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Voltir Bauer

"Sometimes, animalistic tendencies can get the better of me"

0 · 298 views · located in Farador

a character in “Blades of the King”, as played by Bugsly


(Full picture for size and shape reference ... -265025763 )

Appearance:The term Worgen is defined as large humanoid wolves that were once humans or elves but were transformed from either failed magical or scientific experiments or when humans or elves that were bitten by a werewolf. Voltir is large by worgen standards, he stands at 6' 2" on average. But when standing at full height without his natural hunch he stands at 6' 5". He has a sinewy muscular frame and is his shoulder width is slightly more than the average human. Voltir is very particular to keeping his hair clean and washes it regularly, giving it a soft feel and clean look. His fur and hair are a dark gray and black color.

Always in a constant look of content Voltir's face has seen many hardships. Across his face and short snout lie 5 long scars from when a bear clawed his face in the arena. Luckily the claws missed both his piercing yellow wolf like eyes. His ears were trimmed and cut during his time in the arena, the poor cutting process from that time ago still shows. While his left ear is is only trimmed, what remains of his right ear has a clear bite mark from a previous fight with some kind of animal. He refuses to say what animal did this to him. Voltir's snout does not extend from from his face and is actually not that long. Two long fangs descend from the front of his snout. He has two front claws and two legs each with 4 digits each and armed with long 3-5" inch long claws which he uses as weapons. Unfortunately his long claws are extremely ineffective against plate, mail, and any kind of steeling wearing opponent. For these kinds of circumstances he carries around a medium sized one handed warhammer which he will use combined with his brute strength to crush (usually) their helmets and skulls while he holds them down with his other claw.

For clothing and armor Voltir wears a brown leather sleeveless shirt to protect his chest and vital organs. His wolfs-blood skin and fur protect him from most blunt objects but any sharp weapons will pierce his skin quite easily, hence why he wears the leather shirt. He also wears brown cloth peasants pants simply for comfort and try to hold onto his humanity. Voltir has always been interested in wearing heavy plate armor ever since he joined the order and has seen all manner of heavy knights and due to his strength this would make it easy to wear and not slow him down as much as it would a normal man. But due to his size and odd figure it is far too difficult to make this for him, for now.

Personality: Voltir has had to control his emotions, especially anger, for most of his life as a worgen. If he does not, he will go into a feral rage for an extended period of time. During this rage he will be violent, uncontrollable and animal like. He will essentially becoming a raving mad wolf.

He has become bitter because of his status as a worgen, constantly worrying about what others think of him he desires love, affection, and care from others. Upon find the order he found this and it has become much more happy and calm. His calm and casual demeanor has also been due to his feral rage disability.

When others show their care for Voltir he develops a deep love and loyalty to them. Willing to easily give his life in the process. He can be at times naive in who he trusts, as he is so desperate for others to care for him. But ultimately Voltir cares about his friends and family, and will follow orders to a tee and care for those who return the favor.


Feral Rage:When badly, but not fatally, wounded/hurt or incredibly enraged Voltir will revert to his feral worgen state and become violent and uncontrollable for a duration of time. He will act like a wild animal and usually pursue whatever wounded him or angered him. Upon fulfilling his goal he will revert back to his normal self rapidly.

Thick skin and fur:Voltir is unable to wear thicker heavier armor due to the awkwardness of fitting it to him, luckily his wolf blood has given him both thick skin and fur providing decent enough protection against blunt weapons such as maces, staves, hammers, etc. Pointed objects however, have a much easier time penetrating his skin.

Increased hearing, smell, and night vision: Due to his wolfs-blood Voltir can smell and hear as well as any wolf or dog, even with his ripped and teared ears he has not lost his hearing. He also possess decent enough night vision.

Strength and Speed. Voltir wolfs-blood has given him strength noticeably higher than a humans, on par with heavy knights who have trained to be strong for a good portion of their lives. His lean muscles also allows him to have very fast, but short, bursts of speed. He can use this in combat to effectively become a barreling heavy ball of muscle to slam into his opponents. He cannot however sprint at these speeds for more than a couple minutes before becoming exhausted.

Overall, Voltir is at best a average fighter in terms of skill, but through his brute force, strength, and speed he becomes a more formidable opponent. He still has much to learn in his fighting however and can lose to opponents with intelligence, skill, and experience. He's still not a pushover though.

History:Voltir Bauer was once a young 14 year old boy living in a small farming village called Blackground. The village was situated upon land controlled by a lord, this quiet town was simple and peaceful. Voltir however one day traveled into the woods with a group of friends, and he was unfortunately attacked by one of the werewolves of the forest, this gave him wolfblood and made him become a worgen. As he slowly began to change the village began to take notice. After becoming more wolf than man the village and most of his family turned upon him, all save except his sister Rylia (Ry-lee-a) and his brother Drondel. However the majority took precedence and drove him out of town because they saw him as a bad omen. After wandering for days without eating or sleeping and being shunned by nearly every soul he met Voltir was easily captured by slavers and sold to a animal fighting ring.

Here his captors violently abused him, torturing him, poor living conditions by locking him in a cage, burning him, trimming his ears so they would be shorter and more appealing to audiences, and then putting him in the ring to fight like an animal. Many times did Voltir fight in the ring and lose control of himself to feral rage and violently killed many opponents. All manner of beasts were pitted against him, and even at times other men and women. One particular time Voltir fought against a large bear which clawed him across his face giving him his gash marks across his face. Another time he was forced to murder young soldiers captured in the war.

Voltir eventually realized that the only way to escape his captors was to overcome his feral rage long enough to escape. Using the moon as a guiding light he slowly became more and more calm. Since the moon helped his recovery he now considers it in some ways to be a deity, calling him from his deep black abyss of hate and fear to a light of human thought and care. After many long years of fighting Voltir was finally able to calm down from his nearly constant animalistic state to escape from his cage. He ran through the night, avoiding roads and busy traffic areas before he came upon a group of bounty hunters who, instead of taking him in as a bounty, took him in as a hunter. He now travels with them, becoming an expert hunter and tracker, being paid exoabitant prices for his abilties.

So begins...

Voltir Bauer's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kael Character Portrait: Aldenaz Asteroth Character Portrait: Sir Blue (Adavahr) Character Portrait: Edric Nighthopper Character Portrait: Nasyrk Vul'Kath Character Portrait: Voltir Bauer
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The day was just beginning as Aldenaz walks through a large corridor decorated with elaborate paintings of knights, old suits of armor and the occasional randomly decorated vase. As he heads to his room he appears slightly more joyous then has been normal of late. With all the things going on in the kingdom, and even the continent he hasn't had much time for hope. Now he has a good reason to hope and that reason is in the form of adventurers about to enter his fair kingdom. He was supposed to send a retainer to greet the adventurers and for all intents and purposes that is exactly what he's doing. For all Madi knows he is sending one of his generals to welcome them. She can't know the truth that instead of sending Tryvellian, The king himself will go in his place. As he turns down the last hallway before his room, he dismisses the guard and tells him to call his son to his bedchamber. He was intelligent enough to know not to tell his son until the last possible minute of the adventure he was about to embark on, and he knew that if Madi had ever caught on there would be hell to pay. He strode over to his wardrobe and grabbed his large, black cloak. He quickly dawned it and put his long-sword on his belt. He put away his crown in his bottom drawer where he knew Madi wouldn't look and turned to head toward the door. He grabbed lucitar from his bedside table. Just as he was about to head out the door, Nasyrk stepped inside. " My King?" he asked as he wore a puzzled look on his face. The king just smiled and handed him an extra black cloak. " Put that on and follow me. " he commanded as he headed out the door.

Without looking back to be sure Nasyrk was following, he made a dash for the side window of the castle's second story. He quickly hopped up on the outlook and jumped over the side. He hit the ground with a slightly loud thud and looked back up to see Nasyrk looking down in annoyance. " Not this again." The young man says as he mantles the wall and jumps down as well. He hits the ground with almost no sound at all and follows the king out of the castle. As Aldenaz begins to get farther from the castle, he puts up his hood and hides his hammer within his cloak. If anybody see's his face or the hammer he will be caught before his escape even occurs. They follow the wall of the courtyard until they reach the end, where there is nothing but a straight shot to one of the castle gaits. All they have to do is get through two guards and the're free. " I need a favor from you my boy." the king says with a smile as he pushes Nasyrk in front of him. Without saying another word Nasyrk walks up to the guards. They salute and greet the Royal Champion as he slowly leads them inside the watchtower next to their post. As they step inside, the king makes a quick dash across the courtyard and sprints through the gate. He then quickly makes his way to the first building he sees and hides behind a column. The most difficult part about breaking out of the castle was now over and he was now in the rich part of the capitol city. All that would be left of his escape is to walk the rest of the way to the main gate and easily slip out with the crowd. He waited for Nasyrk to meet him outside the castle main gate and they both headed to the town gate. It was a fairly simple walk to the gate, and just like the king knew, the security was much less severe there. They easily made it out with the crowd and set their sights on the small fishing village of xurex.

The path to Xurex isn't too long of a journey, but bandit activity has been greatly increasing because of all the refugees Taramire had been taking in. Bandits were no big deal for Nasyrk, so the king wasn't worried about the trip in the slightest. They quickly made their way to the village using main roads. If there were any bandits in the area, either they were smart and picked their targets well, or they didn't yet know they were in the area. Before the two of them made it to the village, the king stops and gets Nasyrk's attention. " This is very important. " The king says as he makes eye contact with the young man. For the rest of the day you will call me by the name Tryvellian and I am a general of King Aldenaz's army. With a nod from Nasyrk he happily turns and heads into Xurex. As he looks around to try to get a feel for the people of the town, he spots a large, lively building on the edge of the river. He immediately notes it as the tavern and points it out to Nasyrk. The paladin brightens up a little at the thought of warm food and a nice cup of ale. They head into the tavern and the king walks over to the bar. As Nasyrk attempts to sit beside him, the king stops him. " No sir, today I need you to watch over me from afar." he said as he points across the room to an empty booth. While ignoring the protests, Aldenaz orders a nice cup of ale and sparks up a conversation with a random bar patron. His plan is to wait patiently for the adventurers as he slams down some ale.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Kael Character Portrait: Aldenaz Asteroth Character Portrait: Sir Blue (Adavahr) Character Portrait: Edric Nighthopper Character Portrait: Nasyrk Vul'Kath
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The Frog in the Cell

The room was dark and the air was stale. There was only a single torch to keep the small dreary cell lit. Within his cell, Edric remained motionless as he hung three feet off the ground, suspended by the shackles on his arms. His body had been beaten and bruised. There were cuts running along his left arm and a gash above his right hip. His captures were nice enough to stop the bleeding, but they only saved his life so they could interrogate him.

As Edric regained consciousness, he shifted his gaze around the room to examine his surroundings. The room outside his cell didn’t appear much bigger. There was a small weapons rack holding a couple polearms and spears on the left hand side of the room and a table had been placed in the center. There were two goblins sitting at the table outside his cell.

“I’m telling you, we should gut him and cook him up, I’m sure the Warden wouldn’t care!” exclaimed the first goblin as he waved his knife in the air. “No! The Warden said to keep’em alive.” objected the second goblin as he sat polishing his blade. “Can’t we just have a taste, maybe a bit of his legs! I could really go for some frog legs” retorted the first goblin. The second goblin gave a sharp glance to his companion. “Tell ya what! You can go ask the Warden yourself if you’re brave enough, but until then, don’t touch the damn frog”

Edric stopped listening at that point. He shook his head as he thought ‘Why does every enemy I come across want to eat me!?’ Edric gave a sigh and turned his attention to his shackles. Edric knew he could easily melt the shackles, but he knew he wouldn’t get much further than that. He was to weak and wounded to pull off such a feat.

“Well look who’s waking up!” Edric looked back towards the goblins to see his guards staring at him. “You’ve been out for awhile little frog, but don’t worry! The warden will be more than happy to play with you a bit longer.” Both the goblins began to burst out in laughter as they enjoyed peering at their prisoner. Edric looked at the goblins and gave a smug grin “I wonder if you two will still be laughing once I hang you off the battlements by your entrails.”

“He’s a little shit talker isn’t he!?” One of the goblins exclaimed as he opened the cell. The goblin grabbed a spear from the weapons rack and approached Edric. He placed the tip of the spear right against Edric’s throat. “Now look here Mr. Frog. The only reason you’re alive right now is because the Warden wants you alive.” He pulled the spear back and exited the cell. “You might as well make yourself at home. You’re going to be here for awhile!” The goblin locked the cell and placed his spear on the rack. The two goblins resumed their conversation once they returned to the table.

Edric gave another sigh. “I’m going to need a miracle to escape this one.” He muttered under his breath. While he remained bound to the wall, Edric tried to recall how he got into this mess to begin with. ‘I knew I shouldn’t have taken a reconnaissance job from that old miser.’ Edric had taken a job to sneak into the mountain fortress of Mt. Terran. He was short on coin and needed a petty job to get by. However, Edric met a strange old man in a cloak a few weeks back that offered a good bit of coin if Edric would infiltrate the fort and evaluate the forces within the walls. Unfortunately for Edric, he had terribly underestimated the size of the forces inside as well as their tenacity; thus leading to his capture.

There is still one thing I don’t understand. This Warden that those damned goblins keep talking about is the closest thing to a leader that I’ve seen.’ Edric pondered on the subject a bit longer. ‘If I do make it out of this alive, I need to pay a visit to the warden and see what information I can squeeze out of him, but first I really need to regain my strength and tend to these wounds.

*Clank!* *Clank!* *Clank!* Edric quickly looked up as he tried to identify the source of the sound. It sounded as if someone large in size garbed in heavy armor was approaching. Both of the goblins jumped up in attention, someone big was coming. Someone that the goblins feared. The clanking of footsteps grew louder and louder until they were just outside the cell.

“I take it our guest is comfortable?” Spoke a deep voice. A large orc stood before Edric’s cell. The orc stood 8 feet tall, no perhaps 8 and a half feet tall. It was hard for Edric to tell, his vision was still obscured from his poor condition. The orc was huge, that much Edric could tell. The orc wore thick plate mail armor and wore a thick steel helmet garbed with two large horns on top with a series of smaller horns running along behind them. A massive battle axe rested on his back. It looked as if it was 9 feet tall on its own and the blades were thick. It was clear to Edric that this orc was strong and its sights were narrowed on him.

“Take my guest to the torture chambers; I have some questions for him” The orc turned and began to walk down the hall. “Yes warden!” Squealed the goblins. There was only one thing on Edric’s mind. ‘shit.


Time was passing slowly, seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours. ‘How long have I been in here’ wondered Edric. Suddenly Edric was slashed across his chest. He let out a loud painful cry of agony. At that same moment, a goblin mage began to seal his wounds shut to avoid Edric dying from bleeding out. “You should just answer my question frog, I could make your death so much painless.” The warden stood in front of Edric, relishing pain he was inflicting. “Where did the Monks of Knarish move the keystone to?” asked the orc with a low toned growl.

Edric had remained silent up to this point, content with not answering. Edric looked up to meet the orcs eyes and gathered his breath. The Warden’s expression began to change as Edric was getting ready to talk. He was ready for Edric to cave in and answer his question.

After gathering his breath, Edric finally spoke. “Go fuck yourself.” And he spat his acidic spit right in the orc’s face. The Warden jumped back and howled with rage as his skin burned. “Bash him! Smash him! Beat him within an inch of his life and throw him back to his cell!” Roared the Warden as he walked out of the chamber enraged.

The goblins did not hesitate to lash at Edric. He screamed and howled in pain until he couldn’t take anymore. Everything went dark as Edric lost consciousness. As he slipped into darkness, one last thought crossed into his mind ‘I hope my sister is safe.
