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"Don't even touch me or I'll scream right in your ear."

0 · 426 views · located in London

a character in “Earth's Greatest Heroes”, originally authored by The-Calenator, as played by RolePlayGateway




"Superpowers, high-school, so much to juggle at once!"

Juliette Gwendolyn Minett

| AGE |
16 || Sixteen
"I'm nearly seventeen"

Student; wants to become a singer when she is out of school.

Barbara Palvin

"I'm not that short..."

111 lbs.

She has one ear piercing in each ear.
(She swaps each day, she doesn't wear any on the weekend, though, unless it is a special occasion)


Power. The capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events. When she met ZED, the robot promised her great power and the ability to make people love her more than they do that. Coupled with her aspiration to be a world class singer and her phobia, this pressed all the right buttons and made her want it more.

People lower than her. She bullies the girls in school that are not like her and the rest of the attractive but mean girls she is friends with. She bullies them because, deep down, she does not want to be like them anymore, because she once was.

After her discovery of her powers and everything that had happened at school, the process that made her more popular and seen as more attractive, Juliette developed something known as Athazagoraphobia. This mouthful is also known as the Fear of being Forgotten or Ignored. It is a very rare phobia, and is rarely discussed. It is usually found in dementia patients or patients suffering from other medical conditions where memory loss occurs, where they fear forgetting their own identity and other things. But Juliette has a different, more complex form of the phobia. She fears that, because she is so popular, if things began to change and go back to the way they once were, like when her brother disappeared, she will fade into nothingness and will be forgotten by her friends and those that adore her now. Basically, she is scared of losing the social status she has worked so had to get.

Juliette, in many forms, is the exact opposite of her brother. In one special case is their ability to have fun. While Mach prefers to jokingly make quips and berate someone behind their back as a form of entertainment, Siren is more about her witty one-liners and ability to make someone laugh in a very tense and stressful situation. Both siblings retain their ability to make a joke during a fight, and are loved equally for their ability to do it.

But another reason that Siren is different from her brother is that while Mach prefers to keep his emotions bottled up and behind his lovely smile and laughter, Siren likes to expend her emotions to people she trusts, and that helps her remain focused and determined on the current objective.

However, her new powers have given her a rather violent and controlling side to her personality, which reflects a lot on the people she hangs around with at her school. Once, she used to hang around with the girls that were nice, friendly and cared about getting good grades, basically having a good school life, but when she found out that she had powers, especially her Vocal Pathokinesis, she turned more like the girls that the Jocks hung around with, and abandoned her old friends. She started becoming...different, more dominant and more horrible to those she thought were lower than her.


Born in New York seven years after her brother, Juliette Gwyndolyn Minett lived a happy, normal life for most of her childhood and early teenage life, being cared for by her Mother and Father and having a guardian by the name of Peter Minett to keep her safe from anyone who dared to try and hurt her. Her older brother meant the world to her, more than anyone in her family. If something bad happened at school or anytime else, she felt safe in the arms of her brother, and often told him secrets and things she had heard.

But one day, everything changed. Her life seemed to turn itself upside-down as her older brother suddenly went missing during a shift at work. He disappeared for many months, with no-one ever telling his family where he had disappeared to. While many he knew thought that he had been killed, Juliette never lost hope that her brother was still alive. She knew him so well, more than any of her family did, and she knew that he would never leave New York without his family or with somewhere to go.

But things seemed to just get worse for the Minett family following her brother's disappearance, with her father being relieved of work and her mother not being able to work again due to a complication during an operation, the family was left with no source of income. To make ends meet, Juliette had to do odd jobs for a local gang, which involved her stealing from various places around New York. It earned her family decent income, but the origins of the money she kept secret from her family. This continued for many months, causing her school grades to drop and her focuses being elsewhere than her school work.

But then things started to get better when a homeless man managed to get his father a job and looked after the family, not knowing that it was indeed her brother in disguise. Because of her not needing to work for the gang anymore, she refused to meet them multiple times, causing her to constantly have run-ins with the group until one day, a few of them cornered her into an alleyway and stabbed her in the neck with a needle. It shot something into her body, something that made every muscle in her jolt and turn hyperactive and leave her weary and groggy.

But the gangsters didn't stop there, and began to attack the poor girl as she lay helpless in a pile of rubbish. They severely injured her, breaking her left arm and leaving her with bruises and a black eye. But before she could endure any more damage, her older brother saved her with what appeared to be superhuman speed, rushing around the alleyway and taking down the gangsters. She only got a quick glimpse of his face, but before she could take it all in, she fell unconscious from her wounds, especially a hit to the head that left her with a concussion, and was rushed to hospital by her brother.

She woke up about two days later, in a hospital bed, not recalling what had happened in the alleyway, all she could remember was a quick blue blur, knocking down the mobsters before she was knocked out. A few days later, she found her brother at her bedside, complete with a new look and attitude. She was overwhelmed with her emotions for him, and he even went as far as to stay overnight multiple times at the hospital to keep her safe with company that she knew. When the time was right that she was allowed to return home, he had made sure that everything was ready for her arrival and made sure her rehab was working, taking man days off of work to care for her.

When it was time for her to go back to school, she found things different, difficult for her. Her friends had moved on, and she never seemed to be able to catch up on her studies, despite all the help the school gave her. All of these things boiled up to a point where she simply couldn't take it any more, and screamed out into the world from her bedroom window. The sound that came next was unbelievably loud, almost to a point that her window slightly cracked in the corners. The serum that had been injected into her had activated the powers that she shared with her brother, but hers were different. She could control her voice and make enchanting music that hypnotized people to come to her. She could make people fall asleep or induce vertigo on them, even to go as far as to manipulate the emotions of others.

But all of these things came at a cost. While at home she still retained her bright, happy self that was always known and loved, school was a different story. The girls that she once called friends had tried to make friends with her when she came back, but she was cold and distant towards them. She made the decision to abandon them and become more like the 'popular' girls in the school, the attractive ones and the ones that everyone wanted to be with. Using her voice, she was able to become one of them, and was adored by them and the others. She used her powers for her own personal gain, and began soon to become more like them in more ways than one. She became a bully to the other girls in her year, diminishing those that were lower than her and her knew found friends. The girls she hung around with gave her the money to go out and buy expensive things. Top quality clothing, lovely earrings, and the best make-up on the market. While she was at home, she was Juliette, but when she was at school, she was no longer the outcast, and had become one of the most popular girls in the school, with the attitude and look to keep it.

But things only got worse for the world when her power was discovered. An android, a robot by the name of ZED, discovered who she was and the power that she possessed. With his magnificent abilities, he showed her the world he wanted to create, and manipulated her into believing every word he spewed from his metal lips. Soon, she became his follower and accomplice, using her powers to help him achieve his goals, not knowing that everything he had said was false, and that she would be stabbed in the back sooner or later.


Sonic Scream: User can generate extremely powerful scream of a high amplitude for a variety of purposes.

Vocal Pathokinesis: User can manipulate the emotions of other sentient beings through their voice. The effects depend on the user's tone and intention: a joyful or mournful tone instills the same feelings in their listeners, etc.

Hypnotic Melody: The user is capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting song/music that is capable of summoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards the singer.

Sleep Inducement: User can cause organisms to fall asleep, this can be instantaneous or more natural.

Vertigo Inducement: User can give the target vertigo, causing confusion, disorientation and/or nausea, possibly even unconsciousness.

So begins...

Siren's Story