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Is it because we have ears and tails? Or is it simply we aren't normal, and thats why you hate us, shun us off like trash. Because of those who tease and torment, we neko's have shut ourselves off from the outside world, only trusting our own kind.

2,104 readers have visited Different since MidniteRoseSixx created it.


Ok i'll keep this short and sweet for ya!
So Mika My character and all of her friends are made fun of because they have cat ears and cat tails. After awhile they grow tired of this and cut them selves of from the world, so they all just live together in a large manision, that Mika's parents, of the recently deceased, owned. All their moeny given to her she takes care of her friends for nothing. Then one night while all the little kitties are asleep some humans stumble across the manision. They are tired so they go in and find all of the nekos asleep. and thats as far as i got. But i do know i dont care who falls in love with who
. NekoXhuman, NekoX Neko, HumanX human.

Humans (dont care how many just numbering)

Nekos (same with humans)


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors


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Mika sighed as she sat up from her laying position on her bed. she turned off her tv and walked down to the kitchen for a small snack. She walked by the bathroom and as she did so she stopped and looked at her outward apperence. She had on a white tube-top with a open black button down over top of it. On her lower half she had on a pelted black mini-skirt and white studded belt wrapped lightly around her hips. She looked at her bare feet and wiggled her toes each haveing black finger-nail polish on them. she sighed and brushed her bed-head hair and then walked down the stairs. It was early maybe three am in the morning and every-one was still fast asleep in their beds. Mika loved to get up early and make every-one breakfeast. Thats what she was going to go instead of eat. She smiled and walked into the kitchen pulling out eggs, ham, cheese, and a various asourtment of raw meats. she craked the eggs and began making everyone a omlet, putting every thing they liked in it. after she had the omlets cooking she began to make sausage and bacon, and many other dishes. she let that cook before she sat at the table and read one of her mangas waiting for the food to finish. She knew once the scent lingered up to the others' rooms they would be down in a split second wagging their tails and waiting for food.


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The scent was the first thing to drag him out of his stupor. The smell of meats and various other foodstuffs being cooked. Eli arose from his bed, his eyes still closed, letting his nose do all the seeing for him for now. Let's see...eggs...sausage...and....BACON!!! His eyes opened with a shot, his tail swaying back and forth, his ears twitching in anticipation.
Without another second to waste, Eli tossed back his covers, already licking his lips. He was still drssed in his clothes from yesterday, a simple black T-shirt and skinny grey jeans. He took a minute to fix his make-up and hair, threw on his striped armsleeves before flinging his door open and bolting done the hall.
Eli took the stiars tow at a time, runing on all fours to go even faster. Upon arrival, the sight of the sizzling pig's meat made his mouth water even greater. When he saw the girl in the kitchen, Eli smiled and waved at her.
"Morning, Mika! That smells delicious, as always!" He sat down at the table, preferring to sit a top his haunches on the chair, his feet tucked under him, his hands on the edge of the chair to balance, and his tail waving back and forth eagerly. "How long do you think it will be? I'm famished!"


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Mika Giggled, she was correct.''Just finished!'' she said smiling and sitting a plate down infront of him.''Just becarfull its hot!'' she said watching the steam rise.''and i made alot of bacon for you and only you!'' she said winking and poking his nose. ''do you want coffee or orange juice or milk?'' she asked putting the three in front of him. putting her own plate on the oppiste side of the large table and sitting down.


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#, as written by Akantha
Genevie woke up sniffing the air and she smiled happily. "Mika must be cooking." She slipped out of bed and pulled on her white over-sized cotton sweater and white jersey shorts, not being able to find her other colors. She stretched and flicked her ears opening the door to her room and wandering down the hall until she stopped at the stairs peering down nervously. She walked down the stairs slowly and stopped next to the kitchen's door. She leaned over to peek around the corner and blushed seeing that two people were already awake. She looked around then finally sighed and walked inside walking quietly to sit down at the table."M-morning Mika, Eli. Its smells nice Mika, I wish I could have helped you at least a bit though" She flicked her ears guiltily and looked away gritting her teeth not to blush. Genevie sometimes felt like a child around all the other Neko's. They were taller, a bit older, and more talented than she was. It made enough sense to her that she might as well be the kid in the house. She was only a year younger but that mean anything to important. She turned her attention on to Eli and gave a small smile. "How are you Eli? Doing well?" She saw the plate and wagged her tail a bit. "Mmm. May I have some? I mean my own plate?"


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Komi glared up at the sky, grey eyes now narrow slits. She hated mornings with a passion, she really did. Even in her pleasent room that she was living in and kept nice and clean, the sun always came in the windows and she always hated it. But, despite all this, she moved from her sleeping position on the bed. A small white ball of fluff was curled up on her lap now. No, not a cat, her stuffed polar bear. It felt warm to the touch. Then it hit her. Food... A soft sizzling sound could be heard by the neko, whose hearing was about the only good thing about her. She jumped from her spot and went to run out the door when...
Right into the floor she went, her hands breaking her fall. "Stupid floor. Must we do this every morning?" Most of the residents should have been used to her falling over by now, cursing out floors, doors, tables, and chairs that just 'happened' to be in her way. Finally pushing herself up, her tail swished from underneath her oversized white dress shirt. She slept in it most times. Her striped socks made little scuttle noises as she finaly reached the kitchen without falling over again.
"Nya. Good morning, Mika, Eli, Genevie." A soft and long yawn came shortly after, a slight noise heard as she rubbed her eye with her sleeve. She was also a lazy cat. Maybe that was why she had more weight on her than Mika. "What's for breakfast?"


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''yes you may, also i made your favorite omlet!'' she said sitting the plate before her, and another for Komi. After she heard a large thud she knew komi was up. " Another run in with the door Komi?'' she asked sitting back down, and smiling at Genevie.''No worries darling i'll get you up tomorrow and you can help, oh and also so i need someone to go to the store with me if they dont mind!'' she said taking a small bite of her omlet.


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"Not door. Try floor. I swear, my balance has got to be the worst thing possible for a cat." Komi ranted a little before downing her food quickly. Something about food and her: Once in front of her, she wouldn't stop until it was gone. "Besides, aren't cats supposed to land on their feet? Then why is it that I always land on my face." Her head shook, letting the messy black mass to fall around her. "I would offer to go to the store, but my balance might kill the food before I get home. I don't even want to remember last time." To put that story simply: Eggs had been crushed, all over her favorite red and black striped shirt. "By the way, before I forget. Thank you for the food, Mika-chan!"


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''Maybe your not half cat maybe your half dog?'' Mika said shurgging and putting more bacon on her plate.''Oh why it no problem! But i think i made too much bacon this time!'' she said at the two huge plates of bacon. She sipped some of her coffee quietly.''Well yes many eggs died that day.'' she said smiling.


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#, as written by Akantha
She looked to the omelet her eyes sparkling a bit and smiled her ears perked up happily. "Thank you Mika! Morning Komi." She chuckled a bit and munched down on a piece of her omelet in ecstasy. Closing her eyes to savor the flavor she continued to eat in peace. Her ears would flick every once and a while signaling the tiny bursts of happiness when another flavor came along. When she finished she relaxed in her chair and looked up to Mika. "I'll go with you, but I cant carry much but I'll do my best!" She nodded reassured in a way. She let out a pleasurable yawn and looked to the window. "It would be a nice day to get out I guess."


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Mika noded.'' just make sure your hooded and your tail is hidden, and no matters on hiw much you can carry.'' she said smilling at her happily. ' is your molet good?'' she asked sipping more at her drink.


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Evin yawned as he walked. He'd been out all day trying to sell things to get some eating money, yet all he'd really gotten was a bunch of doors slammed in his face. Reaching his bicycle, he put his suit jacket in the back basket. All of his remaining clothes were in there: Another pair of dress shoes, a pair of black jeans, another pair of dress pants, two other ties, three dress shirts, and tree pairs of dress socks. He sighed. How could things have gotten so bad? he thought.

Looking up from his bike, Evin looked towards the night sky. It was actually "early" but he didn't consider it early until he saw light on the horizon. He smiled. At least the stars always shone brightly. Turning, Evin mounted his bike and began to pedal off. He hadn't gone very far before his stomach growled in anger. He was so hungry. He hadn't eaten yesterday, and probably wouldn't today either. Still...

The smell of food caught his nose as he passed a building, and he slammed on the brakes, skidding to a halt. Why would anyone be up this early? And cooking food at that? He turned his bike and headed back, driven by curiosity and the angry growls of his stomach. He stopped his bike in front of the path to the house and looked around. He hadn't seen it before. He shrugged, chalking it up to just a new building he'd found.

Evin parked his bike up the path a bit and dismounted. He walked towards the front door cautiously, though he made sure his tie was straight and he looked as nice as he could. Stepping up onto the porch, Evin swallowed the lump of fear growing in his throat. Confidence is key. he thought. He reached up and knocked on the door.


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"Nya. Someone's at the dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor!" Komi emphasized the word. "I'll get it." Carrying the plate of omelet and about a mound of bacon with her to the door. True, she could have been better dressed, simply in a shirt and socks, underwear beneath of course, but she wasn't going to fight the stairs to go get a pair of pants and possibly her favorite shirt. She just wanted to eat, watch a little TV, draw a little bit, then go fight the stairs. It was, by now, a routine she liked to stick to. She settled her plate on a table by the door, taking a piece of bacon and nibbled on it as she opened the door, tail under her shirt and ears back against her head.


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{OOC sorry but i have to go dont forget me!}


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Evin closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he heard someone come to the door. He opened his eyes as the door opened, and the words he had planned to say died before he could say anything. He just stood there, staring at the girl. His eyes traveled along her, taking in her clothing (or lack thereof) and stopping on her ears. His jaw dropped, and it took him a little bit to compose himself. He cleared his throat, his face turning red in embarrassment. "H-hello," he said in a quiet voice.


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#, as written by Ziddie
Peter woke up to the smell of cooking meat. Rubbing his hands over his face, he opened his mouth to yawn and stretched his arms over his head. Vaguely, he remembered dropping of pure exhaustion but he had also remembered finding that the seemingly abandoned mansion was full of cat-people like him! As soon as he saw that, being the half-bred Tom that he was…he sort of convinced his group of friends to move in. After all, it had been raining, it was cold, they had been outside for daaaays…his group needed to crash. And they did. Right in the middle of the living room floor.

“Nya…!” It had escaped his mouth before he could stop it and carefully he looked to see if Adrian was still sleeping. Thank God he was…he would never live it down if his friends caught him mid-meow. He was uncomfortable about being half-neko but he would still clobber someone if they called him on it. The conversation in the kitchen was what caused him to stir…two girls…no, three. And a boy. Running his fingers through his white hair for the girls’ sake, he attempts to make himself look presentable in his black-and-white ensemble while leaning around the corner, stretched out with a smug look, his chin propped up in his hands. Oh, how to say hello…

“Morning!” He chuckled as he tilts his head up at the kind people he had intruded on the night before…


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"Greetings." Komi spoke slowly. This man... he made her feel short. Needless to say, she didn't like it. Her eyes glanced quickly over his body, determining he was one of them. The ones that hated neko kind. The ones that turned Mika, Genevie, Peter, Eli, everyone, into a freakshow. Something to be displayed and made fun of. "Is there something you need from us?" She reached back, almost knocking the plate off the table, with only a moment to catch it. Her tail, unfortunately, popped out from her shirt at that moment. Replacing the plate, she pulled a piece of bacon off and continued nibbling on food. She oulled her head back inside to call a 'Good Morning, Peter' over her shoulder. "Sorry about that."

(ooc: don't worry, we won't.)


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#, as written by Akantha
Genevie blushed spotting the man that had intruded the day before. She began to sink in her seat her ears going back slightly. She simply wasnt used to new people like him or the humans, and it made her a nervous wreck. Taking the last bite of the omelet she stood up and murmured "Thank you Mika, It was delicious.Call me when you want to go shopping. See you Komi, Eli." before putting the plate away and scooting out of the kitchen to escape into the living room. She moved and sat down on the couch flicking her tail quickly. Mon Dieu! He scares me. She shook her head and looked towards the kitchen a room away. He's just so overtly normal, and out going. I'm to shy to be around him for to long. Eli is bad enough for me. Biting her lip she stretched out on the couch and closed her eyes. This is normal to me. A relaxing day, with Mika, Komi, and the others. She chuckled and perked her ears to listen to the others talk and joke with each other normally.


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Evin choked on his words when he saw the girl's tail, coughing uncontrollably. When he had gotten his breath back, he tried to smile, wiping a tear from his eye that was caused by his coughing. "Sorry about that... I was actually wondering..." He stopped. He didn't know what to say. "I can't possibly tell them the truth that I walked up to their front door to ask for food," he said to himself, sure he was just thinking it but not realizing he was talking.


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#, as written by Ziddie
“Oh…Morning…Ko…” He struggled to find the girl’s name but still smiled anyway as he gracefully stood in a greeting to the other man that had came to the door. “…Must be a good day for barging in on this house,” Peter laughed, giving the man in the doorway a grin. “Us yesterday, you today…I wonder who it’ll be tomorrow,” With a quick huff, he grabs a piece of bacon off the table and puts it in his mouth, giving a tiny wave to Genevie. He wondered if he looked neko at all to these people. Some were accepting others were…well…he did look awfully human…he could see why girls disliked him here. Peter could fix that. Not the looking human part but the girls-not-liking-him part.

((and yeah, sorry for the confusion but Evin isn't with Peter's group. There was an editing mistake and stuff. Sorry again.))


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"Food? Sure. Mika made lots of bacon today." Komi didn't particularly like 'normal' people, but, hey. At least he had the decency not to make a scene about her tail, right? Right. "I'm Sayaki Komiksuko. Call me Komi. Here." The omlet was now gone, eaten by the raging and hungry neko. Part of her introduction was directed toward Peter, who had forgotten her name yet again. She handed him the plate, but moved aside, revealing more of the interior of the place from behind her. "I'm not supposed to do this, but you're welcome to come in. Just... watch your step. Some of us have a habit of sleeping in wierd places. Usually right beside the chairs I trip on. Stupid chairs. Stupid floor. She used a lady-like curtsey to allow more space for him to come in.


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Evin started a bit when the younger boy greeted him. "Uh... Yeah... I guess." He looked back to Komi, taking the plate she handed him. When she offered for him to come in, Evin's grasp on the plate failed, and he dropped it. The plate shattered into a myriad of little pieces, and Evin cursed himself. "I'm so sorry," he said, kneeling down to begin picking up pieces of bacon and broken plate. He felt stupid the way he was, dressed in a black suit with a bright red tie yet kneeling and cleaning. He sighed. It was his mess, so he had to clean it. At least he got some enjoyment out of cleaning. That put a bright spot on it, if only a tiny one. "Again," he said quietly, still cleaning, "I'm sorry."


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#, as written by Akantha
Genevie bristled having opened her eyes just in time to see the man Peter wave. She looked around and whimpered feeling a bit cornered before slipping off the couch and taking a deep breath deciding to stop hiding. She walked over then paused looking at the human as the plate crashed. She then leaned down next to him and started helping him pick up the pieces. "Tis not your fault sir. I do it too sometimes. I'm Genevie, nice to meet you." She smiled brightly having picked up a small handful and walked past Komi giving her what she hoped was an almost brave smile and walked to the kitchen setting the broken parts on the counter. she carefully walked back and looked at Peter cautiously before edging away to be closer to Komi.


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"Don't worry about it. I must have broken at least a dozen during my time here. It's sad, really. I lack any form of balance while in movement." Komi shrugged, patting Genevie on the shoulder as she moved to pull out a new one. "Here, dish yourself up a nice big plate and have a seat anywhere." She set the white china on the counter next to the plates of bacon and the omlets. "Orange juice, coffee, milk?" She asked once more as she made herself a cup of coffee. She was addicted to the stuff, for some unfathomable reason.


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Evin stopped as another girl walked out. This one began helping him as she spoke to him. "I've... got it...," he said softly in protest. But the girl had already helped. He noticed she had the ears and tail of a cat as well. He stood as she came back, still holding what he had picked up. "It's nice to meet all of you." He swallowed and tried to ignore his ever-reddining face. He was sure it was as bright as his tie by now. He began to cautiously make his way inside. "You're sure this is alright?" he asked as he walked in.


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"Most likely. Peter's the only one who might have an issue and he..." Komi trailed off, thinking over what to say next. "...Really doesn't have a say in this. Mika cooked the food, and it's not nice to turn away someone who's hungry, so as long as Mika's okay with it, no one will be too upset. Minus Peter. But again, he gets no say in the matter." She went to walk over to another couch only a few feet away and tripped on a table, landing on her shoulder into the cusions. "Nya... I'm so tired of falling over. It isn't fun."

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mika Loisous
Character Portrait: Ali Wilson
Character Portrait: Eli Karpathian
Character Portrait: Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko
Character Portrait: Evin Itruolde
Character Portrait: Peter Jett
Character Portrait: Matthew Serra
Character Portrait: Rosalyn Pearle


Character Portrait: Rosalyn Pearle
Rosalyn Pearle

Eg er evig pint. ???

Character Portrait: Matthew Serra
Matthew Serra

A shy boy, who's only friends are his pets.

Character Portrait: Peter Jett
Peter Jett

Well, I'm the leader here...

Character Portrait: Evin Itruolde
Evin Itruolde

I didn't mean to intrude. I was just curious is all...

Character Portrait: Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko
Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko

So what, I'm a cat. Big FREAKIN woop. I can still beat you in a game of chess.

Character Portrait: Eli Karpathian
Eli Karpathian

I'm sorry. I don't mean to scare anyone...

Character Portrait: Ali Wilson
Ali Wilson

So im a bit quiet so what?

Character Portrait: Mika Loisous
Mika Loisous

Just because im different doesnt mean i dont have a heart!


Character Portrait: Peter Jett
Peter Jett

Well, I'm the leader here...

Character Portrait: Rosalyn Pearle
Rosalyn Pearle

Eg er evig pint. ???

Character Portrait: Mika Loisous
Mika Loisous

Just because im different doesnt mean i dont have a heart!

Character Portrait: Matthew Serra
Matthew Serra

A shy boy, who's only friends are his pets.

Character Portrait: Ali Wilson
Ali Wilson

So im a bit quiet so what?

Character Portrait: Evin Itruolde
Evin Itruolde

I didn't mean to intrude. I was just curious is all...

Character Portrait: Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko
Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko

So what, I'm a cat. Big FREAKIN woop. I can still beat you in a game of chess.

Character Portrait: Eli Karpathian
Eli Karpathian

I'm sorry. I don't mean to scare anyone...

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko
Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko

So what, I'm a cat. Big FREAKIN woop. I can still beat you in a game of chess.

Character Portrait: Peter Jett
Peter Jett

Well, I'm the leader here...

Character Portrait: Rosalyn Pearle
Rosalyn Pearle

Eg er evig pint. ???

Character Portrait: Matthew Serra
Matthew Serra

A shy boy, who's only friends are his pets.

Character Portrait: Ali Wilson
Ali Wilson

So im a bit quiet so what?

Character Portrait: Eli Karpathian
Eli Karpathian

I'm sorry. I don't mean to scare anyone...

Character Portrait: Mika Loisous
Mika Loisous

Just because im different doesnt mean i dont have a heart!

Character Portrait: Evin Itruolde
Evin Itruolde

I didn't mean to intrude. I was just curious is all...

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Re: [OOC] Different

Ok, well I officially fell behind. I was gonna post yesterday, but had limited time, so I couldn't catch up. As far as everyone is concerned, Matty, changed clothes, and left without a word. Too shy to try and talk to anyone for one, and still very confused.

I'll get myself caught up, and get back in soon.

Re: [OOC] Different

Thanks for accepting my character request. I shall post an introduction as soon as I can! :3

Re: [OOC] Different

I'd like to reserve a spot as a human, please?

Re: [OOC] Different

I hereby claim a neko spot. -O-

Re: [OOC] Different

Can i reserve a spot as a neko? I'll have him up in a minute, just want to get a spot before it's gone.

Re: [OOC] Different

Question! Can I be a wolf neko? and then can you save me a spot if thats possible?

[OOC] Different

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