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Elemental Eclipse

Elemental Eclipse


13 Elemental people are bound by destiny to defeat the evil organization known as Necro.

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After a meteor hit earth, instead of destroying the planet, it caused many things to change. People around the world soon realized that they were given elemental powers. Each person was only given a single element, and the ability to summon a weapon that corresponds to the said element. The meteor also released thirteen shards, known as Aurora shards, with great power around the world. Malignant forces soon began rising up to try to obtain these shards. 13 people were chosen as kings(or queens) of their own elements and were given a number. Those 13 were bound by destiny.

1.Light-flying monkey child
6.Earth-All Day Dreamer
8.Sound-Lightning Flash
9.Grass-Sonara Stone
10.Weapon Master(can summon multiple and any weapons)-Lycos

Weapon Master-Fallen

You can also choose to be any other person thats not king of their element.
Now each of the people have met and befriended each other at some point of their lives. It can be either they know each other in the present, or have met each other in the past. The numbers dont detail who's the strongest. Some of them have to attend the same school. The Light and Dark kings will be the main characters and key to the story.

1.No goodmodding.
2.Romance is allowed.
3.Try to post as much as possible, and if you cant, pm me about it.
4.Ehh..just have fun with it.

Character sheet:

Nickname:(you can gain one as the story goes by)
Appearance:(Pic is preferred but description is fine)
Main Weapon Name:
Weapon picture or description:
Good or Bad:(can change as the story goes by)
Background:(not needed)

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IC by RolePlayGateway

The characters will travel a lot so there is no set setting.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 15 authors

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Everythings a battle, but sometimes theres not always a definite winner. This was what she thought as Sliver glared at the dark man. He had control over her and she hated it. She had probably given in to the darkness sooner because she was so much more aware of it than most. As to his threats? He scared the crap out of her. But she was too smart to show it, and she knew somewhere inside that these were the bad guys. But it was so hard to remember that part of her. he probably didnt know this, but his words made her want to fight the amulet and fight the darkness even more. She hated him, hated the amulet, hated life in general, but that was probably the amulet more than her. Gosh it was so hard to tell. She wanted out of this freaking place so bad. Normally she rebelled against authority, but with the amulet changing her she loathed it. Loathed authority, loathed people telling her what to do, loathed having no choice in any matter. If she had her sword she would have run this monster through for the fun of it, even if it meant that his drones would kill her. But she didnt have her sword, and she had no chioice.

"I accept, but I want out of this room now. That idiots snoring is driving me insane." Sliver sneered in an equally snake-like way, showing him none of the fear inside her, masking it with her smart aleck comment. It was so much easier to hide her emotions with the amulet on her. She hated the way her neck was sizzling though, wherever his hand had touched she could feel a dull pain. He was wrong about her heart giving in easily. Her mind had given into the power, but her heart was still unaffected. She felt the small amount of grassseed in her pocket, it felt comforting against her leg. Wow. The comfort it brought both sent shivers down her spine and soothed her. Cause everythings a battle, but sometimes theres not always a definite winner.

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The Scarlet Tower
Aron sighed as he watched the two scarlet members duel. He was bored there hadn't been a job for him all week. He clapped with the crowd as one of members did a funny sort of spin and kicked her opponent 5 meters away collapsing, and winning the fight. She bowed towards Aron and left to get changed. The opponent also bowing and leaving the dueling arena in the opposite direction. "Next!" Aron called tiredly as the next duelers entered the ring.

Meanwhile alexis was running down a dark alley chasing two men clad in black clothing with silver skulls. Necro henchmen. She threw the Ash glaive at one of them. It sprayed a black ash everywhere as it met its target. One of the members of Necro fell, blood staining his back. Retrieving the Ash glaive and chasing down the last foe. She hopped onto the railing and lifted herself onto the roof ran a few steps then propelled herself in front of her target. He enemy was fast, drawing a black dagger with a silver skull. She moved fast moving like a snake as she slashed at her opponent, who was barely deflecting her attacks, she kicked him in the ribs and brought the glaive down onto his right shoulder. He yelped in pain and staggered backwards. Alexis showed no mercy, the bastards had killed 3 adept on their first mission. She removed two long throwing needles and rammed them into the side of his neck. The man dropped dead.

Alexis returned to the tower,grief stricken. Three adepts dead. And at a time like this! She entered the seventh floor of the scarlet tower and slumped depressed onto the couch. "When oh when will you come to us, king of fire?" she said aloud.

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Lucas wondered what he should train on first. He mastered thunder ball and just learned thunder wall but that wasn't enough. He had the flashback of his mom caught in the middle of his fight. What if that happened again? He can't let someone he cares about get hurt. He thought of trying thunder needle one more time but thought of how useless that would be. He thought what would happen if he was unarmed? He would be doomed,okay hand to hand combat first idea. Then he remembered the spear.
What if I could form it into thunder? That would be usefull. Ideas kept on popping in his head after that but he narrowed it down to the most usefull ones.
"Hand to hand combat,spears, transportation, use the term fast as lightning, practice on thunder wall." he said feeling happy with the ideas he had. He stared at the thunder clouds above him, lightning was shooting out from it. He remembered something.
"My shard!" he said he frogot all about it. He tried to remember where it had gone but he couldn't remember. He was worried,what would happen if it got into the hands of Necro? After that thought he felt pain on his right hand. He took of the glove to see what was going on.
"What the hell?" he said in shock. Something was growing out from it he couldn't tell but he was freaked. The pain continued and the thing kept on growing. It did so until it was floating right in front of him. Then suddenly he knew what it was.
"The shard of thunder....go into the clouds keep safe." he said. And the shard flew staight up and the lightning wrapped itself around it.
"Now thunder around my hands!" he said. And the lightning shot from the sky and into his hands. He felt the jolt and was suddenly hyper. He punched foward and lightning shot from his hands.
"Cool! But only for emergencies." he said to himself. He kicked into the air and lightning shot straight up.
"Huh? I thought I said hands?" he said really confused. Then his childish instinct kicked in again so he decided to try and be like cyclops and think he had lightning vision. He stared in deep space for like five minutes until he realized how stupid he must look.
"Um okay time for the next move." he said quickly.

The setting changes from Eclipse High School to IC


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Darkness everywhere. Endless darkness. Been walking for hours. There's no end... Danny had been walking around in complete darkness for what seemed like an eternity. He wasn't sure where he was going and he wasn't sure why he was there. For some reason, those questions never even crossed his minds. He just kept mindlessly walking forward. After awhile, he reached a door. Danny had a confused look on his face, but decided to open the door as there was nothing else to do. He took a step inside and looked around. He quickly took an intake of breath as he saw that he was staring at his childhood room. There was a twin-sized bed with Nightmare Before Christmas bed sheets and across from it, there was a small, wide, black dresser with a TV on top of it. On the foot of the dresser, there was a black Nintendo 64 with a gray controller stemming from it. The rest of the room was glowing with dark energy around it.

"So you're finally here Danny," said a voice from nowhere. A figure suddenly started materializing from dark purple energy and suddenly, Danny was face to face with someone who looked exactly like him. This Danny had purple energy emanating from his body. "I'm NecroDanny and i'll be controlling your body from now on," he said with a wicked smile on his face. Danny wasn't sure what to say. It was as if whole body had gone numb. NecroDanny pulled Danny's arm and made him sit at the bed. NecroDanny then turned on the TV, then the Nintendo 64, and he grabbed the controller. "I'll be playing you from now on," he said as he began laughing.

Danny's eyes quickly fluttered open and there was a wicked grin on his face. He quickly looked up at Nox and Sliver standing nearby him. Nox shot him a smile and then turned back to the door, waved a hand over it, and opened it.

"You're free to any room you like Queen of Grass. Just prepare yourself for tomorrow. You and the King of Darkness will take on the Illuminadi," said Nox with a cold smile on his face as he snapped his fingers and disappeared. NecroDanny stared at Sliver with a cold smile on his face.

"I'm Danny, the King of Darkness. I guess we're stuck together for awhile now," he said calmly while sitting up in bed.

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Sliver being annoyed is not good. Which is basically what she was right now. She had whirled to see the boy who had been asleep just a minute ago now sitting up in the bed, looking at her calmly. She narrowed her eyes at him, she didnt see a pendant on him. That was either very good or very bad. Either way she didnt care, she just wanted out of this stupid stark white room and away from this stupid boy who made the number on her neck hiss and burn. She decided to be smart though, and only shrugged.

"They call me Sliver. But Im pretty sure Im not the queen of anything." She spoke in a bored voice, looking at her nails and shifting all her weight to one side. Then she realized how stupid she must look. She stood straight again, turning back to the door. She shoved her hand into her pocket for the grasseed, the other hand turning the knob so she could drop the seed in the cracks. But the door was unlocked now. She shoved it open and stepped out into the hall, nearly colliding with a man carrying a stack of papers. ((ooc: Myr)) She looked him up and down, her eyes sharp and probably sending shivers down his spine. Her number nine was glowing eerily on her neck and her face still heart from Nox's touch.

"Who are you?" Every other necro had made the number on her neck hiss and burn, but this one didnt. Her eyes narrowed and she looked him up and down. He wore a necro uniform, but even she could steal one of those. If he was Illumidai she wouldnt turn him in, necro was a horrible group of fiends and they would probably hurt him badly. By agreeing to join them she had just beem going with the flow, but easpecially after the amulet took over she wasnt really sure if she was a fiend too or not. Either way, she was annoyed. And Sliver being annoyed is not good.

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#, as written by Myrlin
Myr had been in the mansion for over half an hour and every single door he came to was locked and the keys he found on the guards were only for the gates. In addition, he found no sign of where the two prisoners were kept. Myr decided that he is not doing anything productive here, and if he stayed any longer someone is bound to notice him, besides the guards change every 4 hours and more than two hours had passed since the last one. If he did not get out of here before the 4 hours were up, the tied up guards would be discovered. Myr started to make his way out of the building when the door he was passing by slammed open and the girl he had seen being kidnapped stepped out.

"Who are you?" she demanded, piercing him with an icy stare and a stony face.

Myr opened his mouth to reply and froze for a second, his eyes flickering to her neck. There was a number nine glowing on her neck. "What is it to you little girl?", he continued in a rude sneering voice similar to the one the guards had used on him. The kidnappers were right. She was a queen, but a queen of what? But more importantly, is she an enemy? judging from the way she was brought here, she could not be however... Myr glanced at the heavy skull amulet hanging from her neck. The amulet gave Myr a strange twisted feeling when he looked at it and it appeared to warp as he moved his eyes. What did this amulet mean? Could it be a symbol of power among the Nercos? Did she join this organization? Myr opened past her and saw the king of darkness, or was he? He seemed different. Darker, but a different darkness from when he was fighting the two girls. This was bad. If two rulers had turned then he needed to get out. Fast. Yet when he looked again at the queen he could see the tightness in her eyes, the clenched muscles and the sweat on her brows. She looked like she was in pain and upon a closer look, Myr could see that she did not emit the twisted feeling that was coming off of the king of Darkness. Perhaps there was still hope?

"Wait a minute" Myr added as he came to a conclusion, "you are the girl that they brought back earlier today right? They need you for something. Come with me." If he could just get her alone, maybe they could talk.

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Sliver hated curiousity. I mean, who wouldnt hate something that can kill poor innocent felines? But it was really biting her in the butt now. She would not, not, NOT follow this stranger just because he wanted her to. She knew he wasnt necro, but that boy.. Danny probably didnt. Either way, here in necro headquarters all she had to do was yell and Nox would probably materialize in front of her. So she followed, not meeting his eyes. Her heart burned, ached. The evil in her mind battling her heart was like sandpaper on a rash. It hurt a lot, but she would under no surcimstances give in and let the darkness take her heart. It wasnt pushing on it like it had her mind, so she maybe still ahd some hope... But hope of what? Being free from the amulet? She wasnt even sure she wanted that. The amulet made her feel free, unweighed down by emotions or guilt. But somewhere deep in her heart she knew she was the opposite of free. So maybe that was why she followed, or maybe purely out of curiousity. But if it was the latter then she definetely showed off an air of being pis$ed off, even though it was at her curiousity and not at this non-necro in disguise.

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Danny said nothing as he saw Sliver talking to some guard. He blinked his eyes and his eyes shone purple. Any part of the old Danny remaning seemed to be gone at least for now. He also could now see the aura around people. He saw Sliver's aura glowing green and watched as the pendant gave off dark purple energy which mixed into her green one. He then looked at the guard. He had navy-colored aura and it didn't seem to have a hint of dark purple energy. He's not one of us. The Queen of Grass must know it too and she thinks I don't know it. He walked up to the door as they both walked away. He looked down the hallway and smiled menacingly. What are you up to Grass Queen? Do you really think you can escape? I'll say nothing for now. You might prove useful to my future plans. He looked down the hallway and stared at the back of Sliver. "Good luck!," he yelled at her with a wicked smile on his face.

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#, as written by Myrlin
Myr let out a sigh of relief as the Queen agreed to come with him. This made two things clear, first: the amulet is not the symbol of high rank or she would not have listened to the orders of a lowly goon and second: she had not yet been told anything or else she would know that what he said was a lie. Myr's train was thought was interrupted by the shout from the king of Darkness. Looking at the young man's face, Myr knew his cover was blown. He looked back at the queen and was surprised by the anger on her face. Was this due to the "good luck" comment? Myr's head worked overtime trying to explore each "what if" but first thing first. He needed to get out both of them out of here. Myr looked again at the amulet hanging from the girl's neck. it seemed to weight down her entire body. It could possibly be a tracker that the Nerco king uses to keep his prisoners tagged and subdued, but whatever it was, one thing was sure. It was evil and needed to be get rid of as soon as possible.

"The Boss wants us to change your amulet to a more permanent one," Myr said while leading them closer and closer to the gates, all the while scanning around, try to make sure that no one sees the Queen leaving. Myr continued, "give it here. I need to check its specific type before we can get you a new one." and he reached for the amulet with his hand. The Nerco king probably will notice the moment the amulet is off and they have to make a break for it. Worst comes to worst would be if this queen was actually working with the Nerco. Then he would have to face against two rulers and most likely get captured. Myr was not known as a gambler but now he's betting everything he has on that this queen did not turn.

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Changing alignment completely in a matter of seconds hurts, or at least it did for Sliver. He had grabbed the amulet, and the resulting shock to her system had made her crumple to her knees involuntarily. The cable slipped off her head and the amulet came away in the fake guards hand. What she felt was something similar to having your whole body flipped inside out as the darkness left her. Then her mind snapped back to awareness and Sliver knew they had to get out of there. Now. She tried to stand and almost fell due to the rush of blood to her head. Everything was so light now. But then she heard the guards start to come, and she knew what she would have to do, no matter how much she hated doing it. In one smooth kick she cut the legs out from under the fake guard, causing him to fall on his back. Then she bent down, took the amulet from him, and whispered menacingly in his ear, too quiet for anyone else to hear.

"I cant escape without my sword, or remove the amulet on my own. Bring someone back to rescue me at 4 am tommorrow. Now get out of here!" She spoke the non-menacing words in a very menacing whisper, then turned. If he ran now he should be able to escape. She began to walk back down the hall, amulet in hand. She was no longer his captive! But if she was going to get her sword back.. Why is the sword so important? She enhanced the sword with her powers, so that when she uses it her own powers are strengthened greatly. Nox's men were more powerful than she had thought, she would have to have it to defeat them. She stopped walking, leaning slightly against the wall. She held the cord of the amulet in both hands, knowing what she had to do. She held the cord above her head, braced herself, and let go. Changing alignment completely in a matter of seconds hurts, and this time was no exception.

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Angel had been sitting on the porch thinking for too long now. All she was thinking was what her plan was going to be on battling Necro. And on top of that it was if kings and queens were going to support her. She needed to know. She got up and walked into the house. She walked down to the basement and took the elevator. Everyone was practicing. The only way she was going to get everyone's attention was if she made a big scene. That for her was easy. She walked over to her domain. She walked over to water and stood in the middle, she clossed her eyes concentrating power on her arm.

She raised her arm and then slammed it down at the water making a huge fountain shoting upwards. That would've probably gotten everyone's attention by now. She just waited for everyone to come to where she was so that she could tell them the plan.

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Lucas was in the middle of training when he saw something happen at the water area.
"What the hell was that?" he said. As he looked at the water go down part of him said go be curious your a kid and thats what kids do and the other part of him was saying don't go they are probally just training. But of course the kid instinct won. He summoned thunder beneath his feet, and in an instant he was up in the air flying toward the water area. He had never felt free like this in a very long time, but then suddenly the thunder beneath his feet started to fade away. And he was sent crashing into the water area.
"I got to work on that but whats up Angel?" he said. Staring at her all soaken wet.

The setting changes from Eclipse High School to IC


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Crystal had just walked out of one of the numerous cavern tunnels as she saw the huge pillar of water rise up. She wiped sweat off her brow as she looked at the pillar rise and listened to the last few chords of her song. She bent over slightly as it ended but soon stood up straight again. This was kinda fun. She never imagined she could get so much better at controling tempo in such a short time. Well, come to think of it, she had never really trained it before, it had just... come to her. So she guessed it was natural to have such a rise in ability like that. She looked back at her ipod, which was on repeat as the first few chords started the song again.

Well, time to see what was up.

Soon she had arrived at the water throne and stood below the tower of water in surprise. It hadn't looked this big from a distance. This thing was huge! "Wow." She said as she approached. She had seemed to be saying that a lot today.


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Adam had crafted himself a nice suit of armor made of pressurized ice, constantly being cooled by his ice powers.

Frostscream remarked to him, Looks a bit... 'Light' in tone, wouldn't you say? Shouldn't you have a 'Darker' suit? Adam shrugged and replied You know, I wanted it to be 'darker', but it just didn't come out that way. He was really getting in touch with his powers, and he knew it. He heard a sound, from the water area, and saw the pillar of water. Couldn't there be a more specific way of signalling their attention? No matter. He had no clue what was going on, so he prepared for the worst. He donned his new suit and cleared a temporary path of ice. He ran and jumped, and his feet landed on the ice, and he slid towards the water area. Just before he was out of his area, he made a ramp of ice, and slid to and up it, having accumulated a large amount of momentum, and flew through the air. He brandished Frostscream and plunged it onto the top of the fountain, then took it out. He now had a platform of ice on top of it, brandishing Frostscream. He scanned the area. No Necros? He must have just made himself look very pretentious. He shook his head and made some ice to form a path that he slid down to the floor near Angel. He lifted the visor of his helm, because he suspected she would want that. "What are we summoned for?" he asked her, a little bit annoyed. He had some serious training to do with Frostscream. He hoped that he wasn't interrupted for some bureaucratic gathering or something. Some serious training or planning was the only thing he'd accept at this point, lest he storm back to his icy world. His irritated thoughts alone were passively activating his talent, freezing the area around him.

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#, as written by Myrlin
Myr walked into the dimly-lit pub deep in thought. The girl's will was a lot stronger than he had thought. He had never thought that the girl would voluntarily stay in the Nerco headquarter. At least now he knew what was going on. Myr sat down at the worn counter and ordered a gin and tonic, not wanting to get too intoxicated. The pub was a small but very famous or rather very infamous one. It was where most of the unaligned element users went to blow off steam (some literally). Myr used to practically live in the pub, in the early days just after his grandfather's death. His purpose of visit now was to find some of his old "buddies" to help break out the element queen.

"Yer troubled," the bartender said as he pushed Myr's order across the table, "been a while since i've seen yer face. Whats eating you my boy?" The bartender was a middle-aged giant of a man with scars over half of his body. He had served under Myr's grandfather numerous time and had taken care of Myr during his days of depression and is still a good friend of his.

Myr smiled and took a sip of his drink, "I might need your help for something Roy... as well as the help of some of your boys." Myr then briefed Roy on what had happened. Roy was not an element user himself but he could and has taken down troublemakers who were element users. He also has some "regulars" who could control the elements and follow his every word.

Roy frowned, "This Nerco King is getting out of hand, with all the bank break-ins and now kidnapping. Don't worry Myr, i'll round up some of the boys and we'll go get your little friend. Meet us there at 3"


Myr arrived back at the front entrance of the Nerco quarter just before three to see Roy with three others already waiting for him. Myr knew two of the people, one was a lightning user and the other was a darkness user. The five people quickly shared a nod and hid, waiting for the agreed time to arrive.

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You know the feeling of being perfectly in sync with your surroundings, knowing exactly what caused every sight, sound, and smell? Sliver felt like that as she walked down the hall, her footsteps perfectly silent. She had spent the day wandering the coumpound, bored out of her mind. It was dark, three AM, and perfectly still in the headquarters of necro. The second time around with the amulet was different, stronger. Everything before the amulet was fuzzy, the memories images and sounds that didnt form words or pictures. She couldnt remember why, but for some reason she had to be by the gates with her sword at 4 am. Her heart was strong, and her mind was too, but after the endless hours of wandering it had taken them both. Not completely though. She had somehow managed to remember the meeting place and time, and what she needed to bring. But who she would meet and why were the mysteries. She toyed with different options in her mind as she traversed the halls. She could have to kill someone, she would like that. Bloodlust was another thing the amulet had given her. She came up to the weaponry, and was stopped by the guard.

"Let me in." Her voice was commanding and strong, and she held herself as if she owned the place. The guard looked at her, then the amulet, and sighed. He turned to the door, pulling a key from his pocket and unlocking it. Sliver pulled the door open and was inside in seconds, leaving the guard behind her. In here it was dimly lit by red lights, giving all the weapons an eery pinkish glow. She looked around for a weapon that appeared black. There! She slid her sword down from a shelf. It was green, so in the red light it looked black. She held it by the hilt, chuckling softly at the intense pleasure the elements embedded in the weapon gave her. Carrying it with care, she comes to the door and exits into the outstretched arm of the guard. He holds her back with his strong arm, eyeing the weapon as if he thinks she is stealing it. Sliver cursed softly, telling him to let me pass or else. He declines, so she finishes the 'or else'.

"Dont worry.. this wont hurt a bit." She brought the sword down on the top of his head before he could react, and in an instant the vines on the sword were growing, embedding in his brain and killing him. Sliver chuckled softly, the amulet giving her intense pleasure as she killed. She pulled the sword off him, snapping the vines and letting his body sink to the floor with a soft thud. She chuckled, turning and making her way through the halls. She would make it to the gates soon, and then she would find out what she was supposed to do. She smiled, loving the feeling of being perfectly in sync with her surroundings, knowing exactly what caused every sight, sound, and smell.

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Angel how they were coming one by one. It was ok like that, she didn't need all of them to say what she had to. Just made her back go straight and placed her hand in her mouth to cough.

"Listen, the base for the necros has been found, or located. I suspect that they have found our locatioin as well. It will only be a matter of time before they come here and try to attack us. I suggest you hurry on your training if you havent completted it. " she said as she looked at the guy who had the power of thunder.
"And you, please watch where you land, incase you don't know my element doesnt have a good history with yours" she said in a serious face. Luckily for her she had moved away from water, or else she was probably going to be shocked.

"It is up to you if you want to fight, I will not pressure anyone to do so, but unless you want this world to be in disaster and for it to look like war i suggest you pick a" she said as she walked away up to the house.

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#, as written by Chari
Aura came down from above, were she had been listening the whole time while still practicing her flying. This was just about the last thing on earth that a shy girl like her would ever want to be caught up it; a war of element users. She, who didn't have the slightest clue about what was going on in the world, was suddenly part of a war. Her bad luck knew no bounds, did it? The last thing the water queen had said especially resonated in her ears; that they would need to pick a side, fast. She definitely wasn't going to go to the other side, but even just being here was dangerous. However, these cowardly thoughts brought back to her how she had only just sworn to change. Would she go back on her word so quickly, so easily? No, she wouldn't do that. She was going to change. She clenched her fist and a breeze blew past her before she realized she had done it.

The setting changes from Eclipse High School to IC


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Aron walked up to the figure attempting to crawl away from his attacker, one hand on his bleeding the side the other grasping the ground of gravel he lay on. Aron walked up and stamped on his back causing shock waves of pain through his back, the figure crumpled. He was one of the 5 who had attempted to raid the Scarlet tower, but before they had got to the gate they had been cut down by the Masters. Only this one had slipped though their fingers. He seemed to be able to move like smoke and was hard to touch. But he couldn't keep it up for long, Aron had got up to him and had slashed his side with his flame cutters. The Necro moaned on the groaned and grasped his bleeding side as he lay in a puddle of his own blood moving his fingers wildly. Aron knelt close to him and pressed his side with his fingers slippnig them into the wound making the man scream hysterically. Poof. The man became smoke once more and was gone, this time he had finally got away. Aron sighed and prayed that he would die before he got to his master.

The man stumbled before the necro lord, dripping blood everywhere and begging him for forgiveness. "We tried they are too-" the man paused his eyes rolled back and he slumped forward dead.

The setting changes from IC to Eclipse High School

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#, as written by Myrlin
It was the appointed time. Five shadows flickered across the ground and latched themselves against the outside wall of the gate. The darkness user had covered them in a layer of shadow that hid them from sight. One shadow detached itself and slipped up against the gate and a quiet pop was heard. The lightning user had effectively short-circuited the electric lock on the gate and the gate silently swung open. Myr was the first inside with the others following.

It seems that the guards have learned from their earlier mistake. The door to the guardroom crashed open and out poured ten Necro guards wielding weapons of all different shapes and sizes. An alarm began ringing only to be cut short with a word, "silencio" from the third person in Myr's party. At the man's spoken command all sounds, even the distant sound of the city, vanished from the area. The Nerco opened and closed their mouth in shook, unable to make a sound. Taking advantage of this Myr leaped forward swinging his staff, Acheron, left and right, knocking away weapons and cracking ribs. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see the four others also taking action, the darkness and sound user both had dagger-like weapons and they darted in between the Necro guards, avoiding their attacks while aiming for the vital spots. The lightning user had a recurved bow in his hand and was busy firing volley after volley of arrows made of solid energy into the enemy, paralyzing them, meanwhile Roy just pummeled the unlucky Nerco over and over with his iron knuckles.

Unfortunately the enemy recovered quickly and fireballs and ice shards began flying with deadly accuracy and force at the five. Most of the fireballs were snuffed out by Myr and the ice shards broken apart by the lightning user however some still connect but everything was still working out until the darkness ruler lurched as a ice shard slammed into him and he slowly sunk to his knees. By then the number of enemies have decreased to 5 but they were still out numbered and there were still no signs of the queen. Myr prayed that he had not just led them into a trap.

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Crystal really had no idea what to do right now? What was going on? There was a WAR? That was bad. But she figured she was lucky. Necros were the bad guys and she had stumbled upon the good guys. So that much was good. Well she had to pick a side fast and she guessed that she had picked. But after she looked back up she noticed something. Angel had walked away. Crap! So she spoke up to everyone else. "So.... Um.... Now what?"

The setting changes from Eclipse High School to IC


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Sliver came around the hall to see several men fighting several necro. She cursed herself softly for not remembering which ones she was supposed to help. She tried to call out but her voice left her instantly. Sound elemental. She cursed again, taking slow steps towards the fight. And then the crystal started reasoning. Well, necro had hundreds of guards, and here are only five. Whats the point in saving five guards? But she might help the wrong people.. But these were who she was supposed to meet.. right? She cursed again for sounding so naive. She sighed, lifting her sword. In ten seconds three of the guards were dead, and the other men had dealt with the others. Now Sliver whirled back to the five men, looking angry and making a face as if demanding a explanation.

The setting changes from IC to Eclipse High School

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Lucas sighed. "I know it was an accident okay?" he grumbled. He got out of the water before he let loose of his powers. "Well I guess we should train but training alone won't help at all." he said as Angel walked away. He had a little urged to hit her on the head but got over it quickly. "So we should train together. I got some new tricks up my sleeve." he said with a wink.

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Adam's eyes rolled. That was information, but he felt that the whole think was unneccesary. The area around him was frozen solid. Angel walked off. Lucas then reccommended a 'Group Training' meet, but Adam wasn't in the mood right now. He had ice to perfect, and his training was quite dangerous to the area around him. Frostscream appeared in his hand. Give me the info, Frostscream demanded. Adam mentally told him of the situation. Well, this was pointless. The fact that we're here answers her question entirely! Frostscream began, And that Lucas kid... How naïve of him. I don't know if he understands the way we train. Still, it wasn't a bad idea for him to suggest such a thing. Adam considered, and told Lucas, "Listen. The way I'm training would likely be quite dangerous for those around me. If you still think your idea fitting then let me... see your new tricks. I'm sure I have more than enough of those, myself.".

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IC by RolePlayGateway

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View All » Add Character » 26 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Viper Roberts
Character Portrait: Emilia Mae
Character Portrait: Adam Fulgur
Character Portrait: Jacob Wind
Character Portrait: Blade Ironside Aka Derick Silvermane
Character Portrait: Sheyne Kortuba
Character Portrait: Crystal Idan
Character Portrait: Sarah Mae
Character Portrait: Sliver
Character Portrait: Angel
Character Portrait: Myrlin Lingard


Character Portrait: Myrlin Lingard
Myrlin Lingard

A Water User

Character Portrait: Angel

strong willed girl that won't stop to accomplish her mission

Character Portrait: Sliver

A snappy seventeen year old who controls grass. She has a number 9 tattoed to her neck.

Character Portrait: Sarah Mae
Sarah Mae

The sadistic young weapon master who is too imaginative for her own good. She is the half sister of Emilia, no one would guess though.

Character Portrait: Crystal Idan
Crystal Idan

Upbeat and cheery girl. She has a light purple VIII on her left shoulderblade

Character Portrait: Sheyne Kortuba
Sheyne Kortuba

An 18 year old Healer girl.

Character Portrait: Blade Ironside Aka Derick Silvermane
Blade Ironside Aka Derick Silvermane

A Over-the-edge man that doesn't care about people's opinion

Character Portrait: Jacob Wind
Jacob Wind

Gentle as an breeze in spring and dangerous as a tornado when provoked

Character Portrait: Adam Fulgur
Adam Fulgur

Adam Fulgur was selected King of Ice due to the strength of his mind and abilities. He has an ice-blue 11 on the back of his neck.

Character Portrait: Emilia Mae
Emilia Mae

The kind hearted and soft spoken healer. Sweet, helpful, and brave. Though sadly, naive. She's a healer (in her head, she refers to her element as spirit or soul.) She has a white almost silvery number 12 on the right side of her abdomen.


Character Portrait: Viper Roberts
Viper Roberts

A vicious, lethal fighter who shows little mercy but respects strength, controls the element of Poison. She has an intrecate 7 tattoo on the inside of her left wrist, which is embelished with poison ivy

Character Portrait: Sliver

A snappy seventeen year old who controls grass. She has a number 9 tattoed to her neck.

Character Portrait: Sheyne Kortuba
Sheyne Kortuba

An 18 year old Healer girl.

Character Portrait: Crystal Idan
Crystal Idan

Upbeat and cheery girl. She has a light purple VIII on her left shoulderblade

Character Portrait: Emilia Mae
Emilia Mae

The kind hearted and soft spoken healer. Sweet, helpful, and brave. Though sadly, naive. She's a healer (in her head, she refers to her element as spirit or soul.) She has a white almost silvery number 12 on the right side of her abdomen.

Character Portrait: Jacob Wind
Jacob Wind

Gentle as an breeze in spring and dangerous as a tornado when provoked

Character Portrait: Adam Fulgur
Adam Fulgur

Adam Fulgur was selected King of Ice due to the strength of his mind and abilities. He has an ice-blue 11 on the back of his neck.

Character Portrait: Myrlin Lingard
Myrlin Lingard

A Water User

Character Portrait: Blade Ironside Aka Derick Silvermane
Blade Ironside Aka Derick Silvermane

A Over-the-edge man that doesn't care about people's opinion

Character Portrait: Sarah Mae
Sarah Mae

The sadistic young weapon master who is too imaginative for her own good. She is the half sister of Emilia, no one would guess though.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Angel

strong willed girl that won't stop to accomplish her mission

Character Portrait: Sliver

A snappy seventeen year old who controls grass. She has a number 9 tattoed to her neck.

Character Portrait: Sheyne Kortuba
Sheyne Kortuba

An 18 year old Healer girl.

Character Portrait: Sarah Mae
Sarah Mae

The sadistic young weapon master who is too imaginative for her own good. She is the half sister of Emilia, no one would guess though.

Character Portrait: Jacob Wind
Jacob Wind

Gentle as an breeze in spring and dangerous as a tornado when provoked

Character Portrait: Emilia Mae
Emilia Mae

The kind hearted and soft spoken healer. Sweet, helpful, and brave. Though sadly, naive. She's a healer (in her head, she refers to her element as spirit or soul.) She has a white almost silvery number 12 on the right side of her abdomen.

Character Portrait: Viper Roberts
Viper Roberts

A vicious, lethal fighter who shows little mercy but respects strength, controls the element of Poison. She has an intrecate 7 tattoo on the inside of her left wrist, which is embelished with poison ivy

Character Portrait: Adam Fulgur
Adam Fulgur

Adam Fulgur was selected King of Ice due to the strength of his mind and abilities. He has an ice-blue 11 on the back of his neck.

Character Portrait: Crystal Idan
Crystal Idan

Upbeat and cheery girl. She has a light purple VIII on her left shoulderblade

Character Portrait: Myrlin Lingard
Myrlin Lingard

A Water User

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IC by RolePlayGateway

The characters will travel a lot so there is no set setting.


IC Owner: RolePlayGateway

The characters will travel a lot so there is no set setting.

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Most recent OOC posts in Elemental Eclipse

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

sorry for not posting ppl..i think i'm going to drop out of this RP. My mood has been quite unstable lately =\. Again, sorry.

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

Ok hey guys I am really sorry i've been on but I had no idea that you guys accepted, and I forgot. I will post now, today sorry.

Oh and can I be antagonstic at the start?
Oh and someone tell me the plot so far? What's going on so I'm not lost in the sauce.

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

sorry for not posting, something came up and i wasnt able to get on the computer for a couple of days.

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

lol Myr was just about to try to break Sliver out when I read your post SilverxDusk, heh =P. oh and its good that you are feeling better! although i didnt know that you were depressed in the first place...

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

Not really, when you click on "introduction" it shows the post in chronological order

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

oops i just realized i've posted my post under the High School and not the IC, does that change things?

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

I've accepted some more characters...

Whoever decides to drop out from the RP, please abandon your characters.

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

this RP is still open right? Can i join as a normal water user? i have submitted a character application.

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

Oh yeah. Now that I've introduced Crystal's main ability I'd like to leave recomendations open. Since her powers are based upon songs It'd really help if you guys could help recommend songs for me to use for her. So if you come across any good ones, either PM them to me or post them here.

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

There is already a wind king so I'll just be a wind user

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

You submit one, but i'm unsure on whether or not you want to be King or not, so I wasn't sure..

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

You submit one, but i'm unsure on whether or not you want to be King or not, so I wasn't sure..

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

I am trying to submit a character but I don't know if its getting through or not.

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

Ahh forget what I said about not playing a King/Queen if you didn't put a number on your character. If you did, please PM me about it because I still have applications to consider

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

The story will take place in modern times.

To all those who have applied: Well some people put that their characters had a number on their body, marking them as a King/Queen. Those who didn't, I assumed were not applying to be a King/Queen, and if I accepted you, you would not be a king/queen. Thanks for applying people, im getting a lot of applications o.o

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

What is the date of this RP? Modern times or A little futuristic?

Re: [OOC] Elemental Eclipse

Updated my can still use anime pics though.

[OOC] Elemental Eclipse

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Elemental Eclipse"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.