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Elemental Academy

Galway, Ireland


a part of Elemental Academy, by Angelika Petrova.


Angelika Petrova holds sovereignty over Galway, Ireland, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Galway, Ireland is a part of Elemental Academy.

23 Characters Here

Jerome Olivier [1] kid in Fuinnimh class
Kaylee York [0] Just trying to be the best me i can be.
Ember Wellington [0] Fire. Her passion. Her weapon. Her protection. Her key into a shady past.
James Olivier II [0] father of Jerome. instructor in the arts of Fuinnimh.
Renee Quinn [0] Doiteain (Fire)
Jason Cross [0] A teenage rockstar who attends the Elemental Academy to study fire magic
Katerina Ivanov [0] Russian Prefect in the Aeir House
Annelise Diggory [0] silly but smart
Maggie McLeod [0] No, my head is not on fire. I'M IRISH, TWAZZOCK
Chloe Hale [0] "Beautifully created... Yes, beautiful indeed."

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Maggie stifled a laugh as she watched the boy double back to get hiskitten. Her lynx, Fiáin, wasn't back from hunting yet, but she would be soon. She returned the bot's wave, and smiled in her odd little way, with one corner of her mouth raised higher than the other. It was almost a smirk, but not, somehow.She heard a rustle of the leaves by the river, and a blur of brown and black and yellow came flying through the air, tackling her waving hand. She laughed, and picked the bundle of rolling fur up. This was Fiáin, a beautiful iberian lynx her dad had given her. She put it down on her lap, and it curled up and went to sleep, it yellow eyes shutting. She stroked it's brown and black spotted fur gently.


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Melanie wasn't sure how she felt standing in the hallway, seeing the students off to their rooms, herself being roomless. She was becoming restless, wanting to go make friends. But at the same time, she felt glad for the separation. Being around people drained her energy, always trying to make others happy even when they didn't even notice she was there. What am I doing? I'm at a new school! I have a chance to actuallydo something! Melanie thought, pulling herself out of her bad mood. Headmistress hasn't forgotten about me, she is just taking her time, Melanie decided.

the other students have a head start, Melanie thought. They have probably already made friends. Thinking about making friends make Melanie nervous, but also excited. Taking interesting classes also really excited Melanie. She wanted to spend time in her room, reading her textbooks, and learning as much as she could. Her parents had told her that she had gotten into this school because of her exceptional grades and had been granted a scholarship to study abroad. Although she wasn't sure what this school was all about, she was very happy to be here.


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" You are a most prudent headmistress." James consented. "Well, I believe I have some unfinished duties I must take care of in my study. Headmistress Macleod, may you find balance everyday. "
He turned towards Derek. "Boy, why don't you make yourself useful and show the new students around the campus and inform them on school rules."
The boy nodded.
James steadily walked into his study and closed the door.
"Damn it to Hell! " He slammed his desk.


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"Okay freshies, get in line and i'll show you around the campus. " Derek commanded.
He cast a watchful gaze on them as if he was anxiously waiting for them to 'do something wrong.' He basked in their admiration of his slick navy-blue school uniform. A handful of badges and ribbons adorned it, boasting his accomplishments and academic recognition. He cept his wand ready, tucked in his belt. It was made of copper with grooved lines, and smelt of blood.
(OOC: if your in your own rooms already or in a different hall no need to follow him. your choice. )


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"Maggie?" Arch asked as he got closer. "Nice name.Short for something?" Arch wasn't very good at small talk, but he was going to try his best to do it. He petted Tiburon and when Maggie picked up her companion animal he stared at it curiously. A lynx. It was a sleek animal, pretty too, but he decided that he liked his black kitten better. "A lynx.' He said. "What is her name?"


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Jerome stood in a darkly lit chapel hall. There was a damp stuffiness that filled up the air. The only sounds he could hear were the echo of his own footsteps and the whimper of candles. He cringed at the smell of incense. A baby was crying.
He could hear a young girl praying.

"Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name..."
He followed the sound.

"your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven...
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors..."
With each step he took, the walls began to lean closer towards him, threatening to pulverize him.
They were stained red.

A blonde haired girl in a red dress was kneeling before the altar. As he approached her, she turned and looked at him.

"lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from Evil"..

Jerome woke, startled.
" Well kid? We're here. Macleod Castle". The cab driver stared back at him.
"Hurry up and pay kid, I ain't got all day. An' this place is givin me the creeps".
Jerome paid the fare and left the cab.


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Fiona looked up when she heard the sound of a taxi. She saw a boy step out, noticing that the driver was nano other than Hamish O'Brien, a nasty old man who had hated the school ever since she had told him to stick his beliefs that she was a servant of Satan up his ass. She took a good look at the boy, and noticed that he looked slightly like James. She took a few steps to meet him, and smiled warmly. "You must be James' son, am ah right?" she asked.

Maggie chuckled selfconsciously. "It's short for Margaret, short for Margaret-Anne" she spoke in the usual American accent she had adopted since returning to Ireland after a three-month stay at her dad's place in Detroit when she was thirteen. She did it mainly to irritate her mother, which she liked. "This is Fiain. Myn mom made me call her something Gaelic


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"Hello, yes I am the son of James Olivier. My name is Jerome. Who are you?" He tried not to sound rude.
Upon arriving, he noticed that his father wasn't out to greet him. Why would his father not want to see his own son for the first time? Jerome clenched his jaw in disappointment.
The school was beautiful, yet he could not smell the sweet scent of pine trees or the heleniums. Everything became quiet. Even the birds seemed to stop chirping. The beautiful things decided to be cold and distant like his father.


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"Ah." Arch said reflectively. "Gaelic. Well," he said, looking down at Tiburon, who clamored for his attention by scratching his cheek and meowing, "This is Tiburon. An old Scandinavian word for shark." Arch rubbed Tib's head affectionately.


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Zoey watched as David got bandaids, assuring her he was fine and it was his own fault. Ugh, stupid bird. Sabre glared up at her accusingly as though he had heard her thoughts. Just kidding, I love you. He nodded up at her as though satisfied then looked back over to David with curious eyes. Zoey almost laughed at their short 'mind connection'.
Where are you from anyways? I am from Florida."
Zoey smiled and began stroking Sabre again. "I'm from a little town towards the edge of Wisconsin, on the Illinois side."
Of course, she spent most of her time with her dad in Illinois. She went to school in Wisconsin, so stayed with her mom and step-dad most of the week, but always ran to her dads for the weekend and over holiday breaks and summer. She loved both her parents equally, but she liked being in Illinois better.
"Do you live by the Everglades by any chance?" Zoey asked, wondering about her favorite vacation spot. For two weeks every summer her dad took her there.


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#, as written by Sirk
She's from Wisconsin thats intreststing, David thought. He had never been there but he had lived in Illinois for a while, some years ago. "Do you live by the Everglades by any chance?" Zoey asked. "No I live in Tampa at Mac Dill Air Force Base. My adoptive father is a pilot so I live at the base with him." He said pointing to the photo on his bed side table. "Actually I have only lived in Florida for the last 2 years, my dad gets transfered around so I move a lot.", he told her. "To answer your original question I don't live near the Everglades but I love visiting them they are much better than the city." he replied smiling. He took a dog treat from his pocket and tossed it to Canis, looking at Canis he asked "How did you come by a Great Black Hawk as a pet? Its rather unusal.


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Moe's eyes shot open, and he stifled upright, staring out the door - his heart palpitating. "Shit!" He exclaimed, raising from the bed. He had fallen asleep and strayed from what was a crowd. He exited his room, closing the doors slowly and carefully behind him as almost to allude his presence. His eyes darted back and forth as he stepped through the hallway. He let his hair fall over his face. This soon made him seem even more noticeable, however, he digressed: Moe did not care.

He made an effort to nearly hide himself in his slow stride. With his hands shoved tight in his pockets he stepped through the hallway nonchalantly passing the room marked as 'Clover.' He glanced through the door as he stepped by.
"Why are we even here? Better yet, who isn't here?" His snooping soon came to an end and he found himself continuing down the halls of the Academy, exploring for his own well being.


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"Scandanavian? Like, Vikings?" the Vikings had always been an intense topic of interest for her. She looked down when Fiain let out a small yowl. The lynx wanted attention. She scratched her ears lightly, but Fiain stood up, and climbed up her arm and wrapped herself around her shoulders.


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Fiona nodded. "Jerome. A good name. My name is Fiona MacLeod, I am the headmistress. Your father would have been here, but there was an urgent matter he needed to attend to." There hadn't, but she made up the story to sooth the boy, who was clearly upset. "Would you come with me?" she asked politely. She didn't much like David, so she had sent Dana to go find her daughter. Apparently she was by the river with that lynx of hers.


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"Sort of. But the Vikings who invaded Great Brittan spoke a different variation than I use. I use the more Germanic one, he one of the peoples who invaded northern Europe really. The Mongols if I recall correctly." Arch spoke quickly and quietly, but he was excited that Maggie had shown interest. Not many people really care about the ancient Nordic civilizations anymore. Arch reached up and wiped blood from his face from where Tiburon had scratched him. He didn't really mind about the blood, he had little faded scars all over his face and neck from that cat.


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Melanie eyed the boy who was taking them on a tour of the school. The boy was dressed nicely in a uniform with his academic accomplishments in the forms of ribbons and badges on it. He seems to get good grades. Maybe we can study together or something, she thought, standing close to the boy who would guide them. Looking closer at the boy named Derek, Melanie felt a little nervous. He just had a weird vibe or something.

Looking down, she noticed an oddly shaped stick. "Um, Derek? What is that?" she asked, eyeing the object in question.


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"how did i get him as a pet?" Zoey repeated, letting a smile come to her lips. He actually dive bombed me when i was Mexico once." she laughed. "He wound up hurting himself so i cared for him and we just kind of bonded. I even got a license and everything so i could bring him home." She lightly kissed Sabres head who let out his signature call in annoyance. He shook his head, ruffling his feathers then flew over and began teasing Canis.
"How about you and Canis? Got a story?"

(still on my phone sorry for shortness..D:)


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#, as written by Sirk
David smiled dive bombed by a bird nice way to meet someone he thought. "How about you and Canis? Got a story?" Zoey asked. He smiled rubbing Canis's head "My Dad got me him when I was 10 since we moved alot in those days so he was a friend who always stayed with me." He told Zoey. He smiled sadly rembering those days, they had been hard. He shook his head and said smiling happily "He has been a constant companion these last five years." "Whats your family like?" he asked. He always wanted to know what other people families were like, since he was adopted by a soilder his upbrining wasn't normal.


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"Y'know, if you use spider webbing on those scratches, it stops the blood faster." Maggie said, but her head was spinning. She was actually speaking to a guy descended from Vikings! Well, that explained his bright red hair. She didn't know where she got hers from. Her mom said that it was from all the blood their ancestors had spilt, but that was ridiculous. She scratched Fiain's head again, and the lynx moved slightly. Before she knew what had happened, the crafty little cat had leapt from her shoulders, and wound itself around Arch's. She gaped at the cat. She never did that!


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"No, it is alright, I'm used to-" Arch stopped talking when Fiain brushed up against him. Tiburon glared at the lynx warily, then scratched Arch again to keep his attention. "Why, hello there." Arch said, putting out a hand and offering to pet the animal. He knew it wasn't a good idea just to go around petting animals, you had to let them approve of you first. Tiburon chirruped, annoyed. "Hey Tib, be nice." Arch chided his kitten playfully.


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Looking back at his watch, a look of shock formed on Jason's face. Ah crap, I was supposed to meet up with David with the rest of the freshmen. The voices kept screaming in frustration as Jason ran around the halls trying to find the group. Going across one hall, he did pass two random, cute girls. He stopped for a moment and gave a little salute as to acknowledge them, and then continued on. As he turned one more corner, he finally managed to find Derek. Unfortunately, he found him right in front of him, resulting in him crashing into Derek. "Oh, sorry. You wouldn't happen to know where a Derek is, would you?" he asked, standing up and dusting off his jacket and pants.


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Derek glared at Melanie.
" Do not ask trivial questions to prefects!" He barked.
After a moment, he smirked.
" Want to see something scary? "
Just then a boy bumped into him. He grimaced.
Derek pulled out his wand and pointed it at the boy. Immediately, the boy was jerked up into the air and was suspended in mid-air for what looked to be about fifteen to twenty feet from the ground.
"Hope you don't have acrophobia maggot! " He laughed.
" Derek Leer! what the hell is the meaning of this? " A teacher from across the hall shouted.
Derek shuddered, and his victim fell to the pavement hard.
It was professor Charles Loreto, a respected instructed who taught in the school for several decades.
His brows furrowed. " What do you think your doing boy? These are the new students, and I correct? "
" Uh.. apologies professor. I was merely apprehending this trouble-maker. I caught him trying to pick another student's locker."
Loreto grumbled in discontent. " Does James know about this? I must have a word with this chap immediately."
After the professor left, the other students stared at the boy pancaked onto the ground. They held their breaths.
Derek ignored him. " What are you all looking at? Get in a goddamn line already." He ordered impatiently.


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Melanie was truly frightened of this prefect, who bullied the student laying on the ground. Thoughts of being silently bullied at school made Melanie want to help this boy. She didn't know what to say, what to do. She looked around wanting someone else to take responsibility. Oh god, she thought, as she built up her courage.

"Um, I'm sorry If I asked a stupid question", she said, blushing. Pausing, she continued "But, I don't think you that". she said, averting her eyes. She felt ashamed to have to speak up, but at the same time, wanted to distract the mean prefect from his victim.

((Nemmy, are you in this group? I didn't know if u wanted to meet up here with Derek's group or somewhere else))


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" I can whatever I want in this place little girl. Get used to it. Welcome to Elemental Academy. " Derek scowled.
He then began to lead the group around the school grounds, leaving his victim lying on the floor.


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Kaylee looked up at the immense castle standing before her. She was excited for this new adventure. She had always wanted to see the world, and being in Ireland seemed like a good start. A whimpering noise came from her bag. "Oh, hush" she said. Her parents hadn't really told her much, just kind of shipped her off. She had practically no warning. It seemed as though kids were already unpacked. Worried that she was late she went off in search of the head of the school.
Kaylee was wondering around the building admiring the structure when suddenly Bullet jumped out of her bag and sprinted down the hallways. "Great, BULLET!" She chased after the wolf pup, hoping she didn't disturb anyone, or worse lose her way. This really wasn't going off to a good start.