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[b]Age: 23 [/b] [b]Gender: Female [/b] [b]Birth Date: 13-12-1989 [/b] [b]Se'xu'al Preference: Men [/b] [b]Race: Human [/b] [b] Element: Fire [/b]

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a character in “Clash”, as played by AndieAnderson


Waist length Jet Black hair, Flaming brown eyes. Approximately 5 ft 6inches tall. Fair skinned, giving the contrast of her black hair and pale face. Expressionless until enraged, she looks cold hearted and consequently will not be found in conversation with anyone unless absolutely necessary. Overall people will not approach her, her appearance gives off the impression that she is alone and prefers it as such. It is unlikely she will ever be seen in clothing that is not black and will always have a thick black coat around her slender shoulders.


Intelligent, dangerous, dark and mysterious. Gives an air of importance and power. Often feared, most will not make eye contact with her out of sheer terror. Walks gracefully giving the impression that she is actually gliding along. Her appearance perfectly reflects her personality. She is not a person that can be trusted and should be avoided at all costs. She has a taste for blood and she is not the type of person to have a few drinks in the local with her friends. She does not have friends, preferring instead to stay alone. Never staying in the same place she continues to travel and will not tie herself down with any possible distractions. She has one purpose, to get revenge.

Weaknesses: Others emotional outbursts, her brothers name and also severe allergy to rice.


Miriana does not carry much with her, preferring instead to travel light. At any given time she carries with her, her flaming sword (Flaming only by name), Her whip (made crisply from the bones of her enemys) and her ring. She is able to make a human being boil from the inside, once they have been weakened in a fight and the ring helps her control this, giving her the ability to switch it on and off. As her prize possession she is protective of it and almost worships it. Sometimes you may catch her mumbling to it. Though no one knows why.


Having discovered her abilities at a young age she has had time to correct them perfectly. She has grown stronger with age and is after revenge for her younger brother. He was murdered when she only seven years old by that time she was aware she may have powers but had yet to tap into them. Her and her brother lost their parents to a force that she is searching for. The same force that murdered her brother. Unsure of what that force is, she often feels the need to give up. When this happens she thinks about her brother and becomes refuelled by pure rage. Unable to let the past go, she is adament upon her plans. She was not always anti social and had a very good friend when she was younger, they grew up together. The day she discovered her power was the worst day of her life. After having a row with her best friend, her friend in anger mentioned her brother. That's when her power first made its presence known, Unable to control it she accidentally burned her best friend from the inside out. An incident that she never recovered from, her grandmother gave her the ring and she fled from her home shortly after. Though her grandmother is still alive she has yet to return.

So begins...

Miriana's Story


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It was around this time of evening that what little patience remained within her disappeared completely. As the drunkards began falling out of the pub doors and into the dark streets she began to feel her temper rising. She didn't understand the need to drink yourself into oblivion. As if it actually helped solve anything, measly excuses for men spending their evenings flirting with any women that happened to catch their eyes and then later returning home to their doting wives that would happily ignore the fact that they were often unfaithful. Men. One thing above all others in the world that truly made her want to vomit. She didn't understand the lovey dovey crap that couples often portrayed but she understood it even less when people were unfaithful. Perhaps she should divulge in a drink or two? Perhaps not, the thought of sitting with company for more than five seconds made her desire to kill increase.

"Oi, Love." Miriana stopped dead, infuriated by the person that dared call out to her. No one ever even attempted a conversation with her and that was exactly the way she liked it. Turning round to face the man that had piqued her interest, she watched as he stumbled off of the step that he'd been stood on and prowled towards her. Miriana dared not breathe, her posture quickly changing in defense.

"Come on love, give us a kiss!" Searching around her she spotted an alley way. Instantly a million thoughts ran through her mind, calculating the distance and accessibility of the alleyway itself. Snapping her attention back to the man before her she took in his disheveled appearance. He was young, younger than she had first anticipated, having instantly assumed him to be middle aged. His thick black leather jacket was torn in places, ripped and worn over time. His trousers were stained with what she believed to be either beer or urine and it also appeared to have dripped down onto his scruffy brown shoes. He wore upon his head a brown flat cap, filthy from a hard days work. Stubble coated his chin and gave her the impression that this man was definitly drowning his sorrows. However the most infuriating thing was his eyes, as he stared at her as if she was a piece of meat; Tender and ready to be bitten into.

Stepping back slowly away from him, she could see the flicker of courage that flashed across his face. So quickly that she barely saw him move, his hand wrapped itself around her arm. Brave He was strong but she was quick, twisting his own arm up behind him she pushed him into the alley, her eyes burning and her blood pounding through her veins. Throwing him to the floor she pulled her whip from seemingly nowhere and used it to tie him to the drainpipes behind him. She pulled a cigarette from the packet in her pocket, pushed it into her mouth and lit it with her favorite lighter. She took a puff and smirked as she straddled the man before her, his fearful eyes pleading with her. "Now what did you say to me?" She whispered menacingly.


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"I didnt mean no 'arm love, me mates they dared me to talk to ya" Miriana let out a dark chuckle, before taking another puff on her cigarette. This time as she blew out the smoke she blew it into his face. "Please dont kill me miss! I have a wife who's waitin at home" His begging only spurred her on. As a woman who now lacked in morals she could be as nasty as she liked, her conscience no longer existed. Buried under years worth of damaging information and evil deeds.

Making her decision, she leant in closer to him and undid his restraints. Taking back her whip and storing it back into where she kept it. The man smiled thankfully at her, clearly thrilled at her supposed sudden change of heart. He said nothing as he stumbled to his feet, the alcohol still coursing strongly through his system. SHe smirked at him as he remained staring at her face. "You have ten seconds" she hissed as she stubbed her cigarette out. Instantly his look of adoration changed to confusion.

"Ten seconds?" He began to walk backwards away from her, his legs barely keeping him upright.

"Yes ten seconds, although now its more along the lines of 5 seconds" She looked up at him from beneath her eyelashes. A final warning. Picking uo on the int he began to run, well stumble along the alley way into the darkness. Mirian didnt move, allowing there to be some distance between the two as she counted down in her head. Finlly, he was out of time and she sprinted after him as quickly as she could. Already able to see him up ahead. he'd slowed down clearly satisfied that she wasnt coming after him. He was wrong. He'd underestimated her and he as about to pay. Hearing her footfalls, he turned his face draining of colour as she pounced like a cat after pray. Her body collided with his as she knocked him to the floor. sat on top of him she threw punch after punch at his face and hissed in anger as his fist swung and collided with her right eye. They began to wrestle with each other, though no match for her he was putting up a fight none the less and she wondered idily if he was part of perhaps a fight club.

Having had enough of this now, she wrapped her hand around his throat. Her long nails, claw like and painted black dug into the skin there and a trickle of blood ran down towards his chest. With her other hand she ripped open his shirt and then slowly licked the trail of blood clean. Her eyes met his and he watched as they turned black. She could feel his temperature rising beneath his skin. His blood literally boiling in his veins. His face changed to pure agony as he let out an agonising scream. Quickly his cheeks became enflamed, the veins in his eyes bulging with the hot liquid. Blood began bubbling out of his mouth as he drew his last breath. His skin baking to the touch.

Satisfied with her work she climbed off of him and licked her nails clean. Lighting up a new cigarette, she quickly rummaged through his pockets and found some change. She pocketed it and smirked before stalking off down the alley way and back on the path she was taking earlier. Now she was going to be late.


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Miriana stepped into the 24 hour corner shop, her mind set on one thing. Usually she hated these types of places but the blood of the man before still left a beautiful taste in her throat and she needed a drink. She sighed at the over enthusiastic music playing throughout the store. What ever happened to the sound of silence? Snatching up a bottle of bleach, she turned and began to walk out of the shop.

"You have to pay for that!" She hadn't noticed the shop keeper until now, he stood behind the counter, his fear of her evident on his face. Continuing to walk out of the establishment, she didn't pay any attention to him as he began shouting at her. How dare he? Didn't he know who she was? She had just reached the dark street when she heard the click. Turning around she glared at the small man stood in the shop doorway, shotgun in had, aimed at her. She let out a low malicious chuckle.

"I'm warning you!". His voice trembled as he spoke, the gun wavered in his trembling hands. Once more she turned away and continued forwards, the bottle of bleach still tightly held in her left hand. The world seemed to slow down as she heard him pull the trigger, the loud bang and the whoosh as the bullet flew towards her. Snapping around to face the bullet, that travelled towards her slowly she concentrated her thoughts on heating up the powder inside. The bullet exploded with a little flame and she smiled in satisfaction. The shop keeper looked at her, shock and mind blowing fear caused him to take a step backwards. He threw the gun down, obviously realising it was of no use, before disappearing inside and slamming shut the door.

Slipping the lid off of the bottle, Miriana took a long swig of the bleach. The chemical burning her throat as it quenched her thirst. Screwing the cap back on she continued up the street, stopping briefly to concentrate intently on the little store behind her. She didn't turn when the explosion sounded, nor when pieces of debris flew past her. No she didn't have time to stop and glance back at the damage she had caused. Her instincts were telling her to get to the airport.

She had a plane to catch.


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The time was drawing closer as was the energy, She could feel it even from this distance. Good or evil it needed to be destroyed. It was playtime today and though she didnt know why, she knew what had to be done. Time was running out and she realised frustratingly that she wasnt going to catch this flight if she didnt get a move on. Slowing to a stop on the pavement she glanced around at the deserted streets.

A black mercedes was parked not far from her, in front of a pub. A woman stumbled down the steps towards it. Miriana made up her mind. Producing a water bottle, she poured out the liquid before pulling out the bleach she carried with her and refilling it. Screwing the cap back on, she glided over to the woman trying to fit the key in the lock. The woman startled when she saw her, a fearful look in her eyes. She was swaying on the spot now, abandoning her attempts to unlock her car she stepped away from Miriana. Miriana held out the water bottle to her, managing to communicate the dare without actually talking.

"I think I've had enough" The woman slurred and Miriana resisted the urge to shout at her. She guestured again with the bottle and the lady finally took it from her and even risked a step closer. Unscrewing the cap she began to drink, instantly realising something was wrong. Snapping her hands in position, Miriana held the bottle to her mouth, her other hand holding the womans head in place.

Muffled screams echoed along the street as the burning liquid made its way down her throat, Miriana didnt care who heard, this woman didnt matter. No one would approach her anyway. Boredom began poking at Miriana, dropping the bottle she ignored the womans screams and instead grasp her neck and twisted hard.

The snapping almost brought a smile to her face. Snatching up the womans keys she unlocked the mercedes and slid in. The leather seats were not necessarily comortable but were adaquate and as she started the engine, the soft pur made me realise that this had been a good idea. Now she'd make it in time.


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Character Portrait: Miriana Character Portrait: Jenson Geb Character Portrait: Harmony Breeze
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"Because I didn't tell it to you yet." Harmony chuckled. "My name is Harmony, nice to meet you! What is your name?" She asked after standing up.

Right in that second a strangling feeling shoved into her vens, causing her to choke furiously. When Hamony calmed down, she told Jenson that she was allright. What was that? It was a sudden, cold and painful feeling telling her that something horrible would happen in a few minutes... and it would be caused by one person... Whatever it was, Harmony quickly forgot about it. "Let the trip begin!" She started skipping happily like a child. "I still didn't hear your name!" she told Jenson.