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Elemental Academy

Galway, Ireland


a part of Elemental Academy, by Angelika Petrova.


Angelika Petrova holds sovereignty over Galway, Ireland, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Galway, Ireland is a part of Elemental Academy.

23 Characters Here

Jerome Olivier [1] kid in Fuinnimh class
Kaylee York [0] Just trying to be the best me i can be.
Ember Wellington [0] Fire. Her passion. Her weapon. Her protection. Her key into a shady past.
James Olivier II [0] father of Jerome. instructor in the arts of Fuinnimh.
Renee Quinn [0] Doiteain (Fire)
Jason Cross [0] A teenage rockstar who attends the Elemental Academy to study fire magic
Katerina Ivanov [0] Russian Prefect in the Aeir House
Annelise Diggory [0] silly but smart
Maggie McLeod [0] No, my head is not on fire. I'M IRISH, TWAZZOCK
Chloe Hale [0] "Beautifully created... Yes, beautiful indeed."

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"I have no idea what it could mean and personally I can't wait to find out." Zoey sighed as David reveled he knew no more then her.
"Me either I guess, but I'm kinda weirded out. I mean, what kind of school classifys groups under elements?" Zoey said quietly, more to herself then to Daivd. They resumed walking through the empty halls Canis trailing behind dutifully.
This place is really big."[b/] Daivd noted, pushing open a door. They stared out on some gorgeous scenery. [b]"Left or right?"
Zoey didn't hear, to wrapped up in a sudden mental image she had gotten. She was remembering an old T.V show, called W.I.T.C.H. Or more specificaly, she was remembering the theme song.
We got the power to fight back, To save the day united by this one, we can become more then you know, the heart will lead the way to what we can't control....Water, Fire, Earth and Air, gaurdians unite!"
She looked over at the trees in the distance, realizing she had soflty sung the ending line to herself. Between the trees, under their thick canopy, there were shadows. Zoey suddenly saw something flitting between the trees. A glimpse of an arm, a glance of a T-Shirt.
Before she realized what she was doing, her curious side took over and she was jogging toward the trees, calling over her shoulder to David to "Come on!"

(OOC: uh, Idk why she's seeing someone... Someone can make it their character or Zoey can just be going crazy. lol.)


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"Come on!", yelled a feminine voice, getting closer with each footfall. Renee looked over her shoulder, her long dark hair cascading over her back and shining in the dim tree light. Her skin glowed through the trees, it's soft iridescence a creamy pale color. Her narrowed eyes searched the space ahead, wondering who was coming. She had been practicing a lesson from earlier in the week, and didn't want an audience. All these new freshman, Renee thought, thinking back to earlier when they arrived. She could see them through the window of her room, all with their bags and not even in uniform. she couldn't stand those who didn't follow the rules. Do they even really know where they are? she thought curiously, emitting a small flame in the palm of her hand, and letting it fall gently onto the dewey grass. Instead of disappearing, the flame cascaded down in a beautiful spiral, leaving a trail of light as it landed softly on the grass. the flame licked the grass around it, not catching fire. Renee watched it silently, noticing the colors of the flames. When the voices got closer, she stepped on the flame, squishing the beautiful colors until they were no more. She looked around the trees and waited for her new visitors.

"That's a nice...uh...shirt your wearing", the boy said, pain cracking through his voice. "Oh this?" Melanie enquired, looking down at her shirt, and pulling on the bottom to see the design better. "It's my old soccer team's school shirt" she said, brushing the dust off her khaki shorts. She felt the material, picking off strings. I don't know what to say, she thought, imagining a conversation in her head. He probably thinks I'm the school nurse or something, she thought to herself. She looked back over at the boy and widened her eyes, mentally hitting herself. "Um, we haven't been properly introduced, I'm Melanie" she said with a small smile. She quickly reached out her hand to the healing boy not wanting to embarass herself.


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Maggie's eyes softened a tiny bit when he said he had lost his mom. "You're right. just close your eyes, clear your mind. And, for the record," she added with a smile, "I'm not just any mind-reader" She picked up both his hands in hers, and closed her eyes. Then the scene in both their minds began. It started slow, with a woman's tired face smiling down at them, then slowly sped up. She was running smoothly through each and every one of Jerome's memories. She saw them all through his eyes, memories he didn't even know he had, that he couldn't possibly remember on his own. She saw the funeral, noted that Professor Olivier wasn't there, and saw every time Jerome did something remotely out of the ordinary. They came to a final memory, of her face looking at him before he closed her eyes. She drew out of his mind, and let his hands go. "You can open your eyes now" she said.


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"Name's Jason" he replied, grasping Melanie's hand gently for a handshake. "I'm a freshman here" he added, noting the fact that he was new to the school. As his thoughts began to travel, he then realized a rather good question to ask. "So, what kind of elemental magic are you here to study for?" Jason asked, oddly interested in what she was here to study.


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"Name's Jason", he said taking Melanie's hand in a firm but gentle handshake. "I'm a freshman here" he said, pausing for a second before asking a shocking question, "So, What kind of elemental magic are you here to study for?" Melanie looked at Jason for a few seconds, trying to understand. Was he messing with her? He couldn't be serious. "Did you say magic?", she asked, leaning forward. He couldn't mean magic, could he?


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#, as written by Sirk
David watched with a smile as Canis ran after Zoey who had suddenly run towards a copse of trees. So left it is then, he thought as he started to run after Zoey, quickly he caught up and passed her as he built up speed. When they reached the copse of trees he could see there was a girl standing in between the trees. "Hi, I'm David and this is Zoey and Canis" He said pointing next to him. "Who are you?"


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"Yeah. At least I think that's what I said...." he stated, doing his best not to make it sound sarcastic and more oriented to the fact that he might have some memory loss or something. "Didn't your invitation say something about magic or anything? I mean, it said it on mine, but I already knew about this..." he added. Then, with a snap of his fingers, he managed to form a little blue flame from his fingertips.

(Just for background information, I'll be explaining in the next post why Jason is able to use his fire magic already)


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"Ah, they've arrived. Finally", Renee muttered to herself. A boy and girl approached her with a dog, stepping through the trees. The boy looked at her, curious. "Hi, I'm David and this is Zoey and Canis, Who are you?", he said, gesturing to the others in the group. "Who am I?" Renee said, pausing slightly to turn her back to the people only slightly. Looking over her shoulder, she replied with a coy smile, "Renee. Renee Quinn". She chose her words carefully, trying to make the newcomers get a good idea of her. "Like the school so far?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at the strangers.


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The words were a blur, Melanie's only focus was on the sight right before her eyes. oh my god, is this real? Jason snapped, creating a blue flame on his fingertips. Melanie jumped back, "How did you do that? and...What?!" She said a little too enthusiastically. She couldn't possibly be at a magic school, could she? Melanie thought that he parents had sent her to this school on academic scholarship, as a foreign exchange program, not to learn how to shoot flames out of her fingers! Can I do that too? Melanie pondered, staring at the blue flame, feeling energetic deep within her. Her hands started to feel tingly and she became sort of scared. "How long have you...known about this?" she asked, becoming shy because she was going into Jason's personal life. She was practically a stranger, a random girl he just met.


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With another snap, the flames disappeared as quickly as they appeared. "Ever since I was young. It usually appeared though when I was angry. Since then, I've learned to control it and be able to summon it at will. I'm only attending here to perfect my skills" Jason explained as he looked up at Melanie and smiled. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure if you're here, you must have some sort of powers, but I'm not too sure if it's fire or any of the other classes they offer here" he continued to explain the elemental school, a bit clueless as to why her parents would keep this a secret from her.


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Listening to Jason's story, Melanie wasn't sure what to think. She couldn't ever remember conjuring fire or something noticeable like that at all during her childhood. The only skill she had was in sports and school, and obviously no fire there. Maybe my being here is a mistake, she thought gloomily. "I've never known about any magic. My parents didn't tell me." she said, her voice dropping off. She wasn't sure why her parents hadn't told her. They didn't downright lie, but they also didn't tell the truth, and to Melanie, that was as good as lying. Shyly, Melanie looked back at Jason and gestured at his hands. "Can you do that again?" she asked, honestly curious about how he did it. being able to do magic would be so cool, she thought, waiting for Jason's answer.


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" Okay are we done here? " Jerome opened his eyes. He began to shift uncomfortably in his seat. He disliked the idea of someone scanning the depths of his mind.
" Where am I supposed to go now? " He was eager to get out.


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#, as written by WICBAT
Nick had left his room to walk his dog. Beefy was still the ever energetic dog Nick had always known him to be. He didn't walk or run across the campus, but rather strutted. Quickly. Nick found himself coming near a bench with another boy and girl. The boy had a headband on and was snapping his fingers. The girl was practically jumping up and down ecstatically. As he got nearer, following his dog, he heard the girl ask the boy, "Can you do that again?"
Beef practically pounced on the girl as he spotted her, ran to her and began sniffing her feet. "Oh, crazy dog!" Nick sighed. He jogged over. "Sorry! He likes strangers." Nick bent down to pull the fuzzy creature away from the girl. He looked up and gave her a smile that said he was enjoying himself. He gave the same smile to the boy when he saw that the headband was really a bandage. "Ouch, are you okay?" Nick pointed to his own forehead, showing the boy what he was talking about.


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Zoey David and Canis came into the trees, near a dark haired girl. David introduced them all and she responded coyly that her name was Renee Quinn. She narrowed her eyes at them.
'Like the school so far?" She asked.
Zoey rolled her eyes. "No roomates, everyone has animals, a dark forest right off the main builing. What's not to like?"
Zoey glanced up as a shrilll call pierced the air. Sabre was circling above, with what look like a dead animal clutched in his talons. She turned her attention back to Renee.
"I'm guessing your at least a second year?" Zoey guessed in a way that just screamed, 'Im not impressed. "I'm Zoey, like David said. Zoey Spleha. It may or may not be nice to meet you."
Zoey gave Renee her own narrow eyed look, reasoning that if this girl was going to be a jerk to her, she was gonna bitch right back. She knew her dark eyeliner and Black Veil Brides shirt would mark her as a bit dark. Her other key atribute wouldn't be so strange now though, as the girl shared it. They were both pale, the same shade, if Renee wasn't lighter. Her eyes were a dark brown with golden flecks. Hopefully Zoey's glazed over green eyes that created a slightly 'dead' look would intimidate her, though she was obviously older.
Zoey kept her glare steady, knowing she could win any starring contest.


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"yep, you can go. How 'bout I take you to Professor Olivier's office?" she stood up, and opneed the door, before walking down the corridor towards the one room she disliked. Well, that and the rookery. She raised her fist to knock, but heard voices. As usual for her and her annoying curiousity, she placed her fingers delicately on the door, and heard the voices in her mind. "I'm going to call for an impeachment of the headmistress.." she heard, and she took her fingers away from the door quickly. That was professor Olivier speaking! She heard footsteps, and grabbed Jerome's hand quickly. "As light as air" she murmured, and they flew upwards, pressed against the ceiling, out of veiw. Professor Olivier's head came into view. "Who's there?" she heard him say. She held her breath. He re-entered his office, shutting the door. "Down to Earth." she murmured, and they landed lightly. She looked at Jerome. "I have to go tell my mother. This school is the only thing she has left!" she said, and ran away down the corridor, leaving him there.


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Kaylee had entered her room right after Nick left. She unpacked all of her stuff and quickly fell asleep. After her long flight she was exhausted, and she wasn't used to the time difference.
She woke up to Bullet licking her face. "Hey, Hey! Silly pup, chill out." She picked up the wolf pup and kissed his forehead. She smiled as he let out one clear howl. "Alright, alright. Let's go." She put his leash on and walked out into the hallway. Bullet began to smell anything and everything. They turned a corner and found a boy with a confused look on his face standing outside the door to what looked like a Professor's office. "Umm.. Hi," she said, "i'm Kaylee."


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Jason smirked at Melanie's response. "Sure" he stated, and with a snap, the flames reignited with the same bluish hue. He stared back at Melanie, a smile on his face. It was clear he was taking a liking to her. He just sat there, the flames hovering over his fingertips as he awaited Melanie's response.


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" What the. " Jerome was started. " Who are you? " He asked the girl with the dog.
" Oh. Kaylee? Uh.. My names Jerome. I'm kinda lost here. I'm starting my first year at this school and i'm about to meet my father for the first time. This appears to be his office.. and I think he teaches here or something. "
He knelt and petted the dog. " I like your dog. Uh.. Be careful not to lose him or anything. Its really easy to lose the things you love in life. " He was deep in thought.
" Oh, what was I about to do? Right, I should greet my father. Uh, nice meeting you Kaylee. Don't be a stranger when you see me around school alright? We should be friends. "


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"I'm guessing your at least a second year?" Renee heard Zoey ask. Renee couldn't help but laugh to herself. Obviously she was at least a second year, did she look like a freshman? Looking over the girl, Renee inwardly smirked. She's trying so hard, she thought, noticing her dark demeanor. If she wants me to be impressed it isn't working, although I can already tell she is tougher than I thought. she added. "Yes, I'm a second year" she said walking a little bit closer to the group. Renee turned her attention to the boy, smiling slightly. She spotted the dog next to David, and said coyly "Nice dog". She paused for a moment before continuing, not wanting to idle on chit chat. "Do you know why you are here?" she asked, glancing at the two people, curious to see their reactions. She was sure they didn't know the whole truth, and if they did it would shock her.

Jason smiled, and said "Sure", but right as Melanie was going to get a second glance at the flames, a Shih Tzu ran up to her sniffing her feet. Melanie jumped at the newcomer, until she saw what it was. "Oh, how cute!" she said, eying the dog. Oh, Crazy dog!" a male voice said, running towards them. A boy had appeared, apparently being the owner to the run away pup. He explained his dog, and smiled down at Melanie. He looked to Jason as well, and indicated about his bandage. Melanie looked to Jason, unsure of his reaction. She also looked to this new boy wondering if he had seen Jason's trick. Maybe he has seen this kind of thing before? she thought to herself.


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" That was the headmistress' daughter. " Charles spoke unemotionally. " I don't always need to gaze through a crystal ball to know such things. "
" What? " James became distraught. " That little.. "
" No need to worry my friend. " Charles reassured him. " No harm can come from the headmistress knowing that you are discontent with the school administration. You and I both know that the school's funds are in shambles. We've lost financial endowments from private foundations. We've lost trusts. We are in dept. The magical community mock at us. "
" Yes that is true.. " James agreed gravely.
" If there is anyone who would make a more competent administrator it would be you friend. And i'm being completely honest with you. "
James chuckled. " You flatter me Charles. But, yes, I confidently do believe that I can bring properity back. This institution is far from what it once was. If only I had a position of authority.. " He suddenly became enraged. " And not just some head of the goddamn School Security! " He slammed the desk.
They were briefly silent.
" James, the worst the headmistress could do is.. dismiss you from office. " They both laughed heartily.
" Now that would surely ruin her reputation. Firing someone for personal reasons. Even if she does i'm sure you wont find it difficult to find work for another school with your qualifications. "
" Incompetents always need someone to keep them on their feet.. " James grumbled.
" Well James, I must be off. Gratitute for the scotch. " He put down his glass of liquor. " You should get some rest chap. You look a bit pinched. " Professor Loreto made his way out in his wheelchair.


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#, as written by Sirk
"Nice dog". "Thanks" replied David as he pet his dogs head. When Renee next asked "Do you know why you are here?" David turned to her and said honestly "No, We have got no idea why we are here." He smiled and asked sarcastically "Do you know why we are here?"


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"Um, yeah. Definetly. See ya later." Kaylee was quite confused about how the boy had acted. Perhaps the strange feeling she got was from the fact that he was in a rather odd predicament, she couldn't imagine not meeting her parent's until she was in high school. She left the boy still standing there, glad that he wanted to be friends. Maybe she'd find a best friend here, it was unlikely, but who knew? Bullet began to get excited as they exited the building. Kaylee decided it was time for her to really check out the campus and hopefully meet some new people along the way.


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Jason just sat there, the flames still hovering over his fingertips as he stared back and forth between Melanie and the boy who just recently approached them. His eyes kept going back and forth between the two of them. "Well, I should probably get going...." Jason stated, slowly getting up to avoid any more pain to form in his body. Reaching into his pocket, his face had a slight shock as he began to look around frantically. Looking back on the bench, his face returned to an emotion of relief as he picked up what appeared to be a black guitar pick with red lining on it. There appeared to also be the initials J.S inscribed in gold on the pick. "Phew, thought I lost this for a second...." he said as he placed it in his pocket.


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"Mom!" Maggie grabbed her mother by the shoulders, and pulled her into a nearby classroom. "What is it, maggie?" Fiona asked, a touch annoyed, "I have absolutely no time for your games. Have you checked the boy?" Maggie goggled for a second, then remembered. "Oh, Jerome? Yep, definitely magical. unlike anything i've ever seen, mom, but bigger problems. Professor Olivier wants to have you impeached" She shook her mom at the sight of her unemotional face. "Mom! are you listening?" fiona grabbed her daughter. "Yes, Maggie, I'm listening. And I know exactly what James is up to." Maggie stared. "Why aren't you doing anything about it?" she yelled. She regretted yelling the second she saw her mother's face turn stony. "Margaret Anne MacLeod, do not talk to me like this. These are adult matters. You are a child. I will fix it. I forbid you to meddle. Do you hear me?" Maggie hung her head. "Yes, mam, Ah hear ye loud an' clear." she said. Her accent went back to irish when she didn't want to upset her mother further.


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Watching Jason, Melanie saw that he started to get up, saying "Well, I should probably get going...". She waited for any sign of pain from him, hoping he was at least a tad bit better. He didn't look in as much pain, but Melanie decided she wouldn't let him walk alone. If he fell or something she would feel as if it was her fault. "Jason? Maybe I should walk you to your room....or something" she said, not wanting to ruin any plans he had. I just wouldn't feel right, she thought looking at his face and his bandage. She looked over to the new boy, and added, "I'm Melanie by the way." She gestured to Jason who had already stood, "And this is Jason". "You can come if you want, although I don't know where we are heading" She looked to Jason, making sure she wasn't stepping on anyone's toes by making random new plans.

Renee looked at Zoey and David, slightly unsure how she should continue. Should she start right out of the bat, or creep into it, making the two of them nervous. Renee looked up at David's face, contemplating for a moment. "When you got your acceptance letters, what did it say on it? Hmm?" she asked, leaning forward a bit. She was curious where these freshman stood. "My acceptance letter said Dóiteáin, which would be quite accurate, seeing as I can do this" she said, holding her palms face up. She slowly raised them higher, bringing them closer to her face. Her hands began to glow slightly, and suddenly there were two small flames dancing on her hand. "So, what do you think?"
