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Cain's Wanderers

Cain's Wanderers


Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. But even the Lord himself knew not what monster he had just created.

1,010 readers have visited Cain's Wanderers since 10tanksonawall created it.


“Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.”

Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear. Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”

But the Lord said to him, “Not so; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.

Genesis 4: 11-15


Cain’s Mark. The Eternal Curse. Placed upon Cain for the murder of his brother, this curse protects Cain from the retribution of others. That powerful magic coursed through his body, making him immortal. Anyone who would try to cause him pain would receive that same pain back seven-fold. It also prevented the Gods from seeing him, and he could not petition their aid.

Descendants of Cain populate the world. They are all around, some known, some hidden. They are called Wanderers. They never remain in any given place, always moving from town to town to escape persecution. They are godless, their curse preventing them from communing with the Gods that make up so much of life on the continent of Benelaria. The only way to identify them is the Mark, appearing somewhere on their body. Some are lucky, and it appears in a place that can be easily covered. Others live with it openly displayed. All are outcasts, feared and hated, finding comfort and solace only among those oblivious to their condition and others like themselves.

There are some, however, who accept Wanderers and aid them however they can: Companions. These people are almost as hated as the Wanderers themselves. They are viewed as turning their backs on the Gods, and consigning themselves to the devils that the Wanderers are seen as representing. Their only hope of survival is to take up travels with the Wanderers they wish to support.

However, the Wanderers are the least of the issues on Benelaria. Across the continent, there are horrible monsters and powerful beasts that prowl the land. They attack each other and travelers, and threaten all those who come near them. For most of history on Benelaria, these creatures haven’t been a big threat. However, recently, they have been more and more aggressive. Frontier settlements are being overrun, and new breeds of these creatures are appearing, each more fearsome than the last.


The Mark of Cain is an unpredictable curse, but never let it be said that its recipients were ever unable to defend themselves. The original Mark granted immortality to Cain, and made anyone who harmed him feel that pain sevenfold. However, as time went on, and the Mark spread through Cain’s bloodline, it diluted and warped, making each Wanderer take up a different burden than the next. Some gained elemental affinity. Others became stronger, faster, or more intelligent. This new power gave Wanderers a place in established society as soldiers, and many took up arms to try to establish a somewhat less chaotic life.

These former Wanderers, known as Converts, are almost universally hated. Normal people often still see them as sub-human and monsters, and other Wanderers see them as traitors. This often results in situations where Converts are caught in the crossfire between Wanderers and normal people, with only their Companions and their fellow Converts to support them.


The Gods govern nearly every aspect of Benelarian life, often in overlapping ways. However, the most obvious way the Gods leak into Benelarian life is in their blessings. Devout followers of a given God are often graced with a tiny sliver of that God's power. Sometimes, this blessing is benign: A blessing from Venetus to bring rain for crops, or a blessing from Infernus for a safe journey. However, more often than not, their blessings find their way into combat. The Gods do not care if they support both sides of the battlefield. If someone devout enough asks for their help, they will almost always receive it.

Vulkaan - Primary Domains: Fire, War, Competition
Secondary Domains: Lightning, the Earth, Individuality
Tertiary Domains: Instinct, Destruction

Silva - Primary Domains: The Forest, The Wild, The Hunt, Wildlife
Secondary Domains: The Earth, Cooperation, Life
Tertiary Domains: Growth, Instinct

Thaasa - Primary Domains: Water, Ice, Rivers, The Sea
Secondary Domains: Knowledge, Change, the Unknown, Individuality
Tertiary Domains: Commerce, Growth, Destruction, Travel

Venetus - Primary Domains: Wind, Chaos, Weather
Secondary Domains: Lightning
Tertiary Domains: Destruction, Instinct, Travel

Libra - Primary Domains: The City, Order, Stability, Light
Secondary Domains: Knowledge, Cooperation
Tertiary Domains: Commerce, Growth

Infernus - Primary Domains: Death, Darkness, Time
Secondary Domains: The Unknown, Life
Tertiary Domains: Commerce, Destruction, Growth, Travel

GM's Note
This RP is converted from a TTRP that I've been running with my friends, with much of the history explained as we went along. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Toggle Rules

These rules exist to keep the RP fun and engaging for all involved, and may be changed at a moments notice.

Firstly, a post must be made weekly, at a minimum, unless the RPer has given advance warning that he or she will be unable to post on time. Also, posts never be one-liners. As a rule of thumb, go for about four or five lines, minimum. Also, I expect your post to be of middle school grammatical correctness, at least.

Keep your arguments out of our OoC, but if you are having problems with another RPer, please feel free to contact me so that the issue can be sorted out.

Try to give other people a chance to respond to your post before posting again. Let a couple of people react before you post again. Not only will this keep others involved, but this will give you more to write about in your next post, keeping your post length up!

Please stick to writing your own story, and keep it somewhat reasonable. It's fantasy, yes, but you're not an all-powerful God. Don't god-mod/auto-hit/what-have-you. It ruins the RP for everyone else.

If you want to make an additional character, that's totally fine with me, so long as you're able to keep up with them.

I'll allow reservations, but please complete your character in a timely fashion.

By creating a character, you agree to these rules, accept that they may change at a moment's notice, and understand that failure to follow these rules may result in a warning, public ridicule, or spontaneous character disintegration.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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Despite a promising start to the day, the sky had darkened by mid-morning, and the early fog had been replaced by a steady drizzle before noon arrived. Considering that the roads had yet to completely dry since the storm that had blown through the area a few days ago, the roads, though not impossible to navigate, were dreadful all the same. But it wasn't just rain. A steady wind blew the rain, making conditions even more miserable.

Amelia pulled the cloak tighter around herself as she walked, and lowered her head so that the hood would protect her face from the stinging droplets. She knew that she was on the right road. The sign she'd passed an hour ago had pointed her in this direction. While she was used to life on the road, she'd been wandering for about three weeks now, and desperately wanted to rest in the comfort of civilization for a day or two before continuing on.

When the wet sucking of mud underfoot was replaced by the light clatter of cobblestone, Amelia looked up. She was in town. Smiling slightly, she looked around. There weren't many people outside at the time, and those who were moved quickly, trying to limit their misery as much as they could. Most of the buildings were houses, with a few shops thrown in. Amelia saw the hanging signs of a blacksmith, a stable-master, and a local inn that seemed to double as a pub.

Amelia decided to head towards the inn, hoping to get some decent food. She crossed the street, scraped the mud from her boots off at the threshold, and walked in, hood lowered. She nodded at the innkeeper as she passed his desk, heading for the drunken sounds on the tavern.

She walked into the tavern, found an empty seat, and sat down, waiting to be served.

Before that happened, though, a man with a bottle of liquor in his hand and the stench of alcohol on his breath walked up to her. "Yer in mah seat." He slurred.
Amelia looked up at him. "I've been walking in mud and stinging rain since mid-morning. My legs are sore, my head hurts, and now, a drunk is asking me to get up from an empty table so he can fall of the seat after he passes out? No thanks."

Normally, Amelia would have simply gotten up and moved. However, she wasn't exactly feeling very polite at the time. She was tired, hungry, and really didn't want to move.

The drunk moved suddenly, putting his face inches from hers. "Ah dun care 'bout yer day. Yer in mah seat, an' yer gun move, or ahm gunna move ya mahself."

Her gloved fist hit him right in the side of the head. He went down, hard, hitting the wood floor with a thunk. A couple of his friends, all mostly sober, came up, apologized for his behavior, and half-carried, half-dragged his unconscious form out of the tavern.

Amelia sighed, rubbed her hand, and waited to be served, ignoring the stares that she was getting from some of the more sober patrons.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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There were many things Rosalie liked about her job. She liked moving through the tavern, mingling among the patrons, talking and laughing like old friends. She liked the inkeeper, a kindly man with an adorable daughter named Sinda who Rosalie played with and kept her company on those days when business was slow and the girl's witch of a mother was not around to spoil the fun. She liked those days when there was something to celebrate, like a wedding or a birth, and the air would be filled with merriment and good cheer that made life feel worthwhile. What she did not like was having to clean a drunk man's vomit off of one of her better dresses.

Silently cursing the drunkard that ruined her good dress, she scrubbed at the cloth. Maybe if she scrubbed hard enough she could minimize the damage to a wearable degree, or at the very least get rid of the stench that clung to the dress and had started stinking up her room, which she couldn't even air out because of the rainy weather that threatened to douse her and the dress with chilly water if she even tried.

"Rose! Rose! Come quick!" A small voice yelled from behind, startling Rosalie. She whirled around and saw that it was Sinda.

"Good gods child, have you never heard of knocking?!" Rosalie snapped.

"Sorry." The girl meekly said, shrinking away from Rosalie's wrath. She noticed that Sinda had a distressed look on her, and Rosalie instantly regretted being so harsh towards the poor kid.

Her face softened a bit. "There, there, it's all right," she said in a soothing voice, "I'm not mad sweetheart, I'm just a little startled, that's all. Just try to knock next time, alright?" The girl nodded. "Now what's the matter? Why the sudden bursting into my room?" She asked.

"A drunk guy was bothering this lady, and then he got real close to her so she clocked him right in the head! And now I think they're gonna fight, and Mama's not here, so ya gotta get down there! Ya gotta get down there now!" Rosalie wasted no time running over to the pub area, ready to get her hands dirty and break up another drunken brawl. "Fourth time this week," she grumbled to herself, "Fourth time this week I've had to do this. Do these people not have nothing better to do?" The answer was yes, she decided. They wouldn't be here if they did.

When she got down there, Rosalie was surprise to discover that instead of the loud commotion she had been expecting, the bar was actually rather quiet for once. Save for a few murmurs, there was virtually no sound. Many eyes turned to her as she entered, and her presence was acknowledged. She surveyed the scene, then went over to one of the regular patrons, a kindly (if a little bit melancholy) man who liked to come in every week, and asked him what had happened. "Ah, it was only Erik, trying to pick another fight," he replied, "He tried to start something with that little miss over there, but she gave him a taste of what he deserved. No need to fret Rosie, he's gone now, dragged off by some of his friends. The little miss is still there, though." He pointed in the direction of where the girl was sitting.

Rosalie looked at her and wondered how she could have taken out that big brute with a single punch. She was barely even a wisp of a girl; looked like she was only a little older than Sinda. Rosalie thanked the man for answering her, put on her best smile, and went over to the table the girl was sitting at.

"So, I heard you clocked Erik in the head," Rosalie cheerily said when she got to the table, "Good for you-the lout had it coming to him for a while now. So, what'll you be having today?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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Amelia sat there for a little bit longer, waiting for a server to approach her. It didn't take long for a woman (she used that term loosely, 'woman'. The server seemed younger than she was, though not by much) to approach her table, wearing a warm smile along with her barmaid uniform. It was the smile that caught Amelia's attention: it didn't seem forced at all.

"So, I heard you clocked Erik in the head." The barmaid said cheerily. "Good for you - The lout had it coming to him for a while now. So, what'll you be having today?"
Amelia smiled back at the server. "Something light for now. I've been on the road for about a month now, just came into town for a decent meal, a roof over my head, and a bit of social activity."


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The girl smiled back and answered "Something light for now. I've been on the road for about a month now, just came into town for a decent meal, a roof over my head, and a bit of social activity."

Rosalie studied the girl, trying to figure her out. She seemed like a nice enough person, if a bit young, Rosalie decided. She smiled wryly and replied "Well if that's what you're looking for, I have no doubt that a pretty lass such as yourself will have no trouble finding it. Now, if you're looking for something light, I've just the thing. How does some pinenut bread with cheese and..." Rosalie thought for a second, then continued, "..some nice hot tea with honey sound?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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0.00 INK

The server smiled, and replied "Well, if that's what you're looking for, I have no doubt that a pretty lass such as yourself will have no trouble finding it." Amelia blushed at that. She wasn't used to getting complements that freely.

"Now, if you're looking for something light, I've got just the thing. How does some pinenut bread with cheese and..." she paused for a moment, thinking, and then continued. "Some nice hot tea with honey sound?"

Amelia smiled and nodded. "That sounds great, actually. Thank you."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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0.00 INK

The girl smiled and nodded. "That sounds great, actually. Thank you."

Rosalie noticed a blush creeping onto the girls cheeks, and had the sudden urge to reach in and pinch them. She restrained herself and nodded. "Coming right up."

Before she left for the kitchen, Rosalie gave a serious look to the girl, and added "Oh, and if those men give you any more trouble, don't be afraid to call for me. I'll make sure that they never bother you ever again. The name's Rosalie, by the way."

Rosalie turned and walked away.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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0.00 INK

As Rosalie walked away to fill out her order, Amelia wondered at how nice and caring she was. It was refreshing to meet someone on the frontier that wasn't entirely focused on their own well-being. That kind of selflessness, Amelia felt, belonged to people few and far between. Even Amelia herself was currently considering Rosalie as a Companion, purely out of selfishness.

However, the more she thought about it, the more she realized that she had absolutely no idea who Rosalie really was. Did she have a home here? A family? What was her history? How would she react to Amelia being a Wanderer? What would happen to her if they were discovered together? Amelia didn't want to cause such a nice girl any trouble like that. Not if she could help it.

She resolved to learn a bit more about Rosalie, but she didn't want to ask any of the other patrons. Better to get the information straight from Rosalie herself. So, she waited for Rosalie to get back with her order.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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0.00 INK

Sinda came in just as Rosalie was putting the honey with the tea. The little girl watched her for a minute, than said "That girl was scary." Rosalie gave her a surprised look.

"Really?" Rosalie asked, "She doesn't look like that to me" But then who am I to judge her like that? She thought to herself. After all, she did just go up against one of the strongest men in the village, and she won.

Sinda shook her head at that. "No, she's scary alright. Strong too, but mostly scary. You should've seen her fighting, Rose."

Rosalie set the tea on the serving tray, carefully so as not to spill a drop. "I should hope not. If I were to see her fight, then that would mean that there is a brawl, and I'd have to break it up." She turned towards Sinda. "And I do not want to clean off this dress again."

Rosalie grabbed some bread and cheese, put it on the plate, then set it onto the tray. "She's not that scary, you know." Rosalie said, "She seems to be a sweet girl to me. Why don't you go talk to her? Introduce yourself as the madame of the establishment." Sinda shook her head. Rosalie sighed. "No? Well fine. Then go make yourself useful and start washing these dishes." she said, pointing to the pile of dirty dishes. Sinda scurried off to the pile and started picking up plates to take to the washbasin. Rosalie picked up the trey and took it out of the kitchen, heading towards the customer who was waiting for it.


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Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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Amelia smiled as Rosalie came out of the kitchen with her food. Rosalie set the food down in front of her. "Thanks." Amelia said. "Are you busy right now?" She asked. "I don't really know anyone here, but I'll be staying for a day or so. It would help if I could get my bearings."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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The girl smiled at her when Rosalie put the food onto the table. "Thanks." The girl said. "Are you busy right now?" she asked. "I don't really know anyone here, but I'll be staying for a day or so. It would help if I could get my bearings."

Rosalie considered the question. It wasn't a new one. Maybe it was because Rosalie was a barmaid, or because she just looked like the kind of person who was willing to help out (which she was anyway), or maybe a mixture of the two, but whatever the reason was, visitors (and there were a lot of them- settlers mostly, heading out to the frontier) were often asking her to take time off from work and help them get settled for their stay. Back when she was new to the village herself, she hated the question. She never knew how to answer it, barely knowing the area herself. Nowadays, it was all just standard procedure.

Rosalie supposed it couldn't hurt to take a short break and show the girl around. And Madame was out as well, which meant that Rosalie would have the chance to get off work without any repercussions. Anyway, once the rain cleared up, the tavern probably would as well. Most of the people were only here only in here to wait out the storm. The storm... Rosalie glanced out the lone window in the room. It really wasn't letting up. There was no way to go out in these conditions...

Rosalie suddenly remembered the girl, and the question she had asked. The girl was still sitting there, smiling sweetly, patiently waiting for Rosalie to answer. "Oh," she said, "That depends. What exactly do you need? I'm not sure I can do much more than point you towards the inkeeper for a room, at least not until this weather clears up."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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Rosalie seemed to drift off into her own thoughts for a bit while Amelia waited for her response, but the response came eventually.
"Oh," she said, "That depends. What exactly do you need? I'm not sure I can do much more than point you towards the inkeeper for a room, at least not until this weather clears up."

Amelia nodded. "I'll probably end up getting a room here, but there's still a few more things that I need. Supplies, for example, and my tent's getting close to it's expiration date, too. Is there a specialty store in town that deals with traveling supplies, or would I have to hope the general store has what I need?"

Amelia paused, debated whether she should ask what was on her mind, then continued. "Also, I'm looking for a traveling companion, and I was wondering if you knew anyone that wouldn't mind tagging along."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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0.00 INK

The girl nodded. "I'll probably end up getting a room here, but there's still a few more things that I need. Supplies, for example, and my tent's getting close to it's expiration date, too. Is there a specialty store in town that deals with traveling supplies, or would I have to hope the general store has what I need?"

Rosalie opened her mouth to answer, but the girl beat her to it and continued. "Also, I'm looking for a traveling companion, and I was wondering if you knew anyone that wouldn't mind tagging along."

Rosalie considered this question. As with all the other times she had been asked that question, she had the vaguest urge to volunteer herself, get out of this... life she'd gotten herself stuck in again. Maybe find the person she was looking for. But as with all urges, she had to resist this one. For goodness sakes, she didn't even know the lass's name, let alone her backround, or the person she really was.

But still, what Rosalie saw was a young girl who was travelling all alone, in need of someone who could help her out for a day or so. Surely there was no harm in doing that? And this girl was obviously a traveler, perhaps she knew something about the person Rosalie was looking for. It was unlikely that the girl knew anything, but Rosalie at least had to try. But now wasn't the time to bombard the girl with questions of that sort. If Rosalie helped her, then there would be time for that later.

"I see. Well, I can't do anything about that now, but when the weather clears up and I'm done with my work, I'd be glad to take you around town and get you what you need. Maybe we can even find someone to travel with you, yeah? But, what's your name? I need to be able to find you later."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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0.00 INK

"I see. Well, I can't do anything about that now, but when the weather clears up and I'm done with my work, I'd be glad to take you around town and get you what you need. Maybe we can even find someone to travel with you, yeah? But, what's your name? I need to be able to find you later."

Amelia nodded. "My name's Amelia. Thanks for taking time out of your day to help me out around here. I think I'll just get a room for now. I'll see you later!" She finished eating, left some gold on the table, and headed to the front desk, where she got a room for the two days she'd be in town.

It was a sparsely-furnished room on the second floor. A bed, dresser, and table were the only pieces of furniture in the room. The bed had a blanket, sheet, and pillow on it. Amelia threw her traveling pack on the bed and opened it, taking stock of her resources.

"Tinderbox is about half-full. I might need to refill it soon. My flint's pretty worn down, too. Then there's the matter of the tent..." She looked over the tent's canvas. There were several holes in it from the hail that had fallen a few nights ago. That storm had been an unpleasant surprise.

Done taking inventory, she simply got onto the bed, and stared up at the ceiling. Her mind wandered to thoughts of her late mother and unknown father. She would find him, she told herself. She wanted to know why he had left them.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
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0.00 INK

The girl nodded. "My name's Amelia. Thanks for taking time out of your day to help me out around here. Thanks for taking time out of your day to help me out around here. I think I'll just get a room for now. I'll see you later!" Rosalie nodded back and left.

Rosalie spent the next hour going about her business, serving drinks to all the patrons and making merry. Sometimes, she'd glance back at the table where the girl -Amelia- was eating. When the chair was empty, Rosalie finally went back over to it. Amelia had left a few gold coins as a tip, which Rosalie gratefully pocketed as she began clearing off the table.

Staring wistfully out the window, she wished for the hundredth time for the rain to let up, and for the weather become beautiful once again. Rosalie sighed and went back to work.

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Character Portrait: Sample Character Sheet
Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer


Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer
Rosalie Disponer

"Hello there! What can I serve you today?"

Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
Amelia Denari

"I'm sorry for deceiving you."

Character Portrait: Sample Character Sheet
Sample Character Sheet

Quote or Overview


Character Portrait: Sample Character Sheet
Sample Character Sheet

Quote or Overview

Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
Amelia Denari

"I'm sorry for deceiving you."

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer
Rosalie Disponer

"Hello there! What can I serve you today?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Rosalie Disponer
Rosalie Disponer

"Hello there! What can I serve you today?"

Character Portrait: Amelia Denari
Amelia Denari

"I'm sorry for deceiving you."

Character Portrait: Sample Character Sheet
Sample Character Sheet

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Re: Cain's Wanderers

Absolutely. I'd be glad to have you

Re: Cain's Wanderers

Can I make a character? I think this roleplay sounds very interesting.

Re: Cain's Wanderers

does that mean that you won't be making a character?

Re: Cain's Wanderers

Think no one will join.

Re: Cain's Wanderers

go ahead. glad to have someone on board

Re: Cain's Wanderers

Nice rp. Is there any reservations? If there is, I want one please.

Cain's Wanderers

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