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Griffin Roads

"We'll get through this."

0 · 107 views · located in Death City

a character in “Death's Game of Shadows”, originally authored by pepperx3, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Griffin Roads
Height: 5"8"
Meister Or Weapon:Weapon - Halberd
Partner: Emielle Marie Layboy
How did you meet?: Two years ago, before both of them joined the Academy Emma was in Death's Plaza all alone, and was almost kidnapped. Griffin seeing that a girl was in trouble interfered in the situation. Soon he discovered he was a weapon, and Emma was a meister. They partnered up since then.
Likes:Music, Mirrors, and his weapon form
Dislikes:Getting dropped in weapon form, fights, and awkward situations
Fears:To not protect Meister, dying, and spiders
Other: When in weapon form he listens to music, so his weapon sends vibes from songs he listens to.


Griffin is laid back, and likes to go with the flow. He's very clam and protective. Sometimes he can be very lazy, but once he does something he will do it.


Turns into a haldberd. His Meister is Emma.


Born and Raised in Dark City. Finally found out he was a weapon at the age of 15.
Recently joined the Academy, and lives with his Meister.
Hasn't talked to family since he joined the Academy, because they disapproved of his choice.

So begins...

Griffin Roads's Story

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Character Portrait: Emielle Marie Layboy [wip] Character Portrait: Griffin Roads
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Ah, Emielle would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy Sunday afternoons.

She and Griffin had no quests/missions to be completing (that she knew of), the rain outside was on and off all day, and there was no big test or quiz or project to worry about either. So what dose this mean, you ask?
A undoubtedly required all-day naptime.
Emma has been sleeping and bumming out on the couch in the living room for most of the day, a musical of some sort playing in the background. Besides Saturday, Sunday had to be one of the best days of the week- it's a day for relaxing and winding down, something that this girl really needs on most weeks. If she wasn't eating, using the bathroom, or trying to watch the movies and such she had playing, she was knocked out like a light.
But, she did notice her partner's absence; and at around 12 she started to question his location.
She had been been in the living room the whole day, so she would've seen him if he left-- so where could he be? In his room, maybe? Hm.
Sitting up and stretching, Emma ran a hand through her mess of hair and got up, walking upstairs to the bedrooms to start the search.
"I wonder where he could be...?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emielle Marie Layboy [wip] Character Portrait: Griffin Roads
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Griffin was in his bedroom all day, he wanted to be left alone. He was lazy because of the weather.
He was looking out the window, watching the rain drop.
He heard his partner come up the stairs, she knocked on the door. "Griffin are you here?" She opened the door.
She walked into the room and stumbled upon Griffin laying in bed listening to music, without a shirt on.
Her face turned a horrible shade of red.
He turned his face and said calmly "Yes Emma? Is there anything wrong?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emielle Marie Layboy [wip] Character Portrait: Griffin Roads
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Emma did notice his blush, and raised an eyebrow amusingly. Though she was fairly certain there was a small tinge of pink on her face too. "Oh, im fine- just wondering where my partner disappeared to." She leaned against the door frame, yawning slightly before continuing on. "Although, it seems some of us might need to go workout, i think i can see a bump coming on good sir." Of course the meister was lying, he was probably more fit than she was, and she would by lying if she thought the view was bad.
But, this thought wouldn't leave the garden of her mind. It would wither and die at some point- hopefully.
Emma liked joking around with her partner-- and her friends too-- when not being completely serious, her wit often showing along with a side of sarcasm. He never-- or to her knowledge-- took it seriously, at least when they were joking around. Which was a good thing, for Emma did enjoy using sarcasm and wit. It's fun.
"But in all seriousness, I was just makin' sure you weren't kidnapped or eaten by wolves or something. Plus i'm sure it's almost 4:30 and while i'd love to sleep some more, i'm seriously contemplating on eating a horse. But, since i thought you were hungry too, i wanted to know what you wanted to eat for dinner? i don't mind cooking. Need to move around a bit anyways."
She took note of his room, and noticed how it has changed since they moved in, but not as much as her own. As the years passed, Emma has had her room go into a slow transformation, it having it's original color scheme completely change and replacing most of the furniture, along with some other things being switched around. She couldn't help it. It was her personal living space and she needed it to be, well, personal.

The setting changes from Apartment Complex to Death City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emielle Marie Layboy [wip] Character Portrait: Griffin Roads
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"Hmm well if you insist on cooking then sure go ahead."
He turned around and placed his face on his pillow and turned his face towards his Meister.
"Just wake me up when your done." He said waving his hand as he turned his face forward.
"Em." He said then paused.
One of Emma's eyebrows seemed to go up and the other down.
"In fact I do work out. My abs just sink in when I'm laying down that's all."

The setting changes from Death City to Apartment Complex

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emielle Marie Layboy [wip] Character Portrait: Griffin Roads
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"Whatever you say, whatever you say. I don't know much about male anatomy so i wouldn't know." She got off the door frame and was just about o leave him with whatever he dose by himself, when she remembered she didn't get an answer from him. So she whipped around and popped her head in silently, meeting the trying-to-sleep face of Griffin Roads before asking "Hey, do you know what you want to eat? I cant make anything till I get your answer~"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emielle Marie Layboy [wip] Character Portrait: Griffin Roads
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He sighed.
"Can you make steak..?" He asked. One of his eyes were open.
He turned around facing the window and said "Thank you." He addressed to Emma.
"Please don't forget to wake me up, I'm starving like a wolf." He said.
He grabbed his blanket and curled like a ball.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emielle Marie Layboy [wip] Character Portrait: Griffin Roads
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Emielle looked at his roly-poly state with a smile similar to one of an amused parent. People never considered her the mature on out of the two, mostly because she flaunts off her childish and immature side more than he dose, but they can both be a little immature when they want to.
Living life like a mature prick isn't fun, anyways.
So with a silent sigh, she nodded and replied. "Alright, I'm only waking you up once though, second time i'm going to dump ice on your head." And with that, she was off to make some food. Since he wanted steak, she was going to have to mkae something with it. Baked potatoes are always nice.
But do they even have any steak?
Shit, when did she go shopping again? Or was it his turn?
If she bought food last week, then it had to be his turn. But, he didn't seem up to it, so she guessed she could go this week.
He'd have to by next week and the week after though.
So, now she walked back upstairs to her room to change into a pair of jeans ; a long sleeved black jacket; a green t shirt and some black flats. Emma knew for a fact that her hair was a mess, so she quickly brushed it out and braided it into a loose french braid. It'll have to do for now.
Getting her wallet and phone out of her room and putting them into her back pockets, she knocked on Griffin's door and said "i'm going out to get food for dinner. I'll be back in about ten." Usually she'd wait for a response, but this time she just told him she was leaving and headed out. The store wasn't really that far from the apartment complex, and she didn't mind the walk that much.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emielle Marie Layboy [wip] Character Portrait: Griffin Roads
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Emielle returned to the household of 2 in about 20-25 minutes time, the fact that she had coupons and sales always keeping her. Now she usually doesn't take too long, but if there having a sale on sweets, she might be awhile. It's not like she can help it, it's like a reflex for Emma! It's not her fault, really.
Okay, so it might be-- but that's not the point.
Carrying 2 large bags holding all the smaller ones, Emma rang the doorbell, waiting only alittle while to get her key's out when she realized that she didn't bring them.
She knew she forgot something! And this wouldnt be the first time. Emma usually had quite the memory, but it seemed she always forgot something when making a trip out. Hence why when the two of them were going somewhere rather far for a mission, Griffin would make sure she had everything. Even if she insisted she did. WHat could the girl do without him? Not much, really. She rang the doorbell again and mentally slapped herself, realizing that he's probably sleeping and cant hear the doorbell.
Good going Emielle. You had one job.
One. Job.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emielle Marie Layboy [wip] Character Portrait: Griffin Roads
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The door finally opened. He had his blanket covered around him, he scratched his eyes and he left the door wide open so that Emma could get in, he zombie walked towards the couch and then flopped.
He asked in a tired voice "Is dinner almost ready....?" Pouting like a young kid.

The setting changes from Apartment Complex to Death City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emielle Marie Layboy [wip] Character Portrait: Griffin Roads
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0.00 INK

Emma thanked him for getting the door and closed it with her foot. The meister hauled the bags to the kitchen, and started to get the stuff out. "well, there's no way it'd be ready if i just got back, would there?" She replied, putting the things she didn't need in there respected places and got the necessary items out. "It'll take about a half an hour or so, so give me some time. Put a movie on, go run around, i dunno. Just make sure your limbs don't turn to mush." She said, not looking at him since she was preparing things and whatnot, wrapping potatoes in aluminum foil. "How many potatoes do you want? or do you even want any?" She called to her sleepy weapon, turning her head to face him and catch his pouty face and rolled her eyes a bit. Such a kid sometimes-- despite the fact that he's about a year older than her and has about 4 and a half inches on her.