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Jae Ashkin

"Oh, hello, I'm Jae. I shot that arrow through your chest. Do you mind if I have it back? Thanks!"

0 · 322 views · located in Thrall

a character in “Crown and Dagger”, as played by Oscar L. English


Name: Jae Ashkin

Gender: Male
Species: Human
Allegiance: The Guild/ The Rebel Cause
Occupation: Thief in the guild, archer

Appearance: Jae is sculpted mostly in his upper body from years of training with a bow. He keeps a year-round olive pallor, even in long winters, and long, curly, dirty brown hair. At any given time he can be clean-shaven, or sporting an under devolved beard, depending on if he has been on a mission. His eyes are a deep brown, and his chin is strongly defined above his long (for a guy) neck. His height or size his nothing spectacular, maybe even a little short, but he makes due. His usual costume is loose-fitting natural colored shirts and breeches to blend in with forest hues. He wears weather resistant, bee-wax treated hemp sandals for long distances (and they do not leave noticeable tracks on trails). Every now and then he will stray from the drab shades and wear deep blues and greens. He is never without his leather weave necklace with a blue shell ornament, one simple gold ring with a small sapphire stone, and a few clay beads in his hair.

Skills: Jae is a skilled archer and bowman unlike any other in Thrall. He fashions his own arrowheads, tills with own poisons for coating the tips, and whittles his own arrow shafts. Excellent eyesight and hearing are his allies when he comes to his bowmen skill. When needed, he can fire any manner of projectile in any weather condition; heavy rain, snow, dense forest, dry heat, it is a trifle matter to Jae. He can scale the side of an ancient tree or cliff side in a matter of seconds to achieve a better post to fire arrows from, and can hide there for days if needed. His stamina is remarkable; he is able to hold a fast pace for days with little to no rest. Jae’s best placement is for hits on carriages traveling through the deep woods. He is marked trackmen, waterfinder, hunter, and survivalist, be it in the deep woods, open ocean, or in the middle of the capital. Jae is a fantastic lair, allowing him to bend with situations and adapt personas to talk his way out of a bind. He is a superb cook, and shines his best when he has little to work with. He can stretch one chicken into five days of hearty soup for a group of eight or more.

Weaknesses: While Jae can talk his way out of situations, he has more problems with his mouth getting him into trouble. He also can be easily distracted, or quickly parted with his money by convincing salesmen. He can be a terrible gambler if the moment provides him with the temptation. If given the chance, he would sleep all day long. Also, for one reason and another, Jae doggedly refuses to adopt the use of a mechanical crossbow. To him the contraption has no ‘soul’. He can get sentimental, or trusting, and far too eager to have fun. This exposes his childish, competitive, and lazy side of his personality.


Personality: Jae is a peculiar addition to any group of thieves. He seems dangerously laid back for his chosen profession. He is quick to laugh, or to joke, and always willing to slack off for a game of cards or dice. It appears that he only concern are things that interest him. Request a job of him that he does not feel like doing, and there will surely be a few whiney words on the matter. However, ask to track a person in a torrent of rain over sharp waves of black mountain rock under the constant threat of death, and he’ll be out the door before anyone can take a second breath. His hands always have to be occupied, be it at tinkering with his obsession as a bowyer and fletcher, cooking something, and reading on occasions. Among his long career, there was one thing that Jae has truly excelled at, and that was laying his head off about just how competent he was. While never short on brags about his archery, he never lets on just how able he really is. To him, he thinks it is far better for every one he works with to understand Jae place in the world as a simple thief. After all, when push comes to shove, who is going to think of the chatty idiot kid? A good example: Jae was responsible for the infiltration of a royal transport carriage, where he removed the rare yellow diamonds from the queen crown (then being sent to be polished), and replaced the diamonds with corn kernels to make a political point. He has never told anyone he did that because he will never be asked to accomplish something so grand again. No one has any reason to expect any miracles from Jae.


Equipment: His choice weapon is a self made, highly flexible, wooded bow enforced with composite wood for extra distance and strength. He has somewhere around 40-50 arrows in his quiver at any given point. Some arrows are tipped with copper for strength, others are tipped with slivers of carved bone for velocity. His signature arrow is uses blue and white feather fetchings, though he only saves those for missions of special meaning. Jae carries with him a very small hatchet for practical reasons and a small dagger for defense and close combat.


History: Jae Ashkin, by the legal legers, his someone who does not exist. He grew up in a spec of a seaside town in the far west. His family was fairly well off as far as townies go. They made lamp oil and blew glass for the making of fine lamps. He had two older sisters who taught him how to track and hunt (his family would rather kill a deer than spend money in the market) and taught him how to conceal himself. His family was frugal to the point of extremism. When the tax collectors were coming into town, they whole Ashkin family would leave on a yacht or relocate to an abandoned house. This lead to young Jae being involved in breaking and entering of many tax offices to destroy legal documents or to forge new ones. Once, after coming back from eight months of island hopping on a yacht, the family returned to find their town destroyed and their hidden money taken. They were destitute.
Jae’s mother died of whooping cough when he was eight, and his personal care was left to his sister, Lotti. It was she who introduced him to the thieves’ guild, where he really attached himself to the aid of others through thievery.
He spent much of his time perfecting his profession over the years. Eventually he and Lotti became something of a team and made serious walking around money for their family back home. When he was 16 and Lotti was 17, she was knocked up and eventually married, leaving Jae to become his own man. Jae was passed around bands of thieves, with long periods where he worked solo. He still thieves, where much of his money is sent back to his sister Lotti, aging father, and his other unmarried, currently pregnant sister.

So begins...

Jae Ashkin's Story