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Akira Kouki

"Fool! Just kidding; touch Asuna or May I won't be able to guarantee you will live much longer though."

0 · 1,648 views · located in Death City

a character in “Death's Game of Shadows”, originally authored by Inspiration, as played by RolePlayGateway



❝Akira Kouki❞

❝Fool! Just kidding; just try not to get in my way. ❞


❝The Basic Facts❞

| Name |
Akira Kouki

| Nickname |
Kira, KiKi (He despises this nickname, fusion of his last name and first name AKIra KouKI

| Gender |

| Age |

| Sexuality |

| Race |

| Eye Color |
Light Brown

| Height |
"5'8" and still growing! Hopefully..."

| Weight |
"135lbs, I'm quite skinny as well!"

| Distinct Markings |

| Habits |
"My habits include always having gum on me, whether i'm chewing it or not, weird huh? Well guess I can't go to Singapore anytime soon! I also know A TON of random facts, even things I don't specialize in, like for example Mortal Kombat practically created the ESRB system!"

| Likes |
Asuna Nagise
His Sister

| Dislikes |
Extremely Serious People/Person [ESP]
People that hit women
Sour Food

| Strengths |
Brave, yet this can get him killed at the same time

| Weaknesses |
Can be gullible at times
Can be quick to act
God awful at math

| Weapon Form |
Akira is a tonfa also known as tong fa or tuifa, is an Okinawan weapon. It is a stick with a handle, and is about 15-20 inches long. It was traditionally made from red oak and wielded in pairs for maximum efficiency.

| Partner |
Asuna Nagise

[font=Garamond][size=120]| How They Met |
"Hehe...that's a funny story. Well you see I met Asuna-Chan when I was wondering outside a grocery store, cliche I know. Well anyway apparently I show my emotions far too easily and she could tell I was hungry. She snapped out of her usual tsundere personality, disregard she would never admit it and forced me to carry HER groceries to MY house, not that I care though because you know, I'm pretty damn strong. Then she cooked dinner for my family, she adored my little sister...wish I could say the same about May. Then she kept coming back and cooking for us or just to visit because her cable was out and other small reasons. At first I thought she was a pedophile but her cooking stated a different approach.

[font=Garamond][size=120]| Love Interest |
"Asuna and Asuna only, just don't tell May."

| Family |
Father: Father | 40 | Alive
Mother: Mother | Unknown | Deceased
Siblings: Sister | 13 | Alive - Sister | 18 | Alive

| Personality |
Akira is extremely outgoing and rarely takes things seriously, sadly this also includes schoolwork. You will rarely C[PUN ALERT] an A on his report card. However he strives to never get a D or an F not that he always keeps that resolve...Outside of school you will see him getting in small scuffles or taking pictures. He prefers to stay social as he hates being bored, he says it takes years out of his life.

He rarely takes things seriously and tries to see the positives in life as looking at only the negatives is a sad way to live life. Akira rarely gets mad but when he does he can say things that he doesn't really mean just to get anger out.

| History |
His life-story isn't a tragedy or a love novel, it's more or less a typical story that happens to involve tragedy. He was born into a middle-class family, he wasn't an only child as his mother had twins, him and his sister, May. At the age of five their mother had another child that was a little girl, however she died soon after the birth. Akira was so amazed by this new child he hadn't noticed his mother's last breaths fade away. Soon after his father fell into depression and made them lose their house and go into a smaller more cramped house. He however got to spend more time with his father and his two sisters. Eventually he learned of his abilities of a weapon and entered the DWMA with Asuna has his meister.


❝Theme Songs❞

| Kingdom Hearts II - Vim and Vigor [Battle Theme] |
| Kingdom Hearts II - Tension Rising [Whenever s*** gets real, essentially Soul Resonances] |
| Air Gear - Overkooled [Character Theme] |

So begins...

Akira Kouki's Story


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"Hurry up Akira" glaring over her shoulder at her weapon; Akira Kouki. the two met on a night very similar to this one right now. they had just finished buying groceries and they had bought quite a lot too. her patience was thining fast, turning around she planted her feet defiantly and glared at Akira as he caught up with her. and she turned back around to continued walking back home a scowl on her face.

they had been arguing for quite awhile and people actually began to stare and point at the two. which earned them a rather rude glare from Asuna and a apology-like gesture from Akira. after awhile the sun began to set getting dark. the street lights came on lighting up the road they were taking to get home to their two room apartment.

Asuna let out a huff as she thought of her dad's reaction when she told him about teaming up with Akira to be his meister and was devestated even further when he heard the two would be living together.he actually tried to sabbatoge their relationship, which earned him a rather violent lectrue from Asuna. then her expression changed from a scowl to a bright shade of red remebering how her brothers; all 5 of them gave her a lecture about how men and women alone together, in a two bed room apartment together; Alone situation.

she growled and turned back to Akira, her dark purple eyes buring with anger but if one paid enough attention you would notice her eyes softened a bit. her train of thought was unfortunately interrupted when a low snarl came out of no where. looking in the direction of the snarl she already knew what it was before she saw it; a kishin egg stood at the corner of the light. it was an ugly thing and it was huge.

"Akira get your ass into weapon form now" she quickly set her load of groceries to the side. she then took up a fighting stance her hands open to catch Akira in his weapon form, two tonfa's and she then realized what she wore. a tank top that showed some clevage and a thigh length sqirt. 'dammit today is so not a good day to be fighting a damn kishin egg. the moment Akira transformed she caught him; at the same time the kishin egg attacked her.

Asuna quickly dodged its attack and her face scrunched up in disgust as she smelled a wiff of its scent, gagging. "ugh thats disgusting" doing a quick sumersault backwards narrowly dodgeing its next attack which made a small crater in the ground and with an attack if her own she rushed forwards dropped kick it in the head. and hearing a satisfying crack she landed neatly on her feet. but the thing didnt stay down but slowly got up and it was more pissed off than before.

letting out a roar it charged and Asuna sumersaulted over its head kicking out with her leg. it spun around using its own moment and lashed out at her cutting her clothes but thankfully not her skin. "Dammit that was my favorite skirt" and she ran at it at full speed, jumping high intonthe air she pulled back her fist and punched the thing in the head with the tonfa,crushing its skull. the kishin egg then dissapeared becoming a glowing red soul that hovered in the air. letting out a sigh Asuna let Akira transform back into his human form to do his business. looking down at her physical state she let out a string of cureses as she tried to pull her clothing back into a more decent sight.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"Akira get your ass into weapon form now"

"Yes your majesty!" He sarcastically said doing a front flip into Asuna's hands.

Asuna and the beast fought back and forth, each attempting to get at each other, eventually however Asuna landed a hit straight to the Kishin Egg's disgusting head, completely decimating it's skull.

He didn't hesitate to change back into a human so he could claim his hard earned reward, a beautiful crimson Kishin Egg.

Akira stood staring at the red floating egg that had an evil aura to it, almost as if it had a mind of it's own. He steadily walked over to it and went to grab it but he quickly hesitated. "Ughhh...the taste of these things is an acquired taste...imagine having ten slugs crawl down your throat at once, all that slime going down your throat, well that's what is feels like. Then again the taste is bitter yet sweet with a hint of cinnamon." He shrugged and glared a little at Asuna who seemed to be more worried about her clothes than what he was saying. "You know, it would have been better if it tore the whole skirt off." He joked as he finally picked up the soul and bit it in half like it was an apple. "Really, these thing's aren't crunchy, like when you bite it imagine it as a three week old grape that has been sitting out, texture wise. It just explodes with flavor."

He then swallowed the other half of the soul and brushed his hands off. "Alright, back to carrying groceries?" He asked innocently, not hesitating to pick up his two bags of groceries.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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hearing his remark about her state of apparel she turned a light shade of pink but then glared at Akira. "you little perve" and stopped trying to fix her clothing. picking up her 2 bags of groceries the two walked the rest of the way home in silence or if you call the Asuna nagging Akira silent. though after awhile she stopped nagging Akira but she did resume her scowl.

reaching the entrance to the apartments, she opened the door holding it open for Akira to go through and followed him up the stairs to their own apartment. setting the grocer bags in the kitchen, Asuna began putting them away and leaving out their dinner to be made later. "Hey Akira were gonna have spaghetti for dinner alright" not really caring if he wanted something else. getting out a large pot she started broiling water and after a few minutes put the noodles in. "Akira watch the noodles im gonna take a shower". getting what she needed she walked in the bathroom, turning the water on she wore only a small white towel as she waited for the water to warm up and when it was just right she stepped in.

"ahh just what i needed" she started to hum a tune softly that her one of her brothers taught her that her deceased mother sang to them, before she died. 'no im not going to think of that i should be happy to have even lived' though she did tear up a bit. after 20 mins of showering she turned the shower off and started getting dressed into her pajamas; which consisted of a loose spaghetti strap tank top and blue shorts. stepping out of the bathroom her hair still dripping water she started braiding her long hair then flipping it back over her shoulder when she finished and headed back to the kitchen.

The setting changes from Death City to Apartment Complex

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"i little perve"

Akira smiled at the comment Asura had given him as he didn't really take it to heart. In fact he sort of took it as a compliment. For the rest of the trip however he remained silent, not wanting to sprout up any more awkward situations.

Eventually they made it to their apartment and as soon as most of the groceries were put away Asuna told him what they were having for dinner and put some noodles in a pot with boiling water. She then walked out and simply told Akira to watch the noodles, that was easy, right?

He decided the noodles wouldn't burn if he left to get into something far more comfortable so he quickly ran into his room and decided what to put on, usually he would just put on a T-Shirt with some boxers but he was going to be more mature than that as he was living with someone else now and that wouldn't be proper. He put on a black T-shirt and some gray sweatpants. He heard the shower water turn off and quickly ran into the kitchen not wanting to piss Asura off.

Akira took a fork from the dish drainer next to the sink and took out a noodle and rinsed it off under cold water before popping it into his mouth, it had no crunch and had an amazing texture. He turned off burner on the stove and set the fork on the table for later. His stomach grumbled and he decided to into the refrigerator looking for a snack to hold him until dinner would finish. He moved the milk and juice out the way to reveal a Yoplait strawberry yogurt. He opened it and licked the yogurt off the cover before tossing it into the trash. Akira took a spoon from a drawer and began eating the yogurt waiting for Asura to come out of the shower and into the kitchen.

The setting changes from Apartment Complex to Death City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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Asuna found Akira eating yogurt and he was wearing diffrent clothing from before not that it meant anythimg. she was suspicious however since he wore diffrent clothes he probably had to leave the moodles alone to do that. walking quickly to the stove, thankfully he was smart enough to had turned the stove off, taking out the drainer she drained the water from the noodles and began to butter them up and applied a little bit of garlic salt to it.

she tasted her work to see if she needed anything else and from her expression one could tell it tasted good. "Akira move your lazy ass and go set the table". after the table was set she sat down across from Akira and placed a good amount of food on her plate then after a moments hesitation served Akira as well. sitting bak down she smiled as she ate her food as flavor exploded on her tounge. "so tell me Akira do all souls taste same" for once not nagging him about something.

The setting changes from Death City to Apartment Complex

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"Akira move your lazy ass and go set the table"


He lazily stood up out of his chair and set the table with the appropriate utensils and then quickly sat down and looked bored. She then served the food which look

Akira was about to fill his mouth full of noodles until Asura asked him a question that made him a bit uneasy.

"so tell me Akira do all souls taste same"

"Interesting question indeed, I really never thought about it. But to answer your question my sweet Asuna, the answer is no. Each soul is different, some are bitter, some are sweet are some are even spicy. I believe that each soul tastes different as everyone's personality is different, for example let me put it this way. If your soul were to become a Kishin Egg Soul it would taste Spicy at first, then bitter and then finally extremely sweet." He smiled at his own joke and then devoured the pasta. "Now you answer my question. What is it like to live in a house full of guys then have to live with a guy that your father and most likely all your brothers dislike; alone? Sorry to put you on the spot but I must know."

He smiled once again, however this smile had a bit of worry in it as he was a bit afraid of the answer himself. Akira took a bite at the pasta, this time swirling it around his fork before eating it.

The setting changes from Apartment Complex to Death City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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considering his answer she scowled at him about how her soul would taste but she knew it was proabaly true. taking a bite of her pasta she nearly choked when he asked That question. "eh well um it was actually quite nice really living with my family i was raised like boy but my father and brothers made sure i still took on the neccesary traits of a girl my age. at first it was all fine but as i grew up i realized how diffrent my life was compared to other girls around me. most would be out shopping laughing with their friends getting a boyfriend things like that. not only that but i had to learn things the hard way when it came to girls and i often got into awkward situations with my family. i never experianced the bonds between mother and daughter, hell ive never talked to her, touched her or simply be with her. the only way i got to expericance her was through pictures and what my family told me about her" smiling kindly yet with a hint of sorrow as she went on to the topic of her mother. "and actually they dont dislike you, they despise you." waving her fork at him with a blunt look on her face. "and about being alone with you what do you think i should feel. do you expect me to be happy, sad, mad because for me being alone with a guy is pretty much the same as being one of my brothers"though of course that was a lie. she was so happy when Akira agreed to live with her. it meant she had more personal time to be with him since she had a crush on him since they first met. though sebwasnt like the most girls who wwould faint or drool when in this situation, she disliked those kind of girls as she was raised to be strong and independant.

The setting changes from Death City to Apartment Complex

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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Akira listened to not only Asura's words but the way she said them, from the tone to how her voice hesitated at some words. In fact, Akira wasn't listening to her speak, he was analyzing everything she said.

"and actually they dont dislike you, they despise you."

"and about being alone with you what do you think i should feel. do you expect me to be happy, sad, mad because for me being alone with a guy is pretty much the same as being one of my brothers"

Akira put his hand over his heart and looked up at the ceiling. "Oh Asura how those words hurt me so! I'm like a brother to you? Oh how you hurt my feelings, I would easily give my life for you as your weapon but to you I am simply like living with your brothers! " He said in a sarcastic tone. "Anyway, If you don't mind due to my hate towards your brothers and your father may I prank them? I mean if this works they will most likely come after me and attempt to kill me but it will be worth it in the end."

The setting changes from Apartment Complex to Death City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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for moment she regretted her words but soon erased that thought away, catching his sarcastic tone. "you do realize that if you die i die too right thats proabaly why they hate you so much" and for the first time in a while she actually gave it some thought but soon came back to the present. "wait prank them to be honest i dont really care what you do to them as long as they dont get hurt im fine with it. and if i they do get hurt ill make your life miserable got it"giving him a rather chilling smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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""you do realize that if you die i die too right thats proabaly why they hate you so much"

"wait prank them to be honest i dont really care what you do to them as long as they dont get hurt im fine with it. and if i they do get hurt ill make your life miserable got it"

He took one last bite of his pasta and wiped his mouth with his napkin. He scrapped the rest of the pasta in the trash along with the napkin before gently setting his plate down in the sink. He sat back down in his chair across from Asuna and stared straight into her eyes. "You keep forgetting don't you? I told you that I would never let you die first, as your weapon it's my duty to protect you...even if it means my own death and you are allowed to escape with your own life." His face was full of seriousness, no other emotion could be seen nor felt through his soul or facial expression.

His serious expression then changed to a very large smile. "Anyway...I won't hurt them, besides my life is already miserable with you here." He said once again sarcastically, not wanting to hurt her feelings. "Oh...but you see...this prank is extreme, I mean I need your permission to even do this as you would be put on the spotlight. I'm going to tell them that we are getting married one day, not anytime soon though as I need to build up the best poker face ever, and not only that but I need to get some things prepared."


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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when he was gone she made a rather rude face at the wall but soon replaced it with a rather blank look. warmth filled her body when he reminded her of his duty to protect her and she was happy that he said it. drinking some water she listened to what he said and she knew he wasnt playing from his expresssion but splurtted out water when he said they would be getting married to prank her family. quickly wiping her mouth she got a little nervous about the whole thing and she knew she had to choose her words somewhat carefuly. "you want to pretend marry me to prank my family...i guess that does put me in the spotlight doesnt it. i have to think about that but first what kind of preperations are you thinking of." watching suspiciously. she didnt quite trust herself to say anymore or to even look at Akira; so she went to put away her dishes and the leftovers into the fridge. sitting back down she listened intently on what he said next.

The setting changes from Death City to Apartment Complex

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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"you want to pretend marry me to prank my family...i guess that does put me in the spotlight doesnt it. i have to think about that but first what kind of preperations are you thinking of."

"Well a beautiful bride must have a beautiful wedding dress, right? That and will see, I mean we have to make it believable, right? Don't worry about it, besides if you stress about it you will get wrinkles and won't look as youthful and beautiful as you do now." He smiled once again and stood up out of his chair and headed into his room. "Anyway, I'm going to be in my room if you need me!" He called out to Asuna. He opened the door into his room and turned on the light that was directly to the right as soon as you walked in.

His outfit for tomorrow was already set up on a chair he had in the far corner of his room; a Purple Zip-Up hoodie and black denim jeans. He laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling questioning himself and his intentions. He rolled over and faced his night stand that had most of his special belongings in it along with a lamp on top of it. He turned on the lamp and snapped his fingers, turning off the ceiling light. He took his phone out of his pocket and opened it up. "No new messages, today was a boring day." He mumbled before setting his phone on his nightstand. He pulled the drawer open and took out a book and opened it to where the bookmark was, page 72 and began reading from there.

The setting changes from Apartment Complex to Death City


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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Asuna blushed some when he commented her.having her family tell her she was beautiful was one thing but to have a him say it she felt shy. "there is no way in hell im gong to get wrinkles you idiot" glaring at him as he walked to his bedroom. she got up and started washing whatever needed washing and headed back to her room when she finished. she slowed down as she passed his door then took a step back, leaning in Akiras doorway, watching him read.

she felt nervous and awkward standing there "so um Akira what did you mean by making it belivable would we have to kiss,stuff like that"looking away from him she blushed a shades of pink but then lost her nerve feeling embarrassed by her question. "wait nevermind forget what i said goodnight Akira" and without waiting for a reply she dashed off towards her room closeing it. sliding sown the door she sat there for a moment thinking of many things and she turned a deep shaded of red and shook her head. jumping in bed she layed there thinking more anns rolled into her side, staring at the wall.she suddenly got up walked to her door and opened it looking down the hall at Akiras room. she stared at his door for awhile and thought of just going over there to tell him how sebreallyy felt but couldnt bring herself to move. instead she whispered her confession to the air "i love you Akira" and turning back in her doorway not bothering to close it she got back in bed and hugged one of her large stuffed animals and soon went to sleep.

The setting changes from Death City to Apartment Complex

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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"so um Akira what did you mean by making it belivable would we have to kiss,stuff like that"

"Hm?" Akira, distracted by his book looked at Asuna with a very confused face. "Um...why do you ask; do you have a problem with kissi-

"wait nevermind forget what i said goodnight Akira"

"W-w-wait!" Akira yelled out; however he was too late as Asuna was already off into her room. Akira wanted to chase after her but figured she should be left alone for awhile and get some time to collect her thoughts; perhaps he would go talk to her after a little bit.

A few minutes passed and his eyes grew tired, however Asuna was still on his mind. He put the bookmark back in the book from where he finished, page 120. He set the book on his desk and got up and headed over to Asuna's room, a place he rarely went into and was told NOT to come into. He ignored Asuna's words and walked into her room, careful not to step on anything in the darkness. "Asuna....Asuna-chan..." He whispered into the darkness; not really expecting an answer. Akira smirked at his own curiosity and left Asuna's room and went back into his own room. He plopped into his bed and let his thoughts wonder as his eyes closed and he fell asleep.

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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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Asuna woke up rather early and got dressed in a long flowy black dress that reached a little above her knees. she wore black sandals and put on a small jacket ,putting her hair in a ponytail and headed towards the kitchen to get herself a snack for the morning. looking in the fridge she found that they had no milk for pancakes "eh dammit i cant believe we forgot milk" glaring at the fridge and its contents. closing it she got a note pad and a pen from her room and wrote a note

"Akira im going out for a bit we forgot milk so im going to go buy some, ill see you later.
dont you dare do anything stupid until i come back"

placing the note on the fridge door she headed out to the grocery store. little little did she know that the note never stayed on the fridge door but it floated to the ground hiding in the crack between the fridge and counter.

The setting changes from Apartment Complex to Death City


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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Akira woke up later than Asuna had, he had not known that however. He got up and got dressed into his black denim jeans and purple hoodie and the Tye-Dye shirt he rarely wore. He walked over to his door and opened it and knocked on Asuna's door, no reply. He knocked again for reassurance. "Perhaps shes still sleeping...I should wake her up." He placed his hand on the doorknob and gently turned it while putting some weight against the door.

He looked around the room and looked at the empty bed. "Shes not here...perhaps she left a message on the table or the fridge. He ran into the kitchen and frantically searched the wooden oak table for a note that she could have left of some sort. He scanned the chairs and the floor to make sure it couldn't have fallen off but to no avail, there was nothing. He went and checked the Refrigerator for a note as well but after minutes of searching he didn't find anything.

"Shoot! Why would she leave? Was she upset about last night? N,o no, no, she would at least leave a note that she was going out to have some time alone." Akira paced back and forth, wondering where she possibly went. After minutes of pacing he decided he would go out and try to find her by concentrating and locating her soul, an ability known as Soul Perception.

He got the essentials, his phone and a pack of gum and headed out. He ran to through the streets of Death City and checked everywhere, even the DWMA. He proceeded to check the streets, not sensing his meisters soul anywhere. "I'm a terrible weapon! I can't even find my own meister!" He cursed and punched a wall causing his knuckles to bleed. "If she gets hurt her father will have my head; not only that but I'll be an awful partner!" He placed his head up against the wall and concentrated, attempting to find a trace of her soul just somewhere. "Do I not know her enough to even find her soul?" He questioned himself as he pushed himself off the wall and continued to wander the streets to find Asuna.


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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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when she got to the store she found out that there was no milk so she had to go to the store farther outwards of Death City. so to say the least she was upset at having to walk even further but knowing the way she is she was about to go back home just to make a diffrent breakfast. it took an hour to find the store and she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw they had milk and after purchasing the milk she happily headed home.

she started making breakfast and was done when she realized that Akira has yet to waken up so she headed to his room only to find it empty. "that idiot where the hell did he go?" slamming his door shut. walking back to the kitchen she decided that she would wait for him to come home.

after some time had passed though she had begun to worry but told herself he was fine. "ugh where is that damn Akira" and got up and went to her room to change into something else as her dress was damp with sweat from walking so far to get the milk.

The setting changes from Death City to Apartment Complex

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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After traveling around Death City looking for his meister Asuna Akira was completely beat. He decided to head home and if she wasn't there he would get a snack and a bottle of water then head out again. He took the long way home, through alleyways he knew he shouldn't have gone through and past a park or two.

As Akira walked back it seemed Shinigami-Sama was playing tricks on him, Weapons and Meisters were playing basketball and sharing lunch in the park as he walked by it. They were laughing and some even arguing, but that was a part of friendship, right? He thought about the night before when they fought the Evil Human, what were they arguing about? Something stupid no doubt. He stopped staring at the pairs and left for home, not really expecting Asuna to be there, but in his head he pleaded that she was.

Akira eventually arrived at the apartment complex and put his key in the door and turned it along with the door knob, causing it to open. He entered the house and an amazing smell of food entered his nostrils which mean't only one thing: Either some random person broke into his house and started to fix breakfast or Asuna came home. He immediately ran into the house and quietly closed the door behind him, not wanting to alert Asuna that he was here. He checked around and realized that she was in her room, most likely changing considering she wasn't anywhere else in the house. He lied up against the wall next to Asuna's door, waiting to ambush her with a giant hug when she decide to leave her room

The setting changes from Apartment Complex to Death City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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putting her sweaty clothes in her hamper she started to ger ready for a shower since she smelled a bit from walking earlier. "ugh i cant believe this" she undid her hair letting it fall and briefly through it. she set out her new outfit on her bed pondering whether or not to wear a light green tank top or a black t-shirt with a purple skull design on the front. choosing the latter she smiled at her choice and wrapping a towel around her body she opened the door with her bathroom things only to be ambushed by arms that hugged her. she let out a yelp and fell back on her butt dropping her things only to find Akira still hugging her. through clenched teeth she glared at him "Akira" her voice held a rather threatening tone to it.

The setting changes from Death City to Apartment Complex

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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As soon as the door opened Akira pounced Asuna like a cat going for a delicious mouse, however he didn't expect her to be ready for a shower.


Akira then realized that Asuna was wrapped up in a towel and there were items from body wash to hair conditioner scattered on the floor. He quickly analyzed the situation and thought of what to do or what to say. He could tell Asuna was pissed, he just couldn't tell how pissed. He quickly got off of Asuna and stood up, still not aware of what to say. He stuck his hand out towards her as a gesture to help her up off the floor. He then quickly chose the right words to say, he hesitated and when he finally did speak his words carried worry and doubt in them as he was almost afraid of her answer. "Sooo why did you leave without a note? I mean what if you were attacked? I wouldn't be there to help you and if you were attacke and killed I would never forgive myself! Or were you going to do just say 'OH AKIRA GET YOUR ASS INTO WEAPON FO- Oh wait...I left his useless ass at the house!'"