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Chen Zhen Academy

Chen Zhen Academy


a part of Chen Zhen Academy, by JayZeroSnake.


JayZeroSnake holds sovereignty over Chen Zhen Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Ryuto Kanzaki [0] "I will get my revenge!"
Mizuki Kazuyoshi [0] "Get away from me."
BenoĂźt Emmanuel [0] "Well your all just a bunch of blood thrirsty savages arn't you."
Heinrick Burlurker [0] "Wait, I'm really not as scary as I look! Please don't... and they ran away again..."
Bart [0] What does the outside matter, anyway?
Jian Wei Fukui [0] The talented hawk hides her claws,so does a clever spy.
Skyler Kingsman [0] The student body president
Itsuki Wanijima [0] A very unorthodox fighter.
Ran Nimi [0] "Whats up"
Seiji Takashi [0] "I see..."

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#, as written by GamerX
Skyler walked out of his office after hearing the good news of what Jian had done. Before giving the reward to the girls he decided to take a walk around the school, and for once he had no others following him around. As he walked he saw the ending half of a fight between Ryuuto and this Seiji he had seen earlier. "Wow I didn't know someone as low as you had that in him. Seiji, was it? Keep this up and I might come to recruit you into the ranks." Being recruited by Skyler himself was rare and only saved for those he saw great potential in, however by the way he spoke it sounded more like he would send recruiters out to get Seiji to join.

Skyler then looked at his fallen comrade and gave a light chuckle, "You should keep you guard up better Ryuuto." Words like that sounded like a threat the way the president had put it. However, Skyler had no plans of doing anything to the fallen man as he was in the ranks around were Jian was.

Skyler bolted to Seiji with a punch following, aimed for Seiji's head. However, just before it would hit Skyler stopped the attack letting only a gust of wind rush by them. This didn't seem to have anything with it other than the speed from Skyler's movement, even though it was only a little less than half his normal. This speed was slightly below that of Seiji's, but it was clear that this wasn't his full speed. There was no killing intent able to be noticed behind this punch, thus it gave no threat; although this could obviously change if the need came about. "What would you have done if I had not held back nor stopped my attack? Do you think you would even live through the strike?" Skyler stood up normally and gave about two feet between him and Seiji. "Think about the offer and have a reply when I send for it. Maybe you'll find yourself as feared as me one day." With a chuckle Skyler started off once again, but only a few doors down as he reached his class.


Someone came into the class and took a seat a little ways away from Itsuki. It was Jian, one of those under the presidents orders. However, she was different in which she didn't seem to be on the tyrant's side, but rather against him secretly. "Hey Fukui-san. Hope things are not going to bad for you." Itsuki was always kind to Jian and treated her as he would his own family. Even though Itsuki did this for anyone that didn't attack him, he had different reason in Jian's case. Secretly he liked her, and more than just a friend, Itsuki had a slight crush on the girl. He would never admit it of course, and he never showed a sign that this was the case, but it was. Itsuki decided to move to the seat to her direct left, allowing them an easier time at talking. Also this way they would be able to be quieter as to avoid preying ears better.

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#, as written by utahann
Jian was wearing a short red cheongsam with red martial artist pants,but that is hardly relevant to the story.Anyway,she turned to face the Itsuki whom she had a crush on.She liked him because he was kind,brave,and while she didn't want to be superficial,rather attractive.Plus he didn't kill people for amusement which was more than she could say for many people she knew."Things aren't perfect,but they could be worse.",she responded.After all,at least Skyler hadn't figured out her real agenda and killed her.Although the bit-,babysitter he always sent with her did raise her fears.Another other good excuse to not go after Itsuki yet,rejection was hard but a having your innards played with like toys was even worse.Which would happen if Skyler caught her fraternizing with people outside the inner circle in anyway other than her "eccentric" mercy.

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Jay was exiting the fight club to see that street fighting girl annoyed at him winning his match, and at about his tactic of killing most of his opponents off. She annoyed him, especially flaunting her Ushi Kenpo as if it were a thousand year old style only masters practiced, whereas it came off as more of Kenka Kenpo, or Brawling for a way that sounds more blunt.

"Whatever." Replied Jay. "They're all still alive. So fight all you want. I just wanted to send Kingsman a message: I'm only going to get stronger as time passes. And if my mission fails, I'll just train more brutally just to show his cozy Kung Fu skills what it means to go through training for Ansatsuken."

He walked past the girl, wiping some blood from a cut on his cheek.

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#, as written by Ginko
Ryuuto twitched slightly upon hearing the voice of Skyler. It was his boss
 and here he lay on the ground. However, upon hearing the words of his leader
 the words that meant death if he screwed up again
 but it was faint as he lay, barely capable of recognizing words due to his current state of unconsciousness. His thoughts however, weren’t on his boss
 They were on something else
 an event from his past

. . .

Seiji stood stock still as he heard the ever cool voice echo through the halls. He felt the same evil presence as before wash over him, gripping at his throat like the claws of some cruel beast. Seiji turned, hoping with every fiber in his being that it wasn’t who he thought it was
 but to no avail. It was Skyler. The brute had once again managed to come across Seiji’s path
 or should I say, Skyler had once again hunted Seiji down like an animal
 Seiji’s eyebrow twitched gently, betraying his usual cold expression. Not like it mattered anymore anyways. The President had already seen all that he needed to see

Seiki eyed the man quietly, as he had done so before. He didn’t speak, knowing that if he were to speak to the man, it could mean his death. However, he didn’t have time to think properly before the rushing fist of the President suddenly halted before his face. Seiji’s hair blew back from the gust of air that had accompanied the punch, but he didn’t flinch. He knew better than to think this was his all. If it were, he would’ve been beaten long ago. No, this was but a part of his ability. He was holding back
 This made Seiji quite angry. It was as if the President held back because he viewed Seiji as weak. Of course, he didn’t dare speak this out loud. As he had told Rea before, this man has no mercy and won’t hesitate to strike him down. So instead, Seiji stayed still and ignored the question Skyler asked. Though, it was slight glint in his eye that Seiji would have died had the blow been with full force. The echoing chuckle of the President was the last thing he heard before watching the man walk into his class a few doors down.

He turned to look at the barely moving body of Ryuuto, before abruptly walking off. He didn’t want to think about it
 After finally ending his long walk to class, which had met him with multiple interruptions as well as covering his shirt and umbrella in blood, he slid open the door of his classroom. Others from his class stared, wide-eyed, as he walked in. His teacher didn’t say a word. What would he say? Seiji’s expression was even colder than usual due to his run-ins with the President. He walked to the far end of the class and collapsed in a chair, setting his umbrella beside him as he leaned back.

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Rea could not believe what she was hearing. jay, this bad ass student that always seemed to wipe out her favorite arena's top fighters, was sending a warning to the president by what she though was taking out one of his best fighters. She saw him today, the president, killing and reducing that poor goon to fubar right in front of everyone in the hallway. A chill ran down her spine, it was horrible to think about, so she switched to the foolishness of what Jay was doing. She began to walk after him, wanting to make some things clear.

"Listen you- You may be an okay fighter but to do such a bold move like that? He will kill you! It don't matter how powerful you get, alone, you can't win." she paused to listen to her own words. The key word was alone, a idea was made in her head.

"We could take him down, you and I. I need someone on a higher level to help me train. I just got my ass handed to me by one of his more powerful goons... That's never happened to me before, so I ask you, in the nicest way I can, you help me, I help you, we take him down, end of story."

She stopped and waited, in hope, he listened and at least considered her idea. There was no way she would get any better with the weaklings she always picks on, and now there some way past her level, she need help, or at least someone that can help out time to time. She was not the one to make friends, she was looking more of a partnership, along the line of that. 'If he says no... Forget that! I'm not giving him a choice!' she thought to herself, preparing in case he did refuse her offer.

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#, as written by GamerX
"Thing could always be worse Fukui-san. However, We need to keep pushing through everything and get stronger so we can take down Scar and let Simba take the lead." Although Itsuki used a reference to 'The Lion King' it was obvious Scar meant Skyler and Simba referred to a new student president. "Heck maybe our Simba could be you Fukui-san," Itsuki said with a playful chuckle, not really sure if the girl would be up to the task. Before Jian could reply however one of Skyler's followers that was quite weak came up and told Itsuki he was in his seat, even though the boy sat opposite of the room from where they were. "Oh I'm sorry here let me help you then." Itsuki wasn't looking to fight in the classroom so he carved the boy's name into the desk and swapped it with his actual spot. "Here is you seat where your spot actually is," Itsuki then went back to the spot he was at and set the chair down and sat back down. The boy knew he didn't stand a chance and he didn't think Jian would help him out so he regrettably went to his spot with his name carved into the chair. "So where were we," Itsuki asked with a smile as he turned back to Jian.

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Jay didn't look back at the girl, but he did stop to consider it. Having allies would very much so help

"I'm afraid I can't teach you my style." Said Jay simply. But perhaps I can use a training method you haven't come up with on your own. There are several conditions however, you must follow. At the moment, if you wish to join me, then refrain from attacking innocents pointlessly. Simple enough, no? Nothing too complicated for the rest either."

He turned around to face her now, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Know that my training is not delicate. It will demand more than everything you have. You will be injured. wounded. And it's possible you could die If I have to push it that far. Are you still intent this is your path?

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#, as written by Ginko
Seiji sat in class, not paying attention to the words of his teacher
 his mind was elsewhere. What am I going to do now
? That man
 He’s too powerful, and he knows about me now
 If I am to beat him, then I must find allies in my struggle. If Skyler can have allies, then I too, must do so. These thoughts whirred inside his head as he stared out the window of the school.

Having grown tired of sitting still, Seiji stood up and collected his things. Class wasn’t over, but again, no body dared to question his movements. He walked out of the class, a determined look on his face. Even with allies, Seiji realized that he must gain more power, himself. After all, what use is gathering a group of allies when they are still far weaker than Skyler
 With his lack of concern for murder, it would take a lot in order to beat him
 He walked down the halls. He must train. He didn’t have a choice

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Rea listened to his word very carefully, as if she was waiting for something threatening to happen that she was so focused on him. Training, it's what she wanted, just any kind, any, it sounded like she had no where else to turn... No, it sounded like for once she was being... Nice, no, neutral with someone other than beating down all who showed any threat or even just a bump in her elbow. She hated the terms, to not harm innocent? "No one is innocent..." she mumbled.

She then turned her attention to the is warning. Her life, injury was on the line, this didn't phase her. She had taken damage before, pain, well, she usually blacked out if suffered enough pain, which was what happen today with that over buff skilled fighter had done to her. Never, had a goon taken her down, she had to accept the training or end up like the rest, in fear. She smiled at Jay, "Please, I haven't died by training yet. What ever you throw at me I'll make it look like a kitten!"

Though that was her cocky arrogance speaking, she had a clue that Jay was a much more powerful fighter than her. Deep down she had her doubts but shuttered it with her courage and blunt thinking that it's simply, A, Train, B, Strong, C, take down President. If only it was that easy. Though, she still had to agree with his terms. She groaned then said, "Fine, I won't beat up the 'innocent' anymore. I sure will leave a hole in anyone else though."

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Jay let out a weak smile, nodded. "Fair enough."

But then he smacked her upside the head for her earlier comment about how no one is innocent.

"Maybe not. I Kill people to ensure justice. So I'm not entirely innocent. but I'm not like Skyler's men. That's for sure. You may just have to learn a whole new vocabulary If you want to train under me."

He snatched a nearby poster for some useless club about Justin Bieber, Twilight, or something stupid like that, and wrote a couple addresses, websites, etc.

"Order some weighted clothing." He instructed "That And/Or weights you can wear under your clothes."

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#, as written by GamerX
Itsuki started to get antsy in his seat and the teacher noticed this. "Wanijima-san, either settle down or get rid of that energy. Whichever you choose please stop being a distraction to the class."

With permission now given Itsuki got up and went outside of the classroom. "Finally I can stretch my legs a bit," Itsuki said as he started to go around the school at a slow pace. As he traversed the halls he quickly found Seiji and closed the gap between them by gaining a little more speed until he came up from behind the boy, now riding next to him. "Hey Seiji-kun! What do you say we go find something to do since we are both out of class for now?" Itsuki didn't really care what they did as long as it wasn't something against each other going for blood.

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#, as written by Ginko
After some time of laying on the ground, Ryuto finally lifted himself up. The blow that had knocked him down, and each successive blow Seiji had beat into him was surprising to Ryuto. He didn’t think that the kid would’ve been capable of growing as strong as he did in the short time it had been since Ryuto had last seen him
 Deciding that this was an annoying thought, Ryuto stood up. He clutched his fist together and slammed it into the wall. “Damn it!” He shouted, quite loudly. Despite his good looks, he was a delinquent through and through
 and now, he was a pissed off delinquent who had just shown his weakness to his boss
 “Cheh. What kind of shit was that?” He muttered, more to himself than anything. “That little bastard’s gonna die the next time I get ahold of him.” After having let out his rage on the wall, which now sported a large hole in it, he picked up his tonfa and walked off. Blood still ran down the back of his head, but he didn’t give a shit at this point.

. . .

Meanwhile, having successfully skipped out of his class in annoyance, Seiji had resolved to find allies in his battle against the Student President. For, he knew well that the darkness gave Skyler an advantage, and to be able to fight with him on an even ground Seij would have to become stronger. He walked down the hall slowly, his emotionless stare plastered to his face. His thoughts were racing, meaning he was too distracted to notice Itsuki’s approach. That is, until he spoke. Seiji jumped slightly, turning to see the same man who he’d had a brief encounter with earlier, Itsuki. “Hey
” He muttered in response. He wasn’t used to having conversation like this, so he wasn’t sure what to say. Then it hit him. The allies he was in need of
 could Itsuki indeed be one? Seiji eyed him carefully, before continuing. “I’m not sure what you had in mind to do, but I suppose it couldn’t hurt
” This didn’t exactly suit Seiji’s personality, but he didn’t have much of a choice. He’d have to befriend Itsuki if he was ever going to ask for his help.

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Rea rubbed her head from his new teacher's smack. This was all ready a drag to her. Getting smack for speaking her mind... Just like she did to random people. Ironic... That and now she had to get a new vocabulary. She was afraid she would haft to learn how to say respect to someone other than herself. She then took the poster and looked at the the words he wrote. She sighed then nodded to Jay, taking out her i pod and selecting an app that let her to the internet. She then typed in one of the web sites on the poster, and instantly as if... Jay knew she pick this web site out of all the ones he wrote, she saw a wonderful shirt and skirt that seemed to be chrome coloring, sparkling to her, and it was indeed weighted. This may be going to far, but if his training worked, then wearing this clothing will make her whole body strain and there for make it stronger. She the clicked the order button and smiled, with the saved up money she beat out of the goons this should be just fine.

"All right, done..." she said to him putting her i pod away and crossing her arms.

"Just how strong are you? I never seen you fight." she said almost having doubt in her voice in his abilities.

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#, as written by GamerX
Seiji asked Itsuki what he wanted to do and Itsuki thought for a bit. "Well what is one thing that I am sure both of us have in common?" Itsuki said as he started riding backwards a little bit in front of Seiji. Without giving the boy a chance to respond Itsuki answered his own question, "Skyler as an enemy. The problem is I doubt we are strong enough to beat him. I would also say it is safe to assume that we will need more than just the two of us to end the tyranny." Almost as if it were fated the next corner Itsuki went by there was Jay and Rea down the hall. Itsuki instantly saw these two out of the corner of his eye and went over to them. "Hey you two, I know how you don't really like the president so how about teaming up with Seiji and me to take him down? I bet we all need to train before trying so why not do it together." Itsuki was being bold suggesting this without concern of who was around, the whole overthrowing of Skyler that is. "I don't know why we didn't think of it before but if we train and team up against the man I am sure we can win. What do you say; Jay's raw power; Rae's brutality; Seiji precision; and my speed. All that combined I know we can win this with ease." The details Itsuki mentioned were the things that he saw would greatly aid them in victory, though they were not all he saw in the group as they each had more than they had time to mention.

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#, as written by Ginko
Seiji blinked. Well, he certainly works quick. He then nods slowly to Itsuki. “Quite right. Skyer is an enemy
 and I’m fully aware that I’m not near strong enough to beat him
” He trailed off at the end of this statement, remembering how the President had feigned a blow to his face
 a fairly powerful attack itself, but only a portion of his true power. His eyebrow twitched in annoyance, betraying his otherwise stoic expression. “Well then, I’m glad we’re on the same page.” Though he says this, his immediate thought was his memory of how he attacked Ryuto. It made unnerved him slightly to think of his ‘Rage Mode’ as he called it. However, he didn’t have too much time before they rounded a corner. He watched as Itsuki swiftly rode down the hall and started talking to Jay and Rea.

“It’s that girl again
” Seiji muttered in annoyance, obviously referring to Rea. He turned and slowly headed down the hall after Itsuki. Of course he wanted her to pay for his locker, but it would appear they had more important tasks to handle as of yet. He stopped upon making it to the group. “Well, it appears fate draws us together again
” He tapped his umbrella against his shoulder gently, leaving Itsuki to handle the talking. It wasn’t Seiji’s forte anyways.

. . .

Ryuto, meanwhile, was sitting in a tree branch in the schoolyard. He had a pissed off expression on his face still. “Damn... If only the ‘Nikushimi no Seichƍ’ (from here onward referred to as NS Gang) was still around. We’d-“ He stopped when his sight fell upon a couple of students. They were weak,,, almost pathetically so. He grinned madly, and allowed himself to fall from the tree. The two students turned when the heard Ryuto calling them. “Oi, oi
 Hey kids.” He said, wrapping his arm around one of them. “Ya know, it ain’t good to be runnin’ around a place like this. Prez won’t take kindly to it.”

“We were just goin-” One of the students began before being cut off with a powerful blow to the gut. He coughed up blood before collapsing on the ground. “Weak bastard.” Ryuto spat, kicking him across the yard. He then turned to the student’s female companion, whom his arm was currently wrapped around. “Oi, girl-y. What’re ya doin’ with a guy like that? He ain’t nothin’ but a weak bastard.” He grabbed her by the face, turning her to face him. However, her tear-filled eyes caused Ryuto to pause. He stared for a moment, his memories flashing back before he released the girl. “Cheh. It’d be no fun messin’ with ya anyways
” He choked an excuse, before waving her off and placing his hands in his pockets. Damn it.

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#, as written by Wake
Barely five minutes in to his time at the new school and already Heinrick's old routine was being established.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a friend of-"

"P-Please don't hurt me!"

Heinrick stood awkwardly with his arm outstretched as the girl he was trying to talk to started to scamper off. He let out a resigned sigh and dropped his arm back to his side. He was beginning to regret coming to Japan, especially with the slight increase in embarrassing situations he'd been through so far. As usual people were giving him a wide berth as they walked by, but that was something he was used too. What he was not used to however we the small door ways. He was ducking more then usual in order to pass through, and he'd be a little ashamed to admit that his solders almost got caught a few times. He might even have broken one of the door frames.

And what was worse, everyone on campus seemed a bit more nervous around him than normal.

He didn't notice it at first. Heinrick's large size and scarred appearance tended to leave people who weren't used to him a little unnerved. But when he actually tried talking with some of the other students he quickly caught onto some of the near out right fear some of them were showing him. It was almost like they were expecting him to turn violent at any second. This kind of extreme reaction was unusual even for Heinrick's standards. The only guess he could come up with was that there was some added fear to him being an obvious foreigner. Though mass Xenophobia seemed like an unlikely concept.

He new he shouldn't have let his friend talk him into joining him in the exchange program. Especially considering how he'd run off and left Heinrick wandering around clueless on their first day like this. Scratching his head again he took another broad look around the campus field. "Damn it Benoit, where the hell did you run of too?"




"How disappointing."

Another person fell to the ground of the kendo club dojo in a crumpled heap, his wooden sparring blade falling out of his hand. The defeated persons opponent, a foreigner with a metal fencers sparing blade, stood over him with a clear disapproving look on hi face. "Is that it?" He said, some of his french accent shown through as he spoke. "Is that all there is too what passes for swordsmanship on this forsaken eastern rock? People make ridiculous jokes about Japanese blades cutting through tank armor all the time. But When I come over to test what all the hype is about I find a bunch of coordinately changeling hicks that barely know which end of a blade their supposed to hold on to."

"I'll make you eat that you pompous ass." Another student with his own wooden blade rocketed forward and tried to bring an overhead strike down on the foreigner's head. The attack me no resistance and left the attacker startled when the foreigner seemed to vanish. "And you seem to lack as much skill in surprise as you do in actual swordsmanship." The kendo club member spun around only to get a jab from the foreigner's metal poll into his abdomen, making him to double over. The attack was followed up by the fencer smashing his knee into the club members face and breaking his nose.

Benoit gave another scowl as his last victim started to writhe in pain. He couldn't help feeling unsatisfied. The whole point of his journey to the east was to test the newly resurrected western martial arts. He tried challenging the kendo club to see how it held up. But alas not one was able to stand up to him. He'd already taken down to thirds of the assembled members, and all that we left were the ones backed into a corner and unwilling to try their luck.

He spat on the ground and turned to leave. "Well, you did say none of the senior members were here yet. I guess I got to over expectant with you trash. Take those whelps to the infirmary and see if any of your other low rate club mates have big enough stones to attempt a duel with me."

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#, as written by GamerX
"I don't know if I should congratulate you or laugh at the Kendo club here for losing yet again." The school's president said from the doorway to the Kendo club. Skyler's mere presence sent even those who were barely able to walk quickly scurrying to the furthest point of the room the club was in. "I think I will laugh later and not congratulate you, after all their best member is still recovering in the hospital from a near fatal injury." Skyler gave a low chuckle as he took a couple steps into the club room.

"Yeah that is only because you brutally attacked him for the rumor that he was going to attack you, and it wasn't even true!" One of the Kendo members stood up for their captain but instantly regretted it.

"You insolent worm," Skyler said as he started over to where the outspoken boy was at, not removing his shoes, not caring that it was a disrespect to the dojo. "You dare criticize my punishment?" The boy the spoke out tried to run but it was useless as Skyler vanished from his spot and a split second later had the boy cornered. "It seems you have forgotten what the defiant get," Skyler said grabbing the boy's face and lifted him from the ground leaving him to struggle without hope. "Cobra's Fierce Strike," Skyler said as he used his other hand to strike the boy's chest about where his heart is located. Skyler then tossed him in the air and as the boy came down sent what looks like only ten hits but actually is 30, sending the boy flying into the wall. Once the strikes were finished Skyler said this technique, "Mantis Shows its Furry." It was obvious that when Skyler used the first attack the boy had died right then, but still he proceeded to attack, breaking several bones within the boy's body. Even if he somehow lived he would never be able to move again. "Sorry about that," Skyler said as he turned to the foreign student, "you must be one of the two new foreign exchange students right? Allow me to welcome you to our school as the student body president. If you have any issues with the other students here please let me know and I will take care of things as needed."

"Mr. President, sir, I am deeply sorry for our club member's stupidity. Please do not close us down." One of the unharmed Kendo members said as he bowed on his knees without looking up to the brutal man before him.

"Since you gave an apology I suppose I can leave your club with its second strike. Keep in mind what happens if you get three strikes however." With that said all the other members started to look like they just saw a ghost knowing that another strike meant they would get something worse than simply being disband, although someone that didn't know how things were exactly in this school wouldn't have an idea why they were so scared with this.

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"...Believe me When I say I'm capable of being a challenge for Skyler in my current state. But the outcome is far too ballistic right now, and would be left to chance... I have to train if I want to defeat him for sure, or else I could die recklessly." Jay said to Rea, before turning to Itsuki. "And Raw Power isn't exactly a good way to describe me. I do agree however, we can do more damage together for now, until our strength is enough to take on Skyler and his strongest men."

He looked over towards the next hallway.

"I can't give you a definite answer to a question you should have asked in a much 'quieter' place. But Itsuki, I'm sure you know what my Answer is going to be, especially regarding King. Let's all meet at a private training location, discuss, and practice, at least before Skyler discovers us and tries to make things more complicated for us. And despite everything he'll probably do, just regard it as a training challenge. Our Spirits will have to be unwavering in this
'War.' Equipment, Gear, Weighted Clothes, etc. We'll need some when we begin."

putting his closed right fist into his open left hand, he bowed, keeping his eyes on them for any sudden moves.

"Ikken Hissatsu."

And he left yet again, likely to fight some more live battles: for his training.

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#, as written by Wake
Benoit leveled his weapon against the side of the student presidents neck. "That was a bit overly excessive don't you think." He said with a cold edge in his voice, pointedly ignoring the panicked looks and silent warnings the assembled Kendo club were sending him. It had taken him several seconds to over come the shock of the other teens brutality. Despite his own pride as a swordsman Benoit had only witnessed such savagery once when his uncle had dealt with a mugger. When he did regain his senses he couldn't resist the urge to confront the other over such a barbaric display.

It was something he would look back on later in his life as a very stupid move at the time.

He held the practice blade where it was for several seconds, keeping his gaze trained on the other, before letting his blade fall back to his side. "Now," Benoit exhaled a breath as he spoke to relieve the tension in his body. "If we can move things to a more civilized subject, my name is BenoĂźt Emmanuel, sir." He moved to extend his hand in a handshake, but caught himself in remembering that that it was Japanese tradition to bow in greeting. Giving a slight nod of his head in an attempt to respect the local customs he continued. "My nationality is french as you probably have heard. Too tell the truth though I came to Chen Zhen for a... different form of cultural exchange. I taken great deal of my life to study some of the lost sword arts of my homeland. I was hoping to to see how my cultures fighting style held up but," He trailed of, casting a glance at the kendo club members. He held a look of disgust on his face as he looked. But a it was mostly centered around the person that been victim of the presidents attack. Heinrick was good with fixing so maybe if he found him quickly....

The fencer returned his focus to the student president. "Well my search for an adequate challenge have met failure so far. You wouldn't happen to know of anyone that might fit my expectations would you?"

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#, as written by GamerX
Skyler heard out this male, apparently named Benoit, and thought of the many students around the school. "Well if you are talking about other sword users you are out of luck. There are few good weapon users but those I know of are Ryuto Kanzaki, Seiji Takashi, and in a way Itsuki Wanijima. Ryuto uses Tonfa, Seiji uses an umbrella as a staff, and Itsuki has a weapon you will never expect. Other than them the good fighters are all hand-to-hand." Skyler went over to the club door and looked around. "I heard the other person that transferred is someone you know. I'd like to meet him sometime, maybe you two should come by my office sometime and introduce him to me. I might even find a place for you two in the ranks of students in the student discipline comity." Skyler said as he went off to his office were many girls were there waiting for him.

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Rea sighed once Jay started to walk off. It felt like he had forgotten about her training. Then so suddenly, these men come form no where asking to join up for there own reasons to take down the president. She puffed then looked at the two in anger, somehow thinking they got Jay to leave. She locked her greaves into place, making sure the metal armor was not going to come off. She focused on the two, narrowing down her eyes. She then puffed once more and crossed her arms.

"Okay you two, if were going to work together then were going to haft to know are weaknesses as well. So, as for training, Jay all ready on top of things. I've been lacking, so for a first session, you two versus me. No buts or I'll just jump you guys if you deny my request." she said to them as she began to jump back and forth, her heart rate increasing...

She then focused on Seiji and grinned, "And I'll be going after your smart ass first, locker boy."

She then began to get in a fighting position, not thinking of where they were or who was around, she wanted some sort of exsuse to fight, and take down the locker boy. 'I won't let you get away...' she thought.

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Rea's plan to attack her new, potential allies was short lived, as Jay grabbed her by the ear, and lifted her into the air, careful not to tear the ear off in a messy way, as he glared at the girl, his eyes in a curtain of shadow.

"First Lesson: Stop screwing around. You're going to get killed a whole lot faster this way. This is your one and only warning not to act so stupidly. Quickly, good, but stupidly, I cannot accept."

He let the girl go, preparing to leave again. "Boys, If she wishes to fight, Oblige her in a more suitable setting, and make it mere sparring. preferably with training gear than actual weapons for now."

And he left, after disciplining the girl...

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#, as written by GamerX
Itsuki smiled as the suggestion for a spar came around. "Sounds good, but my weapons are part of my specialty. I guess I could fight without my Air racers, but I don't really take them off since I use them in case of a serious matter." It was clear Itsuki was talking about his Air Racers when he said weapons. Although they were indeed his main piece to combat he could fight without them if needed. Itsuki was a skilled fighter even without the nearly impossible speed that he gained from the simple yet dangerous footwear. "As for weaknesses I would say that would be taking a hit. I tend to not get hit but when I do it is more of a glancing one that doesn't do much of anything. However, against the president I know I would be so lucky."

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Rea whined to herself, her ear completely red from Jay's disciplinary action to her. She looked around and realized it would be stupid to fight where they were. She puffed watching Jay leave as if he was just that epic to do so. She clenched her fist in rage and turned away steamed. The more she was under his teaching the more she hated it. Sure, she had power, lots, amazing power, and she had the skill to focus it so every kick, punch would be a burst of energy sending someone threw rows of walls like in epic movies. At the same time she can limit so her moves are hurtful and quick. So why should he need help from him? She was once again reminded that she was a bit slow in reflex, and judging on how she struggled with Jay's simple ear pull, she had an issue with constant pain. Strikes are easy, get punched, hurts, recover, but something that would involve inflicting pain non-stop would ruin her tolerance. She didn't like being treated like that, nor liked looking at her flaws... Though, Jay said would last some time fighting the president, she knew she had little chance. So he had to be stronger, hell he lifted her up by the ear with little strength. She may be good with grapple moves but that seemed a bit to much for her.

"Baka-Jay-senpai" she mumbled quietly, never truly giving anyone direct respect.

She then focused on Itsuki who seemed to be a bit to cheerful about all this. Though, by what he had said, she found this interesting. He could not take a hit as much as others, and she had untapped attack power that could destroy many, doing that to him would turned to a murder or... Man slaughter if they would fight for real. Though, if he is fast and agile as he says he is then she may never get to hit him and would just be getting smacked up by him, leaving her defeated and ashamed. She was not worried to much about him doing any real damage, sure maybe knock out but he seemed soft, like a teddy bear, unable to kill even if he tried with his bear hands. So her strength pinpoints his weakness while her weakness is pinpointed by his strength. That would be a good battle to see.

"So your weapon his your baka shoes... Pity, my would be these babes right here. Greaves, steel armor protecting my legs and feet, as well giving more of a kick to my kicks. Not really heavy, my muscles have no problem with them. As for locker boy... I don't know what hes going to do, poke me with that umbrella? Ya right..." she smirked at him then yawned.

"All right lets get a nice place to spar so I can wipe the floor with you two" she began to walk in circles getting impatient.

"Maybe even Jay... I could beat him right?" she said to herself, for once having doubt in her.

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A couple toddlers were playing with an older kid who had a cloth wrapped around his eyes. Things seemed nice, as the boy helped direct these children, who were actually from the result of various teen pregnancies. Eventually, most of them got back inside to nap, leaving him some time to play outside with a ball.

That was until a large goon and three of his goons had appeared.

"Hey, you little shit!" Barked the big guy. "we're here for Kevin and Melanie's turd baby. President Kingsman wants us to take the kid into custody as a bargaining chip."

Bart, the older kid, about 6 or 7, didn't bother to look over.

I also was told you turned down the offer of a few others for a couple nice things. Who does that, anyway?"

No Answer.

"Hey JACKASS!" Boomed the big guy. "Take off that damn cloth! must be screwing up your hearing, too."

Then, Bart suddenly turned his head, and perfectly walked over to the giant, looking up without a hint of fear in him.

"This cloth keeps me from seeing your ugliness." He said simply. "And if anything is making me go deaf, its you, boogerbutt."

"WHAA?! Let's kick his ass, Boss!"

"By all means!"

The goons altogether charged at Bart, who began to do graceful acrobatic flips, and gestures of the hand just inched from their faces. The goons at first didn't see what was wrong, until they felt the sharp pain in their necks, which somehow touched their vocal chords with as little pain as possibly. Their eyes were also cut, but only the outer lid, which still hurt, and scared the shit out of them.

The biggest guy began to get furious. He shouted for four to five more guys to come over, the rest of his squad. Bart simply assumed his stance, and hoped he could get through this.