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Art of Succession

Art of Succession


Medieval intrigue: The Lion of Cartada is dead. Who will pick up the pieces of his kingdom? A rp of medieval intrigue and dynastic conflict. Writers welcome!

1,556 readers have visited Art of Succession since merodach created it.


He had conquered the world.

The hundred kingdoms had rallied beneath his lion banner when he cast down the Godkings of Seygos. His iron horsemen had taught obeisance to the Free Cities in the west and reached the ends of the world in the east.

And now the Lion lay dying, and the empire he had created without an heir.

NPC Cast:

Name: Amalric
Standing: First of His Name, King of Kings, the Light of the West, Lord of the Hundred Kingdoms by Grace of Gods, the Lion of Redrock
Age: 40ish
Factions: Cartadians
Note: Born a prince to Cartada, he succeeded his father and usurped the throne of Seygos (who had murdered his father).

Name: Bessius
Standing: Master of the Palace
Age: 35
Faction: Asephar
Notes: Bessius is a pale and fidgety man, but was a captain of the Undying before the end of the kings of Asephar. He had slain no less than three of Amalric's knights at the battle of the Seygan Gates and was pardoned on account of his valor.

Name: Narces
Standing: Chief Eunuch
Age: 41
Faction: Asephar

Name: Kendrik (Named even though they don't know if it's a boy)
Standing: Fourth child of Amalric
Age: Unborn
Family: Royal

Name: Cedric
Standing: The Royal Bastard
Age: 23

Name: Melwyn
Standing: Mother to Cedric

Name: Soah
Standing: Third Queen of Amalric
Age: 22

Name: Basil
Standing: Former Crown Prince
Age: 22 at point of death

Toggle Rules

Art of Succession is a realistic roleplay set in a medieval world without magic. Change the destiny of a kingdom as you delve into the conspiracies and shifting alliances at court.

PCs should be powerful lords or ladies or others with access to the highest circles of politics, such as the most prominent artists, intellectuals, or physicians of the day. Peasants who find a rusty sword stuck in a rock and go off to rescue princesses locked away in towers are routinely executed in this land. And it goes without saying that cat people and vampires are eviscerated and served as delicacies at the monthly feast.

Players should also refrain from making flawless characters. Everyone is messed up in some way or another, and nobody has infinite resources. Exploring your character's weaknesses is just as fun as using their strengths.

To further the intrigue aspect, it is strongly reccomended that characters enter the game with pre-existing connections to other PCs and NPCs, whether they be friend, family, or foe.

We also require that posts are mostly free from grammatical and spelling errors. Third person is suggested, but go with whatever works best for your situation. Joint posting, where each player in a thread writes a single post that can be edited by any of them at the same time, is encouraged. It's especially useful for dialogue-heavy episodes.

The plot, and even world lore, for this game has not yet been determined. You get to create it. Lore is to arise naturally from in character roleplaying, not imposed by OOC worldbuilders or placed in long lists of useless trivia to be ignored. When playing it's perfectly acceptable to have your character drop a random proper noun or two: "Lord Atworl isn't even a match for those cowardly Jans." If desired, you can expand your descriptions of who Lord Atworl is or what the Jans are in later posts. Feel free to invite other players to fill in the blanks of your posts as well. And, of course, you can create lore without giving it a name. Most things in the real world don't have a name, and the same is true of our fictional world (which doesn't even have a codename at this time).

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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The room stunk of death and ambergris.

In it's center, on a bed shrouded by purple drapes, lay the Lion of Redrock. He had been a tall man, standing head and shoulders above half his court with a chest and arms to match. A fortnight ago, his subjects had seen him leading the hunt from his magnificent red charger and sworn that he would live forever.

Word was that the sickness had been as terrible as it was sudden. The only ones who had been permitted to pass under the drapes and see the king these past three days were the eunuchs with lacquered nails that he had grown so fond of since moving his seat to Seygos. The king of kings didn't trust physicians, not after what had happened to his beloved Basil.

Bessius, the Asephar steward, had produced a pair of highly reputed warlocks who had slaughtered a dozen bulls and recommended that the king bath in their blood, but the only thing that had changed were the pair of fresh heads now decorating the citadel's battlements.

Wracking coughs shook the room, and the scented candles cast shadows of scurrying eunuchs on the curtains. Whispers rose from the small crowd at hand. They now knew the rumors to be true. They, those closest to the king, had been gathered here to attend to his last moments.

Gavon Raine, king of Sain and a close cousin to the dying emperor, stepped forward from the crowd and addressed the chief eunuch. "Narces, does our King grant us his company?"

Narces shook his hairless head, "Our master is in no state to be granting anything. The king needs his rest."

"Rest, he will have enough of soon," noted Ser Delian, dressed just as much for war as mourning in black scale. "The kingdom needs his decision."

The coughing stopped. A few let out sighs of relief... until the candles behind the curtain were blown out. They waited in silence, moments as heavy as minutes, until a single man stepped out from the curtains, his face pale to the point of blueness.

Narces was the first to ask the question on the gallery's tongue. "Who will sit the Throne of Serpents?"

"He said...", even the beat of the audience's hearts seemed to quell, "He said the man who can hold it."

King Raine gasped. No, that eunuch was lying! He shoved Narces aside, and asked the emperor for himself. "Who will suceede your majesty's throne!?"

His reply was silence.

"The king is dead," Delian said, "Long live the king... whoever it may be."

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#, as written by Frawg
Gavon Raine slowly placed the body of the deceased emperor back onto his bed. A single tear rolled down his cheek, which he was unable to wipe away before Queen Soah rushed to her late husband's side.

"The Lion of Redrock will forever roar within our hearts, as surely as his heir roars within my queen's womb.", he said before turning to face Ser Delian with a stern look on his face. "Isn't that right, my Lord? All hail King Kendrik!"

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Larsus Montclair, Duke of Coldharbour and Myrantia, and much else besides, covered his eyes with one pearl-gloved hand. The laments and murmurs of the court hammered on his ears and the smell of ambergris and death burned in his nostrils.

Still, at least he'd gone with the Seygan traditions. The eunuchs made it easier, really. More dignified. Better than physicians and sawbones, always poking around where they weren't wanted and saying things like: 'We'd better examine this powder in His Majesty's stomach,' or 'Look how the heart has been corroded.'

Far better the eunuchs, who knew how to handle things discreetly and with dignity. Most of the court might disagree, but Larsus was Seygan through and through. Dying with grace was the Seygan way, not cut about on a physic's table.

He listened and observed - keenly, even through the facade of mourning - to the high court as it swarmed and twittered in the imperial bedchamber. There was Ser Delian, the knight-hostage, who'd served the Crown Prince before his death, the idiot still dressed for warfare, sword and all. Swords, Larsus snorted internally. Bloody useless in the Palace; far better the needle-thin and razor-sharp poniards he himself carried, capable of shearing through chainmail or lopping off a pound of flesh in an instant.

King Raine, too - the profligate wastrel who lived too well, beyond his means and flaunted the purple on his nails. It was all to the good that he overtaxed his trading ports, of course; it meant a greater influx to the more friendly havens of Coldharbour, Helios, Coreollis and Vandemar, all coastal cities part of the Poison Counties, but sometimes the man simply grated. It was perhaps telling of the Seygan attitude to things that he cared little for Raine's execution of Vaynmark duchy; while he himself preferred venom or loyalty through penury, slaughtering everyone was also perfectly valid.

"Who shall sit on the Throne of Serpents?"

Larsus paid attention, balancing heavily on his dragon-headed cane. Whomsoever had the throne would have a great bearing on House Montclair's fortunes.

The next words out of the attendant's mouth sent a wave of muttering washing across the room, and had King Raine dashing up the steps to the imperial bed in defiance of all protocol, demanding answers of his liege.

"All hail King Kendrik!" Larsus blinked, and cleared his throat, with a short, perfunctory bow to King Raine.

"Majesty, I must ask how you know our master - our late master - the Lion's heir shall be male? Or indeed fit to rule? There were great hopes for His Lamented Highness, Prince Basil, but with his life cut short on the Long Border..." Larsus let his voice trail off expressively.

Unsaid, hovering in the air, was the simple fact that a regency would in all probability tear the Empire asunder.

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#, as written by inu-bri
Crisiana was walking in the halls of the castle in a distraught state. News of the Lion's death had upset her greatly, he had been like a second father to her and the idea of him dieing was a painful one. Due to the fact that she herself was not of a high role, being female she was unable to be there for his last moments.

She continued to wander aimlessly through the corridors waiting for people to emerge and was surprised to find herself in the regal corridor outside the Old Emperors chambers. Turning quickly she hurried as fast as her large skirts would allow, she had the front hitched up to her knees and she ran at a great speed, for a woman. Her long brown hair flew out loosely behind her as she ran towards her own chambers on the far side of the castle. Upon arrival in her chambers she immediately collapsed onto the bed in a mess of pitiful sobs.

The setting changes from The Hundred Kingdoms to Seygas


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Character Portrait: Angelique Patience Callista del Acraman
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Image"Would you grant me a wish?"

The statement that greatly caused great confusion within an emotion and a mind of a maiden who eagerly stepped down her carriage with much haste not appropriate for Her Ladyship. Voices called for her in much care and respect, yet she continued on her way. Her dress of splendor was in a manner not fitting of her station as creases and dusts could be seen due to her occasional stumbles and her hair that would not be seen unbound during any matters outside her privacy was now following her movements of much urgency as she allowed the cold wind play with it in somber. Face of known calm and gentleness was now twisted into of sorrow and of dim hope as the sounds of her steps echoed within the halls. If one would hear the rhythm of her heart, it would be the sound of ultimate desperation. A wish that she wanted to be granted at this specific moment.

"Please do not make me be late... I beseech anyone who could hear me, let me listen to his voice once again."

However, there are certain desires that could not be gained even with an effort that would make the world change its course. This she had known for so long yet, the fleeting hope within her soul did not vanish. The doors to the chambers of the man known as The King of Kings, The Lion, The Godking, Emperor and so on were opened with much force that could not be attributed to a female of her physique. She stood with an appearance of such filth not befitting of her status nevertheless, she has still appeared to be an enchanting beauty despite it all. The slight erratic breathing of hers convey how much she wanted to be here. The murmurs of those she had perceived to be the Eunuchs and the presence of those who she had deemed as relatives could be felt by her. Soon enough, her maids were rushing behind Her Ladyship as they had managed to catch up with their Mistress.

"Your Highness, it is not safe for you to run without assistance. Look what have become of you. What--"

The maid's sentence was cut as she noticed the eerie silence which filled the room as they were not aware of the saddening death of the Emperor and the discussion of the next Heir. The heavy atmosphere made the Lady know how futile it was to hope and to wish. Her maids noticed how the countenance of their Mistress changed as they chose to not say another word. It was no secret how much the siblings of the Royal House of Acraman had been very closed to each other. The said Lady slowly walked towards to a path where she felt the bed where her brother would be laid. She remained elegant and graceful as expected from a Royal Maiden yet everyone could notice the grief she was holding deep within. The trembling form of hers proved how fragile she was as she acted to be strong as the men around him.

"Gavon. Am I too late...?"

Her voice was shaking as she put much might in making her words as placid as possible. Yet, she knew that it was clearly obvious to all that would hear her. The Lady was choking with her sadness as she spoke to his cousin who she had sensed his presence earlier. Despite the answer not yet being said, a tear had already fallen from her eye. It was like a crystal due to its clarity and too painful as its bearer stood in such a form of masks slowly crumbling before the people around her. Pathetic she was in her own words yet, she was painfully beautiful to see before the people surrounding her at this specific moment.

The setting changes from Seygas to The Hundred Kingdoms

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No music would ring from Phaileru's Zuvja today, even now he stood, facing the wall of the hall, too struck with the moment to look at anyone. Amalric hadn't even had a swan song, he died so uneventfully here, how could a man of such greatness be simply taken.

The Prince's mind didn't immediately jump to succession, to the fate of Az Ndal or his own standing, quicker it brought him to his own mortality. Death feared nothing, and believed in no one culture. Every noble, every peasant, every slave would fall under the sweet embrace.

He had the strength to turn towards the deathbed, he hardly cared if an heir became apparent. How could anyone but the Lion properly maintain such a vast empire, stretching across all the Earth? Soon advisers would come like vultures on whatever diplomatic babe would be given such a burden. The Lion was not perfect, perhaps he favored some over others, but always his actions seemed properly tempered with a greater purpose.

In the snuffing out of a single light, the entire world was forced to grow up. To think Phaileru had come to court one Crisiana, and hardly thought of maidens now.

The Seygas style clothing was tight and restricting, not unlike the society, and reeked of formality and feigned politeness, whatever aromas Phaileru thought appropriate were all drowned out by the solemness of the occasion. The very air seemed numb.

The poor Sister, her grief was tangible. What place did she have here now? Who was to say the fate of anyone now? Already it seemed the world's greatest empire was doomed, and it was all too clear that if the Lion's life was not succinctly replaced, blood would run across the entire continent. Most disturbing to Phaileru was that already the effect was wearing off, already he felt his heart lighten, it was simply in his nature. Life must go on, but he felt horrible recovering in a room so thick with angst and sorrow.

And it was not in human nature to let the dead rest, nor power hanging unconsummated in the air.

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Delian gave a deep bow to the mourning Queen Sister as she entered the room, despite knowing fully well that she could not see the respect he granted her. The Nightingale was one of the few in court that Dourheart spared from his acid tongue, though he had no love for any Acraman.

"Majesty, I must ask how you know our master - our late master - the Lion's heir shall be male? Or indeed fit to rule? There were great hopes for His Lamented Highness, Prince Basil, but with his life cut short on the Long Border..."

“My lord,” Delian said with a threat of a smile, “If I may presume to remind you… the Lion left two cubs amongst us, the living. As you say, one is but a seed in the lioness’s womb. A babe for the foreseeable future… if not a Kendra. The other—“

The chief eunuch coughed in interruption, ”Ser, our king lies newly dead in this very room. Is this truly the time to—“

“Yes, most lamentable,” he said without a note of lament. No love for any Acraman, especially the Lion himself. Delian’s appointment amongst the king’s guard had been just as much a show of the king’s confidence as it was a reward for his valor. ’I did my part, Amalric.’ he thought grimly, ’For a hundred nights, I've guarded over your sleep, and not once did you wake with my dagger on your neck. But in the end, no silver shield saved you from justice.’

”The other, though baseborn, has proven himself one of the Lion's blood by merit, if not by name. To his friends, he is just. To his enemies, fearsome. His triumphs on both the field of battle and joust have won him the love of court and commons alike. And for the past few years, he has lorded over Cartada much as his father did.

“My Queen,” He walked to the mourning Angelique and dropped to a knee, “In his last words, the King of Kings bequeathed his throne to the man who could sit it, and there is only one such man. On behalf of the kingdom, I ask of you. Send word to Redrock. Ser Cedric must be legitimized and crowned at once.”

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#, as written by Frawg
Before Gavon could remind Duke Montclair of the warlocks' prophesy that the king would have another son, the doors to the chamber blew open for a distraught looking Queen of Merriskold. And, of course, Ser Delian had already stolen the conversation. He did his best to drown out the orphan's words and focus on his cousin's grieving.

Gavon. Am I too late...?

He lowered his head and leaned in with his arm around her back—etiquette be damned! "The Lion...", the words struggled to come out of his mouth, "has fallen, though his majesty's deeds will live on past the end of time."

Gavon glanced back at Amalric's body. This time it hit him. Memories, good and bad, played in his mind. The Siege of Bora, where their brawl over whether to burn the city's renowned wineries almost cost them the war. The hours spent laughing behind the nobles' backs after their pathetically humorous attempts to gain royal favor. And who could forget the famous hunting trip to Skittle Woods? A few more tears rolled down Gavon's cheek, which he did not immediately wipe away. It wasn't like Angelique could see them.

And then Ser Orphan interrupted him again.

"As I have already explained to the good Ser Delian, the matter of succession has already been dealt with and the empire shall go to Kendrik."

He turned towards Delian and smiled. "Now if you don't mind our brother and dear cousin lies newly dead in this very room, and we would like to honor his memory and not spoil our mourning with talk of such vulgar political matters."

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#, as written by inu-bri
Crisiana rose from her bed and walked over to the looking glass in her room. Her cheeks were splotchy but her eyes were the most vibrant of colours, dabbing her cheeks with a wet towel they slowly returned to normal colour. She grabbed an antique brush and pulled it through her luscious brown hair before pulling it back into a tight braid. Straightening her dress she raised her chin, all signs of tears going aside from the brilliant tinge to her eyes.

Opening her door she left the regal chambers and began to wander towards the gardens where she had gone for long walks with the Lion, they had had arguments about a variety of topics and yet she knew that this was unusual due to the fact that she was a woman. He was like a second father to her and she had little idea how she would bear the long years without him when she came to the castle.

As she walked through the halls she saw Phaileru, she walked over to him and curtsied deeply, "My Lord," she said in an a shy tone, she looked up and smiled charmingly at him, waiting to see how he would respond. She straightened up from the curtsy and had a high class air about her.

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Phaileru quietly stepped out of the hall, already people were dishonoring the Lion, and he had no intention of seeming power hungry or somehow jaded for recovering so quickly, looking out from the balcony across the admittedly beautiful gardens and courtyards of the castle, he spied Crisiana, looking reminiscent.

He turned, running a hand through his long, black, Seygan styled hair, and wondered why he felt it necessary to appear properly Seygan to a dead man. If the Lion could see him now, he'd see him as the Az Ndaliq he was, so why would he care what the others thought?

But he cared what the others thought, and he let out his sigh. From here he was headed north to Drohem, a lovely temperate place, with healing waters and all sorts of berries, a quiet little Shire. Sadly he was going to try and undermine the local brewers of nectar and dried fruits, attempting to secure a slightly more stable source of the pirate navy of Az Ndal.

"My Lord"

It was Crisiana, he turned, bowing deeply with a faint, subdued smile.

"Lady Crisiana, I understand how-" He stopped himself, she hardly needed a reminder, but it was simply proper.

"H-how you feel -- I imagine the flowers here get jealous of you walking by, I can tell by the blush you seem modest about it." Phaileru's smile widened, if he'd known the lady's stars he could have been a bit more tactful, but a compliment was never too out of place, even in sorry times.

The setting changes from The Hundred Kingdoms to Seygas


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I apologize... I would have you carry another burden for me, my beloved sister.

The Lion Emperor remained as glorious as he could be even with death’s kiss. He had never failed to show his strength both in mind and soul. This feat was said to be the finest qualities of the Royal House of Acraman. With that thought, she as well should not fall behind her brother who had inspired the world in many ways may it be good or may it be bad. His will be done even if she had too go through hell all over again. It would be realized as long as her promise to him had yet to come to pass. The one who had known to have stayed at the side of his brother in the duty to protect spoke about passing the throne to his nephew in Cartada and Gavon said to pass it to the unborn child in the womb of her sister-in-law. It seems that her mourning could wait when she would be in her privacy. In addition she was certain if Amalric could see her, he would scold her for being such a crybaby.

"My loyal Silvershield. I would send word for the departing of the Emperor Amalric del Acraman to his son, Cedric and his people in Cartada. However, the issuance of the throne would not be given to him."

She stood there as pristine as one could it be. Her trembling had greatly decreased as she calmed herself and focus on the actions needed to be done. The voice that earlier appeared to be so broken was now of akin to a calm flowing river. This was the beginning to usher the Empire that her brother had established to another new era. The Royal Lady turned her head to the direction where she had heard Gavon's voice and where his hand had come from that was on her back. It was considered unethical yet, it was a sense of comfort in such depressing times. Her hand reached out as it was able to touch his cheek and felt the presence of water upon it. She wiped it with much care and lowered down her hands afterwards.

"The blood that the King of kings left within the body of Her Highness Soah would be a legacy. Nevertheless may it be a he or a she, it could not rule a world at its current state. Bice, the papers I told you to bring do give it to Chief Eunuch Narces."

The maid that she had addressed immediately procured the said documents and handed it to Narces with much respect. Angelique turned to face the people that filled the chamber of the Fallen Lion. Despite not being seeing them, her other senses had helped her to cope with such a disability. Her presence of sorrow was still apparent however, it was dampened by a searing fire of authority akin to the Lion himself. It was no wonder they are of the same blood. The Royal Lady demanded to listen to her intently as she would reveal the matter that plagues everyone in this room.

"Your Emperor had spoken has he not. The Throne of Serpents would be given to the man who could take it. Cedric and the unborn child is without doubt carries the blood of the Acraman and eligible for the succession.

The former had grown with much admiration akin to his father yet never surpasses him. The latter is yet to be known to have such great ability to defeat the Lion in all aspects.

Only one could take the throne, it would be the man who would showcase that he could make the roar of the Lion Emperor into a mere purr. In simpler terms, those who want it come forth and take it if you can.

Carve a greater legacy than the Fallen Emperor could do. Shed the masks you all wear and present to me your true selves. If you could prove your worth, I would hand everything without a delay the crown and throne to you."

Angelique spoke with much conviction and determination that one would forget that she was the Lady who appeared about to be broken to pieces earlier. She was as much as Lion her brother could be. A Lioness that would not falter whatever that would come before her way. She was a making of a great leader. No, she already is despite her gender and blindness. The Queen Princess knew for a fact the events that would next transpire after this proclamation. However, Amalric had given this to her as his final wish. In that thought, she would not waver from the path about to be made through treachery and chaos.

"Chief Eunuch, the papers that you have contains the last will of the Emperor and his wishes. It was written by him and has his seal and blood as signature. The regency would be passed down to me. I would rule in this tumultuous period.

The Throne of Serpents would remain vacant until such person of greater glory would claim it without fail and subdue me.

Prince Cedric and the unborn child of the Lion would also partake in this if they do wish. Gavon, you too may as well. Ser Delian, you are free to take the throne as well. This is the wish of your Emperor Amalric del Acraman. I challenge you. Show me a resolve that would make the earth tremble and make the Name Almaric be a mere smudge in the panels of history.

This is the art of succession."

The setting changes from Seygas to The Hundred Kingdoms

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#, as written by inu-bri
A small laugh escaped Crisiana's lips "You are far too kind my Lord I am naught but a girl of average appearance," she replied modestly her eyes dropping to assess the intricate patterns of the tiles on the floor, she had been through such lines before but it sounded different when Phaileru, it almost reminded her of when Basil said it to her those years ago. Shaking her head as if to awaken herself she looked up at Phaileru a smile over her face but her eyes sad, showing her inner turmoil. Her eyes had always been her downfall in this regard, almost anyone could see her emotions through her eyes. "My lord, I was going to walk through the garden if you wish to join me," she offered, making an extravagant gesture towards the beautiful palace gardens, 'perhaps it would be nicer to have company...' she thought to herself as her eyes threatened to start tearing up again.

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It was rather fitting. Phaileru stepped out of the chamber, attempted to escape the politics, the dishonor, the inherent corruption of the system he so deeply wished to join. Someone, however, stayed, when Phaileru could not.

Every noble had one somewhere, their train. Their consorts, their musicians, their guards, their cooks, their diplomats. They were as faceless and nameless as a poor tapestry, drifting, hardly more than limbs to the noble's mind. Phaileru stepped out, took a moment to see a world beyond castle walls and steep towers, but his train did not promptly follow.

In the unrecognized shadows of the hall, amidst other equally silent servants and onlookers, one Khadra, an Eisul woman slightly older than Phaileru had her head unceremoniously up, her face not veiled as required by Eisul women. Her absolutely stunning black hair fell back unkempt, her wide set Eisul eyes her mark, her chains, but her spirit was not crushed like those of her people.

Phaileru was weak, a flitting fancy, a salesman if anything, trying to gain power through weak negotiation. He had useless concepts of love and beauty, and he spent too long on unimportant dribble, while unable to hold himself to any serious matter. Khadra had spent her life holding him into the noble mold, which she knew was hers to fill.

"Company makes all perfumes sweeter, and tears have no place enriching gardens, my lady." Phaileru said, seeing Crisiana's eyes turn, he held out his arm behind her, and began to walk towards the well kept lawns and flowers, pristine to a genius gardener's plans.

Khadra couldn't help but glance around the room. The looks were priceless, nobility were constantly taught to act inhumanly, without the faults of the lower classes. Khadra had no such excuse, it was many a myth that surrounded her. Khadra, who came to midwife and would lay the sweet babe to sleep, smiling as she laid the child into her bed. Covering her up kindly, and walking away from the fresh grave still smiling.

Perhaps if the good Queen, the Lioness, could see Khadra in her corner, her face marked with not a smile, but a distinct brooding look, sultry, though she were imagining some new epiphany impossibly hilarious to the moment, and refraining from laughter.

It was time to see how much noble blood would be spilled without her intervention, and judge the situation there.

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#, as written by inu-bri
Crisiana smiled at Phaileru, she had heard such comments before but decided to overlook it. gently placing her arm on top of his she walked beside him in a stoic manner, "you are far too kind with your compliments sir," she said with a little smile quivering at the corners of her lips, "I hardly desrve the flattery," she continued modestly, brushing a loose strand of hair away from her eyes.

Her gaze was fixed on their gorgeous surrounding, flowers of every colour of the rainbow bloomed and in the distance the sound of fountain could be heard. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of the hundreds of flowers around them. Keeping her eyes closed, her tiny smile grew into a stunning one, which showed her pearly white teeth, a variety of happy memories came to her and she soon began to laugh quietly, a tinkling laugh that caused her to radiate with sudden uncontrolled joy.

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"You've been made too much of a Seygan, chasing away compliments. Truth is true, believe it or not, and it's getting you nowhere denying it." Phaileru saw her combating a smile, but something was making her break. He did notice a distinct aroma in the air, which tied together, quite beautifully, the colors and the atmosphere. Was it Quince? He wouldn't claim to know.

"Funny, that I think I might give up titles and banquets if I could have something like this." The Az Ndaliq stooped down towards a particularly charming mass of flowers, whose tall stone vase was completely hidden behind the blossoms. "Not the water, or the flowers, or the trees, or the peace. Perhaps.... perhaps the grass. It's soft as moss, so perfectly manicured. I think to have grass like this I might die happy, I'd think someone who had such beauty would be a lucky man."

Admittedly, Phaileru was staring at Crisiana throughout his monologue.

Khadra tried to fight back the urge to spit. A worthless Andak wasn't owed a single tear, let alone a roomful. Ironically, her attempts to hold back her seething anger seemed like a weak woman holding back hysteria, a fellow servant turned to her, reassuring her.

Reassuring her that, like so many times before, a power hungry leader would replace a power hungry leader, and her people could return to slavery along with so many other peoples of the world, and everyone could bow and wail and be delightfully numb. Drugged by the idea that someone powerful was protecting them.

These people gave up their freedom for safety, and that made them weak. They hadn't even been born into slavery, and they chose peace over something so valuable. Obviously no one here was worth that seat. Khadra bowed her head, letting her unplanned disguise remain.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: The Chronicler
Character Portrait: Crisiana Atar
Character Portrait: Larsus Montclair
Character Portrait: Delian Vaynheart
Character Portrait: Gavon Raine
Character Portrait: Phaileru Darloq
Character Portrait: Albrecht Leoriksun


Character Portrait: Albrecht Leoriksun
Albrecht Leoriksun

The Prince from the frozen north sent as an emmisary for his father.

Character Portrait: Phaileru Darloq
Phaileru Darloq

Of the House of Darloq, and his opulent estate at Az Ndal, sitting pretty on the willing Eisul, on their Matuba Bay on the wide South Sea

Character Portrait: Gavon Raine
Gavon Raine

King of Sain, Duke of Vaynmark, and cousin to the late Emperor Amalric. Fond of merriment to the detriment of the affairs of his domains.

Character Portrait: Delian Vaynheart
Delian Vaynheart

The Blackjoy of Vaynmark

Character Portrait: Larsus Montclair
Larsus Montclair

The powerful Duke of Coldharbour and Myrantia, Lord of the Poison Counties and Patriarch of Great House Montclair.

Character Portrait: Crisiana Atar
Crisiana Atar

The unknown lover of deceased Basil.


Character Portrait: Albrecht Leoriksun
Albrecht Leoriksun

The Prince from the frozen north sent as an emmisary for his father.

Character Portrait: Gavon Raine
Gavon Raine

King of Sain, Duke of Vaynmark, and cousin to the late Emperor Amalric. Fond of merriment to the detriment of the affairs of his domains.

Character Portrait: Larsus Montclair
Larsus Montclair

The powerful Duke of Coldharbour and Myrantia, Lord of the Poison Counties and Patriarch of Great House Montclair.

Character Portrait: Delian Vaynheart
Delian Vaynheart

The Blackjoy of Vaynmark

Character Portrait: Crisiana Atar
Crisiana Atar

The unknown lover of deceased Basil.

Character Portrait: Phaileru Darloq
Phaileru Darloq

Of the House of Darloq, and his opulent estate at Az Ndal, sitting pretty on the willing Eisul, on their Matuba Bay on the wide South Sea

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Gavon Raine
Gavon Raine

King of Sain, Duke of Vaynmark, and cousin to the late Emperor Amalric. Fond of merriment to the detriment of the affairs of his domains.

Character Portrait: Larsus Montclair
Larsus Montclair

The powerful Duke of Coldharbour and Myrantia, Lord of the Poison Counties and Patriarch of Great House Montclair.

Character Portrait: Phaileru Darloq
Phaileru Darloq

Of the House of Darloq, and his opulent estate at Az Ndal, sitting pretty on the willing Eisul, on their Matuba Bay on the wide South Sea

Character Portrait: Delian Vaynheart
Delian Vaynheart

The Blackjoy of Vaynmark

Character Portrait: Albrecht Leoriksun
Albrecht Leoriksun

The Prince from the frozen north sent as an emmisary for his father.

Character Portrait: Crisiana Atar
Crisiana Atar

The unknown lover of deceased Basil.

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Most recent OOC posts in Art of Succession

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession

Well what's this other rp you were referring to

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession

Yes it would've been a wonderful roleplay. I never did get my character accepted a year ago or any reply for that matter. I say it sadly died before I even applied. Though I'd love to be proven wrong.

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession

Yessirrr this one looked great to me and I was hoping to join it.

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession

Someone breathes on this? You're alive? Praise be to the northern gods. Hello there youngling looking for good roleplay I presume?

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession

Is this roleplay still open for new characters to join ?

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

I will be joining the roleplay after I educate myself on the characters and the current plot so my character wouldn't disturb the flow of the plot. This is largely based on European Medieval Politics correct? Should prove a challenge. I hope everyone is still posting here.

Another question is where is the Lioness (Soah) now? Did she give birth? The last post with the midwife confused me. I am thinking of making my character a cousin of Soah's as well as her head lady-in-waiting (handmaiden/ attendant) so that would be helpful.

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

360Tan wrote:might have to wait until tomorrow. It is very late and I am not sure I want to start him/her tonight

No worries.

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

might have to wait until tomorrow. It is very late and I am not sure I want to start him/her tonight

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

360Tan wrote:I'm going to create a character in a second but I have one quick question.

Many of the aspects of this plot line seem to be similer to a series of books called A Song of Ice and Fire. This world would not happen to be based off of this series would it?

Not only that but the picture of the throne just happens to be a picture of the throne from this series. A throne made from the swords of the king's vanquished armies.

Either way, this looks to be a lot of fun. I will be stepping out of my usual character roles and joining this.

My fault, I just couldn't find a properish image for the rp.

Great to know that you're interested (and have read ASoIaF) though :D

I'll just wait till you get a character up, and we'll be starting this rp in earnest.

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

It most certainly is influenced by A Song of Ice and Fire, but also by diadochi and charlesmagne, along with countless other imperceptible influences. And glad you're interested in joining!

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

I'm going to create a character in a second but I have one quick question.

Many of the aspects of this plot line seem to be similer to a series of books called A Song of Ice and Fire. This world would not happen to be based off of this series would it?

Not only that but the picture of the throne just happens to be a picture of the throne from this series. A throne made from the swords of the king's vanquished armies.

Either way, this looks to be a lot of fun. I will be stepping out of my usual character roles and joining this.

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

Ehehh... As usual I break the mold. I except Phaileru to strike other nobles as a bit of a joke... Although I can already see that he would have met the Montclairs as Az Ndal is also in the south of the 100 kingdoms, and growing in an attempt to challenge the port city of Coldharbour for dominance of South Sea trade... which would inevitably lead to some cruel looks towards Az Ndal, since it's navy is essentially a very organized, patriotic, slave-bearing smuggling ring.

I'm sure Phaileru has someone check his drinks after reading that bit about poisions... The vast difference between energetic, flamboyant Phaileru and more reserved Larsus is also a point of contention, if not just humor.

I'm absolutely positive Crisiana would have received a few pieces of pearl jewelry and probably a rare Paradisaical Cologne (the sort illegal to be taken out of Az Ndal) from Prince Phaileru, both because he tends to give away those such things as a form of showing off, and because he's famously after whatever woman passes his glance, if they've ever met would be irrelevant to be honest.

Angelique would have received plenty of perfumes, although Phaileru has enough social tact not to send a blind princess jewelry...

Otherwise Phaileru is a world traveler and has a love of foreign culture and study, and he speaks enough languages to go literally anywhere seamlessly, although the chances of other Diplomats speaking Udali or even having been to Az Ndal would probably be slim due to its lingering reputation as a cesspool.

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

I find that one of the most interesting aspects of my PCs is shared history with other PCs. For example, my Gavon usurped Delian Vaynheart's duchy about a decade ago and helped kill off his family. This provides untold points of contention. All of our PCs will at the least have heard of each other, but I think most of them will have had some sort of shared history. So, lets get talking about what this shared history is.

Obviously Gavon Raine is going to have a ton of it with his blind cousin who's name eludes me. However, even though I made this post I'm not going to make any suggestions at the moment because it's 5:30 in the morning and I really need to get to sleep right now. But I'll have some soon enough. Don't hesitate to post ideas here or PM them to me.

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

Misdemeanor wrote:Pardon me, I have a question out of curiosity and to ensure I am not misspelling it. The name should be spelled Amalric, Almaric or Almarik? Since in your introduction and OOC post the names seemed to be different. I just want to clear that up...

Oops, sorry about that.

The name should be "Amalric". Bit of a screw-up here as I'm collaborating on this stuff with a friend who hasn't made an account here yet. <,<

Thanks for the heads up!

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

Pardon me, I have a question out of curiosity and to ensure I am not misspelling it. The name should be spelled Amalric, Almaric or Almarik? Since in your introduction and OOC post the names seemed to be different. I just want to clear that up...

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

Sorry I totally missed that part O-O

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

inu-bri wrote:
merodach wrote:Ah great to know. :D

I'd suggest toning down the bit about the cavalry though. Because

1. Over thirty-three thousand cavalry for one lord is a bit much. Maybe about a tenth of that if you meant knights and men-at-arms.


2. Providing your liege lord with soldiers in times of war is service expected from every feudal vassal. "Giving" him soldiers wouldn't work because it would just be forcing the king to pay for soldiers that were going to be serving him anyways from his own pocket. I suggest just mentioning that her house was rich for a good dowry and was powerful enough for the king to want to stay on the good side of.

ok I've fixed both of these, is there anything else? :)

and in return her Lord Father would give the King 1000 cavalry units and 5000 Crowns a year

Again, I suggest you cut out this part. "Giving" the king soldiers that are already owed to him makes no sense.

But just a nitpick, welcome aboard.

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

merodach wrote:Ah great to know. :D

I'd suggest toning down the bit about the cavalry though. Because

1. Over thirty-three thousand cavalry for one lord is a bit much. Maybe about a tenth of that if you meant knights and men-at-arms.


2. Providing your liege lord with soldiers in times of war is service expected from every feudal vassal. "Giving" him soldiers wouldn't work because it would just be forcing the king to pay for soldiers that were going to be serving him anyways from his own pocket. I suggest just mentioning that her house was rich for a good dowry and was powerful enough for the king to want to stay on the good side of.

ok I've fixed both of these, is there anything else? :)

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

Ah great to know. :D

I'd suggest toning down the bit about the cavalry though. Because

1. Over thirty-three thousand cavalry for one lord is a bit much. Maybe about a tenth of that if you meant knights and men-at-arms.


2. Providing your liege lord with soldiers in times of war is service expected from every feudal vassal. "Giving" him soldiers wouldn't work because it would just be forcing the king to pay for soldiers that were going to be serving him anyways from his own pocket. I suggest just mentioning that her house was rich for a good dowry and was powerful enough for the king to want to stay on the good side of.

Re: [OOC] Art of Succession [medieval intrigue]

I'll fix that now :D

edit: fixed it up, tell me if that is more what you're looking for :)