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But I'm On The Council!

But I'm On The Council!


This stupid description has given me an error thing the last 100 times I've tried it... go figure this one time it would work... slams head against keyboard

789 readers have visited But I'm On The Council! since breemee created it.


But I'm On The Council!

This is a roleplay I've made solely for one purpose and one purpose only... to have fun! So yeah, it might not have the most planned out plot in the world, heck, you can call it down right cliche, but it's a plot I love... when some effort is put into it of course. So, without further ado, I give you... THIS CLICHE AND CORNY BUT TOTALLY FUN AWESOME RANDOMNESS WITH DONUTS THAT DO THE CHACHA ROLEPLAY.

Meet the Student Council of St. Lucia's High School:

((Need at least two guys or girls in the student council. We can't just have one boy or just one girl on the council, because it kind of ties in with the plot (what little of one there is) of the RP. EDIT: Alright everyone! The Student Council positions are taken. Even though the story kind of evolves around them, you are still welcome to submit a regular student. If you play your cards right and get into a plot, the you'll have just as much to RP about as the rest of us :D. If you're curious about the positions on a Student Council, please refer to this site which I just randomly picked off of Google :D! Don't worry about looking at anything other than the position descriptions.))

President: Yuun, Ji He "Strawberry" - ICryForAFamily
Vice-President: Nara Hyung Jung - jjia101
Secretary: Rai Nanaka - breemee
Treasurer: Mio Yu - lil kawaii
Historian: Clinton Lance Sagar - Pichu-Chan

This is the first year they will all be working together, considering St. Lucia's has gone from an all girl's school to co-ed. The adviser is worried they won't be able to get along, but hopes that somehow they will work through their differences and this recent change. They have a lot to do, after all. This year they have to organize a total of at least four different large scale school events and also deal with the more mediocre challenges that come their way.


Student Council meets after school from 2:30-3:30. In the RP, I will signify the end of classes. After that, everyone meets in the Student Council room and we get to work... Okay who am I kidding. This Student Council doesn't really work. We snack on donuts and pizza, have paper ball fights, pull out the x-box we hid in the supply closet and play video games all day... and we say that we did work. This, is the most important rule of Student Council. Never say what we do in Student Council.

Some Ideas For Events:

School Dances
Cultural Festivals
Art Shows
School Trips
Recreational Events
Talent Shows
School Plays
Other Things!

About the "No Plot" Thing: It's not that this RP will have no plot. It just doesn't have a major defined plot. But, if you contribute to the story and create a little plot of your own, that would be totally completely wicked awesomeness!

Character Sheets: (Feel free to decorate and code them however you want)

(Put image, anime please, at the top.)

Position: (You can choose to be an unclaimed member on the Student Council or a regular student from the school with relations to the Student Council. If you are on the Student Council, please specify your position. If you're a student, just put Student.)


A Little About Me: (This is the biography and it doesn't have to be long. I'd actually rather have you make your biography and personality more evident in the RP than in your character sheet.)

Toggle Rules

  • No one-liners. At least four sentences per-post.
  • Type in third person/past tense please. It keeps things from being confusing.
  • Try to post at least twice a week.
  • Be polite and courteous to the other role players.
  • Inform me of any major plot twists you might plan.
  • If I feel something about this RP needs to be changed in the future, please listen to me when I correct it.
  • Finally, Have Fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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#, as written by breemee
She just didn't get it. Why did the school have to go co-ed in the first place. So sure, the boys school down the street was kind of overcrowded, but they could deal with forty some kids in a classroom. Seriously, it's not like they ever did any work anyways.

So troublesome, Rai thought, as she walked down the hallway and towards the Student Council room. She had a notebook and papers crowded in one hand, a large box of donuts was balanced on the other. It was her... welcoming gift, so to speak. Really all she wanted to do was get on good terms with the new members of the Council. What better way to do that than with sugary confections. Too bad the boys and their raging appetites would probably eat them all. I'll just have to beat them down with goodness... "Then I'll go in for the kill!" She shouted aloud and clenched her fist, almost dropping the things she was carrying and drawing the attention of a few students around her. "Move along please," she told them sweetly.

When she reached the door, she grunted and kicked her foot up onto the handle. It opened and she peeked in. Seemed like nobody was there yet. Excellent... She rushed towards the table in the middle and sat her stuff down, threw open the box of donuts and grabbed a couple of them and stuffed them into the drawer in the supply closet, where she kept the rest of her stash of awesomeness. She looked around, apprehensively, as she slid it close. Safe. All that was left was for her to rearrange the remaining pastries so that they looked like they were supposed to be sparse and few and she was done.

"Ah," she sighed, and walked over to a seat at the middle of the table, plopped down into it and kicked her feet up. Today was pretty much going to be a lazy day for the Council. Just getting to know the new members. A couple of students might have popped by to make requests or plead for their funding. The usual.

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Mio stared at herself in the mirror of the girls bathroom she put her glasses on and lifted her bass case up off the floor. she scurried across the school into the student council room into a small chair her contacts decided to break this morning and she had to wear her huge cute, but geeky glasses. Putting her Case down along with her back pack, she noticed a girl with the donut, Mio of course just nodded to the girl and stared down at the gowned. Mio pulled out her piece of paper and pencil and began to doodle her doodle turned into one of her manga characters she was creating, she lifted her gray hood up to hide her face and her scar she earned last night from her drunk dad. If you were viewing this she looked more cute with glasses and you could see the scar a little still, but she thought terribly about her looks. Mio scribbled on the edge of the paper her signature MIO YU. She looked back up at the girl and lifted her hands onto the edges of her glasses.

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#, as written by jjia101
She walked down the halls, patting her hand to her mouth to cover up the yawning. The school turned to a co-ed school, awesome wasn’t it but she didn’t care there would just me males. It wasn’t like Nara had never a male being before her whole family consists of males except for her mother and her, that didn’t matter though. As she walked down the halls she saw a few glares and stares, the school had definitely turned co-ed. It was guessed that St. Lucia was to turn co-ed anyways; the other boy school back there with stupid people was stuffed so she didn’t expect them to sit in the dirt. So annoying, as she walked past chatters, how long were they going to continue speaking…?

As she looked up to a door she read, “Student Council Room.” There it was, hoping there was no talking and chatting in there she muttered pray words under her breath. The door opened, revealing two girls, one with glasses, and one without. She walked in closing the door behind her with her dainty heels, going to the table, sitting down on the chair, putting her head down dozing off. She just hoped these two people wouldn’t talk and interrupt her sleep, hoped that nobody else would come in yelling. Nara rested seeing nothing, a few minutes of sleep she repeated before going to dream land with sheep.

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The morning was working out perfectly for Ji He--or Strawberry as he'd like to be called. Waking up to a new room, using a new bathroom, eating food that he wasn't accustomed to, walking down a new side walk to a new school. He was the new kid and he promised that he'll be a new man. The first thing he did as a new man? He burst through the entrance of the new school and yelled at the top of his lungs; "Good morning everyone! I'm Strawberry and I'd like to be friends with everyone!" It wasn't surprising that mos of the kids found him odd and queer. He expected people to avoid him, hell he would have avoided himself if he could. But there was no use crying over spilled milk now.

Morning classes were a bore, he learned most of the things they tough in class back in Seoul. Having an intelligent mind made things more boring, he could understand lesson easily. He envied the students who had a hard time learning, at least they had something to do in class. All he could do was doodle on his notebook.

The most surprising thing about the day was being told he was the new student council's president. This certainly took him by surprise. He wondered around the campus looking for the student council room. Following his instincts he found his way to a new corridor. "Could this be it?" He wondered to himself as he held onto the pink stuffed rabbit he had brought from home. "Do you think this is the room, Yan-yan?" He asked the toy as if it were real. He looked up at the only door in the hallway and politely knocked.

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#, as written by breemee
Rai blinked with questioning eyes as a tiny girl walked in wearing rather large rimmed glasses. She had silently sat down at the table, taken out a sheet of paper, doodled something on it (a manga character, Rai guessed), then stopped to fix her glasses. She was followed by another girl, who just waltzed right in, sat down and laid her head down on the table for a nap.

"What is wrong with you people!" Rai shouted... at least in her mind that is. But on the outside she just blinked, and ate on her donut. There was a knock on the door and, since nobody else seemed like they were going to move, Rai got up to answer it. "Ehem," she cleared her voice and reached for the handle. "Hellooo," she purred and leaned against the door frame, wriggling an eyebrow as it opened and not even bothering to look at the person on the other side as she did so, "I'm Rai." ... Ah, it must be a new member of the council, considering it was a guy. Her smile sort of faded and her eyes immediately darted to the donut box. Bye bye my sweeties, she thought. The distraught moment ended when she realized she was being rather rude. Well, he seems like a cool kid. "As I said, I'm Rai," she reached for his hand and shook it, before he even had a chance to hand it to her. "And they are Sleepy and Doc... Alright not really. I have no clue who they are! But come on in, come on in!"

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Coldplay raised an eyebrow when he walked into the school, just noticing an error on his schedule. "Akuver....", he made a mental sigh. Apparently the transfer must have ran his name through a computer or something because it was completely wrong. "I blame this on spell check..." He tugged at his white hoodie as it hugged a little close to his neck. Pulling up the earphones with a fuzzy texture for the skulls, and turning on his ipod.

He was not that big of a fan for the entire co-ed change. Because with girls around he would probably end up doing something stupid that he would regret. That and they had the evil hearts, enough to make fun of his name which sounded like crap anyways. The noise of the halls fell to Viva la Vida, from the band that he was nicknamed after. Now that he was caught in his own atmosphere he could start looking around for the main office and ignore those who tried talking to him. Though he hated ignoring them, listening to the music made it somewhat easy because most of the time he didn't even hear them. Since he kept his hair in front of his eyes he would not see anyone trying to communicate with him either. Catching a part of a sign that he thought said '..Counselling..' since his hair was blocking out a few of the letters, he walked over and knocked on the door. Perhaps he could get some of them to fix the errors on his schedule.

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Clinton yawned as he walked down the hallway. It was really a wonder how such a lazy boy like him got the spot of being the Historian, him even being a co-ed would be amazing enough. Perhaps it was because no one else really wanted the job, he had lots of friends who voted and promoted him, or perhaps people just liked his personality or "halloweeny" look. No matter how he got the spot, he was the historian, and hopefully he wouldn't do that lazy of a job at it. But then again, it seemed pretty easy. All you had to do was record stuff in notebooks... Or at least that's what he thought. He really couldn't be bothered to remember at the moment, he decided to just ask someone once he got to the student council meeting place.

Today, along with his white stitched up shirt and his torn jeans he had a witch hat on. There was no "No hats inside" rule from what he recalled, so why not? His clothes were halloween themed and he did need to spice things up, though he couldn't really plan another outfit completely because he overslept in the morning, so he had to settle with the witch hat. Perhaps he should do the full witch outfit tomorrow. Or maybe a were-wolf. Yeah, definitely the were-wolf, He thought as he approached the door to the student council.

To his surprise he found a girl(Rai) who had opened it from the inside and was shaking the hand of a boy(Ji H-Er, Strawberry). The boy looked sort of childish to him, but who was he to judge? He was the one with a witch hat on after all, "Hi," He said, waving with the hand that wasn't covered by a sleeve, "I'm Clinton Lance Sagar, the Historian. Historians record things... Right? Anyways, could I come in?"

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Surprised by the sudden shake, the male had no other choice but to shake her hand. Not wanting to seem rude, he smiled sweetly at the soft hand's owner. "Rai...Rain...Rainy!" The taller male giggled childishly creating a new nickname for the girl with or without her permission. "My name's Yoon, Ji He. But I like to be called Strawberry. I just moved here from Seoul. It was boring back home, so I don't mind moving at all. I'm seventeen and a junior with super high grades, it's kind boring honestly..." the child like Strawberry continued his train of though out loud not giving the female a chance to speak. "...Oh and I was told I'm the new President or something." He added the last bit shyly pulling the rabbit closer to his face using it to hide his pink blush.

The truth was he wasn't at all excited to be in the council, he despised being in such an important group. And he hated the fact that he had to be in the highest power. All it did was give stress, give more reasons to stay up late and more reason to have bags under his eyes. Normally he'd talk to his parents asking them to do something about his situation. But the new him would simply live with the stress.

He tilted his head hearing a new voice and saw the boy with a witches hat on. His jaw dropped slightly seeing the younger boy. "Oh wow!" He said in awe skipping over to the shorter male. "Wow what an adorable hat! You look exactly like a little whitchie, Clinton!" He giggled childishly as if they were already close, though he felt like the would be someday.

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#, as written by TheHaze
A kid flew into the lockers of the boy's locker room. A guy, roughly 14, by the looks of him. His nose was bleeding and he was on the verge of tears. Still, he glared insolently at the suited figure in front of him. "L..look, man! D-D-don't do this!" The older guy, 19 years old, smiled darkly. He wore a very fine black suit with a white dress shirt, a nice red tie, black leather dress shoes and black gloves. His hair was slicked back, and a black homburg hat, red banded near the brim. A playing card, the Ace of Spades, was inserted into said band. As you might have guessed, this guy was Ace. "Sorry, kid. You don't cheat one of my boys, eh? We don't appreciate that." His words were altered by a fine Italian accent. Ace backhanded the kid across the face. The poor guy's eyes glazed over, and Ace quickly took the cash he had taken from his cohorts. His mob controlled a good deal of the townsfolk. Roughly a quarter of the people in town were some way affiliated with the Aces. Beatings weren't a new thing. Ace left the kid lying there, waking slowly out of the locker room. His eye's were a startling red. This, plus his general demeanor led some to believe he was demonic. Not that he cared. Ace traversed the halls, coming to the Student Council room. He could tell people were inside, but he walked in anyway. He pulled up a chair, propping his feet up on the table. Ace lit a cigarette, which was definitely not allowed, and introduced himself before anyone could actually stop him. "Names Ace Altiano. I figured I'd drop by, to see how this goes, Y'know?" He smiled, exhaling the smoke.

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Mio saw the other students but just lifted her legs onto her chair and pulled her hood down more to try to hide her huge over sized glasses. She only stared at the childish boy holding a pink bunny and the girl beside the red haired boy. Mio lifted her drawing into her lap and just continued to star at it, but put it back down and twirl the spiny chair around to look out the window. brushing her hand across the giant scar on her right arm, just last night I earned that one. she shook her head and continued to star out the window, Mio sunk into the chair not bothering to move her sweatshirt sleeve down so nothing would show her scar.

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"Wow what an adorable hat! You look exactly like a little whitchie, Clinton!"
"Thanks," He said, smiling, "I was going to do the entire outfit, but I couldn't because I was running late in the morning," He said. It was a common occurrence for him to be running late because of him sleeping in, which is why he had to plan most of his outfits at night or he wouldn't have enough time to do a full outfit, "I plan on doing a were-wolf outfit tomorrow," He said.

He found Strawberry to be a bit weird, but didn't really mind it. Even if it did seem sort of weird that he seemed to be more mature than someone older than him. Just as long as it wasn't hurting anyone he was fine with it; That was what his policy was. Besides, he had to admit that he himself was sort of weird, along with his parents. Weirdness just sort of ran in his family, so maybe his parents were a little weird too.

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#, as written by jjia101
She woke up to the smell of smoke running through her nose. A fire, she had thought but there was no screaming like the students here would it wasn’t a big fire that would break this building into dirt. She heard chattering through the mouths of others, she made out some were the mouths of boys from their voices though it was quite hard with that feminine squeak. Nara could tell someone was next to her, in the seat next to her, where the smoke was directing from. Subtracting the answer of a fire, there was another one the person next to her was X-men, impossible, a cigarette her final situation she guessed, most been true, it was against the rules but it wasn’t like she saw no one do anything bad.

Finally, Nara heard the voice of a guy, "Names Ace Altiano. I figured I'd drop by, to see how this goes, Y'know?" A guy smoking, lung cancer like she cared but the smell disturbs her breathing. She lifted her head up; rub her eyes, “Ace Altiano, that smell bothers me, did you know I’m on the verge of dying?” She slowly saw he sat in a position that represented power; she knew this from many billionaires sitting like that acting all smart and arrogant though they were as ignorant as they were. “Mr. Altiano, may you put your feet down, thank you.”

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Ji He smiled refused to fade from his face. He seemed to grew fond of the Halloween boy. He found him quite odd to be wearing costumed at this time of the year, but who's he to judge? He was the seventeen year old that till carried a stuffed bunny around, he was the one who burst through the doors of the school announcing to the world that his English name was Strawberry. Now that he thought about it, he was beyond weird, he was on crack.

"But won't it be too hot to be in fur?" He said placing a finger on his chin in a thoughtful position. Wearing costumes was never fun for the young President, though his mother had caught him wearing lolita dresses every now and then, and cosplay was another thing; but he was always amused at individuals who would wear an outrageous costume just because he wanted to. "Probably you could just wear a mask or something. We wouldn't want you to get heat stroke." He chuckled playfully hugging the toy closer to his chest.

From the corner of his eye he saw more students entering the room but one caught his full attention. "Let's hurry inside, Clinton." He samiled happily taking the younger male's arm and pratically dragging him into the room. Once in he turned his attention the to smoking male. He saw the girl try get the male to fix himself but all she was doing was giving off words. He walked over tot he male with a dark look on his face. a look that he hasn't made in months. "Please listen to the kind lady." He said looking down at male. With force he used the back of his hand to push the pair of feet off the table, he then reached over and pulled the death stick from the males fingers (if it is in his fingers that is). He sat on the table in fort of him and took in a drag of the cigarette. "Now what kind of example would you give the younger kids." He said in a deep dark voice as he patted the ashes onto the male's hat as if it were an sh trey.

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Minutes seemed to pass without any answer, forcing Coldplays impatience to rise. Again he knocked, peeking through the windows to see all the lights were off inside. Turning up the volume he put his back against the door and slid down to the floor. Watching as the students passed by, as well a few teachers that were to busy with their last minute errands to actually be of use. First day at the new school and things were already getting slow. Perhaps he could just wait until tomorrow to get his name fixed in their database, it had to be done sometime or the credits wouldn't properly go to his name. Then again, if he waited here he could get a note that excused him for being tardy to class which wouldn't be half bad either.

"Counselors are always so slow.." He yawned, resting his head against the door. Especially when its the end of their lunch break, or on the first day of the week.

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Mio smelled the smoke and almost wanted to gag when she turned around and saw the boy smoking. She quickly got up and opened the windows, the last thing she wanted to smell was the smell of her home. Mio leaned against the wall by the window trying to smell the fresh real air, but as soon as she saw Strawberry take the cigarette from Ace's figures she knew this wasn't going to end well for either of them. She only stared waiting for something bad to happen due to a boy like Ace she knew people like him gamblers, stuck up people who don't know what its like to be others shoes, stubborn, aggressive, mean, arrogant, and obnoxious. Mio thought she knew Ace because he acted like her father thinking its okay to waltz right in and make himself at home and not care what everyone thinks, like the only thing that mattered was the money, gambling, guns, and of course himself. She didn't let these emotions show of course, but every first impression of people counts and she knew a boy like him would end up like her father...

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"Probably you could just wear a mask or something. We wouldn't want you to get heat stroke."
"... Good point. It'd be as hot as hell for me in gym," Clinton said, being glad that Strawberry had pointed that out, or he would have perhaps gone running with the idea of going in a hot, stuffy were-wolf costume. His parents might have pointed this out too later, but that would probably be in the morning and he'd end up with an incomplete costume again.

Suddenly he was suddenly pulled into the classroom. He didn't resist and just started to walk with him as they entered the classroom. They were going to the same place anyways. He smelled smoke and at first thought that there was a fire, but there wasn't any crackling. He soon saw that a student, who soon revealed himself to be Ace Altiano, was smoking with his feet on a chair. He did find the smell of smoke to be, well, disgusting and was going to go open the windows, but saw that another girl(Mio) had already done that.

He didn't see the dark look on Strawberry's face when he approached the boy, but if he did, then he might have been sort of surprised to see a boy who had such a childish attitude make a face like that. He stepped back, not wanting to get involved with any sort of fight the two might get into, since from the deep dark voice that he did, he sort of got the impression that he didn't like the guy. And he'd rather not have any enemies with any of the people he'd spend the rest of the year in this room with.

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After a few more puffs of the deadly smoke at the male in front of him, he turned open window that the young girl had opened. With a few practice throws, he flicked his wrist sending the white stick flying through the air and out the window; he hoped that the stick didn't hit anyone from the outside. "Wah did you see that?" He said going back to his childish mood. He jumped off the table and ran over to his new friend Clinton and danced around the younger boy. "It went through the window! It took me a bunch of practices and I finally got it." He said giggling clapping his hands together.

It didn't scare the male at all the he proved the other male in the suit, but then again he didn't want to cause too much trouble which was probably too late. For sure things weren't going to be pretty, but he wans't going to allow a student act like with such behavior. He walked back to the front of the desk and tilted his head innocently with the male, bringing his stuffed rabbit to his chest. "Please, don't act like a pain in the ass, unless you want something up yours." He said as brightly as possible.

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Mio stared did he just? wait- oh crap he is screwed! she thought to herself her jaw almost dropped on what Strawberry just said. If a fight breaks out... she looked out the window the cigarette just landed in a flower patch while students passed by not one noticed the little streak of smoke coming from a bush. Mio shook her head "pollution." she mumbled and turned her head back to the students something is going to happen. she stared at Clinton for a second interested in his style, but she flickered her eyes around the room finding everyone complete opposites.

((sorry for it being so short))

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Clinton was sort of surprised by how quickly the young boy changed moods, but then again, he himself wasn't really bothered by much as his mood was always usually calm. The only thing that really grated his nerves was people pestering him about what he should do or to change his decisions.

"Wah did you see that?"
"I sure did," He said, admittedly finding Strawberry's behavior to be sort of amusing, though he did have a bit of a feeling that there was more to this boy than just his childish attitude and the dark voice he did certainly showed that there was another side to him. Not that he'd do any snooping around, it was just that Clinton found the boy to be sort of interesting, like perhaps how many might have found him to be interesting.

He did, however, get the message not to mess with Strawberry, since the dark deep voice that he did and the "something up yours" warning was enough, though it wasn't like he intended on messing with anyone, and really hoped to not mess with anyone indirectly.

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The odd boy smiled widely. He finally noticed the girl that had been in the room with him and the others. He walked over to her shyle and waved. "Hi there," He smiled the shyest smile he could make. His finger tips played with each other as he hid his eyes with his silver bangs. Acting shy always made the male feel odd, but it was an effective way to get the opposite sex to like him--as a friend that is. One of his promisses to this new life was to gain as many friends as possible. "I'm Yuun, Ji He. But I'd like to be called Strawberry." He stuck his hand out shyly at the female while the other his it'self behind his back.

he still couldn't forget the male, his presence still disgusted his very core. But he didn't want to cause too much trouble. At least not for his first day as the school's student council -- he still wasn't sure though what his position was. He'd glanced at the suited Ace every now and then but would quickly turn his attention back at the female.

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Mio looked at Strawberry and took his hand gently to shake it. "Mio Yu I don't really have a nickname." she looked at her bass "do you know how to play?" she asked picking up her bass "or any other instrument?" she slipped the bass out of its case and pulling the strap over her head onto her shoulder and tuned it "got it in South Korea as usual with most of my stuff." she brushed her hand over the cords and continued to tune it "I still have to tune it though and replace the strings every now and then, but its always fine." she looked up and smiled then looked back down at the bass "seems like its okay to play now." Mio brushed her hand on the cords and started to play a song she had been practicing on for a long time.

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0.00 INK

#, as written by jjia101
Nara looked at the others and frowned, “I’m so tired and make sure not to start a fire whenever I am sleeping,” she said looking quite tired. She soon rose out of her seat and looked at the vending machine at the corner of the room. Spring water, she thought as she took out the money from her pocket. She pressed a few buttons, inserted the money and there was the water she needed. She picked it up tried to open it but ended up pretty much failing. “May someone help me?” she asked trying to seem a bit happy.

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Character Portrait: Nara Hyung Jung
0 sightings Nara Hyung Jung played by jjia101

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Tracy Winston
Character Portrait: Yuun, Ji He "Strawberry"
Character Portrait: Mio Yu


Character Portrait: Mio Yu
Mio Yu

the shy, Treasurer

Character Portrait: Yuun, Ji He "Strawberry"
Yuun, Ji He "Strawberry"

He can't be the president...can he?

Character Portrait: Tracy Winston
Tracy Winston

Do you like art? It's my passion.


Character Portrait: Tracy Winston
Tracy Winston

Do you like art? It's my passion.

Character Portrait: Mio Yu
Mio Yu

the shy, Treasurer

Character Portrait: Yuun, Ji He "Strawberry"
Yuun, Ji He "Strawberry"

He can't be the president...can he?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Tracy Winston
Tracy Winston

Do you like art? It's my passion.

Character Portrait: Yuun, Ji He "Strawberry"
Yuun, Ji He "Strawberry"

He can't be the president...can he?

Character Portrait: Mio Yu
Mio Yu

the shy, Treasurer

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Re: [OOC] But I'm On The Council!

You don't have to :D. Right now since all the Student Council members are having a meeting, the regular students could make a drop by for some reason (if they need to talk to them about clubs, funding, ideas, etc.). Or just mingle with each other :).

Re: [OOC] But I'm On The Council!

Should the regular students wait for all of the council members to post first?

Re: [OOC] But I'm On The Council!

yeah! this is going to be fun!

Re: [OOC] But I'm On The Council!

ah okay, sorry for the late start. I will start it today, but a little later considering we have company over... almost all the time... bleg... It will probably be after dinner :).

Re: [OOC] But I'm On The Council!

:'D can't wait to start @.@ <3

Re: [OOC] But I'm On The Council!

Alright :). So all the Student Council members on this RP are claimed, but people can still make normal students for the RP. See what I put in the description section about taht :D. I think I will start the RP sometime noon tomorrow.

[OOC] But I'm On The Council!

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "But I'm On The Council!"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.