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Victoria Clemonte

This world... it's merely a bloodstained chessboard

0 · 283 views · located in Eden

a character in “DarK PinK SKY”, originally authored by Ever, as played by RolePlayGateway


|| Victoria Astrid Charlotte vi Clemonte ||

This world... it's merely a bloodstained chessboard. There exists the Kings and Queens, the Pawns and the Knights.. just like there exists the Prestigious and the Common, the Humans and the Mutants.



|| Full Name ||
Victoria Astrid Charlotte vi Clemonte
(Pronunciation~ Vic-tor-e-ah As-trid Char-lit v Cle-mont)

|| Nickname ||
Tori || A name used by her family in terms of endearment.
Fairy || Stems from her childhood obsession with these mythical creatures, only her long-term friends or family knows of this name.
Miss Victoria || What the servants in the household address her as.
Dollie || The name her little sister, Lisanna, use to call her before her death. Apparently, Victoria looked quite similar to the china dolls her little sister admired and, as such, bestowed the endearing name onto her sibling.

|| Age ||

|| Gender ||

|| Birthdate ||
December 1, the day of the Winter Solstice

|| Astrological Sign ||

|| Sexuality ||
Bisexual but leans more towards those of the male gender

|| Role ||

|| Face Claim ||
Erza Scarlet || Fairy Tail



|| Hair Colour ||
A brilliant shade of deep scarlet

|| Eye Colour ||
Always in a constant shift from a rich dark brown to warm gray to even an endless shade of black

|| Skin Tone ||
A luminous ivory or alabaster, depending on the light

|| Height ||

|| Weight ||
90 lbs

|| Scars ||
Very few scars mar Victoria's doll-esque skin.. though that is not to say she is free of them. The biggest one originated from her rough-play as a child... what else could you expect? She was being foolish, trying to show off for her young sister by playing "adult" in the kitchen, and ended up nicking her forearm. The scar itself is quite concealable through a dab of foundation, being only three inches long and an inch wide, but it serves enough reminder of her childhood idiocy.

|| Tattoos/Piercings ||
Other than both of her ears being pierced, the model is kept on a tight leash when tattoos or body modifications are concerned.



|| Positive ||
Determined || Once her mind is set on something, Victoria will never give it up.. even if it means going to the extremes to achieve it. Be it a new role, a new person of interest, or a new line of fashion, Victoria is relentless in her pursing endeavors.
Intelligent || Surprisingly, Victoria is one 'sharp cookie'. Stemmed from the harsh tutoring she received as a child, this idol's knowledge seems to be endless.. no matter the given subject. In fact, when she appears on talk shows and gives a philosophical and well-informed answer, the inquirers are often dumb-founded.. after all, most idols are not the brightest.
Passionate || Embodying the element of fire, anything Victoria carries out or says is more likely than not embedded with passion. She simply can't help it, these strong feelings, it's her nature to provide insight full of warmth and dizzying perspective.
Collected || Originating from the etiquette training, very little actually fazes Victoria. Her patience seems to be endless, be it a dim-witted person or a politically-aligned advocate, Victoria can easily converse with them without losing her temper or head.. though that's not to say she won't toss a few silver-laced words their way.
Protective || Ever since Lisanna, Victoria often finds herself being overly-protective with those she cares truly about. Not wanting to risk another broken heart, she will often jump to their defense when they are confronted or harmed.. often belaying damage onto the attacker.

|| Negative ||
Silver Tongue || At times, Victoria will have a ruthless way with her words, easily cutting into a person's soul. And as such harshness, she will often try to mellow her words.. however, it necessarily doesn't work all the time.
Free-spirited || Much to her parent's distaste, Victoria has developed a taste for freedom and, as such, has become quite rebellious.
Cold || During moments, Victoria has been known to be rather cold and reserved towards any person.. she just can't help it. Like any normal human, she goes through mood swings where social interactions don't matter.
Stubborn || Going hand and hand with her determination, Victoria is quite the stubborn one. Rarely will she back down from a challenge, even if she knows there exists not a single chance of her winning, and refuses to bend to other's will. "Stubborn as a mule" is quite the understatement.

|| Likes ||
Sweet foods || This could be anything; cakes, pastries, chocolates, candies.. just give something sweet to Victoria and she's suddenly stuck to you like glue.
Classical music || In her opinion, nothing as pure and innocent as music should be corrupted by words or 'unnatural sounds'.
Cats || Sharing as many characteristics as she does with these felines, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that she just adores them.
Expensive tea || She's from the elite class.... enough said. There is nothing quite like a perfectly brewed cup of high grade tea to relax her.

|| Dislikes ||
Dull or uninteresting people || Listening to people speak who provide hardly any entertainment is enough to make Victoria turn her back on you. So if you want this girl's attention, you better have some interesting stories to elaborate on.
Bitter or Spicy foods || The quickest way to get on her hit list; feed her something bitter or spicy. Salty, savory, bland or sweet.. she will gladly partake in any food that falls under those categories. However, the second someone sneaks something spicy or bitter into her food is the second their reputation is ruined.
Cheap or bland tea || It's almost as if you give someone a dead kitten for their birthday present.. absolutely horrifying!
Cup of Noodles || Extreme sodium content, highly addictive, figure destroying.. it's the death sentence for any model!

|| Dreams ||
Victoria wishes that, one day, mutants and humans will be able to get along.. that those who are different won't get ignored and treated with inhumane conditions like Lisanna was.. Aside from that, she prays for the day when she can reveal her sister's identity and the purity of her heart, despite being "a demonic hellspawn" as her parents put it, and for her sister's rest in peace.

|| Fears ||
Failing Lisanna's wish of peace is, by far, the worst nightmare for Victoria. After all, it's the least she could do to try..



|| Occupation ||
The eldest and "only" child of the Head of Senate, Victoria has another profession than being a mere name; being an idol. Featured on talk shows, in photo shoots, and even commercials and movies, Victoria has gained celebrity status throughout Eden... her family name only gaining her even more popularity.

|| Romantic Interest ||

|| Theme Song ||
Bad Apple || Music Box

|| Family ||
Thomas Clemonte || Father, alive
Elizabeth Clemonte || Mother, alive
Lisanna Clemonte || Sister, deceased

|| Biography ||
Born into the elite class, Victoria's life was always quite pampered. Anything she wished for or was deemed necessary for someone of prestigious status to possess was always promptly delivered to the child on a silver platter... no matter the cost nor labor it took to obtain such luxuries. It was the life many dreamed of, yearned for, desired... though to say it was all fun and games would be a lie. With the heavy title of "Clemonte's heiress", Victoria was often subjected to endless hours of tutoring and barking etiquette lessons, no time for frivolous activities often associated with childhood was given. Not mention the loneliness the young girl suffered through. Her parents, both being in the Senate, often were unconnected with their only child, work consuming their minds and soul. As for her maids, Victoria never felt quite comfortable with divulging in her true emotions on certain matters with strangers that were paid to take care of her.. would anyone?

Once Victoria reached the age of six, her mother being 29 at the time, her father gained a higher position within the monarchy: The Head of Senate. Overjoyed with the news and success, the family finally had a week of utter bliss with one another.. then the work started. Her father, being a stern and commanding figure but nonetheless a man, was pressured into the idea of introducing the contraceptive drug BLUcycle to his wife, assured there was hardly any serious side effects to be discovered.. and even worse; he agreed. Of course, when Victoria found out that any chance for a younger sibling was completely annihilated, she was devastated... but then again...she survived thus far without one.

Fast-forwarding until six months after Victoria's sixth birthday, a miracle occurred. Her mother was pregnant. Now to say that the entirety of the 3 member family was thrilled would be quite false.. in fact, only the mother and the daughter were giddy. The father, on the other hand, was quite disapproving.. in fact, he offered an abortion promptly (which her mother rashly declined). By the time Victoria was seven years old, her sister was born. Lisanna was the name the infant was bestowed with.

Much to the horror of the noble Clemonte line, the newest daughter was a mutant.. a horrible deformity caused by the drug. A freak, an outsider... the term "daughter" never even once being used by neither mother or father to address the child. In fact, Lisanna was nurtured by a nursemaid, her very own flesh and blood refusing to touch her... apart from Victoria. Not even once caring about the difference in their appearance nor abilities, the heiress lit an immediate love between them. More than money, clothes, or electronics, Victoria treasured her baby sister, vowing to protect her from the cruelty of their society and parents.

As time wore on, to say that Lisanna and Victoria were merely best friends would be a colossal understatement. They shared a soul, a special connection no one else could experience. A bond that would never break. Yet, despite seeing their love for one another, Mr. and Mrs. Clemonte's distaste for the younger child was without bounds.. even going as far as concealing the mutant's existence within society and within their family.

When Lisanna was 6, Victoria being 13, tragedy and misfortune entered the lineage.. the youngest was diagnosed with an aggressive case of cancer. No sooner than two years had passed and the mutant fell prey to confinement in bed. Each day for Victoria, seeing her sister wither away as an unseen disease gnawed at her being, more and more of her heart broke. In relation to the dying seconds of Lisanna's time, the heiress eventually reeled away from the outside world, from sleep and from media to fuss over her sister, desperate to not even leave her side for a second. No longer did laughter fill the mansion, no longer did smiles warm each other's hearts, no longer was merriment evident..only somber and grim sets of determination. Then, on December 1, precisely at 2 AM when the first snowflakes began their work at blanketing the Earth in white, Lisanna Vivian Collette vi Clemonte drew her last breath.

For any 14 year old to see their sibling die is a heart-wrenching experience.. even more so when that person is the one you treasure the most in the world. Victoria, taking it as a wound to her soul, fell into a depression shortly afterwards.. it wasn't until she was 16 that the scarlet-haired heiress finally made an appearance to society. Determined to live her life to the fullest, something of which Lisanna was denied, Victoria stepped into the world of social media. Almost immediately rising to the top for modeling, the girl expanded her horizons through multiple hobbies and job opportunities.. one goal still remaining clear: Live life for Lisanna and eventually expose her existence to the world.


I'm going to make Lisanna's life worth it.. I'm going to prove that she wasn't demonic, that she wasn't trash.

So begins...

Victoria Clemonte's Story


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#, as written by Ever
Time of Day: Morning
Victoria's Suit


Darkness. Utterly unfulfilled space, blank and never-ending… that was all that Victoria could perceive in her dream. Nothingness. Night after night, sleep after sleep, it all occurred in a similar fashion, in a similar manner.. the idol would almost instantaneously fall into a robotic trance, “sleep” no longer being able to define this particular activity. Time would stretch on normally of course...until her being decided it was irritated enough with the lack of visual creativity that is. And then she would awake, emotionlessly blank, and await for her servants.. much like in the present.

Rays of drearily artificial “sunshine” filtered through the crevices those stainless steel blinds created, it’s presence bringing about discontent in the utmost unpleasant manner. Why the displeasure one may inquire? After all, the privileged girl was considered to be very fortunate to be graced with such a sight.. but then again, no one would be content with those invasive beams attacking one’s eyes constantly. Narrowing her blackened orbs into smaller slits, an annoyed sigh escaped the elite girl’s body as a tapered hand journeyed further south before those doll-esque fingers tightly clutched at the crimson silk. Fluidly yanking the duvet above her head, crimson consuming scarlet, Victoria murmured distastefully. ”I hate mornings…” before she found herself slowly being consumed once more by sleep. However, that blissful transition was brutally slaughtered as the bustle of maids echoed through the suit, each one flustering about their assigned job. Hearing the bath water being drawn, Victoria released a small moan of reluctant protest before tossing the covers away, the ”Good morning, Miss Victoria”
honestly not registering in her awakening state. Instead, the idol was more preoccupied by the shuffling and swaying of her feet, the bathroom being the prized destination.

No sooner than two hours following her disrupted trance, Victoria was out of the rose-scented water and into clothes one could wear acceptably about in society. Sending her mocha-hued gaze downwards, the idol gave a quick smoothing motion against the ruffled black skirt as her thoughts began to drift...not even once caring about the softly thistled brush being ran through her fiery waterfall or the makeup that was being artistically applied to her porcelain features. I wonder… Mother and Father still want me to possess a mutant slave? Surely they wouldn’t force me.. after all, Lisanna was...Nevermind. Stop concerning your thoughts, Victoria. It’ll only cause complications later on today.. whispered the chastising voice, completely ignoring the schedule one human maid was oh-so dutifully parroting back. With a half smile painting it’s way delicately unto those gardenia-hued lips, the heiress stood from the vanity to cross through the adjoined threshold; the dining room.

With a feline-esque grace, the idol slid into the designated spot, that apprehensive stare quickly flickering over to the other two empty spots. They must be working again.. mused the unimpressed thoughts, her attention now more focused on the steaming china cup placed in front of her. Peering down into the Earl Gray’s inky surface, Victoria refinedly lifted the saucer and vassal to chest level, a delicate finger slipping through the handle. Gently inhaling the scent, the young woman allowed for a soft, almost nonexistent, stream of air to flow from between her parted lips before initiating a refined sip.