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Farren Leinfelder

"Act in haste and we'll all get killed. Just think for a moment..."

0 · 135 views · located in New York City

a character in “Blood Oath”, originally authored by Cienpher, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Farren Leinfelder

Age: 20 (in appearance)

Gender: Male

Role: Hybrid Leader

Personality: Farren is of a solemn nature, cool in demeanor and calm in countenance. There is very little that will make him anxious, as he faces any trouble from an objective perspective. As leader, he values his authority and won’t hear any other opinions unless it is presented with enough logical support. He is slow to show anger, but he is very quick to show irritation. When irked, his usually professional words take on an emotional, scathing edge. Although he may not be as eloquent as the privileged vampires may be, he is rather good with words in his own respect. Despite what he might lead others to believe, he keeps his promises. Even though he works with the other hybrids out of necessity and not out of want, he won’t abandon any of them, regardless of the danger, unless there is simply no other alternative for survival. He always considers all possibilities before choosing a course of action, and this aspect of him is only enhanced by his resourcefulness. Although he may seem rather cold, he has a rather solid conscience. However, this also means he can be rather indecisive at times, which he considers a poor trait to have. When faced with many choices and not enough time, he sometimes doesn’t think through it as thoroughly as he should and makes a poor decision. When he does get angry, in those rare moments, he has a tendency to have emotion overrun his rationality, but as said before, those incidents are rare. His genuine smiles are just as rare, if not rarer, as he is generally somber in expression.

The Night Sky – no, this has little to do with his werewolf and vampire heritage, but more of his own personal preference. Farren likes the stars, and finds the feeling of equal insignificance to them amongst all races somewhat comforting.

-Hot drinks (coffee, tea, cocoa
 fresh blood
-Quiet surroundings (he prefers it even over peaceful music)
-Vanilla (he has a fondness for both the fragrance and the taste)

Bright Light - although it is in his nature as a hybrid, Farren's discomfort with intense light goes to a further extent than others. He is far more irritable in the daytime or in bright lighting, and far more impatient as well.

Tainted Blood – blood infused with contaminants, such as drugs, alcohol, or toxins, are upsetting to Farren’s body. Although he will drink it to survive, his body will react negatively to the contaminants, and he will suffer symptoms ranging from simple headaches and dizzy spells, to nausea and complete incapacitation.

The Full Moon – Farren enjoys being in control of his own actions, thus the involuntary transformation on nights of the full moon is something he despises very, very much.

-Strong smells (especially ones that make him dizzy, like ink)
-Loud noises (they are jarring to his sensitive ears, even though they aren’t as keen as pure-blood werewolves’)
-Silver (it burns his skin, natural for hybrids)
-Sage (once again, involuntary sleep is very much disliked)

Strategy – Farren is good at quickly formulating detailed plans of action, which is important if the hybrids are to survive. He is able to keep calm and rational under most any circumstances, which is important when others are prone to overreact.

Endurance – while Farren is average in stealth or speed, his stamina is unrivaled. His tolerance for pain or fatigue is greater than most others, and coupled with his strength, he could make for a rather difficult opponent.

Awareness – he is more perceptive than some others. This by no means is an indication that he has keener senses than others, but more that he is more observative than the others. He has a better sense of self and his surroundings, and thus is more aware of what is going on around him during travel or battle.

Heat – he becomes sluggish and tired when it is too warm. Farren becomes considerably more irritable as well, affecting his ability to think clearly and rationally.

Sage – despite Farren’s superior endurance, he is sensitive to things such as strong smells or toxins. Thus, sage has a great effect on him, and although he will fight to stay conscious with every ounce of his being, in the end he will be forced to succumb.

Farren doesn’t like to sleep, and with his endurance, chooses to stay awake for days at a time. He seems to not enjoy the sense of vulnerability in slumber.

Card Games – he doesn’t gamble, but that doesn’t mean Farren doesn’t play cards
 although he generally prefers to play alone. In rare free time, he can be seen playing a game of solitaire.

Brief Description: Farren is taller than most, and has a paler complexion from nocturnal tendencies. His black hair is slightly outgrown, but seeing as he isn’t bothered by it, he doesn’t bother to cut it. He has gray eyes that take on a bluer hue in his full-wolf form. Farren has a preference for darker shaded clothing to help him blend into the night, and refuses to wear anything that limits his movements too much. Due to the nature of his choice of weaponry, he wears thick black gloves to protect his skin from silver.

In his full-wolf form, he is a large wolf of strong build. His coat is of a soft black hue that fades slightly at his tail. His fangs are white and menacing when he snarls.


Other: Farren originally started looking for allies when he found that unbonded humans were dwindling in supply. He realized that the contracted humans had an intangible strength to them, a special force that kept them alive with their vampire
 and that meant that they would be able to withstand a hybrid’s venom. Unable to face a well-fed vampire alone, joining forces with other hybrids was the only solution.

On a different note, Farren owns possession of a simple handgun, but he has a variety of bullets. He usually loads the silver ones, protecting the skin of his hands with his black gloves.

So begins...

Farren Leinfelder's Story


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Character Portrait: Sora "Moon" D'vorn Character Portrait: Farren Leinfelder
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Farren blinked before sitting up straighter, looking up towards the night sky. A resonant howl cut through the cool evening air. He recognized it easily from the clear tone, and its meaning was always the same – Sora had found prey. It was a good thing, since it had nearly been three days before any of the hybrids had managed to find decent prey. Farren himself, hadn’t tasted good blood for nearly four. The hybrids would need the nourishment, especially since the moon was waning.

Farren’s grey eyes flickered towards the shining orb in the sky, its round shape thinning as it approached the new moon – it would become increasingly difficult for the hybrids to shift between the two forms. He didn’t mind this as much – after all, it was easier to blend into society under mortal guise. Actually, the form would most likely pass for vampire rather than mortal
 which brought up another point to discuss with the others.

In a swift movement, Farren leapt down from the tree he was resting in. At the edge of the forest, it was quiet – he had taken a moment for himself. He followed the sound of Sora’s howls, and eventually picked up the familiar scents of his allies – not just Sora, but Eclipse had apparently arrived as well. When he came upon the small clearing, he saw Eclipse greedily lapping at the corpse’s cooling blood, with Sora on the ground. It was an all too familiar scene – one that never failed to irritate him. He gripped the bridge of his nose, his black hair falling into his eyes as he sighed.

“In jest or not, fighting over food is pointless, Eclipse,” he said flatly before straightening and approaching the two hybrids. “Sora, be more wary. Next time it may not be Eclipse.”