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Crash: Chapter I



a part of Crash: Chapter I, by ~ Shadow Heart ~.


~ Shadow Heart ~ holds sovereignty over Island, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Island is a part of Crash: Chapter I.

18 Characters Here

Akita Smith [44] "Surviving is the key..."
Silas Sutherland [38] "What an odd place..."
Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera [35] Give Me Love RP
Reason Farfield [35] Lollipop, Lollipop, ooh lolli lolli lolli lollipop! dadadadum...!
Sasha Lennors [33] "I-I'm sorry if I'm bothering you."
Ashton Cooper [31] "Who are you calling a savage?!"
Izo Ewing [21] "...Trust me."
Prodigy Song [20] "There is only one rain cloud in the sky, and it's raining on me. Somehow I'm not surprised."
Darvo Kaerd [19] ''Enjoy life the fullest!''
Damien Braveheart [17] "...I do not care for only concern is my survival..."

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They were all happy to be going on this over sea field trip, 35 students and 10 teachers, all ready for a summer full of swimming and shopping and plain old fun. Together they all climbed onto the plane, almost jumping in their seat's out of pure joy.

The plane has been flying for about three hours now, all over the Atlantic Ocean. It's late at night, and the plane shouldn't land for about another four hours, their all counting down. Suddenly over the intercom the passengers hear the pilot talking with a calm yet panicked voice, "Please put your seatbelts on, we are going through some heavy turbulence." Five minutes after the huge bumps of the outside storm, oxygen masks, and life vests are opened above the seats. The plane has become pure chaos now as everyone tries to ready themselves. The plane begins to descend extremely fast, all that can be heard is screams and cries s everyone tires to hold on for dear life or pray to stay alive through this..through they might not want to. The plane shakes and jerks around, people are killed as they plummet down, down down and some people even fly out...and then the plane crashes into the ocean.

Few people emerge from the wreckage in the middle of the ocean, but some make it to a nearby island, concious or not. The few survivors wake up to a bright morning sun shining on the white sand beach. Most of the island is covered in overgrown tropical land, no obvious life other than birds high above the tall trees, and no people, maybe...

The plane had once held 35 students and ten teachers, going on a special trip to Europe. Less then 19 student's made it out alive. All teachers were killed.

But soon we'll learn something strange is happening on the island, but they have no time to worry about the strange craving's they find in caves or the burnt down huts or even the ashes of old tribe people..they have to worry about making it out alive.

The island is inhabited by many animals: birds, snakes, spiders, insects, and possibly mammals of our choosing. Slowly everyone will find each other and split up into two groups, one group by the ocean and another in the forest. Slowly we'll explore the unexplored land and learn what's "really" going on in this land We also may find people, probably not a tribe like we would think, because I'm guessing if people were on the island they would have been in the same situation as us, but they are more savage than us from life on this island for so long. Bit for now let's not worry about that and just worry about finding each other and staying alive.


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Darvo opened his eyes but quikly closed them again. The sun was so bright. He had never seen such a bright sun ever. Slowly, with his eyes closed, he sat up. He was slightly unstable and dizzy. He didn't know where he was either and he felt water underneath his feet and legs. Slowly he opened his eyes, letting them adjust to the bright sunlight. Once adjusted, he took a look around. He could tell it wasn't the plane, or the ocean. It was an island, one he had never seen before or heard about. He then looked at his feet and saw the ocean stretching out. His eyes widend as he saw that. Where am I?


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Silas slowly emerged from the water barley concious. Oh my god... He was about to suddenly panic, but managed to remain calm. Vision blurred, he examined his surroundings. Hot, sun reflecting sand stretched across a tree lined coast for what seemed like miles. He turned around swiftly.Ocean...nothing but ocean. With the nauseating dizziness slowly fading, he noticed faint figures among the beach. Now he remembered. The seemingly harmless trip that he's long since dreamed of, has turned into a disturbing nightmare. "Hello?!" he desperately called out. Stay calm Silas...stay calm.


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Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Akita Smith
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#, as written by Totoro
Akita Smith

'I'm I dead?', it was the first thing that entered his mind when he suddenly regained consciousness and went into a state of mind where he could think. He wasn't aware of his body, but was wandering around around in his thoughts. Akita's body had been washed up on a god forsaken island and if you just happened to be some random passerby, it would almost seem like he was dead. Eyes closed, not sign of movement, but it didn't take long till he was finally swarmed into full reality. his body was warm and he didn't feel like moving from such a comfy position. The white sand felt so soft and cozy against his skin, the sun beating down on his calm figure.

Akita forced his eyes open, his line of vision quite blurred at the start. Continuously blinking till it cleared, he saw various others beginning to wake and stir. He remained still, his body felt detached from him and he didn't dare send messages to his brain to started getting up. He started with his fingers, then lurched his entire arm out, then to his legs and abdomen till he completely turn himself over. That wasn't such a good idea. a slice of sun caught him right at the eye which caused him to cry out in sheer pain. Groaning loudly, the little shock roused him to become fully awake now. Like a baby just beginning to take it's first steps, he struggled to get on his feet, his thighs aching greatly. stumbling round the sand speckled beach, he looked like a drunk man, even falling every few moments, but getting up just as quickly.

Not far from where he was, Akita heard the faint 'hello' in the near distance. He approached Silas and dropped himself down on his knees and let his body fall to the ground. "Is this heaven?", he asked dumbly.


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Character Portrait: Akita Smith
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Silas' mind was abruptly awoken from its unaware, dormant state when someone approached him. Akita? Yes, it was him! A familiar face was comforting to Silas in a way even he didn't understand. Silas didn't know Akita well, but at least it was another student. Suddenly faint words struggled out from him. "Is this heaven?" he asked before collapsing back to the ground. Mustering out his remaining strength, Silas attempted to help him to his feet.


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"Please fasten your seatbelts, we are going through some heavy turbulence." Prodigy obeyed the voice immediately, strapping her seatbelt quickly around her waist. She found herself shaking, whether from the turbulence or nerves, she wasn't sure. A few minutes later, the oxegen masks fell down, and they were instructed to put on their life vests. All she could hear were screams. She watched in absolute horror as some people even fell out of the plane, people she knew, who she considered friends. A few more screams, then the crash.

A massive ache in her chest, and the smell of something burning. The whole plane collapsed and she felt herself enter water. She held her breath, and swam as far as she could. She finally broke out of the water and took a gasp for breath, groping at the nearest thing to her. She looked over at what it was, and let out a shriek. She was holding her friends dead body. She let go of the body and swam towards a spot in the distance. Maybe it was a boat. No, it was an island. She arrived at the island a few minutes later, completely exhausted. She coughed out some water, before collapsing on the sand.


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Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera
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"Please fasten your seatbelts, we are going through some heavy turbulence." Hearing the voice Lina rolls her eyes but does as she told,not wanting to get in trouble. Minutes later she asleep when all of a sudden icy water hits her with so much force it jolts her up. Holding her breath she looks around and goes above the water. She feels something hanging her back,her gymnast bag. She goes above water and takes a few pieces of clothing out of her bag but keeps two shirts,one pair of shorts and jeans,and her back up pair of black converse. "Oh my God." She saids to herself looking for others who survived. Being a strong swimmer she heads to shore. Aftetr a while she feels a sandy beach and starts to huff and puff,exhaling deeply.

After gaining her breath she spits up blood,a habit that happened when she can't catch her breath fast enough. Shaking and frezzing she curls up in a ball ane tries to warm herself up. She tries to yell but nothing comes out. She breaths in deeply and yells with all her might. "Help! Is anyone here?!"Is all she can get out before feeling light headed. She starts to shake and feels her teeth start to chatter,even with the sun against her olive skin even with warm water you would be able to see goosebumps on her arms in a matter of second,but when she's covered in ocean water that might not end well.. Holding the pain in she tries to concentrate one the long scar on her arm now visual to the world. She grabs the arm to her chest feeling and smell rust,looking at her arm she see blood coming from her arm,not a lot but if she didn't get help soon she was a good as dead.


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Character Portrait: Reason Farfield
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Reason twitched, digging her fingers downward and twisting herself into a tighter ball. She was lost at sea, cool water lapping at her arms and cheeks, threatening to eat her alive, but she was safe, perfectly safe, in her warm bed….
The short haired girl jerked with a start as her eyes flung open, greeting her pale face with a slap of stinging water. A squeal escaped her throat- or, a croaked dry version of one. Blinking her eyes furiously in the sudden sunlight and leftover pain from salt water in her eyes, Reason slowly raised herself into sitting position. Her arm swiped across her forehead, and cheeks, coming back speckled with smudged eyeliner and dry flakes of red. Blood…
When her grey eyes were able to adjust to the scene, she raised them, starring out over a vast expanse of churning blue. The blue streamed out as far as she could see, and even then it blurred into a new horizon that swept upward into a milky sky.
For a moment she was confused. Then she remembered everything, arms wrapping around herself as she shivered from the horror of the memories that returned to her. As her ragged breathing sped up, heart fluttering, she doubled over and coughed out a few mouthfuls of water.
A cry was heard from a distance over. Reason let out a little noise in response, turning her head, then gasping in pain as pure sand reflected the clear sunlight, nearly blinding her.
Again, the teen waited until she could see clearly before expanding her vision. She could make out two figures, one helping the other, and maybe a few others lying about.
Reason slowly unclenched her hands from her arms, pressing them into the wet sand she sat upon. Glancing down for a moment, she realized she was sitting in water, explaining the cold, wet wakeup call she had got.
Bracing her fingers into the grainy ground, the red head pushed herself into standing position, wincing as she felt several joints cracking and popping, creaky from lack of movement. Just how long had she been lying there, after the crash? After being knocked unconscious and washing to shore?
For the first few moments of standing upright, Reason felt confident, twisting her back and peering in the distance to take a closer look at the two figures. Then suddenly her legs turned to jelly, the effect of gravity catching up with them. She collapsed with a little ‘eep!’
”Help! Is anyone here?!”
Reason’s head snapped up, trying to find the source of the voice. Finally, she spotted the little ball of a person, curled up not halfway towards the other two figures.
Reason jerked back upright, staggering on her unsteady legs, looking as unsure as a newborn horse as she lurched across the sand.
“Hello?!” She called back, usually peppy and musical voice dull and cracked. “Are you alright?”
Her bright pink,soaked Vans sunk into the sand, making it harder to move. “Hello??” She called again, hoping the other two figures heard as well. Maybe her voice could even serve as a wakeup call or beacon to any other survivors.
Finally she was close enough to recognize Lina, a tomboy Reason never really talked to on more than one occasion.
Feeling a bit more steady, though still weak, Reason jumped a bit and waved her arms at the other two standing figured in the distance before dropping next to the shivering girl. She was cold too, but not nearly as cold as the other girl.
“Hi Lina! I don’t know if you know me, but I’m Reason, you look really cold, but don’t go to sleep! Here, sit up, put this on…”
Reason carefully but firmly helped put the girl into sitting position, then ripped off her own sweatshirt and wrapped it around the girls shoulder. Now, the red head was just clad in a lacy white tanktop, and black scarf.
“I know it’s wet but maybe it’ll help. Hopefully the others I saw will come over here, then we can help each other, okay?”
Reason gave her a little optimistic smile, trying not to bring up the topic of the crash. She herself didn't want to face it quite yet.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith
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#, as written by Totoro
Akita Smith

Feeling Silas help him, it turns out they were still alive. "F*ck man!" he stood up straight as he untangled himself from Silas's grasp. "You should've just played along with it!", he said a little pissed that he hadn't died. It would've been better that way than being stuck in the middle of nowhere. Though he wasn't usually this cranky, maybe the plane crash and the fact that they were stuck in this uncharted island was what caused this little uproar of his.

Akita winced suddenly as he noticed a large bloody gash starting from his stomach to the left side of his chest. Cautiously, he hesitated at first, but slowly started to run his finger tips over the cut. He scrunched up his face in pain and made a mental note not to do that anymore. It was obvious that the injury would heal, but forever leave a scar on his body.

Cocking his head up, his eyes skimmed Silas and caught site of a long cut running down right his arm. "Hey, you have one too.." he said with a slight concern audible in his voice. He'd seen him around the school before and in some of his classes, but he wasn't too close to him in anyway. This could the time that destiny decided to bring them together.
It took a bit of time for Akita to actually start feeling the pain of the wound, but when it did hit him, it hit pretty hard. Gritting his teeth he cursed under his breath and walked along side Silas for a bit till they saw two figures up ahead. They were calling out for help. It didn't take very long till he was close enough in distance to recognize the pair, Reason and Emmalina. Waving his hand in the air to signal them he yanked Silas along, since the other girl seemed to be hurt. Who knows, maybe they were all hurt, not just physically, but mentally as well.


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Silas observed the long gash upon his arm. It abruptly began to send sharp pain extremely fast up his forearm, eventually spanning his whole body. Akita then suggested that they should move down the coast. Ignoring the pain as best he could, Silas walked alongside the survivor for a few yards when they noticed figures calling in the distance. They began to make haste, Akita was concerned. Silas recognized the girls but didn't know their names. One of them seemed to be injured, as the other was tending to her. Their calls for help wouldn't go unanswered. They seemed extremely relieved as Akita and Silas eventually arrived to their aid.


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Character Portrait: Damien Braveheart
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Damien groaned as he opened his eyes and blinked tiredly. What happened? He felt like he had been hit by a ton of bricks...Shaking his head slightly to get rid of the dizziness, Damien pushed himself back up. Suddenly, he wanted to throw up. Everything was fuzzy and the headache was killing him...where was he anyway? He remembered something about...a trip or something...ugh...why was it so hard to concentrate? He grasped his head and coughed violently. As he touched something damped on his forehead, Damien looked at his hands. They were covered in blood...just great...just fucking great!...he was injured...and he didn't even remember how he got those injuries...He closed his eyes and took a deep, shaky breath...okay, this was no time to panic...he needed to stay calm...Taking a deep breath, Damien began to call out loud "...someone...please help..."

His hands touched the ground around him blindly, helplessly trying to find his glasses. As his right hand came in contact with a familiar thing, he immediately grasped it and put it on his nose, only to sigh in frustration as he found it had been broken beyond repaired...Great! Now he was blinded, injured and had no idea where this was...just awesome. He took another breath and called out again ""


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Prodigy Song
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Prodigy woke up and blinked, her eyes staring up at the burning sun. She was lying on something damp, yet sandy, and weakly stood up to see that it was blood. Her own blood. She gave a small shriek and looked down at her body. A massive gaping wound that went from under her right arm down across her belly, and the force had ripped the top she had been wearing slightly as well. She felt slightly dizzy, though whether that was from the shock, just waking up or a bang on the head, she was't sure. Hopefully the second one, but the last one seemed most likely. She brushed the sand off her clothes and took a small, shaky step. She took in her surroundins, and spotted a few people in the distance, and recognised a few.

"Akita! And is that...Silas?" she yellsed. She could see two other figures, but couldn't make them out well enough to know who they were. "Guys!" she yelled again, slowly making her way down the beach. She took a few steps, and stumbled, landing on her stomach on the ground. The impact hit her wound, and she gave a small cry out in pain. "Okay," she muttered through gritted teeth. "We'll crawl then." She used her elbows to slowly drag herself down the beach, and when she was a couple metres away from the group, she stood up and walked the rest of the way. "Uh, I survived!" she said, a sad attempt at lightening the mood. The other figures were girls, and she recognised them as Emmalina -- or Lina -- and Reason. She gave them a weak smile, then looked down at her shoes, her purple All Star Converse were ripped up beyond repair.


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Character Portrait: Damien Braveheart Character Portrait: Peter christoph
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Peter was in darkness, it was like a dream a lone Harmonica was the only sound he could hear.

Peter stood up and walked towards the sound of the Harmonica, it wasn't far and he got to his destination in a few moments.

On a stone in the middle of the strange dark plane sat a strangely familiar figure, the figure was an exact copy of himself.

"Who are you? How can you be me? Is this some sort of joke?" Peter asked with more then a hint of anger.

The figure stopped playing and spoke, with the same voice and the same hint of anger.

"You think any of this is real pall? Are you that easy to fool?"

Peter was more then annoyed now, how stupid could he be? This must be a dream but unlike any he ever had.

The figure spoke again

"Well I am your inner self, the soul or whatever fancy names you gave me when I wasn't looking"

Peter was confused, why was he here?

"Pete hear me out and shut up" said the figure

"You have to wake up or we will both die, you have to wake up and swim!"

"A plane crashed and you are rapidly advancing your carrier as fish food so wake up now!"

Peter understood the figure meant what it said but he was still confused.

"How do I wake up? As far as I can tell I am trapped here!"

The figure merely said one word in a whisper yet it seemed to sound allover the area in many voices speaking as one.


Peter was not one to waste time and he started running, it seemed like an eternity when he saw a light in the darkness he ran to its direction.

It seemed as if gravity itself was trying to keep him in the darkness, he ran towards the sky losing energy every second.

He was out! And suddenly a great pain struck him, he was immobilized by it.

After a few moments the pain started to moderate and Peter could open his eyes.

He saw the sky and it was beautiful it seemed impossible that this was supposed to be the worst day of his life.

He was in the water; I must have been near death! He thought to himself.

Their where bruises and scratches allover his body and his head felt like it was hit by a sledgehammer but as far as Peter could tell he was only lightly wounded.

Looking around he saw… bodies some intact, some far less so.

Peter nearly took in water before calming himself, there is nothing you can do but make sure you do not end up like them he told himself a few dozen times.

He saw a beach at least not all was lost, swimming will all the power he could master peter reached the shores and walked inland.

"Christ all bloody mighty!" He screamed, you take our plane down, our teachers and half the class and you also decided you have to ruin my goddamned shoes? Thank you lord for sharing your sadist pleasures with me what's next? An OBE served by a hungry cannibal?

Peter tried to clam himself but he was now officially pissed off and none of his "could have been worse" calmed him down.

But then he heard a weak voice, not thinking twice he ran to help, but he could not see any one.

The voice grew louder and more familiar; it must be Damien he guessed and shouted with all his voice.

Damien! Damien! Where are you?

Peter heard a noise and turned, there he saw Damien barley awake possibly barley alive but Peter was no doc bones.

" Damien… don't move you are just making yourself sick, Peter gave Damien his hand and tried to calm him down and do what he could to stop bleeding.

"Don't worry mate it's not as bad as it looks" he said trying to fake a voice of certainty he could not naturally summon at this moment.

A voice spoke in his head, was it the strange figure from the dream?

It said only "told you… it could have been worse"


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Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors Character Portrait: Damien Braveheart Character Portrait: Peter christoph
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Sasha stumbled around on the beach, looking for others. He had been awake for an hour already. His hand had been attached to his face this whole time, trying to surpress the pain from the bash his head had taken.
His hand covered his right eye, and his fringe lied over his hand again. There was a little blood streaming down his face, but it wasn't too serious. He had managed to grasp the entire situation, remembering all that had happened.
It wasn't exactly like he wanted to remember.. All the screams had scared him beyond imagination. He heard someone shouting not far away. He saw a boy on the ground, and another one jogging towards him.
He hurriedly stumbled towards them and recognized the injured boy. It was Damien. Sasha didn't really know a lot of his classmates, but he had noticed Damien a little more than everyone else. Peter was also there now, helping out.
"H-how is he?" Sasha stuttered to Peter, looking pretty nervous. He let his hand slide from his face, and his currently dark blue hair fell down in front of his eyes, and the blood streamed down his face a little faster than before.


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Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith
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As Lina feels herself slipping away she starts to feel a burden be lifted off her body,that was until she heard someone can her name and sit her up. She hears the girl's name,Reason. She never really talked to her before mostly because Reason was in a grade year younger than her and she never was a sporty girl from what Lina saw so she didn't really speak to her but she knew her face and name. She was good at remembing faces and putting them to names. She wraps the sweater around her trying to keep herself warm seeing Akita and Sila, a guy she hasn't really ever seen before. As they walk up to her and Reason she can't help but to feel so girly and fragil,she hated having guys see her in such a state of weakness,ok lie she just hated having guys close to her period. But she wasn't about to refuse help.

She stops shivering a little and starts to feel the sting of the salt water go into her cut. Feeling a pain in her stomach she wishes she ate that morning. She exhales trying to calm down and looks at her feet. Clearing her throat she thinks of what they should do next. "Is anyone else,you know....alive?" She asks with worry in her eyes. Looking around she sees a cut on both Sila and Akita. God,did everyone get hurt?! She asks herself hoping that Reason wasn't as hurt.


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Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Akita Smith
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Ashton awoke with salt in his eyes, his world cloaked in blue.
What the hell? He retaliated, his hands balled in fists, ready to fend off whoever or whatever it was. Oftimes he had awoken from water, sludge, or a more repulsive fluid, splashed into face by one of his many brothers. But there was no one to wrestle but the suffocating weight that was sinking, and sinking fast.

The plane. It was...shit.

Uncharacteristically, he had obeyed the voice that had rung over the airplane's telecom. Actually, he had obeyed his gut instinct; he hated rules and being told what to do. Now, he realized it had saved his life. The gas mask wrapped around his mouth dribbled with a school of baby bubbles as he exhaled a shuddering breath. What luck. How long had he been unconscious? 15 minutes? Twenty? If water had entered his lungs, he wouldn't have ever regained consciousness...Ashton shuddered again.

Mr. Hoeman, who had been seated with him in the front row, ears plugged with music, had been too busy chatising and streaming angry complaints into Ashton's unlistening ear about his bad manners, gradework, citizenship, to hear the ominous warning. Now, while Ashton was strapped fast to his seat, his be-hated teacher sprawled against the roof, his pink brain winking at him, apparently the product of colliding against hard metal wall in front of him. Good riddance. I knew that fat mouth would have been the end of him, he thought. But then he saw others floating around him, bloodying the water. Eyes milk-white and gaping mouths stared at him. His kind math teacher, his brother, his best friend, his... Suddenly, the sight was too much for his stinging eyes, anguish threatening to smother his triumph over the hated adult. He shut them and groped for the window. The water pressure had shattered it. Violent hands ripped away the gas mask and seatbelt bontage; With a pushing motion, he freed himself from the metal prison, once full of excitement, that was nose-diving faster and faster down toward an underwater Nowhere. Gone, the cylindrical coffin imprisoning his classmates and teachers...

With a shake of his head, he expertly extinguished the memory. His mind became blank. No time to worry about that. He must survive.

He was 30 feet under. With a few strong thrusts of his legs, he broke the surface of the water. Blood-shot eyes blinked at the vibrant world around him, swirling with the heat from the sun. With a sigh of relief, Ashton tore himself free of the deadweight of his clothes, revealing a darkened criss-cross-shaped bruise on his chest. The tanned boy realized three shards of glass embedded his cheek, but otherwise, he had escaped with minimum damage. He knocked the jagged pieces out, leaving three claw-like gashes dripping blood down his chin. That's gonna leave a scar.He grinned idiotically at his distorted reflection. Sweet, he beamed, I look tough. Queer triumph bubbled in his chest like helium.

Unconsciously, his hands trembled.

He found his classmates scattered in the water and on the island, helping each other. A realization suddenly struck him. Hey! No fair! They all had been flung into the ocean, while he had been stuck in the cabin! Stuck there, to drown. Stuck there, to Nothing. He hadn't seen anything. Somehow this angered him profusely, and he had the intense desire to punch someone. As if someone had cheated him of all the fun. He swam wildly toward shore and leaped into the coarse sand. Panting, his short brown hair clinging to his forehead, scars stinging, the delinquient boy rushed like an animal toward the boy named Akita, a savage fist raised in the air. Senseless blood-lust pumped through him. Maybe it was trauma, or delusions, or he had gone momentarily insane, but he had lost it. He did not notice the boy's injuries. "Hey, you!" he roared, swinging his arm violently.


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Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors Character Portrait: Damien Braveheart Character Portrait: Peter christoph
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"Damien! Damien! Where are you?" A voice shouted from the far distance and Damien frowned, trying to remember who was speaking to him. His mind was too hazy to focus properly and it was taking all his strength not to fall again and hit his head somewhere else. Where was he? He heard something like waves crashing to the shore...Was he at the beach? He coughed up some more blood, the scent of blood made him want to empty his stomach...There were footsteps...whose footsteps-

" Damien… don't move you are just making yourself sick,"

A voice said next to his ear and Damien flinched...he had seen a blurry figure but he didn't know that the figure was that close. Who was that? Damien narrowed his eyes and tried to look at the figure...His appearance, his voice...Peter!. Damien coughed and took a deep breath, trying to calm his heart down and at the same time, trying to focus on his classmate "...Peter....wh-where a-are we? I c-can't g-glasses a-are broken...w-where is everyone else?" He asked before coughing again...His chest hurt...his ribs must have been broken or something...God dammit...if only he could see where he was...

"H-how is he?"

Another voice asked and this time, Damien recognized the voice almost immediately...It was Sasha...another classmate of his...He seemed to be talking to Peter at this moment but Damien tried to cut him off...he needed to know the current situation because he couldn't even remember what had happened "...I t-think m-my r-ribs a-are b-broken...and m-my head m-must h-have hit something...It h-hurts and t-there's a l-lot of blood...w-what h-happened? I c-can't see..." Damien stumbled on his words, obviously panicked because of their current situation...where was everyone else? Were they alone?


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Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors Character Portrait: Damien Braveheart Character Portrait: Peter christoph
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Sasha looked more worried after hearing Damien speak. He was basically panicking. He looked over at Peter, then back to Damien.
"We should probably take a look at you. You'll be fine, okay? Do you remember what happened?"
As Sasha spoke, he frequently lifted his head to scout around the waterline. After looking for a while, he had noticed several people in the distance. He now and then hear people shouting.
They were all obviously disturbed by their current situation. Sasha just managed to focus his eyes enough to see someone emerge from the water. One more had made it out.
Sasha felt a little releaved. He didn't really have any close relationship with any of his classmates, but the fact that at least some of them were safe made him feel a little more calm.
He had to make sure Damien was ok, too.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Prodigy Song
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#, as written by Totoro
Akita Smith

"Akita! And is that...Silas?". Akita turned around to see a stumbling figure in the distance. His eyes widened as it started to crawl, he almost thought it was a zombie until the familiar face of Prodigy appeared through the smog. Letting out one of his rare grins, he wanted to show his appreciation to her for trying to boost the atmosphere a bit. Losing their sense of humor and becoming depressed was something nobody would want as of now. They had survived a plane crash after all, that alone was something to celebrate about. Trying to make the mood more comfortable for everyone, he even commented on her badly torn up converse, "Nice shoes!", the sarcastic tone was audible in his words.

Akita then turned to the now functional Emmalina as she finally woke from unconsciousness. "Welcome back..", he said kindly and slipped off his dry sweatshirt as he noticed her teeth chattering and her body shivering. "Here, this should keep you warm..", he said as he passing her the slightly bloodied piece of clothing, but at least it was dry. It was a surprise, even to himself, that he was actually acting way off his usual personality. Not that acting the way he does in school would help much in this sort of situation. Seeing others hurt like this probably clicked his nice side into action. It reminded him of his sickly grandmother and how he had cared for her till the day she passed away. The sun was starting to get clouded over, the air becoming colder than it already was without the needed heat of the rays, while the seaside chills kept the temperature even lower.

"Is anyone else,you know....alive?", Akita was just about to respond to Lina's question when he suddenly felt rage powered punches at his back. It didn't hurt that much, instead they actually helped loosen up his tense muscles. When he'd finally had enough of the annoying twerp, he turned around to see a short boy with a demonic glare in his eyes. Sticking out his arms, he wrapped his left hand around the boy's head to keep him an arms length away, the petite figure still madly throwing punches. Snorting and raising his eyebrow, Akita reached over and with his right-hand, he grabbed the boys cheek and yanked on it. "Who brought their little brother along? I thought the trip was strictly for highschool students?", he said bluntly as he struggled not to laugh at his own joke. He'd barely seen this boy around the hallways of the school, but he just felt like pissing him off a little more. Eyeing the 'thrashing monkey', he guessed that he was around fifteen years old.


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Darvo stood up after he wasn't dizzy anymore and looked around. Was he all alone or had more survived? He seemed alone for so far he could see but he wasn't sure. He looked at his cloths and sighed. ''Mum's going to murder me for this,'' he said to himself and sighed. He looked around again to make sure he was all alone but again he didn't see anyone.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors Character Portrait: Damien Braveheart Character Portrait: Peter christoph
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"We should probably take a look at you. You'll be fine, okay? Do you remember what happened?" Sasha asked and Damien shook his head tiredly "...n-no...I don't remember...much...we a plane...and..." He paused, trying to search for more information "...and I-I t-think I w-was reading a book...with Sandy...and t-there's..." He gasped his head in pain as he tried to fill in the blanks "...and the-there's a b-big n-noise...w-what happened?" He paled as he remembered his girlfriend - Sandy. Did she-? Could she-? He grasped the nearest person near him, which happened to be Peter and he said, almost pleadingly..."...what about Sandy?....where's she? p-please t-tell me s-she ma-makes it..." He coughed and looked around wildly and depressedly, trying to search for the girl he loved "...Sa-sandy? S-sandy? S-sandy?..." He called out, his heart filled with hope...and fear.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors Character Portrait: Damien Braveheart Character Portrait: Peter christoph
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"S-sandy?" Sasha listened to Damien's fearful voice. He looked at him with a painful expression as he grasped onto Peter. The screams from before entered Sasha's head once again.
"I should stay quiet. But what will Peter say? I don't want him to give him any false hope. It helps for a while, but.." Sasha thought to himself. The pain that comes after your false hope gets crushed.
Just like his sister. His older sister who had always taken care of Sasha, making sure he was safe, acting as a guardian. "She's going to be ok," they'd told him. Sasha decided to stay quiet, waiting for Peter to say something.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Lennors Character Portrait: Damien Braveheart Character Portrait: Peter christoph
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"Damien don't talk so much, save yourself for healing or your chances of joining the soon to be established graveyard of this god forsaken island may be a few cords higher." said peter trying to distract Damien from the setuation to avoid panic.

Peter heard Damien speak; first he was retelling the events leading to the crash,to the best of his ability, that was a good sign at least his brain wasn't royally buggered.

Then Damien started saying a name repeatedly, Sandy… Peter vaguely remembered the girl, was she the body he saw in the water?.

Peter was about to rip himself apart by speaking a lie or at least not telling the truth when Sasha saved him from the disgrace.
Peter could not let him bare such a burden alone and spoke in a voice not his own.

"Yes…. we will find her Damien don't worry about her, save your strength and brace yourself, this might hurt.

Peter knew he must stop the bleeding or Damien would bleed to death.
Having nothing better to use Peter cut his shirt using the sharpest stone he could find.
Peter took a measure of the makeshift bandage and wrapped it tightly around Damien's wounded head after cleaning the wound to the best of his ability.

All Peter could think at that moment was how lucky he had a dense shirt and not a summer shirt that could not stop any kind of bleeding; at least it might prove some use against the bleeding.

Turning to Sasha Peter only said "are you all right? Do you have any serious wounds? If you are up for it go find more survivors and come back here as soon as possible.

We need to know how many people are lightly hurt and can help treat the wounded and how many are badly hurt are require immediate attention."

Seeing the confused and anxious look on Sasha's face Peter knew he had to use the bully in him this time.

"What are you looking at? start running! I will look after Damien!

"Remember to come back as soon as possible, if he is up to it we need to move Damien along with all who are badly hurt into a centralized area so we can treat everyone properly. NOW GO!" Peter shouted.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmalina Gonzalez-Rivera Character Portrait: Silas Sutherland Character Portrait: Ashton Cooper Character Portrait: Reason Farfield Character Portrait: Akita Smith Character Portrait: Prodigy Song
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Silas and Akita reached the girls. Relieved that they were alive, Silas learned the girls' names as Lina and Reason. Silas kneeled and closely examined Lina. It was obvious that she was very hurt. Her teeth were chattering and she was shivering rapidly. A few moments later she awoke from unconsciousness, coughing and still shivering. "Take deep breaths Lina, you're going to be alright," Silas assured as she emerged from the painful sleep. Looking over to Akita, Silas saw him put his sweatshirt over her. "Here, this should keep you warm." Dropping from his knee, Silas sat on the coarse sand looking around with a concentrated look on him. Clouds starting to meander over the sun, making it colder while the tide continued to edge its way towards the group. Looking behind him, he noticed the tree line across the sandy coast that lead into dense forest. Even in utter silence, Silas couldn't hear even the faintest sound of wildlife within the trees. Suddenly remembering something, Silas dug into his jean pockets desperately searching. "Dammit," he said under his breath. We're going to need to find the others and group up fast, the sun is going to set soon and if my meteorology is correct, it's going to get substantially colder by nightfall. Fire. We need a means of administering a flame... His train of thought was abruptly broken by the sounds of close shuffling. "Prodigy?" Silas said. Yes it was Prodigy! She was crawling about the sand towards them. Her shoes were scorched and torn. "I'll be right back," Silas said before starting off towards her. He was trying not to run in risks of wasting energy. "I'm coming!" Silas assured. His steady stride was stopped when he heard a commotion behind him. A young looking person was attacking Akita effortlessly. Eventually Silas made out the person as Ashton, a lower-classman he barely knew. Akita seemed to be handling Ashton's crazed attacks so Silas continued towards Prodigy until he finally reached the girl on the ground. "Here," Silas said helping her up to her feet. Clutching onto her arm and shoulder, they walked back to the group. After returning, Silas' mind re-entered critical thinking mode.