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Zio Truehart

"WiP - Code6435"

0 · 213 views · located in Daughtris

a character in “Daughtris: High School Finals”, as played by code6435



Name: Zio Truehart

Race: Human

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5”10’

Weight: 169lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Cloths and armor:

Personality: Zio is your typical stand-alone cold person type. Upon meeting him, you will realize that he is very rude and cold. He will shut you off and tries to threaten you to not involve with him. A known attitude mainly possessed by people with studies or grades highest or very high at the least. Many people despised him because of this. They named him a show off, however, Zio never actually wanted this. In actual, he just doesn’t know how to communicate with people, thus making him panic and rendering him scolding off people.

Deep down, he always wanted to make friends, but he’s just too afraid too. He knew that fact well, but his anxiety always manages to get in the way. He was mistaken as a man with no emotions due to the fact that he was taught to never show any emotions. A lonely man without friends and family to support him, he stood side by side with solitude, and because he doesn’t know how to do away with anxiety, he resents everyone.


So begins...

Zio Truehart's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Through the window of one of the class room in Bright Port Elementary, the sky was dark and the three moons of Daughtris was out. It was night time, but the school was still filled with the chatter of people. It wasn't unusual as Daughtris is a world where no part of it sleeps as parts of the inhabitants of the world are nocturnal races and the non sleeping kind. Today, just like the seniors before, more students are going to take their final exam which is to survive the harsh planet with random students at school.

In the great hall of the school. It was time for the headmaster's speech. The headmaster is a wise elf which has lived for many centuries, gathering knowledge and have seen many things. Although he is an ancient elf, his appearance doesn't match him as he has the looks of a handsome young adult with dark hair.

"Greetings, students. I hope you are well today" the headmaster said "I assume you already knows the rule of the final exam. No long distance teleporting, no help from any relatives whatsoever. All your money, enchanted equipment and artifacts are going to be confiscated while on this exam. It will be given back to you once the exam is over" he paused "you are required to do this quest using your own skills and capabilities" he looked around the students, warning them with his eyes "The time to pass the the exam is five days and a guardian will be with you always to help you when things get out of hands, but if they do, your exam will be considered failed and you are not going to get your high school diploma" once again, his eyes moved around to look at the students then continued "well, enough of this speech. I wish you all the best!" he raised his hand which was holding some sort of device which looked like a hand held clock.

The floor beneath the students started to glow. Instantly, they were all gone.

Zane Phoenix and Zio Truehart view changed from great halls of West Bright Port Elementary to the top of some building where there was a chimney and water tank. The sky was no longer night. It was blue and clear. The sun was shining on them, warming their skin. Around the building which they stood were some taller buildings.

"you are in Demotia" A voice came from behind them.

When they instinctively turned around, they could see an adult man, smiling at them before throwing them a map of the world. The man was shirtless, revealing his well built body and was wearing a long cloth, with scrolls attached at the sides as his bottom wear. A pair of angry looking gloves was equip on both of his arms, holding a long staff.

"From here on, you need to find a way back to Bright Port without the use of long distance teleportation" he told them while still smiling "I am Mr. Rayne and I will be marking your journey"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Zane jumped back as the teacher sneaked up on them. He almost fell off of the building. Zane just gave a smug look to the teacher. He then looked at his partner He was a scrawny little thing compared to Zane. "Well this is my mums stomping ground, I've been here a few times to visit Gramps, we can go to Port Siani, maybe stow away on a speeder?" Zane asked his partner.

Zanes mother was a Demon and had been raised in Demotia. The tall winding black building seemed intimidating and loathing. It was really a nice place. Demons got a bad rep because some rotten apples spoil the bunch. "But maybe we should find out how to get off this building first..." Zane said seeing their predicament.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

With the appearance of the teacher an unexpected but yet somehow predicted surprise, Zio quickly turned his gaze back to the open area behind him. Questions were quickly thrown at him a moment ago by a man whose figure was obviously muscular than his. Zio glance at the man only for a moment, before he turned back to where he was staring at. Spreading open the map given to him as one of the exam's equipment, he quickly located the area they were in now. Placing down the map and puling up a pen, he drew a circle on it as a mark on where they started. He wrapped up the map and gave it back to the man beside him. "I don't like this, but I'll have to stick with you people." A voice of arrogance broke the awkward silence between the man and him.

Spotting the ladder leading down to the streets, he approached it and climbed down, paying the other students no heed as he climb. When he reached the ground, he pulled the sheathed standard blade beside his waist and entered into a defensive stance. Somehow, he could feel a dangerous presence lurking nearby. He waited at the ladder, to ensure that his team actually follows him, before marching back into the streets on the outside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Upon reaching down the ladder, though expecting trouble, none appeared yet. The path they were on was narrow. It was clear that they were at one of residential area. One of the residents saw Zio but payed no attention, minding his own business. Pedestrians walks down the streets, some going to work, and some on other matters.

Instead of using the ladder, Mr. Netto hovered down by casting wind spell to carry him.

"Just remember that you are not allowed to ask for help from any relatives" he told the two

It was forbidden for him to give them advice on what to do, only to remind them on what they are forbidden. The two students will have to do on their own.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Grabbing the map back from the man's hands, Zio decided to answer the student's question through the map. Laying it down on the ground, he examined the map, only to quickly find the sea he was looking for. He circled the map with a pencil, and gave it to the man, before proceeding down the streets. According to the map, if he went down this path, then turn a right, there should be an underground sewer system leading directly towards the school grounds. Sheathing his sword and moving it towards the back, he walked at a slow pace so that the student and the teacher can follow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Zane examined the map. He saw that the other man was right, and he put it in a small pouch he had on his hip. "I'm Zane." Zane said catching up with the other man. He walked beside him and saw where he was going. "You do know, the sewers of Demotia are full of cults of Demons. They have been exiled for murder and terrible crimes." Zane told Zio. Zane didn't really mind. He would probably know some of them.

Zane felt backwards to make sure his sword was there. He then unsheathed it and with it pried open the manhole cover. Zane descended into the sewer slowly, making sure he didn't slip. (Shade)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Mr. Rayne just watched the two. He smacked his own face with his palm when Zio said that the sewers could take them straight to the school grounds which was across the other side of the planet, but said nothing to them. When the manhole cover was removed, they could see that it was dark inside, lacking of light. The pedestrians had confused looks on when they saw the three at the manhole. Some started to whisper to each other and some giggled at them. When Zane climbed down to the sewer through the manhole, without warning, a giant rat jumped at him in attempt to grab him and bite his head off.

[do not auto the rat and wait your turn]

Map of Daughtris


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Standing at the top of the manhole, he looked at the student climbing down. He withdrew the blade sheathed behind him, and took a stare at it. Realizing that there's no mana in the weapon, he decided to swing it around to test whether his theory was true. Unfortunately, it is. A lightning fast horizontal swing to the ground proved it. If there was mana in this thing, he would've been able to draw the power in this thing and prove his theory wrong. Doesn't seem like it. He remembered that the other student also possessed the same exact weapon as him.

Considering the danger of the situation he will out the others and him in, he wanted to stop the student from going down before realizing that an enemy already jumped the gun. He reached a hand down as an instinct, and raised his distressed voice in an attempt to warn the man who called himself Zane before he gets his head chomped off. "Zane! Look out!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Zane kicked wildly hoping to make the rat miss, or kick it down the manhole to it's death.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

shadereen wrote:Rat's attack
Dye roll: 63/100

Zane's defend
Awesomeness: 10/20 :too mainstream X-D
Logic: 19/20
Description: 15/20
Dye roll: 11/40
= 55/100

Zane's damage received:

Zane's counter attack
Awesomeness: 10/20
Logic: 19/20
Description: 15/20
Dye roll: 1/40
= 45/100

Rat's Defend
Dye roll: 11/100

Rat's damage received:

Zio warned Zane. Quickly turning his head, he sees the giant rat and attempt to kick it away furiously. The kick hit the giant rat on the face but it still managed to latch on to Zane's shoes. It tried to maw Zane's leg but was kicked once more, causing it to release its hold, falling to the floor of the sewer on its back. Fortunately for the rat, the sewer wasn't high enough. It rolled back on all four and hissed at Zane with its bleeding mouth before running away into the darkness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Zane even trying to act tough scrambled up the man hole. He looked at his steel plated boot and ensured he was all right. "I don't like rodents." zane said with a sigh. He grabbe dthe man hole cover and put it over the sewer. "I don't want to see another rat for years." Zane said with a little chuckle. "Plan B," Zane said taking a few steps away from Zio and Netto. ",follow the smell of salt." Zane finished following his nose.

Since Zane was half demon his senses were heightened. He could smell the sea form almost 10km away. They really weren't that far.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

"hatchasktlocals!" Mr Rayne suddenly sneezed, wiping his nose with a hankerchier, then looked away from the students and whistled


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

"Take the lead." Whispering in a low voice so only the group could hear, Zio took another quick glance at the manhole. Initially, he had prepared a boat for escaping the island when needed. He visited Demotia occasionally to gather materials for his weapons, and to visit the grave of his dead friend who tried to venture the sewers. He thought that if they could somehow find the exit without any severe casualties, they could board his boat and travel all the way back to the school grounds. Guess that's not happening. Keeping a steady pace behind Zane, he kept his thoughts to himself, and tries not to make a sound.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Zane followed the scent of the sea through the streets of Demotia metropolis, followed by Zio from behind while Mr. Rayne got up to the roof and watched over them from afar. Soon enough, they reached the harbor. Fortunately, it was in walking distance.

Hundreds, maybe thousand kinds of airships, waterships, and submarines, were docked in the harbor. Zio could see his boat but to use would be breaking the rules of the final exam. It was busy in the harbor. Merchants bringing things in and out for sales, fishing boats getting ready to sail while some just arrived. A few transportation services from Demotia island to the continent of Pruwas was available but the students has no money to pay for them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

"Looks like it's time to either steal a boat or stow away." Zane said. He looked at Zio asking for the answer from him. Zane really didn't care. If they stole a boat they would probably have to fight. If they stowed away they didn't know exactly where they were going, or how fast.

Zane would prefer to steal one so they were ensured a pass. But then again, was killing civilians against the test rules? "Teacher!," Zane called to Netto, "Is killing humans permitted?" Zane asked. He knew Netto was around, just out of sight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Mr. Rayn heard Zane and decended down from the rooftops, joining the two.

"are you seriously considering that?" Mr. Rayn questioned back, frowning "the kingdom of Avory doesn't permit taking other Daughtrisian lives, even in other continents of the world". He took a deep breathe in and out "but if it is an act of self defense, it is excusable..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

"Heh. I like how you think." Zio gave a grin. Of course he agreed with him. He himself only wanted to get out of the place and finish the damn exam. He doesn't care shit about human lives other than his own. " So how do we get about this, Zane?" Asking him the question would probably end up having him saying that they charge, but he decided to place a little trust into this guy, if he had any brains to help them pass this test.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

"Well my idea is take a ship. if someone tries to stop us, they have to do it physically. That would be us defending ourselves if someone loses their life." Zane told Zio. Zane looked at the teacher. "I'm half demon. Human life is worth nothing, only when your a soul are you even truly free." zane said. He looked around and saw a ship that looked speedy enough.

zane walked to the ship hoping it was abandoned and they could get away quickly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Netto Rayne Character Portrait: Zane Phoenix Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Mr. Rayne shrugged at the information given. He then hid himself while Zane inspect one of the boats. He wouldn't help them if they were chased by the locals as it was part of their exam. The boat Zane inspected was actually a small airship with sails, big enough to fit 10 normal sized Daughtrisians. It seems that the owner wasn't around and was left unguarded.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zio Truehart
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0.00 INK

Now, there's a chance. Surveying the area, Zio quickly dashed towards the boat, hoping that this chance wouldn't just slip by. With footsteps lighter than soldiers in armor due to him taking off most of unnecessary armor that might slow him down or make noise that causes him to be noticed earlier. If anything gets in his way, be it a demon or monster or even a human, he will eliminate the threat and pass the test in any way he can.