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Culprit City

Culprit City


a part of Culprit City, by Lialore.

This shoddy set for the show is constructed mainly of scavenged materials from cities which had already suffered the weather's wrath. Patchwork skyscrapers litter the horizon, whilst the smaller buildings lay in their shadows, dilapidated and mismatched.

Lialore holds sovereignty over Culprit City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,354 readers have been here.



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Purplish sections are outdoor areas.


The armoury stretches underground, beneath the center of the city. The entrance is situated at the tall base of a statue depicting the programme's logo, surrounding this are areas of sorry shrubbery. 2nd Street west and east, and 2nd Avenue north and south are the direct routes.

Only Heroes may enter the armoury. Criminals will have to find makeshift weaponry elsewhere, or gain a weapon from a Hero, though, they will have limited ammunition. Who enters is controlled by full length turnstiles which are monitored and operated by Station 7. There are four of these entrances, one at the center of each side of the statue's base.

These turnstiles lead into the base of the statue, which, inside, is one large hall. In the middle is a staircase which leads below and into the armoury.

I am leaving the contents of the armoury open to players. You are only to include firearms, martial arts weapons and premodern combat weapons and suitable accessories. There is no armour in the armoury. If you wish to introduce something else, please contact me first.


SafeSite buildings are created in order to protect people from the outside. If one wanted, you could spend your entire life in a SafeSite building without ever needing to go outside. SafeSite's in the real world are staffed and receive supplies regularly. The building is primarily underground, and compared to the rest of the building's, it's short.

There is only one entrance which opens onto Washington Street. The door cannot be locked.

LEVEL X: Unknown.
BASEMENT: The ultimate shelter.
LEVELS 1-10: Storage, including a vast amount of food.
LEVELS 10-15: Living quarters, ordered like minimalist apartments.
LEVEL 16: Gardens.
LEVEL 16-20: Entertainment and exercise.
LEVEL 22: Terrace.

Within these guidelines, players can use their imagination.
Level X will contains will be revealed later.


The Cage is where Criminals are put if they break the rules. Whilst Heroes are disqualified for any misbehaviour, Criminals are sent to the cage to either starve to death or wait for Heroes to find them. The Cage is not marked on the map, and so will have to be found. It is located between Ali Street and Cherry Street, in the crossed section named 'Alley Row'. The area is simply a section of alleys. They lead to the central block where The Cage is situated.


The rest of the map is open to interpretation, within reason.

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Culprit City

This shoddy set for the show is constructed mainly of scavenged materials from cities which had already suffered the weather's wrath. Patchwork skyscrapers litter the horizon, whilst the smaller buildings lay in their shadows, dilapidated and mismatched.


Culprit City is a part of Culprit City.

19 Characters Here

William Edwards [27] Just Edwards.
Izzy November [26] From homeless, to piloting prodigy, to short-time celebrity, to unforgiving crime fighter.
Phantom [25] "Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."
Giselle "The Angel" Demence [20] A professional nurse known for her mastery of both medicine and poison. She saves only those that are worthy, all others must die.
Anya Kasyanov [16] Former Russian hitwoman, assassin and mercenary. Jailed for life for multiple counts of murder, torture and fraud.
Jared Kruger [14] The Big Fish.
Hieronymus Willow [13] "Leave me alone. I've had enough."
Lorelei Harvey [11] Bitter? Me? What makes you think that?
Alex Hunt [7] Hero. A billionaire playboy, kid of the owner of an immense corporate empire in the field of weapons and technology.
Riley Mac'feran [7] "Many call me insane... I prefer the term spiritually enlightened"

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Character Portrait: Phantom
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1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Giselle "The Angel" Demence
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Giselle made herself comfortable in the hospital. She could still hear her first victim's cries ringing in her ear though the woman herself was probably dead by now. She went from room to room, inspecting everything and collecting a few things as she went. There were all sorts of pills and drugs in the cabinets in each room and she took a stretcher and began gathering the ones she recognized and could use. By the time Gigi had finished her thorough inspection of the hospital she had found a map in one of the pill bottles, figured out how to work the PA system, and set herself up in the Intensive Care Unit near the back. It was the best stocked out of the whole hospital and it was most likely where the injured would come seeking medicine.

Now that she had her home base ready she took the time to do her favorite thing, her job. She set out a bowl of nightshade berries on the front desk for anyone who might get hungry, it took around 30 of them to kill an adult but even one could make you sick and sickness was a weakness you couldn't afford in this game. She crushed up the nightshade root into a fine powder and kept it in a little jar that she labeled in her own special code. She knew both heroes and criminals alike would come to her for help and any criminal that tried to force her to help them would find a healthy dose of this in their medicine. She decided she would leave the leaves as they were, maybe spike a few salads here and there but other than that there really wasn't much use for them.

When all of this was done she sat back in one of the offices in the ward and perused her map, it looked like all the weaponry was in the center of town. Good thing she had no intention of going there, it would have been quite a task for her to arrive without having to fight her way there. Her little hospital was a good distance from the center but it looked like there was a department store not too far from where she was, and next door was even a vehicle storage. Giselle Demence sat in her hospital, completely secure in her dominion, and wondered if there were any pretty cars parked next door?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Jared Kruger Character Portrait: Anya Kasyanov Character Portrait: William Edwards
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#, as written by Lialore
Escaping from the two dozen or so criminals that had congregated on the other side of the road beside the high school seemed difficult enough. But to Izzy’s dismay, thirty, forty, fifty? more red-banders emerged from one of the factories. There was a moment of stillness as they sized her up. Then she fled.

All of the cameras in the area swiveled to focus on Izzy.

She’d dropped the metal bar in order to run as fast as she could. The sound of it hitting the concrete was what started the surge.

Her feet pummeled the hard, slick ground, splashing. Those long, sure strides had always served her well. But Izzy was well aware of how slim her chances were. Out of the mob that was now onto her, it was likely quite a few of them would be able to catch up.

She raced north, not daring to look back, then began to unscrew the map which had been clenched in her fist.

Amidst the excited roars of the criminals who were so close to tasting their first blood for years, no one heard the revving of an engine. Their death idled, unnoticed, in the form of a ginormous truck.

Jared tried to smile in a friendly way. It didn’t work.

As the woman listed off what she was looking for, he just blinked dumbly. To be honest, he wasn’t used to listening to what women said. Her voice was a bit too high for what he’d usually pay attention to. She seemed rational enough, a trait which he wouldn’t usually apply to anything with tits. But, hey, he had nothing better to be doing.

So, Jared took her suggestion – not did what he was told, of course, he didn’t take orders from anyone – and started to grab packaged cables and rip out wires from appliances. After he’d gathered a fist full, he remembered the sledge hammer and scooped it up off the floor, dumping his glassy makeshift weapon in its place. Her words had indeed gone over his head, so he was just snatching all that he could.

Plan? Exposition?
Bitch must be insane.
Still, he was all up for being involved. And in being off-camera with her, whatever that meant.

He might’ve been dumb, but he had just about enough intelligence to string together that she was probably making a weapon to electrocute the shit out of people. And, yes, he was most definitely up for being involved in that.

“Jared” He introduced himself. “You some kinda mad scientist? How you do that?” He nodded to the bodies whilst he collected.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jared Kruger Character Portrait: Anya Kasyanov
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#, as written by Script
"Neither mad, nor a scientist. I have a working knowledge of electronics and hardware." Anya replied, sorting through cables and occasionally picking one out to throw into her shopping cart. "As for them? I've fought militants, soldiers, CIA - some gameshow contestents, they are no trouble to me."

She led them through the department store, grabbing bits and pieces as she found them. She was making this shit up as she went along, if she was honest. Not entirely - she'd been working on a blueprint in her head since before the games started - but enough that she wasn't sure if this was going to work. Good thing she had a backup plan.

A fair amount of time passed while they were gathering equipment. There was going to be plenty of time for uninvited guests to show up... she just had to hope that none of them were too well armed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: William Edwards
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#, as written by Leli
3rd Street & Westway Ave.

Even without a green armband in sight Edwards wasn't stupid enough to think that Izzy was a criminal. She wasn't the only woman out there running anyway so any misconstrued opinion of her being a great lay were out the window. The situation was far more grave than that and Edwards was at this moment a great equalizer.

Too slow to notice what he was doing with the lift truck and too enthralled by the hunt of Izzy most of the fifty or so that Edwards had seen earlier only shouted briefly when the truck was feet from them and came to a skidding halt. The massive tires gripped the asphalt bringing it to a stop within feet. The pallet of steel though felt the full force of the momentum sending the hundred pound sheets sliding off towards the legs of the criminals. Those it didn't split in two were crushed by the weight, and those who'd avoided it altogether were struck by the heavy steel tank that was Edwards on a forklift.

Safe in the cab of the truck he wasn't concerned with anyone reaching him, and as he maintained a momentum strong enough to throw anyone away he crashed through the fence. The hero had already run past him and the one criminal that had been on the far side was gone with her. The other fifty or so Edwards looked over. The cameras did the same as the groaned and shouted for help. About forty of the criminals had been injured or killed. Of those alive most wouldn't survive more than a few hours, and the rest wouldn't be able to move on their own. Effectively all of them were out of the show.

A few escaped but Edwards wasn't worried. He shut down the machine and took out the key halfway then snapped it. He did the same to the other seven scattering the broken pieces in the bloody mess of corpses. Now to find that Hero so he'd have a hand in this twisted show.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Phantom Character Portrait: William Edwards
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"Third Street and Westway Avenue. Fastest route," Phantom whispered, his voice still deep. He closed the map and began heading towards the intersection. It wasn't long until he heard a noise that sounded like a rock bouncing off pavement. He looked down and saw a hole the size of a pebble in the ground.


Phantom dove forward without pause and heard the same noise behind him. He got up quickly and ran at full speed, his wound burning as he did so. He spotted a street light not too far ahead of him and headed towards it. The pavement in front of him exploded as a bullet buried itself deep within it. He got to the street light and took cover as another bullet chewed through the steel of the light, barely missing Phantom. His guess was that a criminal retrieved a sniper rifle from a dead Hero and spotted Phantom. The criminal wasn't good with the rifle so Phantom is his target practice. Phantom breathed in before sticking his head out. His eyes scanned the assorted stores in front of him, quickly examining all the windows and rooftops so th-


Phantom saw the muzzle flash of the rifle right as it shot and right as he retracted his head back into cover. The bullet caused the pole to vibrate; Phantom slid out both his flocks and cocked back both chambers. Another bullet rang out and when he heard it land he stuck his head out, aimed down at the window of a small discount store, and squeezed both triggers, the jolt of both pistols rocking his body as he emptied ten rounds into the window.

He then moved away from the street light and sprinted towards the intersection, leaving the sniper behind him. He didn't stop until he saw bodies upon bodies of what seemed like dozens of criminals in front of some of the factories in Westway Avenue. He saw what seemed like a lift truck and a man with a green armband stepping out from it. Phantom crossed the bodies of the deceased and some mortally injured and stopped in front of the man.

"You seem like you got this situation handled to a tee," Phantom joked, laughing a bit before coughing from his wound.

"The name's Phantom. And as you could already tell I'm going to need some help."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Mac'feran Character Portrait: William James Schofield.
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Will was at the nearing the end of the grave yard when the screams began to echo in the distance, it sounded odd with the soothing back ground noise of the rain, a scream here,a "help me!" carried along by the wind, even a few cries of victory could be heard over it, but in the end it was always the rain Will heard, and felt. Soaked to the bone by now even with his standard issue water 'proof' jacket. He shivered a little looking down both ways of the street, someone had started some fires in the street to the south, figures. He looked north and didn't see much so he wandered across the street to a law firm 'Jacobs and Medley' for those who cared.

He went in the front door whipping his feet on the welcome mat, just force of habit. The law firm's lights were off, the building its self was rather small and seemed to have an upstairs to it. Like most offices there was a central "grunt work" location and surrounding officers that were glassed off.
He popped his neck and started wandering around , who knows what he might find, he really didn't. He looked at his clothing.

He really wasn't well off, a knife would go right through this stuff, hell it hurt just being hit with that iron fence piece...He had to figure out something better than this.

After searching through the firm he didn't find much a couple phone books, some duct tape, a few pieces of thin metal he scrapped from a filing cabinet , and a pair of scissors. It was all he could find in the dark but hey, it was something.

He started to get to work, cutting bits of the phone books apart, making stacks of paper about a 3rd of an inch thick. he layered them so they would make a vest shape. He layered the center of these with the metal then duct taped the whole thing together.
He repeated this with the back and made straps from multiply layers of duct tape so it could be put on and off like a vest. For the side plates he uses the same phone book stacks and simply turned them on their sides, since he was out of metal he just doubled them up half an inch of paper would stop a knife for sure... maybe even a pistol round... He shook that idea from his mind. After he finished his ghetto rigged knife proof vest he striped out of his top layers and put it on over the T-shirt they had him in, after redressing he looked just a little fatter than normal but other wise looked the same.
'Least now it'll be harder to shank me....' he thought moving to the stairs. He took a seat and watched the light from the fire dance in the street. between the fog, glow from the fire, and rain the whole graveyard looked rather creepy...
His thoughts turned once again to the man in the center of the graveyard that the woman had killed..... and the woman he had killed... On Que a pair of horrible screams echoed in the distance...

(ooc: sorry for being AWOL, had to do some stuff)


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Phantom Character Portrait: William Edwards Character Portrait: Hieronymus Willow Character Portrait: Giselle "The Angel" Demence
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#, as written by Shiki29
Hieronymus sat in the hideout he had made of the high school's chemistry lab. This entire floor was dedicated to harder sciences, for some reason, so the materials he could use best were in this floor. He looked around the room, and thought back. Things had become chaotic sooner, rather than later. There was a building on fire, lots of screams, and gunshots already. The chemistry lab had a good amount of materials, and Hieronymus brought more equipment from other areas of the high school. A few computers and cables, a crowbar, wrench, and other tools, along with a few fire extinguishers.

Hieronymus sat back, and stared at the ceiling. He had managed to use a a few laser sensors he had gotten from the physics lab to produce make-shift motion sensors. These would serve to help him greatly. And even better, he had found ear-buds that he took apart, and rebuilt with a few additional pieces of plastic and circuitry to produce an earpiece in one ear that could play a sound to alert him of whether his motion sensors sensed something come by. So far, only other criminals came by, and they paid him little mind, and he paid them little mind.

Hieronymus had run to the high school when the blare rang out through the city. That was where he estimated would be where he could make the most usable devices. Before he came here, though, he stole a suit, hat, and coat from a locker in the city after he broke it open. He jsut didn't feel comfortable in anything else, and it was chilly anyway. He found these clothes easier to move in, for some reason. Whatever the case, he now had a change of clothes, if that was necessary. The hat was a nice addition for the rain, though.

When he had first come here, he had looked from his vantage point at the mess that happened in front of the Hospital nearby. He couldn't see much from the hospital blocking much of his view. After fortifying the base, he looked again, and saw how messy the front of the hospital had become. What really got his attention was the pink-haired woman hiding in the bush. She picked it, and used it to poison a villain. He would think about forming an alliance with such a person, but that was probably not the best course of action, considering the green armband she wore. Whatever the case, he saw the pink-haired woman enter the hospital, and thought it best not to go there, just in case of poison. Speaking of that...

There was one other tool Hieronymus had with him. It was a nail-gun found in the school, and he had found it with about 100 nails. While not exactly a weapon, it was usable. The best thing he could do with it, though, was to take some of the chemicals he had available to him in the chemistry lab, and make a tranquilizing agent to coat the nails with. that was when Hieronymus's stomach growled.

He forgot to bring food.

Looking out the window, again, at 3rd Avenue, he loaded the nail-gun with the tranquilizer nails, and brought with him 3 vials of acid, and 3 vials of explosives. This should be a good help. Hiding them all beneath his coat, he turned to exit the door as he heard the motion sensor go off. He remained next to the closed door and waited for someone to burst in. He heard hushed voices for about a second before the door was kicked open, and 2 men entered the room. There was a quieter way to deal with this. Maybe everyone around this place only heard someone kick open a door. As the door swung to his side, Hieronymus slowly shut it as the 2 men, both with green armbands, began to observe the room, and the equipment in it.

Before both realized that this was not their domain, they heard the door shut behind them, barely audible, and the man standing there, in a suit, having been the one to shut the door. It took a short time for one of the two men to raise their pistol to fire, and that was all Hieronymus needed. He had grabbed the top of the pistol as he saw the man's finger begin to pull the trigger. Before he could pull it all the way, Hieronymus had pulled the top of the pistol off. The armed man look at his weapon incredulously, before Hieronymus kicked his face with enough force to knock him into his partner, who stood there unsure of what to do when he saw the pistol taken apart. The two men fell, and Hieronymus reached for his nail-gun, and fired two rounds, one for each of them. Within seconds, they had passed out. That was when Hieronymus visibly frowned. He didn't want to kill these two, since the smell would be horrific, at some point, in his hideout. He didn't want to waste time either. So he did the next best thing. That pink-haired woman seemed to know her medicine. On one hand, this may draw her to him. On the other, this was a good way to get rid of these two, and make sure they lived. After all, if the game ended when all the criminals died, there was no need for a single hero to die. And this base of his was only a temporary solution, and he would be out of here soon anyway, once he built what he needed. There was not much chance of these two finding him again. The solution was simple. He tied a rope to their ankles, and the other end of the rope to the eye-washing station, as he lowered both of the men to the ground in view of the hospital. The process was done haphazardly quickly, and when the two had reached the ground, Hieronymus burned the rope with a Bunsen burner before grabbing the limp end connected to the two men and dousing it in the eye-wash station, getting rid of the fire, and then doing the same for the other end. Fire was dangerous, and he didn't want to catch the room, or the two heroes down there with fire.

That was when Hieronymus left the room, and mentally kicked himself for forgetting to check the two men for food. And thus began the journey for a sandwich.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Phantom Character Portrait: William Edwards Character Portrait: Hieronymus Willow Character Portrait: Giselle "The Angel" Demence
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#, as written by Shiki29


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Phantom Character Portrait: William Edwards Character Portrait: Hieronymus Willow Character Portrait: Giselle "The Angel" Demence
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#, as written by Shiki29


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Mac'feran Character Portrait: William James Schofield.
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#, as written by Riles


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Mac'feran Character Portrait: William James Schofield.
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#, as written by Riles
Riley continued walking down the streets looking from building to building for any sign of activity. For the most part he saw none. He did however see fires lit in the streets though no one around them anymore. He stopped looking at the fires then glanced over to the cemetery for a moment only thinking. "What a morbid scenery..." Ironically enough there was a trail behind the man, boot prints leaving a blood imprint behind, they only lasted for a few moments each before the rain diluted and washed them away.

Riley smiled faintly as he let the chain drop from his shoulder and drag on the ground behind him making a crude grinding sound as concrete and metal scraped against each other. This was a tactic to either draw out more people or to cause them fear/paranoia. He trudged on for a few more minutes until he stopped in front of another set of office buildings. One caught his attention slightly the sign said "Jacob and Medley" he glanced at the door which appeared to have been opened recently as the door wasn't completely shut.

Suddenly something else diverted his attention from the building as he saw the glint of some metallic object around a nearby corner not but 20ft away. Someone was trying to surprise him from behind and had failed miserably as their weapon peeked from behind the corner. He gathered the chain up in his hand its blood stained hook as he walked as if things were normal in the direction of the would be hidden assassin. As he passed a woman with a large knife charged him.

He turned quickly and stopped the woman dead in her tracks, not before taking a stab to the lower right side of his abdomen. The thick hockey gear took the brunt of the attack meaning the knife only tip of the knife pierced his skin and only managed to go maybe 1 inch into his skin. He held the small women up by her throat as her knife dropped to the ground. "Look what we have here..." He looked to the corner she came from then back to her. "Pitiful attempt to ambush me don't you think?" He walked to a nearby wall and slammed her into it while still holding her off the ground as he observed her. He noticed a green band and raised an eyebrow "Oh, A hero I see. Just as bad as any of the criminals in this town." He pulled out his own pocket knife from his pocket and slit the woman's throat mercilessly as he let her hang motionlessly in the air for a moment then dropped her lifeless body to the ground as blood pooled around her.

He only scoffed to himself "...Hero..." as he took her green arm band. He then walked over examining the weapon she had, he was quite impressed. The weapon was about a 10 inch stainless steel survival knife, Imagemuch like the sort he was accustomed to using on hunting trips before he was locked away. "This will do much better than that little thing" He tucked the smaller knife into his boot and now clenched the much larger knife in one hand and his chain in the other.

His gaze shifted to the office that read "Jacob and Medley" once more as he couldn't help but feel he was being watched now...

Kills: 5 (Criminal) 1 (Hero)


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kerry Delroy
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#, as written by Nevan
Park Street, North East Culprit City.

The rain continuously forced itself down towards the ground, with so much striking the kitchen window of the apartment that Kerry couldn't see out of it. That was good, of course, because the amount of noise generated was enough to mask his presence a little as he went through the kitchen drawers and found a blade he could use to defend himself. It was several inches long, probably used for slicing carrots and other vegetables. It would probably break easily if force was applied to it, as evidenced by the way the blade began to bend when he applied a little pressure, but in his hands it would still be a deadly, silent weapon.

Someone was hunting him, he knew. It wasn't just the journalists and television-stalkers watching him through the hidden cameras no doubt filling every apartment, but the man he had seen on the roof who soon revealed himself a hero. Kerry had gone back inside then, out of sight and out of mind, but he knew that the man would come for him. He had to be ready to protect himself, which meant not being in the apartment when he arrived.

He'd return later, of course, but Kerry had found a small backpack and had already filled it with any useful provisions he had found, including a roll of bandages and some painkillers. Similarly, he had a set of pliers, a can opener, a bottle of water and a roll of thick, black duct-tape. As starting loot went, it was a brilliant haul for his first stop. Still, the backpack he slung over his shoulders and strapped tightly to his back still had room for food and water and he planned to go out and find those items. Not only could he avoid and confuse his enemy then, but he could return and strike from behind; invade the other building before returning to his own.

It was a decent plan, he thought. And the only one he had.

A few minutes later, he was turning sharply at the top of the stairs and making his way down on quick, silent feet, his eyes and ears as open and alert as was possible for a human drowned in his own fear, adrenaline and resulting split-second times of reaction. It's for those reasons that he saw the baseball bat coming around the corner at him before his eyes did; and Kerry slid down, the wooden weapon passing over his head as he gripped the bannister that held the railing to the wall and lunged around with his feet, kicking the man back down the stairs.

The second and third men dodged aside, one holding a crowbar and the other a knife. He knew not whether they were heroes or criminals, not did he care. They initiated the first blow, so now he could think of them only as enemies. Kerry's feet gripped one of the steps and he pushed his upper body forwards, leaving the ground with a leap into the air as he jumped down upon the man with the knife several stairs below him. The man tried to hold his knife up to pierce Kerry like a spear, but it passed by Kerry's side and was locked into place by his arm, just as the knee made contact with the chest and the force of the impact carried them both down to the next landing, bypassing the man with the crowbar in the meanwhile.

When they hit the ground, Kerry was sure his knee snapped the man's ribs, but he wasn't willing to spend more time making sure than the second it took him to get back up and continue his run. The first man with the bat tried to grab his ankle as he passed, but Kerry leapt over and began to sprint down around the corner. As he fled, he could hear a pursuer behind him, scraping his metal crowbar against the wall as he rushed at Kerry like a wolf approaching a vulnerable prey just as another man came up the stairs from below.

Kerry met this lunge by stopping, honing his timing, then spinning around to the side with his arms out. The lunging man flew past him, but not before Kerry grabbed hold of his clothing with his hands and began to thrust him into the large window under the first-floor sign. As the glass broke, Kerry pushed him through and jumped, barely avoiding the fourth man's outstretched hands.

The fall wouldn't kill him. It wasn't far enough to really injure a man with his athletic training, either. The man he landed on, however, probably wasn't as lucky, what with the single-glazing window breaking in his face and piercing his body all over. It was probably the 200+lb man landing on his back and hammering him into the concrete road that did the most damage, though.

The man was dead, then. Or soon to be. Kerry had no sympathy for him, so he stood and held the cut on his arm he had sustained during the ridiculous, likely insane manoeuvre; he looked down south towards Westway Avenue and 1st street, then set off running before anyone else could catch up to him.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felix Turner Character Portrait: Henry Turner Character Portrait: Dallas Turner Character Portrait: Matt Turner
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"There might be some mention of an armory on the maps...don't you think we ought to find one of them first? I mean, unless you was to go all Rambo with some makeshift shit made up of car parts."

Necessity is the mother of invention. Henry thought to himself. Being a handyman, he could think of a few creative ways to use car parts as weapons or even everyday household items. He agreed with Felix that logically finding a map should be a main priority though he did not say it aloud. He nodded his head towards the dark windows of a store nearby. “There. Let’s see what’s in here we can use, or if there’s any map.” They escaped the rain underneath the awning outside the store which had various stringed instruments on display behind its barred windows. The producers had a sense of humor, who were they trying to keep out of the stores? Them or the criminals?

Henry tried opening the doors to the music store but found they were locked. Surprise, surprise.

“Dallas and I could check the store next door.” Matt suggested.

“No, we stick together.” Henry nipped the idea in the bud. He pulled the sleeve of his rain jacket over his knuckles and busted a fist through the fragile glass with two hard hits. He then pushed his hand through the crumbling hole he had made, little pieces of glass sticking into his skin as he reached just inside to unlatch the lock. After a few intensive moments, Henry unlocked the door and they slipped inside.

They spread out in the L-shaped store front. Matt opened the tops of pianos to look inside around one corner while Dallas was distracted by a shiny new guitar around the other. He picked it up and repeated the same chords of a rock anthem to test out the sound. “Put that back Dallas.” Henry said. It was no wonder Henry’s siblings thought he was a control freak: all that ever came out of his mouth were commands. “It’s not like I’m stealing it from anybody.” Dallas defended himself, continuing to strum the strings. Henry didn’t argue with him, it was a knee jerk reaction to tell him not to touch anything while in a store, but what was the point here? He’d let him have his fun. While Felix stayed on Dallas’s side of the store, Henry went around the corner where Matt was and went straight for the sheet music. He leafed through the books on the rack searching for a map that might be tucked between the pages and dropped them at his feet.

While they were concentrated finding a map, all except one preparing for his next concert, none of them noticed a male criminal emerging slowly like a crouching tiger from behind the counter. He had been lying in wait for some unsuspecting heroes, whom were unarmed at this point in the game. The criminal had a thin sinew violin chord wrapped between his two hands as a choking device and was creeping up behind the perceived weakest, Matt. It wasn’t until Henry had torn through the last of the music sheets and turned around that the man was caught. “Hey!” He yelled as if he were trying to scare away a feral mutt. The criminal lost his bravado as the other two brothers came around the corner, realizing he was severely outnumbered and bolted for the door.


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#, as written by Shiki29


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Phantom Character Portrait: William Edwards Character Portrait: Hieronymus Willow Character Portrait: Giselle "The Angel" Demence
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#, as written by Lialore
Their cheerful chase soon turned into a messy massacre. Izzy was the first to note the change and veered for safety. With no idea whether the driver of the death machine was a hero or some kind of crazed criminal, whilst her pursuers were distracted… or dead, she’d leapt up onto the sidewalk and slammed through a door which led into the high school.

Once inside, she turned a full circle then returned to the door which had closed on its own to peer through the small glass slip of window. Her chest was heaving from the sprint. Izzy was shaken. She was by no means expecting this to be easy, but being the prey to a fifty-strong pack of criminals within the first half an hour was hardly going to sit well with anyone. Gunfire sounded nearby, joining the metallic cacophony of steel on concrete as the sheets which had shot loose from the forklift slid and shuddered to a halt after slicing through plenty of bodies.

She was squinting, trying to make out the man’s band on his arm as he turned off the engine. But it was no use. So, she took a little while to study the map. The armoury wasn’t far. It had already been proved to Izzy that she was too dependent upon her weapons. Her eyes scanned some more, noting places of interest. The armoury, vehicle storage, museum – she managed a snort at her idea of what sorts of things they’d have on display – and… a SafeSite building.

Something stirred in the dimness of the school corridor behind her and she screwed the map back up dropped into a crouch, back facing the corner of the door and the wall. After waiting about a minute, she straightened back up and glanced out of the window again. Another figure had joined the man who had probably saved her life. This time, she could make out the green armbands. Izzy made to open the door with a relieved sigh but something slammed her into it instead, so hard that it stole all of the breath from her lungs. Her lip had burst from the force as her face crashed against the door, she was flipped around bodily, unable to do much in the confusion, and found herself looking ironically at the man who had been after her since the get-go at the hospital. He hadn’t a weapon but his hands were doing a pretty good job of strangling her. She clawed at his hands and wrist.

There wasn’t much of a struggle before her knee found its way into his crotch. He didn’t let go but his grip loosened as he wheezed and Izzy was able to yank free and apply some unkind pressure to his awkwardly positioned wrist. A yelp indicated that it had the effect she was after. The tables turned and the choke-out that ensued was chaotic. She weighed less than him, and he was taller, even if she’d been practically hanging off his neck or squeezing with all the force she had, he’d have probably still been able to throw her off. Which he did. There was quiet in the corridor as they both drew in haggard breaths. Then he began to stumble away. Izzy was not reckless enough to go after him, so pulled open the door and escaped onto Westway.

She made for the two heroes, trying to wipe up the mess of her face with a sleeve as she did. If Izzy had been feeling sorry for herself, she stopped when she took in the riddled man with the mask.

“Shit, Batman.” Her words came out muffled by sore lips, but the desired, half-sarcastic half-shocked tone was recognisable.

Perhaps now wasn’t the best time to outline her plan to them. She eyed the other hero. For practical reasons, they should really take Batman’s handguns, stock up at the armoury, then head to the SafeSite and clean out any scum which had thought to lay claim to it. But they were the good guys, right?

“I really had that under control.” She said in a way of thanks.
“Uh, hospital?” It came out ‘hoshpipul’.
A mashed up mouth and a South African accent didn't make the best match for communicating effectively.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Phantom Character Portrait: William Edwards
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#, as written by Leli
3rd Street & Westway Ave.

The keys all scattered across the ground Edwards stepped down from his killing machine, careful to keep three points of contact as was habit for him. Before he stepped on the ground he heard footsteps. Suspecting one of the criminals that had escaped thought it would be wise to attack him now Edwards circled around to the rear of the lift and then to the left only to be met by a masked crusader.

“Well shit.” He muttered quietly. Not only had he turned the wrong corner, but the man wasn't an enemy either. It looked like Edwards luck was turning around. The more green bands around the better after all.

It was obvious Phantom was injured. Despite the weather and dark clothing the unmistakable appearance of blood shown through and dripped down onto the asphalt. Still capable enough to make jokes and throw out a smart ass introduction Edwards wasn't too concerned about him. He'd gotten this far on his own, he could manage a bit further with some help.

“I'm Edwards, that's it. The fuck happened to you anyway?”

Before the Phantom had answered Edwards caught movement in his eye. Another green armband. Hallelujah. It was the woman who he'd indirectly saved by plowing through a mountain of flesh. Not that he'd meant to save her to begin with as in hindsight his slamming of the door likely drew the men outside and after her.

Laughing at her comment Edwards looked them both over. With only a few scrapes and a little bit of soreness from his earlier scuffle with the man with the Louvre on his face he'd come out on top so far. Phantom didn't look good and luckily Izzy was just banged up.

“Yeah the hospitals our best bet right now. What have you got for weapons? Bertha's out of commission now.”

Pointing a crooked thumb behind himself to the big yellow monster Edwards nodded towards the holsters Phantom had.

“Mind sharing?”


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Phantom Character Portrait: William Edwards Character Portrait: Hieronymus Willow Character Portrait: Giselle "The Angel" Demence
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Phantom was about to answer Edwards right when a green armband appeared. This time it was a woman and she seemed to be pretty injured herself. Despite her injuries being lighter than that of Phantom's, he nodded when she tried to say hospital. It's safe to say that the two can be of use to him, especially now due to his wound. Phantom felt his muscles lighten, the feeling of desensitization hitting him quite hard. The blood loss from his wound is becoming a very apparent issue that needed fixing.

"I agree. The hospital is our best bet, especially now that you're here," Phantom said, motioning towards the woman, "Because we have got to fix that pretty face of yours."

Phantom looked back towards Edwards to answer his new question.

"Yeah, of course, we need to work together now more than ever," he said as his left hand extended the glock to Edwards. Phantom went to unclip his holster t-

A sudden and sharp pain lashed across Phantom's head as a bullet slid across the right side of his head. The material of the mask ripped into his skin as blood crawled out. He could tell that the wound on his head wouldn't be serious like his abdomen, but it would not matter since the force made him lose his balance, causing him to fall forward to the floor. He stopped himself from crashing into the street face first by using his left arm for cushioning. Phantom knew what had happened, it was the sniper friend from before, except he had become a better shot. Phantom couldn't tell where the other two of his fellow Hero companions went, but he didn't focus on that, instead he used his left arm to push himself upwards, sprawling over.

This time the sniper was positioned up on a rooftop of another store, Phantom was sure of it because of another muzzle flash, the bullet whizzed past Phantom's head and crackled across the street. He wasted no time flicking up his pistol with his right hand, breathing deeply, before letting go a stream of concentrated bullets that pierced through the rain. He kept shooting until the clip slid out empty from his pistol, smoke protruding from the muzzle.

Phantom felt his rigid breaths through the thick rain, those the only two sounds that he heard. The muzzle flash was gone. The sniper was either dead or going to be. Either result would be fine by him. Phantom stood up slowly, his body quaking from both wounds, blood covering him. He needed to close his wounds soon or else Death would find him.

Phantom felt everything and nothing as his mind began to race and so did he, as he started to walk towards the hospital. He didn't know where the other two went or didn't know if they were even behind him. All he knew now was that he needed medical attention. And a goddamn drink.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Hunt
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#, as written by Script
Alex was getting peckish. A quick glance at the map revealed the location of the SafeSite where food and living quarters could be easily accessed, but he decided that for the moment, going there to set up shop wasn't entertaining enough for the viewers watching. After all, he was a Hero. He had to act like one. And that meant going and shooting some horribly barbaric criminals.

He chuckled at the thought. He was under no illusion that this endeavour was "right", but in the long run, who cared what was right and what was wrong?

His thoughts were interrupted as he passed by the theatre, moving towards the restaurants. A group of criminals, probably about half a dozen, rounded the corner in front of him. The first thing they spotted was the bright green armband he wore. The second thing was the rifle.

Alex grinned. "Afternoon, ladies and gents." he said, cocking the gun towards them. "Can anyone here claim to outrun a bullet?"

A uncomfortable silence was his reply, as the group sized up the distance between them - short - and whether he'd actually be able to hit them. It was true, he looked like a kid who'd just found a gun, not someone who actually knew how to use it.

At least one of them decided to take their chances.

Alex ducked to the side as a brick was tossed at his head, and the group took that as their cue to charge. He tightened his lips. "Guess we're about to find out." he muttered as he pulled the trigger.

It was all over in seconds. The gun sounded in precise bursts, dropping each of the attackers to the ground in a slowly growing puddle of red. It was a massacre. Improvised weapons lay dropped on the ground where they had fallen.

Alex looked at the corpses with narrowed eyes, shaking his head. "You guys really deserved that, charging a guy with an M4. Like, come on. That's Darwin award material."

He chuckled to himself, slinging the rifle over his shoulder and continuing on his way. So much for the most dangerous game.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Harvey Character Portrait: Jared Kruger Character Portrait: Anya Kasyanov Character Portrait: Alex Hunt
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Lorelei bounded up the stairs to the second floor, figuring there was less chance of being found there. She hoped most people would see that there was no sign of life on the ground and first floor and leave it at that. She chose an apartment that had a view down the street, heading towards the restaurants so she could see if anyone was coming near the apartment block. She lay every the knives out on the windowsill. She kept the spit in her hand, twisting the point in the ground. The apartment was unnervingly empty. There was no furniture to capture the echo, each movement bouncing back to her. Lorelei figured that they had ran out of time or money or both by the time they got to the second floor.

Lorelei took a shaky breath. She would have to head back out soon. She would need food, water, perhaps a change of clothes. Lorelei checked the map. There was a department store on the corner of Eastway and First. That was good. It wasn't that far. The only problem was that it was very close to the armoury. There was going to be a lot of heroes there. Lorelei dragged her bottom lip through her teeth. Well, wasn't that just fantastic. Her stomach rumbled. Looks like she was going to have to get food sooner rather than later. She slipped the spit back through her belt loop, taking the three largest knives with her. Closing the door as quietly as she could, in case there was anyone else in the building, Lorelei padded down the stairs to the ground floor, a knife raised in preparation of attack.

Approaching the first intersection, Eastway and Third Street, Lorelei heard a rattle of gunfire. Pinning herself to the wall, Lorelei felt fear grip her. She thought she had been afraid before, but this was different. This went beyond fight or flight. She felt like she couldn't breathe. What the hell was a spit roast spear going to do against a... Well, whatever type of gun that was? She might not even have time to check her map before whoever it was found her. She wasn't sure she could handle killing another person so soon after her first kill. Hell, she didn't want to kill anyone. That wasn't what she did. Taking a final gasp of breath, Lorelei darted behind the restaurants, hiding in the alleyway. She slowly edged away from Eastway Avenue, peaking around the corner to check the coast was clear. She caught the eye of a fellow red band, nodding in acknowledgement. He barely nodded back, figuring she wasn't worth dealing with right now. They all had bigger fish to fry. Like the fact they were hilariously out armed by the heroes. He pointed across to the next restaurant. Lorelei took the hint and darted across the alleyway, almost barreling into a bin. She hastily unfurled the map. According to this, if she darted up the alley, she could be behind another store straight across the street. She looked down the alley. The map was right.

Lorelei slowly made her way up the alley, saving her energy for the dart across the road. Taking a bullet to the leg didn't really sound like a good idea. Checking the coast was clear, or at least the gun wielding maniac wasn't looking her way, Lorelei sprinted across the street, doing her best to ignore the bodies lying there in the road. She heard a shriek and a green band came charging at her, a sledgehammer raised above her head. There's a lot to be said for stealth Lorelei thought numbly, raising her knife to cut across the green band's neck. She couldn't have been much older than her, Lorelei thought, looking down at her sadly as she choked, "I'm sorry," She whispered before taking off, realising that the abrupt end to the girl's shriek might well have attracted some attention. The department store was close now.

Finding the entrance, Lorelei slipped in, keeping her knife raised defensively. She was aware that she probably looked ridiculous. Everything in the department store looked insanely neat. An irrational urge to trash the place bubbled up inside Lorelei, but she ignored it. Wandering around, Lorelei felt herself begin to relax, there were comparatively few places to hide here. She wandered down the aisle, stepping over another body. Older than her, she noted. She across to other red bands, a blonde woman and a burly looking guy carrying a lot of cables. She held her hands up as a sign of peace, hooking the knife back in her pocket when she realised a raised knife probably didn't look that innocent, "Just looking for clothes," She explained before heading down the aisle. She grabbed a checked blue shirt, slipping it on and sliding her armband back on. She grabbed a pair of trainers, which were much more comfortable than her current shoes, and a rucksack. She wriggled her feet into the trainers before heading back to find the pair, "You can use my apartment for whatever is you two are planning. Well, it's not really mine, but I've adopted it for the time being. I figure we're better off together than we are alone," She said with a small shrug, "Offers there if you want it."

Kills:2 (green)


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Harvey Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Phantom Character Portrait: Jared Kruger Character Portrait: Anya Kasyanov Character Portrait: William Edwards
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#, as written by Lialore
He chewed her experience over whilst he harvested the electronics section. CIA… What was Jared to say? ‘Fucked up some rivals, y’know, we usually outnumbered them but I got in a few good beatings. You wouldn’t believe how hard I was in my prime. I’m all about that illegal gun life, me. It’s always more fun when you’re off your face on something though. Hm… wish I’d saved some more whiskey.’

Jared was dumping the cables over the handle of the shopping cart for Anya to check. She had a working knowledge of electronics and hardware? Well, fuck him silly, from what he remembered of women, they could hardly work a television remote.

He could hear the chaos begin outside and started whistling in an attempt to cover the sound of people dying. Not that he was bothered that much, but the lady might have a weak stomach, and he was so thoughtful, of course.

The girl’s footsteps were heard by Jared, and probably Anya, before her small voice noted them officially of her presence. He regarded her with some amusement after turning towards her in a defensive stance, seeing the red armband and how useless she seemed, then relaxing. She looked like she belonged in some tween pageant, not fighting for her life… well, fighting to prologue her life a little bit for the entertainment purposes.

Think she’s adorable, audience? Well… not for long.

He looked to Anya and raised his eyebrows. Whilst the girl changed, he folded his arms in a manner that seemed far too casual for the current situation. “Wanna start making bets on how long they’re gonna last?” He asked her, grinning cruelly.

When she returned having donned something that’d make her stand out from the rest of the crowd and therefore make her more of a target and offered them her apartment, Jared remained silent and let Anya do the talking. He hadn’t a clue what she had planned, really, so didn’t know if an apartment was suitable enough. Either way, if this girl though that by offering up her base, she was getting a couple of bodyguards. She was wrong.

Collaborative post by Lialore and Leli

Izzy pushed up the bloodied sleeves of her jacket and nodded along whilst she listened. She then pulled a not-so pretty, incredulous face at Batman’s comment. Clearly the blood loss was getting to him. Or if that’s how smooth he was usually, she was certain she’d want to unpretty his face after spending enough time with him. If he had one, of course. She amused herself for a while with the thoughts of what might actually be underneath the mask.

She was about to quite rudely demand the other handgun upon his reveal of them both. After all, he was nearly out of service and she was a damn good shot. But they were interrupted by the bullet fired from up above.

Izzy made a break for cover behind Bertha.

The crack of gunfire was unmistakable. The ricochet from the ground only affirmed the severity as Phantom doubled over. Reacting faster than he could think Edwards made a blitz for the lift truck, spinning around the rear of it and hunkering down. Shortly after Izzy joined him. At least her instincts were good. Looking left and right Edwards didn't see Phantom anywhere. Then he heard it. The pistol emptied its rounds at the sniper.

“What the fuck are you doing? You can't hit a sniper with a fucking pistol!”

Shouting from the safety of Bertha Edwards kept an eye out for the masked man. He saw him walking away, slow and disorientated from the firefight. Cursing, Edwards knew they stood no chance if the sniper was going to just pick them all off. Where in the hell did they even get a rifle to begin with? Desperate for an escape Edwards looked to Izzy.

“We're fucked if we stay here, we have to move.”

Scanning the area quick as he could Edwards saw where Phantom was going, but doubted all three of them would make it into the entrance before someone was picked off. Best case scenario Phantom was picked off. He was in the worst shape of all of them and seemed the most likely to die regardless of a bullet in his brain. Edwards had fought with the military, but he wasn't a medic, he was a basic soldier that plugged the holes and shouted for help. He didn't know how he would even begin to help Phantom, and frankly, self dressing a wound wasn't like in the stories about the badasses. It was sloppy, normally poorly done and led to them dying a few days later instead of then and there.

With the sound of shooting still ringing in her ears, Izzy propped herself up some. Her gaze swept the empty rooftops before moving to Phantom's retreating back. A little while passed.

"Looks like he got him..." She spoke, hushed. It was undeniable that people would have heard the firefight. Whilst some would be deterred, others would be on the hunt. He was right. They had to move. Whether Phantom had struck his target was unknown. Any minute now the fire could resume. Izzy didn't fancy their chances, but others would be on their way soon enough, drawn in by the sound. Whilst the sniper's aim was fairly accurate, judging on how close he'd come to tearing Phantom's brains through, she thought that the nastier way to go was by whatever was going to happen to them when the inevitable criminals arrived.

Watching Phantom limp away left her with an incredible feeling of guilt. She hated to admit it but she didn't think he was going to make it. Not in that state: weak. But, what would going after him achieve? They were weaponless too. He was just unneeded weight, already half way to death. There was no need for Izzy and Edwards to go the same way. Besides, maybe he'd prove her wrong and survive. Their next meeting could be an interesting one.

"No hospital." She said. "We're not armed and we'll just run into something nasty."
With a grimace thanks to the pain in her shoulders from being slammed up in the high school, she produced the map from a pocket and handed it over to the other hero for him to take a quick look.

Izzy pointed out her plan with a bloody finger on the map, which was distorted from her rough handling of it.
"Armoury then SafeSite. Criminals might want to brutally murder us, but the weather wouldn't say no to the opportunity either." As if in agreement, thunder rolled in the distance.

"Name's Izzy, by the way... Officer November if you're feeling professional."


Eyeing the map that Izzy presented Edwards couldn't help but agree with her logic. He shot one last look to Phantom and struggled. Slamming his hand against Bertha he crumbled under the morality of the issue. Finally, exasperated, he looked back to Phantom.

"God fucking damnit I can't."

Caught between trying to convince himself to abandon the man and to save him Edwards could feel the vice clamping on his head. Then it broke and instinct took over. He and her against another fifty criminals wouldn't fare well. The three of them wouldn't have been much of an improvement either, assuming Phantom could keep up.

"We've gotta help his broken ass. Get some first aid supplies and cut through the hospital to the parking garages. Even if there aren't any cars there it's a hell of a lot better than us running towards a sniper."

The sound of his hand hitting the metallic covering of Bertha made Izzy jump, since she was waiting for that gunfire. Her eyes narrowed as he made his little epiphany. She'd have been perfectly happy to jet off to the armoury and leave Batman to his fate. But no, the big, burly man had to go all zen on her.

She sighed and snatched the map from Edwards then gave him an incredulous glare. Outvoted, Izzy straightened up and shoved the piece of paper back into her pocket. Still, she'd rather not go it alone.

"Pussy" she said, only half joking.

The first step was the scariest. Her head was tilted upwards, straining for the slightest sign of movement. But there was nothing. When she leveled her gaze, however, she caught glimpse of a figure moving in the doorway of the high school that she'd just escaped from. Joy, her persistent little fucker of a stalker.

Looks like that bastards going to be on to me for a while.

Five steps away from Bertha and no sign of the sniper. Looked like that crazy Phantom really had put a stop to him, for the meantime, at least. She quickened her pace and went after Batman, Edwards hopefully in her wake. Izzy felt that the countdown had started. If they didn't move fast, they'd be caught by something sinister which was approaching, drawn in by the firefight.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Harvey Character Portrait: Jared Kruger Character Portrait: Anya Kasyanov
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#, as written by Script
"No, an apartment won't work." Anya said, shaking her head. "Somewhere with a defib. The hospital, or the office buildings should have one somewhere. The hospital isn't a good choice, there'll be people flocking there to try and get medical supplies. We don't go there until we are armed."

She did a quick inventory of everything they had gathered. "I still need salt, heat shrink tubing, a headband and insulation tape. They won't be in this section. We move downstairs, through clothing and accessories for the headband, then to a hardware store for the tape and tubing. For salt, we will need a food store."

Anya pulled out the map and studied it for a moment.

"If we go out the south entrance, we can go through the shopping district to find a hardware store, then the restaurants for salt and water. Then the offices will be south along 1st avenue." she explained, snatching up the pack that one of the dead had been carrying and stuffing the wires and other supplies into it.

She snatched up the knife from the ground and turned to Lorelei. "Find a dark jacket to cover that ridiculously colourful shirt - there will be no hiding wearing that. And if you slow us down, you will be left behind."

The route down through the department store took them past the sites of several conflicts. There were bodies lying around, but no heroes intercepted them as they grabbed what supplies they still needed from the department store and made for the exit.

The street was bare - most people were inside buildings by now, deeming the outside too open. Anya had to agree. Any hero who'd hit the armoury could pick them off from a window.

"We run for the store across the street, we'll move through it and out the back, then onto the next. We repeat that with the next, then across to the restaurants. From there, we'll go through the alleyways between the apartments and cross to the office buildings. Clear on the plan? Good, because I won't be stopping to go over it again."

And then she broke from the cover of the door at a sprint, dashing across the road and in through the door of the garden centre across the street.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Phantom Character Portrait: William Edwards Character Portrait: Hieronymus Willow Character Portrait: Giselle "The Angel" Demence
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Gigi was absolutely delighted. She spent quite a bit of her time memorizing the map and when she was satisfied that she had it ingrained in her memory, she burned it. It was only after she burned it that she heard the sound. It was quiet at first but as she got closer to the wall it grew louder and louder. She gently tapped on the wall, it was hollow. Giselle picked up an IV stand and slammed it into the wall as hard as she could. It broke easily and out poured what appeared to be an entire colony of beetles. She bent down, picked one up between her gloved fingers and examined it. "Oh aren't I the lucky one!" They were dermestid beetles, flesh eaters. She had a tank full of them at home to help her get rid of the unworthy souls that came to her door and now it seemed like she would have some here as well.

Giselle ran around the hospital collecting buckets, cups, bedpans, anything she could use to keep the beetles from running away. She saw an empty fish tank on wheels in the lounge and thought it was perfect. As she was wheeling the tank back to the office she happened to look out the front windows and see two gentlemen lying there, unconscious. Gigi gasped and opened the door. She dragged them inside, but not before she checked their armbands to make sure they were worthy, and lay each one out on a stretcher. "I'll return shortly gentlemen, just give me a moment. I have some unfinished business to attend to." They were both unconscious and although they had both been shot with, something, it didn't look like the wounds would kill them anytime soon.

Gigi wheeled the empty fish tank into the office and gathered up as many of the beetles as she could into it. She stood back and stared at the tank. "You little darlings are going to give some nasty criminal quite a surprise aren't you?" She nodded at them and made her way back to the front to deal with her first patients. She gave them both x-rays to figure out just what the hell had shot them and found nails in both of their abdomens. She removed the nails, cleaned the wounds, and bandaged them then left them to heal. She had some questions for them when they woke up but for now she was going to have a look out on Westway Avenue. She had heard shots being fired and she wondered if the hero woman from before was still out there.

The emergency ward was on the east side of the building so she didn't have to go far to see what had gone on. In the distance she saw the woman from before, looking damaged, and a man standing near a fearsome looking machine. She assumed that since the woman wasn't dead yet that he was a hero but there was another masked figure looking even more injured than the woman making his way towards her and even though he wore a green band she still found herself questioning his status as a hero. He was scary looking but the band didn't lie so against her instinct she called to him. "It looks to me like you could use some help, I'll go get a stretcher and a room ready." She pointed to the green band on her arm before running inside. Before she could even begin to prepare anything she ran back to the window "Don't eat any of the berries on the front desk."

She ran inside and did her best to straighten up a room for him. She decided to put him next to her other fallen heroes, it was the closest to the front so he wouldn't have to go far for treatment and it meant she could hear one of them when she was dealing with the other. When the room was prepped and ready she organized a stretcher and IV for him. It was dark and rainy so she couldn't see exactly what was wrong outside the window but she could tell by the way he walked that he was a man in need of medical attention. When everything was ready she made her way outside to help him in.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Phantom Character Portrait: William Edwards Character Portrait: Hieronymus Willow Character Portrait: Giselle "The Angel" Demence
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The world began to shake, the buildings ripping apart, the ground blurry. His feet scrambled across the thick concrete, but soon the ground melted, its fixture liquefied and his feet sank into it. His sweat stuck onto his clothing as blood trickled down the entirety of his body. He looked up and saw Death standing far down the road, past the hospital, a scythe in hand. Death's free hand creaked, bones rattling as he lifted it up in the air and stretched his index finger, pointing at Phantom.

"Not yet," Death groaned.

Phantom wheeled as thunder boomed, his head exploding in pain. He didn't know how far he had shambled until he reached the hospital. His sullen eyes darted at a figure, blurry, yet he could just barely make out a bright green band. He had no other choice but to trust it. He heard it speak, but it was vague and he couldn't make out any words. All he knew was that he needed help soon.

He kept walking towards the figure and saw it run back inside. He didn't question what it had said due to the fact that his head was booming and he tried not to think too much, or else the pain would have been much more severe. He kept walking until he reached the entrance and saw the figure again, this time it was in the form of a woman. He could tell that she would help.

And with that lingering thought of Death his strength gave way and he fell to one knee, his body shaking as it tried to hold balance to even that.

"I hope you have the strength to either carry me or drag me because I'm about to bl-"

Everything went black.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Harvey Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Phantom Character Portrait: Jared Kruger Character Portrait: Anya Kasyanov Character Portrait: William Edwards Character Portrait: Hieronymus Willow Character Portrait: Giselle "The Angel" Demence Character Portrait: Alex Hunt
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#, as written by Shiki29
Hieronymus was lucky. He had found a criminal in the high school, and one who seemed to have had some food on him. After talking it out, the man agreed to give Hieronymus a bag with a sandwich in it, in exchange for 2 of Hieronymus's explosives. It was steep, but he could always make more. Besides, the acid was quieter, and could melt through walls. They made the exchange, and Hieronymus journeyed back to his base, and finished the what he was working on. It took only a few more minutes, but he had completed it.

The device in question was a PDA. Handheld, and light, he had made it by taking apart some of the computers that he had in his base. The hardest part was taking the screens apart with the correct measurements, since he had to be careful not to shatter them. Once the device was working, he looked at the sandwich, and sniffed it before taking a bite to eat. The plastic container looked unopened, but he could not be sure. After eating the whole thing in a few bites, Hieronymus looked out the window. The sandwich was poison-free, but that reminded him of the woman in the hospital. He heard a few nearby bangs a short while earlier, and he needed to see what had gone on. Looking out the window, he saw the pink-haired woman dragging the two men he dropped down into the hospital. Looks like they were going to be taken care of. Then there were the rest of the figures in the area. He had not taken the time to look at them closely, other than to determine that they were heroes. There were two men, one of which wore a mask, and the other who acted like a trained soldier. A trained soldier would be good to have as an ally, but this person would likely not be the one be that ally. Hieronymus thought about the soldiers that had entered Culprit City. Hieronymus had fought like a soldier for a long while, as a trader. He had no training, but he did fight people that did. He hasn't kept up with the way military training had changed ever since he came to a safe-city. That would mean that, even though he was a formidable opponent, some people would be able to defeat him in hand-to-hand. He had to learn the tricks, at some point.

Coming back to focus on the task, he also saw a woman. She was fit, and seemed to be working together with the man. Well, since these two were working together and there were 2 other heroes around the hospital, Hieronymus decided to stop playing with his luck, and decided to go out, looking for potential allies, or supplies, or something useful. He already had a lot of useful items, and the PDA would help him work with the electronic equipment he would build. Taking more explosive devices to replace the ones he had lost, Hieronymus left the room, and ran down the stairs to leave the high school by going to the department store on 3rd Avenue.

Hieronymus looked at the road ahead of him. Restaurants were probably the best bet for food. Department stores were probably where people who wanted to kill themselves went to. There were probably a lot of people there. Either other criminals he would need to fight over supplies, or heroes looking for a lot of targets to shoot. Whatever the case, he thought he needed food. And besides, cooking was similar to chemistry. There was sure to be something that he could take and use for more than eating. The sniper from earlier did not shoot Hieronymus as he ran across third avenue to make his way through Ali street. Hieronymus had a map, but had found little use for it until he realized he needed food. That was a major help as he made his way to the restaurants. Otherwise, he would not know where they were.

The sound of gunshots rang out, as he approached the side of one of the restaurants. Hieronymus ducked behind a dumpster, and saw a blonde hero, very heavily armed, fire and take out a crowd. Hieronymus practically licked his lips, at the thought of killing him and taking his weapons. Especially with how readily he killed a crowd. But, Hieronymus was too clear-headed to do this. Hunger came before killing. Hieronymus waited until he did not hear very much at all. The street was quiet, and as such, Hieronymus imagined the sizzling of steak, and the boiling of lobster. What snapped him out of his trance was the rapid patting of feet approaching the restaurant.

Without checking to see if it was friend or foe, Hieronymus decided to make his business brief. He stepped back, pushed a make-shift button on some of the acidic compound he had with him, as he threw the uncapped it and splashed it on the brick wall of the restaurant. The point Hieronymus splashed the acid on was slightly higher than his own head, but the acid was potent enough to melt the wall all the way to his feet. And, it was wide enough to get in, if Hieronymus turned to his side. After a few more splashes of the acid, the wall was completely melted through. Hieronymus got in and ran into the kitchen of the restaurant after putting the empty container back in his coat pocket. He drew the nail-gun as he saw that the kitchen had a hero in it. One who was also looking for food it seemed. She was a woman of average height, and who, interestingly, had shaved her head. Hieronymus stood behind her as she searched the fridge. She, being in the kitchen, probably couldn't have heard the slight sizzling of the restaurant wall. Hieronymus scratched the back of his head before putting the nail-gun back in his coat, and knocking out the woman by suffocation. That was when Hieronymus began to search the fridge himself. He had found some deli-meats, a bag of salad, and some cheese. Yum. He could mic them all to make a delicious salad. But first...

Hieronymus turned around. He could pack the food later. Now, he had to prepare for a confrontation with the source of those patting feet. Hieronymus hid behind the kitchen wall as he peered out at the front door, to see if anyone was entering.