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Maisie, full name Margeret

Goddess of Fortune, good or bad, and Superstition

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a character in “Apocalypse Radio”, as played by CyraEm


A short and broad-shouldered woman, with long, curly black hair. Plump for her frame and with rather bad posture. She has a narrow, prominent nose and strong cheekbones, which makes her face look leaner than it is and thus make her face somewhat contrary to her body. Wearing non-prescription black frame glasses, plum lipstick, a yellow headband, and a dark grey cardigan over a light gray dress over lighter grey leggings. She has a silver charm bracelet with six small black plastic bird charms.

Carries in her pocket a bag of charms (see equipment).


Judgemental, contrary and argumentative, although determinidely passive aggresive, she rarely starts fights, but instead perpetuates them. A die-hard cynic, she tends not to find very much funny, and while she is capable of empathy and sweetness she prefers not to express them publicly. However, she is a closet romantic, endlessly trusting of people's good nature and tentatively optimistic. Because of this, she is staunchly on humanity's side, although she has trouble explaining to the others exactly why.

She has a habit of constantly fussing with her charm bracelet, adding or subtracting birds to it from the extras in her pocket, in accordance with the situation. (see this children's rhyme for explanation)

She also has a habit of clearing her throat softly when she disagrees with you.


The bag of charms in her pocket contains:

Several black plastic bird charms.
An iron nail.
A piece of unpolished amber.
Several clothing pins with the tips broken off.
A lump of wax.
A small mirror.

While these charms grant her no special abilities (at least none that will ever come up during the roleplay) she does claim that they keep her safe from harm and she clings to them vehemently. Without them, she's a fuming, sobbing wreck. She can tell if they're gone, even if she doesn't see, hear or feel them being taken from her.


Based in European superstition and traditional mythology (older than Roman or Greek, and largely pagan and Celtic). These are the beliefs that permeated western society well into the last years of colonial america. The hold is less potent now, but still governs a sizable amount of our behavior.

She's the goddess of fortune, charms, and superstition, but cannot be said to govern them. She's more akin to a judge, enforcing the rules, but not writing them. She is very material-based and put a abnormally large value into the power of objects. She came into being when humans first gained consciousness, and so is very rooted in humanity, and cannot separate herself from them. When the first humans came into being, the first independent thought rose out of the soul of the one thinking it and coalesced as a storm cloud. For the first half of her life, she remained in that state, affecting the lives of those below her. Eventually, as the rules that governed her life were learned by humans, they came to develop behaviors and talismans in order to manipulate their lives and futures. Rather than being displeased at being controlled, she admired them for their ability to control the chaos. She came down from the sky as a bird, a magpie, and lived peacefully in accordance with humans for some time.

It must be said that Maisie does not particularly care to notice whether the behavior of humans is good or evil. She only notices the rules and forces of fortune, punishing those who don't believe. So she lived as a magpie, oblivious to the problems around her, until called to a cafe to decide the fate of the species.

And now she presides, as the most unwilling judge. She believes mankind will fail, disobedient as they are of her rules, and defiant as they are of any power that tries to govern them. But she has no choice but to test them.

So begins...

Maisie, full name Margeret's Story


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#, as written by CyraEm
Maisie, full name Margeret fluttered her wings impatiently. She was in her natural form, stretching and preening as one does when they've just exited an uncomfortable costume. Her host busilly stocked books below, very aware of Maisie above her. Maisie had never been one for force and in her opinion the humans deserved much better than they were given, and so the posession was voluntary and mutual. She had done some favors for the girl she inhabited, Margaret. Ever one for appropriateness, the names matched perfectly.


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#, as written by CyraEm
Maisie, full name Margeret It was symbiosis. Give and take. And Margaret had gotten as restless as Maisie. So they seperated for the time being, under the condition that Margaret stayed out of the sight of Chilili. But now, upon removing the Complete Works of Shakespeare from a shelf, Margaret saw through the empty space Chilili's distinctive face. She couldn't be sure; having a god inside you was like having your blood replaced with the pure force of a nuetron star, and with a heartbeat that fast, her vision was often blurred. But she was sure enough to panic. She grabbed the nearest small object, a pen, and threw it at the bird above her head.


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#, as written by CyraEm
Maisie, full name Margeret was hit in the face and let out a loud sqwaking shriek. As she fell in a tumble to the floor, trying in vain to regain some control over her descent, she caught a glimpse of Margaret's panic, and then hit the floor with a dull thud and blacked out for a moment. Birds are so delicate a form.


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#, as written by CyraEm
Maisie, full name Margeret fluttered awake, here eyes focusing and unfocusing like a camera zooming in and out. Margaret looked shocked, but she also felt foreign hands supporting her, and she struggled to right herself so she could see. Margaret remained stationary, petrified, and unmoving, knees locked together and gripping the bookcase for support like a never-been-kissed girl asked to dance at prom. Maise finally spun enough to see her rescuer's face, and upon recognizing the stern nose and bright eyes let out another sqwuak and sucked back into Margaret's body. She passed through Margaret's face and dissolved into smoke, and Margaret's posture slackened and her face took up a much less frightened, although still causious look.


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#, as written by CyraEm
Maisie, full name Margeret "I shouldn't be here. Why aren't you with Infinitous calculating pi, or some such?" As Maisie straightened, her hands absentmindedly found her pockets, feeling the bus ticket and pack of gum that now accompanied her bag of charms. She smiled an internal smile and fingered two of the plastic birds in the bag.


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#, as written by CyraEm
Maisie, full name Margeret pulled her elbows in so Edelia could get past her in the narrow aisle. They hadn't planned on it, but the God's were congregating like sharks to a dying seal. Maisie felt sorry for Chilili for being the bait. But she couldn't say too much with Edelia there, lest she be seen to have a bias.


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#, as written by CyraEm
Maisie, full name Margeret "Some of them are me. But some are also just symptomatic of all of us exerting our influences so close together." she paused for a second, and then hazarded to extend a hand to Chilili. She took a step forward and gripped Chilili's forearm. "And you're not insignificant just because most of us are self-involved." She hoped she could convey alliance, but she new that she was not of Chilili's kind and so could never truly be her ally.