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Is it because we have ears and tails? Or is it simply we aren't normal, and thats why you hate us, shun us off like trash. Because of those who tease and torment, we neko's have shut ourselves off from the outside world, only trusting our own kind.

2,103 readers have visited Different since MidniteRoseSixx created it.


Ok i'll keep this short and sweet for ya!
So Mika My character and all of her friends are made fun of because they have cat ears and cat tails. After awhile they grow tired of this and cut them selves of from the world, so they all just live together in a large manision, that Mika's parents, of the recently deceased, owned. All their moeny given to her she takes care of her friends for nothing. Then one night while all the little kitties are asleep some humans stumble across the manision. They are tired so they go in and find all of the nekos asleep. and thats as far as i got. But i do know i dont care who falls in love with who
. NekoXhuman, NekoX Neko, HumanX human.

Humans (dont care how many just numbering)

Nekos (same with humans)


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors


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She winced at the sudden pull of her tail " Buzz off big bre-"she forgot Gen was here...she cleared her throat " Big..break fest!"
She couldn't help but face palm
' That was so bad I think I might hang myself...'
she laugh before yelling out " FOOD IS READY! I PROMISE IT'S NOT POISONED!...for now." she said smiling having her tail go limp remembering that Tom the tipsy thought this whole thing was a costume party.


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Looking about Tom nodded at everyone and shuffled his feet uncomfortably, seeing a girl sitting in Lilly's lap Tom decided to use that as an ice breaker.

"Why Lilly!.....and I thought what we had was special!" with this he feigned a dramatic fake sob and chuckled awkwardly.


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#, as written by Ziddie
“Well, Mika, just let me know next time so I can join you, ‘kay?” The wink was exchanged as he set the last of the forks in their places. “There, I said it.” With a laugh, he tossed his head back to shake a few messy white locks from his face. Then he saw the sweet face of the girl that entered, a smile gracing his lips. “Hey Genevie! Ah, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” With a shrug, he moved on to putting the spoons in their place. “Yes, but Lilly, dear, you haven’t kicked me out yet. You’ve even put me to work! This equals acceptance. And I was ruling the streets of Akasaka and Shibuya, thank you very much! The nightlife is amazing in Tokyo…” he laughed as if he was meaning other things about…er… “nightlife.”


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She smirk playing along " NO TOM! It's not what it seems! I love you and only you! I will jump off a cliff if I have to prove it to you! MIKA WANTS ME TERRIBLY BUT I KEEP HAVING TO TELL HER I DON'T WANT HER!" She acted as if she was crying
She though silently
' I would have to agree with you Peter, the night life is fun...though I enjoy making a mess of those who deserve to be punish...'


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''Big what?'' mika Questioned. she looked over and sa one of the humans.''Oh you must be one of the humans. Im Mika the House owner, Nice to meet you! would you like some curry or pocky?'' she asked filling to bags ith some pocky. She hoped Ali liked it.


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#, as written by Akantha
Genevie moved to sit at the table narrowing her eyes at the three suspicious people, namely Mika, Lilly, and Peter. "You guys are strange, Big things and all. I think thats why you guys are adorable." She smiled and giggled then looked to Peter. "The nightlife? I was too young when I was actually interested. Now that I'm sixteen, well, I'm not interested anymore. Is it really that great?" She flicked her ears waiting for a reply about how glamorous it would be. She blushed though, thinking of dancing among all those people. Amelie always being the shy one.


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"Gen, honey...I don't think he is talking about what your thinking." She chuckled
She glance at the time shifting a bit in her seat as she scratch her right arm " Tell you what, Mika will take you out at night some time. Isn't that right Mika~"
She smiled at Mika innocently
" Don't ruin a girl's hopes and dreams Mika..."


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#, as written by Akantha
Genevie looked to Mika hopefully. "You will?!" She practically yipped in glee excited to be with Mika on a fun outing for once. "Who else is coming? Is Peter coming? Are you Lilly?" She stood up and fixed up her plate of curry then sat down taking a delicious bite. She glanced between the two women wondering if this was true. She had confused herself though because Lilly had said that her thoughts were different from what was being said. It kinda made it all weird, but if it was having fun with her good friends then she was all for it, shyness and all.


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''Ah okay, but im no good at any of that! And tonight i have plans of star gazing with Ali, he took his first steps outside today! He's making amazing progress!'' she said smiling and pating Genn's head.''But yes i will take you out!'' She said flicking her tail happily.


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Lilly smiled " It all depends on the night dear, tonight I plan on sleeping" She laugh softly
" Ali took his first steps...That seems a bit.." she held her tongue
" What I mean is, that should of happened way long time ago, the kid can't learn if he is baby the whole way through. Just shove him outside and see what happens!" she chuckled
" Just kidding, but my point still goes. Stop babying the kid."


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#, as written by Ziddie
“That’s what I said, didn’t I?” Peter batted his long eyelashes at the other half-breed with a boyish look. Looking back to Genevie, the boy shrugged. “It’s,” he struggled for the right words, changing the topic to the actual definition for nightlife, “flashy. Lots of lights, people…there’s different places for personalities—and I’m not weird! I’m cute. You said so.” Swinging his hips, he puts the plates on the table and clears his throat and raises his hands. “And if anyone is up for an outing, I’m all for it!” Taking a breath, he grins, as he had only been around for a day or so. “I’m guessing Ali isn’t an outdoorsy guy?”


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" He is just shy, I feel bad for him...he is around a bunch of idiots. Though in some way it's good to keep him inside...the world is a scary place out there, Peter you said you " Ruled" the streets you know a girl name Sue? Maybe you slept with her once or twice...? She gets around...but is a good friend of mine." She took a sip of the curry a curious look on her face

" You say your cute, but have you look in the mirror yet? I am sure it would break." she grinned.


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#, as written by Ziddie
“Huh. Guy needs a friend, I guess. Glad to hear you’re there for him, at least,” Peter said honestly, regarding the girl with a nod. “And I meant gangs, not...that! Akasaka is pretty big, you know. I’m sure she’s lovely anyway. And...” Bringing his voice down, he whispers in her ear. “And I might not look like it but I’m not ‘That kinda guy’. Gotta say I’m not as bad as you think, Lilly.”

Standing up straight, he puts his hands on his hips. “Ah, surely it would shatter! But it would shatter from pure joy because it hasn’t seen me in so long!” Yes. Peter was the theatrical type.


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She laugh , I am glad you aren't that type of guy.I always wanted to join a gang...but I found it beter not. What sort of stuff does your gang do?" her full attention was now on Peter " How did you start leading a gang? Did you swoon the lady leader to give you her spot?" she chuckled


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Evin made his way after Tom, stopping to watch everything that was going on. He chuckled when Tom spoke to Lilly, finding the whole thing amusing. He wondered though if Tom knew the ears and tails were real. Probably not. He shrugged. It wasn't his place to tell him otherwise, so he'd just leave to the others in the house to do that.

Evin noticed a bit late that he still didn't have the shirt on that Tom had tossed him. He quickly put it on, groaning when he realized that it didn't cover his gash. He sighed. It's not like I can hide it forever anyways, he thought. He looked back at the group of people. Tom had been watching a couple of them with interest, and Evin knew why. Many of the girls in the house, despite the ears and tails, were quite cute. And even then, the ears and tail seemed to enhance the alluring quality of the girls.

Evin shook his head. His face was a bright-red color from embarrassment. They're probably too young for you, Evin. Seriously. I thought you had more common sense than that. He looked up again. Then again, he thought, his blush deepening, it couldn't hurt to ask... And it couldn't. But the prospect of asking any of the girls anything was a bit too much for him at the moment.


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Ali sniffed deeply and yawned slightly he was still in deep thought about everything, mainly about his life in the mansion. He could smell food it was curry he didn’t really like it that much but he wasn’t hungry he would probably eat something later depending on how hungry he was later.

Stretching his arms out slowly he rubbed his eyes, they were sore and his face felt hot. Sitting up he crawled up Mika’s bed and looked into a mirror that was in her room he looked really bad....his eyes were bloodshot and red from his crying and his cheeks were flushed like he had been running in freezing cold weather. It was cold when he came to the house in fact it was snowing heavily and he found shelter on the doorstep of the mansion but he was still covered in a light blanket of snow when he was taken into warmth and comfort he slept in front of the fire that night and more or less cried himself to sleep that night. He did that a lot actually more recently these past few weeks and he hoped that no one had noticed.

Crawling down the bed he settled himself down into the same warm spot he had climbed into and curled up looking at the door waiting for Mika.


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Mika smiled and grabbed some bowls from the cupborad And then shuffled over to the freezer and grbed some ice cream from it. She scooped some out then put it back in its place.''Well i love ya'll to death but i have more important people! Bye!'' She said blowing a kiss to lilly then walking off to find Ali. Once she came to the conclusion he was in her room, she sat a bowl don and opened the door. Grabbing the bowl she walked in sat the bowls down. He looked so sweet.'' Are you Alright?'' She asked walking into the bathroom getting a cool wet rag and then wiping his eyes.''Have i ever told you how cute you are?'' she asked handing him a bowl.


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#, as written by Ziddie
“Um…” Peter looked to the ceiling for the words. What didn’t his gang do? They did good things…but they also did, well, bad things. And Peter wasn’t the type to go into details. “I didn’t really have a choice, now that I think about it. This group of guys started making fun of me because of these…things.” He tugged at his ears, remembering it all. Hadn’t he worn bandannas back then? “Said I wasn’t normal either way you looked at it. So the big guy…I kinda sucked it up and picked a fight…and he kinda fell down some stairs…” his voice trailed off as the details got even worse but he continues to talk again, pounding his hand into his fist. “But after he was gone, I won those guys’ respect! And we are still the classiest gang in Tokyo. I have protocol,” He announced proudly, shaking his white hair from his eyes. “I think it’s cool,” he admitted. “We’re there for each other. Like a family.”

Noticing the other two guys, the fair-haired man feels his hair prick at the back of his head. They weren’t a threat, he convinced himself, and smiled. “Evin, I remember you!” He laughed but his gaze shifted to the new kid. Tom, was it? “And who’re you? Sorry. I was sleeping earlier. Didn’t get a meet-and-greet.” Putting his hand back to Mika for a goodbye, Peter focused of the rapidly growing group.


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#, as written by Ziddie


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' A family huh?' she sat there in thought for a moment
before shifting her body in a more comfortable position, her feet on the table leaning back in her chair.
She turned her head to look at Evin " How is that arm holding u-" Before she could finish her phone rang. The ring tone was rather sounded like a drunk girl yelling " PICK UP THE PHONE!"
Lilly jump at the sudden ring...recognizing the ring tone " Hmm? It's Sue " She mumbled
answering the phone " What do you want...?"
a voice could be heard on the other side of the phone but the words were not clear, " Because normally when you call you want something, so...what is it?"

" Yes I am with the family...why?"
" Speaker phone? I have a young one promise you will behave?"
" Alright..."
She put Sue on speaker phone hoping she wouldn't say anything regretful
Sue: " Sorry to bug you all, but I had to tell you guys! There is going to be a sale at the market for food!"
Lilly: " Wait you had to be on speaker phone for that?"
Sue: Silly...there might be some guys there, I have to make a good impression you know. Any who~ Lilly! darling...I found some two hot guys tonight at the..well you know where. Two of them~
Lilly: "Your point...."
Sue: "Well I plan to bang them tonight, since there is two I could share one~"

Lilly fell onto the floor from her chair, she got up quickly grabbing the phone and taking it off speaker. Her face was red.." What the heck!? You said you would behave!"

" I don't care if you said stil-No I don't do that stuff...

" That was-" she glance at the others and moved to another room...the last words that could be heard were " That was one time, plus I it still didn't happen! I am not so eager to loose my you know what..."


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Ali looked at Mika as she walked into the room he shrugged his shoulders heavily when she asked if he was okay, he wasn't realy sure. The cool rag on his eyes made him feel slightly better. Taking the bowl of ice cream he prodded it with the spoon softening it up a bit, he looked at her again when she asked it she had told him how cute he was. If his face wasnt so red allready she would have seen him blushing, shaking his head quickly as his eyes diverted to the floor. spooning up some of the ice cream he ate it slowly.


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''Lilly wanted to go to the pool tomorrow, and i want to know if you would come? If you dont and you want to stay here, i'll stay with you.'' Mika said smiling and laying down next to him, moving a strand of hair from his face.''Its really fun at the pool, if you like water.'' she said scooping a small bite of ice cream in her mouth.


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Ali shook his head again still mixing the ice cream round the bowl so it turned into a smooth paste. He didn't know wether he could swim or not he didn't like being wet he could stand the shower or the bath but that could have been his Neko instincts. His ears dropped again and he slowly fed ice cream into his mouth his tail still on the bed.


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Mika smiled.''Thats all right i'll find something for us to do. Oh, Maybe we could make cookies!'' she said happily looking over at him.''Or your favorite food!'' She clapped sittting down her bowl on the nightside table, then looking out her window. Still light. She sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed.


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#, as written by Ziddie
“Ah, so that’s Sue. Yeah…she kinda seems familiar now,” Laughing at the phone, Peter leans forward to talk to the girl on the other side. “Yo, were you the girl that was with Yumi two nights ago? Can you tell him to give me back my car?” But as the word ‘bang’ broke across the receiver and Lilly’s reaction…Peter learned a very, very, important thing about his new friend. But he decided to not to tease her about it. That’s a very touchy subject for girls and he knew it! Jokingly repeating his words from before, he pulls his arms over his head in a stretch. “She seems lovely.”

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mika Loisous
Character Portrait: Ali Wilson
Character Portrait: Eli Karpathian
Character Portrait: Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko
Character Portrait: Evin Itruolde
Character Portrait: Peter Jett
Character Portrait: Matthew Serra
Character Portrait: Rosalyn Pearle


Character Portrait: Rosalyn Pearle
Rosalyn Pearle

Eg er evig pint. ???

Character Portrait: Matthew Serra
Matthew Serra

A shy boy, who's only friends are his pets.

Character Portrait: Peter Jett
Peter Jett

Well, I'm the leader here...

Character Portrait: Evin Itruolde
Evin Itruolde

I didn't mean to intrude. I was just curious is all...

Character Portrait: Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko
Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko

So what, I'm a cat. Big FREAKIN woop. I can still beat you in a game of chess.

Character Portrait: Eli Karpathian
Eli Karpathian

I'm sorry. I don't mean to scare anyone...

Character Portrait: Ali Wilson
Ali Wilson

So im a bit quiet so what?

Character Portrait: Mika Loisous
Mika Loisous

Just because im different doesnt mean i dont have a heart!


Character Portrait: Eli Karpathian
Eli Karpathian

I'm sorry. I don't mean to scare anyone...

Character Portrait: Peter Jett
Peter Jett

Well, I'm the leader here...

Character Portrait: Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko
Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko

So what, I'm a cat. Big FREAKIN woop. I can still beat you in a game of chess.

Character Portrait: Mika Loisous
Mika Loisous

Just because im different doesnt mean i dont have a heart!

Character Portrait: Matthew Serra
Matthew Serra

A shy boy, who's only friends are his pets.

Character Portrait: Rosalyn Pearle
Rosalyn Pearle

Eg er evig pint. ???

Character Portrait: Evin Itruolde
Evin Itruolde

I didn't mean to intrude. I was just curious is all...

Character Portrait: Ali Wilson
Ali Wilson

So im a bit quiet so what?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Matthew Serra
Matthew Serra

A shy boy, who's only friends are his pets.

Character Portrait: Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko
Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko

So what, I'm a cat. Big FREAKIN woop. I can still beat you in a game of chess.

Character Portrait: Eli Karpathian
Eli Karpathian

I'm sorry. I don't mean to scare anyone...

Character Portrait: Mika Loisous
Mika Loisous

Just because im different doesnt mean i dont have a heart!

Character Portrait: Ali Wilson
Ali Wilson

So im a bit quiet so what?

Character Portrait: Rosalyn Pearle
Rosalyn Pearle

Eg er evig pint. ???

Character Portrait: Evin Itruolde
Evin Itruolde

I didn't mean to intrude. I was just curious is all...

Character Portrait: Peter Jett
Peter Jett

Well, I'm the leader here...

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Re: [OOC] Different

Ok, well I officially fell behind. I was gonna post yesterday, but had limited time, so I couldn't catch up. As far as everyone is concerned, Matty, changed clothes, and left without a word. Too shy to try and talk to anyone for one, and still very confused.

I'll get myself caught up, and get back in soon.

Re: [OOC] Different

Thanks for accepting my character request. I shall post an introduction as soon as I can! :3

Re: [OOC] Different

I'd like to reserve a spot as a human, please?

Re: [OOC] Different

I hereby claim a neko spot. -O-

Re: [OOC] Different

Can i reserve a spot as a neko? I'll have him up in a minute, just want to get a spot before it's gone.

Re: [OOC] Different

Question! Can I be a wolf neko? and then can you save me a spot if thats possible?

[OOC] Different

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