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Dragon Ball Z: Saiyan Pride.

Planet Vegeta


a part of Dragon Ball Z: Saiyan Pride., by ChaosBlade.


ChaosBlade holds sovereignty over Planet Vegeta, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Planet Vegeta is a part of Dragon Ball Z: Saiyan Pride..

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Rubis [5] "I would kill my own father if it meant being King. Oh wait I already did."
Okra [2] "I may be young but don't let your guard down"
Cragin [2] "Ha! If only you realized."
Letaice [2] -winks- "Well aren't you just a fine specimen"
Razeluxe [1] "I care more about my wife and child than I do about fighting. Shocking, isn't it?"
The creator/Vital Npc's/ [0] Have a fun rp!

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Rubis wasn't surprised that he didn't connect with his sweep, he really wasn't. In fact he was expecting it. He had hoped that he missed. He broke free of the man's grip when the knee connected to Rubis's face. His nose was now broken again. It had healed while he was waiting for the saiyan to arrive on this planet. He was sent backwards. He landed on his feet and pressed the charge. This time he swung with a left cross, it was again a distraction from his other hand darting forward to grab the man's tail. It was a dirty trick. He knew it. It was a code of honor between Saiyans, never grab your opponents tail. It was dirty and underhanded. However, this man wasn't bound by saiyan rules, and Rubis was told do whatever required to defeat this man.


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Cragin would let out a deep laugh of excitement, the perfect oppertunity, when would this man learn that attempting to moves at a time only made them both a little clunky and half powered. He charged forward and Cragin would see brash decision and desperation in the man's eyes. He would slide into a crouch, dodging the left cross and turning so that the man's hand would pass within inches of his tail that would dart farther away, his right leg would slide back and he would thrust forward using the rest of his Ki, concentrating souly on the fist he had directed right at the vulnerable chest of the Saiyan after his attack. His Ki began to form, wavering and shaking then suddenly it would flare as my fist came within inches of the man's chest.

There would be a large blast erupting from the knuckles of his fist, Cragin's eye would travel there suddenly with a twinkle of deep disappointment his wicked smile hanging at an edge but holding. Suddenly his hair and pants would be whipping in a forceful wind and he would be tossed backwards, his elite armour being battered with the force would crumple and pull away. His body battered by the force would show signs of being beaten, blood erupting from his mouth as the smile disappeared completely.


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Rubis was flung backwards. He didn't think he could survive a second explosion. When he opened up his eyes he saw the sky. He tasted blood in his mouth. The world was spinning. He was in major pain. It felt like his chest was on fire. He tried taking a breath and all he felt was a sharp pain. He sat up and shook his head. He looked down and saw that his chest and stomach were bleeding. He needed to run. He had lost this battle. He tried getting up, he found that his left arm was broken. The bone was sticking out of his skin. He groaned. He looked at his tail... or what was left of it. It was gone. He didn't have it anymore. He tried getting up again, this time he succeeded. He took ki and seared his torso wounds so he wouldn't lose anymore blood. He put the bone back under the skin and closed that wound. He started limping towards his pod. He tried flying, but he had used the last of his ki closing the wounds. He was powerless.


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Cragin landed a mile away, deep wounds trailed along the knuckles of his right hand deep gashes, blood would drip from them as he pulled himself onto one knee, his lip quivering, he would turn his head letting out a cough then spitting into the dust. He could see the dust cloud from the small crater he crouched in, it hung in the air shrouding what had been the battle ground. A long gash lay across his broad chest and his body was already tinted a shade of blue in places. His pants were ripped down the entire leg of the right, still tucked within his boot, and blood oozed from a wound unseen but deeply felt. His entire body would shake with the insane pain he felt within him, but the slight quivering of his lip would be replaced with a grin, the gleam of determination still fresh in his eyes. His lips would be busted and blood would seep from the edges of his eyes, drip from his right nostril and his mouth would have blood at the edges, sliding farther down his chin. He would let out a deep and wicked laugh, rising from his knees. They would buckles slightly but he would stand through the pain a moment.

The Saiyan lived. Cragin felt it. Felt it with a troubled soul and a broken Ki. The potential of the Ki punch, tremendous! Glorious. Cragin would grow in strength through his sheer willpower. He came to realize four of his ribs were broken, his collarbone broken, his wrist broken on his right hand. His concussion returned. The dust would begin to settle behind him as he half hovered half drug himself to the pod. His grin would broaden to a bright but shaded red from blood, wicked smile.
He would stand outside of it silently waiting, the feel of other power sources becoming apparent. Rojians had come. They would appear within minutes and Cragin would wheeze gently his voice raspy and distorted.

"Go in there, take him alive." He would order soundly the Rojians would wait a moment, three of them total and they would go to collect the Saiyan. It was a wonder to Cragin why the man hadn't simply flown away. But he wouldn't bother troubling himself with those petty things, for now his eye was on the collection of information. That he required.


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Rubis was limping towards his pod. He was in terrible pain. His arm was broken in at least two places, at least five of his ribs were either cracked or broken. He was missing fingers from punching that Ki ball, to top it all off his tail was gone. Just gone. He had touched where it used to be. There was only a burned mark. He wasn't sure if it was gone completely or if it would regrow. He had never seen such a thing. He saw his pod in the distance. He felt power levels behind him. He groaned. There was three or four of them. They weren't that strong, but they were more than a match for Rubis. He wasn't in the mood for a fight. He looked around for a suitable hiding spot. When there was none to be had, he bite his lip and started running.

He had stumbled a few times, but he never fell. He was soon at his pod in about two hours. He stopped every so often to catch his breath. He wasn't going to be captured... or killed; he had come to far not to escape. He sat in the pod and closed the hatch. Just as he punched in the ignition buttons the pod was surrounded by Rojians. He took off and sighed. He had just barely escaped. He needed to get back to the main ship that the pod came from. He hit the comm button and said, "Target alive. Required Healing then permission for leave." He planned on heading to Yardat to gain that technique.

When Rubis docked onto the ship. He was surrounded a group of saiyans. They helped him to the medical bay and into the tank. Rubis's last thoughts before he drifted off into his comatose state was of his wife and how he was going to see her after he gained Instant Transmission.


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Cragin was disappointed at the news the Saiyan had escaped, displeasing. He had continued the training of the Rojian warrior class, and organized some minor details. He wouldn't allow them to help him to his pod. The bones of his legs were fracturing with the constant movement. He used what little Ki he had recovered to half assed hover to take some of the weight off his legs, it wasn't enough. He had atleast nine bone fractures, four broken ribs, a serious, almost deadly concussion, his internal organs had been damaged, his wrist broken, four deep wounds that had already begun to scar on his right hand sliding down his hand to meet his wrist, a large scarring gash across his chest. His whole body was a mess of beaten flesh, already bruising to a pale green. He pulled himself onto the pod. Little did he know his inability to move, hardly at all was also due to damage to spinal cord. He was accompanied by a Rojian of tough build, a little shorter than Cragin and energetic with youth.

He enveloped himself within the tank after setting his course for Yadrat. His lone Rojian warrior by the name Brak keeping an eye out for his vital signs within the depths of the blue liquids. He had chosen Brak for several reasons. His tremendous skill as a warrior, his natural abilities and understanding of the Ki punch, and his jovial, young character. There was that constant rasping sound, and the deep beeps and laboured breath. His chest slowly rising and falling. Brak would busy himself with training, not getting over bewildered with the ship, and Cragin would wait, comatose. His wounds more rapidly healing, his body being repaired.


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Rubis opened his eyes, he wsa still in the the tank. He looked around and saw that there was a team of Saiyans studying him. He groaned and the woman in front of the tank gasped. He wasn't due to wake up for another hour or so. He was hit with another dose of drugs and he passed out. This time when he awoke, he was in a bed. Something felt weird. He got up and started walking. He looked at his waist and saw no tail... He reached around to his back and it didn't grow back. He yelled and jumped in the air. The group of scientists walked in the room and sat Rubis down.

"We have some bad news and worse news for you. The bad news is your tail might never grow back. We're not sure how or why it won't grow back. It usually grows back in the tank. This time it didn't. All we know is you are one of the few Saiyans who don't have a tail. The worse news is due to the shock of losing your tail. Your body lost some of it's power. It wasn't much, but we felt that you should know. Now, your request for leave was granted. You have until Tactet. Until next time." The head scientist had finished speaking... Rubis couldn't believe that he couldn't go ape anymore. He resolved to get stronger because of this. He got up and found a new under armor suit waiting for him. He put it on and headed towards the launch bay. He sat in the capusle and he instantly received a message that had been waiting for him, "Saiyans, we have confirmed reports that Turles is on Kit. " Rubis shook his head at the prospect of fighting Turles. He might be stronger now, but he is nowhere near the strength of Turles yet.

He punched in the coordinates for Yadrat. He needed to learn instant transmission. Then he would take on Turles. He sat back and let the stars fly by him. He put his hand to the general direction of Vegeta, and thought of his wife. He was happy that he lived to see another day. "After this, I will come and see you. I can show you worlds that you have only dreamed of." He closed his eyes and drifted asleep.


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Cragin would become visible as slowly his eyelids would break and peel away, one after the other. He pulled himself from the tank allowing Brak to help him the slightest bit. His movement was slow, after so long, his muscles crisp and aching for stretching. He exchanged orders to Brak who kept them on course, after ofcourse Cragin's laboured explanation on how to work the ship. A small vassal, he was lucky it was fast to make up for it's lack of space. He went to training immediatley, making time for his Ki Punch. He meditated on it and at times would study Brak's ability to use it. Making sure the faint red glow of his fist never met anything but air.

Yadrat could be difficult. He would think.. It likely would be difficult. Suddenly his mind was at the point of his fight with the Saiyan. It had been brutal. He smirked suddenly. He himself had caused the most damage to his body. Perhaps he should have refrained from trying it until it was necessary. No..He knew he wouldn't be able to if he tried. He didn't regret the attempt. Clearly he had won, after all the other Saiyan had ran. Hadn't he won? He would raise an eyebrow. But the resolve was the he had. If he wasn't careful though, next time he could very well lose. Saiyans never forget a loss. Though most would rather die than be deemed a coward, to live with the pain of losing.

He felt a pang of guilt for the Rojians that died, the Saiyan would pay for that in time. He regretted most though, not getting the name, so that he could properly hunt down and deliver justice. They neared Yadrat, and Cragin went to the controls to direct Brak in the landing.


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Rubis was drawing close to the planet Yadrat, where the fabled move Instant Transmission was from. He opened his eyes from his slumber. He was refreshed. He had thought about the battle on Rojia, defeat pained in his heart. He had clearly lost. He hadn't done most of the damage to the other saiyan. He had lost his tail. Rubis smiled at the fond memories of the times when his wife pulled it to make him pay attention. It was playful, but it still hurt. He had never laid a single hand on her. He threatened to, but he knew that he could never hit the one that he loved the most.

The planet was becoming larger as he was speeding towards it. Rubis sighed as he ran initial scans of the planet. It seemed that these people were all relatively weak compared to him. The only thing making this worth his time, is the move. He much rather preferred to going to Kit where Turles awaits. However, it would have to wait. When he had the move he could just transport there in an instant. Rubis soon reached the outer atmosphere. He saw a streak of light across the planet. Then he felt the enormous powersource. It was the other saiyan. He was here. He would pay for what he did to him, but first he must learn that move.


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Cragin would hover silently, first it'd be important foremost to know what the hell was special, what was going on, on this planet. He had felt the presence of the other Saiyan the minute he set foot on the planet's surface. It was as if he was fated to destroy the man. He hadn't any armour to replace that which he had lost, and so he had pulled on a clothe vest, black. It whipped silently with the slight winds, folding around his bristled muscles, his new scars apparent on his body. The ones covering his right hand would be hidden beneath the wristguards. His face would be set with indifference and he would seem unalert. He was cursed with the involvement in his own thoughts.

Perhaps hostility would be all he would get, here. Or what's worse, a friendly race. Suddenly his body would revulse his eyes snapping to the area before him. His body would shake silently with a white hot, rage. His Ki would flare and he would take a deep breath struggling to regain his composure. He felt a small flare in power and sped forth looking to come upon it. Struggling to seem calm and peaceful as he saw it come into sight. He would catch the sight of pinkish people. Like his Rojian skies gone awry and distorted. They were a strange sight, and Cragin would stop to slow and drop, walking forth. Blue dots became apparent on their scalps, their beaty eyes looking to him with silent fear. He had only saw two and they walked forth suddenly. He was astounded by this courage. He would come to a stop before them mustering a polite grin.

"Hello there, friends." His voice would be genuine, jovial and kind. They would look him over, being of about his height but with no visible extraordinance of muscle mass. A wiseness hung about their very being.


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Rubis stepped out of the capsule. It was a strange world, indeed. He streched and walked towards the large city that he saw north of where he had landed. The reports said that Planet Yardrat was an insignificant planet with creatures with power levels so low, that a child could win this planet. However, there was stopping the race from taking over the planet. It would seem that this race was in possession of a move that could transport a being anywhere he wanted. Rubis didn't care for the entire saiyan race learning this move. It is something that should be kept a secret and only a select few should learn. He was thinking of ways of how he could get teachings in this move. He was in thought when he was finally surrounded by a group of Yardrats.

"Ah, hello there. I had heard of Yardrat from an old friend of mine. He had told me great stories about this planet and your people. He had said the most interesting thing about your species was it's mastery of something you call Instant Transmission. I was wondering if you could show me that neat trick, and I was also wondering what it would require to learn this," Rubis smiled. He hated being the nice guy to those he didn't know. Hell, he hated being a nice guy in general. It wasn't his style. His style was kill first, ask questions later. However, this situation called for the exact opposite. Questions first, kill never.

A Yardrat nodded, seeming understanding what he was saying. He put his finger to his head and disappeared and reappeared at Rubis's side. He was shocked. He couldn't believe that this actually existed. While thoughts of glorious battle was racing though his mind his stomach growled, "Got anything to eat? I haven't eaten since, I left my home planet." It was a lie of course, he had eaten a few hours ago. However, him being a saiyan. He was almost constantly hungry.


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Cragin was led into the city. It was quite the sight and he couldn't help but steal glances at the towering buildings, bewilderment in his eyes. It became more apparent as he moved forth that the city was crawling with low power levels. In his eyes it meant little threat of violence. As he looked about, it appeared that the people were disappearing before his very eyes. For a moment he was worried, so extremely worried that something hadn't healed correctly in the tank. The Yadratian walking before him was friendly and noticably excited. He would look back at Cragin, his movements jittery. He was a tad taller than the ones at his sides. He doubted somewhat that this was an escort meant to protect. They had yet to speak, but he felt calm and safe as if the escort was more a sign of friendly getting to know type scenario. His anger would have subsided. He began to grow slightly attached in mere moments. Something clicked within him and it became apparent that he would bring blood to the Saiyan if he dare hurt such kindly people. His smile became nonchalant and genuine. It snuck up upon him and settled.

Despite all this his body was still decieving, his muscles tensed and ready. He looked up to see a great building among great buildings, a hulking metal building of strange color it stood out, and his escorts would look to him with a shine in their eyes, he'd raise a skeptical eyebrow. He would allow one to grab him gently at the shoulder and encourage him forward, he would nod to them, two peeled away and left. The front man following him inside.


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Rubis bit into another piece of meat. It was one of the most delisous thing he had ever tasted. This was his sixth plate. He was ravenously hungry. The food was weird, but it was all so good. He was eating with a Yardrat. They could keep up with him. It was surprising, he had not met with another race that could keep up with saiyan in eating. It was unheard of, here he was eating with a smaller creature. He was stuffing his face. By the time he had hit his eight plate, the Yardrat was done. He couldn't eat anymore, "Ish that all you gawt?" Rubis said with a full mouth. He finished the plate and sighed, he then laid back.

He was grabbed onto and transported here. It was a weirdest feeling in the world. It had only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like a few minutes. When they appeared, it would seem that he was in a dining hall filled with Yardrat food. Rubis almost fainted. It had been almost a month since he had seen a room this full of food. He heard a noise and was thrown from his thoughts. He shot up and looked towards the door. It was the saiyan from Rojia. 'Damn, how come I didn't feel him coming closer. He shot up and raised his fists ready for another fight, "Why can't I seem to lose you? I wanted to wait a while before our next meeting."


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Cragin's smile would turn wicked, his eyes becoming discietful, but despite all this he would walk calmly, ignoring the less than witty banter of the Saiyan as he took up a position right beside him, grabbing what looked like bread from the table, "Weren't you ever taught that fighting at the dinner table is bad manners?" He'd pause a moment to look over at the Saiyan, lifting the bread to his mouth he would take a bite savouring the taste he would turn and walk back to where his escort stood smiling and in wait. The slightest hint of confusion on his pink face. Cragin would chew and swallow before speaking "Representing our race so poorly, shame shame." He would be all to serious for the moment, though his tone carried the weight of a joke.

"I'm sure our hosts wouldn't appreciate it." He would turn back to the Saiyan, facing him with a steady gaze and poise. The powerfuls of Planet Vegeta ordered this little expedition of his for all he knew. He would lift the bread to his face eating it slowly then nodding at the yadrat in appreciation his voice would be bright and genuine, "Thank you." The Yadrat would just nod, his lips still tilted up at the edges of his pursed lips. Cragin would finish the bread in seconds, his hands would drop to his sides, slightly raised in preparation. He would lift them linking them together, he would press them forward making a loud pop.


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Rubis grimaced, he hated standing this close to the man who mutilated him and not being able to beat his face into a pulp. He sat back down and bit into another piece of meat. His eyes never left the man. He was prepared, this time he wouldn't be caught surprised by this man. He underestimated this man once, and he lost dearly. "Do you know what it's like not having a tail? It's freeing actually. Not having to worry about people grabbing it." Rubis said after swallowing. Rubis motioned to the Yardrat sitting next to him to leave them. The Yardrat with fear in his eyes, got up and left the men. "Now, what are you doing here? Actually, I suppose that's the same question you'd be asking me. So, I'll skip you having to ask the question. I'm on leave. I heard about this planet from one of the troops before our uprising. So, I'd thought I'd enjoy cuisine and the sights. Maybe train a little bit. Purely relaxation. So, there is no need to worry about me slaughtering these people..." Rubis said standing up. As much as he wanted this to end in blows, he knew if it did, the power of instant transmission would be gone.

He brushed off his pants and stood up straight. He then leaned up against the closest wall. "So, now that you know what I'm doing here. Tell me the same, I'm interested. These people are hardly a challenge, their so weak I could spit on them and they would die. So your not here to get stronger. So tell me rogue, exactly why are you here?" He was sure he knew why the man was here, but he wanted to hear it from the man himself.


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Cragin would hold up a hand as his escort went to leave, how rude of this Saiyan to presume right to order these people around. He gave the Yadrat a warm smile, "Stay if you'd please." The Yadrat would seem to understand settling in a chair close to Cragin, he would seem confused sensing the tension of the room. Cragin would be hungry now, his stomach aching for the food, his mouth watering, he reserved himself, however. He would cross his arms over his chest, "I wish I could tell you how terribly sorry I am about the damage," He would allow a smirk to decay his smile. "But why should I lie to you?" It would return carrying the ghost of a laugh that had almost escaped his lips. He would seem somewhat bored with the Saiyan, and in all honesty he was more interested in the scenery, the people, the thoughts of his head, he would be unfocused and captured by the bewilderment. "Me? I'm here for the adventure." He would lift his left hand to his chin and gently rub it.

He would look at the Saiyan quizzacly a moment, his eyes indifferent, but narrowed. His gaze upon the Saiyan for a long moment before he spoke, "Odd place for a blood thirsty Saiyan to vacation, don't you think?" His smile would return as he erupted from his stupor as if coming to some hidden conclusion. His ear would perk at the sound of the Yadrat shifting in his chair. He wondered if they knew the language, but feined ignorance. It was certainly a possibility. He would capture himself before becoming overinvolved with his thoughts once more.


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"Like as I said before, I was told by a trooper about how good the local food was. I'm a something of a food lover, but then again so are all Saiyans." He saw the Yardrat fidget in his seat. It appeared that they knew their tongue. Something not uncommon. It would prove useful in trading with other planets. Rubis thought about it for a minute, then decided to find out once and for all, "Could you please get me a drink of water." he asked the Yardrat innocently. He made no gestures whatsoever. The person got up and came back with a cup of water. "Knew it. So, tell me why are your people feigning ignorance about knowing our language?"

The Yardrat looked down and shifted in his seat, "We know why you Saiyans are here. You are after the secret of our people. The secret of instant transmission. We figured if we pretended that we didn't know the language that you would just leave us alone." Rubis was now mad. That was by far the stupidest thing to do when dealing with a Saiyan. Rubis already figured if he couldn't learn instant transmission due to language barriers, then nobody would. He would have destroyed the population and sold the planet. It wasn't hard.


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Cragin wouldn't even tense, he knew nothing of this 'instant transmission' but he sensed the anger in Rubis' body language and he would make a show of letting his fists be displayed. Attempting to fool him or not, he wouldn't have this Saiyan becoming aggressive. He had no right, his Ki would flare his face becoming set in indifference, looking at them both with cold eyes. He would stand a moment before it cracked and the edge of his pursed lips would edge up to create a ruthless smirk, "Composure." He would drop the word like ice, staring at the Saiyan. He wished to portray that aggression would lead to violence. He would roll his shoulders, a loud pop sounding in his back. His fists would fall to his sides as he drifted back into nonchalance.

"This 'instant transmission,'" Cragin would cast emphasis on the term, his voice becoming calm and kind once more, he would ask the Yadrat as opposed to the Saiyan. "I'm here, perhaps I should be let in on what such a thing is." He would beckon politely for the Yadrat to walk forward, to bring him away from the brooding man.

"It's, the concentration- the concentration of one's mind on another's Ki, or energy. To be transported to the location of that being's-that being's Ki or energy." His voice would sound uncertain, he was clearly uncomfortable now amidst this hostile room. He stumbled forth though to Cragin's side. And Cragin would nod appreciatively as if understanding.

"Thank you." He would say to the Yadrat reaching up with his right hand, unballing the fist and running his fingers through the dark half spikes of his hair. "I see now the attraction you have to this planet." He would now direct the statement to the Saiyan, his mind ablaze with thoughts and possibilities.


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"Alright, so I've been found out about my true intentions about this planet. You see, I want this move for myself and only for myself. This move has no right to be taught to the general Saiyan population. If it were to be taught to every Saiyan alive... Well, lets just say the universe would become a small place. Not only that, the already powerful Saiyans would be unstoppable, but they would also be uncontrollable, and we wouldn't want a race of beings who live for nothing but fighting uncontrollable. King Vegeta had a hard enough time keeping control." Rubis said, downing his drink. It was true, if the entire Saiyan population was taught this, then the tourney for being king had no meaning. Saiyans would start becoming like the man in front of him. Thinking that they are better then the rest of the race.

"So, I'm not here for the benefit of the Saiyan race, I'm here for the benefit of me. Sure, I might use selfishly, but you can't honestly look me in the eye and tell me that you wouldn't do the exact same thing. Even if you did, I'd call you a liar." Rubis said. His anger was starting to fade. His power level dropping accordingly. He shook his head and he started thinking clearly again. "Your friend never answered my question, how would we go about learning this technique." He asked the only Yardrat in the room. He wasn't honestly expecting a decent answer.

"So, it is true. You Saiyans are here after the Instant Transmission. We have heard stories about your ruthlessness. I'm sorry to say this to you, but you can not learn this technique. Our leader has forbidden us teaching it to saiyans." The Yardrat explained. Rubis was starting to get angry again. He crushed his emotion and started thinking about how it destroy this pathetic planet. He figured a few fury cannons would be able to do the job.


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"I would suggest you calm down Saiyan, I shall allow no violence on my planet." Stated the booming voice of the Yadrat leader as he instantly appeared between Rubis and Cragin,

The man was obviously taller than the others of his species by a large amount, reaching almost 9 ft tall, however, like the rest of his race, he was completely without muscle. His skin was a deep ocean blue while a green Mohawk stood proudly on his head. His clothing consisted of multiple green and yellow belts completely covering his arms, his chest left open to the warm air, each of the belts were covered in jewels that seemed to continuously flash between red, blue and purple. His leggings were made of a a scarf like material that shined yellow like the sun itself. Strangely enough, he wore no shoes, his large feet calloused and rough.

"Now, sit down and converse with me, I would rather we talk and negotiate than settle this matter with pointless bloodshed, we are a peaceful race and wish to live peaceful lives, a concept foreign to your species." he bellowed, his deep voice demanding the Saiyans attention. Disappearing again, seemingly without even moving he reappeared at the head of the table, legs crossed as he pointed his palm to the dishes of fruit, seeming to completely forget about the presence of the Saiyans for the moment his brow creased in concentration as in a flash the fruit disappeared and reappeared on his plate, quickly he began pulling the meal to his mouth as his eyes scrutinized the Saiyans.


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Cragin would be silent, under the scrutiny of this presumed leader of Yadrat. His power level was low, but he seemed like a nice enough being. He would walk forth his steps inexplicably quiet in the sudden silence of the room. He had no original intention of gaining the instant transmission. But now, he couldn't very well allow this Saiyan to have it. The man would be driven mad with power, he spoke of inability to control. It became apparent that this high strung man wished to be uncontrollable, the King perhaps. Cragin would analyze his every word. Well then, he hadn't managed to pull him from the pedestal. Then arose the question within him. What would he do with such and ability? He knew not, perhaps it would allow him to stop such evil Saiyans from merciless killing. He would sit with careful grace, trying his damndest to compose himself at the brilliant aroma of food. He would bashfully take a piece of bread and a strange meat from the table arraging it on his plate.

He would make sure of his posture, straightening himself up. His smile would appear with ease, charming and slightly crooked. "Thank you for allowing me at your table." Cragin would say with slight struggle in the pit of his voice before turning excitedly to the plate.


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Rubis silently grumbled as he sat down at the table, he was weighing his options here. One could be taking a Yardrat hostage and forcing the leader to teach him the technique, but that would be terribly inefficient and would likely cause an uproar with the other Saiyan. Another option was try and bargain with the man. He knew what he wanted, and Rubis knew what he wanted. He was sitting across from the man and next to the leader. "I would like to apologize for my behavior of taking advantage of your hospitality," Rubis spoke his apology with gritted teeth. He needed this technique.

The leader held up his hand and stopped Rubis from continuing. "I don't need your apologies I need you off my planet. I don't want you bringing your Saiyan ways of war and destruction. The quicker you leave this world the better. Now, I know what you want. You want our technique." His voice continued to command respect from both of the Saiyans.

"Yes, Instant Transmission. Now, you want us gone. The quickest and easiest way of doing that would be of course teaching us your move. The long and draw out way would be bloodshed and death." Rubis said his eye never leaving the leaders, "So, if you would kindly teach me Instant Transmission I would be on my way and you will never see my face again." He kept an even tone. This was the easier option. 'Sometimes diplomacy works better than war,' Rubis thought to himself. He turned towards the other Saiyan eager to hear what he had to say about all of this.


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Cragin would swallow, he looked up from his food grabbing a napkin gently and patting his lips. He would smile the right of his top lip slightly raised farther than the other to expose a canine to the Saiyan. "I don't care how we do this, so long as he doesn't learn instant transmission." He would let go of the napkin to gently grab a utensil, it would dart between his fingers as he twirled it, he would look down curtly at his plate, his mouth watering. He would put away the temptation allowing himself to become absorbed with his own thoughts, once more. He would grit his teeth, the utensil picking up pace. Perhaps they would allow a fight. Did he even want such a reckless power? If it meant the other Saiyan not getting it, ofcourse.

"He would do unreasonable things with such power, and likely destroy your planet any ways. You could turn me away, most certainly, but not with him left behind me. Not for him to massacre such kind beings." The jovial nature would fade, held only by his mannerly approach. He did what he could to hold respect in the tone of voice. But even to him it became apparent that he despised and distrusted this Saiyan.


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The leader cleared his throat as tension of the two Saiyans was building. He could tell that there was animosity between these two. "I see that the both of you have hatred towards each other. You," The leader turned towards the other Saiyan, "hate this man, so I can not trust you on his character. You say that he is just as likely to wipe out this planet than leave after we teach him this skill. I tell you now, if he doesn't learn this technique he will most certainly will kill all of us. Just the same applies to you, you are a Saiyan one who is always blood thirsty, due to your heritage I am grouping you in the same category as him." He then turned to Rubis, "As the other man said, you would destroy this planet even if we teach you this skill. As much as I wish not to believe this, it is in fact a distinct possibility." Rubis nodded, he had thought about destroying the planet after learning the technique. It was to ensure nobody else learned it.

"Now, as I have stated before: I want you BOTH off this planet. I don't care what your intentions are, you are both unwelcome here. So, I want your words of honor, I know how much a Saiyan takes pride in his honor. Not to destroy this planet after teaching you this move. This and getting off this planet as soon as possible. If you do not leave the planet right after learning I will be forced to take drastic measures." The leader stood up. He brushed off his pants and disappeared. He then reappeared at the doorway. "Now, two of my most trusted followers will take you to our sacred learning ground. I'll meet you there." He disappeared.

"Well, that was a mood lightening speech. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Now, the problem you have with me, stays with me. Don't bring anybody else into this." Rubis said getting up. He stretched his back and waited for the Yardrat to appear to take him to the training ground. He kept his eye looking at his fellow Saiyan, he didn't want anything funny going on.


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Cragin, seeing that they were alone would stuff his face excitedly. "Mm." He would finish lifting a glass to his mouth, his deep gulps heard throughout the room. He would finish rising from his seat, he would smile to himself. Ah, even ground then. It would have to do. He would press the table with his fingers and they would pop pleasingly at the knuckle. He'd pull his seat away and step out pushing it back in, noiselessly. His smile was nonexistent, his character cold though through this strange joy of food. He had beennothing but kind to these people and the Yadrat had grouped him with this Saiyan. How utterly and horribly offensive. His voice would be indifferent and cold, hostility clearly lying within it. Cragin's mood poor and it would be apparent he wasn't in the mood to deal with this Saiyan and his pathetic motives.

"And you would make me keep it between you and I, and everyone caught in the crossfires of our hatred are to be ignorant? I hold disdain for you, but that isn't why I wish for the instant transmission to pass you by." He would walk silently to the Saiyan's side awaiting his escort. Nonchalant and calm, his body would be distorted suddenly as if a deep pain was in every nerve. But his face was content and emotionless. "You talk of Kings and lack of control and then propose you'd do better by learning it, when it's clear you wouldn't." He would allow every word carry practibility. "If they're willing to teach us for fear of us destroying them, any other Saiyan that comes upon them, you suppose that they would turn them away? Or are we special when they see us all as the same, bloodthirsty war driven mad men?" This truly didn't make sense in Cragin's eyes. He would leave with the Yadrat as he appeared suddenly.