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Jon Eric Vold

"BANG!! The last thing you hear from me."

0 · 285 views · located in Death Weapon Meister Acadmey [DWMA]

a character in “Death's Game of Shadows”, originally authored by Ulfunn, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name:Jon Eric Vold
Meister or Weapon:Weapon, A .50 caliber handgun revolver
Partner:Harley Saskia
How did you meet?: Jon got into a argument about gun control when he was 12 which was funny to a 3rd perspective when Harley came to his aid. It didn't take long for her to lose her temper she yelled so loud the other person just agreed and left. Jon and Harley became best friends and partners because of the argument.
Likes:Guns, westerns, video games,girls, food, books(at times), and soda
Dislikes: A$$holes, gun control, chocolate, being forced to eat veggies and fruits, and bad music (In his tastes)
Fears:Dark rooms and silence at the same time, inanimate objects staring at him, and being killed while in the shower
Other:none yet


Weapon forms


He likes to keep that to himself

So begins...

Jon Eric Vold's Story


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Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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"Jon, turn into weapon form now!"
A revolver landed in her hands a Harley pointed the barrel towards 5 kishin monsters. They were reptillian like with black and red liquid oozing over them. Blood was dripping from their mouths from their recent kills. Harley cocked the gun and quietly said, "Your souls are mine."
BOOM! She ran towards the first one and jumped off it's head and fired straight through its skull. The next one was too her left in which she kicked it away. She fired three shots into it's chest. Two came at her blind side and batted her against the wall. With two feet on the ground she continued hell fire on the kishins. The last one tried to come at her from above, but Jon yelled, "Harely! Up above!"
She looked up and saw one nearing her. She held the trigger and pointed up. When she let go, a big blast had disintegrated the last one. A bunch of the liquid that was on the monster fell down and wetted her hair. She became disgusted and she set down her partner next to her as she started to clean up, "Hey, Jon, you don't mind taking these souls while I clean my hair?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon turned back to his human form he was clean "Don't mind if I do!" he picked up the souls and ate them absorbing the souls. He didn't like the fact that kishin souls didn't really have a taste to them. Looking to Harley he said "You know one thing I don't like about eating souls is?" Harley sighed "What is that Jon?" she heard Jon say this every time he finished eating souls. "They have no taste to them it's like drinking water but worse. Water at least has a taste you can distinguish with souls you might as well be eating air. Why hasn't anybody come up with a season to make souls taste better?" Jon looked to his meister for a answer. To him this conversation has never taken place while for Harley this was all to familiar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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Harley smiled and stopped wringing her hair, "Well, maybe you can bring some pepper with you next time. Shake it on the soul, who knows, it may add a taste to it!"
She looked down at her outfit and her smile disappeared. She shook her head and looked back at Jon, "I think we should go home now. I need to take a shower, the slime is seeping into my clothing and it feels weird."
"Say no more. Lets go."
They started to walk down the streets of death city, heading towards the apartments that Lord death had installed for his students. On the way there Harley heard a tiny girl like scream. She looked towards a tall building where the balcony was. She saw two tiny dots falling from there. Her face saddened as she thought, Those two had choices, I guess suicide was the one they have chosen.... She kept walking and payed no attention to the two falling objects far away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon followed faithfully he really didn't pay attention to the falling figures he chuckled to himself "I love the fact that I can turn into a weapon. Its useful when I don't want to get slime on me." he smiled towards Harley. "It must suck to be you right now." he couldn't help but to laugh a bit harder than he wanted to. He stopped laughing after a while "Come on! Lets get you out of those clothes and get you a shower." he walked a bit faster knowing Harley will pick up the pace to meet up with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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He started walking faster in front and she tried to catch up with him. I mean, he's a giant! "You are lucky, but I seem to be the one doing all the work!"
"You catching up back there?"
"Oh c'mon, to you, you are power walking, to me it's like your sprinting or something."
He chuckled and ran faster. She put on a surprised face and yelled, "HEY! Wait for me!"
They ran for the longest time and they ended up getting back to the apartments. Stopping in front of the gate, she put her hands on her knees and panted. The slime seemed to be gone, but it felt really sticky. "You... run... so... fast!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon wasn't even out of breath to him he was jogging "Aw come on that was just a long jog." he was tall but he kept a strict tradition of running every morning which kept him at excellent health. He saw that Harley was out of breath he simply walked to her and picked her up with one arm and carried her to their apartment once they entered the room Jon nicely put Harley down he sat down on the couch "You should go running more often its good for the body and heart." he was a bit energetic from the run to he got up and got himself a bottle of water.

The setting changes from Death City to Apartment Complex

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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Harley crossed her arms and pouted, "I do gymnastics! Isn't that hard enough?!"
Jon payed no attention though, she growled and headed up stairs to take a warm shower. Even during her shower, it was hard to get the stickyness out, it was really disgusting. Pools of red and black started to form on the tiled floor of the shower. Once an hour had passed she decided to get out of the shower and head to her room. She wrapped a towel around herself, got her clothes, and opened the door. She stopped for a mintue and yelled, "Hey Jon! What are we gonna do for dinner?! Leftovers or ordering?!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon opened up the fridge "We could have leftovers!" he saw that the food had mold he made a face "Never mind lets order some food. We should burn the fridge while were at it." he closed the fridge door and picked up the thousand order menus in the pantry the order menus were organized by food selections. He felt proud of his work with the pantry before it was a giant mess with order menus stacking up. He picked up the house phone and put it on the coffee table "Do you want to watch a movie or play video games tonight?" he remembered when he first taught Harley to play video games. He had to buy a new controller every time he had to buy a new game station twice after a while she became almost as kick ass as him. So when they play game they do co-op. The don't play verses because that's how fights start because he would win most of the time. He smiled at the fact he knew what exactly got Harley fired up and what to say to calm her down but sometimes he had no control.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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Harley came down the stairs with a large blood red T-shirt on and black shorts, "Why don't we play a simple game like Mario Kart or something. I don't think I want to destroy another controller again."
"Oh please. Either Black Ops, Mario Kart, even kid games, you can throw a fit!"
"Oh shut up!"
She went over to the TV to choose a game while Jon started to take the order. Harley looked at the many games they had. They could play Call of Duty or some Motorstorm, heck they could go to the computer and take turns playing slender man. There was really no choice for her, so she decided to wait on the lay couch till Jon finished ordering.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon felt famished and so he ordered 4 XL pizzas with everything on it, and 40 HOT!! chicken wings he then ordered gallon of soda for the both of them. He then moved to the game stations Jon had a huge selection of games before he got to the Academy he looked over the ones he and Harley like to play the most he pulled out COD: Black Ops 1, Mario Kart, Smash Bros., and Halo:ODST (for the map expansion). He laid them in front of her for the options "Now the rules are for Halo and Call of Duty you are going to trash mouth because your good at it, in Mario Kart we have to play the drinking game with soda of course, and with smash bros. you have to wait until the fight is over before you throw a fit." He chuckled at the last comment he made but those rules have work ever since they established them after the second games station was thrown out the window. He sat down on the floor resting his back on the couch.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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Harley pondered over the games but she took Mario Kart and threw it behind her, "You know the last time we did the drinking game with soda, I got a severe stomach ache! And whenever soda touches my mouth, I immediately need to throw up!"
"Fine whatever."
"Lets start with Call of Duty."
It seemed like they played for endless hours while gordging the pizza and smashing the buttons like crazy. And Jon predicted the truth, Harley was cursing like a sailor and banging on the walls like h e double hockey stick. But after that, Harley started to grow tired, it was midnight. She turned to her partner who was still wide awake and whispered, "I'm heading to bed, don't wake me up in the morning."
She sluggishly got up from the couch, patted Jon on the head, and slowly inched up the stairs to snuggle in her bed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon got off the couch and paced the house he always found it hard to sleep he hadn't slept in the last week or two he always found it hard to sleep. He finally went into his room and took out his sleeping pills he took the dose he needed to fall asleep. He then changed into his pajamas which was just swim trunks with his tee-shirt he then went down stairs and laid down on the couch he would wake up in time to run in the morning he will return in time to catch Harley waking up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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Harley woke up a little earlier than she should for once. She heard the front door close informing her that Jon had gone out for a run. She smiled a little and removed the covers. Harley took off her pajamas and dressed in her regular wear. She headed down stairs and jump over the couch and grabbed the remote to change to the news channel. The news announcer came on with the annoying grin he always had, she hated it. He started speaking, "Last night there was a sighting of two teenagers falling off of Death's Overview. As you can see they were possible lovers trying to commit suicide."
Harley squinted and paused the TV, "Hey, don't those guys live next to us? ...Matthew and... Ace? I don't frickn know."
She unpaused the TV, "Here's what a witness says when he say the two teenagers."
It turned to man who looked like he was drunk for ages, "Well -hic- I saw those two land on the -hic-round on top of each other... The boy was -hic- getting so-!"
Harley turned off the TV, she... did not want to know.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon returned after a while he was covered in sweat seeing that Harley was up made him simile "Good now I can take a shower." he said this because of his fear of being killed while in the shower. He doesn't shower unless Harley is awake its been a discussion ever since Harley caught on to the fact that he doesn't shower unless she is awake. He got into the shower without waiting for it to warm up he washed himself without incident until it came to washing his hair. Jon took a deep breath after lathering the shampoo and as quickly as possible he washed his hair and rinsed it out once he was done he gasped for air. He turned off the shower and dried off. He tied the towel to his waist and went to his room to change. He turned on his stereo which started to play Devil's Dance Floor by Flogging Molly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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Harley shook her head and smiled as she changed the channel. She knew that Jon always liked to listen to that kind of music. Nothing was really on TV so she changed the channel to the weather, boring. It was spring, so nothing special was really going to happen. She looked outside and thought it would be a good day to take a walk around the city. She heard a roar though, she headed towards the window and saw their neighbors next door taking down a beast. It was the two people falling off the balcony last night. They had finished, but they were already gone. Oh well, she headed back to her seat and waited for Jon to come down.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon was dressed in the same clothes as usual he came down stairs and sat down next to Harley. He stretched his arms out and there was an audible popping noise. Jon turned to Harley "So what do you want to do today?" it was easy to see that he still didn't get a good nights sleep but he masked it up with enthusiasm. He was a regular at not getting sleep so it wasn't odd for him to look tired. Out of boredom he poked Harley.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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"Ow. Well, maybe we could jsu walk around or go to the arcade. I really don't know, but we have to be back by 5:00, I have gymnastics at six."
In a caring way she poked Jon back and said, "So, what do you think?"
she held her knees close and smiled, waiting for her weapon to answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon thought for a moment "How about we do what you want to do today? Your always wanting to do what I want to do lets do your thing for once." he hadn't remembered a time when they actually did something that Harley is really interested in. He gave her a smile "Don't say that you want to do what I want to do either." his red eyes flashed with a bit of interest as he waited for Harley to tell him what she wants to do.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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Harley sighed and let out a giggle, he really wanted to do what she wanted to do, huh? She shook her head in defeat and got up off the couch. With her hands on her hips, she announced, "Lets go walk around the square, it just seems like a perfect day to just go and walk. Plus, we may even find a poor soul in need of help."
Jon looked at her with confusion. Her face became stern a little, "Either that or we go to the park and feed the little duckies. You choose, walk or duckies."
Judging by Jon's face, she was guessing he got a little irritated by the word 'duckies'.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harley Saskia Character Portrait: Jon Eric Vold
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#, as written by Ulfunn
Jon got up "Anything but the 'duckies'. Walk it is shall we go pretty lady?" he looped his arm around hers putting his hand in his pocket. He knew she like to do this since she said so while watching one of her romantic movies Jon always found them cheesy but it made Harley happy. Jon walked with Harley to the square and let himself be led by Harley he followed easily because of his enormous height it. The fact that he is seventeen and still has time to grow is the scary part about him. Like his height there were many things about him that he kept to himself he always liked to talk about the time with Harley but he never said anything about his past. Every time Harley asked him questions he would get worked up and he wouldn't yell but he would go to his room take one of his guns (usually his own .50 cal revolver) and go out shooting. Jon looked around the square happily he was enjoying himself.