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Casper Siyansky

"Throw me to the wolves and I will come back leading the pack."

0 · 1,013 views · located in California

a character in “Another Year at Hollywood High”, originally authored by uniquest, as played by RolePlayGateway






"My life. My choices. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business."













Full Name
Caspian Vaughn Siyansky
"I have a pretty bad ass reputation at Hollywood High."

Casper (common, liked), Casp (used from girls who are flustered by him; adores), Siyansky (his clique and others; neutral), Cassie (used accordingly; hates)
"I don't have much nicknames. The only nickname I'd respond to is Casper. Don't expect me to respond to others."

Date of Birth
July 4, 1996
"I was born on the fourth of July. Pretty fucking creepy if you'd ask me, but it is what it is. Presents and fireworks in one day? Hell, yeah."

Zodiac Signs
"I'm a Gemini, so I change my mind everyday. But believe me, when I'm done with you there's no coming back."

Vietnamese 26%, Slovak 42%, Greek 16%, English 10%, Nigerian 6%
"I've got blood all around the globe. People don't believe me when I say I'm part Nigerian, I wouldn't either to tell you the truth."

"What kind of question is this? Look, I'm not a gay if that's what you're getting at. I like chicks not dudes with dicks if that makes any sense. What I'm tryna say is I'm not a fag. I'm just not a big supporter on all that gay shit, not to sound rude or anything, but it just doesn't make any fucking sense. Once the point of evening having a dick if you're not going to put it to use."

Sexually Active?
Most definitely
"I can't count how many times I've had sex. 20? 30 times...? It's beginning to be a habit more so than a hobby for me. I like it, no I desire it. I guess you can say that I'm one horny mother fucker. Ha! But what teenage dude isn't? "

Relationship Status
"I would say that I'm single, but most of the girls I'd hooked up with don't seem to think so. They like to make up some shit that I'm still with them or whatever. Every girl I'd had a one night stand with seemingly thinks that we're a thing now. Not my fault they practically threw themselves at me. Just because I banged them once- twice doesn't necessarily mean that imma see you the next day. I'll ignore your ass to tell you the truth. I don't want to be a dick about it, but it's the truth. I'm not into relationships that require my fully commitment."



How old does he appear
Early 20s, sometimes 19 years old
"People often have mistook me for my age. They say that it's the tattoos that somehow make me look older. Whatever the case may be, their stupidity got me in clubs before without an identity, so I'm okay with that."

"Fuck no I'm not getting older infact, I think the more I age the more I want to party. Believe me. I'm not getting older, I'm just becoming a classic"

6 ft 2 in or 187.96 cm
"I've pretty fucking tall for a guy like myself like, It's a possibility that I could be Old Lincoln's great-great-great grandson or some shit."

73 kg or 160 lbs
"I eat alot, and I mean it when I say alot. Though I blame Rhiannon. She always offers me food whenever I'm at her house and knowing me.. I'd eat until I can't eat anymore."

44-14.5-33 in or 112-37-84 cm

Shoe size

Body Build
Athletic; mesomorphic
"Like I said before, I eat like a fat ass who hasn't eaten in two days of something."

Shape of face
"How the hell should I know? Square-ish, I guess. I mean, it's just a face."

Distinguishable Marks-Tattoos?
Tattoos[???]- [x],[x],[x],[x],[x],[x],[x],[x],[x],[x],[x],[x],[x],[x],[x]
Distinguishable Marks [???] Scars from getting in fights, and from falling off his skateboard multiple times. Nothing serious.

"Tattoos have become a part of me know; however, I don't think I have Rhiannon beat yet. My mom hates it when I get tattoos, ''you're giving your soul to the devil', she always tells me, but here I am coming home with a new tattoo each day. I guess you can say that I'm a devil's child..? At least that's what Rhiannon says. My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story."

Physical Disabilities
Blinded in right eye
"When we were younger, Brent and I used to wrestle each other often or fight like, we were featured on one of those MMA fights. Things had gotten out of hand one day that when I tackled him to the ground, I guess he'd gotten so angry that he punched me on the right side of my head just right next to my eye, nearly knocking me out. I remember my mom took me to the doctor afterwards, and all I could remember was how Brent somehow triggered my optic nerve, in which moved to my retina to my cornea.. blinding me in the process. I can still see, but I can't see as well as I used to. I'm not blind or anything. My doctor prescribed me to wear glasses that I never seem to wear."

Eye Color
Misty Grey
"My eye color is a mixed between blue and grey; some say it's blue, while others say it's just plain grey. No one really knows. For now, my eyes are just misty grey."

Glasses or Contacts
Yes; glasses
"I'm supposed to wear my glasses, but I decided not to. My doctor yells at me constantly to wear them, but I never listen. When do I ever listen?"

White; Caucasian
"I'm not going to be a perfectionist and go all out saying the specific shade of skin color I am. It's not only a waste of your time, but it's also a waste of mine. Just put it this way, I'm white. Or caucasian; however, you want to describe me. I really don't give two shits. Black, white, purple. It's just a color, don't need to go all ape-shit on me."

Hair color
Light brown
"My natural hair color is light brown; however, I recently dyed it black."

"I have a habit of changing my hair style. One minute it's slicked back neatly with hair gel, and the next minute it's messed up or spiked. However I feel like treaty my hair. It all sort of varies. My hair has it's own personality."


"People often mistake my clothing style. Urban style is really only edgy and reflects lifestyle, attitudes and individuality. Unlike mainstream fashion, anything goes in the urban fashion world and designers are not pressured into conforming to trends. For me, urban fashion is real fashion, style that exudes individuality and attitude. From vans to combat boots, denim jackets to lettermans, with urban style it's all about mixing and matching. Urban is just basically grunge [x] style with a hint of street somewhere in between."

Accessories or Jewelry
Wristbands, beanie hats, snapbacks; depends. Wants to get a tongue piercing, but mom won't let him.
'I don't know if these are one of those rhetorical questions or some shit, but the fuck? Jewelry? You mean, like, necklaces and bracelets? Hell, no. The closet thing I'd do to putting my ass in some type of accessory is just a casual wrist band [x], beanie hats [x], snapbacks [x], or even some type of piercing. I want to get a tongue piercing [x], but my mom won't let me though I remember Brent coming home to surprise her with his lip piercing, she grounded him for two months.

Standard Outfit/s

Overall Attractiveness
A fucking 10/10
"I know what girls want. They want a bad guy whose filled with reckless adventure. A guy that lets them ride in the back of their motorcycle. A guy who's in a 'no strings attached relationship'. If you're that type of girl, then I'm your type of guy."



Grade Point Average
two point five [2.5]
"I never said that I'm any good when it came to school and studying. I got held back so many times in the year, I lost count."

Drives & Motivations
"I know what I need to do to live it up in the big world. I know that I need to bring up my grade point average and quit shitting around, I know. I've been told this so many times and yet the same people that have been telling me this since I was two don't understand that what they're telling me is going in one ear and out the other. It's my life that I'm living, not theirs. I don't have to get told continuously to change my bad habits or do good in school. I already know these things. I'm trying as best as I can."

Immediate Goals
"I don't exactly know what I want to do when I get older, what my profession is going to be or whether or not I'll be going to college. I find myself living in the present without worrying about the future. I'm not like Brent. I don't see myself attending some big, elite college like Oxford University. I'll probably want to wind up in the military, and then probably get a scholarship to UCLA or some other college, majoring in god knows what. Possibly major in medicine and become a Physician...?"

Long Term
"Well, to be honest I haven't quite gotten this far yet. I'll become a doctor living in LA, possibly... yeah, that's all I've got."

How the character plans to accomplish these goals
"Blah, Blah..Stay in school. That's practically the answer for everything, believe me, I've already asked Suri. How do I get rich? Stay in school. I mean, school isn't everything. School's not going to help me throughout the years."

Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? Twenty years?
"How should I know? I'll be rich with hot super models around me everywhere I go. I'm not that ambitious as you can tell. I think thinking about what you're going to do in the future, where you're going to be, who're you going to marry, whether or not you'll have kids; I think it's all useless. We have to live in the moment because you only live once. Do it wisely. Quit worrying to much, and live it up. "



"When I flirt, I flirt hella' hard. I leave my opponent wanting more. I play hard to get most of the time, but with a wink of the eye and a little space between me and them, they're pinning themselves on me like a leech."

Plays a musical instrument?
Yes; banjo, acoustic guitar, drums
"I play a few musical talents up my sleeve from banjo to acoustic guitar to the drums. My mom paid classes for me to take a bajo and drum class, but other than that I've taught my own self to play the acoustic guitar."

Plays a sport?
Yes; pitcher for the boys' varsity baseball team
"I'm a pitcher for the boys' varsity baseball team. I haven't really took consideration to playing football or not, it's really not my thing. Other than baseball, I'm thinking about going out for track and field."

Spending Habits
"If it's one thing I always spend my money on is shoes. You can never have too much shoes. I like all types from PF Flyers [x] to Chucks [x]. From Vans [x] to Moccasins [x]. My feet stay fly with a new pair of shoes each week. I keep my shit clean, what I do is I keep the box and lay them on top of my closet in a neat stack. Currently, I have about seven hundred thousand dollars worth of shoes as I speak."

Fuck, yess
"I stay high on some random shit, as I'm often told. I come to school high, but the teachers hardly even notice. I smoke every second of the day: cocaine, marijuana, even cough medicine. All I do is crush it up, then inhale the shit in my nostrils. Next thing you know I'm high as fuck; floating on cloud nine. I mostly get the drugs from one of the rebels, or some foul in the streets."

"I drink...alot. Not as much as I smoke; however, I only drink the good stuff like, hennesy [x], vodka [x], tequila [x], brandy [x], whiskey [x], cuba libre [x]. I'm not a big beer drinker, infact I hate beer."

"If there's one thing that is a common habit for me is my english accent [x]. One minute I'm talking in a complete American accent, then next thing you know I sound like a full out Britsh guy. It comes from my mom and my family in general. We aren't that used to the American language that we often let ourselves go."



Greatest Joys In Life
His dogs
"My dogs are my babies. Each and every one of them. They've been with me for so long that I always put them first before all else. I love em' and treat them like family because they are."

Greatest Fears
"I know that my parents are divorced, I know my dad moved out the house, and I know that he has another family of his own to take care of, but what I fear his him forgetting about his previous family; me, Dani, and Brent. I love my dad. He's a cool guy, supportive as well, and always there for us, but how long will it last. Will he remember us today, but end up abandoning us tomorrow? I hate the thought of it."

Continue succeeding in popularity
"I love to win. Winning is my safe haven. It's all I ever think about, that and my popularity. I've gotten so far up just from freshman year that I have no intentions of going back where I first started. I'm here and I'm here to stay because it's where I belong. I enjoy being known. It's a wonderful feeling that seems to never get old."

Life Philosophy/s
"Find a song, whether it's disco, or pop or hip hop or whatever. Just turn up your stereo as high as it goes and dance. And if you have to, keep dancing until you lose yourself, or until you find yourself again."

"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

+Flirty +Sympathetic +Extrovert +Irresistible +Individualistic +Witty +Gregarious
-Sarcastic -Rebellious -Mischievous -Arrogant -Brutally Honest -Harsh -Demanding

Casper is a romanticist, living in a purely idealistic world where everyday is a fairy tale and nothing ever goes wrong. He's a diplomat, always searching for ways to bring people together, to create lasting physical and emotional connections in people. Because of his talent for being able to see the full picture and not just details, he is often found playing the peacemaker between different parties, completely unbiased and able to see things from others points of view. Though at heart a true rebel, he tries not to be tied down to others, living for the bonds he creates with many people, not just one. He tends to be the life of the party, but rather than living for the excitement and spontaneity of the moment, he is enjoying the interactions he has with others.

Charming, independent, energetic, and compassionate. If you were to ask anyone to give you a word to describe Casper, there is no doubt these four would be more prominent. He has an irresistible charm that makes him hard to dislike, and much too easy to be swept up in the tornado that is Casper. There's a way about him that just makes things exciting, he puts so much heart and fun into things that even mundane tasks such as chores can be seen as fun when he is with you. Do not try and limit him though, for you will see a part of Casper that no one will find charming and lovable. Fiercely independent in every aspect, he craves creativity and freedom, the ability to do what he wants when he wants. That isn't to say he can not follow the rules of others (though he does have a tendency to bend the rules), but if you try to micromanage him, nothing can go right. He would prefer to make his mistakes and own up to them than have someone over his shoulder the entire way, making sure things are done right.

Casper has an enthusiastic personality, coming up with new ideas all the time and throwing his whole self into them. In the past years he has gone from hundreds of different things, from wanting to be a photographer, to a artist, to a jockey, DJ, musician, programmer, professional athlete, lawyer, doctor, and the list just goes on. It's hard for him to find a place where he's truly comfortable, though he's good at most of these things and picks up various skills very quickly (due to his determination and compassion), he had not yet found a place where he wants to stay. That is one of the downfalls of a ENFP though, he will spend a lot of time exploring various interests, social relationships, ideas, his feelings, until he finds something that just clicks. His compassion for people and ideas is something else that tends to draw people in, because it is rare to find someone so genuinely interested in everything. It makes people feel comfortable around him.

But Casper is independent to a fault, going as far as to let himself suffer before he will even think about involving another party. His interest for others and desire to know leaves him very closed off, because he is constantly wanting to learn more and is often suppressing himself, his own personality, his feelings, his needs. Being someone who has always been considered a "trouble", Casper has now grown terrified of becoming a burden to anyone else, so he rarely allows others to help him out, even if they offer. This is made worse by his attitude towards others, and how people generally find him sensitive and empathetic so they feel compelled to tell them their feelings and problems, which can lead to him becoming stressed very easily. That isn't to say he doesn't enjoy helping others, but it can become a task for him to stay away from being overwhelmed because he wants to help so much.

In relationships with others, both friendly and romantically, Casper is always open-minded and supportive, warm and sincere and almost a natural at drawing people out of their shells. He has a large group of friends and is constantly making more, never judging on things as silly as social statuses or rumors heard from another. People are drawn to him, especially out-going types, because of his attitude. He will go to great lengths and be very persistent in getting to know more reserved types of people, especially if they interest him or have rejected him socially before. Drawn especially to introverted types, they can keep him interested for a much longer time than others like him, open and willing to share, because of their usually private nature, even if they may never reciprocate. On the other side of the coin though, his willingness to put his entire heart and soul into a person can be what injures him most. It can come to a shock as him when he discovers his friends aren't as flawless as he thought they were, or that they aren't putting as much into their relationship as he is (which is unrealistic).

In conclusion, there are very few types of people that are as energetic and compassionate as someone like Casper. His idealism can be his greatest asset, unexpected challenges or personal growth, and his biggest weakness, maintaining a relationship with a partner, staying calm, making decisions. Overall he just has a very large heart that he wants to give all of to everyone, and sometimes forgets that not everyone is a saint.



Favorite color/s
Black [x], Grey [x], Forest Green [x]
, White [x]"I like the really dark colore that match with everything, and white as well I guess. I'm not all that into exotic, bright colors. They seem to leave me with one helluva migrane."

Least color/s
Orange [x]
"Orange is just not my thing, I hate it, I never look good in it, so I don't know what more to say about it. It's not a good color. I don't even know how it got to be a color to tell you the truth."

Hip-hop, R&B, Rap
"I'm into the hip-hop, r&b, and rap music. I grew up liking guys like Lil Wayne [x], T.I [x], Tyga [x], Snoop Dogg [x], Eminem [x], Drake [x]... they had always been my favorite musical artists and still are present day."

"The Cat In The House" [???]; Caspian doesn't read much, especially on his freetime
"Ha! You're kidding me, right? I don't read. The closest thing I'd read is anything Dr.Suess [x]. 'The Cat In The Hat' [x] was my shit back in my kidd years."

Form/s of entertainment
Watching MTV; Ridiculousness [x], Catfish: Tv Show [x], Guy Code [x], Parental Control [x], Social media; Vine-[x], Twitter-[x], Tumblr-[x], Instagram-[x], Youtube-[x], Skateboarding, Smoking; [x], [x], and Partying
"I try my best to stay entertained, whether i'm watching television, skateboarding, partying, or even smoking. The one thing I hate is being bored. I can never stay bored, I must find something, anything to keep me entertained."

Most prized possession/s
His phone [x] and his phone only.
"My iphone 6 plus is my life. I hardly let anyone touch it, let alone look at it. Most of my time of day is spent using my phone, and I can't tell you how many times a teacher had confiscated it in class."




What was your childhood like?
Alright; to him, lavish; to others
"Others would say that I have the 'dream life' and that so many teens would love to be in my shoes right now. I'd say my life is okay. After my parents divorced, and my dad moved out of the house, things had been different for me, Brent, and Dani. Of course, he visits us ever so awesome, but It's not the same. My parents were perfect together. Then, my mom met Austen next thing you know they're getting married in Paris. Him and his kids; Kayleen and Harrison moved in. They're pretty cool, but I still miss how things used to be."

Childhood Hero or Idol
Popeye (the sailor man) [x]

Dream Job

Schools Attended
Pre-K- La Petite Academy (Los Angeles) [x], Elementary (K-6)- Hawthrone School [x], Junior High (7-8) Beverly Vista School- [x], High School (9-11) Hollywood High School- [x]

Currently Living With?
His mom's and her husband (step-father) and his two children (step-siblings) had recently moved in with them with Caspian's two siblings.
"I live with my mom, Brent, and Dani; however, my mom recently gotten married and now her husband and his two children, Harrison and Kayleen moved in with us."

Caspian's Rottweiler (Rocco) male gender, alive- [x]; Dani's Shih Tzu (Zoey) girl gender, alive- [x]; American Pit Bull Terrier (Brandy) female gender, alive- [x]; American Pit Bull Terrier (Buster) boy gender, alive- [x]; Doberman Pinscher (Beau) boy gender, alive- [x]; German Shepard (Sparky) boy gender, alive- [x]
"This is where most of my happiness lies within."

"Yeah, I work. There's the couch and that's the television, my job is to change the channel to my liking. Ha! I'm being sarcastic. Hell, no I don't work and I'm not looking forward to it either. Why do I need to work, I'm already swimming in cash."

Nearly owns the United States.
"To tell you the truth, My mom has been keeping up with the finances thanks to her acting and directing career. She's a hard working and has been supporting me, Brent, and Dani for so long. I wouldn't say that we're exactly rich because not even that can explain the amounts of money we have and continue having. As of right now, we'll be lucky enough to buy out the whole United States of America."

Address: 2571 Wallingford Dr,
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
One of the finest modern interpretation of the French chateau style, this magnificent estate is the definition of timeless grandeur. Situated high on a promontory overlooking the canyons on 5+ acres of land, the property offers an expansive 22,000 sqft of living space that leverages rich embellishments and color to capture authentic Baroque opulence. Meticulously designed and functional floor plan is tailored not only to the entertainment needs of sophisticated hosts but also to private family living. Sumptuous master suite w/his-and-hers bathrooms & walk-in closets;. Chef''s kitchen w/commercial grade appliances; wine cellar w/1,500+ bottles & separate climate-controlled tasting room; media theatre; gym; pool & spa w/gourmet BBQ area; elevator; sauna. Venetian plaster, imported marble, American walnut flooring throughout. Further set behind gates within the Wallingford Estates, this property is the rare convergence of privacy and exceptional luxury.

Full,Front View
Sitting Area
Dinning Area
Living Area
Gourmet Kitchen
Breakfast Area
Meeting Room, Office
Laundry Room
Master bedroom (Parents' bedroom) w/ master closet and bathroom
Master Balcony
Caspian's bedroom w/ closet and bathroom
Brent's OLD bedroom w/closet and bathroom
Dani's bedroom w/closet and bathroom
Harrison's bedroom w/closet and bathroom

Kayleen's bedroom w/closet and bathroom
Guest bedroom 1 w/ bathroom
Guest bedroom 2 w/bathroom
Indoor Pool
Home Theatre
Tennis Court
Indoor Basketball Court
Home gym
Elevator 1
Elevator 2
Elevator 3
Gourmet BBQ
Back View w/ pool and jacuzzi

Abigail's silver-ish black 2016 cadillac escalade and 2016 space grey audi a3 cabriolet
Austen's 2016 green jeep wrangler and 2016 white BMW 428
Brent's 2015 silver Aston Martin Rapide S and 2015 black BMW i8
Harrison's 2015 white aston martin db9, blue 2016 Bentley Mulsanne
Caspian's 2015 black porshe 918, red 2015 ferreri laferrari, and red ducati Superbike 1299 Panigale
Dani's 2015 silver mini coupe and 2016 bmw i3 space grey
Kayleen's silver 2016 nissan leaf and 2015 baby blue Land Rover Range Rover

Beverly Hills, Ca


Biological Mother || Abigail Siyanski || 38 || director, famous t.v actress currently [x]-[x], and featured in 35+ movie works [x]|| Currently Alive

Biological Father || JonÃĄÅĄ Siyansky|| 38 || New York Times' Bestselling author || Currently Alive

Step-Father || Austen Cargill || 41 || w.i.p || Currently Alive

Biological Brother || Brent Siyanski ||19 || Oxford College Student || Currently Alive

Biological-Sister || Dani Siyanski|| 17 || Model, currently schooling in Paris || Currently Alive

Step-brother || Austen Cargill III|| 17 || HHS student || Currently Alive

Step-sister || Kayleen MacMillan || 17 || HHS Student || Currently Alive



Spent the summer how?

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Junior [11]
"I'm a junior, yet again. A junior repeat if that's what you'd call it. I'm suppose to be a senior this year; however, my grades were horrible. So, I'm repeating junior year. Christian keeps bugging me about it, saying that I need to hurry and graduate. Not my fault the teachers have something against me."

"I practically rule the Animal clique. Like, a King Bee."

Place on the Social Ladder
The B-List
"Just because I'm one step under the heirs social supremacy, I'm not taking shit from anyone. I'm no one bitch, alright? Don't expect me to listen to your orders 'cause I'm not a damn dog. Don't boss me around, and we won't have a problem."

Are you happy?
Hellz, yeah
"I don't think that any other place on the social ladder could get any better than the B-list. Other than the wannabes, the rest of us are just regular high school kids that's just waiting to fuck shit, and have fun. The Rebels and Animals are like peanut butter and jelly. We stick together, not only in detention, but outside of school as well. These are my people."

If you could be apart of any other clique which would it be? Why?
"I'm happy with my Animals. No matter how emotionally insane they are, I love em' all. Rebels included."


Do you plan on joining a club or sport this year?
Yes; pitcher for the boys' varisty baseball team, reporter for Crimson Chronicles and a member of the outing club.

Best subject

Worst subject?


So begins...

Casper Siyansky's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cherry Peters Character Portrait: Helena Ross Character Portrait: Deanna Arnault-Ortega Character Portrait: Chantal Jackson Character Portrait: Bea Prinsloo Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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0.00 INK

The last weekend before the start of another year at Hollywood High. The students of Hollywood High both returners and newcomers alike are all preparing themselves for the first day of school, as well as planning out their final days of summer. Soon all the hours spent sleeping in till noon and staying out with your friends doing the worst things your parents could possibly imagine will be nothing but a faded memory replaced with things like equations, the periodic table and the never-ending drama that plagues the halls of Hollywood. Brace yourself for another crazy, stressful, drama-filled year at Hollywood High School.

Forecast of the Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cherry Peters Character Portrait: Deanna Arnault-Ortega Character Portrait: Chantal Jackson Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky Character Portrait: Annelise Rothshild Character Portrait: Hermann McCarthy
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0.00 INK




╔ ╗
[Chantal's Hair]

[Christian's Outfit]

[Annelise's Work Out Outfit]

╚ ╝

Chantal's Dialogue Color: #C8A2C8 || Annelise's Dialogue Color: #81D8D0 || Christian's Dialogue Color: #0020C2

"You lying bitch!" Annelise Rothschild exclaimed as she burst into Chantal Jackson's bedroom. Chantal only glanced up from her phone and paused on scrolling through her Instagram feed. If it hadn't been for the fact that Annelise had a smile on her face and the fact that she was actually talking to Chantal to begin with, the singer would have seriously thought she was going to get cussed out by Hollywood High School's new queen bee. However, because of the brunette actually throwing herself in a sitting position on Chantal's queen sized bed, she wasn't exactly perturbed and actually chuckled at the pout forming on her queen's face. "Good morning to you too, best friend. Or should I say your majesty now? I'm doing well, thanks for asking." Annelise only rolled her eyes at Chantal's sarcasm and fixed the strap of her Victoria's Secret slip, which was set in an exotic pink shade.

As per her typical schedule, Annelise to jog through the Holmby Hills neighborhood. She hadn't really gone for runs during the summer, mostly attending yoga sessions and playing tennis against her cousins over in France and Normandy before simply working out with Little Temptations in between sets. The girls, despite how much junk food she had found in their buses, were actually quite fit and all were about keeping up with their figure. Either way, Annelise knew she didn't want to falter in her workout regimen and the jog earlier in the morning when the sun was just rising had definitely woken her up. Most kids hated being awake early, Annelise figured she might as well get a jumpstart since school would be starting on Monday and she would be traipsing down those halls as the queen she always felt like she was. After making her way up the long heated marble driveway of the Hernandez estate, she hadn't bothered waking Chantal or Christian up. She simply went to her room and took a long bath filled with her White Mint & Jasmine body oil from Jo Malone. The scent was refreshing and upbeat, and lingered on her skin while making her skin extremely soft and moisturized. Annelise practically lived at the extremely spacious home, so she had a good number of clothes and toiletries in her bedroom. Then, after her soak, she had proceeded to complete her skincare regime. Which included mostly La Mer products like her cleanser, moisturizing cream and finally, her SPF tinted moisturizer. Afterwards, she had gotten dressed and been on Instagram herself until she realized that Chantal was wide awake and doing the exact same thing.

"What part of quick girl meeting included driving over to Santa Clara?" Annelise demanded, proceeding to grab one of Chantal's many pillows and hit her friend with it upon each word and Chantal actually giggled, trying to stop her. "Wait, wait, wait! That ain't even my fault!" Chantal cried, her Texas accent stronger in the midst of trying to reason with Annelise who was still smiling. Bipolar heifer! "The message literally only said emergency group meeting. I didn't even know we were going 'til we were out of LA." Annelise only hmphed before hitting Chantal once more, hard, and dropping the pillow to curl her long legs underneath her trim body. She wasn't really upset with Chantal for leaving for Santa Clara and performing in Taylor Swift's 1989 tour stop there. It made her a bit proud, seeing her best friend on stage. Still, Annelise was usually there during those times and she couldn't help but pout. During moments like these (or the moments she allowed), she wasn't queen anything. She was just the best friend of a singer of whom she was very proud.

"Since when did you get back?" Annelise inquired, relaxing against the same pillow she had been attacking the girl with and stretched her legs out so that she could lay on her side while being propped up. Chantal relaxed back against her mountain of pillows at the headboard, donning a glazed guava satin cami and short set from Victoria's Secret. Once the girls were finished with the performance, they had stayed for the rest of it and then hung out with Taylor afterwards. They did a meet-and-greet the next day before heading back for a photo shoot, which meant Chantal hadn't gotten home until last night. She refused to allow them to make her miss cheer try-outs, especially with her being captain. "Last night. After I got my hair done." She said it while messing with a stray strand of her hair...well, more her weave but since she purchased it, it was her hair. After wearing it in various styles during her tour, Chantal had decided upon long jet-black locks (her natural hair color) with various streaks of silver and gold. It was a unique twist and she was already known for experimenting with hair colors since getting the weave installed and cutting her own hair. At the moment, it was styled in a simple messy bun with tendrils framing her face. Annelise tucked a particularly long strand behind Chantal's ear, which caused her friend to smile softly, before grinning. "Well, hurry up and cook me breakfast, bitch. Like you promised." Chantal's initial answer was to kick the queen bee before slinking out of her bed before she could receive the retaliation. As she left her room, she sent out a text to all of the current cheerleaders just as a pillow hit her in the butt.

To: Cherry, Dee, Lauren, Sienna
Remember, I'm making breakfast 2day. We can head over 2 skool afterwards

Most of the ones who had to try out again were sophomore and a few juniors who had been on the weaker end of the spectrum last year, an agreement she and the coach had come to at the end of the semester. But it didn't stop Chantal from inviting everyone to her house for breakfast, which she was only helping cook. She couldn't make everything herself since it was more than three people, but if there was one thing Chantal had taken from her mother, it was a love for cooking despite having a house filled with cooks. The girls made their way to the kitchen in time to see Christian running inside through the door that led out to the pool area. The Royal smirked at the girls and bit into the apple he had snatched up. "Just in time for breakfast!" Annelise smirked and propped herself on a stool while Chantal shot Christian a small glare, shoving past his tall frame to get past the kitchen island to get to her cook, GrÊgory Lecomte. He worked with her mother for catering and helped out at the home, in the middle of making waffles. "I'm surprised you're still here. Weren't you with, what's her name again, Allison?" Chris honestly had to think about it, a hand in his pocket before grinning at the memory, and then shrugging. "Got clingy. I dipped." Annelise only shook her head and mumbled "pig" before requesting a strawberry mimosa. Walking around to his sister, Christian wrapped an arm around Chantal's shoulders without her noticing, causing the cheerleader to squeak, and squeezing her in a hug. Annelise hurried up to pull up her phone and capture the moment on Snapchat. "Awww, sibling love!" She cooed, dragging the phone from the view of her face to the two hugging. Chantal turned around, in the midst of chopping vegetables, to sneer at the camera while Christian laughed, face against the top of Chantal's hair so that he could smell her Manuaka Honey & Mafura Oil hair products from SheaMoisture. It was a naturally sweet and warm scent that everyone loved when they were allowed close enough to smell her hair.

"Get off me, you're sweaty and I already showered, sasquatch," she finally growled, trying to get all the ingredients to make omelets. Christian only grinned and released her. "I'll take mine with cheese, ham and tomatoes, thanks." He said and Chantal rolled her eyes. A minute later, when he was walking towards the closest living room, she turned around with a knife pointed at him. "And don't be inviting your friends over my house for food. I'm not their servant." Christian only gave her a thumbs up and left the room, but not before shooting a text to his boys while Annelise decided to check with her meddlesome cousin.

To: Casper, Taylor
CJ's cooking breakfast. Said u guys were welcome

To: Hermann
Plz tell me u found sum thing 2 do 2nite


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chantal Jackson Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky Character Portrait: Rhiannon Prinsloo Character Portrait: Christian Hernandez
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Lying face down on his bed, he began his Friday morning with an unusual hangover. Like most hangovers, it was infact a hangover and his head was hurting like hell, pounding and throbbing as it went. It was the worst hangover in the history of all hangovers, and he had much of them numerous times. But this one seemed as if someone was constantly driving a drill to his head over and over. He couldn't quite remember what was the cause of his slight amnesia, fuck he couldn't quite remember anything, nothing at all. It was a vast expanse made up of absolute nothingness. However, something was off, and it wasn't the fact that he was wearing only rumpled boxers and one sock, but the weight of his bed; its angle felt weird, sort of unbalanced. He made an unsuccessful attempt to roll himself onto his back before he bumped into something, hard, and before he knew it there it was, or shall he say, there she was. A blonde who probably never really liked him in the first place was sprawled onto his mattress wearing too her underwear, the rest of her clothes were no where to be found, but just by the sight of her being in his bed, partly undressed, Caspian knew that it must've been some wild night for him, one that was forgotten and out of proportion. One that just so happened to have Rhiannon's name written all over it. Though It wasn't the first time he had been downright wasted with Rhiannon at fault, but it was the third time she'd done it.

'The fucking asshole', was all he could think about and as if that was enough to send him in a heap, he closed his eyes, letting the waves of nausea wash over him before he dismantled the blankets and sat up in a sloppy position. He had absolutely, positively no idea what he would do with this one; the girl. He pondered about how he'll let her down gently, explaining that their benefits were infact their first, and sadly their last. It was certainly one of those 'hit her and quit her' situations, or whatever teenagers call it nowadays. Nonetheless, he was not in favor of sparking up a romantic interest in the girl because of one reckless mistake; one out of many other idiocies. He's not into all that relationship crap. He rode solo on most occasions. And banging a girl he hardly new was just the beginning of it all.

With one last glimpse of the girl, he rose from his bed to began his typical morning routine in which consisted of showering, brushing his teeth, then finally finding a more suitable outfit to start the day. As soon as he's just about finished slipping on his shoe, his phone buzzes erotically on his bedside once, twice in the minute simultaneously stirring the girl in her sleep. He grabbed it and saw that the messages were from Rhiannon, and the other was a twitter notification reading that there was an upcoming concert today and Chantal was performing, and knowing how he felt about her, there was no doubt that he was going to pass up the opportunity. The two were an odd pair, but they had their moments. Casper loved Chantal, though less emphasis of the 'l' word. They were chill. Not only because she was infact the sister of Christian, and Casper had to treat her good because of it, but they often got along fairly well. He'd flirt with her, and she'd usually get pissed for it, but somehow found herself flustered by his charm. Though who isn't? Casper and Chantal had a flirtationship going on; no strings attached, barely anyone knew of it.

Casper made a mental note of Chantal's concert before scanning over the remaining text message left unread: Morning, sleeping beauty! How was your night? Casper can almost see the devilish grin upon Rhiannon's face as he read her message. She could be such an ass when she choose to be, but Casper was usually used to foolish tactics, that and her dark humor that usually left a chill up his spine. He and Rhiannon were vaguely similar, like two peas in a pod. The two met in detention hall freshman year, and they had been inseparable ever since. Caspian shot Rhiannon a quick text:

To: Rhiannon

what ever might've happened last night left me with a missing sock, and one
helluva surprise in my bed. though the second part may or may not be a bad thing if you know what i mean

He took a minute to proofread his text - a forceful habit - before sending it. Afterwards, he sat at the edge of his bed waiting for Rhiannon to reply, and that's when the girl gave a low yawn before springing to life. She was scanning her surroundings, having not know where, or why she was in Caspian's bedroom, neither did Caspian really. But as soon as she laid eyes on him, instinct knew that something was up, and she quickly wrapped his sheet around her bare chest.

'Little to late for that', he wanted to say, but didn't quite have the right words to rephrase it without sounding like a total dick. Though at this point he wanted to say something, anything just to break the silence between them. The room was filled to the rooftop with nothing, but total awkwardness that gnawed at Caspian's insides. Knowing that she wasn't going to be the first to speak as she was the one in his room, in his bed, nearly naked. So, feeling defeated, he finally prepared a familiar speech he's said more than a thousandth times before that he practically had memorized, "Look, as weird as this looks why don't we just forget about this, like things between us never happened. It's not me, it's you. And I'm afraid I have to put things between us to an end." He gave an insensitive, but fairly believable sigh. However, she wasn't buying the act. She knew what Caspian was doing, it didn't take a complete imbecile to know what he was actually getting at. He wanted her gone and out of his way. That was fair, but the sincere pout she was giving him indicated otherwise. He didn't want her to leave no more than she didn't want to go, not yet anyway.

*Wrrrrrrrt. Wrrrrrrrrrrt. Wrrrrrrrrrt.*

His phone rang a third time, and to his astonishment it was Christian, considering that he was quite the heavy sleeper: CJ's cooking breakfast. Said u guys were welcome. Food, Sex? Sex, Food? It was a no-brainer what got Caspain's attention the most. He quickly texted Christian a: be there in a few, before he went in search of his beloved Trojans...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cherry Peters Character Portrait: Chantal Jackson Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky Character Portrait: Annelise Rothshild Character Portrait: Christian Hernandez
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╔ ╗
[Chantal's Hair]

[Christian's Outfit]

[Chantal's Jam]

╚ ╝

Chantal's Dialogue Color: #C8A2C8 || Annelise's Dialogue Color: #81D8D0 || Christian's Dialogue Color: #0020C2

"All I'm saying is that you and I both know you're gonna sit there for three hours staring at bitches who can't even do a split and you're gonna crack," Annelise decided to offer in a bored tone, inspecting her nails. Since she was not a cheerleader and was not going to waste her day away by waiting for Chantal and any of her Royals to get done with the try-outs, she was considering hitting up one of the spas. It was close to her second time going since she typically went to a spa twice a month - once at the beginning of the month and then at the end. With her not speaking to her mother, she figured retail therapy before a spa treatment sounded great. Chantal bit back a remark as she continued focusing on cooking. She loved Annelise, she truly did, but the girl was not helping. Chantal didn't ask for her opinion, didn't need it if it meant Chantal had to listen to being told who she was as a person or how slow her patience was. Annelise didn't know everything about everyone, not even Chantal. "Which is why I'm surprised you didn't listen to me and just let Deanna be captain, or at least co-captain. It makes a little sense," Annelise continued, ignoring her best friend's obviously tense form. "Not that she's that much better, but we both know you. You'd probably send half of those girls home crying before you reach the half hour mark." At that point, Chantal paused in the middle of preparing her batter for baked French toast to glare at the Rothschild.

"Can you chill for five damn seconds?" She snapped and turned back to the concoction in the large silver bowl, not catching the cool look of admonishment on Annelise's face. Luckily for the two, since it was too early for them to get into an argument, another one of the home's chefs came out to bring Annelise's plate of warm food. Her Belgian waffle consisted of almond milk being mixed with SlenderBlend protein supplement powder before being added to the batter. Annelise had started SlenderBlend last year, opting for the Glow Collection since it spoke to what she felt like she needed. Digging in, her gaze bore a heated hole in Chantal's back and the singer steadily ignored it. Again, Annelise didn't know everything and the truth of the matter was that Chantal was typically nicer to those younger than herself. She remembered being a freshman and the anxiety that had come with auditioning and working with upperclassmen. So, she had already invested her thoughts into being just a bit nicer. Still blunt since everyone needed a bout of honesty, but with encouragement if given the right attitude by the girls that came. And Annelise adding that Deanna could have been captain was just another thorn in her side. That had been the debate the coach had been internally having, she had admitted. Eventually, Chantal's dedication, the fact that she choreographed so many of their routines in the last few years (including the one that brought them the championship last year), and the fact that she had been so passionate about her craft led to the final decision. Deanna could have been up for captain, but Chantal deserved it and she didn't need anyone reminding her that it could have been the other way around.

Christian smirked at the text from Casper, which hadn't taken long to be received considering the time. Again, Christian himself wasn't typically awake, but he had stayed over at Allison's place last night and needed to leave. Like, quick and in a hurry. The girl had already seemed like the type to get attached easily and had proven it yesterday, and Christian bailed before she even woke up. Was it fair? Probably not. Did he care? Honestly, not really.

To: Casper
Cool. Gonna be playing video games.

Checking a few messages from his father stating that he and Chantal's mom were staying in Calabasas with a friend, Christian had just stepped into the narrow hallway and sensed a presence only to see Cherry. "Sup, Cherry? Love the summer tan, by the way," he commented offhandedly, eyes returning to his phone for a second to respond to his mother before focusing back on the blonde. His eyes fell for a second, noticing the absence of a tiny person. "Surprised your Wonder Twin's not with you. The girls are in the kitchen." It was a moment of silence afterwards, and just a bit awkward since Cherry was convinced that she needed to keep what they had a secret. Which was pretty wise since Chantal would kick his ass if she found out, but Chris liked playing with fire and in pursuit of walking past her, he also stopped so that he could whisper in Cherry's ear. "And if you get a little bored, you know where my room is." Winking at the glare she was sure to give him, Christian only smirked and kept on forward in pursuit of playing a video game as he waited for his omelet.

Two seconds later, Annelise had turned around to see the blonde. Christian had basically announced her presence when he said that she and Chantal were in the kitchen. The brunette simply smirked before righting herself in her stool, crossing her legs and digging her fork into a fluffy piece of waffle while announcing, "Awww, look. Polly Pocket's here. And look, she's even dressed like the one I had when I was five." Annelise even tossed an amused sneer over her shoulder to boot, not seeing Chantal's frown. However, the singer didn't take too long in glaring at the queen bee. Instead, she smiled, running her hands under warm water to get batter off her fingers. Drying them off on a stray towel, she immediately made her way over to the blonde and pulled her into a tight hug, exclaiming, "Best friend!" She hadn't seen Cherry nearly as much all summer. In fact, Chantal had barely seen anyone other than Christian and Annelise all summer considering her hectic schedule and above a good number of people, Chantal did miss Cherry a lot. And Isabella. Pulling away, she dragged the blonde into the connected kitchen and dining room, releasing her once the got to the island that Annelise sat at. "Btw, we seriously need to catch up, but is there anything you want to drink? Mimosa? Orange juice? Coffee?" Of course, at this point, Cherry was welcome to just raid the house, but that never stopped Chantal from being a hostess. It was just something her Mama had instilled in her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Austen Cargill III Character Portrait: Kayleen Cargill Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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Image Image

Kayleen had only arrived in Beverly Hills the night before, and she was already wishing that she was back home. She knew that it wasn't right to not even give this new life a chance, but she didn't like change. She didn't need change, or her dad, or her step family, and she sure as hell didn't need Beverly Hills or a new high school. Things had been perfect back in Montana! Sure, she wasn't quite as content with it when she was living there as she wanted to make it seem now, but she would take back everyone one of the petty complaints she made about how boring her life was if she could just move back. She wanted to curse her mother and blame her for being inconsiderate. Did she really need to accept some university position in Europe and ruin Kayleen's senior year? As if accepting the job wasn't bad enough, it was even more obnoxious knowing that she wasn't actually doing it for career reasons, and only because her fiance worked there as well. The reminder that her mother was willing to abandon her daughter to be with some man that she had known for only a little over a year made Kayleen's stomach feel even more sick than it already did. She didn't like to think of herself as someone who naturally anxious, but ever since her plane touched down, her stomach had been in knots. She wanted to blame it on her new bedroom feeling cold and impersonal, or how her father had left for work before she had even woken up, but whether she would admit it or not, she was nervous about going to a new school. Admitting that she was anxious about not knowing anyone, other than her stepbrother Caspian, who was basically a stranger anyway, was out of the question, but despite having self-confidence and an "I don't give a shit" attitude, Kayleen was human. She wasn't as hard and cold as she had tried to prepare herself to be, and going from a big fish in a little pond to a little fish in a big pond was going to be a change.

Her entire wardrobe hadn't been shipped to her father's home yet and as Kayleen freaked out over what to wear, it was apparent. Despite having enough clothes to wear a different outfit everyday for a few months, she felt like she had nothing to wear. She changed outfits a few times as her mood that morning shifted from wanting to look so good that no one dared to talk to her, to wanting to wear pajamas to show how she looked good no matter what she was wearing, and then to wanting to wear something average, to display her natural beauty but not stand out to a point where anyone would really notice her. She decided on the last one, only considering that the cropped t-shirt she was wearing might be against a dress code when she was already in the black Cadillac Escalade that the family's chauffeur led her to. Oh well. Maybe they'll be strict enough that a crop top will get me expelled and I'll have to move back home... she thought optimistically. Caspian must have taken his own car to school, because the chauffeur left without him. Again, Kayleen tried to reassure herself that it was better that she was showing up alone. She didn't know Casper well enough that a car ride alone with him wouldn't have been awkwardly silent, or filled with forced small talk. At the same time, could showing up and standing alone for the fifteen minutes before classes started be any better than that? By the time they reached the school, Kayleen was positive that the latter would be worse. Rather than get out of the car when they pulled up in front of the high school, she ordered the driver to circle the block until there were only five minutes left until the first bell.

She would have waited until the very last minute, but she remembered that she had no idea what the school's setup was, and with her luck, she'd end up completely lost. Like with the dress code, the idea of cutting class and purposely getting herself into enough trouble to be kicked out of the school crossed her mind, but she wasn't really as big and bad as she tried at the moment. So, with her Fendi backpack pulled tightly over her shoulders, she ventured into her new school, easily feeling even more lost as she drifted into the sea of students entering the building. Almost all of them seemed familiar with each other. Even the students that appeared to be freshman looked as if they had come into the new school with other freshman friends of their own, and her anxiety was quickly making her stomach knot up again. She did her best to keep herself composed though, a blank expression on her face as she weeded her way through the crowd and in search of her French IV classroom. The sooner I get through this day, the better, she thought, trying to distract herself from how badly she wished she was home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cherry Peters Character Portrait: Helena Ross Character Portrait: Chantal Jackson Character Portrait: Bea Prinsloo Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky Character Portrait: Rhiannon Prinsloo
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╔ ╗
[Annelise's Hairstyle]

[Annelise's Instagram Collage]

[Annelise's Playlist]

╚ ╝

Annelise's Dialogue Color: #81D8D0 || Thought Color: #786D5F

By the time seven in the morning had rolled around, Annelise was already dressed, done up, and posting her attire for the day on Instagram which received likes as soon as she posted it. It was a pretty tame attire for a girl who had thrown her room around like a tornado, but simplicity had seemed the best route. Plus, she felt and looked like the queen she had always been, so that was a plus. The very long cardigan was simply an addition since she knew HHS had a habit of cranking the AC all the way up and Annelise would be damned if she caught a cold on the first day of school. Not bothering to do too much with her hair, she had tossed her luscious locks into a semi-messy ponytail before rifling through her jewelry. She decided on Juicy Couture pieces she still had around, a bracelet and dangling earrings. Grabbing her Michael Kors bag, Annelise had been officially ready and ran downstairs to get her breakfast.

While on most mornings she showed up with Chantal without fail, this morning proved to be the start of something different. Her best friend was awake, yes, but with another cheerleader and probably going to round up a few of the other Devil Girls so that they could arrive together. That mentality led her to texting all of her Royal girls and insisting on meeting in the parking lot. They used to do it when she first became a Royal, but that togetherness had stemmed from them having a very sweet, motherly queen before. And Annelise Rothschild was far from motherly, but she did enjoy the idea of it. Besides, she needed to assert her claim on the throne and what better way was to have all of her girls with her? With that thought in mind, she barely greeted her staff as she grabbed her Slender Banana and Oat Shake, made from her Slender Blend protein powder, and headed out to her Ferrari.

"So, tell me about these new kids," Annelise said, which was more of a demand, but Amber was quick to answer her. As soon as Annelise had pulled up onto campus, the redhead and her newly blonde bestie, Brooke were both waiting. The others were on their way and Annelise had text Chantal to make sure she wouldn't be late. And knowing her, if Chantal wasn't late, Christian wasn't going to be late either. As Amber regaled her with the information Annelise had honestly not felt like finding out through social media, she allowed her gaze to fall onto the students who were arriving. The familiar throng of students passing by, the excitement of seeing friends again, the eyes that roved over her vehicle since everyone knew that it was she who had taken the crown - it was all exciting. And honestly, she couldn't wait for the drama that would unfold this year. When it seemed like Amber was done, Annelise hummed almost thoughtfully before turning the engine off, sliding Chanel shades over her face. "Alright, bitches, let's be out. If they're not here now, then they're late and I'm not waiting." Annelise had never waited for anyone, not even Chantal - not even the former queen. And that damn sure wasn't going to change today.

With that, Annelise Rothschild led her Royal girls into the school, making her debut as the new queen of mean.




╔ ╗
[Christian's Outfit]

[Chantal's Instagram Photo]

[[url]Christian's Playlist[/url]]

╚ ╝

Chantal's Dialogue Color: #C8A2C8 || Christian's Dialogue Color: #0020c2

"I swear to God, if you two aren't done in two seconds, I'm leaving both of your asses and you'll be late for school," Christian barked through the driver's side window of Chantal's last birthday present from Julian, which was a 2016 Bugatti Chiron. She would definitely deny it if asked, but Chantal definitely squealed when she first saw the luxury car and had been in love with it from the moment she laid eyes on it. Of course, she didn't even want to hear the price on it and had accepted without question. And Christian currently sat on the driver's side, impatiently glaring at his sister and her fellow bandmate.

The girls, despite having had an exhausting weekend performing at the Pandora Summer Music Festival and having an appearance at the Teens Choice Awards, had been up before him. Well, most people were up before Christian. Instead of being a good father and actually being home to wake his son up, Julian decided to give one of the maids the password to Christian's phone to set up an alarm - an alarm that sounded like a horn that could make even the deaf hear again. It was Julian's first prank of the year and Christian vowed to get him back. Luckily for Chantal, her mom had settled for a call and wishing her a good first day. Lauren had felt too tired to wake up when they stopped at her home, so she stayed glued to Chantal's side and had collapsed in her bed. Which meant that she was borrowing clothes from her other close friend, which they had done several times during the summer. Her look was rather simple seeing as how she was too tired to even want to eat the breakfast that had been prepared until a travel mug of coffee was placed beside her. Lauren was known for having this dark, edgy look to her so the outfit was fine and she only took a rock&roll style bracelet that she was definitely going to keep from Chantal. Her and Christian, surprisingly, were done before even the dark-skinned beauty.

Which wasn't even her fault, really. Annelise had been texting her nonstop with nerves that made even Chantal a bit anxious, which was different considering Annelise didn't always appear as unnerved as she really was. And Chantal appreciated the trust, but it was time-consuming trying to pour out all this affection about a throne Chantal gave absolutely no fucks about. Unlike either Deanna or Annelise, Chantal really didn't care about who ran the hallways or who were even the Royals. It didn't matter to Chantal, even when Annelise made it clear that Chantal could have very well been elevated last year. She just had not seen the point and didn't see the point of fretting over it now. Not when it was obvious that Annelise had won and that the throne was hers. Which she ended up telling her bestie before ending the call and hurrying to get dressed. As per her Instagram post, she wore a black short-sleeve top under a short jean overall, which were edgy enough and had a sensible class added by her bandaged heels. While most girls only wore heels for show, Chantal had performed on stage too many times in heels to really have her feet hurting as quickly as others. Plus, her dark, toned legs - which had an extra sheen and smoothness due to her Almond Oil skin products from L'OCCITANE - looked fabulous with them. Chantal would more than likely return to her sweats or more casual looks at some point in the semester, but showing off on the first day was not at all off limits even for her. Her hair was staightened, she wore a thick white-gold bracelet with matching hoop earrings, a Givenchy ring, and she even did a little makeup, adding an edge with her dark blue lipstick. Once she had her Chanel bag and sunglasses, she met the pair downstairs, grabbed her Active Chocolate Shake from Glow Bio, and they were off.

"Chill, chill, we're coming," Chantal finally answered and the girls rushed over from their perching in the nearby park for selfies. It was a little out of the way and they needed to be on campus in about fifteen minutes, but it was worth it. The picture was awesome, Chantal had it posted, and she felt ready for her first day. Christian rolled his eyes and barely waited for them to buckle up before continuing to drive. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you actually wanted to be at school." He snorted at his sister's statement. "As if. I just don't have time to be your chauffeur while you run off doing mini photo shoots." Lauren giggled and Chantal muttered something about him being over-dramatic. Before long, the trio were on campus and Chantal was quick to abandon her brother in favor of walking in with the Devil Girls. Christian, meanwhile, sent a text to a few friends.

To: Taylor, Casper
Shoot me now

"Okay, so slut," Chantal said lowly, only to the girls as they passed by Via Stone's car. She then allowed her gaze to rove the crowd and she saw a few familiar faces and above the girls giggling, she didn't see Cherry yet. Or even Hermann. However, she couldn't stop and look since she had French in a few and after making their entrance for the first time for senior year, the girls parted ways with Lauren continuing on with Chantal to their first class of the semester. Meanwhile, she let Annelise know of her arrival before texting a few friends. She wasn't close to Bea, but she still felt like including her in case the girl slept in. Which also led her to texting someone she probably shouldn't be starting anything with this early in the morning.

To: Cherry, Rhia, Bea, Hermann
First day jitters bet not have any of ur asses skipping skool.

To: Casper
What? U think ur 2 good 2 b on time 2 skool?