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Asylum,  This place reminds me of labs.

Akram Asylum


a part of Asylum, This place reminds me of labs., by PandaTheAwesomeAsu.


PandaTheAwesomeAsu holds sovereignty over Akram Asylum, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Akram Asylum is a part of Asylum, This place reminds me of labs..

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Alex Gregor [0] You can't harm what you can't touch and you can't kill if your already dead.
Warden Diederich Eckhard [0] No weapon becomes obsolete... it is merely that they can no longer satiate our growing bloodlust.
Rave Smith [0] "i want out. NOW"
Seiko Inoue [0] just get away from me i'm not safe
Natsuki Rhima [0] "I know something, so they brought me here, at least I know Ritsuko is still alive"
Ritsuko Hanabi [0] "I was here the longest, for now all I can do is help those who are just arriving cope...." Not considered one of the seven her power was something that developed in only her and it's stronger then the rest.

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Seiko looked at the two people in the room and the she remembered what the guy said let out of here and she guessed that the door could only be opened from the outside. Seiko crawled almost to the nearest wall and propped herself against it all of the events of the day have rally taken it out of her she was Exhausted she said
"Sorry again about barging in like this"
but without waiting for an answer Seiko was asleep.


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"jeeze....being a weapon is a choice. you can CHOOSE not to kill people. simple as that. much like me." Rave said to the guy.
"as for you, are you gonna be okay or are you gonna die on me?" she asked but realized the girl was asleep.
"damn" she muttered and stood.
"molecular combustion. That's what i do. Burn people from the inside out, melt things by touching them, or focusing hard enough. I kissed a guy once and melted...boiled...his blood and insides. It was an accident...but it saved my life. so i believe we could use our..abilities...for the betterment of man kind." Rave said knowing she was pretty much talking to herself now.


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Seiko awoke with a start , she was dreaming of her friend and the first time she found out she had powers. she looked around and the the girl was standing up but he boy was still lying on the floor. Seiko stood up and lit another flame and them said
"So what is you name, I'm Seiko, I would offer my hand for you to shake but as you can see my hands are full"
Seiko gave a small smile .


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ā€œA weapon doesnā€™t have a choiceā€¦ can a gun chose when or who pulls itsā€™ trigger, did a gun decide to mold itself into a object of destructionā€¦ Weapons are made and molded by those who know best how to craft themā€¦ Combustion and a Pyroā€¦ my power is quite similar I guessā€¦ I can control the temperature of whatever Iā€™m in contact withā€¦ be it the airā€¦ā€ When he said that the room seemed to drop a ten to fifteen degrees. ā€œOr through my skinā€¦ā€ Steam began to rise from his strait jacket before he fixed the temperature. ā€œIts quite a effective powerā€¦ freeze or super heatā€¦ mayhap both for steam. Only thing is they keep this jacket on me because if I invoke a lethal amount of heat itā€™ll catch on fire and Iā€™ll burn to deathā€¦ so I canā€™t say they arenā€™t learningā€¦ and they have a metal band around my ankles to crush them should I invoke my cold to muchā€¦ as metal contracts when cold is appliedā€¦ and theyā€™re already more then tight.ā€


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"i could get you out." Rave said with a smile.
"and your a human, not a gun or a knife or any other type of weapon. your not an in~anamate object you have a CHOICE." she said
"Im Rave by the by" she said to Seiko


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Ritsuko frowned softly and headed back to gregor's room to ask him if he saw Seiko or the new girl Rave, she walked in but took off her shoe wedging it in the door so it wouldn't close, she looked at Seiko and sighed. "So this is where you were." She looked at Rave, Ritsuko often stole research papers to learn a little about the other patients, mostly just their names and what to expect. "So you must be Rave, I'm Ritsuko Hanabi. I'm planning an escape for all of us but until then chill and act obedient. I gave Gregor here the details so far of what I've got planned. After they give you meds you won't be able to use your power, so be careful and don't challenge the big guys without back-up or a plan. The asylum itself acts as a containment protocol against your powers the stronger your powers. The less these walls and drugs can contain them, so far me and Gregor have been the only ones who can use our powers to a high extent, well because the doctors are too afraid to go near Gregor and they need the big guys to hold me down." Even then the drugs didn't work on Ritsuko, well because the drugs were designed for humans.


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Rave gave the girl a once over.
"yes, im Rave. Its nice to meet you Ritsuko Hanabi, and with all due respect, i dont take orders. from anyone. I know why im here, and i know what they want, and i WILL NOT take their crap. They'll die trying if that's what it takes" Rave said fiercly. She admired that the girl had a plan but she didnt like her thinking she could just, assume the possition of boss because her powers where epic.
"i wont let them ruin me. so chill and act obedient isnt on my game plan. Thanks for filling me in though, and for the warning 'so be careful and don't challenge the big guys without back-up or a plan' though most my plans consist of kick ass now ask questions later." Rave said calming enough to give the girl a grin.
"by the by, your plan...does it have a place for molecular combustion? cuz im down for helping if you need me." Rave said as she looked out the door, just sneeking a peek.


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Ritsuko said that she had a plan, But Seiko didn't want to have more of the sedative it wasn't nice and she liked using her power so Seiko said
"Hi Ritsuko, but im with Rave on this on i don't want to play along i like using my powers, I'm sorry but i don't want the sedative again"
she looked at the girl and Seiko pleaded with her because she could see that Ritsuko was intent on using her plan. To show the fact that she likes using her powers she tried to make the fire ball brighter but this time her whole arm caught flames Seiko was surprised she had not expected that to happen and as quickly as it happen she put it out.


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The perfectly rehearsed march moved towards the cell each step forward was perfectly timed to meet the floor at the exact time as everyone else. It was hard to tell the numbers until the door opened and five members of the containment unit took aim, four had laser sights leveled on Gregorā€™s forehead while the fifth had his aimed at Ritsuko. ā€œYou three get out and go to your roomsā€¦ you are currently in a off limits cellā€¦ go to your rooms and prepare for diner night time meds have been pushed back to nine oā€™ clock instead of sevenā€¦ enjoy your excess time once security has been restoredā€¦ which wonā€™t happen until all patients are in their rooms. And order has been restored. So fast you get back to your rooms the fast you can enjoy consciousness.ā€

Gregor sighed at the multitude of red dots on his head. ā€œWellā€¦ I know when Iā€™m out matchedā€¦ so I think Iā€™ll behave for nowā€¦ best do what the man says. They donā€™t tend to ask nicely twiceā€¦ā€


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"ai ai ass hole" Rave said and sauntered past the guards. She smirked and gave the guards a wink before stepping out the door.
"anyone of you big strong men want to give me a tour...or at least show me where my room is?" Rave called over her shoulder. One of the men stepped out of the unit and gestured with his gun.
"that way" he growled. Rave grinned.
"Yes ma'am" she laughed and started down the hall.


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Guards walked in to the room and brandished a gun a said the we were all to get back to our rooms Rave was the first to walk out the Seiko and she said
"So any strapping young men want to walk me to my room."
She was surprised with what she just said she had not expected that come out of her mouth. then one guy walked forward with a frown on his face and he said
"move that way"
she moved the way he pointed and continued on to her room then she got there and went in she got locked in and she sniggered
"like that's that is going to keep me in here"
Seiko's side was still bleeding heavily so she found a dressing and something to sterilize the wound and when she did she sterilized it and dressed it hoping that this would stop the bleeding.


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Ritsuko looked at Gregor. "I'll talk to ya later, and why can't things go easily for once?" She muttered and walked back toward her room tripping one of the low ranked guards on her way. She sat down on her bed across from Seiko hearing the door clicked into it's locked position. "Listen Seiko I know you like using your powers, but there is a time to use them and a time to chill and not use them. This place itself puts a damper on how much you can use them, a restriction. You noticed how the guards pointed guns at only me and Gregor, it's because at this point and time him and I hold highest priority or are most dangerous. Part of my plan is to put all attention on me so you guys don't get hurt, all of you will escape a head of time in front of me and me and Gregor will act as decoys if he agrees to it. We will follow soon after. A week ago I stole a map from one of the high ranked officers rooms. It shows me all of the watchtowers and the range of light they each have. Even once we're out of here you all need to control your powers I don't want you guys to get hurt but you have to understand that those guards will kill you if they see the need to, if you openly display disobedience or your powers they will shoot you."


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Seiko listened to what Ritsuko said and then understood but she was not going to let her only friend in this place basically let her self get willingly shot for her and the others so she said
"Ritsuko i understand completely but i don't want almost dieing for us , but if you don't mind me asking what is your power, since you already know what my power is. "
Seiko smiled at Ritsuko, then felt a sudden pain come from her side and gripped it and winced a little.


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Ritsuko took a needle out from the lining of her bed with a small thread. "Allow me to stick that." She went and sat on Seiko's bed. "My power is called Electropathy. Fire normally compliments my power and if added to a attack I've come up with using a quarter it can do some nasty damage. I call it a rail-gun. I heard the scientists talking, they don't understand why the drugs don't work on me. I heard them say that I wasn't apart of the original seven, they base the theory that the drugs don't work on me because of that. Das Wardens personal soldiers are all outfitted with rubber so I can't hurt them like I can the rent-a-cops. There is only one guard here we can trust. His name is Sergeant Michael Bleu. Tonight, their bringing in two more people, which means there so much closer to bringing the original seven together, and if your wondering how I know this... I like to steal their crap."


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"You said something about the original seven do you know how these people are?, and I kinda guessed you liked to steal stuff."

Seiko giggled when she said this. Seiko was really curious now she wanted to know if she was one and if she was then what did her future hold now and the worst thing is she had no family to help her though it, but she did have friends. Seiko looked at her hands and concentrated and then a fire ball appeared in her hand and she made it bigger.


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"The original seven, from the information me and Natsuki gathered yes you are one of them. Your powers were created and manifested within you as a fetus. Das Warden wants to use you guys for something big, but it's not good. The first seven he created without fail which means he'll use this research to make more kids with enhanced abilities. I plan on stopping him, killing him if I have to. And it's not that I like to steal stuff, I'm just really really good at it."