouldn't they? They all knew her as the little girl who lived outside of town. She came in every now and again to buy food, probably for her guardians. No one really bothered her about it because she was so well mannered.

Mira, for her part, knew why she was there. She had found an abandoned house outside of the town a few years ago, and she had been staying there while she wasn't out hunting for God's tech. She went into town often enough that people recognized her somewhat, most people at least knowing that she came from out of town. She made sure to try and stay polite and focused, and had gained a reputation for being an extremely mature child. And yet, there were times like this that drew more attention to the second part of her description.

Currently, it was one of those times. She had felt the childishness come on suddenly, and for once had absolutely no desire to fight it. The people of the town already thought of her as a kid, so there was no one there she was trying to convince she was an adult. Beyond that, being immature every once and awhile let her stay loose and relatively happy, since she could release the urges she normally would bottle up. So here she was, running from stall to stall to see what she could find, a wide smile on her face. It was times like that even she could almost believe that she was just a normal girl.

She eventually stopped at a stall that had a greasy, middle-age man tending to it. Looking around, the place was filled with mostly junk that was being advertised as “technology.” Her childish enthusiasm dimmed as she held in her thoughts on the “technology.” Most of the items were just common pre-cataclysm trinkets, more of them broken than not. Still, there were a few things of slight interest to her, so she grabbed them and brought them to the register. The man looked up from a newspaper and favored her with a surprisingly nice smile.

“Hey there kiddo,” he said jovially (while she started fume internally). “Did you find something you’d like to get?”

One short conversation later, Mira left the shop with all her purchases in tow, waving goodbye. Despite his looks, he had been a very kind man, apparently with kids that were “her age.” As infuriating as it was to be treated like a child, it had gotten her somewhat of a discount, which means she still had money left on her to go for other things. It didn’t take long for something to catch her eye.

She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw it. It was all she could do to try and not stare at it, but her unfortunate condition made it impossible to take her eyes of it (at least, that is what she told herself). She was staring, of course, at a plush cat behind a store window. It called out to her to come and take it, but reason told her that it couldn’t talk and therefore she shouldn’t listen to it. But it was soooo tempting
 Well, maybe going in to take a closer look couldn’t hurt.

Five minutes later, she left the shop all smiles, the false feline perched carefully on her sunhat. Now all there was to do was enjoy more of the fun.