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Desperate and Ravenous

Desperate and Ravenous


The year 2052 in the post-apocalyptic town of Glass Heights. All governmental structure has been diminished and society has regressed to a complete anarchy. All members of society must fend for themselves in this gruesomely kill or be killed environment.

7,466 readers have visited Desperate and Ravenous since thousandconfessions created it.


The year 2052 in the post-apocalyptic town of Glass Heights. All governmental structure has been diminished and society has regressed to a complete anarchy. All members of society must fend for themselves in this gruesomely kill or be killed environment.

The remains of a third-world war beginning in the year 2048 bring to focus the town of Glass Heights, a once bustling urban jungle in the United States, which has now diminished to the epicenter of the surviving world. With nuclear weapons being a driving force in the world, much else of once existing life on the planet has wasted away.

There are two kinds of people: those who fight ruthlessly to stay alive, and those of a much, well, "different" kind. Those that are a species of all their own. The effects of radiation coming from powerful gamma rays ,emitted from the atomic bomb, cause an immense mutation of a large and isolated population that have now spilled over into Glass Heights. These people, or "fallouts" as they are informally known, now consist of over 30% of the city's population. Feeding on nothing but human flesh, blood and bone marrow, these relentless mutants do whatever they can to get a hold of the remaining inhabitants. However, as agonizing as it may seem, most would rather be devoured alive by a fallout than live to see their new fate by escaping an attack. Radiation transfer can occur from a single bite and starts immediately. Flash burns begin covering the body, searing the flesh and not long after, cell mutation begins. By the time the whole process is completed, after four hours or so, the human has been mutated completely into a fallout.

Aside from constantly struggling against a mutated race, the citizens of Glass Heights must also deal with the wars waged between each other. With no government in place, it is a truly dog eat dog world in which most choose to carry multiple weapons just to step outside of their dead-bolted homes. Friends can quickly become enemies. Families turn against one another. No one can be trusted.

We have all become desperate and ravenous.

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He rolled his eyes, then looked nervously back down at the dead fallout. He gulped a bit. He figured he should kick it out of the road, but he was quite honestly a bit afraid to touch it. He shook the thought and kicked it off the side.

He went back over to the side of the building, carefully pulling his pants up and quickly putting the rest of his groceries again. He locked up his door and slumped down against it.

He began to think, a dangerous pastime. Why the hell would he save him? But in the same situation, would he save someone else? It seemed like common decency, but then again, it would be one less person in your way. He closed his eyes, still catching his breath a bit.


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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Rigby and Ben found themselves sleeping side by side on the mattress, with absolutely no trouble falling asleep. Rigby cherished every moment he got to spend on his bed in peace and quiet, then again who didn't? The night fell quietly with no more interruptions after that and Rigby was back out in the lot with Ben the next morning, bright and early. He sat down against the wall, Ben eventually making his seat right next to Rigby, this is how normal life felt.


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Nikolai exited his house early that morning as well, seeing as he couldn't sleep at all. He rolled himself a cigarette, pacing back and fourth on the sidewalk. The dead fallout was still across the street. He stared at it, exhaling the smoke as it mixed with the steam of his breath. He could hear Ben. He put a hand down on the wound on his leg, rubbing it a bit.


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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Rigby leaned to the right a little bit so he could see out of the lot and that's when he saw Nikolai. "I think he's trying to get himself bit again, Benny." Rigby said in baby talk to his dog as he nuzzled into the dogs scruff. "No body is rude to my baby and get's away wif it. I'm sure he won't last much longer anyway."


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Nikolai's eyes caught on Rigby's. He quickly looked away. He felt strange; this boy did save his life after all. What was he supposed to do? Wave? That would be far too out of character for him. He went on pretending that he didn't see Rigby, though he had clearly made direct eye contact. He held his cigarette at his lips, looking down the street.


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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Rigby picked up the same stick that he was sharpening earlier the night before, tossing it for Ben to fetch. Ben did just that darting over to the stick, picking it up and running it back almost as if this were an agility course where he wouldv'e basically taken over the competition. That is one thing Rigby took much pride in, the strength and immense intelligence his dog had, that's how he knew he could trust him. When there is no one else in the world but your dog, they become the highlight of your life more so than they would in a "normal" society. When Rigby was 17, back when the war first started and his parents were deployed, there was a homeless man whose dog had given birth to a litter of puppies and with the help of a local vet the dogs were raised until they were old enough to go to their new homes. One was left though, the runt of the litter. Rigby approached the homeless man one afternoon to stop and see the lonely puppy, the homeless man had grown very attached to this puppy though and held him very close. Being alone, Rigby raised the question of taking the puppy and raising him since the man could not afford to take care of himself and two dogs. The man reluctantly agreed, handing the runt over to Rigby. The two loners would now serve as the only company they would ever need.

Like said before, Rigby was a lonely boy throughout the majority of his life. He never really cared for parties or going to the mall or just "hanging-out" which is the reason he spent the majority of the next few years focusing his attention on his new puppy so that he would grow up and be able to show the world that this "runt" could be more than anyone would ever expect. As for his name, Ben. Rigby chose that name because the old Jackson 5 song "Ben" described their relationship perfectly, thus a fitting name was chosen.


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Nikolai sat down on the steps, pulling the letter he had gotten the previous day out of the envelope. He read over it a few times, a small smile on his scruffy face. He did miss his family. He missed the comfort of having them by his side. However, he was happy that they had escaped Glass Heights and all that comes with living here. He couldn't quite put his finger on what made him stay, but he was dead set on it. He tucked the letter carefully in his pocket.


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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Sometimes Rigby thought about killing himself. The world wasn't getting better and he would spend at least a few more years in fear until he could get out of the place or some type of cure was found for fallouts and society was restored. The only thing keeping him alive was Ben, someone needed to give him the love and affection he needed as well as feed him. There were many nights where Rigby found himself sitting up in bed crying only to be comforted by Ben nuzzling his snout onto Rigby's lap. Maybe the problem was that Rigby has too much time to think, and he did do a lot of thinking.


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Nikolai found himself looking up toward the sky again. The snow was definitely coming. He thought for a few moments, before letting out a sigh. He opened his door, gathering a few things. He walked across to Rigby, his arms filled with cans of food and a firestarter log.

"Here. You helped me so I'll help you. Just this once." He explained himself quickly.
"The snow is coming. And fast."


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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"I wasn't helping you. I sure as fuck didn't want him coming after me after he devoured your body. I don't need your help either." Rigby said putting a hand into his hair out of stress. "This is fucking great." He mumbled to himself as small flurries began to fall from the sky.


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"Swallow your pride and take the fucking food. If not for you, for your dog." He glanced over at Ben.
"The firestarter will come in handy, assuming you have a fireplace. It will burn for a long time. Keep you warm."

He couldn't believe he was being so...generous. But then again, he had a soft spot for the dog and Rigby just looked so young. He knew how hard it was to be alone, fending for yourself.
"Just take it. Jesus."


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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When Nikolai put it in the words that he did his eyes moved from Nikolai to the spot next to him, "just set it here." he said softly as his attention went back to Ben who was trying to eat each snowflake as it fell. "there is a wood stove in the basement of my place. so I will definitely use it." He then hesitated a moment before forcing out a thank you.


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Nikolai set it down, glancing back up at the other. He knew once Rigby had said thank you, it was now his turn. He sighed a bit.

"Thank you."

He looked down, shuffling his feet. It was a bit painful to actually say thank you, as thankful as he was.

"I uh...never got your name."


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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"Rigby. And that's Ben." He said quietly, looking down at his shoes. Not so tough anymore. Ben pranced over and sniffed Nikolai knowing that Rigby wasn't in any immediate danger. "Don't worry, he won't bite you again unless you try to pull a fast one."


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Nikolai knelt down, gently petting the dog.

"Eh, I'm used to it. I grew up on a farm. Lots of ornery dogs." He smiled a bit at Ben. It was probably the biggest smile he'd cracked in a long time.


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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Rigby looked up giving Nikolai a strange look like 'why the Hell are you saying more than you need to say'. Rigby then stood up, as he attempted to collect his new items in his arms, "well as much as I would love to chat I should probably be getting inside before Ben and I freeze to death."


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"A little cold never hurt anyone." He smiled to himself. A proud Russian. He could handle the cold. He gave Ben one last pat before standing up straight.
He watched the falling snow, then turned to Rigby. He gave him a bit of an awkward wave before trotting across the road, the letter falling out of his pocket. He went quickly inside.


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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Of course the stubborn boy did not wave back, he was too busy making a statement with his attitude. After gathering up his things, he and Ben made their way back inside once more where they would spend the rest of their cold night together as the snow began to fall harder and harder by the hour.

Rigby once hated the snow, he was scared of sledding and hated the feeling of cold wet clothes and frostbitten noses. However, now he liked it mainly for the fact that the fallouts were almost completely cold-blooded and despised the snow.


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By the evening, a thick blanket of snow had covered the ground. Nikolai ventured outside; everything almost completely silent. He kicked the snow at his feet. He blew into his hands, warming them.He walked out into the street, the fresh snow crunching beneath his feet. He knew his family would be loving this. From the corner of his eye, he could see something had made an impression in the snow. He trudged over, seeing that the snow had fallen around Rigby's stick he was carving. He picked it up, examining it.


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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Within a matter of seconds, Ben was sitting like a good boy in front of Nikolai with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth, waiting for the stick to be tossed so that he may retrieve it and be congratulated. The snow-hating Rigby watched from the sidewalk, holding himself so that little body heat would escape.


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He cracked a small smile, tossing the stick, but not too far. He then got down in the snow to wrestle with the dog, obviously enjoying himself.


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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Ben was obviously enjoying himself a great deal. Besides being a big-mean-biting-machine, he could be quite the lover and loved getting attention almost as much as he loved playing in the snow.


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Nikolai lied down in the snow, allowing the dog to tromp on top of him. He let out a deep exhale, allowing his eyes to close. It was moments like this that Nikolai escaped himself; allowed his mind to go elsewhere. He didn't care that he was getting soaked in the freezing cold. He didn't care that he was almost attacked last night. He had turned his mind off, and it felt nice.


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Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
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after pushing through the cold weather for what he decided was long enough, Rigby whistled to Ben adding, "Come on Ben, time to go inside and make a warm fire!" Ben froze on top of Nikolai, looking up at his owner obviously not ready to go inside just yet. He enjoyed playing. "Beeeeen!" He insisted, "please! I'm cold!". He let out a frustrated groan when the dog went back to playing with Nikolai as if nothing was ever said. Rigby just sighed deep as he began to walk away back to the building hoping that Ben would come running up closely behind.


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Nikolai struggled to his feet, wiping some snow off of himself.

"Come on, Ben!" He enthused, walking toward Rigby in an attempt to get the dog to comply with his owner's command.

He took off one of his jackets, which was now completely soaked, and slung it over his arm.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Colten Grey
Character Portrait: Rigby Kinlor
Character Portrait: Nikolai Volkova
Character Portrait: Katarzyna Volkova
Character Portrait: James Reed


Character Portrait: James Reed
James Reed

James is a mentally unstable survivor who prefers to survive by stealth rather than force.

Character Portrait: Colten Grey
Colten Grey

"I'm not sure what's worse, the company, or the impending death."


Character Portrait: Colten Grey
Colten Grey

"I'm not sure what's worse, the company, or the impending death."

Character Portrait: James Reed
James Reed

James is a mentally unstable survivor who prefers to survive by stealth rather than force.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Colten Grey
Colten Grey

"I'm not sure what's worse, the company, or the impending death."

Character Portrait: James Reed
James Reed

James is a mentally unstable survivor who prefers to survive by stealth rather than force.

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This is my first time on this site so bear with me please as I try my best to get acclimated to how everything works.

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I'ma send an application in as soon as possible.

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