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Ambition without intelligence is a bird without wings.

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a character in “Armageddon: Lucifer's Wrath”, as played by abiotrophy


Full: Mephistopheles, Crown Prince of Hell and Son of Lucifer

Alias/Nickname: Mephisto

Age: 972

Status: Eldest son

Power: Mephisto is incredibly fast and strong, even compared to other demons. He's matched, perhaps, only by his own father - an issue often debated in hushed tones by lower demons.

Training: Gifted with superior strength and agility, Lucifer's eldest son finds little use for gunpowder and the wonderful inventions that come with it. He prefers things the old-fashioned way - hand-to-hand combat or swords or halberds, take your pick. He often prefers to take his enemies on up-close, and, taking advantage of his speed, lands enough punches before his opponents even know he's there.

Talent: If it can be called a talent, Mephisto has a knack for sensing danger. Whatever it is, it's saved him a few times and has made him an excellent general on the field.

Weakness: To the Crown Prince of Hell, ranged combat means throwing improbably large objects towards the direction of the projectiles' origin until he can slink up close enough for close combat. Not very effective, but if one can keep him far enough, Mephisto is simply reduced to running and dodging.

Strength: Ambition. Like father, like son, no?

Scars/markings/piercings: He has a large scar across his ribcage from when he was involved in a fight with an older demon. (The young prince, then arrogant, challenged the more experienced demon to a fight - one-on-one, with claymores. His strength and agility barely helped him win, and the older demon was summarily executed for harming the Crown Prince.)

Personality: Mephisto was once brash, arrogant, and decadent. Once. Over the years Mephisto has tamed down into the magnetic, brooding, ever-cautious, ever-courteous and soft-spoken Crown Prince of Hell now known by all. He's easily irritated and has a quick temper but is always polite - coldly so. He's quiet most of the time, so when he speaks, it's often something important. He goes about his way, neatly ignoring (or destroying) anything in the way of his ambition to become the ruler of the world.

Often, when he wasn't yet commanding armies, he enjoyed women and wine and arts, making himself look like a spoilt brat. It wasn't until the war started that people realized just how clever their prince really was, and how much calculation went on behind those beautiful amber eyes.

Physical Description: Mephisto is light-haired and has bright amber-colored eyes, high cheek-bones, and an aquiline nose. He's beautiful, certainly, and stands at 6'7", easily towering over most people. His build is, though not bulky, lean and sculpted.


History: Mephisto, as the crown prince, used to get whatever he wanted, when he wanted it. It helped that he was stronger and faster than most demons could handle. As a result, he was a spoiled brat until he was well into his late 500s, not really thinking of much aside from enjoying life. That changed after the aforementioned incident with the older demon - the older demon had been a treasured mentor of Mephisto's, and the squabble that had given Mephisto his scar had been over something petty - the older demon, Abbadon, had refused to let Mephisto sleep in after a hard night of partying, insisting the prince had to train. A quick temper and hurt pride, in addition to friends and advisers egging him on, ensued in the fight which cost Mephisto his most beloved mentor, but taught him a lot of lessons.

Lesson # 1: Not all friends and mentors were on his side. Personal reasons were above all else.
Lesson # 2: Being the Crown Prince of Hell came with heavy duties.
Lesson # 3: There is no making up for foolishness.
Lesson # 4: Pride has its uses, but also its downfalls.
Lesson # 5: His father is manipulable, just like everyone else.

To most demons, it seems Mephisto was, after a few days of grieving, unaffected by Abbadon's death, especially since he continued with his hard parties and excessive decadence. His more quiet way of approaching things was a minor adjustment. He didn't speak as much - people chalked it up to Lucifer's thrashing Mephisto for trying to intervene in Abbadon's execution (must have taught him to hold his tongue, they said). However, a few people, especially those close to Mephisto might have found the Crown Prince a little more unnerving than he used to be. Just a little.


β€œAll people dream, but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind, wake in the
morning to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous
people, For they dream their dreams with open eyes, And make them come
- D. H. Lawrence

Note: Synopsis quote is by Salvador Dali, modified to suit the character better

So begins...

Mephisto's Story


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As far as Mephisto was concerned, his father was dead, and in his stead was some impatient idiot prancing about and seemingly pretending, yes, pretending, that this was a good idea. And Lucifer help Mephisto if the madman wasn't pretending, if he was truly unaware of what a siege meant, because that in turn meant Mephisto had overestimated the demon's capabilities.

Sieges killed morale and destroyed any advantage an invigorated army would present for them. Why his father would ever commence Armageddon without a coordinated plan for actually finishing the war was beyond Mephisto. Why his father even began Armageddon without consulting Mephisto was an anomaly in itself. Now, look what his father did.

Earth was nothing more than a barren wasteland losing itself to the wind. A pity. Although deplorable humans crawled its face, the earth itself wasn't half-bad. They could have taken it and destroyed those wretched angels in a snap, if only Satan had consulted Mephisto. The humans wouldn't have known a thing. But no, they had to follow Satan's orders.

Mephisto would take care of that. It wouldn't be long until the soldiers turned restless enough to rebel against his father. That, Mephisto thought, was one of the unfortunate effects of a siege.

The crown prince stepped onto a collapsed building half-buried in the sand. In the distance, an imp gnawed on dry human bones. Wonderful.

His father was getting old, and no longer commanded an army the way he used to, in Mephisto's opinion. It was time, perhaps, for change. As far as Mephisto knew, the whispers of chaos had already begun among the lower ranks. They were hungry; they hadn't had souls to feed on for nearly fifteen years, but the lord - ah yes, Satan? It was rumored Satan had been enjoying his fill of those wonderful human delicacies, seemingly unaware of the effect the siege was having on his men.

Mephisto himself abstained from feasting on the choicer souls - the general who sympathized with his men. If his personal army didn't eat, then Mephisto would have none of it. (It was poor fare anyway; what was considered an unsavory soul in the past was now a clamored-for delicacy. Mephisto would rather starve than reduce himself to sampling filth.) It worked - his personal army was terribly loyal to Mephisto now, more loyal than they ever were to Satan.

Unfortunately, they were about as weak as they were loyal, and nowhere as powerful as before.

If the angels stormed down while the men felt this way, they would lose everything. Mephisto hissed. The imp in the distance yelped, covering his head with his hands and shivering, muttering apologies all around. He peered at Mephisto, quivered, and fled for his life, yelling as he went. More imps emerged from the rubble, scrambling away in a puff of limestone smoke.

He'd seek salvation before he let Satan lose the empire that so rightfully belonged to Mephisto. Something had to be done. Perhaps he could speak to Marbles about this. Marbles would understand. Marbles always understood.

Alternatively, he could attempt to pull his siblings' strings - particularly Lil's. As much as he loved his sister, she was disgustingly loyal to their father. Marbles could be brought over to understand; Lil was more difficult. She might even report Mephisto's plans.

In which case it would be better to have them play along while leading them to think something else. Hrm. Mephisto loathed the idea of lying to Marbles, but if Lil was to be kept on his side...

Confound all of this. Mephisto swore and kicked a building's steel frame. It flew away from him with a groan, landing further down the wasteland.

Whatever he was going to tell them, he was going to need to meet his siblings, now. Anything to kill this siege. He couldn't stand it anymore.

An hour later, he left messages throughout hell for his siblings -

Meet me in the Vatican.

Whether they came or not, only time would tell. He'd be waiting, though.