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Cantarella: Matched

The Palace of Cantarella


a part of Cantarella: Matched, by cat847.


cat847 holds sovereignty over The Palace of Cantarella, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Aria Syviis [0] "I am not yours, not lost in you. Not lost, although I long to be..."
Shinku Haraku [0] "Love can bloom, but it can also die, like a rose."
Aiden Stone [0] Charm is nothing but a weapon to cure my bordem
Pandora Yorik [0] "You must have lived a frivolous life, to know nothing of regret."
Hiro Feng [0] "Would you like me to sing for you?"
Felix Pride [0] "The winds are changing.....time for me to go!"
Aika Kagamine [0] "Life is an adventure, and I want to see it through!"
Kyi Striker [0] "Life is life, but what's life without a little fun?"
Songrose Tallulah [0] "A ball? ...Well...I guess so...might be fun! ...I guess..."

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#, as written by cat847
Once the man saw that all the princes and princesses-to-be had came to the middle of the main hall, he opened up a different scroll and started reading it. "Now, we will now be announcing who is getting married to who."
"Kyi Striker will be getting married to Ravelin Hawkeye." He said as he pointed at the two as he said their names so that they would be able to know who each other is.
"Felix Pride will be getting married to Aika Kagamine." The main pointed out the two also as he said their names.
"Pandora Yorik will be getting married to Aria Syviis." The man ponted out the two like he did to everyone else as he said their names.
"Hiro Feng will be getting married to Shinku Haraku." The man said as he pointed out the two as he said their names just like he did for everyone.
"And last of all, Aiden Stone will be getting married to Songrose Tallulah." He said then pointed out the last couple.
"That is all, you can now go back to what you were doing before the announcement." the man said as he scrolled back up the scroll and then walked away.


Shinku Haraku

Shinku Haraku stood there quietly not saying anything as the man announced who is getting married to who. Her name was called second to last, apparently she was getting married to someone named Hiro Feng. Shinku watched as the man pointed to Hiro and then waited for him to finish speaking. Once he had finished, she silently walked over to Hiro. "Hello, I'm Shinku Haraku." she said kindly. "And I suppose you are Hiro Feng?"

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Songrose Tallulah

Songrose glanced up as the couples were announced. She glanced around the the crowd gathered around them nervously; she hadn't expected this announcement to be so public, with everyone else walking. She froze up for a second as she heard her own name, and glanced over to where he had pointed when he said Aiden's name. She glanced away nervously, then back at him. She could have sworn, as he was walking up, some other girl had yelled at him; she had sounded almost desperate. Maybe it was only her own imagination...though she didn't usually imagine things like that. She calmed herself quickly, and took a small step towards Aiden.

" you just heard...I'm Songrose...though just Song or Rose works...too..." Even if she had calmed her face, she couldn't keep her voice as steady. She accepted that, since she knew she hadn't had much practice in hiding the emotion in her voice; only her face. She was sure he would understand her trepisation well enough; she didn't know him, and yet they were engaged. She wasn't sure how he was going to take it...but she'd have to deal with it, in any case. While she didn't really want to deal with this out in public, she couldn't think of anything else to do about it. One of the other girls had already introduced herself to her fiancée, and she figured it was only proper to at least attempt to talk to her own.

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#, as written by zath
"That was sudden" he said to himself in the croud, as well as anyone who would listen. He was tired of the suspence and he knew he was getting married to... he didn't see who he was pointed to, but he knew the general direction. He looked for the girl in that direction that was pointed, but since everyone was spread outm it was easy. He was getting married to... Ravilin? He foung only one girl in that region it was the girl that blew him off! "Just freakin' wonderful." he commented to himself under his breath as he approached his new bride-to-be. "Hello, I am your new husband-to-be, Kyi. You look beautiful tonight." he smiled.

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#, as written by zath
"That was sudden" he said to himself in the croud, as well as anyone who would listen. He was tired of the suspence and he knew he was getting married to... he didn't see who he was pointed to, but he knew the general direction. He looked for the girl in that direction that was pointed, but since everyone was spread outm it was easy. He was getting married to... Ravilin? He foung only one girl in that region it was the girl that blew him off! "Just freakin' wonderful." he commented to himself under his breath as he approached his new bride-to-be. "Hello, I am your new husband-to-be, Kyi. You look beautiful tonight." he smiled.

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#, as written by Ravelin
Ravelin Hawkeye

Ravelin's hand was still a little wet from crushing her glass, she didn't even bother shaking the water off in the first place. The annoying loud announcer not only have to be extra loud so everyone in this gathering of artificial friends and family could have a grand time scandalizing. Since it looked like this a big secret from all the shocked expressions from fictitious nobility of the nobles. The announcer also repeated her annoyance as being the first one called, and who is was paired up with. It's not a hidden secret that nobles select their sons' or daughters' spouse like breeding dogs, but this is like crossing a pure blooded poodle with a stray mutt from the streets. She couldn't speak for the others girls, but there's not one single drop of tainted high class blood in pulsing through her veins. Surprisingly, Ravelin waited until after all of the couples were revealed before starting to move to the exit.

That was until the poor unfortunate soul she was paired up with, and the guy who tried to impress everyone here with her flawless entrance, was trying to be nice. ' Just freakin' wonderful, ' she thought as she trying to go pass him only to be blocked by the the pure blooded poodle that whoever set this damn thing up paired her with. "Go drown in a fire," she spatted before pushing him away and walking towards the exit. Whispers and muttering arose at the scene Ravelin was causing, and jealous dagger like stares were shot at her. Most, if not all of those, of the guest were thinking who was she to refuse a prince. Easy, she was her own person and she refused to be tamed.

As she neared the door to her freedom, the guards that were close hasty moved in front of the door. Someone or a few people were calling her name but she paid them no heed, she was not a dog that will come or die on demand. The drug that she was dosed with was fully gone from her system, meaning she can fight. At least fight as good as the dress allowed and her not having her sword. As long they weren't freakin' mages or Cancións. As she tried to go out the gaint double doorway, the guards crossed their lances in front of her. "I'm sorry, princess, but you are not allowed to go outside of the castle," the taller and cleaner dressed one said while the more built one stayed slient as watched Ravelin's moves like a hawk to a enemy.

' And here is where I start kicking and screaming, ' she thought as she plastered a smile on her still masked face. "Oh. Okay then I guess I'll just go back to my prince," she said acting like she was going to let it end there as she turned around. The taller guard relaxed as she done so. "Like hell!" She shouted as she flashly took out the built guard by elbowing him in between he's eyes. The taller guard hesitated to strike her, since after she was now a princess. Ravelin took her chance and snatched the guards lance and quickly got behind him and bent the metal weopen around the guard, trapping his arms to his side. "Later!" Her farewell echoed through out the bell room from the utter silence that was caused from shock.

Once she stepped out of the doorway and into the hall, then two green hooded guys suddenly appeared and chanted something and formed a net like structure from their hands. It was the same thing that they used on one of the princes before when he tried to escape and it greatly pushed him back. But she was sure that that prince wasn't a Armas unlike she was. When the net made contact with her, Ravelin was felt that it was beginning to push her back but she quickly regained her footing and tried to push her way passed it by using her right shoulder and her body wiegth. At first her and the net were at a stand still until Ravelin's left foot took a step forwards, then her right one and was pressing the net back inch by inch. There was nothing that will keep her from her home, family, and Sado ever if it killed her in the process.

The two hooded men with eagles on their chest chantted something else. This time, eletric came from their hands and slowly covered the net which reached the net area that she was pushing her way on. "GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Her cries nearly cover the horrified gasp from the people from behind her as she was being electrocuted, but it did not stop her determination to leave this place. Ravelin was once again was trying to push her way through the net even being shocked by an added spell. The two hooded men glanced at each other but their expression could not be read from the fabric that hidden their faces. They increased the voltage with a single word. The sparks of the net grew larger and brighter as they climbed down from the top of the net to where Ravelin was a the bottom. "aaaaAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!"

This time, it was enough to make Ravelin drop to her knees as her body shaking from the monstrous amount of pain her body receieved. Muteness was everywhere in the room excepted Ravelin's heavy shaking breathing. There were probably a few people that jumped behind her as she tried to stand on her wobbly legs but some how she was able to stand up straight. Her silver hair moved as she looked from the ground to where the the two men were standing and her eyes glared up at them. "All I want is to go HOME! I wouldn't even be here if I was freakin's kid-" Ravelin's statement was cut short by a silencing chant made by one of the men. Apparently, no one wants her to announced to the guest what these bastards done to bring her here!

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#, as written by X64
Hiro Feng

As the names were called, Hiro could do nothing but stand there increduously. Was this real? Was he really getting engaged to someone he didn't even know?

"Hello, I'm Shinku Haraku." she said kindly. "And I suppose you are Hiro Feng?"

Hiro turned to see a beautiful girl standing before him, whom had called herself Shinku. Shinku was beautiful, and she seemed kind, but he had wanted to be able to choose, to know love before deciding to spend his entire life with someone. He didn't even know if he could love at all.
"Y-yes...." Hiro stuttered, more from nervousness now than anything. He lifted his hand to touch his eyepatch, but then instead did something else.... "Shinku..." He looked her straight in the eyes as he pulled off his mask, his eyepatch standing out as he looked at her with determination. "I am Hiro Feng, of Kurosora. I don't know what brought you here, or if you even want to get married, but I ask of you to remove your mask as well." His expression softened. "If we must do this, then let's at least be friends." He said sadly, smiling kindly at her.

Pandora Yorik

Pandora didn't know what to think. Hardly anything ever fazed him, but it turns out that the girl he was engaged to was the one he was trying to find the courage to talk to earlier. If he believed in luck, he would have cursed his lack of it. As he saw that everyone was pairing off, well, except for one girl who tried to escape, he tried to find the girl again. It wasn't hard, with her sparkling dress catching his eye at every turn. He never understood how others could wear such frivolous things, but he also understood that not everyone was from the same country he was.

Shaking off his thoughts, he silently walked over to her. Stopping just in front of her, he bowed in the way of his people; tilting his head forward and placing a fist over his heart, bending his middle just a bit. "Pandora Yorik, of Nachtkrieg." He said in his deep, low voice, introducing himself.

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Aiden Stone

Aiden creeped a smile when his name was announced, "Last, of course" he muttered downing the rest of his wine scrumptiously. He wasn't quite sure how he was going to handle such a situation smoothly, infact he figured that was only a dream that could never come true. He had no intention of marrying a stranger, not yet alone a women who would surely not be able to cope with his harsh attitude which he had unconciously built up after his last betrayel. He also doubted that he could even love another woman again after her... The woman which pained him now.

" you just heard...I'm Songrose...though just Song or Rose works...too..." Aiden looked down to a small voice belonging to a girl with vibrant blue hair as it seemed to shine in the lights of the ballroom. He raised an eyebrow at her opening his hand with the wine in as the glass floated on its own for a moment before wizzing away to settle on one of the waiters boards using his teleknesis, a hard magic to cast of one's self.
"Maybe I should just call you squirt?" he smirked getting the name from her small height compared to his and the fact she had hair and eyes as blue as an oceon. It could also be sort of considered annoying as it was used for children, which was what Aiden had intended. He wanted this girl to hate him so much that she refused to marry him.
Maybe then he could call this wedding off.

It would be just cruel to allow a young girl like the one infront of him, clearly innocent, marry a voltupous sarcastic man such as himself. He was a little rude and drove people away with his words but he didn't take to the idea of destroying lives, and this girls would surely be ruined if she married him. She looked cute and delicate, not the type of woman he had gone after before, he normally went for the long legged sexy types, though they were just toys in his eyes.

The crowd began to thicken in whispers again, some of the eyes from women glaring at the poor girl infront of him making Aiden sigh. They were never jealous of each other but they were of the girl that was chosen to marry him, though it was clear he wouldn't? Aiden really didn't understand a womans emotions.
But he supposed he could use this to try and make the girl hate him, a plan forming as he smirked.

Leaning down to the girl he touched her blue hair with his hand tucking it behind her ear and whispered to it so close that his breath could probably be felt against her skin "How about we go somewhere else to talk?" he said making the crowd around them all fluster in anger as they couldn't hear what he said.
Leaning up straight again he smirked and took the girls hand whether she wanted him too or not and began leading her away from the center of the room and towards an exit. The poor thing getting the worse looks anyone could get, he felt a little pity for her but it was the first step he had to making her hate him.
It was for her own good after all.

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Songrose Tallulah

Songrose looked back at him as he suggested another name. Internally, she cringed at the name; she wasn't a child! She kept her face calm, though; it did her no good to start an argument here. It didn't matter that she still wore the mask; she had to kep calm, just in case. She was tempted to take the masl off but, with nowhere to set it at the moment, and since she didn't want to carry it, she left it alone for now. It bothered her still, but she saw little she could do about it. "I would rather you didn't, but I suppose there isn't anything I can really do about it." She glanced around at the crowd around them, noticing the looks she was getting. Clearly she hadn't imagined the girl calling him before. But this only made the situation that much more incomfortable; would he keep that up, then? She couldn't say for sure.

She gave a more surprised look when he whispered to her, and was confused as he started pulling her away, anyway, without waiting for an answer. She didn't struggle or try to pull herself away, but followed on her own. It was better than being dragged along, anyway. It wouldn't matter either way, though; she probably would have allowed it even if he had waited. She made sure to face forward, wherever he was leading her, thought occassionally glanced around herself. Of all the people she could get paired up with! Still, there was always a chance it wouldn't happen...though she doubted it. She knew she had always looked younger than she was; it wouldn't really surprise her at this point.

She glanced around once more as they continued, then ahead of him. She tilted her head to one side curiously as she registered that they were heading towards an exit. She shook her head slightly, then looked back up to him. "Umm...where are we going...anyway?" she asked, hesitantly. She had a guess of her own, but she highly doubted that much. She wasn't even sure she really wanted to know, but maybe it was better if she did know beforehand, she figured.

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Aiden Stone

"Umm...where are we going...anyway?" The girl was shy which made Aiden smile, she probably had her own ideas where he was taking her after seeing the girls in the crowd. He might as well play along with her for a while, maybe he could embarrass her, that would put her off him, right?

Aiden stopped at the two large oak doors he had entered the room in and with his mind he made them creek open slowly on their own. "To my room" he answered her with a grin tugging on her hand slightly as he carried on leading her out of the ballroom. It technical terms he wasn't lying to the girl, he didn't take much to lying but that didn't mean he abreviated the facts of the truth.

Now in the hallways of the castle the door closing the chatter of the ballroom behind them he slowed down his pace, let go of her hand and removed his black and white feather mask. Looking at her for the first time without the constricts of his masks he smiled her removing the bobble holding his hair back allowing it to fall over his shoulders, the white streak gracefully resting on the curve of his cheek. "Don't mind the mess" he said noting the trail of blackened clothes along the hallway which he had previously stripped out of upon his arrival to the ball, "it'll get cleaned up later" he turned to walk back down the hall way not gripping her hand with his large one in comparison this time.

He wondered what she had thought to seeing his face properly for the first time, most people had different views as his hair being so long either repulsed them because he was male or it fasinated them because of the heridorty white streak. Aiden figured he got at as a kid due to stress.

As he continued down the hall leaving her he called over his shoulder fiddling with the cuffs of his shirt as he undid the restrictive buttons "Are you coming or are you just going to stand there?" he said shaking his head, she probably thought he was being a bit of an ass, well, he hoped she did.

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Aria Adonia Calista Syviis

"Pandora Yorik will be getting married to Aria Syviis."

Aria felt her back tense up a bit at the sound of her name; her eyes immediately searching for the male of whom the announcer had pointed to. She wasn't quite sure who it had been because she hadn't looked quickly enough, but when everyone dispersed, she saw a male begin to walk towards her. Her muscles relaxed slightly - she recognized this person. It was Mr. Built Guy from the drink table, who's name was apparently Pandora. 'What an interesting name...' she thought.

Pandora stopped in front of her, placing his fist over his heart and bowing from the waist slightly. "Pandora Yorik, of Nachtkrieg." Those simple words came from his mouth, and Aria smiled slightly - he was a bass.

Seeing as he had introduced himself the way he had, Aria decided that maybe she should try to follow the politeness of it all. She curtsied, tucking her right leg back slightly, and bowing her head a bit. As she stood, she introduced herself. "And I am Aria Syviis, of the City of Psalms, on the Isle of Del'Mal." As she stood back up, she smiled fully at him. Her right hand found its way to resting on her waist as she relaxed a bit.

"So, I hope you don't mind that I'm really dropping the formalities. But, uh. I figured we might as well get to know each other for who we are. You know, since we're getting married and everything." She laughed, tucking some of her red hair behind her ear. "Want to go to a quieter corner, or outside or something? If they'll even let us out that is - apparently some people aren't taking this whole engagement thing to well." She smiled over at him, offering him her lace-gloved hand.

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Songrose Tallulah

Songrose winced internally. She hadn't really expected that much to be true. But that didn't necessarily mean anything...right? She paused when he let go of her hand, and removed his own mask, and let his own hair down. She hadn't really expected it to be so long, but what did that matter? The streak was odd enough, too, but whether by his own design or not, it wasn't her problem, really. But it was a good thing, she thought, that she would actually get to see who she was engaged to, and not just the mask he was wearing. As he started to head down the hall, she took off her own mask; it was starting to get irritating, anyway.

She glanced around curiously at the mess on the floor as he pointed it out, and did her best to avoid stepping on anything as she followed. She didn't know whose they were, and didn't want to accidentally ruin something by stepping on it and ripping it. Though it would have been their own fault, really, for leaving them lying around like that. She hurried up when he asked if she was going to stay there. She bit her tongue, keeping al comments to herself. He certainly wasn't making it easy to at the very least get along with him. She debated for a moment whether or not that was intentional, but shrugged it off. It might just have been strees for all she knew at the moment, being engaged to someone he didn't know; had never even seen before. She could understand that much.

"I'm coming, it's just...the dress is...slowing me down a bit..." she answered. She hadn't had to wear a dress of this kind of occassion, and her mother, for some reason or other, didn't think anything that didn't reach her ankles was acceptable. She hadn't had much of a problem dancing, but she hadn't had to use such big steps to keep up with a dance; it was so much harder to keep up just walking.

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#, as written by zath
Kyi Striker

Kyi turned To Felix Pride, he had just witnessed his wife-to-be get zapped and not almost unconcious, as if on cue, everyone noticed this incident and was watching this poor girl getting abused by the guards. kyi had felt a tad embarrassed that it was his girl. "Want to trade princesses?" he whispered nonchalantely to Felix so no one else could hear him.

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#, as written by lazuli
Aika Kagamine

"Felix Pride will be getting married to Aika Kagamine."

Those words echoed in her head for a while, narrowed her eyes to the ground at the sound of her name. She wasn't the type to like attention if she didn't call for it, and right now a lot of gazes were on her which made her feel uncomfortable. She could hear the whispers from the other guests; most of the comments were about her ears. That made her angry, had they never seen a rabbit Espero before? There were definitely a few at this party.

Aika traced the man's hand to the male who had danced with Songrose before and attempted at an escape just a while ago. Aika figured that this would be an interesting night. She never took a look at him before but she noticed his blonde hair, a brighter yellow then her own more or less platinum color. 'Pride...I hope that doesn't spell trouble for me.' She thought as to his last name; she would really hate it if this guy was really proud of himself and had a big ego, though she doubted that would be true.

Seeing as the others had started to introduce themselves, Aika felt it would be best to do so also. She fidgeted slightly, she really didn't know if there was a specific way to introduce themselves in nobility but she did her best. "I'm Aika Kagamine, nice to meet you." She formed a light hearted smile on her face, like her plan from the start she decided to make the best of this. She noticed one of the other princes whisper to Felix about something, she could listen in if she felt like it but it would be rude.

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#, as written by cat847
Shinku Haraku

Shinku watched silently as Hiro removed his mask. Of course, different girls must have stared at the eye patch and think all different things about it, but Shinku didn't. She had worked for many different people that had eyepatches, so she didn't stare or judge someone because of it if they had one. She blinked after he asked her if she could remove her mask. Shinku looked left, then right, trying to see if any of the hunters she had faced when she was little were here. She thought she saw one or two, but she wasn't sure. She thought about it for a while, they could remember her and who she was, but at they probably wouldn't, since she was older now and she looked different.
"Very well." she said as she silently removed the mask. She looked down for a second at the mask and the silk gloves she was wearing on her hands (on her picture they are shown). She always wore them, since they hid the reaper signs that were on her palms. Then she noticed she was the only one here wearing gloves, would other people notice and get suspicious? I hope not... she thought. After about a minute of looking down at her gloves she looked back up at Hiro and smiled back, not really knowing what else to say since she was a little bit shy and she was used to not talking much.

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#, as written by Ravelin
Ravelin Hawkeye

It was even 30 seconds after Ravelin got the shock of her life, literally, the nobles went back to their party and gossiping about the recent events. Any average town's person would at LEAST asked if she was okay, when it was obvious that she was not. Her muscle were still twiched like crazy due to the electricity setting off muscle spasms through out her body. There was two different clanks coming towards her direction, it was the prince called Adien and one of the others girls.... Songrose was it? Their shoes clicked against the shining marble floor as they walked pass Ravelin and out of the doorway that she denied to pass. Unlike herself, those two walked into the hallway without any trouble what so ever. '..... Looks if I want to get out of here, I'm going to have to leave with Prince Whatever,' she thought sickingly as she concentrate walking back to the center of the room. It took her longer than leaving due weaken body.

A slightly paled hand grabbed a bit of Prince Kyi's clothes, "I... would like to rest... It's been a long day for me." Ravelin managed to get that out in a requesting tone. Her new plan was for Prince Kyi to escort her out of the bell room and once she made it to the hall, hopfully she would be home free. But she need to hurry and get outside, her body might have stopped shaking but she would probably pass out soon. Getting out and finding a hidden place outside to rest, was the best thing she could come up with in a short time. All she needed was to get pass those two sorcerers. Prince Kyi glanced down at his 'princess' with a confused mixed untrusting look but her offered his arm to escort Ravelin out anyway. Her arm was hesistate to accept it, but she had no other choice if she wished to get out of here, but she barley made contact with his arm as she wrapped her arm around his. Her body would have thanked her if she used Prince Kyi to support herself, but her pride would never allow that. So as they walked towards the door, Ravelin's arm was still barely touching Prince Kyi's as the two hooded men made no move to prevent them from passing them.

When Ravelin entered the hall, the arm that has laced around Prince Kyi's arm unwrapped itself and shoved the noble as hard as it could in Ravelin's condition. Turning on her heel, she ran down the hall where she first entered the castle. As she ran, she could feel her body getting weary quickly. "I better hurry.... and get out of here before I.... pass..... out," she whispered the last part as her hurried footsteps ceased their echoing of the hall as her body slowly fell to the floor.

((OOC: zath gave me pression before hand to breifly use his character in my post.))

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Aiden Stone

"I'm coming, it's just...the dress is...slowing me down a bit..." Songrose called from behind him making Aiden smirk "Then take it off if its bothering you that much" he thougt she wouldn't be appreciative of such a comment.

Rounding a corner he found his blackened lab coat on the floor and safety goggles, picking them up he wipped off his blazer leaving that on the floor instead and sheeved on the coat along with the goggles letting them hand around his neck without wearing them properly. This pause allowed Songrose to hopefully catch up. "I have no idea what you plan to gain from this engagement" he began walking again "But if your wanting money, fame, power or even the fantasy of being a princess like in fairytales forget it now. I don't intend to return home no matter what my father says or take the crown so if thats what your after I advice you leave my sight because you'll only be dissapointed" he shrugged rubbing his head casually.

If that was what she was after hopefully he put her off, if it wasn't he couldn't comprehend why the girl would want to marry him so then hopefully he had insulted her so she wouldn't for her own good.

He reached a hallway which had a single wooden door the inside of the door layered with steel to prevent anything from seeping out, it was in the center of the wall in the hallway and as he reached it he had his hand on the handle "Now whether you leave or not doesn't concern me, if you wish to stay and 'chat' then follow me into my 'room'" he smugly smiled feeling he achieved making her hate him. Of course all he actually intended to do was chat if she did stay, but she didn't know that, and again technically the room behind the door was his, but it wasn't his bedroom, again she didn't know that.
Unless she was future seer or something, he wasn't quite sure what she was yet.
"I mean it, leave if you want too" he shook his head opening the door. However all of a sudden the moment he did a flourish of water capsised out the room as it filled to the top crashing over Aiden's shocked expression drowning him like a rat as he stood there in horror the water leaking out of the room so that it eventually skitted along the hallway circling around their feet.

"W-WHAT!" Aiden sputtered his whole calm collective composure ruined as his clothes dripped soggy his hair glomping together and sticking to his soaked face a low level of water still spilling out of the room its height reaching his ankles.
"PHILIP!" he quickly growled in anger remembering the page boy he had asked to clean up his lab, of which its contents now floated in the stream of water, jars of bright coloured liquids and vials bobbing about. "What did you do? I said not to touch anything you damn moro-" he didn't finish his insult as when he stepped inside to his overly large lab he saw the boy face down in the stream unmoving.
Instantly Aiden's harsh attitude changed to worry as he rushed over wading through flipping the boy over now his sole concern. "Phillip! Phillip!" he called his voice sort of panicy as he slapped his face a little to check for a reaction.
He dredded the thought of CPR.

"Philip, breathe god damn it!" he pressed down on he kids chest and to his utter relief the kid chocked spurting out water coughing turning to push himself up. Aiden's sigh of relief was something to be recorded as he never openly showed conern. "You moron!" he quickly changed his tone and slapping the kids back making him cough up more water.
"S-sorry-- I-I just though it was a pretty colour so I-" the kid rambled making Aiden role his eyes as he stood up leaving Philip to sit in the water for a moment as he moved to a jar at the back of the room which was sprouting large amounts of constant water and poured something into it making it stop.
It was only then he remembered Songrose and face palmed, he hoped to god she hadn't seen him worry like that, he had a harsh reputation to keep up after all. Damn it that water had just killed his first plan at scaring her off no doubt.

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Songrose Tallulah

Songrose winced internally at his suggestion; of course he would be so...crude. This was what she had been stuck with. She should have expected this much in the first place. "I'll be fine," she mumbled to herself, glad she had a chance to keep up when he actually stopped. She doubted that was intentionally for her sake; and of course it wasn't, he was changing instead. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and listened patiently to him talking. She glanced off to the side, giving a small shrug. That wasn't what she was after at all; she wasn't after anything at all, really.

It was obvious now; he was only trying to bother her, or make her leave, or something. Normally she wasn't so mean, but he was being intentional, so she felt like she was entitled to make him feel like he had failed. Before she could properly scrape up enough courage to respond, or even figure out how she wanted to say it, though, he had opened the door, and was now completely soaked. She backed up a bit so she wouldn't get any on the dress; her mother had worked hard to put it together, and she would hate for it to be ruined. But, as he rushed in yelling, she thought she might at least stand up for whoever this Phillip was, if only to upset Aiden. Surely that was a good enough reason. She stepped forward as he walked into the room, pausing in the doorway.

She hadn't expected anything like this...though it seemed like she hadn't expected anything that had happened, right from the moment she had been picked out as a princess-to-be. She watched curiously, moving into the room, as she heard his tone change. It was certainly different tha the one he had been using with her; something was wronghere, then. ...So why was he just mean to her, then? She shrugged that off, moving closer to see if there was anything she might be able to do.

"...If there's still any his lungs...I might be able to pull it out...if he could sit still..." She paused, glancing from the boy to Aiden, and she hardened her expression slightly. "You haven't come anywhere near the reason I'm still here yet; I don't care about the wealth, the popularity, the power; nothing of the sort. But if you really want to know, you'll have to find out for yourself, because I'm not telling you; it's not something necessary for you to know at this point in time." She took a deep breath; she didn't stand up for herself often, because there had been so little reason for it before, but when she did, there was never any of the doubt and hesitation she usually showed. But she wasn't just being mean now; obviously he was worried for the boy, so maybe he was just hiding something. She'd figure it out eventually, she told herself. She glanced back at the boy; he was moving, luckily. "Are you okay?" she asked, concerned. Sure, she didn't know him, but the fact was he was just in a good bit of trouble.

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#, as written by X64
Hiro Feng

"Very well."

As Hiro watched her removed her mask, he noticed that she looked left and right before taking it off. Is she afraid of something? He wondered. Then, Hiro stepped closer to her. "That's better." He said. "Now we can talk face to face. However..." As he trailed off, he glanced around at the crowd that had gathered. "As much as I love the spotlight, do you think we could go somewhere where there weren't so many prying eyes?" He smiled and held out his hand to her, hoping that she would take it.

Pandora Yorik

Pandora watched as she curtsied back, stating her name and where she was from. However, to his surprise, she dropped the formalities and spoke as if she knew him. It was a bit...odd. He simply wasn't used to that kind of thing, even with the time he had spent with Hiro. When he and his friend had met, Hiro had dropped the formalities in the first conversation as well. Still, being able to drop your guard around anyone was something unheard of to Pandora.

At the offer of Aria's hand, Pandora walked closer and took it gently. "As you wish." He answered. He didn't really know what else to say. She was so beautiful, even without seeing her face, and she seemed so confident in herself, that Pandora was almost instantly taken in by her.

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#, as written by cat847
Shinku Haraku

"As muh as I love the spotlight, do you think we could go somewhere where there weren't so many prying eyes?"

"Sure." Shinku said. She could feel the stares of the people who she recognized as the reaper hunters on her. It would be better to get away from them, before they actually recognized who she was. "I'm not sure about you, but I don't know much about the castle though actually except where the main hall is, which is where we are now." she said as she took his hand. She hadn't had any time to look around the castle yet, since they told her to come right when the ball was starting.
I wonder how all the other girls are doing... she thought. She was glad that she wasn't stuck with someone that was rude, mean, and snobby, or someone like that, that would have been miserable for her. She probably would have left the castle right away if she had been.

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Aria Adonia Calista Syviis

It didn't take Pandora long to agree to leave the room with her. Aria smiled once more at his voice as he spoke.

Taking hold of his hand, she lead the way through the crowds of people towards the back of the room. There weren't many people gathered in the back - most of them had gone to dance or were off at another part of the room. She spotted a door that appeared to lead out to a terrace - it was open, and there was a guard on it. But he let them pass, moving around to the outside of the door just to keep watch on them.

Aria lead Pandora over towards a stone bench that sat near some stone-potted plants. She dropped his hand as she sat, motioning for him to join her. Smiling at him, she spoke up once again. "If it isn't too bold of me to say, I quite enjoy your voice. A deep bass, naturally. Of course, I figure I should say that I'm part Canción. So really, I guess its to be expected." She laughed, the fingers of her right hand making their way to the edge of her mask. She seemed to think for a moment, before she slipped the black mask from her face.

Turning her body to face Pandora, she spoke up again. "Well, here I am. Maskless. Simply me..." her voice trailed off, as a nervous smile began to edge its way onto her face. It was a bold move; what if he thought she ought to just keep the mask on? She mentally slapped herself and told herself to chill out - that he seemed like a gentlemen so things would be fine.

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#, as written by zath
Kyi Striker

Kyi looked at the knocked out girl in the hallway, he knew she would try to run away again. So he picked her up, and walked her to his corters in the palace, it was nice, small, and homely. He pulled out the rope and started to lay her kindly on the bed. He tied her lightly up to his bedside, so as to not harm her. But tight enough whereas to not have her escape. He knew he had some explaining to do in the morning, and he feared what would happen, so he quickly untied her and just left her on his bed, he bolted his windows and kissed her goodnight on the cheek, he then walked out slowely. He was happy, and content. he then acended the stairs once more...

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#, as written by Ravelin
Ravelin Hawkeye

A small groan escaped through Ravelin's lips as Prince Kyi laid the wild lioness on the bed. Unlike when she is awake, Ravelin looks like a calm normal girl asleep. As they say, in the jungle the lion sleeps tonight. When she felt someone's lips brush her check, she mumbled in a dazed sleep, "Sado?" That was all that left her mouth as she turned to her side and gently hugged the pillow that her head was resting on. Her brief sleep was filled with dreams of failing to kill her brothers because they went and done something stupid again, sparing with her father, and being with Sado at the dinner she couldn't make it to.

A hour and a half later, her eyes slowly went opened and the springs of the bed barely squeeked as she gently sat up. Ravelin took in the small room around her, it wasn't a room that she was familiar with and it was too nice for it to belong in one of her brothers' houses. Her half alseep eyes grew as the events of the pass five hours played back in her mind. The kidnapping, the ball, the announcement that she was engaged to some Prince Kyi that was a complete show off when he entered the ball room, her two failed escapes, and.... nothing? She can't remember what happened after she passed out, and who brought her into this room?

Surprisingly, Ravelin's mask was still on her face through everything plus her sleeping. Tanned bare feet quietly stepped into the hallway from the cracked door, the rest of her came out slowly and cautiously in case there was someone guarding the hall. Luckly for her, the halls were empty. She could try to escape now, but her body wouldn't be able to run in these halls let alone run through a forest. It would be best to wait after she recovered to escape and finally go home.

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Felix Pride

"I'm Aika Kagamine, nice to meet you."

Felix stared at her for a moment, trying to process of what was going on. He looked down upon the girl before him. He was almost a foot taller than her and she seemed rather timid, yet she kept a smile on her face. The most interesting of her features were a pair of white rabbit ears that protruded from her head, they were definitely not part of the mask. Relief suddenly washed over Felix. He was afraid that his father would have forced him to marry an over demanding noble woman who would hound at him night and day and Felix would be trapped for the rest of his days. Luckily this was not so. His wife to be is an Espero his age.

"Uh, I'm Felix Pride, the pleasures all mine." He said with a smile. He noticed she looked a little irritated and was eying the crowd, who was eying her back. Must be the ears, there aren't many Espero in these parts. "I was wondering if we might take walk around the grounds, the moon is near full tonight and the gardens look really beautiful at this time of night." He held out his arm. "If you wouldn't mind, that is." She took his arm and they walked out of the hall.

They walked side by side as they approached the garden. Felix turned to her and said, "You know, Aika, if I can call you that, I was wondering what connections or link you have that my father would want to marry me to you?" He stopped and took off his mask, letting the glow of the moon bask on his face. "Also, why did you agree to marry a prince, was it a dream of yours or something?"

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#, as written by X64
Hiro Feng

"I'm not sure about you, but I don't know much about the castle though actually except where the main hall is, which is where we are now."

When Shinku took his hand, his smiled. This time, however, his smile was more friendly and natural than before. "Don't worry, I come here all the time. It was usually to sing for guests and watnot, but I still found the time to explore. Lucky for you, huh?" He chuckled a little bit, then seemed to get excited as he thought of something. Without meaning to, he stepped even closer to her, maybe a little too close. "I know a really beautiful spot, hidden in the garden. We can talk a little more freely there, but the thing is..." Hiro smiled mischieviously, looking side to side before continuing, "we'll need to get past the guards. Don't worry, you won't have to do anything. Just be sure to cover your ears when I tell you."

Excited, he dragged her off without waiting for an answer. Hiro had a bad habit of that kind of thing; when he got excited about something, manners tended to fly straight out of the window. Firmly grasping her hand, he led her out of the main hall and down one of the more neglected halls. They went down a spiral of stairs to the lower level of the castle. At the end of the stairs, he stopped in front of the door. "I'm surprised that they didn't have any guards posted here," Hiro whispered to her, "they're probably watching the other princes and princesses since a couple of them showed signs of trying to escape." He turned to Shinku and smiled. "That gives us the element of surprise, since we don't really look like a liability."

Hiro turned to the door and opened it with one hand. He led her into a storeroom, with crates stacked on the left and right sides of the room. There was a window in front of them, just large enough for someone to slip through. It was set near the ceiling of the room, with a crate conveniently placed under it for leverage. "I see my crate's still here." Hiro said cheerfully. Letting go of her hand, he turned to face her. "Anyway, we only have a few moments before the guards notice that we've slipped off. I'm going to go through the window first, that way I can catch the mages by surprise. This is were I'll need you to cover your ears; I'm a Cancion, so I'm going to lull them to sleep before they even notice that I'm there. Once that's done, I'll let you know that you can uncover your ears and I'll help you through the window." Hiro smiled cheerfully. Not once did it even run through his mind that Shinku might not want to even go to the garden.....

Pandora Yorik

Pandora let himself be led by the gentle touch of her hand. She took him out to a terrace, and motioned for him to sit beside her as she dropped her hand from his large, calloused one. He sat near her on the stone bench, but not too close.

"If it isn't too bold of me to say, I quite enjoy your voice. A deep bass, naturally. Of course, I figure I should say that I'm part Canción. So really, I guess its to be expected."

He didn't show it, but he was a little surprised at the sound of her laughter. It was musical, like bells, and sounded soft and pleasant to him. Just from that sound, he didn't doubt her when she said she was part Cancion. To Pandora, he often thought of Cancions as something like birds. They always seemed fragile, beautiful, and easily caged.
"A Cancion..." He muttered, thinking aloud. Then he was jerked out of his thoughts as Aria took off her mask. She was beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen. Her red hair was catching the moonlight, making it look as if it were on fire.

"Well, here I am. Maskless. Simply me..."

Pandora, seeing the nervous look on her face, didn't have the heart to keep his mask on. If he did, it would just make her even more nervous. Sorry, Hiro....
Pandora slowly reached up, and......found that he had no idea how to take the mask off. Or, to be more specific, his hands were simply too large to be able to untie the ribbon in the back. Here he was, the strongest mage out of his entire kingdom, and he was being bested by a mask. In a way, it was slightly amusing to him. He could handle some of the most complicated magic, yet a simple thing like taking off a mask was a mystery. He could easily just crush the stupid thing, but a display of violence might not be the smartest idea, and Hiro had generously provided it for him. He wasn't the kind of guy to waste something that had been given to him. So, he sat there, wondering what he should do. Then, he turned his back to Aria, showing the black ribbon in his blonde hair.

"The ribbon....uhm...would you...?"

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#, as written by cat847
Shinku Haraku

"I know a really beautiful spot, hidden in the garden. We can talk a little more freely there, but the thing is.. we'll need to get past the guards. Don't worry, you won't have to do anything. Just be sure to cover your ears when I tell you."

Shinku smiled when she heard that there was a garden here. When she was little and she was still living in the meadow with her family, she always used to go to her small garden or out into the garden when she was feeling sad or angry or had to think about something and stuff like that. It always just used to comfort her being outside in her garden or in the meadow, her garden had been the only place she could go to be away from her parents. Living in the middle of nowhere with her parents for about 5 or 6 years.... it could get pretty tiring, if you got mad at them or something, there was no one else to talk to.

Shinku just went along silently, happy that she was going to a garden, as Hiro led her into a storeroom. She looked around, there were many crates stacked up around the room. There was a window in front of them.

"Anyway, we only have a few moments before the guards notice that we've slipped off. I'm going to go through the window first, that way I can catch the mages by surprise. This is were I'll need you to cover your ears; I'm a Cancion, so I'm going to lull them to sleep before they even notice that I'm there. Once that's done, I'll let you know that you can uncover your ears and I'll help you through the window."

So he's a Cancion? she thought. I wish I could tell him what race I was... but I don't know if I should, maybe sometime I might be able to tell him... "Ok" she said as she covered her ears. "Could you maybe sing for me sometime?" she said and then smiled, still with her hands covering her ears. "I've never heard a Cancion sing... but I've heard they have the most beautiful voices ever."