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Carloz Valve merciful-What kind of idiot loses to a terminally ill man!?

0 · 203 views · located in Amarevia

a character in “Chronos”, as played by Statement


((Not utterly happy ith this profile, its certainly not one of my best. I left his clothing for the intro because I don't want to take any longer with this and my computer acting very slowly so it will properly takes ages for me to it right now. Might add some more stuff my characters history later)
(Carloz Valve)[img](Link%20to%20image%20here)[/img]
Height:Five foot 9 Inches
Weight:50 Kilograms
Appearance: Carloz stands as a rather scrawny and un-kept man, baring very little sense of strength or solid structure to his stances which in turn make him appear some what flimsy and ill, it is hardly un-usual for his rather fragile movement to be anything but tilting or dazing like a sick and drunk peasants trying his best not to suddenly fall flat on the floor and pass out. Carloz if he manages to stay straight for one or two minutes will normally appear to be somewhat shuttering all over, like his flesh has centipedes inside it, forcing his body to vibrate or rattle as if being dipped into the chill of the most coldest and harshest of waters the world could of possibly provided. This being chest seems to be very tied to his sickly posture, always flexing his chest out and in rather sluggishly as he swallows mouthfuls of air in a rather gasping and weathered fashion, almost as if his throat if having a hard to even take in the atmosphere around him, at points this figure will stutter in his intake, sounding like a train spurting out smoke in a clocked up fashion, even going as far as to loses his breath completely and start taking as deep as possible amounts of air at random moments. Carloz's skin is a rather pale and worn out texture to it, so worn out that he is practically symmetrical to that of a stain, aged table clothe or the clouds on the most melancholy day, Due to this sense of illness the sign of wrinkles at random points or the small bouts of spots, oil greases doesn't help much either. This sickly fellows body seems to be utterly devoured in a number of veins, all crossing over his frame as if he was slowly breaking to pieces, each a straight but smooth line rise out in a various array of blue and slight green, others a black and the rest dried, lifeless red that borderlines that of brown. All of those blood vessels traveling over his frame like that of rivers on a map. The idea that Carloz may have any health at al to his name is quickly dis-missed not only by the texture of his rather run through the mill skin and protruding veins but mostly by his actual figure and weight, The man arms seem to barely any muscle what so ever, only a very tiny amount sitting at his arms that could be no more than that of young childs, this quickly becomes a trends as his chest is utterly flat, his stomach carries no definition and the shrimpy state of his neck only makes him appear more giraffe like while the legs that lift him fro the flaw seem to be little more than that of sticks, where muscle would be the signs of bone with rigged and rough edges take place instead. The mans ribcage is entirely visible, his arms split by a lump of inner tunnels that hold him together and his legs are barely flesh, making him appear more skeletal than anything.

A tide of hair sweeps over this mans head, teetering off his scalp and over his forehead in a large amount of threads equal to that of waterfall with its large set of various locks pouring forth off from his head and onto his skin, layering itself in a mass of roughly eight inch tails that reached on standard at his Adams apple or just below while others curl slightly with a rather exhausted cry to them, the few that do not fit in either of those sectors seems to utterly split up at the ends into a large number of tiny strings which spiral and twist in a rather panic and agonizing signal of poor health. This strangers lengthy display of hair all rather straight, or at least it looks at it should be straight if it was not for the curling and out of place areas of threads all over his head although the few areas that seems to be in order show his hair should be going forth in a smooth motion if it was not so chaotic from sickness and stress. Along with Carloz's distressed hair is a total over layer of grease to go along with it, making his locks shine up at points where light can shun onto it although it does not appear to utterly filthy and muck infested it is indeed dirty and simply un-hygienic to be around as it has a rather slimey touch to its body. The hair itself is actually a rather weak, dull black that dances on the twilight of being blue at points, mostly in the highlights when the suns hits his head however due to the sheer life being drained away by his sickly complexion the affect of such a pretty shade of tints is dismissed into a melancholy and lazy display of once handsome features on a human head. Valve's facial structure is for the most part, guanted and rather zombie like due to the lack of flesh he has on his checks, making a thin inline where jaw and check bone can be gazed upon more clearly than that on a normal face, his forehead protrudes out slightly in a rather heavy set which gives a hard sense to his face along with his bony complexion which is all topped with the pale skin can give one the impression that he was made of stone or fresh ashes. Carloz's sickly state reaches forth to almost all parts of his body except for two specific areas which are his eyes and lips,somehow he has managed to keep a rather red pair of kissers on his face, each of them extending forth like caterpillars to a standard of fourth inches although he bares a slight overbite which forces his lower lip to appear just a Mil Metre smaller than the top but this overbite is hardly noticeable apart from the lip differences, the actual color of these lips are noticeably a apple crimsons and thus seem to have a rather shockingly healthy glow to them ,perhaps even a tad healthier than most peoples mouths but if one gets close enough the scent of mixed chemicals and herbs enters the air, signifying that these lips have been marked with cosmetics. Carlozes eyes are a pair of slightly lengthy orbs that spread wide into a rather oriental fashion but it could be said that his are far more "open" than most orient features one would have from such a origin, resulting in a rather sneaky shift of eyes structure that always seem to be pointing forward in some sense due to how close they are to his nose as if his body was trying to keep his eyes as secret and close to itself as possible, Carloz's observers are multi-colored, one is which is one the left happens to have a rather powerful glint in the corner that only a most energetic child could give while the rest of his iris is nothing but a deep and plentiful blue, appearing powerful enough in shades to match that of a ocean with the sun hitting it when having such a shinning glint to accommodate it. Valve's other eye however is entirely consumed by a rather putrid black iris with tiny hints of purple high lighting at the very edges while the innards remain that only of a abyssal black, the rest of the eye seems to be dried and hard as if it was slowly shriveling up and dying which would properly be best to assume by the various numbers of blood shots veins layered all over it, each all a dark or brown red as if the liquids inside were themselves expiring. Finally is Valves nose which sits rather serenely upon his face in a short manner, extending forth only a small curvature where two tight but rather moderate sides nostrils sit, giving off a cubic feel to his nose while the spine descends into a hollow none existent state towards his forehead.

Personality:Carloz has rather feeble arua around him , appearing weak and helpless to pretty much anyone. He ushers forth in a rather defeated yet meek tone most of the time and seems to tremble in his voice as if he about to cry or simple emotionally compounded by the series of events that has happen around him, the signs of sickness and his acknowledgement of it is a clear as the sky as he will normally resort to a pleading or pathetic position to get what he needs and thus assumes the victim role almost all of the time although when Carloz is forced to fight he quickly adopts a cocky and angry attitude, perhaps it is dude to his sickness causing chemical to shift but for whatever reason he gets extremely defiant to attacks and dramatically sound rather excited or over reactive to even the most smallest attempts at resistant. When not fighting and not trying to talk his foes into something he will normally be fond of sitting down and enjoying the view of the world around him and thus takes a very relaxed and calm approach to the general problems and even admits that his moments of anger seem to be entirely due to the stage of sickness as he never acted such a way until his mid twenties and becomes surprisingly open about his life to any who wish to ask about it, he even goes as far to answer any question from anyone and when confronted about why he is so socially open to everyone he simply replies "Raised that way. I trust people..I just don't trust their gods..besides..dying so not like I have something to lose" because of his pro-human but anti-religion he has many doubts about the Chronos tactics on approaching their goals but never once had the audacity to put forth his protests. Carloz is a coward..if he is at a dis-advantage he will normally try to escape a scenario as fast as possible but he would not break down and cry or something embarrassing but he would not stay and die by a code of honor either, due to this he has no problem slitting someone throat in their sleep although his caring nature has issues with it, his obedience to the Chronos and his desire for revenge agaisnt god drive him to do his questionable deeds

Power:Rejecting Field: A field of energy is constantly emitted around Valves body, being noticeable and definitely mystical although not overly flashy as it is nothing but a very thin line of red that hovers over his outline with a vague and rather hollow luminous yellow tailing behind it. When not effectively using it the field will be on but at such a low level that it shows no visible signs of being so, when committing a powerful attack the shield will glow brightly and emit a arua of a powerful blood red with a vibrant and pure light that could only be described as smoke as it ascends from the red before it and sheds away all darkness around.This field of energy rejects all components near it, adding massive amounts of force to any given action, turning a simple push into a heavy tackle or a weak punch into a car slamming into a wall when fully activated. When on doing default damage it will be that of a strength of a more than healthy fully grown six foot four man. Because this field rejects all exterior items, it also soften the blow of attacks or magical spells, thus turning a weak frail person like Valve into a more than endurant fighter.

Weapon:Pious: Pious is a tall and fickle blade that extends up to nine inches inches in a perfectly straight line but is hardly bigger than one one inch in width, making it flexiable but razor sharp and cubic all the way through. Pious is decorated in a number of different scriptures across its handle and its guarded that is shaped into a triangle manner while the handle is seven inches long and crafted from a rather bland gold, most likely due to the sense of age and decay it has over it from being in existence for such a long period of time, apart from that there is a miniature red eye peering at the bottom crafted from a red gym that has managed to keep a blood crazed glow to it despite all of these years of use. Pious is a simple weapon, it dosen't shine or impress, it hardly flares up but its history is one of zealotry and disgusting devotion. It was said that pious was originally a blade that extending up to ones arms with a chorus of angels flying from its guard with a handle made out to be silver clouds that shine a light off it that vibrated the senses of ones eyes with its sheer divine appearance although it was stripped to pieces for the sins committed with it being pronounced as impure and sullied by evil treachery aswell heretical behavior in the hands of once thought holy figures. This blade is one of the small villages heirlooms and is capable of cutting most items from flesh to leather but it falls short of meeting war requirements in terms of combating serious protection. {one, use this for image; [url=(link here to pic)](Name of weapon)[/url]}

Background:Once upon a time there a was a little village on the far side of the woods, it was buried deep in the trees and nestled in a life without war or starvation. It would be true there was indeed hard times just like in any other place but whether or not those hard times came the people trusted and stuck together no matter the outcome. It was a community, everyone knew everyone and if they did not, then they would go and meet with a smile that stranger with a trust in their hearts that can't be taught or mimicked. All was good, all was fine. In this little bundle of buildings and happy faces lived a family and small boy and soon a baby girl. Time past and as the boy grew he took to the ways of his religion and the traditions of his people to an extent that he was considered the angel of the lot, the good boy on the street although to be fair people were hardly ever naughty there. But one day a man in white came, he sung songs of the gods and vicariously wiped his back with a pair of two others. blood sprayed the ground as he walked through the village in a exhausted mess, his face hidden by a large lock with a symbol etched into the front. It was indeed a man of faith, a follower of beleive, he spoke so proudly yet desperately at the time to for and to his god as he mauled himself over and over. The man was gone by noon and he was the talk of the town for a few days.It was rare to have something to gossip or talk about but soon the tones of voices grew quiet as a child fell ill..then another..and another and another. The people prayed, they did rituals and performed all the medicine they knew and even went as far to seek outside help with the aid with last healthy pair of children. Valve, three other boys and a young girl barely old enough to be considered teenagers all wandered as far as they could, packed with food and water to the nearest town but was quickly shunned away after their pleas were heard in fact they were frantically chased away by what would appear to be every day religious folk. Upon their return more than half the village had died from the disease. With nothing else to do the last of the survivors prayed to god, any god to help them as their bodies dried up and shriveled in mere days but none the less they each died and all last children soon joined the bloody tally. Valve sat at his wooden chair, staring at a symbol, a symbol that represented a being he did not understand a symbol he had grown to hate. In anger the boy picked up the holy scriptures and held them up to the sky, to the symbol and before his eyes, shouting with a raspy and sick voice "I denounce my faith. I denounce religion. I DENOUNCE YOU. STRIKE ME DOWN...STRIKE DOWN THE NONE BELIEVER YOU WILL NOT AS I WILL STRIKE DOWN THE LIES OF YOUR EXISTENCE" nothing happened. Driven by anger and sorrow he soon crept away from that town, he walked past the body of once dead friends and loved ones and continued to exists. A promise,a promise to all those that fell because he was to weak to get help and a promise to a god who let them die that he will not rest until he had broken all remnants of a false deity. Theough sheer will Valve had survived to his 15 birthday, a amount of time no normaly barer of this sickness has witnessed before but despite all of his goals and feeings even he could not stand much longer. Carlozes sat upon the floor, waiting for his time to come, feeling his body shrivel up as look to the clouds and all that ran through his head was how weak he was, no longer carrying the strength or the will to survive he finally started to closes his eyes only to awaken in the arms of shadowry fellow. It was not the Chronoses original intent to save his life, he merely had a disease not yet seen and just happenend by sheer luck to be passing by. It was the Chronos that managed to paraylize his illness but his stage was far too deep to be effectively cured. His sickness was frozen and made for the most part inpotent for airbourne or water bourne travel which drastically reduce its infeticability to a close zero-unless he vomits on you or he bleeds on your wound-he soon told his tale and although he was accepted with hesitation he was still in the end acepted into the chronos mostly due to his DNA being needed for several abilities for angels(Yea, I know it is not really descriptive but I normally keep my history rather a notebook of facts about the character than a reading pleasure. Not really my best background)

Other: Hobbies: Practicing knife tricks, practicing magic combat techniques. Sleeping...a lot. Staring out of windows and writing memos about the days of his life.


So begins...

Carloz Valve's Story