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Alaizabel 'Elsa' Dartheon

"It's better to be sad and alone than sad with the people who caused that sorrow."

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a character in “Crowns, Empires & Swords”, as played by angelwolfchild


Name: Alaizabel ‘Elsa’ Dartheon

Age: 21

Appearance and Build: Standing about about 5”5 with a slim but strong build, her body is slightly curved but her feminine features are not as well pronounced as other women’s are. Her ebony black hair falls down to her shoulder blades while her skin is quite pale, mostly due to the porphyria which gives her a slightly sickly pallor at times. Her eyes are a bright green, often with dark kohl around them.


Personality: Elsa is quite cold to most people and works hard to distance herself from everybody else, still very much stung from events of the past. Her intelligence and lack of emotion often make her appear aloof to anybody she speaks to. This coldness makes her an efficient assassin as she never has any qualms about killing people for money or blood. Despite this hard outer shell she is incredibly vulnerable inside, even after three years she has nights where she cries herself to sleep over what happened to Tara. There is also a deeper desire to reach out and make friends, having a caring nature and strong sense of humour beneath it all. She misses her brothers deeply but still despises her father, getting defensive if anybody asks anything about her family to the point where she will lose her temper. The porphyria makes her weak under direct sunlight unless her skin is covered and can make her faint but she never shows any weakness, to the point where she can easily overestimate her own endurance and has got through things by luck more than once.

Where they live: She has no set home but tries to avoid the South Pacific Kingdom at all costs.

What/ who they are: Ex-Aristocrat/Rogue/Assassin for Hire

History: Alaizabel was the youngest of three children to a prestigious lord in the South Pacific kingdom, having no high expectations other than to marry and have a family when she was ready. She had a happy childhood but from a young age she showed no interest in marriage, preferring to learn combat with her brothers as well as becoming incredibly well read for a woman. Despite this she still had her feminine side and loved her father deeply. Inheriting porphyria from her mother made her quite sickly at times, but given her strong disposition and a regular supply of the only known medicine (blood) she was still able to keep healthy. However things changed when she turned eighteen, as her best friend and personal maid Tara became her lover, the two girls keeping their love a secret but intending to run away together. But soon her father found out about this, horrified he forbade Alaizabel from seeing Tara again but the more she was warned away the more she fought for it. Eventually her father did the worst possible thing; he had Tara executed. Alaizabel was heartbroken and enraged by what he had done, choosing that very night to run away from home. She didn’t stop running until she was as far away as possible, taking only a pair of daggers, her brother’s bow with a single arrow and a roughly carved pendant given to her by Tara.
Three years after this Alaizabel, now under the name Elsa, has honed her skills with the daggers and bow to become a rogue t assassin for hire. Despite this she doesn’t take jobs often, preferring to move around freely finding new places to live. She mostly takes jobs in order to stock up on ‘medicine’; her porphyria occasionally gets worse due to rough living but as long as she keeps the supply up she can survive. Elsa still refuses to go anywhere near her old home, not knowing if her father or brothers still look for her or if she’s been forgotten. Even if they welcomed her back, Elsa knows that she cannot bear to go back to the place where she lost Tara.

Skills: Stealth
Horse riding

Other: She carries several skin-bags to contain her supplies of blood, but doesn’t carry too much at a time because it needs to be fresh to heal her properly.

So begins...

Alaizabel 'Elsa' Dartheon's Story


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The Black Sails.
A port tavern, constantly bustling with drunken revellers, whores and weary sailors.
Elsa’s eyes gazed out at the scene from under the shadows of her hood, taking another drink while her nails tapped on the wooden table.
She was getting steadily more bored with each moment. It had been a while since she’d had a proper job so she was very impatient to get started; the main reason for that was really the fact that her ‘medicine’ had run out a few week ago and she’d come close to fainting more than once. The porphyria was getting worse recently so any kind of work was appreciated if it meant re-stocking. But the particular target the landlord set hadn’t arrived yet, leaving Elsa nothing to do other than people-watch.
Her gaze had been following several of the better-looking whores when a pompous voice rang out near the bar.
“Have my meal brought up in half an hour and I expect it to be better than that slop you provided last time!”
Elsa’s lips curled up at the corner as she stood up, the cloak concealing her body as she made her way through the crowds to follow the corpulent man in elaborate red and purple silk up the stairs.
Their footsteps tapped in rhythm but the fool was too busy muttering about the state of the tavern to even notice the woman following him.
Second floor, third room to the left.
He entered and slammed the door shut, creating a resounding thud as he pulled the latch.
She opened the door on the right and entered the next room.
The hood dropped, exposing her pale face to the sunlight streaming through the window, the kohl around her eyes making them look both tired and threatening at once.
One window, average size, overlooking an alley way. No people outside. No risk of people hearing.
With that she opened the window and slipped out, balancing on the ledge carefully as she stretched towards the next one. It was open. Of course, the idiot was moaning about how stuffy it was. No wonder the owner wanted him dead. Unfortunately his voice carried easily, if she was going to get this done it had to be swift and fluid.
Elsa took a deep breath.
Then without warning swung across into the room, wrapping the edge of her cloak around the man’s neck before he could scream and pulling tight. His eyes bulged and his beard quivered as his air suddenly ran out, allowing her to drop him to the floor and hold his head over the fresh waste bucket next to the bed.
“Not the best storage but it will do.” She muttered, slitting the cadaver’s throat and watching the red blood gush out gently. Dipping a hand in it she took a swallow, shuddering at the taste of iron but feeling better already. Then she took out two sheep-skin bags and filled them with the blood before kicking the bucket under the bed and laying him on the ground; after a second thought she took a fat gold ring from his finger. Another quick swing through the windows then out the door of the other room.
Once she was downstairs she went to the bar, dropping the ring before commenting dryly, “He’s changed his mind, the meal won’t be necessary.”
The owner nodded understandingly, handed over a small bag of coins and with that, Elsa headed outside into the fresh air. She took a moment to breathe in the salty air before beginning to walk again, putting as much distance between herself and the tavern as possible.


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Character Portrait: Esme Character Portrait: Alaizabel 'Elsa' Dartheon
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Elsa had found herself wandering through the bustling crowds around King’s Landing, despite her every instinct telling her to run the other way.
Firstly, she knew that staying too close to where she had just done a job was incredibly risky as she may be spotted, betrayed or just generally caught. Second, her attire and weapons meant that hanging around large crowds left her more open to suspicion; cloaks worked well in dark corners and shadowy streets but in crowds it made you a walking target. And third, if she stayed here then there was always the chance that somebody could recognise her from three years ago which would just cause more awkwardness than anything else.
There was no reason to be here at all.
And yet

“Fresh fruit my dear?”
She turned suddenly at the sound, seeing an old lady holding a basket and smiling obliviously. Sighing, Elsa took out a few coins and handed them to the old woman before taking the opportunity to ask “There’s a lot of excitement today. Is there an event?”
“Oh the king’s had a big summoning today! All nights and noblemen from all over! I even hear there’s some foreign queen come as well, supposed to be the most beauty-”
“Is that all the noble families being summoned?”
“I wouldn’t know that dearie; I’m just here to sell my fruit.” She muttered, grinning toothlessly before ambling off through the others.
Elsa sighed, the fruit in her hand as she began to walk again.
She’d been taking more chances with questions and eavesdropping but hadn’t heard anything of the Dartheon family. Granted this was the first time in three years she’d come home but there wasn’t so much of an indication as to what they were doing. Considering that arrogant toad loved his charity work to make himself look better, this surprised her greatly. Maybe they’d moved away? Maybe they’d fallen out of favour? Maybe they were still searching for her?
Elsa couldn’t and didn’t want to even consider the possibilities. She’d left the South Pacific Kingdom for a reason and it was stupid to be back here now, she had to finish up here and move on as quickly as poss-
“Umph!” She grunted as she walked headlong into a dark-skinned woman. Elsa shook her head slightly as she stood up properly to mutter out-loud, “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention where I was going.”
At the rate her head was going, it was a wonder she hadn't been arrested already.