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Zio Truehart

"WiP - Code6435"

0 · 214 views · located in Daughtris

a character in “Daughtris: High School Finals”, as played by code6435



Name: Zio Truehart

Race: Human

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5”10’

Weight: 169lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Cloths and armor:

Personality: Zio is your typical stand-alone cold person type. Upon meeting him, you will realize that he is very rude and cold. He will shut you off and tries to threaten you to not involve with him. A known attitude mainly possessed by people with studies or grades highest or very high at the least. Many people despised him because of this. They named him a show off, however, Zio never actually wanted this. In actual, he just doesn’t know how to communicate with people, thus making him panic and rendering him scolding off people.

Deep down, he always wanted to make friends, but he’s just too afraid too. He knew that fact well, but his anxiety always manages to get in the way. He was mistaken as a man with no emotions due to the fact that he was taught to never show any emotions. A lonely man without friends and family to support him, he stood side by side with solitude, and because he doesn’t know how to do away with anxiety, he resents everyone.


So begins...

Zio Truehart's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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Zane looked around the ship and found the control room. Zane growled in a beastly tone at his own stupidity. If this were boat Zane would be able to sail it. This was no boat, but an airship. "Zio, you know how this thing ticks?" Zane asked. They were short on time and they would be hard pressed to find another vessel before their deadline.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

"I'll need some time to get the memories kicking back in. It's been long since I've piloted an airship." Quickly rushing to the controls, Zio observed and checked every buttons there is. A couple of switches and a few buttons. Shouldn't be hard for him to move this thing. A flashing red light were in the middle, and Zio had an idea of what it is. Smashing the button lightly, the engines roared to life. The propellers started turning, alerting the owner of the ship. Zio turned to Zane, who was standing by the side waiting for Zio to finish messing the controls and start getting the airship flying. "Quick! The owner is gonna get some guards here! I'll stay here and fly the ship, you concentrate on kicking those assholes off the ship!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

but there was none. No guards came. Outside, every Demotian was minding their own business. No one knew that the airship that they were on wasn't piloted by the owner. Mr. Rayne came through the pilot room where Zane and Zio was, sighing "West Bright Port Elementary should find a new way to grade students..." he commented "student kept stealing stuff from others"

[so where are you guys going to head to?]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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"Okay We should fly directly east. When the coast is in sight we should go South for about an hour at 100km." Zane said. He had been from this port to Bright Port. This is the same port his grandfather only lived about a half hours walk from. Zane exited the airship and stood watch. Nobody seemed to be suspicious so Zane just leaned against the wall waiting to take off. He had been on an airship before, he prefered boats because if you crashed, you could swim, or float until help came. Unlike in an airship if you have malfunctions you fall to your death.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

It has been many hours that the group reached the continent of Pruwas. It was already night time and the moons was shining up in the sky. While Zio piloted the airship, Zane was keeping watch, accompanied by Mr. Netto. The view was dark and not much can be seen. Suddenly, tiny light was seen not far away, getting bigger as it was headed closer to the group's stolen airship. Moment later, Zane could see that the light was coming from a larger airship with a dragon shaped hull. It was like a castle was built on top of the airship. When Zane took a closer look, he saw rough looking humans, demons, and beastmen with swords and daggers equiped on their hands, hanging on the side of the airship.

"Shit..." Mr. Netto whispered as he saw it, worried.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

"Crap. That's a dangerous looking ship." Zio stared at it, worried at the consequence later. Setting it on auto-pilot, Zio rushed to the deck of the airship. "Zane. We have some trouble here. If anything happens, retaliate. These are guys you don't want to get friendly with." From his experience, these people are called 'pirates', and they are infamous for the raiding on airships or even ships alike. Turning his gaze to Netto, he placed a hand on his hips. "I don't suppose you're allowed to help us? Well, that's fine, I guess. I don't want us getting disqualified for something as easy as this." Getting ready to draw his sword any moment, he went back into the bridge, just to avoid pointless conversations and to check on the controls, making sure the airship wouldn't break down at last moment's notice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Zane sighed. "Zio this ship is smaller and faster try and get away." Zane told him. Zane drew his two handed sword and leaned on it. "Don't get so close! You're giving us quite the scare!" zane called. He liked fighting but didn't want to if he didn't have to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Mr. Rayn scratched his head, unsure of what to do. If he helps the students, they are going to be disqualified but they were outnumbered. There were five seen sky pirates on the pirate airship, unknown of how much are hidden inside.

"If this gets ugly, I'll lend a hand but, you both are going to get an F" he told the two

It was too late for Zio to go back to the pilot room. The Sky pirates are already close.

BOOM! a deafening explosion was heard, followed by smoke from the pirates airship. Hooks and chains was shot from their turrets. It shoot through the side of the group's stolen airship. Both the airship are now locked together.

"Get them!" The lead pirated barked "tie them up! kill them if they resist!"

Four of them jumped across to the group's stolen airship. Mr. Rayn suddenly vanished from sight.

"Good luck, you two..." Mr. Netto's voice was heard

Two of the pirate was headed towards Zane. One of them swung his sword at Zane which extended. It was actually a whip sword and was used in attempt and tie Zane up. The other one stood and watch, ready with dagger in hand.

The other two pirates headed for Zio, using the same skills.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Zane jumped to the side attempting to doge the blade on the end of the whip, he then charged forward uttering a deafening war cry letting all his rage out (Beast mode activated... or Berserk like Guy in "Slyph's Kiss") He swung his sword at the pirate's right shoulder down towards his left hip attempting to cut into his vital organs or mortally wound him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

shadereen wrote:
Pirate whip attack : 59/100

Zane's dodge
Awesomeness: 5/20
Logic: 10/20
Description: 14/20
Dye roll: 35/40
= 64/100

evade succeeded

Pirate's dagger attack:
Dye roll: 10/100

Zane's attack
Awesomeness: 14/20 : no Ki control?
Logic: 19/20
Description: 17/20
Dye roll:36/40
= 86/100 (x2 for his berserker mode... his next defend dyeroll is going to be decreased by x1.5)

Pirate's dodge
Dye roll: 67/100

Pirate receives 105/100 damage. He died!

Zane managed to evade the whipping sword but he failed to see the second pirate with a dagger ready. As Zane cried out in rage and ran forward, the second pirate thrust the dagger, aiming at his gut. Fortunately, it missed and only scraped Zane's rib. At the same time, Zane swung his sword down at the pirate with the whip sword. It struck the pirate hard, cutting through the equipped leather armor enchanted with earth element barrier. Instantly, the pirate died, cut in half.

"Billy!" The other pirate with the dagger screamed "fuck!"

he quickly swung his dagger sideways at Zane's neck in attempt to severe his head from his body.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Already knowing it's too late, Zio decided to close the door and wait at the side. When they barge into the room, the door will swing to his side, which then he will kick it back to them, smacking their face. He will continue doing so until they give up and find some way to breaking this. He drew his weapon and held it on the opposite side of where the door will swing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Zane saw the dagger coming for him.

"Do you ever give up?" Zane sighed. He had just easily cut through a man like he was butter, and this guy still wanted to fight.

He Didn't try to defend, after his rage it would be useless. Zane instead kneeled down hoping to buy more time and dodge the attack, as he thrust his sword up towards the pirates chest attempting to either hit a vital organ or make the man have to dodge so his attack would miss.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

shadereen wrote:
Pirate's attack: Dye roll 79/100

Zio's dodge by running to door and closing it"
Awesomeness: 14/20
Logic: 18/20
Description: 17/20
Dye roll: 22/40
= 71/100

Zio receive 8/100 damage

Zio's surprise door attack
Awesomeness: 16/20
Logic: 8/20 : hitting people by swinging a door won't kill them...
Description: 19/20
Dye roll: 10/40
= 53/100

chances of pirate finding out about door surprise attack : 17/20

pirate receives 36/100 damage

chances of pirate breaking through door: 46/100
chances of door stopping pirate: 51/100

pirate broke through door

Zio's surprise sword attack
Awesomeness: 17/20
Logic: 18/20
Description: 14/20 : you should describe how he would swing his sword or whatever
Dye roll: 26/40
= 75/100

Chances of pirate finding out about surprise sword attack: 15/100

pirate receives 60/100 damage

As Zio went through the door of the pilot room and closes it, the pirate's whip sword hit and pass through the door, hitting Zio's arm slightly. Wanting to end the pursuit quickly, the pirate pulled the stuck whip sword and proceeded to break down the door by focusing his Ki on his leg and kicking it. The door was broken in half but, Zio was waiting with a sword drawn on the other side. Without enough time to react, the pirate was stabbed in the stomach, but still manage to live. With trembling hands, he took out a healing potion from his pouch, opening it and started to pour it on his wound. Without interruption, his wounds would heal and Zio will be in greater danger, trapped in the pilot room. There was another pirate behind the stabbed one, dagger in hand. It jumped over the first pirate and did a vertical 360 degrees spin before slashing down to Zio with his Ki controlled dagger. The dagger would snap Zio's sword if Zio's sword is not properly controlled with Ki.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Of course, Zio would have knew that things wouldn't go his way. A stab in the stomach would be powerful enough to let the man stagger, but that damn healing potion just made this more bad. A proper Ki control is needed, and Zio would not hesitate in what he's about to do later. With his sword still stuck in that man's stomach, he twists his sword, and by focusing Ki on the blade to the direction of the blade, he will cut directly upwards, splitting the man in half and also damaging the flying man. Standing sideways before doing that would also be a good counterattack if the flying man managed to live. If he moved sideways, he would be still able to continue the swing sideways, cutting the landed man in half or in the neck.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

shadereen wrote:
Pirate's dagger attack: 82/100

Zio's defend:
Awesomeness: 16/20
Logic: 18/20
Description: 18/20
Dye roll: 24/40
= 76/100

Zio received 6/100 damage

Zio's attack:
Awesomeness: 20/20 : I love it O_O
Logic: 18/20
Description: 19/20
Dye roll: 11/20
= 68/100

Auto death for the first pirate!

Pirate #2 dodge: 43/100

Pirate #2 receive 25/100 damage

"Gyaa!" The first pirate screamed in pain before the sword sliced his brain in half. The bottle of the healing potion fell on the floor and shattered, spilling red liquid on the floor, mixed with the red blood of the pirate.

The second pirate managed only managed to scratch Zio's shoulder with the dagger as Zio evaded to the side while swinging his sword in an arc upwards. With quickly reflexes, the pirate air dashed away in mid air by focusing his Ki on his leg to kick the air and propelling himself, but one of his leg was hit by Zio's sword. Fortunately for the protective barrier enchantment on his shoes, his leg wasn't severed from his body, but its still broken. The pirate rolled on the floor, got up and prepared himself for an attack from Zio.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Zane kicked at the pirates hand trying to kick the crackers so he wouldn't recover from Zane's attack. Zane wasn't wasting energy. Zane then took a stance beside the man in a executioners stance. "May the gods have mercy on you." Zane said before he slashed downwards in a wide arc attempting to decapitate the man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

God damn, why things wouldn't go his way! He swore that he wanted to kill this guy as badly as he wanted to blow his entire head up and taste the blood of this asshole. He charged forward, dodging to the side where the man held the knife, while when he succeeds in doing so, he would grab the man by the armed hand, and stab from the below. Through the chin up to the brain. Then he will do the same Ki control again, but this time, he will do a perfect 180 degrees vertical turn, chopping the head off in half entirely. The small barrier on the palm of his hand where he grab the man will be able to slightly protect his hand, although he's not sure on entirely how much will it protect.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

shadereen wrote:
pirate's attack: 100/100

Zio's dodge"
Awesomeness: 16/20
Logic: 10/20
Description: 16/20
Dye roll: 39/40
= 81/100

Zio receives 19/100 damage

Zio's counter attack:
Awesomeness: 20/20
Logic: 14/20
Description: 16/20
Dye roll: 14/40
= 64/100

Pirate's dodge: 34/100

Pirate receives 30/100 damage

The pirate quickly swung his dagger at Zio as he came forward but it missed. Zio grabbed the hand held dagger of the pirate and attempted use the pirate's own dagger on himself. Instead on thrusting the dagger below the pirate's chin, the pirate retaliated and the dagger hit him below the shoulder.

"Gyaa!!" the pirate screamed in pain, the dagger stuck to him.

Zio did a 180 degrees turn vertically to chop the pirate's head off it missed as the pirate ducked down. Seeing his chance while Zio's back was turned, the pirate placed a hand on the floor to hold himself up and kick his unbroken leg with focused Ki at Zio's legs in attempt to break them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

"Damn!" He quietly shouted. At the last moment, he noticed the man's leg swinging towards him. To evade the attack, he had to pull the hands in nearer towards him, while simultaneously, he had to move the missed strike of his sword back towards the pirate's head, charged by an intense Ki strike that would open a crack on the man's skull. Hopefully, the end handle of the sword will hit him. Even if he dodged, he can still continue the pull, and change from the end handle to the blade, so no matter how much he dodged, he would be able to at least injure him. Pulling the hand nearer towards him also helps him in evading the kick because he pull closer the direction between him and the assaulter. As a drastic measure, Zio also turned his entire body around. The attack leading up to his counterattack would a clean cut of the arm, chopping it off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

shadereen wrote:
pirate's kick attack: 31/100

Zio's tried to grab the pirate's other hand to disrupt his movement:
Awesomeness: 14/20
Logic: 7/20 :
Description: 1/20
Dye roll: 33/40
= 55/100

Zio successfully disrupt pirate's kick

Zio's attack:
Awesomeness: 17/20
Logic: 15/20
Description: 1/20
Dye roll: 26/100
= 59/100

Pirate's attempt to pull away from Zio: 79/100

attempt successful

Before the pirate managed to kick Zio's legs, Zio grabbed the pirate and pulled him up, disrupting his movement. Zio then attempted to hit the pirate's face with the pummel of his sword but in reflex, the pirate pulled his hand from Zio's grip and did a jump flip back to safety. Blood dripped on the floor from the dagger still stuck below the pirate's shoulder. The pirate knew that if this were to continue, he would lose a lot of blood and then his life. As fast as he could, he ran towards the door while grabbing a healing potion from his satchel and attempted to pour it on himself.