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Muzai Rey


0 · 616 views · located in Death City

a character in “Death's Game of Shadows”, originally authored by Polarisbear12, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Muzai Rey (Innocence king/queen)
Age: 16
Gender: female
Height: 5'9
Weight: 133
Partner: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer
How did you meet?: well she had been hungrily taking a nap thinking of food when someone shook her awake and upon instinct she lashed out at the small boy giving him a black eye. soon after a rather large meal she agreed to become partners with Arthur
Description: she has long red hair usually tied in a ponytail with a black ribbon that has a small bell attached to it, her hair reaches just past her waist. Her left eye is a pale blue her right a golden color. She has nice curves but is more on the slender/lean side of things. She is most often seen wearing an oversized blue sweater that nearly reaches her knees and black shorts that are hidden underneath the sweater. She is normally seen with some kind of object in her mouth, mainly lollipops or toothpicks. Most people don’t see her right eye since she can’t turn off the synesthesia she keep her eye closed most of the time. She has battles scars on her body but they are few in number but some are large in size. The most notable one being on her back that is shaped like an S shaped Dragon if you look at it right. She got that scar from when she encountered her first kishin egg after she woke up from her coma.
Eye Color: left eye is pale blue; the right eye is gold
Likes: sweets, sleeping, a good fight, and food
Dislikes: mean people, perverts, sour stuff, people waking her up from her naps, her friends getting hurt.
Fears: not knowing who she is, losing someone important because of her, seeing her friends get hurt


Personality: to say the least Muzai is by far the laziest person you will ever meet to the point where all she ever really does is sleep. She has a very short temper and snaps at whoever woke her from her many naps of the day. Surprisingly enough though she is very smart and perceptive and can easily read people simply by looking at their "colors" as she describes it. She is also very childish in her actions sometimes but there is a side that few people see that is only shown when her friends are in danger so in other words she is a totally different person than before and it is best not to be the cause of her friend’s endangerment. She suffers from amnesia so she has the habit of forgetting things but don’t worry she'll eventually remember; hopefully. She suffers from nightmares quite often whenever she actually sleeps most of the time. She is well aware that some of her nightmares aren’t even hers to begin with but memories of what her right eye had experienced which probably explains why she sleeps so much but never actually gets good sleep. Nor does she have much common sense or much shame for example she has no problem undressing in front of a crowd but won’t undress if you force her too, most likely that will end in you losing your manhood.


weapon form: ignore the girl)
she is an incredible combatant both with fellow weapons as well as hand to hand combat.
Synesthesia: she has the ability to see a person’s emotions and it is projected as colors though this isn’t a natural ability and it seems to only work in her right eye which isn’t actually hers to begin with.
She has at times been seen to show great bouts of strength whenever her temper flares so don’t be the cause of her getting mad. She has the uncanny ability to sleep anywhere and anytime no matter what the circumstances are. She always manages to wake up when someone really needs her or when she feels someone is about to do something to her.
She is incredibly fast to the point where if she will undoubtedly leave an afterimage and it will stay for about a few seconds before its gone, only until she stops completely will you ever see her actually location.


Bio: Muzai has little to no memory of her past. To say the least she literally just woke up a year ago from a coma that she still has no idea how that came to be. She was in a coma for the past 7 years. All she knew was her name and the word DWMA. The Dr. s told her of a young man who had brought her in both heavily wounded but the cause was unknown. Initially Muzai had lost her right eye for it had been gauged out by something. So the young man from what the Dr. s had told her gave his own eye to replace her lost one. This is why her right eye color is a different color from her left. All she knew about the young man who brought her to the hospital. his last words were "DWMA . . . I’m sorry Muzai" which is why she only knows her first name and not her last.
4months after she left the hospital she was taken in by a young man by the name of José, who taught her the how to live in the streets, the do's and don'ts of street life. Since she was in Spain for whatever reason she had to learn Spanish and it was like learning how to speak for the first time. She eventually found out she could speak perfect Japanese and English and she knew Japanese was her native tongue. Though she knew English she tried hard to learn the mother tongue of her friend and guardian José. While there she learned how to play soccer and was pretty good at it, how to pick locks and pit pocket. Over the course of one year she learned new things about herself about how she was different from the others. For one she was abnormally strong and unbelievably fast. She found out she could do simple ninjustu by accident which further became a fact that she was indeed from Japan. As well as the fact that her right eye; the eye that the young gave to her was normal since she saw people’s emotions as color. Muzai knew she and to figure out what DWMA meant but she always pushed to the back of her mind until one night while coming home from a neighborhood soccer match she took a shortcut that José always told her to never use but since it was late and she knew he would be worried about her she took the shortcut anyway. That decision changed her life in many ways.
That very night a kishin egg was on the prowl and it set its sights on a young woman with long flowing red hair. The kishin egg attacked her and human instinct took over RUN. Muzai ran until she was on the usual path she would take to get home there she saw José who looked to be searching for her. She yelled at him to run but he stopped her asking her what was wrong and why she had a large cut on her arm. The kishin egg had caught up to her and ran at them screeching like a banshee attacked them. That night José died trying to protect Muzai and by him dyeing in her arms Muzais demon blood awakened and something took over her. She doesn’t quite remember what happened after that but she did know that the kishin egg was dead and she was covered in blood. She ran over to the just barely breathing body of José whose last words to her were "Go Muzai; find your path in this world. Find that which you lost”. So ever since that day she trained hard to perfect what little skills she remembered having and new ones as well, performing her transition between a weapon form and a humanoid form.

Other: she is pretty decent cook and will sometimes have random episodes of fear going into a trance at times whether from remembering what her right eye saw or because she cant remember her past. it is rare for her to have both eyes open as having both open tend to give her major headaches, jer left eye is usualy opened but sometimes when she wants to see someones intentions she opens her right.

So begins...

Muzai Rey's Story


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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it had been a long day she had been walking around Death City since early morning. having only gotten here the night before. "aahh i want food!"moaning of course Muzai didnt know where the nearest resturant was and she was lost to top it all off.

both her eyes were closed as she stumbled about mumbling things about food and being lost. then it hit her and both her eyes snapped open to reveal two eye colors. her left a beutiful pale blue while her right was gold and seemed to glow and swirl with diffrent shades of gold.

"FOOD" whooping with joy she ran towards the delicious scent only to find a couple walking by who were startled by her outburst and walked away from her. "Dammit where the Hell is all the food!"she cried out and continued once more to stumble about in search of food.

her eyes closed once more she stumbled onto her knees then onto her face. her but in the air for a moment before sliding out onto her stomache. hearing her stomach growl loudly Muzai poked it "dont worry my sweet little tummy ill put some yummy things in you soon" and Muzai began to think about all the food she would eat and fell asleep mumbling something about milkshakes and fries while lying on in the middle of the cold cobblestoned street. dreaming of flying bacon and singing pancakes.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Arthur was out taking a walk, PSP in hand. His current plans being something like "Wait until Mom and Dad are conversing about something interesting enough that they won't notice me slip through the door. That way we can avoid talking about being a meister."

The boy looked up hearing some mention of milkshakes. Why did this catch his attention you ask? Because milkshakes are awesome, that's why. Unfortunately, Arthur saw neither ice cream, nor any of the other ingredients. What he did see was a girl about his age sleeping in the middle of the cobblestone street.

"I'm not getting involved." he said to himself. "She's probably fine. No, she definitely okay." There was a short pause, in which he almost managed to walk away and mind his own business. Instead he walked over, muttering under his breath as he did. "Okay fine, but I know I'm going to regret this."

Looking down a the unconscious figure figure, Arthur gently nudged her with his foot. "Excuse me, miss? Are you alright?" Getting no response he knelt down and shook her shoulder. "Miss?"


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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suddenly her dream changed she could feel something nudge her but had no idea what it was but she could faintly hear a voice.

the nudge then turned to a shake as someone touched her on the shoulder and her dream shattered into black. suddenly she sat up her left eye open and she lashed out at whoever touched her. "The Hell do you think you are you perverted Bastard!" her fist connected to someones face and she looked at who she punched only to find a small sickly looking boy.

"ack"her anger soon changed to worry. 'crap i dint kill him did i' nervously she switched eyes and looked through her right eye. she saw faint swirls of blue and pink;blue meaning he was a guy and pink he was sincere in his actions. "aww crap umm are you okay kid i didnt mean to punch you like that thought you were a pervert hehe"letting out a nervous laughter. as she awaited his response. Muzai felt guilty and she sat back on her heels her finger touched her chin in a nervous manner and she gave the boy a sheepish smile.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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The punch actually knocked Arthur off his feet. He lay on his back for a moment as he recovered. When he finally caught his breath he spluttered out an indignant, but not terribly surprised, "Wha- Why?" This wasn't really directed at the girl, more at himself and the universe in general.

Managing to sit up, Arthur said, "I'm fine don't worry. It's my own fault. Frankly, I should have seen that coming. Oh, and I'm not a kid. Just short." Lightly he touched the bruise that was already forming, but quickly withdrew his hand at the resulting pain. "Nice punch. What were you doing sleeping in the middle of the street?" Arthur then pulled himself to his feet and offered a hand to help her up.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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taking his hand she stood up swaying a bit from lack of food. she looked staright realizeing she didnt see him and looked down. "pfft haha you really are short hhaa aaw you look so cute!"giggleing she grabbed his cheeks like a grandmother would and continued giggleing but soon let go when she noticed the pained look on his face.

"oh sorry, well for one i was sleeping on the ground because im hungry" folding her arms. her stomache then let out a loud grumble and she looked down at it rubbing her tummy. "aahhaha you dont happen to know where i can get some food do you?" her stomache let put a second growl this one louder than the one before as to emphasising her question.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Arthur turned a light shade of pink at the comment about him being cute. He didn't quite know how to respond, but thankfully the girl changed the subject. He wasn't really sure what the connection between being hungry and sleeping in the middle of the street was, but he did know of a bakery nearby.

"As a matter of fact, I do know where you could get some food. There's a bakery not far from here." He started to walk in the general direction of the aforementioned establishment, motioning for the girl to follow him as he did. "By the way, I didn't catch your name. Mine's Arthur. Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer." As he spoke, he examined his PSP to ensure that it was unharmed.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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"oh yum i like bakerys"she smiled when she saw him blush a bit. "oh sorry umm my name, my name was... no is Muzai.." she stopped for a bit her face blank when it lit up again "Muzai Rey!"her face turned from gloomy to happy shaking her head as if to reasure herself that was her name. "oh what kind of food do they have at this bakery you mentioned?" her thoughts going back to food ad her eye glowed with joy and longing. to the point she actually drooled a bit thinking of the food.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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As it was, Caroline was fine. Content with this knowledge Arthur looked back at Muzzai to answer her question. "They've got all sorts of things." He noticed her eye was glowing. "Er, is that normal?" He asked, gesturing to hi own eye to indicate what he was talking about. He had also noticed the trouble she seemed to have remembering her name, but decided not to mention that for the moment.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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"oh this" pointing to her eye "oh yeah sorry its normal it always does that" closing her right eye for her left which was a pale blue, diffrent from her right. "yeah dont worry to much about it i dont really know why it glows like that sonce its not actually mine to begin with"smiling at him. taking a few big steps she was soon mext to him and bent low a bit ro see what was in his hands. "oh whacha got there Arthur?" curiosity all over her face.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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she was quite fascinated by the Gameboy Arthur held in his hands after explaining it thoroughly to her. "oh cool maybe we should play together sometime then huh you should teach me how to play too" giving him a big smile. "oh look where here Arthur" her smile widened as the scent of fresh baked goods drifted into her nostrils. "aahh food I never thought id see you again" Muzai clung to the little glass case that covered the baked goods drooling a bit. they sat down in one of the little tables, a waitress came over asking them what they would like. after Arthur gave his order she turned to Muzai who simply stared at the menu in her hands 'so much to choose from oh I know'

"i'll have one of everything please" giving the waitress a wide smile that stretched from one corner of her face to the other in delight.

the waitress stared at her shock as did Arthur, she spluttered out the words "are- are you- are you sure miss that's quite a lot of food you'll be ordering" staring at her. "no that's fine I can eat it" quickly glancing at Arthurs face "oh don't worry I'll pay I got my own money with me" giving the small boy a reassuring smile. after a about 10-15 minutes the waitress came with their orders hunkered down by the weight of Muzai's rather large order. who looked with large eyes and a watering mouth. the waitress set the food on the table "have a nice meal" giving Muzai a nervous smile.

"Yay Thank You for the food" and she immediately dug in pretty much stuffing her face. suddenly her face of utter bliss soured into a look of death. Muzai looked ready to puke and she spit out what she had put into her mouth. "hhmm what was this one oh blueberry cheese cake guess I didn't like this one" a look of depression plastered on her face then she took a bite of a red velvet cupcake and her face immediately changed to that of utter joy. after some time the two of them finished and Muzai dig into a pocket in her blue sweater and took out a rather overstuffed froggy clip purse. she began to count slowly without noticing, Muzai's tongue poked out of the corner her mouth. finished counting she paid the waitress a=giving her a rather large tip. picking up what little stuff Muzai carried she and Arthur headed out the bakery.

"so where to next Arthur or is this where we part our ways" giving him a pleading smile that seemed to say ' don't leave me all alone take me with you' Muzai looked down at him awaiting his decision.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Arthur was surprised at the amount of food his companion had managed to ingest. Frankly it should have been physically impossible, though in his experience what was and was not possible was largely a matter of personal opinion. Arthur had recently eaten supper and was therefore not really that hungry. Instead he simply waited until Muzai was finished. As they left the bakery Arthur noticed the sun was already rising. If his parents noticed he'd just tell them that he was out fighting evil. They'd like that, and he had an injury to support the story.

"So where to next Arthur, or is this where we part our ways?"

He was caught off guard by her question and even more so by the pleading look that accompanied it. Considering both for a moment, Arthur answered "I was just out for a walk, I didn't have a specific destination in mind. Did you have somewhere you were going before you decided that the street was a serviceable bed?" He should probably be getting home, but he really didn't want to leave Muzai all alone. For some reason he felt she had a habit of getting herself into trouble.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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"well no actually i just arrived here this evening, actually i walked here thankfully your the one who found me and not those perverted jerks who always try to hit on me when i take naps"he face full of pride but then frowned mentioning the perverted jerks. "for some reason they always come at me like im stupid or something but oh well"she chirped. she looked back at Arthur and almost giggled when she remebered he was shorter than her so she looked back down a smie on her face.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Arthur decided not to comment on the mention of 'perverted jerks'. If he had ended up with a black eye then he could only imagine what must have happened to them. More than likely he was better off not knowing, sort of like whether or not he could ever be a good meister. Shaking his head to clear it of such thoughts, Arthur asked "Why did you walk all the way to Death City if you didn't have somewhere to go once you arrived? It seems kind of risky to just wander aimlessly through the streets at night."

It occurred to Arthur that he had been wandering around the streets at night as well, but that was different. After all, he lived here and wasn't prone to falling asleep at random moments.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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"well umm you see the thing is i cant remeber why i cam here i mean i know there was a reason but i cant put my finger on it"pouting. "after a few minutes passed of her thinking her face brightened up and she accidentaly opened her right eye winceing while she covered her right eye. taking a deep breath she closed both eyes then resumed with just her left eye open. "now i remeber but i dont know if ill find it here but do you know what DWMA means?"her face for once becoming serious she stared down at him eager for his answer. "ive waited too long to find out my answer so i hope you know".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Arthur looked up at Muzai, puzzling over her odd memory issues and unwillingness to open her right eye. Eventually though, he just decided to answer her question. "The DWMA is the Death Weapon Meister Academy. Actually, I should probably be headed there myself. I need to find a weapon partner and I've been putting it off for far too long, or at least that's what my parents tell me." He extended a hand to her as an invitation. "Care to join me?"

He had no idea what she could possibly be looking for at the DWMA, but he'd be more than happy to have her accompany him. Maybe her presence would take his mind off of the arduous task of looking around until he ran into an accompanied weapon..


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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she let out a sigh of relief by his answer. "i would love too besides not like i have anything better to do"her eye twinkling she took his outstretched hand swinging it back and forth between them but then let go when she realized she didnt know what a weapon partner was "wait whats a weapon partner?" looking back down at Arthur as she really had no idea what the term meant.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Arthur gave Muzai a quizzical look. As far as he knew, such things were common knowledge. "You know, weapons. They're people who turn into weapons and, with the help of a meister, combat evil. I myself am a meister without a weapon." Frankly the explanation left a bad taste in his mouth. Moving on, he asked, "Are you alright? I mean, you said that you had trouble remembering things, but you're staring to worry me." He wasn't exaggerating. Amnesia was serious business and nothing to be scoffed at.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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"oh dont worry its fine i think i mustve had short term memory before i woke up last year..."then thinking that it might sound weird to Arthur or confuse him she knew she wshould proabaly explain to him "yeah well um you see i just woke up like last year from a coma that i had been in for the past what 7yearss i think was what the Dr.s said. but because of my state of health when i was admitted into the hospital was really ad so i passed out after the operation" pointing to her right eye "and didnt wake up for the next 7years i dont remeber anything from before that day. apparently a man brought me in both of us were pretty much dead he gave me his right eye to replace my right one before he died i dont even remeber his name"she said sadly a tear crawling down her cheek.

Muzai did not really want to talk further of the subject and changed it back to what they had been talking about before her face returning back to curiosity "oh so weapons are people who can transform into a weapon does that mean wait hold on let me show you something" stepping back away from Arthur a flash of light enveloped her and in her place a sharp scythe spin towards Arthur planting itself into the ground. 'is this what you mean by weapon partner' came her voice from the blade you could faintly see her but t was blurry.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Arthur was quite honestly bewildered at all this talk of comas and memory loss. It sounded like something out of a soup opera, admittedly a good one that he could probably be persuaded to watch if he had the free time to do so. He suddenly snapped out of his musings when he saw a tear run down Muzai's cheek. He was about to ask if she was alright but she had already changed the subject, and probably wouldn't want to talk about it anyway.

Arthur was surprised to see her transform into a weapon, but the real shock came from almost being hit by her on the way down. He leaped back thinking 'This girl is going to be the death of me, I just know it.' He didn't verbalize this prophesy though, instead opting to say "Yes, that is exactly what I meant." Then an idea occurred to the small meister. An idea that, if successful, would probably make his days as a meister almost bearable. Clearing his throat and shuffling his feet slightly Arthur attempted to ask her to be his partner. "You know, since you were going to the DWMA, and you're a weapon, assuming you don't have anything else to do, which I can see how you might, but-" He stopped himself, realizing that he was failing miserably before saying "I don't suppose you'd be interested in being my weapon partner?"


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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still in her weapon form she smiled at his rather misreable attempt to ask her something before finally getting it out. Muzai then reverted back to human form a gave him a big hug squealing with joy about how cute he was. then stepping back a bit Muzai realized she didnt quite give him an answersmiled. "i dont mind at all actually mabye being your weapon might help me remeber everything, besides your my friend now" heasitating a little at weapon almost like it was a foriegn word to her and she smiled back at him.

Muzai couldnt remeber the last time she had such a long conversation before with a random stranger but to her Arthur was no longer a strangerr but a new friend 'mabye this time i can protect him' thinking back to José but she was still smiling.