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Errol Kurolap

"Close your eyes."

0 · 109 views · located in Daemon Hall

a character in “Daemon Academy”, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Errol Kurolap
Age: 17
Height: 5'10"
Year: Junior
Gender: Male
Dorm: Shadow
Theme Song:


Desire and Night Terrors: This ability allows the user to cast an illusion(s) to another person based on their most intimate desires or worst fears. For example the person may see the one they love confessing to them, or perhaps see a harem of women(or men), or being eaten by monsters. The illusion is very powerful and cannot be broken easily. Even if the person realizes that its an illusion that alone will not break it, leaving them vulnerable to attack. If distracted, he can sometimes lose concentration and isn't able to hold the illusion.

Impersonation: Inside one of the Desire illusions, Errol has the ability to enter himself into the illusion and take the form of whatever person is in the victims' illusion. He uses this to attack or trick the person he's used Desire on. At times, this causes the illusion to fail altogether but with concentration he can hold it.

Although, Errol's power may seem powerful, its drawbacks are just as horrendous. Using his powers to some extent causes him extreme pain--stemming from his stomach to his head, it feels like burning and makes it hard for him to manipulate his powers. He doesn't know what causes the pain, but he hasn't found any way to quell it. It was another reason why he was so relieved to come into the Daemon Academy, he was hoping that someone would know the source of the pain and teach him how to use his ability without it. So far, he hasn't spoken about it to anyone, but is hesitant to use his power in classes.


Errol is a complicated young man. Ten minutes with him will tell you nothing about how he really is, and most likely will leave you more confused than you were already. He chooses who he wants to be known by. He plays an act for bystanders, which is basically his way of keeping people from getting close to him, while at the same time concealing the true motives behind his actions. Errol seems like a cold person, but holds a soft spot for painting. His demeanor is candid and confident, often times arrogant, so its' easy to dismiss his deeper, and kinder side. Errol's spirited and won't ever think of giving up if he's after something. His temper can get out of control sometimes and he flings his emotions at people when they don't deserve it. He loves taking risks and breaking rules, considering these things to be a necessity. If you've earned his friendship, he's a great leader and is willing to risk everything for his friends. He is extremely protective of those he likes, and feels good when he has someone to protect. His devotion to those around him is typically overlooked because of his seemingly evasive nature. His awkwardly handled compassion acts as a shield, to protect him of his biggest fear--turning up as a failure. If he's uncomfortable, he'll resort to joking around to hide his worries. He is always trying to humor the situation or trying to alleviate the problem.

Sometimes, Errol can be convincingly nice to borderline manipulative, depending on who he's speaking to. He finds it easier to get along with other guys, rather than girls, because he doesn't understand them. They make him nervous, and he feels cornered whenever they talk to him. He tries to play situations off as cool as he can, but he's rather insecure despite acting as arrogant as he does. He's not the strongest guy in the world, even though he acts like it. He's good with his words, so he'd rather get out of situations that way, rather than resorting to his fists. Other times, he'll jump into situations head first without thinking about the consequences. Errol's temper is renowned and the source of his anger is sometimes unclear, but stems mostly from thoughts of home.


Outfit: Errol has a knack for flair and wears whatever he feels like, despite what others may think. The boy keeps a pair of blue-tinted sunglasses on him at all times, for whatever reason. He'll wear jeans, or his favorite white pants with designs embossed on both sides. Shirts vary from t-shirts with witty, dry comments or just a black shirt with a white dragon design on the back. Preferring stylish clothes, he'll wear hoodies with fur around the collar. Errol's taken a liking to wearing trinkets, he'll wear different types of necklaces and bracelets, mostly made from wood or corral. Shoes vary between checkered skater shoes or black All-Star Converce. Keeping with the current trends, he wears whatever is in "style," but with a sense of comfort.

* He usually carries some kind of musical device around with him.

* Paintbrushes and paint tubes are usually sticking out of his pants

* Errol has several piercings; mostly in his ears.


Born and raised in Scotland, Errol's life was perfectly fine, he had two loving parents who treated him fairly well and he had a younger brother. There was nothing he could complain about, because he had everything he wanted. Everything seemed perfectly normal, his mother was the one who'd acquired the same power he had but had never told him. As Errol grew older, he was feeling strange and some of his friends were having "mental breakdowns" around him, they'd seem like they were dreaming while they were awake and he was scared to death. He didn't understand what was going on, but the strange feeling in the bottom of his stomach grew into discomfort. The feeling would react to his emotions and sometimes when he was angry, those "mental breakdowns" his friends would experience happened more and more frequently. Friends seemed to start avoiding him in fear that it would happen to them, and he resorted to petty crimes like defacing property with his art. It was the only pass time that kept him from feeling lonely. Art became his passion.

Aged 13, when he came home from school, and had a heated argument with his father about his mother and the "breakdown" happened. All Errol remembered feeling was a heat that emanated from his stomach, like an uncontrollable anger that made him feel like blacking out. His father never spoke of what he saw, but soon admitted himself to an institution. Errol's mother told him of the power they shared in dismay, she never thought that it would come to telling him, and that's when the letter to the Daemon Academy came in. His mother blamed him for what happened to his father, despite trying to treat him as well as she could. He could always see the disgust in her bright blue eyes--almost screaming at him, without words.

Errol was in disarray over what he did to his father and blamed himself for the power he couldn't control. Lashing out at those around him he blamed his mother for never telling him that they shared that damned "curse." The prospect of meeting others like him was the only thing that held him together and he vowed to take control of the ability that controlled him. Decidedly, his mother thought it would be best if Errol was sent to a school where his power would be accepted. Errol hasn't been able to go back home on holidays, or when the school term ends so he'd been living at the school; as a junior, he's worked things out with the principle of the school despite how dangerous things have gotten. Daemon Academy is his home

So begins...

Errol Kurolap's Story


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((I fail, I think I was in chat, but really it just posted here. >__< ;; ))