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Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Breaking the WAAAAAGH!


When the Orks threaten overrun an Imperial world, two very different regiments of the Imperial Guard have to find a way to work together, in order to save Imperial goals.

2,123 readers have visited Breaking the WAAAAAGH! since Irish Wolf created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Forty thousand years in the future, there is only war.


In the Calixis Sector of the Segmentum Obscurus, the Imperial colony on Zel Tertius is under assault by the Ork Warboss Bombad Bloodboy of the Bad Moons clan and Freebooterz mercenaries. As orks slaughter the planet’s citizens, the Imperial Navy smashes through the blockade to land regiments of the Imperial Guard. The fight will be hard, as the Bad Moons have an abundance of Weirdboyz and a number of those being Warpheads. Also, they are a wealthy ork clan, so many of their countless numbers are Flash Gitz, whom are even more numerous with the addition of the Freebooterz.

Thrown into the fray is a brand new regiment, the Scum 363rd. The troopers of the 363rd are not fresh faced recruits but the survivors of the Scintilla 234th and the Luggnum 129th regiments. However, even before the fighting begins, there are several problems with the new regiment. First and foremost is the fact that the Scintilla 234th was an infantry regiment stationed on a light cruiser for it’s five year service and the Luggnum 129th was an armor regiment with no organic mud trotters attached. The next problem are the troopers themselves, the 234th could be described as the amazonian equivalent of the Mordian Iron Guard, an all female, highly disciplined, well drilled and sharply uniformed regiment.

The 129th on the other hand could be described as…well…a dirty mob. Being former miners, they think nothing of being covered in grime and unshaven (at least to the point of heavy stubble to near-beard), with uniforms stained with oil, grease and sweat. While they know and can use formations, the moment the enemy routs, its every tank for itself. The glory of running over fleeing enemies is best gain at the head of the pack. They also don’t think much of bending the rules a little to suit themselves. Like most Guard regiments, they were raised from the male population of their homeworld, where women do only light work or stay at home.

The third flaw is experience. While the 234th was the senior regiment, having been in service for five years and the 129th only been around for two years (more then half of that in training), the 129th has seen more action. While the 234th has been in numerous battles, they have mostly just manned their battle stations and sent the odd platoon to board damaged pirate ships. The 129th on the other hand as fought against chaos cultists on Kudrun and rebels on Mosul. Both took heavy loses over Zel Tertius, both when the Dauntless class light cruiser Hero took fire from a Freebooter Killkroozaz and when several of the landers carrying the 129th were destroyed on route to the planet.

The final great flaw is leadership. Both regiments lost most of their higher ranking officers. Only a combined total of three captains survived with no colonels, majors or commissars. All of these factors are combined in a tangle of miscommunications, scrambled vox signals and clerical error seem to invite disaster in the face of an ork WAAAGH! Maybe the Emperor smile on his soldiers and the small town of Haven. This town is away from the frontlines, out on the flanks and chosen as a great place to sent the stunned 129th and far enough away to get the 234th warmed up for a ground battle with a good march.

Now then, a few side notes.

1. the 234th doesn’t have any heavy weapons, flamers or plasma weapons (these may or may not get shipped to the new regiment on time for fighting). They have lasguns, autoguns, shotguns and the remaining officers might have a bolter and a chainsword.

2. the 129th doesn’t have much in the way of personal weapons, maybe a laspisol or snubgun

3. If you want to play a character in a tank, please play as a tank commander (sergeant or higher). Please NPC the rest of the tank crew.

4. In fact, lets just play characters ranked sergeants or above.

5. The 129th only has two companies left, one tank company (four platoons of four Leman Russ tanks) and a mix company of five sentinels, two hellhound, two trojans, an atlas and three chimeras

6. The 234th also has roughly two company’s worth of troops or roughly five hundred soldiers

7. The uniform of the 234th consists of black boots, dark blue trousers with a red line going down each leg, a white under shirt, a white tunic with blue trimming, black gloves (white for officers) and a dark blue kepi.

8. The uniform of the 129th consists of a (what were) brown boots, olive green pants, a (should be) white undershirt, a olive green jacket and a leather cap. All of their vehicles have a base color of dark gray paint.

9. If you have questions about technology, terms, weapons, races or anything else about the WarHammer 40k universe, please see this site: Lexicanum

10. Scintilla (homeworld of the 234th) is a hive world and capital of the Calixis Sector. It is highly possible that someone in the 234th was related to or a part of the nobility and it was their connects that got them a β€œsafe” posting aboard the light cruiser.

11. Luggnum is a mining planet, who’s export of ore allowed them the funds to raise an armor regiment and who’s population was already used to cramped spaces and the use of machinery (like rigging rigs and tunneling machines).

Character profiles should include

  • Name
  • Rank
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  • Former regiment (there for gender)
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  • Weapons
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  • Oh and this is for the former 129th guardsmen.
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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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#, as written by 7achary
Regias nodded politely, his teeth clenched over his cigar in a tight smile. He did not care if the woman had been promoted to Brigadier General. Treating senior officers like enlisted men was as far from formal military procedure as you could get. Blowing smoke out over the fire, cigar in his right hand, the Lieutenant considered what had brought him here and opted not to give the rude woman a piece of his mind. Trenches. This was going to be a long and arduous campaign, winning against this green menace was going to be difficult. And then there were the orks.

After Sergeant Alpha Bitch was done Regias nodded at Lt. Vuur and motioned the senior officer past him. They walked a bit away from the fire and out of ear shot of the enlisted men. Regias blew a few smoke rings before throwing the stub of a cigar on the ground. He reached into one of his pants pockets and produced a flask of something he had bought from one of the chimera boys. Claimed he made it in the engine. The younger officer tipped the flask back and coughed violently as what had to be promethium seared it's way through his lungs.

"Divine Piss of the Emperor!" He gasped out, steadying himself on Vuur's shoulder. "Well, we should just give this to the orks. That'll end this war quick, aye?"

Offering the flask to his senior, Regias began, "I've done what I can to assist their scouts, maps of the area and nearby terrain. Kind of a test to see if Henry ever hears about it. If he does we might be able to pull together, if not I'll be praying for a Commissar. Think that captain of theirs would be willing to put her scouts under my command? We'd get a lot more done that way. More organization and ground covered. I'm not sure if she'll go for it." Regias' voice was hoarse from the drink, he spat to clear his throat. "What are your thoughts on our situation, Vuur? Got any ideas on what we should be doing to make this a single regiment?"

Fumbling for a cigar, Regias looked toward the camp fire. The men were organizing and preparing to follow Lieutenant Hildenbrag. Finding the cigar he stuck it between his teeth and lit it with a promethium lighter.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simona Hildenbrag Character Portrait: Regias Veche Character Portrait: Telemachus Vuur
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The Bumbling crew members had both fallen silent at her sudden, and snappy reply. Smite threw up a quick and vary proper salute, then quickly turned and walked away from the fire. Jose had been dumbstruck, not even understanding her anger with him, he raises a hand to his bald head and wiped off a bit of sweat, giving her an odd look before mummering.

"Yes Lieutenant... Just let us know when this work starts then..."
Turning on a heel, he fallows smite away from the fire, pausing to take a sip from his canteen. Much to his own disappointment, it was only water. "

Frak It... they eye must have fried her brain..."

Said only when safely away from her range of hearing.

Vuur had watched the woman closely, his eyes falling over her in silent observation. At first, noting her patience, putting up with his own salute, then he had noted her near inhuman patience, putting up with Smites own cowardly bumbling, his desperate attempt to slide his way of work. However, the final test was Jose, who dared to fancy himself a ladysman. At this note, he noted her pride, she had worked for her rank, she had strived to prove her worth, and even payed a price possibly. Her eye. He would grin vividly as she snaps at his Driver, he may just take a liking to the small women, for that action alone.

Planning starts in his own mind, he could work threw the night finding supply with little issue, his Bionics capable of keeping him running effectively for up two four days without sleep, though it would stress them, however he would likely work alone. Jose would likely resent her, and he would be lucky if Smite even showed up tomorrow. Inwardly he scowls at this.

"Going to have to shift threw some of these old buildings, break some windows, cut threw the doors... Maybe Pry nails from some of the ruined floors... might as well make Jose useful, raid his Booze for those Molotovs.”

He also contemplates using his own supply of old mining charges, while they weren't made to be used in war, they certainly could be. He would have to think on this a bit more, he had always kept the charges, assuming he would one day need them. Being a bit paranoid and indecisive in his choice of using them, the old case he kept them in hadn't been opened for years.

For better or worse, he becomes so lost in these thoughts, and falls silent, even as Regias moved to stand next to him, and only to shaking his head polite in response to her ask for questions, as if to say.


. In the last few months, he had grown fond of the small man, while they had little in common, he had shown basic respect to Vurr, something he returned.

Starting to Fallow the man away from the fire. Vuur Pauses to glance over his shoulder at the Bionic Lieutenant, speaking in a clam tone, His deep baritone voice again devoid of emotion, but the words said would suggest a minor twinge of respect.

"Yes Ma'ma, I'll see to it we scrounge supply's up tonight, you should try to get some sleep as well."

Nodding his head down slightly in final motion, he moves to catch up with Rigais, not a hard feat for him, due to the length of his own legs. Apon catching up with the man, he moves his hands calmly behind his back, entwining bionic fingers with his natural ones. As he had done throughout the entire encounter with Simona. Chuckling softly as Rigais attempts to kill himself by daring to drink the home made booze, it is was odd sound, due to the metallic twinge in his voice.

”That may work, but then again, I suspect they are better at holding down booze than you.”

He mused softly, his tone a low one, amongst a man he may consider to be a friend, he doesn’t attempt to mask the emotion in his voice. He is highly bemused.

At the small flurry of questions, the man pauses. Breaking the grip of his hands to raise his bionic fingers to his chin, at the same time, he hooks the thumb of his human hand in the pocket of his suspenders.

”She may, if you ask with utter respect, and earn some before doing so...I believe.... the largest issue between the ranks is the separation of units types. However, are all all part of his will, and both unties, are in fact his hammer.”

He pauses and closes his eyes, reflecting on words he had learned as a child, Telemachus had always had a deep faith in the God Emperor, and had never shied away from showing it.

”For now, there will be discontent between the ranks... but once the fighting starts, we will be wielded together, for if one thing has proven to unite men, and women, and humans on the whole in the past...”

He pauses to glance down at the smaller man.

”It has been war.”

He continues after a moment of silence.

”Until then... a bit of basic respect for those who die In mass for the emperor would go a long way on our part... not only are they Soldiers, they are β€˜Women.’ Equality is important to them... as is their pride.”

Inwardly, he thinks about the one eyed Lieutenant, for she is the prime example of what he speaks about. If anything, respect is due to the women who had the balls to sock a Captain in the jaw... though under any other situation, she would have been dead hours ago...


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#, as written by 7achary
Regias raises a rueful eyebrow at the contemplative Telemachus. "For the Emperor."

Later that evening, after parting ways with his fellow officer, Regias sat above the encampment in his sentinel. His cigar hung limply in his grasp, the embers having gone out some time ago. Soon the real war would start. In his mind war was the rumble of a dozen tank engines as they rolled over the enemy. War was the thump of artillery and las cannons, the smell of burning flesh and motor oil. Working with infantry would change everything. He trusted Clayton to work out a dependable strategy, but would Briggs let him?

Merrick, a shameless gossip, had informed him that the entire 234th had been Navy until recently. What could they possibly know about planet warfare? That might explain the trenches, but Regias turned his mind away from the regimental commanders and turned his body over, pushing his blanket away. It was a good cool night, and possibly the last one spent in peace. The answers to all his questions would be waiting for him in the morning. The orks would be waiting as well.


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Character Portrait: Simona Hildenbrag
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#, as written by SK-Man
The following morning the 234th was awaken by their commanding officers. Orders were shouted and the platoons were set to prepare for the defenses of the city; every kind of equipment that could be used for digging was distributed (from proper spades to opened tin cans to spoons and knives). The 234th, in their hundreds, began doing their task with disciplined dedication; some groups would sing or hymn songs while others preferred to be more focused.

Simona and a few sergeants, had taken a selected few whom they used to create the get-away paths from the outer tunnels. The paths weren’t anything overly nice though they were clearly marked for anyone to know where they were and how they worked.

When the pathways were made Simona took a good look at the progress the women were making. Long hard hours of work was what was expected of the Guard, though she understood that many felt that their skills were being undermined if not devalued by their superiors, though she had a solution for that as wellβ€¦β€œ ’Ey, what’s with the face, soldier?” Simona asked as she jumped into the deepening trenches and took part of the work.
β€œNothin’, ma’am…Just, why do we need to dig these holes? Them men are miners, they should do this kind of shit,” one of the soldiers complained followed by agreeing moans from the other women.
β€œBah, you want them men to think we can’t lift a shovel? Want to ask you, β€˜oh did you break a nail?’. Don’t know about you, ladies, but whichever man asked me that would get to know what β€˜getting canned’ really means.”
Soft chuckles could be heard amongst the soldiers as they continued to listen and work. β€œI’m telling ya, these days we need some real women to do these kind of things. Let those cog-lovers hide inside their machines, we’re the real heroes here!” That gave the final raise in morale as the women cheered and worked on.

The 234th still had a lot of work to do if they were to finish the outer trench and then the inner trench.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Simona Hildenbrag Character Portrait: Henry Clayton Character Portrait: Regias Veche Character Portrait: Tira Briggs Character Portrait: Telemachus Vuur
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Captain Clayton was getting tired of the games, every conversation with this infantry counterpart turned into a duel of some sort so far (which may of have been partly his fault) and it was getting annoying. While he was no noble brat, who was mother's milk was politics, he had been a leader of men, just high enough to get taste of them. To know enough when someone was playing him and to know that he was an untrained, ham-handed novice in that arena. Of course, there are always dangerous amateurs or at least ones that can pull off a sucker punch now and then.

"Oh I trust you" said Henry, as pleasantly as he could, "Its your troops I don't have faith in. After all, if your Sergeant Major goes around assaulting officers and in front of her troops to boot, how disciplined can your rank and file be? However, I'm willing to give second chances. I'll just have my supervisors discreetly check how wide the trenches are being dug. I wouldn't put it passed your girls to try to leave us behind, to slow the orks down, when you decide its time to run away. Hopefully that will be after they fire their first shot."

"Have a good night" added the tanker, with an overly sweet smile, before he turned away from both the captain and the map. Not waiting for Tira to fire back another salvo or correct him on Hildenbrag's new rank, he scooped up his kit, the banners and strolled out of the room. Picking up the pace and taking long strides, he made sure that the only way she was going to catch up with him, was if the good Captain Briggs ran after him. Chuckling softly, he push his way out of the house, using his shoulder to force the way between the female crunchies and keep the banners unspoiled.

Stepping outside and into the dying light of the late afternoon, he continued walking, across the open plaza in the middle of Haven. Nodding to every tanker he passed, he didn't stop until he reached the hotel. It was finer then anything his boys had billeted in before but not as nice as the noble's house he had just left. True, he was now closer to his men and their supply depot, which was always a good thing but part of him was still fuming over being evicted from that glorious bed he had claimed. He took a little satisfaction however, in the fact, that there was only one set of sheets for bed in the master bedroom. The boys hadn't found any others, when they were "scouting" the place out.

The only reason he knew that, was because the sheets on the bed had already been slept in when they arrived and he had wanted a new set. The family must have taken them or had the others being washing somewhere. In fact, they hadn't found much of anything worth looting in the house without tearing out the floorboards and ripping down the walls. He would have put a weeks wages that the rest of the sheets had been easy to store and had been taken with the family or a servant looking to profit from their sale. Captain Briggs would have to sleep in the dirty sheets or find a different bed.

Henry moved into the suite the men from his tank had been using and spent the remainder of the night holding court in his new palace. More card games were played, runners sent out with a handful of instructions to the men, collecting the names of men, willing and experienced enough to over see work gangs from the 234th and wondering which of his Lieutenants might be a good replacement, if some ork did manage to kill him. Regias was a good fellow but he was a bit of a rabble rouser from back home and there was a reason he lead the scouts and not a proper tank platoon. Telemachus was also a good fellow, was more then stable for a hellhound commander but was more then a bit too zealous. Zeal in measured douses was good for a soldier and was even better when overflowing from a priest or commissar but in an officer? Might be a bit too alienating.

When the morning game, the 129th was already awake (for the most part) as the 234th rose from their blankets with shouts. It was part of the instructions their captain had issued the night before. The tankers didn't come with anything meant for digging, other then small folding spades for latrine pits, one per tank. They would need to get the shovels and what not the townspeople had left behind before the infantry did. Which meant getting up with the false dawn, to scour sheds and houses for the tools. They then had the time to make and enjoy breakfast, while the girls got started on the trenches. Or at least most of them had, the supervisors had been allowed to sleep and moved out to watch over and helped with the trenches.

Once the trenches were outlined, based on where the women were working, the men went to work. They were going to be building bunkers, half just slots dug into the ground and half made with bags filled with earth. Now if they just dug down until only the turret was above the ground, it would provide more protection for the tank or it would also keep them from employing hull or sponson mounted weapons. With the bags, they could build firing ports for those weapons.

Henry's jacket flapped around his back, as he sat on top of the Emperor’s Fury's turret, while it rumbled forwards, towards the outer trench.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Henry Clayton
Character Portrait: ThroatSlitta
Character Portrait: Tira Briggs
Character Portrait: Regias Veche
Character Portrait: Simona Hildenbrag
Character Portrait: Telemachus Vuur
Character Portrait: Solomon Cromwell
Character Portrait: Arin 'Sharps' Sharpe


Character Portrait: Arin 'Sharps' Sharpe
Arin 'Sharps' Sharpe

"I'll tell you one thing. They aren't green with Envy..."

Character Portrait: Solomon Cromwell
Solomon Cromwell

A last minute addition to the 234th.

Character Portrait: Telemachus Vuur
Telemachus Vuur

"And they smote the enemies of the Emperor with a righteous fury, for they knew they were doing His work."

Character Portrait: Simona Hildenbrag
Simona Hildenbrag

"I'll gut 'em with a butter knife if I have to, ma'am"

Character Portrait: Regias Veche
Regias Veche

A young, impudent scout officer.

Character Portrait: Tira Briggs
Tira Briggs

"Ugh, I don't know what smells worse: The Orks or the Men.

Character Portrait: ThroatSlitta

"Da Humiez will never know wut hit em."

Character Portrait: Henry Clayton
Henry Clayton

Captain and tank commander in the Scum 363rd


Character Portrait: Arin 'Sharps' Sharpe
Arin 'Sharps' Sharpe

"I'll tell you one thing. They aren't green with Envy..."

Character Portrait: Henry Clayton
Henry Clayton

Captain and tank commander in the Scum 363rd

Character Portrait: Regias Veche
Regias Veche

A young, impudent scout officer.

Character Portrait: Telemachus Vuur
Telemachus Vuur

"And they smote the enemies of the Emperor with a righteous fury, for they knew they were doing His work."

Character Portrait: Simona Hildenbrag
Simona Hildenbrag

"I'll gut 'em with a butter knife if I have to, ma'am"

Character Portrait: Solomon Cromwell
Solomon Cromwell

A last minute addition to the 234th.

Character Portrait: ThroatSlitta

"Da Humiez will never know wut hit em."

Character Portrait: Tira Briggs
Tira Briggs

"Ugh, I don't know what smells worse: The Orks or the Men.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Regias Veche
Regias Veche

A young, impudent scout officer.

Character Portrait: ThroatSlitta

"Da Humiez will never know wut hit em."

Character Portrait: Henry Clayton
Henry Clayton

Captain and tank commander in the Scum 363rd

Character Portrait: Telemachus Vuur
Telemachus Vuur

"And they smote the enemies of the Emperor with a righteous fury, for they knew they were doing His work."

Character Portrait: Solomon Cromwell
Solomon Cromwell

A last minute addition to the 234th.

Character Portrait: Simona Hildenbrag
Simona Hildenbrag

"I'll gut 'em with a butter knife if I have to, ma'am"

Character Portrait: Tira Briggs
Tira Briggs

"Ugh, I don't know what smells worse: The Orks or the Men.

Character Portrait: Arin 'Sharps' Sharpe
Arin 'Sharps' Sharpe

"I'll tell you one thing. They aren't green with Envy..."

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Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Alright, Irish is back in the saddle! About fucking time

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Sorry, but i think we've run about the bush long enough. Lets get some posting going.

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

So are we in the morning phases then? Are we even still posting?

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

No worries, mate. Life happens and this thread is gonna be up for a long time thanks to our lord Remaeus, PRAISE HIM!

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

I finally get that post I wanted out of 7 and what happens? The fleet comes in, all at the same damn time it seems, we get a bunch of big orders and I over sleep. I blame Tzeentch, the dirty old buzzard.

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Anything but those pious Catachans! Anything!

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Either that, or he's given a bunny suit and 30 minutes to hide from a Catachan elite squad to hunt him.

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Regias might end up on a pyre or tied to the front of a hellhound for all his uncouth remarks on the body of the emperor.

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Posted. I'll go threw it an draft for spelling/grammar errors.

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Back and working on a reaction. I am dreadfully sorry about that. >.<

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Haha, posted. It's all good, homegrown.

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Told you 7, there was no need to wait on The Loonybin. Now post, so I can make one, without this seeming like a one on one with me and WAAGAH!

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Bleh. Sorry about the lack of posting. Occupied IRL. ((Interning.))
You two can skip forward if you like, I have had vary little time to work on that post.

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

I've no clue what to post we skip to the next day or will we wait for someone to finish conversations or...?

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Someone needs to post. It's been near four days since I put in an entrance.

Don't die on me!

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Sorry about the lack of activity, I have had little to no spare time to work on drafting a post this week. Working on it currently however.

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

I have no problem with it, but you'll be in charge of training as well. In a later post I mentioned sending out the rookie with you (or the non entity that was you) so all is well.

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Lucky you, getting to bold your stuff!!

Ok. I guess he's a Veteran Sergeant under the command of 7achary's character then. He'll command the one other veteran scout that was mentioned in a post (Which I reread.)
Sound about right 7achary?

Re: Breaking the WAAAAAGH!

Nope, just check, bold at least, works for me and Sharps is approved, although you need to put his ranks in the profile.