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Chiba Tomoe

Kitsune. Tomoe is a five-tailed fox, born in the Iwate prefecture. Owns a brothel.

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a character in “Bad Hands”, as played by Chiba Tomoe


The Clever Flame, Saiko Komon


Name: "I have many names, most of them nicknames or titles. But I suppose, for sake of convenience, you may call me Tomoe. Chiba Tomoe. I think it's cute." He smiles softly, perhaps a bit mischievously. "Others seem to like it, as well. Short, easy to remember. Many of my titles are sentences long," he brags, just a bit vain. He wears his name as most Japanese do, with the surname first and his given name last.
Age: Tomoe chuckled quietly, genuinely amused. "Can I just answer with very old? Or need you look at my tails?" Chiba is five hundred and thirty four years old, with a graceful array of five tails to accentuate it.
Race: "The race of the clever, the swift. The race of the fox." Tomoe is a kitsune, and an old one at that.
Faction: "I give my allegiance to the family that has served my needs the greatest in the past centuries. And with them I will stay until the day I have died. I have sworn myself to the Terajima."
Role: "I suppose I should feel honored that I have the title of saiko komon. I think it is supposed to be a compliment towards my wisdom? In any case, the oyabun is the only one who is freely graced with my advice. Others must pay a hefty price."

Complexion: Pale, clear-skinned. His is the skin of a young royal, clear and without touch of the sun.
Body Type: Short and slight. He has many times been mistaken for a young girl. It amuses him.
Height and Weight: As a fox, he stands at 2'4" at a weight of 12 pounds. As a human, he is 5'2" at a weight of 102 pounds. He likes the smaller size, though has been known to disguise himself as a large, burly American when he doesn't want to be found.
Distinguishing marks: When he gets drunk, he loses control over one tail that sways with his drunken mirth. What's most distinguishing about him as a human, though, are his small eyebrows. It also must be pretty obvious that he wears such large kimonos in such a modern age. And his small stature doesn't exactly help him "blend in." As a fox he has five tails. The only thing about his appearance he can't control while posing as a human are his golden eyes.
Apparent Temperament: Tomoe, a zenko kitsune, is loyal to his oyabun. He appears quiet and stately, but is in actuality a prankster. He performs harmless tricks on various people, regardless of their position. It's hard to pin these pranks on him, however, because he is learned in the art of keeping a straight face. Despite these silly tricks, he's a generally calm person. He likes to speak in esoteric riddles, but will speak directly if the situation calls for it. He is rarely seen without an amused smile. He hardly ever appears agitated or sad, as he sees those as signs of vulnerability and weakness. He does occasionally feel sad or upset, however. It's also pretty strange that he rarely blinks, but maybe that's just me?
He's not lazy, but he treasures comfort above all else. If he's not in the lobby of the bordello, he's most likely reclining in the sitting room, smoking and sipping sake.
Hair and eyes: His black hair is long and straight, and there is never a strand out of line. Capped by short, black eyebrows, his slitted, golden eyes are a telltale sign of his inhumanity. His vanity keeps his hair shiny and soft, but he is often frustrated with his inability to hide the strangeness of his eyes. He feels that gold isn't a color that suits him.
Facial features: Feminine and delicate. His eyes, already small due to his Asian heritage, are often kept at half-mast (partly to look relaxed, but mostly to cover the color of his eyes. Which people can see despite his efforts). He allows the small bump of an Adam's apple on his slender neck so he doesn't look completely feminine. His lips are a soft pink and perfectly bowed.
Wardrobe: Many large kimonos, usually layered. On a casual day, he'll wear them in pinks and light greens, soft colors to imply a relaxed day. When asked to dress formally, he wears dark blues and golds to call attention to his so-called "nobility." What he doesn't know, however, is that most people just roll their eyes. Yes, you're old, we get it already!
When travelling, he changes into a hakama that actually fits. But no matter what he's wearing in any situation, he always wears many jeweled rings on his fingers and his pearly hoshi no tama around his neck. He tries to protect his precious "star ball" within the many folds of his kimonos, securely against his chest.

Almost in spite of his age and wisdom and "nobility," Tomoe is a trickster above all else. He feels like it is his responsibility to lighten the mood, even if just with jokes or his small pranks. He is a hopeless romantic and loves reading trashy romance novels. He will even let his boys go if they've fallen in love with someone. Surprisingly, he is still a virgin, looking for that special "someone." But that doesn't stop him from making veiled innuendos. And despite the fact that he enjoys dressing like a woman and owns a gay bordello, no one knows if Tomoe is actually gay or not. He flatters men and women alike, flirting with an eerily straight face. Though he sometimes lets a small smile to sneak through, revealing his amusement. And although he wears womanly clothing, he clearly identifies as a man. He doesn't like the softness of a woman's body. Though he really loves their pretty clothes.
He thrives on the mental discomfort of others, but likes to make sure everyone is physically relaxed. He is a mother-hen type, protective of his own and cautious of strangers. He generally stays inside of his brothel, watching out for his boys and smoking. He likes it when they have meetings at his brothel; the place is extremely comfortable and lavish. It also makes him feel a bit more important.
He hatehatehates technology. He doesn't understand it. It frustrates him and he usually sets it aflame. However, due to necessity, he keeps an old Nokia brick for when he needs to be reached.
Speech: Tomoe has a very quiet voice, and usually speaks with an educated vocabulary. His voice is smooth and in a deep tenor, signifying his gender. When drunk, however, he's loud and slightly annoying. He tends to be a know-it-all when he's had a bit too much sake. When he's frustrated and thinks he's alone in a room, he curses in Japanese. It amuses those who hear it; it's strange to hear such coarse language from such a conservative mouth. His soft voice is usually taken as an indication of weakness, but those who think so are quickly proven wrong.
Pet Peeves: DOGS. And ignorant, loud people. Technology is high on this list, as are people who try to teach him to use it. He dislikes dog owners, as they usually smell like the damn beast.
Favorite color: Pink suits him best, though his favorite is a dark blue. Despite his dislike of the color gold, he thinks it goes smashingly with the blue.

Specialty: Tomoe owns a brothel, and is a keeper of information. He rarely freely gives out advice anymore, but when he does, you'd best take heed. He is skilled with his fox fire, but rarely uses it. He's more reliant on quick, quiet fights.
Fighting Style: Though he usually uses trickery to take advantage of his opponents, Tomoe is skilled at knife-throwing. When he feels overpowered, however, he uses his fox fire to either lead opponents astray or to burn them alive.
Preferred Weaponry: Small knives tucked into his sleeves.
  • Dogs: They cause him to drop his human form and run like a bat outta hell. They terrify him, simple as that.
  • Hoshi no Tama: It basically carries his soul. Legend has it, if a kitsune is separated from the talisman for too long, he may die. Tomoe doesn't know if this is true, nor does he want to find out.
  • Sake: Though he isn't a lush, Tomoe loves getting drunk with friends. And maybe strangers.
  • Technology: It makes him upset and emotionally volatile. And dangerous. With fire.
    Inventory: He carries a little pouch of leaves and small "found" trinkets around his waist as a human and a fox. He carries his old Nokia in the sleeves of his kimono. He wears many jewels on his fingers and his tear-shaped hoshi-no-tama around his neck. He keeps his hoshi no tama in his mouth when he's in his natural form.
    Minor Ability: Possession of people, trickery of the simple-minded, and various other small magics. He's extremely knowledgeable. He's good with medicines and bandages. He also has expert control over his fox fire and illusion-casting. In shadows or in the night, he can become virtually invisible.
    Additional Guise: He has many small disguises when trying to sneak around, though he mainly keeps to his appearance of a feminine boy. His other main appearance, though used MUCH less than his usual guise, is of a large, dirty American man.

    Hobbies: Loves to eat. Also loves shiny things. He plays biwa in his spare time. He "finds" little shiny things in people's pockets (such as marbles, coins, rings, etc.). He likes giving Sahen the wrong names when advising him on a bet.
    • Shiny things. They amuse him so much.
    • Fried tofu. It's just so delicious! If he didn't watch himself, he'd gain about twenty pounds from eating that alone.
    • Intelligent conversation. He really can't stand idiots.
    • His boys. They are his children, his little castaways. He makes them beautiful, wanted.
    • Smoking. He even sometimes dabbles in opium, though never too much.
    • Witty jokes. He pretends he doesn't, though, because he has the weirdest laugh. I do not! He really does.
    • Luxury. It makes him feel respected. Not to mention it's comfy as hell.
    • Idiots. Oh my God. Damn ignoramuses who can't seem to look up a fact before arguing it are the worst.
    • Abusive/unfaithful husbands. Out of respect for his mother, who was a wonderful mother and died a normal fox in a fight with Tomoe's father, Tomoe likes to think of himself as a protector of the hurt. Despite how it might hurt his business, if he finds out one of his clients is married, he gives an "anonymous tip" to the wife of where her husband goes when he says he's playing pachinko.
    • Dogs. Terrifying, dirty beasts. With those teeth and spittle... *shudder*
    • Uncooked tofu. Just. It's so slimy!
    • Hunters. Dirty, terrible men who steal the skins of animals.
    • Technology. It's confusing and stupid. And it always changes! Why bother even trying to keep up with it? *grumblegrumbledamnyoungsters*
    • People mocking his age. Respect your elders the elderly those with more power than you!
    • Currency. "How many coins to a paper? Oh, forget it, I'll just trust my boys to count it."
Fears: Dogs and hunters. Even worse when they're teamed up.
Agenda: He started out with the yazuka for convenience in his travels. When he settled in his brothel, he quickly climbed in ranks. His loyalty is fortified by centuries of fellowship. Also, it's pretty fucking nice to have whole gangs at your beck and call.
Where they hail from: The countryside of the Iwate prefecture is where Tomoe was born, but the kitsune seems to have origins all over Japan.
Relations: None, besides his mother who died centuries ago. He doesn't know what happened to his father, or his siblings. Though his brothers and sisters seemed pretty ordinary. They probably died normal foxes, pelts for the happy huntsman.
Notable Experiences: Tomoe was born in the countryside of the Iwate prefecture, from where he derived his human surname. On his hundredth birthday, he transformed into a young girl and hitched a ride to the coast of Miyako. There, he started out as a simple pickpocket. He learned much about people, cooking, and the rest of the world. He quickly learned to read and used his knowledge to burn through literature in his spare time. He eventually set up shop as an advice-giver.

He enjoyed listening to the tales of foreigners. He learned of the European Renaissance and devoured the Greek literature. He learned philosophy and poetry and devoured epics and dramas. He ignored science for the most part, as it confused his spiritually-based mind.

He despised the Industrial Revolution, as the smog it produced was suffocating. He lived in the countryside for about a century until the tools of industry became more refined. Then he resumed travelling the cities of Japan, where he learned of Communism. He decided the concept was sound, but people were too crooked for it to work properly. He was very sad when Hitler killed himself. He had such a brilliant mind, despite the fact that he was insane.

In his travels, he learned as much as he could and tricked many people. He often practiced his magic, and three times was obligated to grant a human a wish. The first was for wealth, and he used his illusive powers to make stones and sticks look like pearls and bars of gold. The second asked for power, and he carved a stick out of wood and gave it to the man. "It will be a strong sword in your times of need." It saved the man's life many a time. The third human, a woman, asked for advice on how to conceive a child. He replied, "Wait for the moon to grow fat. Then you will conceive." The woman birthed twin boys, and lived happily.

During his travels, he learned that advice was a way to pay, and started giving it out less freely. He frequently came into brief contact with the Terajima clan while he travelled, and eventually became their main source for information and advice. He later joined their ranks for the sake of convenience.When he finally settled in Osaka, he set up a brothel and quickly ascended in rank. He now sits as the saiko komon.

So begins...

Chiba Tomoe's Story

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At The Festival, January 8th

Trying to stay as dignified as possible, Tomoe suppressed his shivers from the cold night air. Any passes made at him were answered with a frigid and rather frightening glare, and any stray touches led to bruised wrists. This wasn't the best night to mess with the cold kitsune.

His sleeves were heavy-laden with several throwing knives and daggers, and perhaps the odd sashimi knife. Each of his layered kimonos was lined with sharp metal, and Tomoe was ready to strike.

So many people, rushing about for this that or the other. Most people were getting ready for the parade; it was big talk even at his shop in Doyama-cho. Everyone was excited for the large festival, whatever it was for. And damn it all if Tomoe had to be there, too. The Queller was in town. Everyone had to be there. No risks could be taken. Though he'd much rather stay in his brothel, watching after his boys in the warmth of a heated building. It was no fun out here on the cold streets, even with his hoshi no tama warming his chest and crowds of sweaty people messing his clothes. Crowds were not Tomoe's favorite place to be, despite the sticky body-warmth.

So for now, he'd just stand and wait and watch. Those Wild Dogs don't stand a chance against an angry kitsune.

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Character Portrait: Chiba Tomoe Character Portrait: Amori Tsubasa Character Portrait: Nin-Sama Character Portrait: Sachio Poko-pon
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Tomoe was getting bored, and standing in one spot wasn’t making him any warmer. He decided to take a look around the festival and see what attractions caught his eye. He decided against candied apples; they’d make him hyper and on-edge. He’d be jumpier than a little kid on Halloween. And as excited as the goldfish-catching made him, he already had enough at the shop; they were swimming on almost every counter at the brothel from festivals past.

One stall selling little trinkets caught his eye, however. He peered around and stifled a chuckle at a plastic fox mask. Oh, the irony. He paid five hundred yen (way over priced; it was worth MAYBE one-fifty) and pulled the elastic strap over his styled hair. The red and white mask obscured his face, and he was sure that anyone who saw him would recognize who he was. He chuckled, actually enjoying himself a bit now. He moved on, enjoying the ambiance a little more. Kids nearly as tall as he were running around with sparklers, and he could hear a biwa being played in the distance. He was almost certain he could play better.

After a few moments of walking, he saw a familiar face. With a sly grin under his fox’s face, he walked up to the scary-looking tengu. “Hello, Amori-san. Enjoying the festivities, are we?” He glanced at the trash can where the sake-jar had been tossed, and wished jealously that he could drink a bit, as well.

Center of the Festival

Nin tossed away her empty cup with a hmph. She should have gotten more water. She was thirsty again, dang it! “Where is that little rascal? He needs to get me a new drink!” The silly tanuki had run off once more, and Nin could only guess where he’d gone this time.

She pulled a bite of takoyaki from a wooden stick and looked around. So many little kids! They were all getting underfoot, and dirtying up their kimonos and yukatas! How disrespectful. And the biwa player’s makeup was so badly done! Grumpgrumpgrump.

No matter how she tried to hide it, though, Nin was having a great time. The food was good, the stall owners were polite, and she could feel something shimmering in the air. No, not excitement
 conflict. And goodness if that wasn’t excitement in its own.

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Character Portrait: Chiba Tomoe Character Portrait: Sahen Character Portrait: Amori Tsubasa Character Portrait: Yamada Shirayuki
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Festival Grounds, and perhaps she can’t just melt into the ground after all...
♫ ♫ ♫

Contact. Perhaps she was silly not to have expected it, but all the same, the smooth motion with which her hand was grasped elicited enough surprise that the offending fingertips nearly lost all color, though they held onto their solidity by a thread of will. It was the same thread that Shirayuki’s inner self clasped onto when she realized that his face was in much greater proximity now than it had been the moment before, and she swallowed, throat suddenly dry and a doubtlessly unbecoming scarlet hue spreading over her face. She was unable to do much, and she definitely had not the wherewithal to move, but likewise she did not flinch in the slightest, the only betrayal of her feelings the nearly-comical widening of her eyes. The words were almost lost, so startled was she by the suddenness with which she was seized (though, she supposed, it was far too delicate to be truly construed so), but in the end they only confused her further. She glanced quickly this way and that, as if to confirm that the other people passing them were in fact ordinary enough, and not some form of grotesque monster that would lead him to say such things.

People had once willingly said such things to her, and she had accepted them as nothing more than her due. That had been years ago now, though, and as her embarrassment and shock faded, they gave way not to shame (as they might have were she inclined to think him making jests at her expense), but rather a particular kind of amusement. She found him so very strange, and this was perhaps just one more instance of it to cement the inclination with proof. She could not be insulted for the very same reason she could not consider it a true compliment: he had not the faintest idea what he was talking about. This was the whole point of walking around masked. So instead, she assumed the overwrought chivalry to be a jest of some kind, and a breathy chuckle passed into the air between them, shattering that most peculiar hold she could have sworn his presence had inflicted on her before.

For her, it was as if his last comment confirmed her suspicions, and she smiled broadly, stepping back a little and bowing deeply, as if to humbly acquiesce to his request. It doubtlessly looked amusing, the willow-branch of a woman still gently clasping one hand and bending at the waist with unnecessary flourish before the foreigner with twinkling eyes. Her own crinkled at the corners with the force of the invisible smile, and she winked, gently tugging him so that he might follow her without getting lost in the crowd. True, contact was not something she was much accustomed to any longer, but that did not make her at all averse to it.

She flowed through the crowd as though it were a river and she were a fish, born for nothing quite so much as navigating the treacherous streams of passerby and merrymaker. Shirayuki was trying to devise a way to ask him what he felt like eating or doing, as most people she encountered didn’t understand sign language. Though she would have used her reedy-soft voice if it would have made a difference, there were simply too many people and too much noise for her to make herself audible. Instead, she stopped in front of a row of food vendors before releasing his hand and about-facing, tilting her head to one side in the clearest pantomime of an inquiry she could affect without intricate gestures and an understanding conversationalist like her brother. The smells of tempura and takoyaki drifted towards them from the little grills installed in the bannered boxes of industry, each wrought with brighter colors and bolder slogans than the last.

Osaka, where remembering is harder than it should be.

Image The bushy, rebellious eyebrow ascended his forehead immediately upon the approach of the small person, though he did not cease eating the odango he'd purchased himself. Tsubasa found it entirely impossible to discern the person’s gender by virtue of the voice issuing from behind the plastic mask, and moreover, the fact that whomever they were clearly knew his name was disturbed him. The more he thought about it (and he was taking his sweet time, too, standing there like a dumb fish for the better part of ten seconds and chewing contemplatively, if with a hint of exaggerated arrogance), the more he was certain he knew the person from somewhere. He just couldn’t place it.

The former monk swallowed with an air of finality. “Do I know you, lady?” he asked, the question almost petulant. It probably would have been, were his lingering confusion not so evident in every word of it. Instead of the crass address that he had tried to make it, then, it sounded like a genuine inquiry, and he resisted the urge to smack himself for getting it wrong

It was bothering him, though. He’d gone ahead and assumed the speaker was female, because in his experience, they didn’t make men that small, but there was something else, too. The vaguest inclination that he knew what the face underneath that mask looked like, and had had this particular internal debate with himself at some point in the not-so-distant past. For some reason, a peculiar, smoky scent was also called to mind, though no other associated impression leapt to the forefront of his boggled brain.

So, as he was convinced he ought to, he pretended that his confusion meant nothing to him, crossing his arms over his chest and staring around at the goings-on as though they held no particular interest to him, but then neither did the not-stranger. A sham, all of it: he was absolutely fascinated with the festival and all the people in it, the woman in front of him no less so than any of the rest and perhaps more. It was supposed to be rude to stare at women though, wasn’t it? Or did that very fact mean he should be doing so, as to appear more the lascivious drunkard sort?

Sometimes, all this pretending bamboozled the hell out of him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chiba Tomoe Character Portrait: Isamu Character Portrait: Amori Tsubasa Character Portrait: Nin-Sama Character Portrait: Sachio Poko-pon
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"The dragon is dead," came the whisper from Nin's pursed lips. What did this mean? She searched the eyes of Fate, trying to find an answer, but everything was too mixed up. An amalgamation of colours and sounds. This wasn't right. It wasn't. She saw the death of the lanternfish at the feet of Makoto and quailed. "Bad omens. Bad, bad omens." She'd forgotten Sachio's presence; she forgot the festival, the progression, the brewing war. She didn't think about others. Instead, she worried, How will this affect me? Hurt and harm, or business and glee. Something bad was going to happen tonight.

As the confused Tengu racked his memory for their earlier memories, Tomoe examined his nails boredly. They needed to be repainted. Perhaps a lighter pink this time. At the question, Tomoe couldn't help but chuckle. "Am I forgotten so easily, Amori-san?" he asked, tipping up his mask to reveal his face. He let the lady comment slide; it was common that he was mistake for a woman, and it had the potential to be hilarious if he could see how long he could drag out the mistake. "You'll have to stick to bars so I don't have to rescue you from the opium den again, if it affects your memory so." Tomoe had only seen the tengu take a drag before he was threatening other den-goers and doing strange karate moves.

Tomoe looked out to the festival with a sigh. Children played merrily, old couples walked serenly, and young couples dipped into giggling shadows for a quick grope and kiss. Tomoe looked into the sky and thought of the night full of promise. But as he shifted his feet, he felt the weight of his sleeves and frowned. He had a duty tonight.

He slipped the mask back over his face to conceal his eyes as they searched through the crowd. "Have you any plans for the night? There is much here to do." But just as he finished his sentence, the oyabun broke through the crowds. Startled, Tomoe pulled off his mask and held it at his side. "Isamu-sama," he greeted with a deep bow at the waist. "The parade has begun?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chiba Tomoe Character Portrait: Isamu Character Portrait: Sahen Character Portrait: Amori Tsubasa Character Portrait: Yamada Shirayuki
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Festival Grounds, where she’s enjoying things more than she’d expected.
♫ ♫ ♫

She might have snorted softly (not terribly ladylike of her), and might have rolled her eyes at him, but in the end her good humor won the day. With a small shrug, she procured some shrimp and a daifuku, handing him the former with a nod of thanks for footing the bill. Admittedly, she hadn’t fought the suggestion overmuch; she wasn’t exactly as well-off as she’d been in her childhood, and medical school did tend to drain one’s resources, scholarship or not.

They ambled for a while after that, mostly in silence, which was kind of nice. It was hard to recall the last time she’d been to this particular festival. She had hazy memories of these colors and smells, and of course this general area had been her home for most of her life, but
 hers had not been a duration particularly disposed to stopping and smelling the roses- or the assorted grilled goods, for that matter. There was, though, a vague inclination that if she looked skyward, she would see something that made her feel at ease: a great blue shape high above, watching over them all. Perhaps it was simply a childhood fantasy, that there was some powerful being out there who would deign to look benevolently upon the figures on the ground, and yet

She felt the rain before it began to fall. Such was one of her many useless talents, a vaguely prescient feeling about the weather, at least if precipitation was at all involved. This was a good thing, without a doubt- she had never been averse to the rain. At first it was tiny droplets, the kind that would fall and only dampen with great time, but gradually they coalesced into something more substantial, and she relished in the rush of relief that such things always brought with them, tilting her head skyward and welcoming the feel of moisture. Gravity was not quite enough to pull them from her, and they fell slowly only when she relinquished them, to patter on the earth quietly. Another silly, symptomatic something, but scarcely noticeable or important.

They were cut off by something, and Shirayuki opened her eyes to see her companion’s arm hovering over her head, a makeshift shield against that which would do her no harm. Sweet, but wholly unnecessary. Nevertheless, she allowed herself to be guided beneath a canopy, where only the occasional drop found its way to the ground. He said something she did not understand, followed by a question that made only a bit more sense. Shirayuki did not know who “they” were, but it did not seem of too much importance from the way he said it.

She might have even asked, for no other reason than to be polite, but the parade began in earnest now, and she watched with something between reverence and amusement at the procession meandered, marched, and shuffled by. Like his, her eyes found the dancers almost immediately. Her reason was of course entirely different, and a trace of longing flitted its way across her face before she settled into looking a little bit wistful. She was never hard to read, and did not play at stoicism, having learned long ago that it was a game she would never win. Still, at the same time as it saddened her to remember what she had lost, she still appreciated the grace and poise of the art, and so it made her happy, too.

The shapeshifters were always entertaining. It was not so unusual for most youkai to be able to do such things, but she, having only half that strength, was not. Any alterations that she underwent were entirely involuntary, and usually associated with situations most unpleasant.

Diverting her thoughts from that unfortunate tangent, she tried to think of how best to answer his question. It was still too loud, though, what with the music and the crowd, and she rubbed her throat ineffectually. She had thought of pointing to the sky, but since he already wondered if it had something to do with the weather, that probably wouldn’t work. Pursing her lips, she looked around, at last raising her hand to point at the painted likeness of a dragon, borne by several marchers and some distance in front of the mikoshi. Technically, she was unsure that this was even the right answer, but it had always seemed so to her. She supposed he would understand how literal she was being, since he had seemed not at all surprised to see children turning into foxes or women into toads.

Looking at him, though, she noted his fascination with the mikoshi itself and wondered. There was something going on here that she did not understand, and she watched it trail past them. Shirayuki wasn’t sure if the reason for such intentness was wistfulness, confusion, or something else, but it seemed to be important. She only became further convinced of this when his arm twined around hers- that was, in her experience at least, a comfort-seeking gesture. Perhaps it was misplaced for her to project the attitudes of family members and children onto someone else, but nevertheless it was what she was inclined to do, and so she did it, lacing her fingers through his and nudging her shoulder into his arm with characteristic affectionate indulgence.

She tilted her head in the direction the mikoshi had gone, towards the Shirogane Shrine. If it was important to him, they would just have to go see.

Festival Grounds, and the whole thing is so damn confusing.

Image Tsubasa blinked a couple times, not initially rising to the bait the weird lady presented. She removed that mask she was wearing, and he was struck again with the sort of vague familiarity you have for the clerks at some store you visit maybe once a week.

"You'll have to stick to bars so I don't have to rescue you from the opium den again, if it affects your memory so."

For a second, he was pretty sure she’d just made that shit up, but then it all clicked into place, and he narrowed his eyes. “Bastard had it coming,” he replied a little too quickly, flinching internally when he felt the heat on his face and very well-aware that he was turning that slightly-red color he took on rather frequently. The tengu huffed impatiently and decided now was not a good time to stick around and have the conversation. In fact, he was pretty sure never would be the best time for it.

He only sort of remembered exactly what had happened in the opium den. Some guy he was working for at the time had mentioned it in passing as a rather good place to find the shady kind of folks who would hire a guy like him to muscle around like an idiot, and since that was basically the only thing anyone would hire him for, he’d decided to pay a visit. Well. When in Rome
 Opium hadn’t been anything like tobacco, really, and he had this feeling that he’d overdone it. He vaguely recalled some fool picking a fight with him, which his drug-laced self was only too happy to oblige, and then
 not much else until he was dragged out by a person much smaller than himself. Since it was a lady (albeit a slightly off-looking one), he hadn’t really the heart to protest.

He’d woken alone, sober, and at his own address, apparently having let himself in, though how he found the place was still a mystery. Now it made considerably more sense. His old instinct for politeness warred relentlessly with the constructed one he’d made for being an asshat, and in the end neither of them really won. “Right.” One syllable, neither a thanks nor a disparaging remark. He didn’t even really manage to make it sound dismissive, though he tried valiantly.

The rain started to patter down, and Tsubasa frowned with mild distaste. He’d always hated having wet feathers. Not that he had feathers right now, mind, but it would probably still make his damn head into a sopping mess of uncomfortable damp. He was about to excuse himself to find yet more food and a better spot from which to watch the proceedings when the lady bowed to some old guy and asked if the parade had started.

Correction: this was not just some old guy. Tsubasa shifted his weight from one foot to the other, an unconscious action that prepared him better for any number of defensive maneuvers. It wasn’t that he thought he was about to be attacked, merely that it had struck him subconsciously to be wary. It was much the same feeling he’d had around the abbot, but that had been tempered by years of near-familial connection, and this was not. They walked with the same deliberate, regal stride, and there was some similar kind of too-much-knowledge in their faces. It made him distinctly uncomfortable, though he refused to allow himself to show it.

It also forced him to reevaluate the woman next to him. He glanced between the two, feeling quite like he was intruding upon something and should leave, but he sharply negated this internally. He’d been here first, dammit, and he wasn’t going to leave just because some guy in a suit showed up. If they wanted to have their little conversation here, that was fine with him, but he wasn’t going to pretend he wasn’t listening or anything like that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chiba Tomoe Character Portrait: Isamu Character Portrait: Amori Tsubasa Character Portrait: Kaori Character Portrait: Story Hands [NPC's] Character Portrait: Hayato
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Den-Den Town, Strutting Around, and Would You Look At These Losers

He was stricken with the familiarity of a different sort of gokudo, the sort who sashayed in pink and flaunted superiority before his tattooed brethren, citing lines from Korean soaps in lieu of urgent business. Isamu, per usual, was endlessly amused as he found Tomoe, but also grateful for his company—there was nothing like a bit of well-organized ruckus to get him grasping at nostalgia again, and though he reveled in the bliss of the lights and the sounds and the spectacle as if they were a novelty, as if he could reach out and catch ticker tape like fallen sakura petals, he feared becoming forever trapped in this haze, to be blindsided by this youthful aura. From the kitsune, he knew vignettes of doubt sprouting amongst the clansmen; said loyalty could only hold up for so long 'til the memory started dwindling and indecision took hold. How they wouldn't hesitate to devise a new order if the opportunity permitted. Yet, he looked to the mikoshi for solace. He saw the men united by garment and cause, so relentless in their support and spirit. Such a sight, fundoshi excluded, made him swell with pride.

The godfather lay a hand on his adviser's shoulder, signaling an end to the submissive greeting. The same hand lightly whapped the saiko komon against the back of his head. Good-natured abuse, that was. "C'mon, kiddo, look around you. Can't have you miss what's right in front of us." All in jest, of course: His words, playfully phrased, brimmed with levity, rolled R's, and Kansai-ben; his expression, furrowed at the brow, turned wry. "Knew you wouldn't miss a chance to dress pretty for the boys. The get-up's good, very geisha of you. And speaking of boys..."

What did they have here? A victim of harem seduction, no doubt. Isamu forewent spoken introductions for a curious, stranger-on-the-subway glare and a cocked head, measuring up Tomoe's confidant like he would approach a red ogre with a spiked club. He sniffed, not too subtly, at the dampened scent that wafted from the lad. Drifting from era to era had granted him with many an acquaintance, most inhuman in nature, and after a moment's contemplation, tengu, long of nose and wet of feather, seemed like a reasonably educated guess. He knew these fellas. Carried chips on their shoulders and used 'em for weaponry, if the Terajima brood was anything to go by. The mere thought of them creased his lips into a smile, small fangs revealed, and his inviting look to the man relieved any tension surrounding them—or heightened it. To call the glint in his eye devilish was understating and offensive in its tiredness. Either way, he felt rather silly afterward.

"Pleasure, truly. We're the yakuza, and I see ya've met our pin-up girl," he said, tossing an arm round the adviser's shoulders, voice raised over the cacophony. "Like what we've done with the place?"

Delightful as this was, something was afoot. Prompted by the humming in his pocket, he fished out his smartphone, and after a spot of elderly struggling with the touch screen, he found an alarm—not to mention a message from a friend who, confined to the beaches of Hawaii, insulted him with the utmost sincerity—warning them of events to come. Indeed, the mikoshi's sudden vanishing would cause quite a panic were one not to notice its quickening pace as it appeared to break away from the festival troupes. The yakuza supporting it gave out one last chant before detouring from the common path, and the oyabun, though relieved that plans had not yet gone astray, did not take this as a sign to rest.

He faced the both of them, gestured curtly, and began to pursue the pheonix house: "You two—walk with me."

That shit was an order.

After a reprieve, they moved with haste, and with knowledge of the Alpha driving forward motion, they reigned upon Shirogane like lightning of Raijin. But this was a quiet storm: hidden from view, lowly poised, the juveniles went swiftly with high ardor, trotting in the shadows of their more experienced comrades, going, going, going still. It was remarkable—what had seemed to be a suicide mission had now shifted into a display of tact and espionage; Osaka didn't cry of their attendance, but turned a blind eye, rather, settled into oblivion of the task at hand. The Dogs were not enemies. They did not wage war against the dancing folk, and they did not initiate shouting contests with the performers. They were one amongst the denizens, to laugh and to weep beside them, to throw caution to the wind and drink their sorrows away.

But they were aware, and they ran. Unseen, they cut across the way of the shrine lawn, hugging its perimeter, hiding in the greenery. Although the stairway to the honden was a death trap, there was always a workaround. The mikoshi drew ever closer, and as it approached, the Beta would hear salvation from the earpiece: twenty soldiers, fifteen of which were kamikaze, were at her disposal, and one appeared before her to confirm the situation. It was Itoi, a commandeering kappa in human guise.

"From the Alpha!" he claimed, breathless, to Kaori and Hayato, bowing before them as he revealed a small amulet. Crafted from vile magic, it would resemble the pheonix-shaped piece that adorned the Queller's neck. "If she is to reach the sanctuary before us, we can still get to her. With enough persistence, the barrier will be drained." The dragon was dead, after all.

He resisted the urge to question the source of her wounds. The contrived scheme, he inferred, was taking its toll on their leader. Apprehensiveness kept him obedient, but he would surely bolt on instruction. Itoi added: "We had minor difficulty with grouping everyone. The rival factions are everywhere. Please forgive us, Beta."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chiba Tomoe Character Portrait: Isamu Character Portrait: Amori Tsubasa Character Portrait: Nin-Sama Character Portrait: Sachio Poko-pon
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All of Nin’s focus, all of her musings and worries and fears, pinpointed on Sachio’s hand on her elbow. Her whole body jerked, mind snapped out of its reverie, and she scowled weakly. “The dragon,” she said shakily, trembling slightly. Trying to pull up some of her usual scorn, her tone sounded forced and thin. “The blue dragon! It is dead!” Her bony finger pointed accusingly at the dark, empty sky. There was no long, twisting tail in the sky, no wings blocking out the light of the moon. “He does not fly tonight; he is dead.” Her voice wavered, perhaps on the verge of tears. Aoi was an old friend of hers; they’d kept company through the long centuries, laughing at the futility of the human race. “This is bad luck. Bad omens,” she said warningly. The balance was off. Everyone noticed the absence of the dragon, and it turned the world onto its side. People were enjoying the festivities, but their eyes searched the sky.

Nin felt weak. She gripped the tanuki’s arm and her tired feet shuffled over to a bench. She planted herself there, face buried in her hands as she felt a migraine of the worst proportions beginning to crash over her mind like a wave. That had been the worst kind of vision; long, full of information, and emotionally painful.

But now she could only wonder. What had killed the Fuku Ryu?

A frown worked its way to Tomoe’s lips as his hair was mussed by Isamu’s good-natured hit. His hand froze on its ascent to smooth it down as Isamu commented on his state of dress. Embarrassed, he retorted, “At least I don’t look like I’ve gotten into a fight with a monsoon and lost.” He sniffed daintily, tucking his fox mask away in the folds of his kimono. “I always dress like this. It’s comfortable and it looks nice.” Geisha, his fox-tailed ass.

He watched, amused, as Isamu gave Tsubasa the Glare. It was almost famous in most circles as the most invasive stare that one could be given, even more unsettling than the leer of a pervert or the calculating gaze of a conman. Of all the people he’d met, no one remained calm under that first meeting of eyes. Besides Makoto, of course. But she was different. Even he himself had felt unnerved by this intense glare. However, he felt that Amori probably felt more weirded out by the stare than anything else; he seemed like one that didn’t frighten easily.

But as quickly as it had come, it was gone, replaced by a toothy grin that would make children wet themselves. He made himself imperceptibly taller so the oyabun wouldn’t have to reach so far down to wrap an arm around him. He blushed at the pin-up girl comment, but let it slide. It was an old joke between old friends, and it would never cease to embarrass him.

But then the oyabun’s demeanor seemed to change, and Tomoe stood a little straighter. He knew this look; it was time for business. Things were going to happen. There would be no time for stupid questions, for it was time to move. He sent Amori an apologetic glance, knowing that this wasn’t what the tengu had signed up for when he came to enjoy the festivities, and followed quickly after Isamu.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chiba Tomoe Character Portrait: Isamu Character Portrait: Amori Tsubasa
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Osaka, and shit's gettin' good.

ImageOld familiarity eased an ancient man’s hand onto a thin woman’s shoulder; camaraderie earned her the light rebuke. Hold there, pup, too much of this and you’ll go soft. Don’t forget me, I’m the man who holds you all in place with his fucking gravity, ponderous and inescapable. The spoken word was almost irrelevant, really.

Dominance stared him down, but the Tengu, brash and foolish as he was, just folded his arms into his sleeves and stared right back. Knowledge flared his nostrils, like an old hound dog on the scent, braying and bawling till his prey was up a tree and doomed to dinner. Tsubasa felt his vision sharpen in response, and knew his eyes had flashed, no longer so human. But then, Humanity was the recessive trait here, wasn’t it?

Tamping down on the tell, he considered the words, chewing over his answer as though it would weigh more in the space between than he did, standing in the rain. “It seems a little bit
 kitsch.” He drawled by way of reply, scratching the back of his neck with idle concentration. His look moved askance, old jokes he didn’t understand ran over his answers to rhetorical questions, but he didn’t mind.

No, no, if the shit-eating grin that spread over his face was anything to go by, this was just damn perfect indeed. The air was changing, the mood was shifting, and he was catching on. The tingle of anticipation shot down his spine with all the force of a suicidal pigeon barreling headfirst into a shiny plexiglass window, and even less caution. Square-tipped fingers flexed, bringing vigor to rain-chilled limbs, and the world came alive before his eyes.

He couldn’t have been more happy to comply when that old hound barked his orders, never mind that he wasn’t in the habit of following without proper incentive anymore. The roaring in his blood, the electricity of anticipation that ran in the empathetic undercurrent of the crowd, that was incentive enough. A mottled tongue, half-transformed without his knowledge, darted out and over pointed teeth, and he answered the woman’s unspoken apology with a dark chuckle. Make no mistake, the former monk was no manslayer, but he’d be the first to catch the fight-instinct and run with it.

His thoughts were punctuated only by the measured clack, clack, clack of his unusual footwear against the pavement. He’d always been taught that no matter how fast and how hard you ran, fate would find you in the end.

Right now, in the miserable rain, beside two total strangers, and walking into a helluva lot of unknown, well
 that felt quite a bit like fate.